In May of 2018, I made a presentation on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Although I stand behind what I said back then, its been five years and I’ve learned much more in my awakening journey and so would like to share my new thoughts on it with you.

I recently discovered the work of an American Professor named Thomas Dalton, and although I don’t agree with him on everything, I do agree on the important stuff. He is fluent in German and so translated important works such as Hitler’s Mein Kampf, excerpts from Joseph Goebbels’ diary and the Nuremburg Trials transcripts. Recently, he took the various translations of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, there are at least four main versions out there, and edited them for flow and clarity. He then also gathered essays by authors speaking on The Protocols such as Wickham Steed, Henry Ford. Julius Evola, Hitler, Goebbels and Rosenberg, as well as modern day essays by Carlo Mattogno and Thomas Dalton himself. I highly recommend everyone reading Dalton’s book on the topic. BUT since many of you can’t for various reasons, I wanted to highlight the main points for you because I think they are so important.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is basically a Cliff Notes version for World Domination, put together haphazardly, but with key points that have come to fruition, making us note that if this book is “fake” the odds of real life events playing out parallel to the events in a fake book, would be like a trillion to one. Its just impossible.

So let me give you a little back history on The Protocols. We know that it was first published in a Russian newspaper in 1903, and then the version that we see today was published in 1905 as an appendix to Russian writer Sergei Nilus’ book, The Great in the Small: The Coming of the Anti-Christ and the Rule of Satan on Earth.

In 1917, following the Russian Revolution, editions of The Protocols, circulated in Europe, the United States, South America and Japan. And then in 1920, Henry Ford published a series on The Protocols in his newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. To this day you can find The Protocols on-line with various commentaries regarding them.

So it is mentioned that The Protocols came out at a time when the Jews were trying to shake things up in Russia. And that it was published to WARN the Russian people about the threat in their midst. Then, in 1917 the Jews WERE able to overcome the Czar and his Russian government with their Bolshevik Revolution. This was a major victory for the Jews, and a major defeat for the Russian people. Everything went downhill for them ever since.
The people trying to get the word out were “Paul Revere’s” in their own right, but instead of shouting, “The British are coming! The British are coming!”, they shouted, “The Jews are coming! The Jews are coming!”. But since the Jews owned almost all outlets of media, they were able to muffle most of these shouts. With the ones they weren’t able to muffle, they instead used the TACTIC OF RIDICULE, by laughing at them, saying The Protocols was just a hoax, and that only silly people would give them a good scrutiny.

Most of you are familiar with The Oera Linda Book and will notice what the Jews are doing with IT. They use this same TACTIC OF RIDICULE on the OLB. They laugh at it, say that its just a hoax, and that only silly people would give it any scrutiny.

What’s another instance the Jews used the TACTIC OF RIDICULE? Oh yes, on Flat Earth. There used to be a ton of Flat Earth channels on YouTube starting around 2015. But today there are only a handful (because they were forcibly removed) and the ones that are left are mostly controlled opposition channels. So what do they do so that people won’t look at good Flat Earth channels sharing truth? They laugh at them, and say that only silly people would give them any scrutiny.

And it seems to be very effective for them. Many people don’t want to “look like a fool” and so they don’t even look for themselves. They not only go along with false information, they will ignorantly defend it. So with The Protocols we have the same problem. It’s a fake! Full stop.
But does it really matter?
The more important question should be, Are The Protocols coming to fruition? Remember they were written in 1903 and since then, we’ve had many events happen that is catapulting the Jews to domination of the whole world. SINCE The Protocols were written, they have turned Russia and its neighboring countries into Jewish Marxist lead Communist countries. SINCE The Protocols were written, they instigated brother-on-brother wars in both World War 1 and World War 2. SINCE The Protocols were written, the Jews took over Palestine and made it their own Jewish State. SINCE The Protocols were written, Britain and the United States are completely controlled by Jews behind the scenes. In fact, SINCE The Protocols were written, the Jews practically own and run everything; from banks, to big businesses, to media, to religious organizations, to practically all governments in the world.
And some say we have to watch out for White Supremacists! What a laugh.
So the answer is an emphatic YES, they ARE coming to fruition.

So the Jews either attack The Protocols as a hoax, or proclaim it as a forgery. It wasn’t a forgery per se, BUT parts WERE plagiarized! We shouldn’t be surprised. Where else do we find plagiarism when it comes to the Jew? Oh yes, the Bible. If you are a student of the OLB you would see all the instances where the Bible used Fryan stories for ITS book. Such things as Moses parting the Red Sea is really a story of the Geertmanna fleeing from the Egyptians through that same Red sea, and the story of Jesus and his ministry is really taken from the story of Jesus of Kasamyr, who lived around 303 B.C., or how Eva, the most sacred thing in Fryan culture, is being used in the story of Adam and Eve, but inverted, making the most sacred, the most evil.

