Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Vonderplanitz, Nicht So Wundebaritz

Unfortunately we have to always be on our toes in the Truth Community, never letting our guard down and vetting EVERYONE. And when people come up that I am wary of, I will do my best to share what I have discovered with you.

When the Plandemic started in March of 2020, I knew there was something fishy with this C O V I D thing and started to research V I R U S E S to figure it out.

Now some of you will remember that before, when you had the Flu, doctors would tell you they couldn’t give you Antibiotics for it because they wouldn’t work. Well they knew this was because V I R U S E S were not BIOTIC, meaning, they weren’t ALIVE. Antibiotics would only work on Bacteria. Why? Because Bacteria are ALIVE.

So if you had a Bacterial infection, like what you get with a Cold, you would have GREEN mucous. This mucous is a sign of Bacteria, of living organisms.

When you had the Flu, you had CLEAR mucous. That clear mucous was actually a soap, that was cleansing the toxins from your body. NON-living organisms.

This soap is as much alive as the detergent you use to wash your clothes. Clothing detergent is NOT alive, soaps cleansing your body are NOT alive.

So when I first listened to Aajonus Vonderplanitz and he mentioned this, I knew from past experience that he was correct. And found out there was an actual Theory that incorporated this information called Terrain Theory.

Aajonus Vonderplanitz aka John Richer Swigart

And because he was the FIRST one I heard talking about it, I felt trusting of him. It is our Fryan nature to be trusting. To our detriment! (I even posted a video about him talking on Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory on both my YouTube and Bitchute channels.)

This was when C O V I D first came out and I knew the Magy were evil and could do something like this on a global scale. This Plandemic, of course, is to get them closer to their goal of ruling the world. But I wasn’t sure yet if V I R U S E S were contagious and could really kill people. So it was very reassuring to hear what they actually were from Vonderplanitz.

Then I wondered if he was still alive so I could find more info on his research and I read that he died in August of 2013, and that he “fell from a balcony” in Thailand. This reminded me of Dr. Frank Olson, who was part of the MK Ultra Program and did studies on LSD, who was pushed from a window by a CIA agent, at a hotel in New York City in 1953, so he couldn’t reveal the experiments that they were doing.

And then I thought of Aaron Dover, a YouTube creator who had many interesting theories about nature and electricity, some that I find compelling to this day, and also that the Twin Towers were empty and electrical generators. He also “fell from a balcony” in Malaysia.

BUT, I don’t believe Dover actually died today. He is a self-admitted “Magy” and I think he went the way of the other Magy “whistleblowers” who mixed truth with lies. Dover had some way out stuff on YouTube, like Greenland not Existing.

But at the time, I thought maybe the same alphabet agency that took out Olson, did the same thing with Vonderplanitz so he wouldn’t share the truth about V I R U S E S. So I never looked into him further and I shared the info he provided to help wake people up on this very important truth. Because we know, if you can’t CATCH a V I R U S, and V I R U S E S are really HELPFUL soaps produced by our own bodies to help clean it from toxins, then all this C O V I D crap can’t harm us. And we see what it is truly being used for, to instill fear into people to control them even further than they are being controlled already.

But that’s not the problem I have with Vonderplanitz. Because like any crafty deceiver they give you a bunch of truth and then mix in the sprinkle of lies. For Vonderplanitz, I became suspicious when he started mentioning the eating of raw meat, especially HIGH MEAT, which is basically ROTTEN MEAT.

Now most of you have picked up on the Magy’s VEGAN agenda. I did a presentation on that awhile back called Bringing Home the Seitan.

I even saw recently that if you are Vegan they won’t require you to get the V A X, that you are a protected group! Haha Now I don’t know if this is true, but just putting that propaganda out there tells you something about what THEY want us eating and what they don’t want us eating. If true, their thinking is probably along the lines of figuring Vegan’s brains are shrinking already from their diets and becoming Vegetables, so they don’t need the shot. Their diet will bring the same end result.

