I love this meme that I got from my friend Joe, regarding how once you have the truth from the Oera Linda Book (OLB), other “lesser” books hold no sway over you. We are not a Pagan people, and the OLB proves this. Being firmly grounded in the knowledge given to us from our ancestors in this truly phenomenal endeavor, of passing down the writings through the centuries, from family member to family member, we use this information against all works that come after. It is our true measuring stick. So be it the Prose Edda, the Sutras, or even the Bible, we can discern what the truth really is. So after having read Plato’s writings on Atlantis recently, I thought I’d share my thoughts with you on THAT ancient work and how it measures up to the truth of the OLB.
We see many “stars” of today doing this sign. I wonder if their homage to Lucifer helped them gain fame and fortune?
So we can see the bias the translator has already for this work because he states that, “this poem reveals the ancient history, culture, geography, politics;… and the catastrophic destruction of these two ancient empires.” He makes this statement as if the writings are based on fact, and that everything written therein is truth. But is it? With the knowledge given to us from the OLB, we would refute his statement. We will see that things said in this poem are NOT based on fact. We will go through the various reasons why not, as we read. So let’s begin.
It is the Pagans today who meet in the groves. Pagans, who carry a polytheist belief, the same belief system that the original Magy did hundreds of years before Christ. In fact, as far back as when time began being kept, after the sinking of Atlantis (Atland). Plato, being alive in 387 BC, was in Athens at a time when the people were already heavily miscegenated. When they were already mixed Frya with Finda and Lyda, which was and is today, what the make-up of the Magy are. Plato, Socrates, and all their colleagues alive at the time were most likely of mixed race.
Pythagoras is much lauded in Masonry as one of their first teachers of the Mystery Schools and the first Grand Master of Freemasonry. Even Plato is said to have been a student of these schools. Masonry today IS a Mystery School. Fryans were open and notorious. They wore the truth on their hearts and were known for their frankness. Nothing was kept in secret. All their laws were written on their Burgh walls to attest to this.
So already here, if you are a reader of the OLB, you would see the problems with both the title and subtitle. We know that Atlantis was the original home of the Fryans. Fryans, who were mortals, built their home. Frya is the builder race. They are the ones who built ALL civilization in this world.
We also know that there is only ONE God. His name is Wralda, which is where we get the word World from. It is interesting to note that in the Bible at John 1 it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.” Now if we know that God’s true name is Wralda, we see how this verse is very fitting. “in the beginning was the (world), and the (world) was with God, and the (world) WAS God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him NOTHING was made that has been made.” So one God who Created this World and watched as one of His creations, Fryans, built Atlantis. So when we tweak that verse in the Bible we make it true.
However, with the risk of going off on a tangent, because I think it is important, we should also look at John 15:18 -19 that says, “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” So before studying the OLB, I embraced this verse thinking this world is full of sin and is materialistic, and that to be upstanding people we need to NOT be “of this world”. But when you understand that this verse is used in deception, we get a different understanding. Once again, we note that World is from Wralda. Wralda is the Creator of this world. He made the world and the world is His spirit. It is alive through Him. So let’s read that verse again. “If you were of (Wralda), (Wralda) would love you as His own; but because you are not of (Wralda), … therefore (Wralda) hates you.” Who is not of Wralda? The Magy are NOT of Wralda. The Fryans ARE of Wralda. And “understand that it hated me first.” Who is that? Who does Wralda hate? That would be the ADVERSARY to Wralda wouldn’t it? So again you can say the Magy, or you can say Lucifer, which is just another way to say the opposer of Wralda. It does not mean there is a literal devil as some purport. So you can see that the God of the Bible is NOT Wralda. The God of the Bible is ATTACKING Wralda. The world IS Wralda and Wralda IS the world. His Creation is good, it is because of the corruption of PARTICULAR men, that the world has fallen into sin and materialism.
So Wralda is looking down on His creation, the Fryans, who built their civilization of Atlantis.
Now the other part that we dispute here, is that Atlantis and Attica (otherwise known as Athens) were around at the same time. Not true! We know from the OLB that Atlantis sunk in 2193 B.C. and that Athens was founded by a Burgh Matron named Minerva, when her and her people fled Frisia hundreds of years AFTER Atlantis had already sunk.
From the OLB we read, “Five hundred and sixty-three years after the submersion of Atland—that is, 1600 years before Christ †—a wise town priestess presided here, whose name was Minerva—called by the sailors Nyhellenia. This name was well chosen, for her counsels were new and clear above all others… When Minerva had examined the country which is called by the inhabitants Attica †, she saw that the people were all goatherds, and that they lived on meat, wild roots, herbs, and honey. They were clothed in skins, and had their dwellings on the slopes (hellinga) of the hills, wherefore they were called Hellingers. At first they ran away, but when they found that we did not attack them, they came back and showed great friendship. Minerva asked if we might settle there peaceably. This was agreed to on. the condition that we should help them to fight against their neighbors, who came continually to carry away their children and to rob their dwellings. Then we built a citadel at an hour’s distance from the harbor. By the advice of Minerva it was called Athens, because, she said, those who come after us ought to know that we are not here by cunning or violence, but were received as friends (âtha).
Don’t forget Minerva IS Athena. So you can see that Attica (Athens) was founded many hundreds of years AFTER Atlantis had sunk, and that Athena was NOT a goddess, but an actual human being. So how can this account of Plato’s be true?
You can see how they worship Athena, among other gods and goddesses as well. The Magy in Athens made her a goddess after her death, to the dismay of the Fryans. They knew no woman, or man, could ever be as perfect as Wralda, and abhorred anyone making false idols out of their fellow humans.