So why wouldn’t they keep plagiarizing when it works so well for them?
But this time the one they were plagiarizing from. was a fellow Jew. He was a Hebrew born Moses Joel, but went by Joly. In 1864, he wrote a book called Dialogues aux enfers entre Machiavelli et Montesquieu. It is commonly referred to as The Geneva Dialogues, and is a series of conversations, broken into 25 parts, between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, attacking the despotism of Napoleon III, with Machiavelli defending the ruthless dictator.
This is an aside, but notice Joli is the French version of Jolie, as in Angelina Jolie. I wonder if the writer of this pre-Protocols work is a relation of Angelina? She pushes the Jewish multi-cultural agenda as well as the transgender one. I wonder if there are any white kids that need to be adopted in America? Or if you have to go “exotic”, what about white South African children?
Joly~ Jolie

Remember Machiavelli wrote the famous book called The Prince, and from the Wiki we learn, “The Prince is a 16th-century political treatise written by Italian diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli as an instruction guide for new princes and royals. The general theme of The Prince is of accepting that the aims of princes- such as glory and survival- can justify the use of immoral means to achieve those ends.”
Let me repeat that last part, “justify the use of IMMORAL MEANS to achieve those ends.” Remember the Kol Nidre? This is a Jewish prayer chanted once a year that absolves Jews from any wrongdoings in their “faith”. It allows them to lie to any non-Jews for their own advancement. Sounds like IMMORAL MEANS to achieve THEIR ends doesn’t it?

So this Jew Joly most likely read The Prince and was extrapolating on what HE would do if HE became a dictator, over France. But we know the Jews go big, so instead of just over a country, they want to be dictator over the whole world. And then, the author of The Protocols took excerpts out of Joly’s The Geneva Dialogues and used them for The Protocols.

So let’s compare excerpts from the two writings so you can decide for yourself. In Dalton’s book, he gives us some good examples of the plagiarism.
From The Geneva Dialogues, page 250~
Montesquieu-“How are loans made? By the issue of bonds entailing on the Government the obligation to pay interest proportionate to the capital it has been paid. Thus, if a loan is at 5 percent, the State, after 20 years, has paid out a sum equal to the borrowed capital. When 40 years have expired it has paid double, after 60 years triple: yet it remains debtor for the entire capital sum.”
And from The Protocols, page 77~
A loan is an issue of Government paper which entails an obligation to pay interest amounting to a percentage of the total sum of the borrowed money. If a loan is at 5 percent, then in 20 years the Government will have unnecessarily paid out a sum equal to that of the loan in order to cover the percentage. In 40 years it will have paid twice, and in 60 thrice that amount, but the loan will still remain as an unpaid debt.
Another example by Dalton.
From The Geneva Dialogues, page 8~
Among mankind the evil instinct is mightier than the good. Man is more drawn to evil than to good. Fear and Force have more empire over him than reason… Every man aims at domination; not one but would be an oppressor if he could; all or almost all are ready to sacrifice the rights of others to their own interests.
And from The Protocols, page 1~
It must be noted that people with corrupt instincts are more numerous than those of noble instinct. Therefore in governing the world the best results are obtained by means of violence and intimidation, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power; every one would like to become a dictator if he only could do so, and rare indeed are the men who would not be disposed to sacrifice the welfare of others in order to attain their own personal aims.
Let’s look at one more example by Dalton so that we know its not a fluke.
From The Geneva Dialogues, pages 145-146~
Machiavelli.-“You must know that journalism is a sort of Freemasonry; those who live by it are bound… to one another by the ties of professional discretion; like the augurs of old, they do not lightly divulge the secret of their oracles. They would gain nothing by betraying themselves, for they have mostly won more or less discreditable scars…”‘
And from The Protocols, page 44~
Already there exists in French journalism a system of Masonic understanding for giving counter-signs. All organs of the Press are tied by mutual professional secrets in the manner of the ancient oracles. Not one of its members will betray his knowledge of the secret, if the secret has not been ordered to be made public. No single publisher will have the courage to betray the secret entrusted to him, the reason being that not one of them is admitted into the literary world without bearing the marks of some shady act in his past life.
So it should be pretty obvious that the writer of The Protocols took parts of The Geneva Dialogues and used them for his The Protocols.

Does this mean that The Protocols are fake?
No. It just means that ideas from that earlier book was used in the Jews’ program to rule the world.
Where else did Jews take ideas to rule the world from? Well , one place I noticed was from the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche wrote on what he observed in humanity, and how he determined from his observations, ways in which he could help his fellow Aryans.

