Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Flat Earth Decoded (Part 7) North Pole, Eden and the Atlantis Connection

In this PART SEVEN here I will show what I see as connections between Noah’s Ark, Atlantis and EDEN.

You’ll remember from my earlier parts that the North is encoded with evidence of EDEN throughout.

With such things as EDINburgh, swEDEN, EDENmark (Denmark) to name a few.

I also found a book in German called Der Nordpol Als Volkerheimat, which means The North Pole Is Our Homeland. And you KNOW I’ve always felt that the North Pole IS the location of EDEN. That we started FROM there and went outwards. (That is basically the premise of my whole Flat Earth series.)

Alas I could only find it written in German, so all the more I need to get through my Duolingo lessons so I can read it for myself! For any German readers out there, it would be wonderful if you could read this book and give us a summary.

And how the SOUTH is encoded with the opposite of EDEN. With such things as MAORI, MOAI, MAUI and LEMURIA all standing for MARY.

From Atlantis, Edda and the Bible, it also tells us that, “

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So in India we have a Mary connection as well.

When we know to get to the Father there is only one way, and that is through Jesus Christ, NOT Mary.

John 14:6 ~ Jesus said unto him, I am that Way, and that Truth, and that Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (Geneva Bible)

And you will also remember that the Arctic is in the CENTER of this plane with God’s seat directly above at the one IMMOVABLE star, the North Star.

Notice how it is the CENTER point, jut like on our clock, with the hour and minute hands centered there and rotating around. God has made a perfect creation for us to live in. It is designed like a Swiss watch.

And our ancestors knew about the NORTH STAR and that is WHY we top our Christmas tree with a Star, the NORTH Star.

So no, I don’t find anything wrong with the Christmas tree. The strings of lights that we wrap around the tree represent the stars and the main star is the North Star at the top. The tree represents Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, Christ in symbolic form. It is also the tree in the CENTER, known at the magnetic mountain. Did our ancestors KNOW we would one day forget the truth about our world and so use this lovely symbol to help us remember lest we forget?

Let’s see what it says in Atlantis, Edda and the Bible about the Christmas tree.

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And in Germany the tradition is to adorn the tree with Angels.

What are angels? Angles and the Saxons. Anglo-Saxon.

Angles are white. Angels are white people with the true spirit of God within them.

So the Arctic is synonymous with Christ and ANTarctica, or the ANTI-Arctic, would be as far away from Christ as you can get. It would be the Anti-Christ realm.

ANTI-Arctic~ ANTI-Christ

Samuel Rowbotham’s Zetetic Astronomy: Earth is Not a Globe told of how Antarctica was a treacherous place. That the farther south a ship would sail the rougher the seas, the stronger the wind.

We know the home of the WHITE race is around the CENTER, nearest to Christ, the Arctic. And the FARTHER out we go the DARKER the races are.

Yes God even color codes His creation.

So let’s go through some basic premises.

1) The White Race is the Builder Race

From Part 6 we saw that the White Race is the Builder race and their civilizations of the past were either overrun or fell into ruin because of miscegenation WITH the Darker Races.

We know this to be true in Haiti for a more current example,

but in the past this is also what happened to the ancient Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations. If you remember from Part 6, Gabi Plumm talked about the Ngati Hotu people, who were white, fleeing from these civilizations. With the whites gone, they eventually went into ruin.

(And with the Aztec empire in particular, we have an interesting connection that we will share here shortly.)

The WHITE race are the ones who have built ALL the ancient civilizations in the world.


That would INCLUDE the city of Enoch which Cain built when he got the boot from his parents.

Before, I thought Cain was the son of the Devil mating with Eve, traditional Dual Seed-Line thinking, but I do NOT agree with that line of thinking any longer. Cain was in FACT the son of ADAM and Eve and was an Adamite. So he was PART of the Builder race. But we will go into this on a separate presentation. I don’t want to go too far off on a tangent here. Just know that ALL advanced civilizations were built by the WHITE race and if the WHITE race were genocided off the face of the earth this world would fall into chaos and ruin.