So this tale is passed down but with no factual basis to back it up. The OLB is too passed down, but there is ample evidence to prove that the writings are authentic, from the paper it was written on, to the dialect changing over time, to the artifacts uncovered, to the historical documents citing the same time periods as events that happened in the OLB. In fact, particular historical events were mentioned in the OLB BEFORE they were even discovered in modern times. But every time a discovery was made, such as the ancient city of Troy, it always lined up with what was said in the OLB. And is it more believable that a human lead a people to build Athens, then supposed immortal gods and goddesses doing this?
Here are a few examples, showing who their allegiance is with.
It IS interesting that Solon is told that the foundress of the city is Neith, which is Athena’s name in Egyptian. From the OLB we learned that Athena’s people were actually DRIVEN OUT of Athens by the Hellingers (cliff dwellers), whose leader was Cecrops, an Egyptian priest. They fled with the Egyptians on their tail, south and through where the Suez canal is today. Once they made it through the straight, the land rose up, stopping the Egyptians pursuit. This story, I believe, was used and embellished in the Bible as the story of Moses parting the same Red Sea. But I digress. The point being that the EGYPTIAN Cecrops knew full well that Athena had died and her people were no longer in the area. So tell me, how can Athena be the founder of a city in Egypt hundreds of years later? Also, Cecrops had blue-eyes and the Fryans mentioned that they suspected his mother was a Fryan slave girl, hence he was kinder to the Fryans than most. So, them being related is a possibility through a portion of their DNA.
NEITH is an anagram of THINE, as in aTHINE or ATHENA. So we can see how they’ve been doing the word scramble for a long time.
Neith is also known as Diana. And we have Harry and William unveiling the statue of Diana just recently. Notice what they are doing here. They are doing the HIEROPHANT card in the Tarot. Her body is in the shape of a V, broad shoulders, narrow waist, a man’s body. She is the transgender Baphomet doing the V. Replacing the true Burgh Matron Athena, with this imposter Diana. Notice the pillars, the chrome domes of William and Harry. Harry had more hair on top before, they specifically shaved his head so he could do this card with his brother. Notice she has a black boy and white girl, the program they have ongoing to wipe out the Fryan race.
Of course Harry plays his part in this by having his black wife.
The Hierophant card – Notice the 3 fingers west, 3 of the triple cross east, 3 of the triple crown north and 3 crosses on his smock south, controlling all directions, just like with their NEWS- north, east, west, south. He is wearing a blue robe underneath with a red robe on top, red is for right, blue is for left, controlling both sides. It is also the cathode and anode that controls our world. XX is female, XY is male, the two males below, the Y chromosome, controlling the white males.
I don’t know about the “declination of bodies moving in the heavens around the earth” since we can see through direct observation the path of the stars above us. Already in Plato’s time we can see the obfuscation of truth taking place regarding the heavens. But the part about the earth burning up IS true at particular times. We are told in the OLB that Atlantis sunk due to flood AND fire. That mountains rose up out of the sea, and other mountains, such as the ones in the Twisklands (Germany) spewed molten fire. We know also that comets were seen in the skies in several such events, like the comet in 500 AD, that lead a southwesterly path over Scotland, vitrifying rock along its path, finally coming to rest in Wales, causing the whole land to be burnt to ash. Leaving not a moving creature or vegetation alive. As to where one is, whether on a mountain or in the low-lands is really a matter of fortune, since either CAN be devastated by the same calamity.
The Fryan lands would always be damaged by floods. Therefore their books would be ruined by the water. Hiddo Overa Linda almost lost the OLB due to flooding, but tells us he managed to save it from the flood in the opening paragraphs of the OLB. Also, their laws were written on their Burgh walls which also was destroyed in the devastation. That is why the Fryan history is so hard to find. In Athens, the ancient Greeks WERE the Fryans, and they took their histories with them when they were expelled from the lands by Cecrops.
There is a lot of mixing truth with lies here. Just like what we find in the Bible. The city of Athens was founded hundreds of years AFTER the Great Deluge. Yes it was the best governed of cities when it was led by Athena, but once she passed and the Gertmanna were expelled, the city went downhill very fast and has never recovered since. And it did have the fairest constitution. It was ruled by fair-haired blue-eyed Fryans who had Wralda’s laws written on their hearts. Athens was named “City of Friends” because Friends (Fryan(d)s) are the constitution of that unique people. And at that time Atlantis had sunk approximately 1,800 years before, no where near the eight thousand years Solon purports. This seems to be a stretching of time, just like the Mason’s like to do with space, the size and distance of the sun, etc. It makes plausible deniability easier to attain.
Note too that he mentions the weapons which they carried were shields and SPEARS. Ger is a German word that means Spear. The Germans (Gertmanna) are the SPEAR men.
Athena was a lover of peace NOT war. Fryans only came in peace. War was imposed upon them when they were attacked. The mixed children from captive Fryan women with Findan men did NOT excel in all virtues. The OLB mentions them being beautiful, but also the most cruel and wicked. The people devolved into vile habits and every kind of debauchery. Miscegenation destroyed a once noble civilization. The same thing is happening today in all of our Fryan countries, with of course the “help” of the Hidden Hand of the Magy.
Now the power of Atlantis was a FRIENDLY power. They never wanted to rule the world. They never wanted to enslave people. They strived to make friends with all they came in contact with. Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean, but far far to the north. The remnants are where today the Faroe Islands are located, just north of Scotland. Just outside of the Pillars of Heracles are the remains of the Canary Islands. This is where a remnant of Atlanteans made a colony. They were known as the Guanches. This remnant survived there until the Spaniards enslaved them and removed them from the island in 1494 AD.
