presentation was inspired by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock’s book titled The Synagogue of Satan; a book I highly recommend. In it Andrew goes through the centuries, beginning at 740 A.D. with evidence to support his contention that the Jews are the Hidden Hand of the world. The ones behind both World Wars, the US Civil War, the French Revolution and many other wars. He argues that they are the primary perpetrators of all the economic strife in this world including the Great Depression.
Andrew cites evidence in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as well as the Communist Manifesto, which he provides within his book. If people just took the time to read these two documents they would see the truth within their pages. They would then see how these people are the ones BEHIND this push for a New World Order. An Order that will DIRECTLY affect each and every one of us and NOT in a good way!
So I thought it a good idea to bring you the goals of these two documents, so you can see for yourself how they are coming to fruition. In this presentation we will focus on the Communist Manifesto. Please watch/read my separate presentation on the Protocols.
But before we begin, a caveat from me, this is a REVISED version because I, in error, believed the propaganda about Fascism and Adolf Hitler. It took a good man like Dennis Wise and his exemplary documentary series The Greatest Story Never Told to wake me from my slumber, to wake me from this Jewish propaganda.
They would have us believe that Communism and Fascism are two sides of the same ideology. That Communism is where all the resources and property of the country belong to the State, while Fascism is where the majority of resources are owned by a few heads of big businesses, who run the State from behind the scenes. BUT that is NOT true! On the contrary! In a Fascist system the tribe comes first, there is no usury, so loans are made without interest. Any businesses are there for the benefit OF the PEOPLE and NOT the other way around! They would have us believe that the Fascist system is bad because the BANKS are left out of it. They have no way to profit (parasite) off of the people and therefore have NO power over the people.
Remember “Cui Bono”, which means “who benefits”. In a Communist system the Jews at the top, a small elite, benefit. They are the ones who took over the Soviet Union during the Bolshevik revolution and they NEVER WENT AWAY. I guarantee that Putin is run by the Jews behind the scenes.
In a Fascist system “Cui Bono”? Why the PEOPLE do. Everything is done for the people as a whole. Look at Hitler’s Germany. He brought the Germans who were poor and destitute into a THRIVING economy, all by the Fascist system.
This was at the same time that Europe and the US were in the Great Depression.
And yes, Communism is the English word, while Fascism is the Latin word, for the SAME meaning, “a group- bundled together”. Like the Italian Fascio. A group, bound, controlled. HOWEVER, the Jews (just like their secret society of Masons like to do) always MIRROR the good and use it for bad. Bound and controlled under Communism. United and strong under Fascism.
The symbol for good, the Fascio, shows STRENGTH IN UNITY, one of Sir Oswald Mosley’s favorite motto’s.
We can also see this as TWELVE sticks with ONE In the Center, making 13, to represent JESUS and his TWELVE disciples. Because it was in fact CHRISTIAN nations at war with Communism.
Communism, meaning “common” or UNIVERSAL. Where did we hear that word before? How about the UNIVERSAL Church? The Catholic Church, which has also been usurped, and which is pushing Ecumenism, the UNIVERSAL religion. And a UNIVERSAL Government. Controlled by the UN. The U-N, United Nations.
So Communism, or UNIVERSALISM, under the United Nations with a Universal Church. Do we see how they hide their plan in plain sight?
Universalism, United Nations, Universal Church.
And don’t forget that UN was an ancient name for Lucifer. The UN, the one.
The Communist Manifesto, written in 1848 by Karl Marx, a Jew who’s real name was Moses Mordecai Levy.
Promoted by the Obama administration. Remember “Obamacare”, which is UNIVERSAL (there’s that word again) health care?
And for the astute among you I’m sure you noticed that the Communist Manifesto is a RED Book.
Like Albert Pike’s RED book called Morals and Dogma.
Remember RED is the highest color you can achieve in Alchemy. Red equals IOSIS, which is eerily similar to ISIS. RED equals MAGNUM OPUS or GREAT WORK achieved.
So you can see why Marx’s book is red, why Pike’s book is red, and why Carl Jung’s book is called the RED book. All trying to reach Iosis.
And the Communist Mao Tse Tung’s RED book. Note that Mao’s book is the SECOND best selling book of all time. But it doesn’t even come close to the BEST selling book. And what is that?
The Bible of course!
So the Communist Manifesto would be Marx’s, or should I say Levy’s, Great Work. And remember that The Great Work is the work of the Mason’s as well. And is promoted by the Hidden Hand. WHO is the Hidden Hand? It is a people known as the Jews, who worship the Synagogue of Satan.
And we can’t leave out Lenin and Stalin. Both doing the Hidden Hand.
And the initials for Hidden Hand is HH. And HH is 88 in numerology, which is the number of Chaos. And 8+8=16, which is the Tower Card in the Tarot deck, the Chaos Card, the card of destruction. Remember the Jews’ god is the god of chaos and destruction.