2) There was a “World Flood” Story in Almost All Ancient Myths, Not Just in the Bible

Let’s look at a few of the myths so we can put the Bible’s Flood story in a proper perspective.


The Hopi Indian say that “Tawa destroyed the Third World in a great flood. Before the destruction, Spider Grandmother sealed the more righteous people into hollow reeds which were used as boats. On arrival on a small piece of dry land, the people saw nothing around them but more water, even after planting a large bamboo shoot, climbing to the top, and looking about. Spider Woman then told the people to make boats out of more reeds, and using island “stepping-stones” along the way, the people sailed east until they arrived on the mountainous coasts of the FOURTH World.”

This FOURTH world thing is interesting too and we’ll bring it up later.


In Hawaiian Mythology,  Nu’u was a man who built an ark with which he escaped a Great Flood. He landed his vessel on top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island. Nu’u mistakenly attributed his safety to the moon, and made sacrifices to it. Kane, (Cain) the creator god, descended to earth on a rainbow and explained Nu’u’s mistake.


The Haida Gwaii people of Canada actually have a story passed down through their generations that talk about their people being in Lemuria (Hawaii) when a flood came and they had to flee. (Notice how similar Haida Gawaii is to Hawaii.)

Apparently now I live on one of the remaining mountain tops of this continent. Not a very assuring thought!


The Orowignarak Eskimo people say that, “A great inundation, together with an earthquake, swept the land so rapidly that only a few people escaped in their skin canoes to the tops of the highest mountains.”


In Mesoamerican myth a variety of reasons are given for the occurrence of the flood: either the world was simply very old and needed to be renewed; the humans had neglected their duty to adore the gods; or they were punished for a transgression (cannibalism, for example). The flood myth was but one of several destructions of the creation — usually the first of three or FOUR CATACLYSMIC EVENTS, although there is some evidence that the Aztecs considered the flood to be the fourth.

(Remember the Hopi said this is the FOURTH world too.)


In the Kalevala rune entitled “Haava” (The Wound, section 8),[1] Väinämöinen attempts a heroic feat that results in a gushing wound, the blood from which covers the entire earth. This deluge is not emphasized in the Kalevala version redacted by Elias Lönnrot, but the global quality of the flood is evident in original variants of the rune. In one variant collected in Northern Ostrobothnia in 1803/04, the rune tells:

The blood came forth like a flood
the gore ran like a river:
there was no hummock
and no high mountain
that was not flooded
all from Väinämöinen’s toe from the holy hero’s knee.


Dwyfan and Dwyfach, in Welsh mythology, were the equivalents of Noah or Deucalion who take their names from small rivers, as told in a flood legend from the Welsh Triads.[1] A great flood was caused by the monster Afanc, who dwelt in Llyn Llion (possibly Bala Lake).[1] All humans were drowned except Dwyfan and Dwyfach, who escaped in a mastless boat. They built an imposing ship (or ark) called Nefyd Naf Neifion, on which they carried two of every living kind.[1] From Dwyfan and Dwyfach all of the island of Prydain (Britain) was repeopled.[1]


And even Plato wrote extensively on the Great Flood in the form of the sinking of Atlantis.

“Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years which have elapsed since the time of which I am speaking; and during all of this time and through so many changes, there has never been any considerable accumulation of the soil coming down from the mountains, as in other places, but the earth has fallen away all round and sunk out of sight. (Remember that.)
The consequence is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left.”
Plato’s Critias (111b)[1]

So with all these Flood Myths all over this earthly plane, in fact there are at least 70 of these stories regarding a WORLD-WIDE FLOOD, there has to be some truth behind them.

The traditional Bible story tells that in the story of Noah’s Flood the whole EARTH was covered. That means EVERY bit of land. But from the stories we just heard we know there were survivors that weren’t on the ark and we know that there were high places, like mountains, that were NOT covered.

Now let’s look at an opposing argument put forth by both Bertrand Comparet and Charles A. Weisman that Noah’s Flood was actually a LOCAL FLOOD.