I talk about the Canary Islands in my part 8 of my Flat Earth series in more detail. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgqpOEEyhN8
What a bunch of hogwash! What do they say? That the victors write history? Well here you go. Bolstering up themselves and making it seem like the Fryans (Atlanteans) were aggressors. That was NEVER the case. There WAS a great and wonderful empire but it did not rule over or subjugate others. And they did not have a King in the sense of the word from medieval times. We learned from the OLB, that the King was a position that a Fryan could hold for three years only. And there were several Kings, one administrative in a sense, one over their Navy and one over their troops. The Burgh Matron had a position equal to the King and was who they went to for advice. All Fryans were EQUAL. They were known as FRYANS because that meant FREE people. One of their most important laws was to NEVER enslave another. They were also not Warlike. They only fought in battle when they were being attacked or threatened. It was the Finda people, and especially the Mixed people, who were, and still ARE the aggressors today.
The island of Atlantis DID sink but this happened way before Attica was founded! We can see how they are mixing truth with lies here to bolster their own history.
The Creation of Man is explained very well in the OLB. Man was created by Wralda through three mothers, one for each of the three primary races, white, brown and black. I doubt this is the story they will tell though. As to making people citizens, the right of citizenship is by BLOOD, NOT by land that you reside in. So if you live in the US, UK or Africa, it doesn’t matter as long as you are FRYAN by BLOOD. That is one of the biggest problems we have today, our white countries are making citizens of other races. We see the former mayor of London from 2016 is Pakistani. Pakistani’s are very tribal. They will take care of their own FIRST. Same with the Magy. Benjamin Disraeli cared about HIS people first, and they were most definitely NOT Fryans of Britain. His allegiance is in his last name.
They try to make it seem that they are good upright moral men, who try to share the truth under great pains, but I see them as Magy deceivers because they are weaving truth with lies.
We can see that these are one of the first performers on a stage. As Shakespeare put it so well, “All the world’s a stage and we are merely players.” Are we not to believe that Critias doesn’t embellish his story to please his audience? Does he care about truth above all? Or to be the center of attention? Is he service to others or service to self?
There were mortal Fryans who led their people in various locations on Earth, who became, by the wicked Magy, gods and goddesses after their deaths. From the OLB we learn of this happening to Odin, to Nef Teunis (Neptune or Poseidon), of course Minerva (Athena) and even Jesus of India. Minerva was the one who explained her position as Burgh Matron and a shepherd watching over her flock. This was then taken from her and used in this story as well as in the Bible for Jesus.
Athens was founded by Athena Minerva, and not co-founded as this claim purports. Notice Hephaestus is the god of Fire. The Fryans symbol IS Fire. Fire is from Frya. The Burgh Matron was responsible to keep the original fire lit and that is what we see in both the Olympic ceremonies, with the running of the torch, and the Statue of Liberty, a statue of a Burgh Matron holding the original Fire (Frya). Now a Burgh Matron can be only married to her people, so again blasphemy to say she begat children, and from the description, was married.
They give many names to Athena, Aphrodite is also Athena as well as Artemis.
Notice Cecrops IS mentioned in this story, so they were aware of him, but wasn’t aware that it was HE who drove the Athenians out of Athens after Minerva’s death? I thought they had good records! I would say they have “selective” records.
Again mixing truth with lies here. Truth being Atlantis was a great island that was sunk by an earthquake, along with a major inundation of water, however, it was located well to the North. We know this because after it sunk, the survivors fled to Scotland, Norway, and the Netherlands. From their new home they sailed on many voyages to the Mediterranean, so we know the Pillars WERE passable. We know that the Canary Islands are just outside of and south of the Pillars of Hercules and they could have had volcanic activity that sunk a portion of the island. But there is no evidence that there was a great civilization there. We do have evidence of the Guanches, which appear to be remnant survivors who landed there and tried to make a home in peace. It wasn’t until much later that they were defeated by the Spaniards and removed. So there is no truth to a great continent lying just outside of the Pillars with a warlike tribe of Fryans trying to take over the known world. This is pure poppycock. From the OLB we see that at one time the aggressors, Rome, tried to conquer the Fryan lands and they got a big ass whooping. Although the Fryans could have taken over Rome they chose not to because they didn’t feel it was right. Rome wasn’t their land and so retreated back to their Fryan lands. This aggressive warlike stance is NOT in their nature.
Fryans would NEVER “set up a figure and image of the goddess.” They knew that was the worshiping of false idols and they vehemently opposed this. Only Wralda is perfect and deserves our praise, but even Wralda did not want images made of Him.
In addition, the Fryans did have different jobs that the men did from the women, but they did not live separately. Men and women were supposed to marry by age twenty-five. Each couple would be provided a house, with a little bit of garden in the back. Everyone was taken care of, the old, sick, infirm. They did not care for material things and were more concerned with freedom and adventures.
When Minerva first founded Athens, she picked this spot because of its natural harbor, but also because the soil was barren and cliffy, in hope that there wouldn’t be a dispute over this land from others. It was not abundantly lush as being said here. The original inhabitants were called by the Fryans Hellingers, which mean cliff hangers, because they lived on the slopes with their herds. They lived off of honey and olives, the things which grew best in that harsh environment.
