So if you’ve been watching my presentations you would know by now that there are two seedlines here on Earth. There is the Seed of the Woman and there is the Seed of the Serpent.
This plays out in the sky, just like it does on Earth.
We saw this with Arthur being in the constellation that includes the North Star, Yahweh’s throne. Remember Arthur and his twelve knights (nights), are representative of Jesus and his twelve disciples.
And with the story of Noah’s Ark or the ZOO DE ARK, known as the Zodiac in the heavens above.
Well the battle between the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent is depicted in the sky too.
The Seed of the Woman would be Ophiuchus which simply means “he that holds the snake”. Ophiuchus is holding Serpens, which is the Seed of the Serpent. So this age old battle, the battle from the very beginning between good and evil is being played out in the constellations above us as well. Truly puts a new spin on the phrase “as above so below” doesn’t it?
The Seed of Yahweh and the Seed of the Devil.
Genesis 3:15~ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
We know Yahweh is the Creator and the Devil is the Destroyer. So it would be logical to conclude that Yahweh’s seed would be creators (with a little c), taking after their Father, and the Devil’s seed would be destroyers, taking after THEIR father.
In Part Five we saw the connections to particular cities, islands and whole countries that represent the Seed of Yahweh, the creators.
In places like Edinburgh, Scotland…
the Faroe Islands…
and even Sweden, to give a few examples.
In this part we will take a look at some other islands, other places on this Flat Earth plane that represent the other seed, the Seed of the Serpent, the destroyers.
But first let’s see what happened to the creators when they first migrated from ancient Palestine.
They fled both NorthWEST and NorthEAST. Part Five basically showed proof, through language and symbolism, of the Israelites migration to the Northwest and so in this part we are addressing the Northeast.
The ones that fled Northeast went to what is known today as Iran, as well as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and its neighbor India.
Notice India is an imperfect anagram for Diana, which is the Goddess of the Moon.
Notice Diana has a Crescent Moon on her head and she’s holding a bow, she is an Archer.
Diana is synonymous with Mary. So while Diana has the Moon on her head, Mary is always associated with the Moon as well. She is standing on the Crescent Moon.
Now Mary/Diana is not bad of course, on the contrary, BUT the Seed of the Serpent usurps Mary for themselves. They worship the Mother instead of the Father, Yahweh. So even in the country’s name, India, we see this connection.
And Buddha was a white man. He had blue eyes.
If we look to the people of India today, we see lighter skinned Indians in the North and darker skinned Indians in the Southern regions.
Also in India they have a caste system. The caste at the top are the Brahmins, or the priest class, and these consisted at one time of the Aryans. Aryan means fair and noble. These fair and noble people were the ancient Israelites.
But you can see from this photo of Brahmin’s in 1913 that they aren’t White anymore.
There are still remnants of this White race in paintings…
like here…
and here…
And in the blood of lighter skinned Indians, and some small remnants that still resemble the white Adamite of today, but the majority have disappeared. Where did they go? We can surmise that they either died out from disease, ailments or infertility, miscegenation, or even possibly genocide.
Or they could have fled.
Persia has a similar story with Whites living there until they too were either assimilated, killed off or had to flee.
In Gabbi Plum’s documentary, New Zealand~ Skeletons in the Cupboard- The Redheads, on the Ancient inhabitants of New Zealand, we surprisingly find some clues.
And I just wanted to mention briefly that YouTube actually pulled this lady’s brilliant work for “deceptive practices and misleading content”! Can you believe that crap? Says who??? Even if you don’t agree with Gabbi’s work you should be alarmed at the infringement of her free speech. YouTube is now just a mouthpiece for the Joo World Order agenda.
Here is a link to her website:
So back to Gabbi’s work, we learn of a group of people, a family, that are some of the last known members of the Ngati Hotu people. Monica Matamua tells of the stories that were handed down in her family of the history of her people. Of where they came from. And she even did a DNA test to prove it.
Now you are probably asking what does the Ngati Hotu people have to do with the Israelites and the Mary connection? Well as we can see from Monica’s blonde hair and green eyes, she carries European (aka Israelite) DNA.
And we will see the Mary connection shortly.
Monica tells us her family was originally from Persia.
Now Persia was the land of the Aryans, who were the Seed of the Woman who fled their Assyrian captivity. In more modern times the people of this land changed the name of their country to Iran (Aryan) to reflect this fact.
But at one point in their ancient past her people had to flee for their lives and so fled by sea and sailed south west, down and around the Cape of Good Hope, and kept on sailing until they reached the land that we know today as Central America.
It is here they came in contact with the local Indians and formed three civilizations known as the Aztec, Maya and Inca.
Notice how similar MAYA is to MARY. And remember they traveled from the area close to INDIA that is DIANA, which is also MARY.
