So by now, if you follow my work, you know very well that the Seed of the Serpent LOVE to hide their dastardly deeds in symbolism and in language, and in such places as the news. We know the news really isn’t even the news anymore. After the decrease in regulatory oversight the news doesn’t even have to be accurate and factual anymore. Fox news really is Faux news.

Remember this fake news coverage on CNN of the Iraq war in the ’90’s? They were supposed to be in the field but you can tell they are actually on a set pretending to be on the live battlefield.
“When you mix fiction and news, you diminish the distinction between truth and fiction, and you wear down the audience’s own discriminating power to judge.”
–Bill Moyers

Before that the Evening News was what kept Americans grounded. We had a good sense of what was going on in the world by watching it. People like Walter Kronkite were fatherly figures that we could trust.
But not anymore.

Notice the word NEWS has all four cardinal directions in it. N-E-W-S North East West South. A News CASTER. He casts spells on you no matter what corner of the earth you are in.

And we know the Black Cube of Saturn box that the public watches day in and day out is the TeLIEvison and the shows on it are actually called PROGRAMS.

And we know the movies are used on multiple fronts against us. First they have us pay for our programming with expensive tickets, just like they have us pay for our poisoning in products like toothpaste.

And then they fill the screen with whatever agenda that needs to be pushed at the time. They have the actors sipping a Coke or driving the latest Cadillac Denali or pushing products like they did in Season 3 of Stranger Things. Here pushing The Gap and JCPenney’s.

I mean really? They had a whole scene with Max and Eleven shopping at The Gap JUST to push Gap shit on us!

And in the season finale they run from the Mind Flayer into The Gap! Eleven says, “We can escape to the Gap!”
I can’t help to think the use of “the gap” is for the Ginnungagap, or the Gap for short. From the Wiki, ” In Norse mythology, Ginnungagap (“gaping abyss”, “yawning void”) is the primordial void, mentioned in the Gylfaginning, the Eddaic text recording Norse cosmogony.” Basically the place between Heaven (Asgard) and Hell (Hel) known as Earth (Midgard).

And here in the latest Netflix movie called Murder Mystery with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, the Jew. ( Notice the width of Jennifer’s shoulders compared to her hips.)
Murder Mystery, the stacking of the M’s here for 33.

Here pushing Allegra over Claritin.

Oh look! Allegra is the better deal. Fifty cents less and four more doses! But we know NEITHER is good for us. Pharmajewdacles are just legalized drug pushers.

And don’t forget your Amazon gift card Adam Sandler! Remember Amazon is code for A MASON. Is Adam one? The “a” with the arrow below it going to the left reminds me of this…

The Hillary logo and all its variations. Trying to move the “a”, the Alpha, the RIGHT, to the left, Left hand path, their path, path of Lucifer.

And they push the transgender agenda by using actors that are male to female and also female to male. Jennifer Aniston is most likely a male to female.

As is Millie BOBBIE Brown. With the MALE middle name here. Notice she is doing the one eye and the sticking out of the tongue. Her LEFT arm is on her hip too, to give the appearance of hips.
Notice the VMA. You have the female V on the right and the male A alpha on the left. The male should be on the right and the female on the left, but they invert. And if you put them together you have the Star of David. The M in the Middle is for Masonic TV. And it’s in purple- the blending of the blue-female and the red-male.
And notice their iconic logo of the AstroNOT below it.

“The Eagle has landed”. The Masonic eagle- or the Phoenix. In The Minions they told us it was “staged in Hollywood basement”.
As did The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Notice their name- they are RED HOT at the same time as being CHILI or cold. Combining the hot-red with the cold-blue making PURPLE.
Masonic black and white. Kali, V hand sign, Hook em Horns and the bird. Basically “Do as thou Will is the whole of the law” here.
Anthony is also showing he’s a “spotted one”.
James 1:27 (KJV) Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Hand on her LEFT hip again. Cinched tight at the waist to give an appearance of having a waist. Bluebird below here LEFT shoulder. Brice Taylor, in her book called Thanks for the Memories, talks about how the handler would control the slave by placing his hand on her LEFT shoulder. Project Bluebird came before MK Ultra programming. She does play a character that goes through such a program in Stranger Things.