Now I admire both Comparet and Weisman’s work. They were both brilliant Christian Identity teachers. And I even did a presentation on Comparet’s version of the Flood story that you can still find on my Bitchute channel. But with new evidence my thoughts on it have changed.

Since their accounts are almost identical we will just look at Comparet’s version here to save time and then I will share MY current thoughts on the Flood.

The Ark, lit on the inside and waiting for the flood.

Comparet writes, “Part of this mistaken idea about the flood is due to the many mistranslations found in the commonly used King James Bible. Part of it appears plainly to be false. Let’s have a look at it.

In Genesis chapter 6, we read that Yahweh found the people so corrupt He regretted He had ever created them, so He decided to wipe them out by a flood. He warned righteous Noah of the coming flood and told Noah to build a great boat, or ark, in which he and his family might find safety and where they might preserve a few of each kind of the animals from that area. Genesis chapter 7 tells how Noah received the final warning that the time was now at hand and he should move into the ark.

Then it says, according to the King James Bible:

“And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the waters. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered.

Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl and of cattle, and of beast and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; and every man. And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. And Yahweh remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark; and Yahweh made a wind to pass over the earth and the water assuaged. And the waters returned from off the earth continually and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. And the ark rested, in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.”

First let’s see what the translators have done to what Moses originally wrote. Remember the King James Bible says that the rain was upon the earth and the waters increased greatly upon the earth and all flesh died that moved upon the earth.

Definitely not!

Remember that in Genesis 4:14, when Yahweh has driven Cain away in punishment for his murder of Abel, the King James Bible quotes Cain as saying, “Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth.” So what did Cain do, climb into his rocket ship and take off for outer space? Of course not!! He was not driven from the face of the earth, and he never said so, only the translators said so.

When we come to Genesis chapter 7 where it is talking about the flood, wherever it says the flood covered the earth, the Hebrew word used in the original writing by Moses was eh-rets, meaning the land. The flood did cover the particular land where it occurred. It was a local flood which covered one particular region or land, not the whole earth.

Notice that it specifies, “Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.” In ancient times two different lengths of the cubit were in use. The sacred cubit of 25 inches and the common cubit of 20-5/8th which translates to 25 feet 9 inches or 31 feet 3 inches according to which cubit you use. If this meant that all the mountains on earth were covered, the waters would have to cover Mount Everest, which is nearly six miles high. Therefore, all the earth would be covered by water six miles deep. In that case, where could it have run off to when the flood subsided? No, I don’t mean that the Bible was that badly mistaken, only the translators made this mistake. The translators took the Hebrew word eh-rets, which means “that land” and mistranslated it to mean the whole world. A little later, we shall look over the evidence which proves where that land was. 

If the whole earth was covered by six miles of water, then all nations must have been completely exterminated. However Babylonian, Egyptian and Chinese history runs right through this period without a break. The Bible gives the date of the flood as commencing in 2345 B.C. and ending in 2344 B.C.. In lower Sumer, later called Chaldea, which occupied the same Plains of Shinar to which Noah’s family journeyed after the flood, the city of Ur of the Chaldees was the leading city from about 2400 B.C. until about 2285 B.C.. Its history is not broken by any flood in this period.

Accurate history of China begins nearly 3000 B.C. The Shu King historic record of China, shows that King Yao came to the throne in 2356 B.C., 11 years before the start of Noah’s flood, and ruled China for many years after the flood. During the reign of Yao, the Shu King reports that the Hwang Ho river, which drains the mountains and a great basin in Sinkiang province, had excessive floods for three generations. Here again, there was no break in history. The Chinese nation was not wiped out. Its own records show it continued in existence right through the period of Noah’s flood.

Therefore, the Bible is correct in stating the flood covered only eh-rets, that land. The translators are wrong when they change the meaning of what Moses really wrote in Genesis chapter 7, and say the flood covered all the earth.

