Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Decoding with Scotland Sean – The New Zealand Event

First off, Happy Saint Patrick’s day everyone! Quite fitting to cover this event on this holiday (holy day) due to the slanderous propaganda they are trying to put on the Irish, Scottish and English people by associating the shooter with them.

Scotland Sean and I discussed whether we should do a Live Chat on this topic, up to when we were supposed to go live, and decided it was in our best interest not to. Instead we would show some of the stuff we saw here instead.

Shooting event in CHRISTchurch, New Zealand. NA ZEE LAND. The Nazi’s are the Nazarenes, like Christ is. When the Jews want to show their hate towards a white person they say, “YOU NAZARENE.” Because they KNOW who we are. So this propaganda is encoded against CHRIST, against CHRISTIANS, NAZARENES.

As Scotland Sean pointed out they show the WE in the tape for the 33. You turn the W one click to the left and you can visually see the 33. Also from Truthvids, “49 dead plus 20 seriously injured” = 33 (4+9+20)
They even show their signature “ONE SHOE” pic. Watch our other decodes and you will see many similar examples of this.

So first let’s go through these still shots I took of the footage from the shooter’s Go Pro camera he had on his head.

So this bloke wears a Go Pro on his head. Go Pro’s these days are high quality cameras, yet this blokes Go Pro is super low resolution and pixelated. I wonder why? They make sure he shows us that he’s a white guy. The first song he has playing is called Serbia Strong. Serbians who had a war not too long ago against the Croatians yes, but also the Muslims.
The second song that plays, and right when he leaves to go to the Mosque, is a British marching song. To show he’s a nationalist? I would say YES!
The guns say Kebab Remover, which was a meme which went with the Serbian Nationalist song on YouTube. It also mentioned Isis on the gun.
Notice the British Marching Song is still playing when he leaves the car.
Notice how this is set up just like a video game. And he mentioned “subscribing to Pewdie Pie” at the beginning of the vid. Here we see smoke coming from the gun.
But as we walk inside and notice the people on the ground…
No one looks shot. Notice NO BLOOD here. No gore, no holes in the body.
14 all over his gun for the 14 words~
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. And the hashtag is the symbol of Iron Guard under Codreanu.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is codreau-mussolini.png

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu[a] (Romanian pronunciation: 
[korˈneliu ˈzele̯a koˈdre̯anu] (listen); born Corneliu Zelinski; September 13, 1899 – November 30, 1938), commonly known as Corneliu Codreanu, was a Romanian politician who was the founder and charismatic leader of the Iron Guard (also known as the Legionnaire movement), an ultranationalisticantisemitic,[1]Magyarophobic, and anti-gypsy organization active throughout most of the interwar period. Generally seen as the main variety of local fascism, and noted for its Romanian Orthodox-inspired revolutionary message, the Iron Guard grew into an important actor on the Romanian political stage, coming into conflict with the political establishment and democratic forces. The Legionnaires traditionally referred to Codreanu as Căpitanul (“The Captain”), and he held absolute authority over the organization until his death.
Codreanu’s fear of Bolshevik insurrection led to his efforts to address industrial workers himself. At the time, Cuza was preaching that the Jewish population was a manifest threat to Romanians, claimed that Jews were threatening the purity of Romanian young women, and began campaigning in favor of racial segregation.[10]

He goes in, turns right and shoots everyone, but doesn’t shoot the people on the left. Then he goes back to shoot the people on the left and they are ALREADY in a pile on the floor! Makes no sense! Also if the people hear a shooter coming down the hall wouldn’t they exit through the two halls, one in front and one in back? It makes NO SENSE that they would run to the two corners of the room.

So many people shot and NO wounded? They all just immediately die? And again no blood no gore, no shredded clothes, no bullet holes in the walls. No moaning, no screaming, no running for help. Everyone conveniently face down.
Now on the way out what looks like it could be blood… however this red blob…
Looks a lot like this red blob…
Here we see the CGI’ed bullets fly and then disappear in thin air.
See the bullet fly by the car? and then disappear. It doesn’t land on the ground.
Does that blood look funny? Notice how the blood isn’t seeped into the socks? The socks are pristine. Notice how the edges of the blood are sharp, almost like it was photo shopped in.
Would they really fall in a convenient pile like that? Look at the guy on the right with his legs folded and his arms across his chest. Really? You get shot and THAT’S how you land? haha I don’t think so. I think he wanted to be comfortable while he had to remain on the floor for this “event” to end.

Watch this vid below to see what a REAL LIVE SHOOTING looks like. Notice how there is a trail of blood. He has blood down his arm, on his pants. Then compare it with the Mosque photos. Notice in the Mosque photos that the blood seems to be only on the people all in white.

All these bodies but only blood on this one guy. And again, only blood! Where’s the gore that the bullet would have made? Way to clean and neat for a crime by gunfire.
Another all white clothed dude with blood and no gore on the left. Notice how the rest of the bodies look like stacked dolls or mannequins. I think these people are actually those dummies they use when you take the CPR classes. That’s why when the bullets hit they get absorbed. So they are not plastic mannequins, but those cloth ones.
They made him shooting this person seem the most real. She had a blood pack or something that went off. And look at her shoes? What? How did her shoes end up over there? Not on her feet, not next to her. And then the gunman went straight to his car after this and drove out. She was completely in his way and he would have to run over her, YET there was no bump bump when he ran over the body. It was smooth like there was nothing there.

From Sean, “He then gets back into his car to the song ‘Fire’ by ‘The Crazy World of Arthur Brown’ being played in the background. Here is the lyrics to that song: I am the god of hell fire and I bring you:

I’ll take you to burn.
I’ll take you to learn.
I’ll see you burn!
You fought hard and you saved and learned

but all of it’s going to burn.
And your mind
Your tiny mind
You know you’ve really been so blind.
Now’s your time burn your mind.
You’re falling far too far behind.
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
You gonna burn!