Remember many of these families are generational Satanists and were brought up this way. It is a sickness, just like pedophilia is. But they want US to catch their sickness as well.
Here we have Desmond Amazing aka Lactacia. Really Lactacia? Is Desmond lactating? If you watch the video I posted on The Born Gay Hoax it will open your eyes to how this is NOT innocent fun. These kids ARE molested. It is a sickness that they carry to other kids.

Transsexual acceptance is a pedophile’s wet dream.
Precisely here! They are trying to normalize pedophilia. They are trying to normalize gender dysphoria. Basically flipping the world Yahweh created on it’s head. Turning the “as above” into the “as below”.

They also push miscegenation through the movies and advertising as well. How many times have we heard the Orwellian doublespeak of Diversity is our Strength?
Is Diversity our Strength when we completely break up the family? By breaking us up completely by country, ethnicity, race, culture, and even sexual orientation? This little girl doesn’t look happy. And for a good reason!
The Benetton symbol looks like a guy holding two crosses or the “double cross”.

Uniting us all under the New World Order. But it doesn’t stop here with races CO-EXISTING. They want the complete MELDING of us into one mongrel race.

Playing with balls? Mixing it up! Miscegenation and mixed races! Go!

And here with the “West” and “East” sharing a Coke. Pushing Islam onto the West. Mixing it up.

Just like JewTube is doing. Watch my presentation called 10 Reasons Why Islam and Judaism are of the Same Seed to see more on this. Notice he is putting his LEFT hand over his heart. And he is wearing a skull cap, just like the Jew.
1 Corinthians 11:4~ Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

Here with a mixed race man Colin Kaepernick, half black and half Jewish. They like that combo. Notice the “stupid” white man who still stands for the National anthem. All staged. With the black dude looking up at the white dude like, “shaking my head!”

And half black and half Jewish like Lenny Kravitz. Here doing the one eye, his moon eye, in homage to his god Lucifer.

Amazing! Colin got CITIZEN of the year for putting down his own country! They want us to HATE America. To dismantle America. Hey how about getting the EFF out then Colin? I hope everyone can see they are destroying America from the inside out.

So they have these idiots burning flags in front of the White House on the 4th to promote this. They have MAGA people fighting them. So silly. It shows the Hegelian at play. Both sides are completely CONtrolled. You could follow the Communist left or you can follow the Jewish Trumptard right. It really doesn’t make a difference to them.

Here’s Copper NICK, as in Satan, doing the Communist fist salute. Notice they make sure to get the Nike symbol in behind him. (Colin you should be doing that fist pump with your LEFT hand.)

Nike- goddess of Victory. Just do it, “Do as thou will is the whole of the law.” And Venus raising her LEFT hand in salute to Lucifer. Venus is a combination of Vagina and Penis- hence Venus.

“There is no wrong way to be a Woman.” Haha Cause a woman she ain’t.

Spell Caster with Semen Yeah! Definitely a male here posing as a female.

So in our face with those manly biceps and SEMEN across the front of his chest. Just do it!

In addition, they push the big bad Nazi theme as of late. The big bad white male. Enemy number one.

They are now extending that to the big bad White RACE as a whole. And if we mention that we even notice this we are considered racist. I’m SO sick and tired of hearing that phrase, “you a racist!” NO. I am a realist. I see what is happening in the world to MY people and the only way to do something about it is to wake my fellow whites up so they SEE this problem too.
The Jew and the Black Man. Are we surprised? And most American blacks are actually part Jewish. BlacKKKlansman, where they infiltrate hate. Doing the one eye symbolism here and we have the Masonic pyramid. “The Movie we Need Now.” Why now? Because they are getting close to their end game.

So we has the half black and the half Jew again, the Black IN the Jew. (Or the Jew IN the black. Take your pick.)