Notice how they MIRROR the HH with “Heil Hitler!” Trying to associate THEIR chaos with Adolf Hitler. But in FACT, Hitler wanted to restore ORDER, restore Christianity to Europe. He was fighting a Holy War.
And the author of the Great Work called Morals and Dogma was a cheer leader for destruction. His name was Albert Pike. Pike is a PREDATORY FISH. He eats up all the other fish in the water. Was Pike the human version on land? I would say… YES.
And associated with the Pope, another Pike with his fish hat?
And which comes up in Ancient Egypt, in the Sumerian hieroglyphs.
And hidden in the Vatican coat of arms is the ancient scarab, another Egyptian symbol used by the Vatican. So you can see they really aren’t representing the Israelites, but more like the Egyptian Pharaohs who ENSLAVED the Israelites.
And what is the most famous symbol of the Mason’s? Why their Masonic PYRAMID of course. Another Egyptian connection.
Now I wouldn’t say the Jews ARE the Egyptians of old, just that they are the Seed of the Serpent in perpetual war with the Seed of the Woman, and so, in any respect that they can symbolize dominance over the Israelites they will do so.
Genesi 3:15 ~ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
This perpetual war was fueled by propaganda such as the writings of Freidrich Wilhem Nietzche called Nietzscheanism, which came out around the same time as Fascism. HOWEVER, Fascism is diametrically OPPOSED to Nietzsceanism. In the Wiki it states that, “The will to power (German: der Wille zur Macht) is a prominent concept in his philosophy. The will to power describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans – achievement, ambition, and the striving to reach the highest possible position in life. These are all manifestations of the will to power; however, the concept was never systematically defined in Nietzsche’s work, leaving its interpretation open to debate.”
Note that FASCISM is NOT about the individual, but is about the tribe as a whole. To do what’s best for the tribe (extended family to thrive). Nietzscheanism, on the other hand, is about Apotheosis- man becoming god, hence the TIME headline, Is God Dead? Replaced by man as god, which is the philosophy of the Synagogue of Satan.
Which was played out in Batman V Superman, with Batman as a mere mortal, using his “will to power” or “force of will” to overcome and defeat Superman, who symbolizes Christ. Remember “force of will” was promoted by Aleister Crowley, among others. (So Batman would be a Nietzscheist and Superman would be a Fascist.)
And BOTH Marx’s and Nietzsche’s works, were funded by the Jewish Rothschild’s.
As were Communist leaders such as Stalin.
We find out Stalin’s real last name was Djugashvili, but instead used Stalin, which means “Man of Steel”. Did he take his Crypto name to affiliate himself with Superman? The Man of Steel? Superman the character, first came out in 1938, at the same time as Stalin came to power.
The Jews doing the mirroring again, mimicking Adolf Hitler’s Uber Mensch. Uber Mensch means “Super Man”. But Hitler’s Uber Mensch WERE really the good guys, while Stalin’s men were not.
Note too that this area, where Stalin was from, Georgia, between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, is where the Ashkenazi Jews originated. Note that the Caspian Sea was ORIGINALLY called the Khazarian Sea, after the Khazars, the Jews.
Note too that this was the same area the Israelites (including Germans) migrated through to get to Europe. This is where the white race got the term Caucasians from. From their migration through the Caucacus mountain chain. The Jews, like the parasites that they are, followed the Israelites to this region, and then to Europe.
Here is the Dariel Pass, that the Israelites traveled through, today.
Now let us take a look at some of the estimated numbers for the different regimes and how many people died under them.
Mao killed 40 million. Stalin killed 20 million. Hitler killed 12 million. Leopold killed 10 million and Tojo killed 5 million. So if we give the number given of “6 million Jews killed” the benefit of the doubt, this would still only be HALF of the people that died under Hitler. What about the other half?
And what about the ones under all these OTHER regimes? How many were Jews? NONE. So that would be conservatively 81 million NON- Jews killed under these regimes as opposed to 6 million Jews, YET all we hear about are the Jews that were killed. When less than 5% of the TOTAL PEOPLE KILLED were JEWS. And we NEVER hear about the 95% that were killed! Do you see how this propaganda is being pushed? Pushed by OMISSION. Pushed by FALSIFYING the number of Jews killed.
From the Wiki, “In absolute terms, Mao Tse Tung of China is thought to be responsible for the deaths of 40-75 million Chinese. Again, most of these deaths are attributable to famine, and political decisions such as the Great Leap Forward which, alone, is estimated to have a death toll of 18-45 million.”
Chiang Kai Shek was the Democratic leader and the people’s choice, yet the regime of the United States BACKED the Communist dictator. Why? Because the United States is run by the Jews behind the scenes and the Jews want Communism to be the world control system.