This leaves us ready to inquire where the flood did occur. For this, we will have to start with Adam and Eve and trace where they and their descendants went. They started out in the garden of Eden. Genesis 2:10-14 tells us that a river went out of Eden and this river divided into four streams. It names these four rivers, Pison and Gihon, neither of which can be identified among the rivers existing today, and Hiddekel, which is the ancient name of the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. The Tigris and Euphrates rise in what is today extreme southeastern Turkey, a little north of modern Iraq. Making some allowances for the fact that many rivers have changed their courses considerably in the passing of several thousand years, this still placed the garden of Eden at the northern end of ancient Akkad.

When Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden of Eden, Genesis 3:24 tells us Yahweh placed cherubim with a flaming sword at the east side of the garden of Eden, to keep Adam and Eve from returning and having access to the tree of life. If this guard was to accomplish anything, it must have been placed between Adam and the garden of Eden. So we see that Adam and Eve were driven out to the east. From Eden, Adam’s course would naturally have led him across northern Iran, around the southern end of the Caspian Sea, into what was formerly called Chinese Turkistan and today is known as Sinkiang province in the extreme west of China.

In the southern part of Sinkiang there is a great basin, rimmed by high mountains on all sides, with an outlet on the eastern end of it, through the mountains where the headwaters of the Hwang-Ho river, also known as the Yellow river, rises. This basin is nearly all desert today, but it bears evidence of a fertile and heavily inhabited past. Explorers have found ruins of ancient cities, uncovered by the drifting sands of the desert. Also the known geological structure shows, in ancient times at least, beneath this desert lay enormous underground natural reservoirs, caverns filled with water. It is the same geological structure which furnishes artesian well water in many parts of the world today.

These underground reservoirs were covered by waterproof layers of rock, which kept the waters beneath from overflowing out on the land surface above them. In this mountain rimmed basin, then a fertile and well populated land, Adam and Eve, or at least their descendants of a few generations later, settled.

You who study these lessons, already know that Adam was not the first man. He was only the first man of the present white race. Adam and Eve found this land to which they had come already populated by an Asiatic people, among whom they had to live. Through the following generations, the inevitable happened. Wherever there is integration, intermarriages and mongrelization of the races follows. If Yahweh had no purposes in mind which could not be properly served by the Asiatic and negro races, there would have been no reason for Him to create Adam. Neither could the purposes which Adam and his descendants were intended to serve be fulfilled by a mongrelized race. The consequences of this mongrelization are described in Genesis 6:5. “And Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” We find the word there mistranslated earth is the Hebrew word eh-rats, which only means the land, that particular land. There is a reason for using this Hebrew word. This was the place where integration and mongrelization had taken place, with its degenerative effects as compared to the qualities possessed by each race separately.

We find confirmation of this in the reason why Yahweh spared Noah. In Genesis 6:9, the King James Bible tells us Noah was perfect in his generations, a meaningless phrase. When anything in the King James Bible fails to make good sense, it is a sign that you should go behind the mistranslation and see what the words were in the original Hebrew or Greek. The word here translated generations was the Hebrew word to-lad-aw, which means ancestry. Noah was perfect in his ancestry, a pure bred, not a mongrel.

Noah and his family were the last remaining pure blooded Adamites in the world. Therefore, Yahweh needed to save them to carry out the purposes He had planned for the Adamic people. The mongrelized people among whom Noah and his family lived must be removed, or they would be a trap which would eventually lead to the complete end of the pure blooded Adamites.

Now to add on Comparet’s thoughts, Charles A. Weisman believed the Garden of Eden was located on the Pamir Plateau in Northern India, very near where Comparet speculated Adam and Eve went to when they were kicked out.

Weisman also makes some great points about the different types of animals and their zoological zones. Weisman is a big proponent of looking at God’s WORKS as well as His WORD and this makes total sense.

How can ALL animals be brought onto the Ark? Polar bears, kangaroos endemic to Australia? Elephants?

Here is a Quokka. A nocturnal marsupial endemic to Australia. Polly want a Quokka?

And if they travel too far out of their zoological zones, zones in which they were created for, they would go extinct.

And if by some miracle Noah was able to collect them all, then what? After the flood he traveled back to every country on earth and redistributed them? See how this makes no sense? Some are made for deserts, some forests, some tropics, some the frigid north.