I want to move up the Masonic ladder y’all!

If they can’t lynch you they’ll steal your bodies! Here they have the crazy white folk in Get Out. So white folk are either stupid, crazy or evil. Or all three at once.

I watched the movie Midsommar yesterday (*SPOILER ALERT*) and I can tell you they are so pushing the evil white people meme here! First let me tell you an observation I made before the movie even started. In ALL of the ads and all of the movie previews, there were predominantly black people! All of them! They are supposedly less than 13% of the population but somehow they are now THE people to see on the silver screen.

The writer of Midsommar is Ari Aster, a Jew. Notice his masonic hand sign and “shadow”. The shadow being a form of mirroring. Used to symbolize the two headed Janus.

And Ari is very short.
Let’s take a closer look at his name. Ari is an anagram for Air and Aster means Star. So who is the Air Star? Well we know Lucifer is also called the Prince of the Air(waves) and that he is the Falling Star. So I would say that Ari Aster is another name for Lucifer.

And in one of the scenes before they leave for their trip while in Christian’s apartment you will clearly see on the table a book about Nazi’s. So subconsciously we are to make the connection the people they will be visiting are evil like Nazi’s. This is to perpetuate the propaganda that Hitler and the Nazi’s were Pagan, when in truth Hitler was Christian and the National Socialist movement was a Christian movement.

They do have the “intellectual” black man, and the non-white couple from London (replacement migration) in the film that meet their end by the evil white people. And yes, white people get killed too, the main one being Dani’s (Tribe of Dan) boyfriend named CHRISTIAN.

BUT, they make sure that Christian, THE CHRISTIAN, gets sacrificed in the end. He’s the main event. Ari probably had some good laughs and high fives with his fellow tribesmen on that one. The movie would have ended much better with Christian making an escape and with nail biting suspense, just barely pulling it off rescuing Dani, making a run for it in the truck, and driving out of that crazy place. But no, the whole purpose of the flick is to make the WHITES look evil and at the same time to sacrifice a Christian.

And I know this presentation is supposed to be about the music industry and I’m going the long way in getting there, but I do have a point to make here. My point is that if it is so apparent in the news, in sports, in advertising, in the movies, that they are pushing this programming on us, so why wouldn’t they ALSO push it on us in music? We will show you that they do and have been doing it for quite some time.

Here is Mylie Cyrus with Robin Thicke performing at the 2013 MTV Music Awards.. Doing the one eye, Kali, simulating Sodomy. Robin in his Masonic Black and White. Thicke because his penis is thick? He’s the handler and she’s the slave? With her two little devils horns on her head as well.
Isaiah 57:4 ~ Against whom do ye sport yourselves? Against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? Are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood?
So we can see here they are pushing sodomy through their performance.

And they do it through their lyrics as well.
This is Tool’s song called Prison Sex.
It took so long to remember just what happened.
I was so young and vestal then
You know it hurt me
But i’m breathing so i guess i’m still alive
Even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
I’ve got my hands bound and
my head down and my eyes closed. My throat wide open.
Do unto others what has been done to me
Do unto others what has been done to you. I’m treading water
I need to sleep a while.
My lamb and martyr you look so precious.
Won’t you won’t you come a bit closer,
Close enough so i can smell you.
I need you to feel this,
I can’t stand to burn too long.
Released in sodomy.
For one sweet moment I’m whole. Do unto you now what has been done to me.
Do unto you now what has been done. You’re breathing so I guess you’re still alive.
In Sodomy- inside of me? Is this from Maynard’s personal experience? Notice it’s a black figure victimizing a white figure.

Here under the Eiffel tower, showing miscegenation between black and white.

Here is another mural by Cleon Peterson. Notice in this one it has blacks KILLING whites.

You know the Jews are Sodomites and one of the first thing they do to their little boys is suck their penis’ in a bastardized version of the circumcision.

Now if we look at their name TOOL, on the surface you could say, they are a tool of Satan.
Tool is also used by the band symbolic for a Penis. You can tell by their art work here. So their band Tool is the Masculine aspect of their character.