I would say the fountains and their infrastructure were built by Fryans and when they were expelled from the land eventually everything was in disrepair. It reminds me of the Tartarian Empire that many purport happened across Europe. But note that it was the FRYANS that built all the magnificent structures and only after they were gone did the Findans (Tartarians) move into these spaces and make them their own, just like Cecrops did in Athens.
If you look on the list of current languages on Google Translate you will see Tatar. I was curious to see who the Tatars are and found out they were of Turkish origin. They are mixed Finda with Frya. And it says that Attila the Hun was Tatar. So the TARTARIANS are the TATARIANS. The same people alive today.
In addition the Tartars are mentioned in the Oera Linda book, we read, ” The Twisklanders are banished and fugitive children of Frya, but their wives they have stolen from the Tartars. The Tartars are a brown tribe of Finda’s people who are thus named because they provoke all nations to war. They are all horsemen and robbers.
Critias mentions that the names given are Greek Hellenic names, not Fryan names. Remember the Hellenes were the Hellingers, the cliff dwellers, not the Fryans. They make an excuse yes, saying due to the translation, but really? Is it so hard to convey the Fryan name? We have the Fryan name for Athena, which was Minerva, also used by the Romans, and we have the Greek name for her, Athena. It’s like they want to associate themselves, insert themselves, as the Fryans by giving these Greek names. We have Poseidon, Greek name, Neptune, Roman name, and Fryan name- Teunis. All three names are known.
In speaking on Teunis, Tunisia in North Africa was named after Teunis. It still carries this name today. So not so hard to translate or remember.
Also, these people were known as the Sea People because they held mastery over the seas. They would sail to the ends of the earth, to places that Finda and Lyda feared to roam. Now we know from the OLB that there was not hereditary rule. In fact, nepotism was frowned upon and in their laws they set it up so that one family line couldn’t be King consecutively. Fryans believed ALL Fryans were equal and had an equal chance to rule. It wasn’t until Friso, who came from Athens, that the Fryans accepted hereditary rule for a time in thinking this would protect their current fragile state- to their detriment.
From William R. Sandbach regarding Nef Teunis in the OLB, he states, “The other, Neptune, called by the Etrurians Nethunus, the God of the Mediterranean Sea, appears here to have been, when living, a Friesland Viking, or sea-king, whose home was Alderga (Ouddorp, not far from Alkmaar). His name was Teunis, called familiarly by his followers Neef Teunis, or Cousin Teunis, who had chosen the Mediterranean as the destination of his expeditions, and must have been deified by the Tyrians at the time when the Phoenician navigators began to extend their voyages so remarkably, sailing to Friesland in order to obtain British tin, northern iron, and amber from the Baltic, about 2000 years before Christ.
Although the Oera Linda book doesn’t give many details on the island of Atlantis, it did mention the fertile land and its abundance of fruit trees, who were endemic to the island, and so with the sinking of Atlantis, became extinct. So you can see mixing of truth with lies here. DID Atlantis have this ring-like structure? From the description of “Friesland” on maps, it doesn’t appear to be that way. It could have had fertile plains and a mountainous region, but I don’t know about rings of land that lead to a center land. All Fryans were equal, so would they really make this special place in the center for a Fryan? IF they did, I would speculate that this special center was for a Tower, a tower to observe the skies and to feel closer to Heaven, to the seat of Wralda, and to feel closer to their departed ancestors on the watch stars.
This hereditary rule was NOT a Fryan concept but a FINDAN one. Magy priests ruled over their people from way back. Fryans tried to teach the people how to be free and break these chains of bondage. They taught the Slavs, whose name literally means Slave, and the people on the islands of the Mediterranean.
Sounds to me like they are describing Eden doesn’t it? Because it was the Eden used in the Bible. We know from the OLB that in Atlantis there was no need for time because every day was as beautiful as the next. They had a temperate climate similar to the Mediterranean and had the most abundant and lovely fruit trees, the kind of which went extinct with the sinking of this isle.
So what they are talking about here are STAR FORTS. The Fryans were master harbor builders since they lived and breathed sea faring. So they would build their forts along water ways and would make safe harbors within their walls for their sea vessels. I would say that Star Forts ORIGINALLY and OPTIMALLY would have TWELVE points to go along with the twelve points of the clock and the six pointed Yule. They were NOT Kabbalistic, they were NOT Star PORTS, they were NOT a place where the Fallen Angels came down, they were NOT built by Lucifer! Please come down to earth people and think practically. The Fryans were the builder race. It was the FRYANS who built the Star Forts in their lands and in the lands that they navigated to and made temporary homes in. And remember the Burgh (the Yule) always had the tower in the middle where they could observe the Heavens. The island of Atlantis, in my opinion, was NOT set up like a Star Fort though because they needed all the space on the island and it wasn’t practical. On the mainland though, when the survivors had to set up a new homeland, they DID make Star Forts. Especially in the area of the low lands, the Netherlands, where they had to build dam systems to protect them from frequent flooding. The more recent ones, I believe, were built not for big vessels, but for protection against invaders and also as a connection to their past to their ancestors.
Definitely no worship center dedicated to “gods”. In the center would be the tower to observe the stars. Yes you could get a sense of closeness with Wralda there, and also with the ancestors that have gone before. The Fryans believed when they died their souls would travel to watch stars.
Instead of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses, we have Freya (Frya) riding in her chariot pulled by cats. The first mother of the white race, was too made a goddess, and she was a mortal as well. When the Fryans made “FRYA!” their war cry, it meant that they were down for their tribe, for their race. It didn’t mean that they worshiped the first mother as a goddess, because they knew that she was a mortal, and that there was only ONE God, Wralda, the Creator of all.