But then what if you are the opposite, a total Meathead, who only eats meat? Well they also have a plan for you! They will get you to be like the Carrion birds, eating rotten meat. One step closer to eating rotting flesh right? Some have called it the Cannibal Diet and I can see why. Vonderplanitz calls it the Primal Diet.

Maybe they will give an option of eating plants or rotting meat when their N W O system has reached fruition.

But the truth is that Man is NOT a Vegan, NOT a Vegetarian, NOT a Frugivore, NOR is he a straight up Carnivore.

I’ve given an example before of a cat being left alone in a room full of oranges. That cat would starve to death before touching an orange.

Same thing with a cow being put in a room full of chicken breasts. The cow would starve.

But if you put a man in either room he would eat the oranges and the chicken breast and be just fine. Man is an OMNIVORE. Wralda made us this way for optimal survivability.

Now what is the optimal diet for man? Each race, the Fryans, Lydans and Findans, originated in their own zoological zones. In these zones, Wralda has placed an abundance of food choices. For Fryans, living in the lands of the North, he has given us cherries, apples, pears, plums, walnuts, potatoes, berries, quail, grouse, geese, deer, elk, salmon, trout, and for domesticated animals, he has given us sheep, chickens and cows. These are all foods we are supposed to eat. This is our optimal diet.

When have you ever heard of our ancestors eating rotten meat? Or even fresh uncooked meat if they could make a fire? Fire was given to us from Wralda, not only as a connection to Him, from the very beginning, and not only for heat, but for cooking. Cooked food makes us civilized. And the Civilization Builders ARE the Fryans, Therefore, we are meant to eat COOKED meats.

Vonderplanitz tries to argue that cooked meats release toxins that are harmful to our bodies. Hello? Do those “toxins” disappear when the meat is rotten or uncooked? Of course not. And we have a wonderful system provided by Wralda to cleanse our bodies of toxins. Toxins are not only in the food we eat, but the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

Chemtrails are the purposeful spraying of us like bugs, with toxins, by the Magy, to make us sick. So that Flu season can have an abundance of Humans doing a natural cleanse, but with them trying to trick us into thinking it is invisible and deadly germs attacking us.

Not everything has to be cooked though of course. RAW Milk is the best for us. For our babies breast milk is the best and straight from the breast would be its RAW form.

So before Vonderplanitz, I first came across this HIGH MEAT nonsense from watching a guy named Sverige on YouTube. I’m sure many of you have heard of him and watched his videos. Sverige actually means “Sweden”, but he did a DNA test reveal on YouTube and it showed he was actually 100% Latvian. So he is zero percent “Sverige”. I personally think that the DNA test is BS too, because from what he pushes, I would say he is just another Magy wanting to get paid.


Sverige eating RAW Chicken High Meat

We can tell by his views and what he posts on YouTube who’s team he is on. He made a video called, “H I T L E R Wanted You to Go Vegan – Soy & The Plan to Eliminate Meat – New World Order Conspiracy”. Now the part about H I T L E R is 100% untrue. I actually see a lot of people who are awake to H I T L E R, yet believe this disinformation about him. Yes, he loved animals, but no, he wasn’t a Vegetarian. He would eat a traditional German diet. He was a TRUE GERMAN in every sense of the word.

From an article on RenegadeTribune.com (http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-rise-of-raw-meat-diets/)
Sverige is quoted as saying,

What an ass. Making excuses for the Magy. Here in his Masonic black and white.

Mmmm…. that face he is making sure does make it seem putrid meat tastes…. GRRRRREAT! I don’t think so!

Here eating Rotten Beef High Meat

And don’t tell me that RAW meat is yummy. I watched another guy who promotes Vonderplanitz’ raw meat diet on a Live Chat eating raw Pork and fat. Not only does it NOT look appetizing, but he has a strong chance of getting Trichinosis!

Common symptoms of Trichinosis are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, fever, and abdominal discomfort, as well as headaches, fevers, chills, cough, and swelling. Does that sound like fun? Why in the hell would we eat RAW meat and risk this harm to our bodies?