Inca is an anagram of CAIN. BUT that is the name of the NATIVES NOT the name of the Whites that were there. I would say the Israelites NAMED the people they came in contact with. That they knew that they were apart from them. That they were the Seed of the Woman and the people they came in contact with were the Seed of the Serpent.
In their legends and stories there was the tale of the White god, Quetzalcoatl, that came in ships over the ocean and landed on their shores.
With him he brought knowledge to build their temples, aqueducts, and irrigation systems, plumbing and tools to observe and chart the stars.
Some speculate that QUETZALCOATL was of the Tribe of Cain. But after much thought I have come to a different opinion. Cain is of the Seed of the Serpent, hence the destroyers, NOT the creators, NOT the builders. The only city Cain built would be the one when he was first banished by Adam and Eve. Ever since I believe ALL the building of civilization’s in the world were done by the creators, Seed of the Woman. And so that is why the people, the Israelites came in contact with, were named after Cain’s tribe.
The Whites were peaceful and wise people that got killed off by the jealous natives.
This is actual Inca pictographs from a cave in Peru. It clearly shows dark natives sacrificing a White man.
And here, a White man being sacrificed, and painted red to show he is ruddy like Adam. Cain, cannibals (Cainibals) worshipped Cain. Ritual sacrifice just like the Joos do to this day.
Remember the Joos trace their bloodline through the MOTHER, not the FATHER.
And Simon of Trent is a notable White child sacrifice perpetrated by the Jews.
So the red paint to show ruddy like Adam was also a technique used by the Egyptians in their pictographs as well.
And the White man sacrificed, just like in Haiti.
Haiti used to be a beautiful place, with green plantations, food in abundance, a nice leisurely life for its inhabitants.
But once the White man was killed off, and they burned all the crops, and destroyed all the buildings, they turned Haiti into a hell on earth. They have never been able to recover. Go to Haiti now and it’s worse than most third world countries.
And apparently just like what happened to the Aryans in Persia and in India. Not only does Monica relay the story, but it comes up in the Maori tradition as well.
Maori tradition tells us that their ancestors in times long past away, 165 generations ago, migrated from a hot country named India.
And that the cause of this exodus was a disastrous war with a dark skinned folk in which great numbers were slain. Are we seeing a pattern yet?
The builders BUILD the civilizations, but eventually the native people are not satisfied with living under them, they want to be them or kill them. This is what has happened all over the world. And once the Seed of the Woman is killed off, that area is in decline. They cannot keep up the civilization made by the White man, and it eventually falls into ruin.
This is what happened to the Aztec, Maya and Inca civilizations.
Whites that were fortunate enough to flee and escape the ritual killings, sailed first to Easter Island, and some, from there, kept going all the way to New Zealand.
Nothing new under the sun right? We can see the same thing happening in the recent past. With the Dutch escaping religious persecution and fleeing to South Africa. They built up this civilization. Before the Boer, this vast land was all desert. With the Boers clearing the land and implementing farming equipment and techniques in just a few short years turned this once wasteland into a veritable cornucopia.
But now they are facing ritual slaughter as well.
Australia is the same way. Before the white man, Aborigines, who lived on the land for hundreds if not thousands of years, did absolutely nothing to harness and improve the land. While the White man in less than a hundred years time tamed the desert and made it into a first world country.
And a ton of immigrants are flooding this country. So many so that the Whites will inevitably be either assimilated or annihilated.
So Monica’s family had to flee a second time from persecution, and so sailed to Rapanui, also known as Easter Island.
Now Easter is the holiday associated with Ishtar and fertility. Ishtar is synonymous with the Mother or Mary.
So we have India or Diana, the Maya or the Mary, and now Easter or Ishtar. All connected to MOTHER worship as opposed to the FATHER.
Notice the flag of Easter Island, or Mary Island, is in the shape of a Crescent Moon, and on each end look to be two “men in the moon” doing a shaka or devil’s horn hand sign.
Here is a girl in the Solomon Islands wearing the reimiro, the same object depicted on the Easter Island flag. Notice it looks like a Crescent Moon.
Rapa Nui was the original name for the island. Rapa Nui or Rapa Nuit in French. Nuit means night. Night island, when the moon reigns.
Marge Piercy tells us in her famous poem, “The Moon is Always Female.”
And the moon is always Mary.
Now if we travel Northwest from Easter Island we come to Hawaiki or Hawaii as it is commonly known today. Now many have speculated that Hawaii is the only portion of land that remained above water of a much larger landmass known as Lemuria.
And Lemuria covered much of the Pacific Ocean bordered by the islands that make up the ring of fire. So Easter Island would be on the EASTERn portion of this ancient continent.
The Bible talks about the four corners of the Earth and if we look on a Flat Earth map we see only three corners above water. It does make sense that Lemuria, or Mu for short could have existed out there.