Being into the occult I would also say, Tool is used phonetically to represent Thule, T-H-U-L-E. From the Wiki, “The Thule Society (/ˈtuːlə/; German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum (“Study Group for Germanic Antiquity”), was a German occultist and völkisch group founded in Munich right after World War I, named after a mythical northern country in Greek legend. ]
The Thule Society, an occult group that propagandists like to associate with Hitler. But according to Johannes Hering, “There is no evidence that Hitler ever attended the Thule Society.” I would bet my bottom dollar that this is 100% propaganda against Hitler and the Nazi’s.

But Tool uses it here because they ARE into what this propaganda portrayed. Being magic, trying to connect with spirits, demons etc. Similar Crowleyian philosophy.

And look how short Maynard is. This is a characteristic of the Jews, NOT the Nazi’s.
He’s in masonic checkers in red and black satanic colors. Notice Maynard is the “tool” while the other band member is the “perfect circle”. Which leads us to Maynard’s next band called A Perfect Circle.

Following the Crowleyian philosophy, they believe that every man has a feminine side they need to embrace as well. And so Maynard of Tool formed a band to work with this aspect.
Notice the Halloween colors.

Notice Maynard there in the back with his blonde wig. Showing his feminine side? Notice the pentagram front and center and the inverted stars in the carpet. We have the front guy crossing his arms and the guy just to his right. So we have the coded Double Cross.

Now they believe that to be truly enlightened they need to COMBINE the male and female into a Baphomet. So Maynard started a third band called Puscifer to show this aspect.
Pusicfer is a combination of Pussy and Lucifer, male and female. Here we see the album called All Re-Mixed Up, where Maynard is wearing the Masonic dress and the gal is dressed up as a man. It actually appears they put Maynard’s head on her body and her head on his body. You can tell by looking at their hands. They have the dog doing the Kali- sticking out of the tongue. She is in jumpsuit Masonic ORANGE. To remind us of Prison Sex?

From the Wiki, “James Herbert Keenan (born April 17, 1964),[5] known professionally as Maynard James Keenan or MJK, is an American singer songwriter[6] and the vocalist for the rock bands Tool, A Perfect Circle, and Puscifer. Keenan has a reputation for being reclusive[112][126] and controlling of his public image.[17] He dislikes the manner in which celebrities are worshipped,[31][127] and at one point carried business cards with the name “Jesus H. Christ” printed on them.[100]
Jesus H. Christ? Really? Can we say man wanting to replace God here?

And straight from the Wiki we get proof of Tool’s occult dabbling, “Carey has laid claim to various drumming techniques that use sacred geometric figures such as the unicursal hexagram. The final product is very recognizable, fluent drumming, although to him it is much more: the official Tool website claims that Danny uses drumming as a ritual similar to occult rituals,[2] with purposes varying from spiritual exploration to “a gateway [which] summoned a daemon he has contained…that has been delivering short parables similar to passages within The Book of Lies“.

Here is Puscifer featured in South Park. Notice her black and white masonic colors. And the dots represent the spotted one.
Genesis 30:32~ Let me go through all your flocks today, and remove from them every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb, and every spotted or speckled goat.

South Park has also featured Tool.

Here Maynard is masculine in Tool, and here he is feminine in A Perfect Circle.

So we go from one four letter band name to another, Cake. Is Tool and Cake abbreviations for something? I wouldn’t be surprised. Another four letter band name does. KISS is short for Knights In Satan’s Service.
And Gene Simmons is Jewish by the way.
Doing the Kali, doing the devil’s horns, in Masonic black and white and pushing the baphomet agenda with their makeup, hair and tight pants. And we even have a spotted one.

ADIDAS is All Day I Dream About Satan. In this ad for Adidas we see how they love the vampire, the parasite. Here they hang upside down like bats, wearing their masonic black and white, doing the “as below”.
LOL is Lucifer Our Lord. Hitting them young here.