He wrote on the concept of Mass Man vs Higher Man, and how we have to strive for Higher Man through things like positive Eugenics, where we promote the mating of high IQ, good looking, talented individuals, so that their offspring are as good or better than them. Breed upwards to make the race better. What is happening today is that the Jews are practicing positive Eugenics within THEIR tribe, and promoting negative Eugenics in the rest of the world, ESPECIALLY in the White race.
William Gayley Simpson made this comment about Nietzsche,
“For Nietzsche the only proper, or certainly the primary, object of any society was the production of the largest possible number of superior men. Produce great men and put them at the helm, and their wisdom will make your society stable, enduring and happy; and their creative powers, as seers, philosophers, artists and the like, will make your society significant and its name glorious.”

Also, the Jews are following Nietzsche’s teachings on the FORCE OF WILL. The “might makes right” that we see in the Jew Joly’s writings and in the Jewish Author of The Protocols writings appear to come from Nietzsche.
Will to Power was written in 1901, just two years before The Protocols came out. Theodor Herzl, who some think is the author of The Protocols, was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism. And so would have known about Nietzsche’s work, living in the same area, and it being a topic he would be most interested in.
And although Joly’s work was supposedly written in 1864, we can see the idea is much more honed in on and detailed in Nietzsche’s work.
- Moses Joly- circa 1840-1900
- Theodor Herzl- 1860-1904
- Friedrich Nietzsche- 1844-1900
- Aleister Crowley- 1875-1947
Aleister Crowley, who became prominent about 30 years later, was all about the FORCE OF WILL as well. His most famous mantra was “Do as thou WILL, is the whole of the law.” And even though I don’t believe Crowley was a Jew, they did take Luciferian ideals from him.

Let’s compare the excerpts from both where we can see this FORCE OF WILL.
From The Geneva Dialogues~
What restrains those beasts of prey which they call men from attacking one another? Brute unrestrained Force in the first stages of social life, then the Law, that is still force regulated by forms. You have consulted all historic sources; everywhere MIGHT PRECEDES RIGHT. Political Liberty is merely a relative idea…
And from The Protocols~
What restrained the wild beasts of prey with which we call men? What has ruled them up to now? In the first stages of social life they submitted to brute and blind force, then to law, which in reality is the same force, only masked. From this I am led to deduct that by the law of nature RIGHT LIES IN MIGHT. Political freedom is not a fact but an idea.
If we look at the film Batman V Superman, released in 2016, we see its the story of FORCE OF WILL. It’s all about Batman, a mortal, through FORCE OF WILL, defeating Superman, who is basically a god. In this story God DIES. And THEY take over the earth.

They identify with the Batman or the Baphomet man who lives in Gotham- Goat Ham- Goat Hamlet or Goat City.

Just like in Game of Thrones where they vie to become god over the seven kingdoms. GOT(t) is God (auf Deutsch), yes, but it can also be pronounced Goat, THEIR god, the Baphomet, Lucifer, the one that brings lucre, money, which is also all about FORCE OF WILL.

They are always the Villain, the destroyers. Villain, V for Vendetta, V for Victory, the V for 22, the card of Lucifer in their Tarot deck, the he/she Baphomet.

So we can see how they take ideas from US, ideas that were for OUR benefit, and use them against us. And in The Protocols it is no different.

So COULD the “Elders of Zion” have met and used these Protocols as their guide for world domination?
Of course! What other Jewish made organization is used to carry out these plans? How about the Jewish Rothschild-made League of Nations, which later became the United Nations? The U N, the UN, an ancient name for The ONE, Lucifer.

And the EU, the European Union, which has a board of UNelected members, controlled by Jews, that are leading to the destruction of our Aryan homelands.

And of course on a smaller scale we have the annual Bilderberger meetings where their talks are to ensure all Jews and our White traitor leaders are following their plans. Do you think COVID was a natural occurrence? Of course not! It most likely was planned out at one of these meetings.
The only name I was familiar with on this year’s Bilderberger meeting list was Henry Kissinger. He turned 100 years old on May 27th, 2023. I’m sure he received many blood transfusions from “youth” to keep him alive.

So yes, the Jews most likely have conferences where they meet up and discuss the next steps to get to their control of the whole world. Bilderberg is probably the public front, the REAL meetings are so secret we don’t even get the name or location of them.