Now let’s look at this name Lemuria. We are told that it comes from the animal called the Lemur.
It would be completely illogical to name islands in the Pacific after animals that are endemic to an island thousands of miles away in the Indian Ocean. There is always one story for the Profane (the general public) and the true story for the Adepts (Masons).
When in reality I believe Lemuria was named for Mary. Le Muria is La Maria or “the Mary”. THAT is the true origin of the name.
So we have ANOTHER Mary connection.
Now if we go back to Hawaii we find some interesting connections.
If we look to the Wiki it tells us that, “The Hawaiian language word Hawaiʻi is very similar to Proto-Polynesian Sawaiki, with the reconstructed meaning “homeland”. Cognates of Hawaiʻi are found in other Polynesian languages, including Maori (Hawaiki), Rarotongan (Avaiki) and Samoan (Savai’i)”. And according to linguists Pukui and Elbert, “Elsewhere in Polynesia, Hawaiʻi or a cognate is the name of the UNDERWORLD or of the ancestral home, but in Hawaii, the name has no meaning“.
Now Hawaii is a beautiful place and often called the Paradise Isles, so this connection to the underworld is quite confusing. That is unless you see the connection with Mother worship. Everything would be the opposite right? So they worship the Mother and the Moon and it is associated with the Night, just like Rapa Nuit, and so would be associated with the Underworld as well.
You will remember from Part Five and the lands of the North and how they are associated with Eden and the Father. Well if we look up the original named for Great Britain, which is Albion, we find an interesting bit of information.
We find that Albion is the name of the UPPERWORLD. It may derive from the Proto-Indo-European root *albho-, meaning “white” (cf. Latin albus). This is perhaps in reference to the white southern shores of the island, though Celtic linguist Xavier Delamarre argued that it originally meant “the world above, the visible world”, in opposition to “the world below”, i.e., the underworld.
So in Lemuria they worshiped the Mother and their land was the underworld, and in Albion they worshiped the Father and their land was the upperworld.
Now in Hawaiian the name for Man is KANE or CAIN. Tribe of Cain. Remember the Inca’s share this name. Inca~Cain.
And the most populated of the Hawaiian Islands is called Oahu. Which shares and interesting connection to both Easter Island and New Zealand.
Oahu is an anagram for Ohau, which is a Lake in New Zealand. Notice too if you take the O off of the front you get AHU, which is the name of the giant statues on Easter Island!
Now Hawaii, New Zealand and Easter Island are connected by another word as well. The Hawaiian Island known as Maui is very similar to the name for the natives of New Zealand called the Moari, which is very similar to the name for the natives of Easter Island, which is the Moai.
And they are all phonetically similar too? You guessed it, MARY.
We know Walt Disney was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he loved to hide truth in his movies. Recently Disney produced the animated movie called Moana. And we can see here Maui sticking out his tongue.
Just like the Maori of New Zealand like to do.
The sticking out of the tongues would be against the Father.
Isaiah 57:4, “Against whom do ye sport yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? Are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood?”
We know who runs Hollywood and who their god is. So they have their actors draw out their tongues as well.
Jason Mamoa …
And James Charles, who is the face of male cosmetics…
So Monica’s people, the Ngati Hotu, made it all the way to New Zealand. They were there even before the Maori. The Maori say so in their legends. But certain groups, that represent the Seed of the Serpent, are trying to wipe out this information. Monica had to go before a tribunal and testify that her people were still here! The tribunal claimed they were extinct!
Monica’s people were almost wiped out by the Maori’s. Just as her people were almost wiped out by the Incas. And just as her people were almost wiped out by the Persians.
Before we leave New Zealand what can you see in ITS name? Zealand. Z Land. Alpha to Zed, A to Z or Alpha to the Omega. Zea Land is Omega Land. Omega is symbolized by the Moon. So we have another connection to Mary here.
And remember the MOTHER lodge in Part Five? The Mason’s and their MOTHER lodge in Edinburgh?
Well guess what their oldest lodge is called? Mary’s Chapel.
And we can see Mary’s connection here with the Star of David. And with 18, which is 6 plus 6 plus 6 or 666. And the 93 at the bottom is for Crowley’s Thelema- Do As Thou Will Is the Whole of the Law. And yes, I know 1893 is the year it was built, BUT they always have a hidden meaning as well.
So we see how the Seed of the Serpent has its corruptive element in Scotland, Alba, the land of the upperworld as well.
If we go back to the Pacific we see we have traveled to Lemuria’s Eastern edge at Easter Island, to its northernmost point in Hawaii, to its southernmost point in New Zealand, and now if we travel to its western edge we come upon the Philippines and find more connections.