So which makes more sense? A world-wide flood as per the traditional Bible version? Or a local flood as Comparet and Weisman believe? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle as the evidence shows? What if some continents DID sink, some waters DID rise in surrounding lands, but NOT over the whole earth? That could make the all the flood stories true, including Noah’s.

AND what if Weisman and Comparet were wrong about the LOCATION of Noah’s particular flood?

3) There is Evidence of Ancient Civilizations All Over this Earth that have been Destroyed by Catastrophic Events

So along with all these Epic Flood Stories we have evidence of ancient civilizations all over the world that have been destroyed in cataclysmic events. Such structures as the Pyramids, where we see evidence of water damage on the base of them,

and Star Forts that are now used for little villages, but at one time had a different purpose.

Bourtange, Netherlands

And whole cities found in the shallows of the Mediterranean. Such as the Turkish island of Kekova, which was submerged by an earthquake in the second century AD. (Remember Plato talking about Atlantis sinking?) Historical records are somewhat sketchy, but it appears that the island was a prominent place during the Byzantine era. 

And Atlit Yam, which lies a half a mile off of the coast of Israel. It is so completely preserved that human skeletons lie undisturbed in their graves, and its stone circle, similar to Stone Hedge, remains standing.

Atlit Yam is one of the earliest sunken cities known to man. There are large houses with stone floors, fireplaces, and even wells. The site was buried for around 9,000 years until quarrying in the area exposed some of the remains in 1984.

I did a Google search on the etymology of the word ATLIT and it says, “Atlit has no historical reference before the modern era. The local Arabs used the name in recent times. The only etymological resemblance is the Phoenician name Athalia, the notorious Judean queen. The philologists could consider the name as derived from Athal – strong, mighty.” But I speculate here it actually has a connection with Atlantis. ATLIT~ ATLANTIS

And evidence of cities destroyed on land in places like Baalbek in Lebanon

and Tiwanaku and Pumapunku in Bolivia.

Remember the Hopi and their FOUR Worlds? And the South American belief we are in the FOURTH world as well? That all these civilizations were destroyed during one of these previous cataclysmic stages.

Are we getting close to another cataclysmic event?

Mayan Popul Vuh- Fourth World

Now Lemuria always goes hand-in-hand with stories about Atlantis and ITS sinking.

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And the timing couldn’t be more perfect when I learned about this book from my friend Shaiah. It’s called Atlantis, Edda and the Bible and in it, it talks about the sinking of both continents around the same time.

Notice the author dedicates his book to the FATHER land, NOT the Mother Land.

And I found the forward to the book to be quite interesting. This author is awake. I don’t know if he is fully awake to Christian Identity, but he is certainly awake to who the hats are NOT.

And in it, Wieland mentions Lemuria saying,”

From the book it is said that Atlantis was located in between the Americas, and Europe and Africa. It went as far north as the Arctic Circle and all the way down to the Canary Islands.

Did you know the Atlantic is a SHALLOW ocean? Could this be because this land mass of Atlantis collapsed causing the ocean floor to rise?

Charles A. Weisman talks about this area in India where he believes Eden to be, called the Pamir Plateau. And that he thinks the people believed back then that this was the CENTER Of civilization. But that does NOT ring true for me. We know that civilization back then, in the time of the Israelites, centered around the Mediterranean, around Ancient Rome. And they didn’t even mention Africa, the Americas, or gave the Orient much thought. And this place is very inhospitable. It is very cold, high up plateaus, with only mud and rock as landscape. Hardly a place that could have been an Eden.

Pamir Plateau

But there IS a place that could have been Eden, the NORTH Pole. As Georg Beidenkapp stated in his book. And if we look to the maps of Mercator

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Gerardus Mercator’s Map

and Urbano Monte, we see that again there are FOUR islands, with FOUR in-drawing seas, which could be the FOUR rivers of Eden. So although Comparet and Weisman put these rivers in India, there really isn’t any hard evidence that this is the location.