Back to Dalton’s book we see he made appropriate headers for each Protocol. Since we don’t have time to read each one in full here, we’ll borrow Dalton’s headers and I will give you what I feel are the most important quotes under each Protocol.
Protocol 1: On liberalism, ‘might means right,’ Goyim vices, equality, power of money.
Page 81- Even in olden times, we shouted the words, “liberty, equality, and fraternity” among the people. These words have been repeated many times by unconscious parrots, which, flocking from all sides to the bait, have ruined the prosperity of the world and true individual freedom, formerly so well protected from the pressure of the mob. The supposedly clever and intelligent Goyim did not grasp the symbolism of the uttered words; they did not notice the contradiction in the meaning and the connection between them; they did not notice that there is no ‘equality’ in nature; that there can be no ‘liberty,’ since nature herself has established inequality of mind, character, and ability, as well as complete subjection to her laws. They did not reason that the power of the mob is blind; that the upstarts selected for government are just as blind in politics as is the mob itself, whereas the initiated man, even though a fool, is capable of ruling, while the uninitiated, even if a genius, will understand nothing of politics. All this has been overlooked by the Goyim.
I would add that not only has it all been overlooked, but we have been socially engineered to think precisely the opposite. We are all equal!
As for “liberty, equality, fraternity‘ that was the socially engineered phrase to embolden the masses against their actual protectors- the aristocracy- in the French Revolution. Off with their heads! It worked so well for the Jews back then, why wouldn’t they use this method again?

And lastly, notice where it reads, “whereas the initiated man, even though a FOOL, is capable of ruling.” Remember the FOOL tarot card? The Baphomet he/she who has completed his journey and, as a fool, will repeat it all over again? So we learn here that the FOOL represents the INITIATED MAN. One that knows their secrets.

Protocol 2: On economic wars, the press.
Page 83- Do not think that our assertions are baseless. Note the successes of Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche, engineered by us. The demoralizing effects of these doctrines upon the Goy minds should already be obvious.
Dalton adds a note- In a Christian context, these three thinkers are indeed “demoralizing”: Darwin for his theory of evolution, Marx for his atheism, and Nietzsche for his radical critique of Christianity and Christian values. For the non-Christian, however, neither Darwin nor Nietzsche poses any threat, and on the contrary, offer hopeful and visionary ideas. Only the Jewish-“engineered” Marxism presents a universal threat to Gentile society; neither Darwin nor Nietzsche were “engineered” by the Jews.

Protocol 3: On rights, Goy aristocracy, liberalism.
Page 85- Today I can tell you that our goal is close at hand. Only a small distance remains, and the cycle of the Symbolic Serpent- the symbol of our people- will be complete. When this circle is completed, then all the European states will be enclosed in it, as in unbreakable chains.
The symbol of the serpent biting its tail is OUR symbol. It is a symbol of immortality, of us entering Wralda’s wheel, the Yule, going from baby to man to old man, dying and being born again. Like the six-pointed Yule, they took it and made their Star of David from it. Always taking what is ours and making it theirs. But yes, we can see back in the early 1900’s what their goal was for Europe and only a blind man could say today he can’t see it happening.

And here, the Apple Ipod charger, that can be worn on your wrist, looks just like a serpent eating its tail. “When the circle is completed” then they rule Europe. How many people will wear this in ignorance to its true meaning?

Notice it is on a BLACK hand, because that is what they are invading us with, and the hand is doing the Communist fist and with his LEFT hand, the sinister hand.

Protocol 4: On liberty, financial speculation.
Page 89- In theory, liberty could be harmless and remain on the state program without detriment to the well-being of the people, but only if it retained the ideas of a belief in God and human fraternity, and was freed from the conception of equality, for such an idea is contradicted by the laws of nature that establish subordination.
Notice again the mention of NATURAL LAW and the INEQUALITY of people. They KNOW we are not created equal, and so use the inverse, saying that we are, against us. Every feeble minded moron has a voice in the US; every degenerate, every foreigner. The White European people that founded the US are being drowned out by Mass Man from all over the world, flooding in. By this false concept of equality. By Natural Law, the White European was born to rule, but because of the Jew, instead is becoming the slave.

Protocol 5: On centralized government, power of gold, control of public opinion.
Page 93- We will so exhaust the Goyim…that we will force them to offer us global power, which will conveniently enable us to absorb all governmental forces of the world and thus to form a super-government. In lieu of modern rulers, we will place a monstrosity- a monstrosity called the Super-Governmental Administration. Its hands will be stretched out like pincers in every direction, so that this colossal organization cannot fail to conquer all peoples.
We can see this happening with most countries of Europe entering their European Union. There is also an African Union, formed in 1999, but we don’t hear much on that because we know where the threat is for the Jew. All these Unions will eventually fall under their one Super Government, either located in Europe as per The Protocols, or more likely in Israel.