Slice of Pork with Worms

Sverige ALSO eats RAW pork. Here he is at a Vegan event, there for the shock factor with the pig’s head.

Sverige in white, his friend in black- Masonic colors. And he’s looking LEFT.

And his backup channel is called GOATIS or GOAT IS. Of course we know GOAT is for Greatest Of All Time, another nickname for Lucifer. So naming this channel after Lucifer is in homage to him. (Let me just add, that to them, the Magy, Lucifer means MAN becoming god, not of an actual god. They believe the will be as god ruling this world with their N W O.)

GOAT- Greatest of All Time- LUCIFER

And if you eat RAW Chicken you can get Salmonella poisoning! Common symptoms are diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. So no, freshly killed raw meat, meat that has been refrigerated, is STILL bad for you. My goodness.

Not to mention it is disgusting and don’t you dare feed your children raw meat. WE are NOT Zombies and we are NOT Carrion.

In Hawaii, a very popular dish is called Poke. Poke is RAW Ahi Tuna, chopped up and different seasonings can be added, like soya sauce, furikake, sesame seed oil or mayonnaise. It looks quite delicious and tasty, but many are not aware of the condition of the fish when it is first cut open.

These fish have WORMS. These worms are located in the stomach and tail area of the Tuna. What are the chances of these worms still being in the meat? Very good. They are ALIVE. That is why cooked fish is the way to go!

Fresh Ahi Tuna with Worms

And before we leave Sverige all together I wanted to mention that he ALSO drinks blood! Now tell me that there isn’t something wrong with that?

Drinking blood is very Satanic.

And we know certain people like to put it in their bread for Purim.

If you do a Wiki look up on Vonderplanitz you’ll find his real name is John Richard Swigart. We find out he is half Magy and we know how that tribe loves to take on new names.


Well Swigart is no different. He changed it to Aajonus Vonderplanitz he says because he never liked his real name. It says in the Wiki that he got the name Aajonus from a “girl toddler”. What?

Well Aajonus is phonetically similar to ALL JANUS. JANUS of course is the god of the Mason’s. The two headed Janus, a Public face and a Private face. An Exoteric face and an Esoteric face. A Profane face and an Adept face. Vonderplanitz is Vom Der Planitz or From the Planet. So we get, The All Janus of the Planet. What a crafty name!

Aajonus Vonderplanitz ~ ALL JANUS OF THE PLANET

And I found a video on YouTube where Aajonus was a guest on the show Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! back in 2002.

Where he invited the show to his house to discuss the topic of HIGH meat.

He showed all kinds of rotting meat, in his fridge on a plate,

and in jars.

All rotting, all putrid.

He even joked at the end of the segment, to not have this meat in your house because it will stink it up to high heaven.

Can we see what kind of a con artist he is now? All in it for the fame and money.

And there are videos online talking about how Aajonus faked his own death and is alive and well living in the Philippines today. Reminds me of Bill Cooper, the 911 “whistleblower” who faked his own death and took off. I wonder if Bill, Aaron Dover and Janus are all neighbors.

Unhonorable Mentions

Talking with my good Fryand Scotland Sean, we wanted to make some other Unhonorable mentions for people to be wary of. When I first woke up in 2009, I came across a guy named Andrew Norton Webber on Facebook. He was promoting drinking your urine for optimal health.

Nice 666 Omega hand sign- Andrew Norton Webber

Here is the mixed Magy Dave Murphy promoting this propaganda too.

Now I NEVER drank my own pee, but I saw many people being duped into doing this.

Then I saw a video of that singer Kesha, drinking her own pee and that sealed the deal for me. No way! It is a very Satanic thing to do.

I have heard in some Satanic get togethers they not only drink their piss, but eat their feces as well. I’m sure for ouer d’oeuvres they eat some rotten high meat. It just amazes me the kinds of things they can dupe people into doing.