We notice that of the FOUR islands, THREE of the islands are circumvented with high mountains and only the island facing Europe is without this mountainous rim. So it would be logical that this island is where Adam and Eve left the garden from and headed down into Europe.

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North Pole in the center of Urbano Monte’s Map

They could have kept travelling from there until they got to Atlantis, which had a temperate climate at that time.

From Atlantis, Edda and the Bible we read how these four rivers flowed down and nourished the lands of Atlantis:

And if the new land where Adam and Eve made their home was Atlantis, then when Cain was kicked out, he went EAST of EDEN to the area of ancient Palestine. To me that makes much more sense than Cain going to India.

Genesis 4:16 ~ Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod toward the East side of Eden. (Geneva Bible Version)

Looking at Weisman’s version, or Comparet’s, if they were in the Tarim Basin, or this plateau, they would then have to have traveled WEST to Palestine and we have no record of that. Wouldn’t that be an important part of the story? Added to the Bible? But we DO have a Flood story of Ancient Atlantis sinking and Noah could have also gone EAST from there to Palestine.

Wouldn’t it make more sense that God knew Atlantis was going to sink and told Noah, the only family that was still pure, to build an ark and to put all the unique animals of Atlantis into it to save them along with the white race? Now the story makes much more sense. That God didn’t want to lose all these unique species.

So they didn’t have to save ALL the animals on Earth, just the ones endemic to this continent.

Doesn’t it make much more sense that Noah was on an ISLAND that God was going to SINK, then him being in a BASIN where the water was going to RISE? If he was in a Basin he could just flee from the basin up to the mountains. But if he was on an ISLAND it would be much harder for people to escape. And it would be much clearer what people lived there and what their lifestyles were ie. miscegenation.

And we do have Tales of Atlantis sinking, but we have no stories for the Tarim Basin. Wouldn’t we have some from there? From people nearby at least telling the tale of what happened? Atlantis was famous but the Tarim Basin was non-existent in ancient lore.

Where Atlantis was is a deep rift, a deep trench in the ocean, called the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

Notice how the ridge goes all the up to and around Iceland, all the way to the North Pole.

It reminds me of a scab when we skin our knees. Like the earth had a boo boo here and was healing itself.

Atlantic ~ Atlantis

And more on the name from Atlantis, Edda and the Bible where it states that, “

And further Wieland states, “

So we see an INCA connection here…

And here is the AZTEC connection that I mentioned we would discuss from earlier, “

And the Canary islands still have active volcanoes on it. They seem to be the mountain tops of the continent like Hawaii is of Lemuria.

So when we look at modern maps we see where the North Pole (Eden) COULD have sunk as well.

So let’s see if we have other evidence of sinking.

Static in the Attic shows some great footage of the ISLAND of California just off the west coast and how IT is now gone. What we know of as California, was actually called New Albion. There was a huge island just off shore that is now under the waves.

On the map it says here, “This California was in times past thought to have been a part of the continent and so made in all maps but by further discoveries was found to be an island long 1700 leagues.

Static overlay-ed the Mercator projection onto the map that shows the island of California and we can see some interesting results. Not only did the island of California “disappear” but so did other land masses, especially along the coastal areas and island chains in the Caribbean.

One of his commentators mentioned her father as told by an old man that earth changes in the recent past caused mountain chains to be formed by earth being pushed over to Arkansas from Texas.

(I was going to leave a ink to Static’s vid but it looks like he removed it off of YouTube.)

We have more evidence in the Frisian Oera Linda book.

From the Wiki we read, “The Oera Linda Book, known in Old Frisian as Thet Oera Linda Bok, came to light in 1867 when Cornelis Over de Linden (1811–1874) handed the manuscript, which he claimed to have inherited from his grandfather, via his aunt, over to Eelco Verwijs (1830–1880), the provincial librarian of Friesland, for translation and publication. Verwijs rejected the manuscript, but in 1872 Jan Gerhardus Ottema (1804–1879), a prominent member of the Frisian Society for History and Culture, published a Dutch translation. Ottema believed it to be written in authentic Old Frisian. The book was subsequently translated into English by William Sandbach in 1876, and published by Trübner & Co. of London.”