Protocol 6: On monopolies, trade, industry.
Page 95- As land-owners, they are harmful to us because they can be independent in their necessities of life. For this reason, we must deprive them of their land at any cost.
And they do, just by creating inflation and raising interest rates. Another thing they are doing is trying to take all water rights from landowners. Not just navigable streams, but now, ANY water, including springs and wells. Then they can charge us for using water on our own land and regulate our use.

Protocol 7: On the military, social disruption, war.
Page 97- We must be able to overcome all opposition by provoking a war with the neighbors of any country that dares to oppose us. Should, however, those neighbors, in turn, decide to unite against us, we must respond by creating a WORLD WAR.
Dalton notes, “Again, this is a remarkable anticipation, in 1905, of the coming two World Wars.”

Protocol 8: On new government, the role of Jews.
Page 99- Meanwhile, as it is not yet safe to give the responsible government posts directly to our brother Jews, we will give them to people whose record and whose character are so terrible that there is a vast gulf between them and the people. Such leaders would face nothing but condemnation and imprisonment, should they disobey our orders. This fact will force them to protect our interests, to their dying day.
We haven’t had a good President since Ulysses Grant. ALL Presidents of our modern era are completely controlled, bought and paid for. You can tell how awake someone is just by hearing what they have to say about Trump. So many are FOOLed into thinking that actor, really cares about the American people. He is 100% service-to-self and controlled. Biden is even worse, if there is such a thing.

Protocol 9: On dictatorships, Jewish ambition, education.
Page 100- We possess boundless ambition, burning greed for merciless revenge, and bitter hatred. From us emanates an all-embracing terror. People of all opinions and of all doctrines are in our service: monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and other idealists. We have put ALL of them to work; every one of them is undermining the last remnant of authority, is trying to overthrow all existing order. All governments have been tortured by this procedure; they beg for peace, and for the sake of peace they are prepared to make any sacrifice. But we will not give them peace until they humbly recognize our international super-government.
“Burning greed, merciless revenge and bitter hatred.” Does that make you feel all warm and cuddly? And WHO do they call the racists? See how they deflect how THEY are onto us? And it seems to be working so well. The hate is turned towards us, the ones that actually have helped the world with charity and kindness. Not only do we feed the world, give them medical aid, we are taking them IN to our White countries! TO OUR DETRIMENT.

Protocol 10: On Freemasonry, liberalism, legislative and executive government.
Page 105- When we injected the poison of liberalism into the state organization, its entire political complexion changed; the states became infected with a mortal disease, namely, the decomposition of the blood. It is only necessary to await the end of their agony.
Dalton notes, “By which they mean, racially ‘diversified’ and race-mixed, thereby ruining the original racial and ethnic homogeneity of traditional nations. Evidently, ‘racial liberalism’ is the worst form of poison.”

Protocol 11: On the new constitution, Goyim as animals.
Page 109- The Goyim are like a flock of sheep-we are wolves. Do you know what happens to sheep when wolves get into the fold?
God has scattered us, his Chosen People, and in this dispersal, which seemed to the world to be our weakness, has proved to be our strength. This has now brought us to the threshold of universal rule.
And their religion Christianity, is a big reason we act like sheep. Before, during the times of the OLB, we would POUNCE on our enemies. How far we have come.

Protocol 12: On liberty, the press, Freemasonry.
Page 112- Dominant position will be held by periodicals of an official character. They will always stand guard over our interests and consequently their influence will be comparatively benign. In a second class, we will place semi-official organs, whose aim will be to attract the indifferent and lukewarm. The third category will be our ostensible opposition, which, at least in one of its publications, will represent the opposition to us. Our real enemies will mistake this seeming opposition as belonging to their own group, and thus will show us their cards.
Dalton notes, “A striking anticipation of the current notion of ‘controlled opposition,’ in which ostensible critics of Jewish power are themselves controlled by Jewish interests.”

Lennon~ Lenin
Another aside, but, just like Angelina is probably related to the Jew Joly, John Lennon is probably related to Lenin. Remember they put “leaders” in on our side too, to control us. “Our real enemies mistake this seeming opposition as belonging to their own group.”

Everyone loved John, and so, they had him marry an Asian, to promote their miscegenation agenda.

You say you want a revolution, well el you know…. their manager was a Jew, Brian Epstein. They pushed the revolution of teens rebelling against their parents.

Protocol 13: On political problems, trade, diversion of the mob.
Page 115- To prevent them from reaching any independent decisions, we will divert their minds with amusements, games, hobbies, passions, and public cultural centers. We will soon begin to offer prize contests through the press, and sports of all kinds. Such attractions will definitely deflect the mind from problems that we would otherwise have to fight with the people. By becoming less accustomed to independent thought, they will begin to talk in unison with us, because we alone will provide new lines of thinking by using only those persons that no one would suspect were allied with us.
With people caring more about the Kardashians or how their favorite sports team is doing, I bleed purple! (that’s what a fan of a basketball team once shouted at me), are we surprised that no one is focused on the real issues?