So although I don’t know what Cake stands for, phonetically it is similar to KEK. Which is an online term with similar meanings to LOL, used especially by gamers. Lucifer our Lord or Kek.
Kek is also the Egyptian primordial God of NIGHT. The God of Night would be Lucifer. Is this John McCrea’s clever way of paying homage to Lucifer?

Well he also does it in a not so subtle way with his song called Satan is my Motor.
I’ve got wheels of polished steel
I’ve got tires that grab the road
I’ve got seats that selflessly hold my friends
And a trunk that can carry the heaviest of loads I’ve got a mind that can steer me to your house
And a heart that can bring you red flowers
My intentions are good and earnest and true
But under my hood is internal combustion power And Satan is my motor
(satan is my motor)
Hear my motor purr
Satan is my motor, motor
Hear my motor purr
Satan is the only one who seems to understand I’ve got brakes I’m wide awake
I can stop this car at any time
At the very last second I can change direction
Turn completely around if I feel so inclined.

I actually know one of the founders of the band, Greg Brown, who played lead guitar. He wrote their hit song called Going the Distance. That’s Brown in the middle wearing blue.
Greg worked with me at Tomato’s Deli on the K Street Mall in Sacramento. One time we were working making sandwiches for the lunch rush and Greg’s band-aid came off from a cut on his finger and ended up in a guy’s sandwich. The guy showed us the band-aid, and was actually pretty cool about it, but Greg was mortified. He is a super nice guy.

I saw him again later when they played at Caesar Chavez park. He saw me in the crowd and beckoned for me and my friend Carina to hang out behind the stage. I was drunk and remember wondering what all the fuss was about. They had fanatic fans already back then Screaming and crying while the band played. It was a surreal experience to see that from standing behind the band.

Not too long after Greg ended up leaving the band. He didn’t tell me why but I honestly think it was because he was such a good guy. He cared about the music, not the fame and the money. He wouldn’t sell out. He had nothing to do with the song that came later called Satan is My Motor.

I think Scott Stapp of Creed DID sell out and then later regretted it. His conscience finally got to him.
Notice I say “sell out” because initially that is what “selling your soul is”. Adamited can’t LOSE their soul. Our souls are not ours to sell. It is the spark of Yahweh in us. Only Adamites have this spark. So what DOES happen is they get into a contract with the Devil’s agents which BIND them in this life.

And they can try to get out if it, but it’s not that easy. They will do everything to ruin you. Take a listen to Stapp’s testimony here.
And we know people like Bob Dylan admitted to making a deal with the “Grand Commander” as he called it. Ed Bradley asks who that is, and Dylan replies, the Commander of this world and the one that you can’t see.
The Commander really is synonymous with the Hidden Hand, the men of this world, who are Joos, who are pulling the strings.

Bob Dylan sings about it in his song called Gotta Serve Somebody.
You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls ut you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes
Indeed you’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody You might be a rock ‘n’ roll addict prancing on the stage
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage
You may be a business man or some high-degree thief
They may call you doctor or they may call you chief But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes you are
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
And The Rolling Stones, who’s members are now in their late ’70’s and early ’80’s, and are STILL serving somebody and it sure as hell ain’t Yahweh. Playing because of their deal. You play until you are told to stop playing or they “retire” you.

Notice they all seem to have a song praising Satan. The Stone’s homage is in their Sympathy for the Devil.
Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul to waste. And I was ’round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate. Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game. I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain. I rode a tank
Held a general’s rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank. Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
It shows you just how evil even this band is. Anatasia screamed in vain? How do you know that Mic? And this song is about the DEVIL being behind what happened to the Czar and his family. It was the Joos again who did this ritual killing- the Bolsheviks.

Speaking of Pilate, “made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.” Oh yeah they are SO PROUD to have manipulated Pilate into having Jesus killed. Is Mic Jewish? I wouldn’t be surprised. At minimum he’s a Shabbos goy Satanist.

And then we have The Stone Temple Pilots (Pilate). The Stone Temple is the Masonic Temple and of course and Pilots is just a clever way to hide P-I-L-A-T-E again. For the one who had Jesus killed.

