A topic Sean and I are very much aware of and felt now is a good time to discuss. So we will show you how there is a theme running through these events and the only way for that to happen is if they are all connected. Is if they are all planned. Is if they are all staged. Remember all the world’s a stage and we are merely players.
The important thing is to know what team you are on.
Notice the W3 here. Turn the W one click to the left and you have your 33.
So let us look at some events.

Aurora- Colorado
The theater shooting in AURORA, Colorado on July 20, 2012, while the new Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises is playing.
Notice that Aurora is the name for the Roman GodDESS of the Dawn when the sun is RISING. So both are “rising”, the town and the movie.

The Dark Knight RISES (Aurora), or the dark NIGHT rises. Lucifer rules over the night, he is the moon, as opposed to the SON, who is the SUN. So if the dark “knight” rises, it means Lucifer rising.

We have Christian BALE or Christian BAAL show up with his wife to give his movie even more publicity. Notice in between the white lilies are WHITE roses.

helLO KItty on her shirt. LOKI is Lucifer. And the kitty is doing the one eye. Also a kitty is a pussy cat, so you have the Vagina again. Notice the little girl is also wearing the Hello Kitty.

Holding the one WHITE ROSE. We’ll see who else holds the One White Rose in a second.

Doing the one eye. Notice the boy’s shirt. The DIAMOND and “life” showing. Diamond is 33 in numerology. LUCY (Lucifer) in the Sky with Diamonds. Diamond life, living like Lucifer.

Diamond always reminds me of the Jewish actor, Dustin Diamond, from Saved by the Bell and his porno called Saved by the Smell. (And NO I didn’t watch it.) Diamond life… (Jews are behind the porn industry.)

The JOKER, James Holmes used a Glock 22. And orange is 33 in numerology so he dyes his hair orange for that Masonic connection.

So the Dark Knight’s Joker doesn’t have orange hair, it’s kind of a yellow green, but it is kind of crazy looking. Kind of like a FOOL.

Which is the 22 card in the Tarot Deck. Glock 22 and the FOOL.
The Fool is both the O and the 22, beginnings and endings, Alpha and Omega. To become like God. He’s holding the one WHITE rose like the previous girl.
And we can’t help to notice he looks very trans here.
Is that Ghost from Game of Thrones?
And yes, if that is a Dire Wolf than the dude would be a Giant or Nephilim.
And O is also for OMEGA.

A wolf in Sheep’s clothing.

Remember Genesis 3:22 ~ The MAN has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

Boston- Massachusetts
The Boston Bombing’s Dzohkar, (JOKER) became a MONSTER- on the cover of Rolling STONE. Note that Boston Bombing is BB and BB is 22. Notice he is doing the one eye on the Rolling Stone cover, showing his MOON eye.

MONSTER, what Lady Gaga loves to call her fans. Notice her doing the V here. V is 22. And she has the death rune on her LEFT arm.

Note that MONSTER is 666 on the energy drink.

Like Christian Bale the year before, the Jewish actor Bradley Cooper pays a visit to a bombing “victim”.

Just before the release of Stephen Spielberg’s movie American Sniper that Cooper stars in. Notice this Spielberg look alike. Now this isn’t Spielberg, but they made sure this guy that looks like him was on SET so people would subconsciously think of Spielberg and his new movie.

And so just like Bale, Cooper and the Spielberg look alike are promoting movies, Game of Thrones is promoting Starbucks. Not for one second do I believe this was accidental! Do you know how many hours each frame, each nano second is scrutinized in each episode? There is not a chance in hell that they didn’t know that cup was there.
And remember this episode is called THE LONG NIGHT, similar to THE DARK KNIGHT rises.

So that cup was there because like Aurora, Starbuck’s represents the Goddess. She represents Columbia which is the feminine aspect of Lucifer. And who is the cup associated with? Dany of course, associating HER with Columbia.

Where the masculine aspect is Abaxas, another form of Lucifer.

Columbine- Colorado
Columbine for Columbia, which is another name for Isis. Isis, Osiris and Horus is the “as below” trinity, mirroring the “as above” of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost basically. We worship Yahweh, the Father, so they worship the opposite the “Mother”. Remember the Jew’s bloodline goes through the MOTHER.
Remember the Goddess Aurora? Now we have the Goddess Columbia.
The MONSTERS Next Door. So we have MONSTERS again.

MONSTERS or MOONsters. MONSTERS is 33 in numerology.