We have to think logically on all of this and use our common sense. We know urine is a WASTE PRODUCT. We take in liquids, which our body breaks down into nutrients used by the body and the remainder that is of NO VALUE gets eliminated. There is no magical pee, that can do all sorts of wonders for your body once you re-ingest it. That is total garbage. It is the Emperor with New Clothes. Getting gullible people to believe something so that the ones pushing this can be the “tailors” making the money off of you!

Now I really liked another person promoting Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory and thought, yes! Let’s get this info out. But when frequenting her channel on Bitchute I noticed something too that alarmed me. She kept having guests on that were promoting the drinking of Pee! You might know her as Dr. Yummy, Amanda Vollmer is her name. Another one to be wary of.

Funny how the screen shot covers here right eye, is the Universe trying to tell me something? That Amanda sees with her Left?

And if you do an internet search today on the founder of Terrain Theory
Antoine Béchamp (1886- to 1908) good luck finding anything positive about
Béchamp or his theory. Everything has been scrubbed and what is left is disinformation against Béchamp and pro Louis Pasteur with his pasteurization process that kills all the healthy probiotics from dairy.

Let’s look at some of this disinformation.

From Wired Magazine, whose link comes up at the top of the search, says in its article on Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory, “The French chemist Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908) was a life-long rival to the great microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Pasteur invented pasteurization and vaccines for rabies and anthrax and discovered that many diseases are caused by invisible germs. Béchamp was a bitter crank who argued that microbes became dangerous when the health of the host—its “terrain” or environment—deteriorated. Béchamp was comprehensively wrong: Pasteur’s germ theory of disease, which describes how sicknesses are caused by bacterial infections (as well as by viruses that invade our cells), or else by genetics, aging, and accidents, is supported by evolutionary theory and all the observations of modern medicine. Today, Béchamp is invoked only by anti-vaxxers and disciples of alternative medicine who believe that food is medicine.

Here is the cover of Wired Magazine on another topic. We can see it highlights their favorite topic of Racism front and center. Notice she is a mixed breed, the new hybrid that the Magy are striving for. These of course will be their slaves. She is looking to the LEFT. And is wearing blue, Blucifer, and Pink, which is the mixing of red (blood) and white (semen) to make their he/she Baphomet. This one doesn’t appear to have breasts so can very well could be a male posing as a female. And WIRED is written in orange because orange is the only color that equals 33 in numerology. So any article in THIS magazine will be pro Magy and against the rest of us. So since they are making fun of Terrain Theory and its founder Antoine Béchamp, we know that the article is a lie.

Blucifer, at the entrance to Denver International Airport

And Scotland Sean told me about two others to watch out for, Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell. Sean says, “Fallen Morals and Cowan (meaning a sneak) and their book The Contagion Myth.” Sean states that in this book, “they give us information on Terrain Theory (which is good) but lots of other bullshit and they are promoting stuff to purchase in the last couple of chapters.”


Because its all about that Profit isn’t it for them? The Prophets of the Profit. Truth is free. Also Cowan is another spelling of COHEN, which is the priest class of the Magy. And Fallon I’ve mentioned before when speaking of the talk show host Jimmy Fallon. Fallon is short for the “Fallen One”, another name for Lucifer.


Jimmy “Fallen One” with Madonna

Priest King or Cohen. Genghis Khan means “Great King”. Khan or Cohen. Ryan Zehm. on one of his videos on his YouTube channel, made a really good observation when he said that if you switch Genghis and Khan around you get Khan Genghis. And Genghis is phonetically very similar to Jesus. Genghis – Jesus. So Khan Genghis could very well be King Jesus. But I digress, the whole point being, if you are a Cohen or a Cowan, you are Magy royalty. Are you really going to be sounding the alarm and help non-Magy’s out? Or are you going to be just another trickster selling your wares?