In it, it talks about a time when the land violently rose and came smashing down on the land and in the lakes. Killing many people and destroying many villages.


We read, “

And later in the book, more mention of that time, “

Just to the north of Frisia was the land called the Doggerlands that also sank into the sea.

From the Wiki, “Doggerland was an area of land, now submerged beneath the southern North Sea, that connected Britain to continental Europe. It was flooded by rising sea levels around 6500–6200 BC. Geological surveys have suggested that it stretched from where Britain’s east coast now is to the present-day Netherlands, western coast of Germany, and peninsula of Jutland.[1] It was probably a rich habitat with human habitation in the Mesolithic period,[2] although rising sea levels gradually reduced it to low-lying islands before its final submergence, possibly following a tsunami caused by the Storegga Slide.[3]

The archaeological potential of the area was first identified in the early 20th century, and interest intensified in 1931 when a fishing trawler operating east of the Wash dragged up a barbed antler point that was subsequently dated to a time when the area was tundra. Vessels have dragged up remains of mammothslions and other animals, and a few prehistoric tools and weapons.”

Also in the Oera Linda book it talks about how Alexander the Great would sail his ships from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea to get to India. And so would the ancient Frisian sailors. But there was an earthquake that made the land RISE there and blocked that access.

Alexander, to show how great he was, had thousands of men with elephants drag his ships across the now shallow inlet to the Mediterranean. In modern times they build the Suez Canal to obtain access once again.

Going back to Weisman’s claim of Eden being in the CENTER. If we look to the Oera Linda book, we see that Ai and Edda (Adam and Eve) are located in the CENTER per THIS drawing.

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And in Atlantis, Edda and the Bible it states, “

And the Garden of Atlantis are also described here, “

In the Oera Linda, throughout the book Atlantis is mentioned. To the Frisians it was common knowledge that there WAS an Atlantis and that their people were the survivors. We read, “

Now let’s go back and have a closer look at the picture of Ai and Edda in the Garden of Eden. We see Christ looking on from the RIGHT. Notice the red with white spots in the background. With Adam and Eve holding the “fruits” of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Notice the tree is in the CENTER with a ring around it. Adam and Eve are IN the ring, in this Earth plane.

Ai und Edda

Again the RING made of a red background with white spots, just like on the Urbano Monte map in the CENTER.

And we know that the North Pole is where Santa is supposed to be. Remember the 2012 Christmas movie called Arthur Christmas? Notice what (King) Arthur wrapped the Polar Bear in. Just like the red circle with white spots…

Remember that the constellation Arthur is directly above the North Pole and has the star POLARIS (Polar Bear) in it. This Arthur Christmas and the Polar Bear wrapped in red with white spots is cleverly disguising this fact.

Notice how Arthur is build here, he has brown shoes like soil, his legs are like a tree trunk, and his sweater is green with lights all over it. His head has a big read nose like a tree topper. He is the Christmas tree in disguise.

The red circle with the white spots… listen to what Terrence McKenna says about this, “Consider for a moment Santa Claus. Santa Claus is the master of the elves.  The elves make toys for the children in their vast underground toy shops. And where are these toy shops? At the North Pole. And at the North Pole is the Axis Mundi, Yggdrasil, the World Ash, the center of the Mandala. What are the colors of Santa Claus? Red and white. The colors of the Amanita Muscaria. What animal is titular to Santa? The reindeer. The reindeer are central to the Amanita Muscaria Cult because reindeer eat the mushroom and then excrete the urine. This is thought a cleaner, easier way to take the mushroom. Amanita flavored snow. Santa Claus rides in the center of our culture.”

The Axis Mundi, Yggdrasil, the World Ash, the CENTER of the Mandala,” he says.

The center of the Mandala… which looks an awful lot like our four islands with indrawing seas at the North Pole.

Urbano Monte created his map in 1587, out of Milan, Italy. He lived from August 16, 1544 to May 15, 1613.