Another name for Columbia is Isis. And Isis stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service and we know the Mason’s call themselves “The Widow’s Sons”. The Widow is Isis, the “son” is Horus and they are the ones that want to reign in the Age of Horus- a New Age for a New MAN.
They are all about the MAN.

We can’t help to notice in this screenshot that we have 11:9 or 9:11, and the 22 again, and now we ALSO have the 88. The 88 is the number for CHAOS.

Columbine took place on April 20, 1999. April 20 being Hitler’s birthday. So doing this mass ritual against Yahweh’s people, the white race. And 1999 being the inversion of their 666.
“At Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, two teens went on a shooting spree on April 20, 1999, “killing” 13 people and wounding more than 20 others before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. “
“Killed” 13 and wounded 20, 13 plus 20 is 33. And we know 33 is the favorite number of the Masons.
Why? Many reasons, but the PRIMARY reason is because they killed Christ at age 33 and they are really proud of that. They think, through all these rituals, through force of WILL, that they can kill Christ again, in His Second Coming.

They “killed” 13 which is the DEATH card in the Tarot deck…
Notice the WHITE rose on the Death card.

Remember the WHITE rose in the Aurora shootings?

As shown in The Highlander. (See on the far right back?)

And the WHITE horse death rides,

as shown in Game of Thrones, the Bells. Or the BAALS. And this episode does portray the Apocalypse.

We showed that this is to relish in their burning of Dresden. What they would like to do to the white race as a whole. Remember THEY are the Tares and their fate is burning in the eternal fire, NOT ours.

Similar to Avengers END GAME. Notice all these GAMES. GAME of Thrones, Hunger GAMES, End GAME.

And the 13 plus themselves, totals 15, which is the DEVIL Tarot card.

“At approximately 11:19 a.m., Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, dressed in trench coats, began shooting fellow students outside Columbine High School…”
So they make fun of this on The Family Guy. Notice he has Skull and Bones on his shirt, where we showed the connection above.

Klebold was born on 9/11. And he was Jewish through his father’s mother.

Good LUCK, Columbine. LUCK is short for LUCKifer- Lucfier.

So we have another celebrity associated with a shooting event. This time it’s Marilyn Manson. MM for 33 and we have MASON in Manson. And we have the MAN in MANson.
They use MAN as opposed to SON. Jesus is known as the SON of Man. So Christians use “son” at the end of names, such as Johnson, Peterson, Paulson, Davidson etc. The Jews like to use “man” instead. Like KidMAN, JackMAN, GoldMAN etc. This isn’t 100% of course, but it comes up an awful lot in the symbolism.
MANson appears to have both, but remember Pike’s Morals and Dogma, where he puts Yahweh on the right and Lucifer on the left, making them equals. So MANson is another way of doing that.
So is Christian Bale, side by side, so making them equals in his name.
Notice how much taller kidMAN is than her husband. And a “kid” is a Goat. So she is a GOATman which would be a Baphomet. They are all in masonic black and white.

“The Double Cross Marilyn Manson Dildo and Bag” went on the market last fall, with the description that it was a “soft, lifelike Marilyn Manson dildo and velvet double cross logo bag for easy and discreet storage.” However, the Manson dildo was quite popular at Kelly’s birthday bash.
So the Double Cross, is similar to the Mason’s Janus, or the Hidden Hand, one face for the public, another TRUE face behind the scenes. A double cross means you get someone’s trust and then you backstab them.
And of course the Dildo, and for males, is to normalize sodomy. They ARE the Sodomites. That is why they suck the head of a baby’s penis when he is getting circumsized.
Celebrating Machinegunkelly’s birthday on April 22. Notice the V again. And remember V is 22.

Virginia Tech- Blacksburg
Virginia Tech shooting happened on April 16, 2007, with a total of 33 “killed”.
Virginia Tech so we have the VIRGIN or the Goddess again, just like Aurora, Columbia, or Isis.
Notice the BRICKwork behind him. Showing a connection to Freemasonry, along with the 33.

And BLACKSBURG is 33 in numerology as well.

Stoneman- Florida
STONEMAN Douglas High School, otherwise known as the PARKLAND shooting. A STONEman is a Mason. And we have the MAN again.

This “event” happened on Valentines Day, also known as Lupercalia, a pagan cleansing holiday or purim. Notice the wolf symbolism. A wolf in sheep’s clothing would be similar to Tares among the Wheat.