“Inscribed on pillars…” where did I hear that before? Oh yes, Masonic pillars. The Fryans inscribed their laws and histories on their Burgh walls for all to see. They did not inscribe “commands” of a non-existent tyrannical king on pillars. The King did NOT have ultimate control of the people. He had to heed the advice of the Burgh Matron. If he went against her he would be removed from his position. The laws were fair and just and not tyrannical, at the whim of just one man. Regarding the bull, it was the MAGY who promised men that if they helped them AGAINST the Fryans they would receive a bull cast in gold! It should become quite apparent who these philosphers are that are telling these tall tales.
Invoking curses is also a Magy thing. They were all about MAGIC and SPELL CASTING and do this up to current day. This blood letting and drinking of the blood is a MAGY thing, NEVER done by Fryans. Who have been kicked out of over one hundred countries for the death and sacrifice of the innocents?
They are speaking of the true nature of Fryans here, desiring virtue above all and not caring about material things. And they do mention not having brother on brother wars, which, unfortunately, due to the people being duped by the Magy, has happened. The Germans knew and tried to wake up the English, French and Americans to this, but alas to no avail. And so we are in the mess we have today because of their ignorance.
So I hope you can see how, even hundreds of years ago, with Plato and his cronies, the Magy has been working hard to dominate the Fryans and take them over. This IS their Great Work. If they have their way they will wipe us all out. We carry Wralda’s laws on our hearts and with us gone they can truly “do as thou will”. Moral relativism will rule by force, by the Magy on top and the 500 million mixed people left will be their slaves. So YOU have a choice, no matter what race you are, because in the end it will affect YOU too. You can choose to go along with the Magy and become their slaves, or go against the Magy and experience what true freedom really is.
I want to thank my fellow Fryans Scotland Sean, and Danielle, in helping me narrate this presentation. And to all the Fryans that have woken up, cheers to you.
Here is a link to the YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gMD_u0Kdxo
Here is the link to the Bitchute version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fXQXt8aSZXJZ/
What do you make of this fragment, copied from the burgs of Texland, Stavia and Medeasblik, Kat?
“In early times, Finda’s folk lived mostly together in their mother’s native
land — namely Aldland, which lays under sea level now. Because they were far away, we had no wars.” — Codex Oera Linda (2021) p.49
“In early times almost all the Finns lived together in their native land, which was called Aldland, and is now submerged. They were thus far away, and we had no wars.” — The Oera Linda Book (1876) p.33
Greetings Jan! Very nice to see your comment here. Friends of mine have received your book and said it is very lovely. My copy should be here hopefully this week. I look forward to it. As to the fragment, it is hard to pinpoint exactly where the Findan’s Atland was, I was planning on doing more research on this, but there are many Polynesian stories of Hawaii being the ancient land of Mu, sometimes called Lemuria. (Lemuria to me sounds like a later name, Catholicized for Le Muria, The Maria, The Mary.) From their stories the land of Mu was sinking and they escaped in boats. Some landed in Southwestern Canada. There is an area there that has Polynesians inhabiting it. There was a really good documentary on it by Gabi Plumm Productions, where Gabi did independent research from Australia, showing that the first indigenous people of that continent were indeed white, the Metahuru, but were killed by the warlike Maori when they later arrived in Australia. The local powers-that-be can’t have that and so had her productions removed from YouTube. I did a presentation on that area (off the coast of Southwestern Canada), with her info. I will grab a link for you. Notice too that the Incan civilization is most likely founded by Inka, the cousin of Teunis who was looking for (Fryan) Atland.(This Raubenheimer disagrees with to my surprise.) And the stories that the Mayans, Aztecs and Incans tell of Aztlan, are what they heard from the white “god” Quetzalcoatl, who is most likely Inka. Here is the link, mind you that this was before I discovered the OLB, yet everything fits! Oh, I just want to point out too, that the Findan’s Atland would have to be somewhere in the warm regions since they were not built by Wralda to live in the North. So Hawaii fits. I lived in Hawaii for 13 years, just recently moving, and it is definitely Finda’s land. In the beginning I believe Wralda had the three races quite separated, and only through journey and discovery did the three finally come across each other. To our detriment. What is your take? Kat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDuThYVzUCU
In the ‘oldest history’, the sunken land where Frya lived is named Flyland (Vlieland). Aldland means ‘old land’, so it could refer to any land that had disappeared, even to the ‘old world’ from before the flood. The term may have been used differently by various people. When the Book of Adela Followers was first composed, the sinking of ‘Atland’ had already been passed 1600 years. (I have not heard your whole presentation yet.)
Yes, well if it was ‘old land’ and not necessarily an island, it could be the devastation mentioned in Raubenheimer’s work around the area of the Levant. This would seem logical as the Magy hoards came to the Fryan lands, which they mention in the OLB. But apart from that, I do believe an island, inhabited by Findans of the Polynesian persuasion, have stories of their ancient homeland sinking with the people having to flee.
On a side note, I wanted to ask you, on page 45 of the OLB is the drawing of three Yules. The first has WRALDA encircled on it, do you know what the other two are? What are the meanings behind those two?
Please see my book on page 77, with footnote 1.
Thank you. Makes sense. The beginning and the potential. Our potential seems to wax and wane over time (tempus). I do hope our potential will be waxing again soon. Take care.
“You can choose to go along with the Magy and become their slaves, or go against the Magy and experience what true freedom really is.”
What is your definition of true freedom when combined with the new restrictions the Covid hoax has created, and what is your advice on how to go against all of the immigration and race mixing?