Statue of Genghis Khan in Mongolia

Cowan supposedly gave up his medical license so he can help share the info that C O V I D and 5G are connected. The likes of Woody Harrelson and John Cusack are helping Cowan spread this disinformation. No A-Listers would be allowed, by their Hollywood Masters, to promote this information unless it was FAKE! Here we have Cowan give some truth, Terrain Theory, while at the same time sprinkling the crap once again, here that 5G is causing these C O V I D symptoms.

John Cusack and Woody Harrelson in the Armageddon movie 2012

The real reason for 5G, in my opinion, is to have enough infrastructure to make EVERYTHING digital now. They have already planned the phasing out of physical stores you can shop in, by 1) bankrupting small mom and pop stores using C O V I D quarantine crap and 2) limiting what you can buy in the stores. They want us more and more isolated because then it is much easier to control us. They want us working from home, shopping from home, and yes, even teaching our children from home, hello ZOOM classroom.

ZOOM Classroom 2020

And so if everyone is on the computer they need that 5G system to support it all. So they can’t have us knowing this truth because then we would all the more question if this V I R U S event was PREPLANNED (of course it was!) and that the V I R U S might not actually be real. How many people can honestly say that when 5G went in, in their area, they got physically ill? Please don’t be one of these jump-on-the-bandwagon people like the “I got C O V I D people”. It is NOT making people ill. Be truthful.

If 5G was really the killer would The Guardian put it on their front page? i don’t think so!

In addition, Sean mentioned to me that Thomas S. Cowan is a DIRECTOR at the Weston A. Price Foundation who sells the disinformation, just like Wired Magazine, about Miscegenation. WESTON is pushing that Miscegenating does not cause health problems, but that diet does. Well we know it is diet but it is ALSO miscegenation. So they are giving us half-truths, which means the other half would be half-lies.

The truth is that Miscegenating makes Hybrid offspring. And if we look to nature we see that these Hybrids are sterile, like the Mule, made from mating a Donkey with a Horse, and they inherit BOTH parents genetic diseases.

And of course the Price Foundation, headed by Cowan, is pushing the anti-N A Z I propaganda when discussing this. That should be a red flag for you. And like any “good” Magy is selling a multitude of items at the end of his book. Snake Oil Salesman comes to mind.

So please be vigilant and use your discerning eyes to glean information from people. They are in EVERY field under the sun. Cowan, Morrell, Dover, Vollmer, Webber, Sverige, and Vonderplanitz all give good info but mix in a sprinkle of bad that they hope to catch you with.

And always look to Wralda and His creation for answers. He created Man to survive. He put into Man’s system a natural cleansing mechanism to help him fight a toxic environment. These are called V I R U S E S and they are a good thing. He gave us plenty to eat, with a wide variety of choices, to maximize our survivability. Nuts, grains, starches, fruits, vegetables, fish and meat, are all provided by Him for optimal nutrition for His creation, and determined by Man’s zoological zone. No need to do this crazy worldwide shipping of food. We know this is only so the middleman, the Magy, can control us and make money off of the trade.

And above all, that FIRE is from WRALDA, for us to gather around, in a HEARTH at HOME to appreciate His good will. Hearth has HEART in it and EARTH, our home for a reason. Hail Frya! Hail Wralda!


Here is the Bitchute version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sG9wF860N95Q/