Like in WESTWorld living in the Park,

WE are in the Park and THEY are the Parkers, the rulers of the Park. And Parker is 33 in numerology.

We are in ParkLAND. Notice we have Sheriff ISRAEL. And the shooter’s name is Nikolas CRUZ. Cruz is Cross in Spanish.

Charleston- South Carolina
Church shooting, which happens at the SAME TIME The Kingsman is released in theaters that has a SOUTHERN Church shooting in it.
Dylann Roof doing the sticking out of the tongue.
Isaiah 57:4 ~ Against whom do ye sport yourselves? Against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? Are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood?

MANners Maketh MAN. We have the MAN and the MM alliteration for 333.

Look how similar the SOUTH Carolina Church looks to the SOUTH Glade Church in the movie.

“America is Doomed”. Predictive programming?
Here’s the brochure Harry Hart is given. Remember HH is 88 in numerology, the number of Chaos.
Jokela- Finland
School shooting on November 7, 2007 where 9 were “killed” and 13 wounded. 9 plus 13 is 22.
11/7 would be 77 and 77 is the number for Lucifer/Satan.
And the shooter, named Pekka-Eric Auvinen, was 18 years-old. So with the 18 we get 6 plus 6 plus 6 or 666.

Aleister Crowley also had an affinity for 777.

Notice the 777 in the shadow to the right, here in a scene from Wayward Pines.
We can’t help but notice the town Jokela, has JOKE in it. Are we seeing a pattern yet? JOKEla-or La Joke- the JOKER, but La being a feminine aspect again.

Alviina AlametsƤ was in a history and society class on the morning of the shooting. She had just turned 15, and like many teenagers, wasnāt particularly interested to learn about the Finnish political system.
So we see the 15, for the Devil card.
Also we can’t help to notice that Alviina looks more like an Alvin.

Another agenda they have been pushing lately, trying to FOOL us into thinking males are females and females are males. Alvin is similar to Lyra McKee, another transgender.
Notice the EE at the end of McKee. Make the E’s go the other direction and they turn into 3’s. Another way to hide the 33 symbolism.
Also we have the 77 here that we showed previously. And the V is hanging out between them. So the V is not only for Vagina, or Virgin, or Isis, or Columbia, but we know it is also V for Victory.
And the V is in purple because its a combination of the red, right, and blue, left, making the purple V Baphomet.
LIE ra, one big LIE, is looking to his LEFT. Left is the SINister path, the path of Crowley, the path of the Anti-Christ.

Nice- France
V of Victory. And the Goddess of Victory is Nike. And THAT is why they had another faux event staged in Nice, France. Pronounce the “c” in Nice with a hard “c” sound and you get NIKE.
Does she look stressed to you?

Reminds me of the dude with his legs blown off. No fear, no pain in his facial expression. In fact, it kinda looks like, this is neat! Acting is fun!

And we can’t forget that other shooting in France that happened to have BAT in the title, Bataclan. BATaclan, BATMAN.
The blood makes a big heart on the floor.

And this guy apparently has blood on his shirt with no blood on his arms or visible wounds.

So here’s Alvin again…
And from the Wiki, “The shooting changed many aspects of Finnish society. Firearms regulations were tightened considerably in the following years with little public push-back, even though an estimated 12% of Finns own a gun, and gun ownership and hunting is considered a way of life for many. The way that police train to deal with mass shooting incidents has also changed, as has systems to deal with mental health for students.”

San Bruno- California
So the Finnish Alvin reminds me of this YouTube shooter that is supposed to be a girl. Nasim Aghdam opened fire on YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California, on April 3, 2018. Opened fire on three, but she was the only one that died.
“The shooting was a rare example of an active shooter incident committed solely by a woman; a 2014 FBI study reported that women perpetrated just six out of 160 active shooter incidents in the United States between 2000 and 2013.” But we know she was a he.

No real woman has muscles like this.

And here he picks out the Jewish star for his background.

Kauhajoki- Finland
Now besides Jokela in 2007 we had another shooting in Finland in KauhaJOKI. Another JOKE on us.
Hi! Don’t mind me! I’m just another paid crisis actor. Yep I’m 22 years old. Not surprised? I “killed” eleven and injured eleven. Yep that pesky 22 again. Hail victory! Hail the Joker!