And here we have Scott Weiland in a dress. Put on the dress and you move up the Masonic ladder. And notice the purple coloring. Purple of course is the combining of red and blue- making a he/she.

David Bowie was down for Pilate too. He actually played Pontius Pilate in Martin Scorsese’s The Last Temptation of Christ.

And we know Bowie is a full on Luciferian. Here with his Satanic lightning bolt. Bowie was also one of the first musicians to push the androgynous agenda.

And he took IMAN (I’m a Man) for a wife. Not only is Iman male, Iman is black so pushing miscegenation as well.

Lady Gaga, who was “born this way” is a hermaphrodite. Being a Baphomet (and Jewish) she gets propped up in Hollywood. Here she is paying homage to her idol Bowie, with here Ziggy Stardust makeup and outfit.

She had Androgynous Bowie tattooed on her LEFT side. “This was the image that changed by life.”

Notice too we have The Rolling STONES and the STONE Temple Pilots.
STONE is short for Stone MASON.
Albert Einstein. Stein is Stone in German. Albert Einstone. And again doing the Kali tongue.

Oliver Stone, whose real last name is Silverstein. Doing a Masonic hand sign.

Oliver Silverstein and Larry Silverstein of “pull it” fame. I wonder if they’re related. Larry SilverSTONE. And Silver of course is the metal that symbolizes the Moon. And the Moon is connected to Lucifer.

Oliver Silverstein, Larry Silverstein and we have Sarah Silverman. Doing the Kali, and wearing her spots.

And she IS a Jew, a sodomite. That is another thing the dots represent, poking the dot, sodomy.

Whitney Houston is Whitney HEW STONE. A hewer of stone is a MASON.

Hew stone we have a problem!

So it should be apparent we have a theme running through the news, advertising, movies and in music. The theme is the promotion of the “as below”. The promotion of everything that is against God, and everything that is pro Satan. To make it in these fields you basically have to sell yourself. You become their slave. They own your ass and if you have buyer’s remorse like Scott Stapp, they will ruin you.

Remember when Dave Chappelle had buyer’s remorse and fled to Africa? He only got away for a few years. He came back and is more part of the program then ever. No one truly leaves.
Dave DID end up wearing the dress.

Here is the Live Chat on Bitchute:
Here is the Live Chat on YouTube:
– “People like Walter Cronkite were fatherly figures that we could trust”.
Rosette, are you saying Cronkite was just that, someone we could trust? Hardly!
Sorry, but check his background – A Mason in the De Molay – right along with Walt Disney and John Steinbeck. You can also refence his CBS evening news speech given on Oct. 19, 1999 in New York City over his dedication to the UN and the need for a NWO.
Not only a Mason, but he was a club guest of Bohemian Grove as well. During the Grove ceremony, a recording is used as the voice of the Owl For many years it was Cronkite that provided the Owl’s voice!
There’s more stuff if you wish to delve into his past. I just hope you don’t mind my sharing this, I don’t want to come across as some stuffy know-it-all, and trying to correct you with missing info.
Thanks Gregory!
I had a sneaky feeling Cronkite was just another Illuminati shill! Not someone we could trust at all – sorry Rosette, but we have to get the Real Truth, so we can’t afford to assume!
Remember, Cronkite was working for CBS – take a closer look at the CBS Logo – the ALL-seeing-eye!
The logo was designed in 1951 by Bill Golden – “Golden’s original inspiration came while driving through Pennsylvania Dutch country. He became intrigued by HEX symbols resembling human eyes that were painted on the Amish barns to ward off evil spirits. Additional inspiration was found in Shaker art from the 1850’s. Golden’s basic concept was to portray television’s unblinking electronic eye”. – from Hex Marks the Spot: The CBS Eye.
You can also check out the 2005 film Good Night and Good Luck, with George Clooney. It covers the CBS news team in the early 50’s, with William Paley, the head of CBS, who was a CIA operative all the way.