And here is the YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdB5aHV-7Us

Posted in: Diet and Health Hoaxes

8 responses on “Vonderplanitz, Nicht So Wundebaritz

  1. Theresia

    5G is not making people ill? It happens to be the same energy as directed energy weapons! I’ve followed you for a long time Rosette, and this is where the rabbit hole for me stops. The rabbit hole never ends for truth seekers, and maybe that’s part of this whole internet information explosion/deception plan. I’m beginning to think it is. Everything in God’s design is electrical. Every cell in our amazing bodies is CHARGED. No cell would/could function without that charge. (Anatomy and Physiology 101) We ARE electrical beings and I’m not afraid to tell you that messing with that energy (that comes from our creator) does have a life depleting effect. Rabbit hole stops here. We are in a spiritual battle and God wins, that’s all I know.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Oh so you are ill from it? Your family is ill from it? Your neighbors? Your whole community? Please share how you and everyone that lives in your area are affected by it. Because electricity CANNOT discern between people. Electricity is going to hit everyone and everything in its vicinity exactly the same. I can tell you that 5G just went up in my little community last year. Myself and my family feel fine! My neighbors are all fine. Everyone is fine. And you know what? They are 99% against the v so no one is getting sick. We get to live a normal life not in FEAR here. 5G is there to allow for higher volume of internet access because they planned for us all to be doing EVERYTHING online. And YES we are electrical. Of course we are! I never said we weren’t. Our bodies are made up mostly of SALT water. We know this from our tears, they are salty. And if you need a blood transfusion and there is none available they will give you a SALINE transfusion. Because we (humans) are the MICRO to God’s MACRO. Wralda’s Macro being the Earth, which itself is one big battery with the anode and cathode (sun and moon) the salty seas and the magnetic mountain in the middle (attraction) with the magnetic ice ring (repellent). One big battery. We are batteries too. But like a battery we need our electrolytes, which would be SALT, where THEY tell everyone salt is bad for us. But no, if the 5g was messing with us, we would ALL feel the effects. And same as directed energy weapons? What? Have you been watching Joo dee Woods? So now a cable that goes to your house is also a directed energy weapon? Wow. Sounds a little far out there to me. That’s the problem, THEY use our iMAGInations against us. If we could all just come down to earth and get grounded and see what is TRULY going on we might have a fighting chance. I do my best to share, but so did H and he wasn’t able to get through to England. Things are even harder today, the brainwashing is even more advanced. I do hope for the best and pray that some of us will make it through the reset.

  2. Theresia

    I learned first hand the effects of EMF. It’s radiation and yes it makes people sick. It was making me sick (eight smart meters on the outside wall of my condo.) Every time I got out to the country I felt better, that’s how I figured it out. Moved to a rural location because of it and doing better! I know why they’re implementing 5G. I agree the earth is a giant battery, God’s amazing design. However, there are plenty of studies to prove that radio frequencies at the 5G level make people sick, the effects take time but they do have serious biological consequences. I wish you all the best, in Jesus holy name.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Like I said, it would affect ALL the people the same. So if you are in a condo that has eight smart meters (which is separate from 5g cables) than ALL the people in the eight units would also be sick. And if that was the case why don’t you file a class action lawsuit with all these people in the condos that are your neighbors? And if that was the case in your condo complex than that should be happening in condo complexes all over the world! And all these people should be filing lawsuits as well! 5G is a transportation system for internet communication and other services. So smart meters would fall in “other services”. We had a smart meter on our home before we moved and myself and my family have not gotten any ill effects from it. Remember it would have to be ALL members of my family too. So for every house it is put on, every condo etc. it would affect ALL people living there.

  3. Jhon

    Hello Kat, I’m still working on my frequency drop out theory as why we have amnesia ! Jhon the Fryan Western Australia . The great reset .our blank brains !

  4. Rigobert

    You are wrong about Aajonus. He was a good guy. His advices about raw food were no news at the time.
    Animals live a perfect healthy life with raw food for millions of years. Give them cooked food – they get sick. Inuits ate raw food a lot until “civilisation” brought them degeneration. Humans in the early stoneage used fire only for the purpose to keep themselves warm. They did not fry their food, they ate it raw – it would have been a waste of energy and time to prepare it.
    I myself eat raw meat and fish (it is called Sushi sometimes), milk and other food on a regular basis because it is much better for health, strength and digestion. Nutritive value goes into your body without a loss. You don’t have to eat rotten food. Eat it fresh. Don’t see in everybody controlled opposition, although there are a lot of them out there. Aajonus was not. I am not either.

  5. Bruce

    I find it interesting you think Bill Copper faked his death and would like to know why you think so. Any links or leads to help me understand your reasoning?

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