So because of these faux shooting events, the guns laws were changed in Finland, making it much harder to own a gun. So only the criminals have them. Remember the Glock 22 was used in the Aurora shootings and here we have the .22 LR Walthier P22 for this gunman.’
And here was have 15 shootings, again because 15 is the Devil card.

Dunblane- Scotland
We had a school shooting in Scotland as well. This one in DUNBLANE or DUMB LAME on March 13 1996, where 18 were “killed’ including the gunman. 1996, we have the 666. And 18 total would also be the 666.
The Daily MIRROR. The Mirror is like the Janus in Masonry, public face, true private face.

We can see one WHITE rose for each victim. Sixteen “killed”.

Which is the Tower or CHAOS card, ORDO AB CHAO. And 16 is 8 plus 8 or 88.

Remember the 88 at Columbine?

Used in movies, such as Cabin in the Woods,
which was a movie about killing whites and releasing Lucifer from the pit. And they just blocked this vid on my YouTube channel even though its been up for months and even though I didn’t use any actual film footage.

And this faux event also affected the gun laws in Scotland, just like the US, France, and just like Finland.
“Public debate about the killings centred on gun control laws, including public petitions calling for a ban on private ownership of handguns and an official inquiry, which produced the 1996 Cullen Reports.[2] In response to this debate, two new Firearms Acts were passed, which outlawed private ownership of most handguns in Great Britain.”

Christchurch- New Zealand
Remember we had Sheriff ISRAEL in the Parkland shooting? And now we have CHRISTchurch in the New Zealand Shooting.
Brenton Tarrant~ TARE-ant doing the 666 OMEGA hand sign. Notice he is in between to POLICE men. POLICE is 33. And both are doing the Masonic Hidden Hand. They are the pillars Jachin and Boaz and the shooter is the the combined central pillar in the middle with the Lucifer hand sign.

In addition that 666 hand sign that we know is associated with the Devil and the Anti-Christ, they are NOW trying to say its a symbol used by WHITES! My goodness! Talk about inverted!

Sean saw it recently in THIS news story!
“The Chicago Cubs have banned a fan indefinitely from Wrigley Field for making an alleged racist gesture. The incident took place while former Cubs player Doug Glanville, who is black, was working as an on-field reporter during Chicago’s 5-2 win over the Miami Marlins on Tuesday. Cameras picked up the fan making a gesture behind Glanville’s back.
The Cubs concluded the gesture was “more likely than not” racist in nature and issued a ban. Fans watching the Tuesday night broadcast first noticed the thumb-and-forefinger ‘OK’ hand gesture that has become associated with white supremacy.Cubs president Theo Epstein (A JEW) said the incident was “truly disgusting” and told reporters on Wednesday the person would “never be welcome back to Wrigley Field”.”

And in this one we have another obvious transgender, New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.

Port Arthur- Australia
With another crazy gunman that looks like a Joker.
Martin Bryant, another shooter with ORANGE hair. Again, Orange for 33.

35 “killed” and 23 wounded. One mentally retarded guy kills 35 and wounds 23? Really? It’s laughable.
Notice one of his victims here, blood on a pillow but no blood on the victim. Where the victim is laying her head there is no blood.

And this one also took away guns from Australian citizens, directly after this event.

Oslo- Norway
From the Wiki, “The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli)[14] or as 22/7,[15] were two sequential lone wolf domestic terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp, in which 77 people were killed.”
So we have both the 22 and the 77 again. And the WOLF symbolism.
Anders Breivik, who they say is a far-right extremist doing the far-left Communist fist.

The white rose…

They don’t look too concerned with this “victim”. The guy in front is actually smiling.

So we have the US, Scotland, France, Finland, Norway, Australia and New Zealand, ALL with handy gun legislation waiting in the wings, and implemented, once these convenient “attacks” took place. Notice they are all WHITE countries and the “attackers” are all WHITE, except for the YouTuber.

And yes there are MANY other shootings we could talk about but I think you’ve gotten the gist of it here. The primary takeaway here is that the Mason’s are involved, the Jews created Freemasonry and they rule it at the top of the Masonic pyramid. That all these faux shootings are to take away our guns. They want to take away our guns because they want to wipe out the WHITE race so they can reign in their anti-Christ. This is their Great Work. The capping of their Masonic pyramid. So they have us pay for our own destruction.

BUT I just have to point out that Yahweh only needs one, that He told us this would happen and if we just have faith in Him, He will separate the Wheat (white) and Tares in due time.

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