Urbano’s last name MONTE, is Italian for “mountain”, with his first name Urbano, meaning “elegant”. So Urbano Monte means “Elegant Mountain”. And being a mapmaker, the most significant and elegant mountain would be the mountain in the middle, where Monte’s focal point of HIS map is located, at Mount Meru, at the North Pole.

So I would say that Urbano Monte is code for the mountain in the middle of our plane.

And Monte lived around the same time as his German-Flemish counterpart Gerardus Mercator. Mercator lived from March 5, 1512 to December 2, 1594.

What is Mercator hiding in plain sight here? Do you see it? He’s hiding MOUNT MERU on his hat! The mountain is ON his head. Hidden in plain sight.


What about his sleeves? They look like two mountains as well. Two pillars, with the middle pillar being the Urbano Monte.

So it seems that at least as early as the 1500’s the North Pole and its significance has been hidden from us.

A couple of other interesting finds in the Atlantis, Edda and the Bible. We read, “

So in Mecca are they actually worshiping the stone that caused the destruction of Eden?

And the author of Atlantis, Edda and the Bible is most definitely a ball earther because he talks about planets and space. And then he mentions a moon that used to be in Earth’s orbit that came crashing down to Earth and THUS causing the flooding of Lemuria and Atlantis. But if you read this last part you will see he actually gives proof of a Flat Earth view. He writes, “

So a quick recap, we found that the white race IS the builder race. World flood stories are in almost ALL cultures, so not just specific to the white race’s Bible, and that many ancient civilizations, made by whites, have been discovered that have been wiped out by natural catastrophes. So this leads us to the natural conclusion that Atlantis WAS real, and WAS inhabited by the WHITE race, and was consequently destroyed by God because of their miscegenation with other races. And that the WHITE race had to start over through the seed-line of Noah. And it appears we could be in this SAME situation again today. With miscegenation running rampant, our white nations once again being flooded by alien races, a dwindling amount of pure Adamites, what will God do this time?

Here is the YouTube version:

And here is the Bitchute version:

Posted in: Flat Earth

5 responses on “Flat Earth Decoded (Part 7) North Pole, Eden and the Atlantis Connection

  1. Eric jenkins

    You should start a usergroup of analysts to share comparative aggregating of the truth in and between Etymology, history, geography, art history (lots hidden in there), philology, theology etc………..
    I just found your videos today. Great work. You are a blessing to your kind. people like you need to visit the old libraries of the world with a group of technicians to on-site scan and archive (without redaction) those tomes that haven’t been found by the destroyers. Semi-permanent archival and sharing (duplication) is a must if we are to find the truth. One place is the secret underground of the Los Angeles library. Cheers be well and may truth find you.

  2. Bekihope

    Actually, if you watch weather around the world there are floods happening. I have to give credit to the EMPCOE people for educating me on Plasma and the pending electo magnetic change over event. It was nice of Rosette to provide reference to the mid Atlantic ridge that scientifically illustrates growth patterns like tree rings of the flat earth plane, which is a record of the many cateclysms affecting Earth. Through studies in the patterns it has been decided that we are overdue for a major cateclysm. If you are a prepper you may want to live at a higher elevation. I have a tendancy to see the dome as a hologram, however due to historical artifacts like the Vajra can admit to the biblical waters above scenario as well as blue sky red sky turnover to a
    new age. See Brian Austin Lambert and Primer Fields. Also knowing that 3 plasma recycling plants, one in UK, 2 in India operating at 10,000 degrees, turns refuse into rock. What we are looking at is the cateclysm will expand the earth, and turn
    everything it touches into stone. Remember people at Gomorrah being turned into pillars of salt? The Bible is truly a mixed bag of information. Finding truth though, is what might lead us to the Tree of Life. Worth the journey!!

  3. Paul

    I definitely enjoy your work on the flat earth and ancient history to tie it all together but I just watched this video (part 7) and you make it seem during and mostly at the end that white people are the only chosen people. Are you suggesting black and brown people aren’t worthy of Jesus’ love or that they won’t get to heaven? Some clarification would be nice.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Keep reading/watching through the series. I have a different view on everything today. My vids will explain it best.

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