Protocol 14: On religion, pornography.
Page 117- When we become rulers, we will not tolerate the existence of any other religion except our own; it proclaims one God, with whom our fate is bound up because we are the Chosen People, and our fate has determined the fate of the world. For this reason, we must destroy all other religions. If the result of this produces modern atheists, as a transitory step, this will not interfere with our plans but will act as an example to those generations that will listen to our teaching of the religion of Moses- which, owing to its solid and thoughtful system, will eventually lead to our domination of all nations. We will also lay stress on the mystical truth of Masonic teaching which, we will assert, is the foundation of its whole instructive power.
They are the DESTROYERS. Are we not surprised? Hitler hoped that we would enter a period of enlightenment where people would rise above religions. Religions are for a primitive mindset. One in which an individual can’t reason for himself what God is, and what his place in the world is. Religion boils down to a system of control. That is why, in the beginning, the White race were monotheists with no need for priests-middle men. They had a direct relationship with God and his creation. They followed natural law and lived an upstanding life. Only later, by invaders, did this change.

Protocol 15: On Freemasonry, civil disobedience, the judiciary, the power of the Sovereign.
Page 119- We will finally become rulers by means of revolutions. These revolutions will be arranged so that they shall take place simultaneously in all countries and immediately after all existing governments have been officially declared incompetent- which may not happen soon, perhaps not for a century.
Dalton notes, “Of course, this would have been a century from roughly 1900, and thus the projected date has passed. The predicted mass of revolutions seems not to have happened, and yet, Jews, via their influence in the US and Europe, do hold sway over much of the planet. And perhaps we need only wait another decade or two to see the full process play out.”
The Bolshevik Revolution was wildly successful for them. So of course they will try again.

Protocol 16: On universities, education.
“Obliterate from the people’s memory all those historical facts that are not to our advantage.” We not only see them trying to change history, with things like Cheddar Man and by making Joan of Arc black, but calling black and brown immigrants the NEW SCOTS,….

Protocol 17: On law, religion, the virtue of spying.
Page 129- The King of Israel will become the real Pope of the World- the Patriarch of the International Church.
Remember, before, we Aryans were beheaded if we didn’t convert to Christianity, now, in the future, we will lose our heads if we don’t convert to Judaism. Noahide Law number one is no worship of false idols. This means that if you worship ANY God besides YHWH, you will be beheaded.
WE Fryans abhorred worshiping false idols, once again they usurp, although we didn’t behead anyone, we instead banished.

Protocol 18: On open and secret defense of rulers.
Page 131- Our Sovereign will be protected only by the most invisible guards, because we will never allow anyone to think that a conspiracy might exist against him that he is unable to crush, and from which he must hide himself. If we were to allow this thought to prevail, as it prevails among the Goyim, we would thereby sign the death warrant, if not of the Sovereign himself, then of his dynasty in the near future.

Protocol 19: On sedition and political crimes.
Page 133- Sedition is nothing but a dog barking at an elephant. From the viewpoint of a well-organized government, the dog barks because he doesn’t realize his lack of strength. It is only necessary for the elephant to show his strength one time and the dog stops barking; then, he begins to wag his tail the moment he sees the elephant.
But if the dogs actually woke up to the threat of the elephant and they got together, they could bring that elephant down. Remember, the elephant can die too.

Protocol 20: On financial matters, taxation, circulation of money, governmental loans.
Page 137- You know that gold currency was detrimental to the governments that accepted it; it could not satisfy the requirements for money, since we took as much gold as possible out of circulation. We must issue a currency based on the value of labor. We will issue money in proportion to the normal demands of every subject, adding a certain amount at every birth and decreasing it with every death.
Hitler knew gold-backed currency was bad, and labor-backed currency was good. That’s why his economy THRIVED while the rest of the world was suffering in the Great Depression, orchestrated by THEM.

Protocol 21: On domestic loans.
Page 140- There will be no foreigners in our government, no outsiders.
Just like what Hitler wanted, and just like what any sovereign nation should have, rule by its OWN PEOPLE. But somehow it was an outrageous idea for the Germans, but the perfect idea for the Jews. Do we see the hypocrisy yet?

Protocol 22: On restoring social order.
Page 142- Doesn’t such wealth prove that all the evil that we were forced to commit over the centuries has, in the end, served the cause of true happiness- the restoration of order? It may yet require some level of violence to restore order.
Ordo ab chao- order out of chaos. But they are the Jews, the DESTROYERS. Do you think they would be happy in a world of order? It would never last. It is not in their NATURE.