To destroy all you’ve done.
To end all you’ve become.
I’ll feel your burn!

You’ve been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world.
And your mind
Your tiny mind
You know you’ve really been so blind.
Now’s your time burn your mind
You’re falling far too far behind.

I’ll take you to burn.
I’ll take you to learn.
You gonna burn, burn, burn 
I’ll take you to burn  

All staged for the masses. I see the Transgender Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (Had a baby recently and went back to work 6 weeks later looking like she had never been pregnant) is now looking to change the gun laws. Problem Reaction Solution is all this was.”

So three songs placed strategically during the whole Hollywood event. Next look at the Bitchute link that is supposedly the aftermath but looks suspiciously like it is training for the live event.


Here is his supposed “manifesto”. It’s amazing how all these “crazy” lone gunmen happen to have manifesto’s. This one is called The Great Replacement, which appears to be named in contradiction to the U.N.’s policy called Replacement Migration, which we know too as The Kalergi Plan.
They use Hitler’s Black Sun here so we associate this manifesto with the Nazis.
Well this is correct! So they want all non-Europeans to think that somehow this is BAD when it is natural for any country, any people, wanting to preserve themselves. Just like the Israelis do, just like the Chinese, just like the Mexicans, the Japanese, the Turkish and on and on. But some how its bad and RACIST if WHITE countries do it!
More truth!
Notice he is Scottish, Irish and English, from Tribe of Judah. Is it a COHENcidence that this is the Tribe the Jews hate the most? I wonder who is REALLY behind this manifesto? When we think of manifesto we think of the COMMUNIST manifesto.
This is what Mosley says. And Mosley was SPOT ON.
Oh ho! That’s convenient for the Jews isn’t it? Because they want a race war and a religious war between Muslims and Whites and between Whites and Blacks and THEY want to be left out of it watching from the sidelines. Like they did in World War’s 1 and 2!
Now either the writer thinks we are idiots or you can see the fallacy here. If he was a Fascist like Mosley he would know that the Chinese political system is DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED TO FASCISM, IT IS COMMUNISM.
I thought Mikko would be amused here. The issue of sexual assault incidence’s is indeed a dire one and DOES need to be addressed. Even in Finland!
Directly from Mosleys philosophy here.

Remember Mosley was all about peace. He was a veteran of World War 1 and he tried to stop his fellow Brits from entering World War 2. 60 million people died in this war that Mosley was trying to PREVENT. Yet, like Hitler, they use Mosley, put out propaganda that somehow he was bad and even add it to this “manifesto” to brainwash people into thinking this.

Just a quick note on here, Sean and I were discussing Mosley and Sean had a good idea that Mosley might have been used to draw out white people that were pro Fascist. Because we never did see Mosley charged with a crime and we can’t say for sure he ever really did spend time in prison. So not sure, just something to mull over here.

Sean pointed out here that we have the lightning bolt and the Jewish star in the same pic. So puts a question mark next to Mosley and his true role.

My Live Chat did get blocked in many countries. It took them awhile and seems like they did it right before this staged event. To control the Mosley narrative?

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, “they shouldn’t even be allowed to live on this planet”. She is referring to US- White Christians, which she called “right wing extremists”. Notice the blood on the guys pants in the vid. Also notice Jacinda’s features. She is a tranny.

Very strong masculine cheekbone and jawline.
Looks like two males here.
Notice how tall she is.
Here, as tall as the man, a head taller than the woman. Reminds me of Michelle (Michael) Obama in her shots with ladies.
Look how much tall she/he is here.
Brenton Tarrant~ TARE-ant doing the 666 OMEGA hand sign. Notice he is in between to POLICE men. POLICE is 33. And both are doing the Masonic Hidden Hand. They are the pillars Jachin and Boaz and the shooter is the the combined central pillar in the middle with the Lucifer hand sign.
So now they are trying to say this 666 hand sign is a WHITE symbol instead of a Jewish one! Notice how they are doing Orwellian propaganda here! Black is white. War is peace. The 666 is now the Whites!
Sean caught this, notice the first person that supposedly got shot is wearing a DIAMOND shirt with the black and white MASONIC checkerboard. Diamond is of course 33.
His name is ATTA Elayyan and he is 33 years old just like Muhammad Atta who supposedly flew into the twin towers, he also being 33 years old.
Muhammed ATTA
And here is the shooter’s alleged parents (Is alleged because they are probably just actors). Notice THEY TOO have the DIAMOND and MASONIC black and white checkerboard behind them.
This was a moment of silence for the “victims”. Notice the player with the 88 on his jersey and SAMMY underneath. Well we know the 88 is their number for CHAOS. And their god is the god of Chaos. Sammy is a nickname for Samhain. Like the Son of Sam who said it was really short for the Sons of Samhain. So they are cleverly fining a way to honor Lucifer in this shot. Remember Crowley was the one who said to find clever ways, “of their own ingenium” to honor Lucifer.
The Jew, David Berkowitz, Son of Sam
Here they show the “Parklands”. That is what we are in. THEY are the Parker’s the rulers over the Park. Like Ford in Westworld. Remember Parker is 33 in numerology.
Notice he is doing the Duality mirror here. Also the Hidden Hand.
Notice here they are doing the SEE NO, SPEAK NO, and HEAR NO evil.

Check out this link from Veteran’s today where they say the shooter is actually JEWISH. That puts an interesting spin on this whole thing doesn’t it? BUT they don’t go as far as to say that this was a staged event, which we wholeheartedly believe it is.


We’ll update if we find more pertinent info to add here.

Posted in: Decoding with Scotland Sean Language and Symbolism

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