Randall Carlson is a glober and perhaps a mason, I dunno, but in this video he goes over reports in the 1940’s by geologists who studied the mid atlantic rift. Among other things, they found beach sand down there. This was before geology was fully twisted into uniformitarian doctrine (which essentially negates any possibility of sudden geologic events like world ending catastrophes etc).
People are looking far and wide for Atlantis but it seems obvious it is right where Plato said it was, according to what Solon had told him.
We can still visit the peaks of some of the mountain ranges mentioned in Plato’s accounts by visiting the Azores off the coast of Portugal. He covers that in some of his other vids.
Hey Fish, If you read Alwyn J. Raubenheimer’s book Chronicles of Pre-Celtic Europe, he makes an excellent case as to why the Faroe Islands are actually the remnants of Atlantis. I looked into the location of Atlantis as well and I believe Raubenheimer to be correct. You should give it a read. It’s in the back of the book and he backs it up with physical evidence. All the best, Kat
“Randall Carlson is a glober and perhaps a mason?” – YES, Carlson is a Freemason.
Years ago I was friends with Carlson’s most devoted minion of minions – Cameron Wiltshire -aka- AstroMonk, the CCO of SacredGeometryInternational.com. Cameron wanted me to read some of Manly P. Hall’s Masonic books. It was then I was learning the Truth about Masonry, so I refused.
Carlson himself has bragged to Cameron about being a 32nd degree Mason. As much as Carlson would like to get to the final 33rd top level, it comes by invitation only. And asking for it would be quite detrimental, that’s considered a big No No! You surely won’t get it.
On a comparable note you might appreciate knowing about Leonard Slye. In 1946, he was raised to the level of Master Mason. In 1979, well over 30 years later, Slye got the invitation to become the 33rd degree. He was most surprised in getting it. Something he had always wanted. But by then he had also gotten his fame & fortune in Hollywood, and had changed his name from Leonard Slye to Cowboy film star Roy Rogers.
And his so-called lovely wife, Dale Evans, followed suit, and became a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Not surprising. He struck me as a gatekeeper going against mainstream science but not entirely – opposing fake geology but upholding spinning space ball at the same time.
Thank you Alma!
Randall Carlson is good friends with Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock. While Carlson and Rogan don’t even bother to hide their Masonry, Hancock tries to avoid it. On the Joe Rogan show, Hancock saying: “I’m not a Mason, but I do know lots of men that are Freemasons, it’s basically a drinking club for men”. Very lame!
And as for Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, I once saw their names mentioned by a church pastor, praising them for being such “good Christians’. The 33rd Mason and wife, so deceptive with their false ‘squeaky clean’ image.
So Masons abound, even the most ‘seemingly innocent’ are liars. A few years ago I posted a comment on this blog about Walter Cronkite. Throughout his career he fooled so many, nobody ever suspected dear old Walt of being a Mason, But he was. In fact, he provided the voice of the recorded OWL for Bohemian Grove, which he attended more than once. And gave some rousing speeches about the NWO.
Reason enough why I continue to do my own research. I’m currently digging through those Illuminist Masons connected to the OLB, Hitler, etc. More deception! So Alma, do you have any other stuff you’d like to share?
Hello Greg,
It’s interesting to know about Walter Cronkite! No, not surprised, but sickened, yes. And Greg, your timing was perfect in mentioning his name. After I read your comment, I watched Bill Maher (another shill!), he brought up Cronkite’s name. Saying that Walt was one of the few left with ‘solid integrity’. Such crap!
Greg, you also mentioned you do your own research, yes, absolutely! Glad to hear that, as I continue to do the same as well. I personally trust NO ONE, nope not at all. There’s just too much deception going on. You asked me if I have any other stuff to share? Yes, I’m always digging through the muck!
I know this is dated, but still relevant: William R. Finck, I felt at the time there was something not right about that guy. So as I did my own vetting, and found (easily) his public court records. And why he spent 12 years in prison. Not as he said, for a ‘mishandling of paperwork’. He was a New Jersey Jail guard and killed a Puerto Rican prisoner. Well, he certainly would not kill a White Man, now would he??? And if he had nothing to hide, then why not just tell the truth.
Here’s the news article:
New Jersey Jail Guards Indicted in Beating Death JULY 15, 1996 published in Prison Legal News. Filed under: Crime/Demographics, Criminal Prosecution, Prison/Jail Murders, Guard Brutality/
Analdo Ortega was being held in the Hudson County, N.J., Jail in March of 1989 awaiting trial on burglary charges. According to court testimony, Ortega asked for a blanket and that triggered the anger of some of his captors. Shortly thereafter he was beaten to death.
Four jail guards were indicted on charges of federal civil rights violations. They had originally faced state charges, but those were dismissed. William Fink, 35, a former sergeant, pleaded guilty March 4 to a single charge, committing a civil rights violation that resulted in death. He could be sentenced to as much as life imprisonment.
Thomas Murphy, 36, admitted that he failed to report the beating. He could get up to three years in prison. Raymond Murray, 58, who was deputy warden in charge of the night shift when the beating occurred, and David Dumers, 42, a guard, both face trial.
Another guard, Richard Maroldi, pleaded guilty in 1992 to state charges of falsifying reports about the beating. The three-count federal indictment charges Murray with conspiracy, cruel and unusual punishment by law officers, and depriving Ortega of the right to be kept from harm while in custody. Dumers will be tried only on the first two counts.