Protocol 23: On the arising of the Sovereign.
Page 143- Our Sovereign will be chosen by God and appointed from above, in order to destroy all ideas influenced by instinct and not by reason, or by brutal principles and not by humanitarianism. These anarchic forces are not triumphant, and assume the form of theft and violence exercised in the name of liberty and rights. They have destroyed all social organizations, and now help to establish the throne of the King of Israel. But their role will be ended with his coming to power. Then it will be necessary to sweep them from his path, so that not a speck of dust impedes his way.
Won’t all the Masons, Jesuits, Judeo-Christians etc. be surprised when they realize they helped their enemy into power? And now that he is there, THEY will be destroyed since their usefulness is over?

Protocol 24: On the Sovereign, the King of Israel.
Page 146- To make people know and love their Sovereign, it is necessary that he should address the people in public places, thus establishing a harmony between two forces- the people and their ruler- that are now separated from each other by mutual terror.
They have always been outsiders. They have always been the “other”. There will NEVER be a time when non-Jews will “love their Sovereign”.

Now let’s look at what Rosenberg, Hitler and Goebbels have to say on The Protocols.
From Alfred Rosenberg’s The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Jewish World-Politics (1924)-
When the Protocols appeared in the German language at the end of 1919, they immediately caused a tremendous sensation. Millions suddenly found in them the interpretation of many otherwise inexplicable phenomena of the present day; the most important of these events suddenly seemed not to be coincidences but rather the result of a previously secret, now revealed cooperation of the leaders of apparently opposed classes, parties, and peoples.
So notice that the plan of the Jews was brought to light only AFTER World War 1, but BEFORE World War 2. So the Germans now knew who their TRUE ENEMIES were. This is why Hitler knew he had to rid the parasite from their midst to truly be able to fix his country.

Also of great interest is a 1919 confession by the Zionist Littman Rosenthal (in the American Jewish News of September 19), which reports that Nordau gave a speech in Paris in 1903 (!) that prophesied World War (One), the (Versailles) peace conference, and a Jewish state of Palestine under the protectorate of England- in other words, exactly what happened in 1914 and ended in 1919 in San Remo, with the British Mandate.
This shows World War 1 and subsequent events, were PRE-PLANNED.

“How did this happen?”… One of the most profound statements about the Jew comes from Richard Wagner. He called him, “the plastic demon of decay of humanity”. This means that when a people or many peoples together enter an epoch of spiritual drought, uncreative spirituality, an epoch of rootless, inauthentic, inorganic striving, then, as it were, the Jew appears in a leading position as a symbol of this decline. Because we have been unfaithful to ourselves, he grows in power; because we did not preserve our holiest, he was able to seize it. We renounced love and the curse of gold came over our world. The Jew stands in our story as our metaphysical counter-image. However, this has never been clearly grasped by us. We have always draped our robes around his desert figure, presupposed in his beautiful words motives that weren’t there, and transferred our soul and spirit into his for without suspecting that the Jew’s demon didn’t want all that, couldn’t receive it, that he lived on deep down on another plane of the soul.

From Hitler in Mein Kampf on The Protocols (1924)–
Chapter 11, Section 4- How much the whole existence of this people is based on a permanent lie is proved in a unique way by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. With groans and moans, the Frankfurter Zeitung repeats again and again that these are forgeries: the best proof of their authenticity. Here, what many Jews unconsciously wish to do is clearly set forth, and that’s what counts. It doesn’t matter from what Jewish brain these revelations sprang; the important thing is that they disclose, with an almost terrifying precision, the nature and activity of the Jewish people, exposing both their inner contexts and final aims. The best way of judging them, however, is reality. If historical developments of the last few centuries are studied in light of this book, we will immediately understand the constant outcry of the Jewish press. The moment that the general public gets hold of this book, the Jewish danger will be stamped out.

From Goebbels’ diary entry of 13 May 1943-
The Fuhrer is of the opinion that the Jews did not need to work according to a fixed plan; they work according to their racial instinct, which will cause them to act again and again in the same way that they have throughout their entire history.
One could raise the same question here, Why are there any Jews in the world order at all? It would be the same as asking, Why are there potato bugs? Nature is governed by the law of struggle. There will always be parasites that will speed up the fight and intensify the selection process between the strong and the weak. The PRINCIPAL OF STRUGGLE also prevails in human coexistence. You just have to know the laws of this fight to be prepared for it. The intellectual man doesn’t have a natural defense against the Jewish danger because he is essentially broken in his instinct. As a result, peoples with a high level of civilization are the most vulnerable. In nature, life always acts in the same way against parasitism; this is not always the case in the existence of nations. This actually results in the Jewish danger.