We know that a few hundred years ago missionaries came to the Philippines and spread Catholicism among the people. Catholics are Mary worshipers. They believe they can get to the Father through Mary. They pray to Mary when it says right in the Bible that the only way to get to the Father is through Jesus Christ.
John 14:6~ Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
There is also a big Muslim population in the Philippines. They are called the
Moro people. Look how similar Moro is to Maori, and to Moai, and to Maya. And we see that it is an anagram of Moor.
And from the Wiki we read, “the word Moro itself was a pseudonym which had been used before the 16th century by Spanish colonizers in reference to a Muslim group of “Moors”, which originating from “Mauru”, a Latin word that referred to the inhabitants of the ancient ROMAN province of Mauritania in northwest Africa.”
So Mauritania is all the way over here on the map.
But it’s name is so close to Mauritius which is right next to that island of Madagascar that we mentioned earlier.
And what do we see in the root word of both MAURI-tania and MAURI-tius? Why MARY of course!
So we have a connection with the Moro’s of the Philippines with the Mauru’s of Africa and the Mauru’s of the Indian Ocean.
And because of this big Muslim population in the southern provinces of Mindanao wanting to be represented in the Philippine flag, there have been numerous proposals to add a crescent moon into the flag, including one such proposal from former President Fidel V. Ramos. A crescent moon, again would represent Mary.
So are we seeing the Mary connections? Are we also seeing the patterns of the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent, creators and destroyers on our plane?
Did you notice something else regarding Mary and the Moon? How about how close Moor is to Moon?
So the name Moro comes from the term Moors. And the Moors refer primarily to the Muslims of the Maghreb, which is Northwest Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, known today as Spain, Sicily, which is Southern Italy, and and the island of Malta. The name was later also applied to Arabs.
Now although Israel isn’t considered a Muslim country, the Israelis DO worship the same god. One of their high up Rabbis even admitted it. That they have the same god. Judaism and Islam BOTH worship the MOTHER.
Rabbi Mintz admits that the Muslims worship the SAME god as the Jews. “They (the Muslims) use the word Allakat, which is, we use that word all the time. WE have the same gods as the Arabs, we believe, we have the same god. So it’s a paradox. The Christians believe in the…trinity…you know the…whatever that’s supposed to mean, but part of it is their god, the J-C we call him. But…ah.. that is not our belief at all. We’re not allowed to believe in anything like that. We’re in better terms with the Christians than the Arabs, generally speaking. But we have in common, we have the same god. As a matter-of-fact, Mosha, Rabbi Feinstein, one of the greatest Rabbis of this generation, he said, ‘Allah, that’s the Arab’s god, and it’s the same god we have!’ But a lot of them I feel are embarrassed by it.”
So all these countries are MOTHER worshipers basically. There are more but we can see here they all have the Crescent MOON (MOOR) and Venus (MARY) on their flags. Algeria, Azerbajian, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, and Tunisia to name a few.
And what does MAURU from Mauritania remind you of? What else is that phonetically similar to? How about MERU as in MOUNT MERU in the middle of our Earth Plane.
They even show Mount Meru in the movie Moana.
Are they hiding truth in plane site?
So have I made a compelling argument for Mary worship, MOTHER worship, hidden all over our Earth through language and symbolism?
Which are in the lands of the SOUTH, whereas the lands of the NORTH are symbolic of the FATHER.
1 Thessalonians 5:31~ Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
In Part Seven I’d like to take a closer look at the Flood Myths told around the world and my take on them.
Take care, Yahweh bless.
Here is a link to where you can watch Gabi Plumm’s documentary- New Zealand Skeletons in the Cupboard:
Here is the YouTube link:
And here is the Bitchute link:
Interesting points you have made. I agree that the white race must be preserved, but I see no problem in other races existing in their terrotiry, I dont consider them as being inferior. The main problem I see in them is their addictive behavior in regards to sex. Men are divine energy generators, and thanks to celibacy procedures they were able to improve some societies. Are the Norses not that well developed in regards to the other advancements ? I dont see them as being that much evolved, with their culture of war. What do you think about them ? Werent the Romans superior to Norse tribes ? I consider the Nords as being equivalent to Indigenous people from other lands.
What do you think about the mongoloid race ? Are they considered white or what ? I believe that may have happened some kind of adaptation to mankind and that the serpent seed runs through the blood of many, not only non white. Everything is corrupted.
Hello Rosetta, I loss contact with yourself and everyone else on Discord. I was concerned something bad may have happened to yourself and family. I missed the fellowship with my kindred family while listening to the true gospel- since Yahweh’s Truth, discontinued (pastor Wickstrom). I pray that you and your loved ones are safely away from Hawaii.
Jerry Luebke
Hi Jerry,
You are still welcomed in our little group. Come back any time.
Take care and all the best,