On the night of the beating, Murray told Fink to send guards to the fourth floor of the jail. Dumers and Murphy were also told to go there to “handle a problem,” according to the indictment. They ordered Ortega out of his cell, and took him to an elevator, where the beating began. When the elevator reached the ground floor, Dumers and Murphy put Ortega in a holding cage where Fink and Dumers continued the beating as Murray looked on, the indictment said.
Two days later Ortega died as a result of injuries sustained in the beating.
While in prison himself, Finck had his 12 years to read & research the Bible. Some say he became a ‘spooner agent’ for the so-called ‘Christogenea’. And it’s some of the spooner agents that actually come from prison. And yes, they are connected to Freemasonry.
And Finck being linked to Tony Long, aka James Allchurch. But he prefers to use the podcast name of Sven Longshanks. And then Longshanks is connected to Dennis Wise, another one that I Do Not Trust. Where did Wise get the money for his Hitler doc? Follow The Money…..and why does he insist that the Jesuits are ‘not bad’ after all? Follow the Jesuits….Follow the Sodomy!
So Greg, you now see what I mean. It’s best to stay as wise as a serpent…..and vet them all! Can you share what you’ve found out about those Illuminist Masons?
Finck is a pathological liar, as well as his chief henchmen at sewergenea, “joe.” I know this from interaction with and observing them, so when it comes to the article that contradicts his paperwork excuse, i’ll favor the article.
We had Sven on for a chat awhile back, this was when I was still brainwashed on CI, and then we got on the topic of Putin, Sven was defending Putin. I found that strange. I mentioned that the small hats took over Russia with Trotsky and company, when they did a Purim ritual on the Romanov’s, and they NEVER LEFT. So of course Putin is under their thumb. Sven tried to say that the small hats left! Now we know how power hungry they are, they are the ones trying to take over the whole world at the moment, and yet, Sven says they just quietly left Russia for no apparent reason. We can also see in hindsight now, how Sven was part of the predictive programming with the masks, wearing his skull handkerchief, and then when he went to court he wears a full body suit and mask, to perpetuate the false narrative that blowvid is real and contagious. But yeah, Dennis Wise was a harder one for me to realize. He is a likeable chap. But his disinfo isn’t where you would think. His documentary on H was spot on in regards to how he rose to power and was a father figure to the German people. Where Dennis spews disinfo is when he says that H was a CHRISTIAN. THAT is the lie he was spreading. (He also tried to say H escaped to Argentina, but that was a LIE as well.) That is why he joined forces with Fink and Sven, so he could promote this false narrative. When you read H’s own writings and of his closest advisors’ it is apparent that H was a Deist. He was a follower of Nietzsche and actually used Nietzsche’s philosophy of Higher Man to turn Germany into the wonderful country that it was for those years. So many inventions were developed in that time, all thanks to Higher Man with the help of H. What a different world we would have today if H had won.
I’m glad you are researching for yourself Alma. I hope that includes original source material that you are reading. You can’t break programming if you just watch other peoples YouTube vids like so many do. Greg is stuck in the H programming. He thinks he’s so brilliant but he’s just floundering in another rabbit hole. I hope you read the OLB for yourself and pick up Alwyn J. Raubenheimer’s book Chronicles of Pre-Celtic Europe.
Are there any writeups online of his evidence that i could look into?
Dont know what other great mountain range could fit the story other than the mid atlantic ridge. I dont see any other sunken ranges in that area.
He passed away a few years ago. You really should splurge and get his book. Here is a link to his website for the first edition of his book. He later changed the name and added more info on why he believed the location to be above Scotland. https://impactsurvivors.com/index.html
In the second edition he talks about the Storegga Slide and two or three other slides that happened in the area of the Faroe Islands. Also he shows certain points on the island map that match the slide area underwater. If they lived there than when they fled it would make sense that they went to Scotland, Netherlands and Norway (and Iceland) because those would be the closest land masses to flee to. In addition, sailors were looking for Atlantis and it would have to be in an obscure place or else it would be easy to find. If it was right outside and south like the Canaries or Azores that would be too easy. If it was where the Faroe Islands are today that would be much more difficult. You have to remember too that we are people of the North (Norse), we weren’t made for a Mediterranean Climate. We originated from the North Pole or thereabouts, so it would make sense that Atlantis was in the North. Frisland is on the old maps as well and WE were known as the FREE people. Free Land- Frisland. The motto of the Faroe Islands even to this day is Vivre Libre Ou Mourir. One more note, if Atlantis was where Plato said, Atlanteans would speak a romance/Latin language NOT a Germanic language. And Plato is an ass hat. His mystery schools were for the rich folk what Christianity was for the masses- both brainwashing programs. It was Nietzsche who said that.
Well I have been enduring a trial – a sojourn – that makes it difficult to collect books. However it will be a book i look forward to studying when this is all over.
I believe Atlantis and atland may be two separate places. Plato may be an asshat, but the descriptions he gives of location and geography just so happen to be startlingly accurate. There is the greatest mountain range in that area (mid atlantic ridge is the largest range in the world), and it turned out there is a continent encompassing the entire ocean west of it (america).
I also see remnants of a world empire in all the pyramid complexes and in the myths from japan to peru to india etc etc. I believe it was destroyed by God for its evil and, perhaps, this is what the story of atlantis is relaying. Perhaps the use of the name atlantis was a dig against our folk because they know we call our old land “atland.”
i am partial to the “not sure” stance as a lot has been hidden from us and i feel as though there is much to learn. Germany was heavily investigating the tarim basin before ww1 broke out. I want true knowledge like they did, like we all do.
But i think we agree on the fact that the OLB gives an account of Fryans specifically, and that we did inhabit a former landmass near the faroes. All the peat bogs and marshes in western europe speak to it as well as i am sure Alwyns book does.