And finally let’s look at what Thomas Dalton has to say on The Protocols.
As a whole, and at the highest level, the Protocols offers a vision and a plan for Jewish domination and control of the major nations of the world, all at the expense of the detested non-Jews or Goyim. Power is to be vested in a single man, the Sovereign, the “King of Israel,” the “Patriarch of the World”- a man “chosen by God” but evidently overseen by a nameless committee of Jewish “wise men,” rather like a Board of Directors selects, and replaces, a corporate CEO. Under this new king, Jews will presumably flourish with unlimited wealth and power, and the Goyim- the vast majority of the population- will serve as obedient and compliant underlings, performing all the hard work of social existence without any say in governance. There will be a nominal ‘order’ and ‘happiness’ among the populace , predicated upon their willing submission to the King of Israel. With the Jews in charge, all will be well- just a prophesied in the (Jewish) Old Testament.
Amschel Mayer (Rothschild), was widely known as “the Jew of the Kings” (a play on the biblical phrase “King of Jews”).

This is a case of an idea so preposterous that it just might be true: that is, that some Jews circa 1900 may indeed have resurrected the ancient Messiah concept of the Old Testament and advocated a modern-day Jewish world ruler.
And is it accurate? Do Jews indeed have intentions to dominate or rule the world? This is arguably the central question of the entire Protocols. And here we can say with confidence that the answer is a resounding YES. For evidence, we need look no further than the Jewish Bible, otherwise known as the Old Testament. The opening book of Genesis includes some infamous passages on how “man” (in reality, Jews, given that this was written by Jews, for Jews) is granted “dominion” over the Earth:

Then God said, “Let US make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” … Then God blessed them (Adam and Eve), and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (1:26-28; emphasis added)
So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand.” (9:1-3)

“Let peoples (Gentiles) serve you, and nations bow down to you” (27:29).
Moses then recalls what God promised to the Jews: Houses full of all good things, which you (Jews) did not fill, and cisterns hewn out, which you did not hew, and vineyards and olive trees, which you did not plant. (6:11)
Lest there be any doubt, Moses adds that “you shall rule over many nations” (15:6), and “they (the Goyim) shall be afraid of you” (28:10).

And from the book of Isaiah:
Those who strive against you (Jews) shall be as nothing and shall perish (41:11).
Kings shall be your foster fathers… With their faces to the ground, they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet (49:23).
The wealth of the nations shall come to you (60:5).
Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you… that men may bring you the wealth of the nations (60:10-11).

Dalton gives two good quotes by German Philosophers.

“Judaism excludes from its communion the entire human race, on the ground that it was a special people chosen by God for Himself- (an exclusiveness) which showed enmity toward all other peoples and which, therefore, evoked the enmity of all.” ~ Immanuel Kant

“The Jews…have a life-interest in making mankind sick, and in inverting the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, ‘true’ and ‘false’ in a mortally dangerous and world-maligning sense.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Dalton sums it up well, “Both main themes are thus proven; Jews indeed have designs on world domination, and they indeed view all of non-Jewish humanity with contempt and hatred. The Protocols are, in this sense, true.
I HAD a link to my YouTube version but YouTube decided to ban it. But here is a link to the Bitchute version:
And here is a link to where you can buy Dalton’s book on The Protocols:
Keep the Data Flowing! Auslane/ Absolom
Will do Michael!
Thank you, Kat!
Hey Curious! You are most welcome.
I See the Chosen Ones have again determined on a hastily summoned congress that this video of yours is hate speech. No longer on Bitch Chute. Thanks to the patsies there. Luckily I managed to DL it. Enjoyed it as usual and bought the book of Dalton. Nobody determines my TRUTH. For me no kindergarden with drag queens. And Jews who determine what is good and what is bad. Thank you for the wonderful walkhrough of Dalton’s book. Especially the chapter on history rewriting is zum Kotzen. But we are the sheep in the corral.
Hey Neef Teunis,
Excellent that you downloaded it! It is actually still up on Bitchute but taken down on YouTube. Yes I was surprised too because when you upload a vid it goes through their checks, and I did one on Table Talk and Himmler’s book Voice of Our Ancestors, and they weren’t taken down. But yeah, The Protocols is too much truth and so obvious that it shows what they are doing and their future plans. I’m glad you bought Dalton’s book! I am reading his edit of Rosenberg’s The Myth of the 20th Century next. Dalton says it is the SECOND most important book of Natsoc writings, with Mein Kampf being the first. So I can’t wait to delve in. Thanks again for your comment and love your spirit! All the best, Kat
Research about the khazarian mafia on Veterans Today.