Are you working on a new essay?
Remember too that WE are the civilization builders and even the Aztec Empire spoke of the white man that came and ruled over them- Quetzalcoatl. (And even there they have a myth of Altland- AZTLAN). They, non-Fryans, did then what they always do. First welcome the white man and all the things he brings to make their world more comfortable, and then they turn on him. Just like what is happening today. Is that what happened back then? Because remember there are also STARFORTS all over the world and Starforts are FRYAN. The tower in the middle that they could observe the heavens and have a closer connection to Wralda and their ancestors, surrounded by the citadel behind walls in the shapes of stars. The Statue of Liberty (Burgh Matron Athena) is on a starfort. Many of these star forts appear to be designed for not only safe harbor for ships but as some sort of water harness device for electricity, which the pyramids seem to be as well. Remember the pyramids in Giza were originally surrounded by water. And like Stonehenge, like the Georgia Guidestones (them copying us), like the Starforts, like the pyramids, all are used to observe the stars as well. WE weren’t evil and God didn’t take us out. WE have the laws written within our hearts. It just seems we have many lessons to learn (too trusting, miscegenation, allowing usury) and repeat this cycle.
I’m not working on a new essay yet. I’m finishing up Which Way Western Man? by William Gayley Simpson. It’s a long arduous read. But there are things in there that I want to share that people will find useful and also things in there that people should be wary of. So eventually yeah.
All the best in your sojourn- trials are character builders that make us stronger and more resilient. Preparing us for what lies ahead.
Kat, our people are fully capable of evil. Remember greed, vanity, false equality etc can creep into a person prior to their acting on those urges.
When we imagine ourselves perfect we tend to abandon our inner post and before we know it we are making excuses for ourselves and others.
Even loving intentions can lead us astray if we are misinformed. I have a family member who is great. One of the most nurturing and compassionate women i have ever met. However, once upon a time i was sitting with her having lunch in a park, and along came a shirtless latino covered in tatoos whose gait sold him out as one to be weary of (if not his race obviously). So she calls out t him “hey brother are you hungry?” I was blown away by her lack of perception. Luckily he waved her off as he continued to prowl the area. Even had he been white i would have viewed him the same – gangsta walk and all.
She doesnt believe she has inner darkness to deal with and views others with idealism, and takes zoloft like so many others of our race.
So i just cant get behind crowning our folk at the moment. Too much trauma, false idols and pill popping going on. I believe in a path of course correction before we ever get our reich, and we need heaven’s assistance more than our own knowledge at this point.
Just my opinion though!
Well I never said all Whites were perfect. We had traitors in our midst since the beginning. Odin being one of the most famous traitors, and also Friso, whom the Dutch credit as our first King! What a lark. Friso was just the first Nepotist. Even Nef Tunis and Inka were traitors and those are just the more famous ones. Our people have sold us out to the Magy from way back and do the same to this very day. But, AS A RACE, we were created to keep the morals, to build societies and shape the Earth into an “Eden”. AS A RACE, we are being attacked by that particular Biblical race as well as being attacked by Lyda and Finda. Yes there are dumbed down Whites who want everything to be Kumbaya. And yes there is a small percentage of evil Whites, but AS A RACE, we are good. WE are the ones who aid other countries, with food, water, medical aid, let them into our homes, hell we ADOPT them, my goodness. WE were not EVIL Atlanteans. And the ruin of Atlantis affected Findans, Lydans and that Biblical race JUST THE SAME. Our Earth calamities are a cyclical thing and we will have another reset. That reset affects every living thing on this plane, whether they be good OR evil. God gave us free will. He put His laws in our hearts as well as through His creation- nature- natural law. If we choose to go against His order than we suffer the consequences- He doesn’t watch the show and step in so to speak. If He did I’m sure it would be the Magy that would feel His wrath. But He doesn’t. We all benefit and suffer by our actions on His wheel through free will- FREE WHEEL.
In my opinion~
I simply mean that only God is morally incorruptible. Whatever good comes from us is because of his mercy and guidance. Even Hitler mentioned how God saved him from dying in ww1, and in the OLB a fryan ship is guided to safety by God.
God is stealth, a trickster (for good), a lover, a father. He is many things, which is why our people have such a rich oral tradition about him!
I am glad for his trial because my free will is flawed. Like a backseat driver reminding you that you missed the on ramp and to go back. He DOES interact and he is present, always.
I am not speaking of religion which tells you to do nothing and ask God to tie your shoes for you. Most Christians fail to realize the reality of God. They neglect that he is a spirit. They dont pray for understanding or knowledge as much as they do for salvation, or a house on a lake.
But we live in his light or else we live in the shadow of our enemy. There are literally only 2 paths to walk.
But how many people say “no” to worldly (societal) opportunities in favor of devotion to seeking? Almost none out of 100s of miilions of whites. So even though we are his, the majority dont seem to remember or care.
I put no faith in our race, because as we can see our folk are easily deceived, en masse, by whoever wields power and influence.
For example, if i was a prominent individual with a website and a following, many would agree with almost everything i say, just as they hang on every word of that one that you and i both know is a knave.
But for the veracity of truth itself, very few people care. God’s people are correct when they see past the glamour to the heart of truth.
So millions of our folk are incorrect, and despite their goodness they do evil.
I hope you dont view my response as anything but thoughtful. The topic of God, above all other topics, is the fountainhead of our oral tradition. I do take your thoughts to heart Kat.
The wind moves the water, so to speak 😉