Which one looks like a nice guy and which one looks like an asshole? Imagine what China would be like if Shek became the ruler. A much different and better place. RIP Shek.
Here is Mao with Marx and Lenin.
Based on the estimates mentioned of 20 million deaths, Stalin would come second in the list of dictators who killed the most people.
Stalin and the Bolshevik’s killed 20 million CHRISTIANS in the Holodomor. Over three times as many as supposed Jews killed under Hitler. And do we hear about them? We are a CHRISTIAN nation YET we don’t even brush over this event in history in our schools.
Here we have that pesky SIX MILLION again. But this time the number is UNDER-reported.
And why are there laws to SUPPRESS any questioning of the official story in Germany, a Christian nation, of the Jews and the Holocaust? Truth is Truth! There would be no need for a law suppressing questioning of the story if THE STORY WAS TRUE.
And please look into the Dresden bombing, the REAL Holocaust. Watch the documentary called the Hellstorm for more on this.
General Eisenhower, who later became President, was a Swedish Jew, and under him millions of Germans died in internment camps.
Camps in which the Germans had no shelter from the elements, no latrines, and were given very little food. Who were kept in absolutely deplorable conditions. In these camps 5 million Germans were deliberately STARVED TO DEATH. Why aren’t we told about this? Is it because then we would not focus on the Jews as victims?
So let’s see if we can relate to this Communist Manifesto and if they have achieved any of their goals. Remember the Manifesto was written in 1848 and had a resurgence in 1917 with the October Revolution putting the Bolshevik’s in power, under Lenin, until his death in 1924. And then carried on by Stalin, who renamed the Bolshevik party the Communist party.
1- U.S. acceptance of COEXISTENCE as the only alternative to atomic war.
2- U.S. willingness to CAPITULATE in preference to engaging in atomic war.
From the Wiki, “The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty or ABMT) (1972—2002) was an arms control treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union on the limitation of the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems used in defending areas against ballistic missile-delivered nuclear weapons. Under the terms of the treaty, each party was limited to two ABM complexes, each of which was to be limited to 100 anti-ballistic missiles.”
If there ARE actual missiles that can fly this far is highly doubtful. Just watching footage of North Korea doing their missile tests, one can see quite clearly how the missiles are CGI’ed. And notice in this diagram that the missile’s look like flying penises. Having a laugh on us?
But we can see the US is co-existing and capitulating to the Soviet Union.
And here’s Kim Jong UN, remember we mentioned that UN is an ancient name for Lucifer, doing the Hidden Hand, showing HE is a member of the same club.
And here is one of his mother ALSO doing the Hidden Hand. Remember that Kim Jong Un went to an elite Jewish school in Switzerland growing up, so he is NO enemy to the Jews.
3- Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
From the Wiki, “START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) was a bilateral treaty between the US and the Soviet Union on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms. The treaty was signed on July 31, 1991 and entered into force on December 5, 1994. The treaty barred its signatories from deploying more than 6,000 nuclear warheads atop a total of 1,600 inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and bombers. START negotiated the largest and most complex arms control treaty in history, and its final implementation in late 2001 resulted in the removal of about 80 percent of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence. Proposed by US President Ronald Reagan, it was renamed START I after negotiations began on the second START treaty.
The START I treaty expired December 5, 2009. On April 8, 2010, the replacement New START treaty was signed in Prague by U.S. President Barack Obama, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Following ratification by the U.S. Senate and the Federal Assembly of Russia, it went into force on January 26, 2011.”
So Obama demonstrating the US’s moral strength- or more like their idiocy.
4- Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
“The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade. The WTO officially commenced on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement, signed by 123 nations on April 15, 1994, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. It is the largest international economic organization in the world. The WTO deals with regulation of trade in goods, services and intellectual property between participating countries by providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants’ adherence to WTO agreements, which are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliaments.”
5- Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6- Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
From an article by the UK Daily Mail, dated June 3, 2011. We read, “The U.S. is providing hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign aid to some of the world’s richest countries- while at the same time borrowing billions back, according to a report seen by Congress. The Congressional Research Service released the report last month, which shows that in 2010 the U.S. handed out a total of $1.4 billion to 16 foreign countries that held at least $10 billion in Treasury securities. Four countries in the world’s top 10 richest received foreign aid last year with China receiving $272 million, India $126.6 million, Brazil $25 million and Russia $71.5 million.”
Wow. That’s worse than even loaning them money. We are BORROWING back our own money. At interest?
In addition, America gives aid to many countries, as just mentioned. In fact, America gives more “aid” to Israel than any other country in the World. While other countries get millions, Israel gets BILLIONS. Why is that? Well, it’s because the ones really running the US ARE the Jews, and so funnel taxpayer’s money into their country to build up THEIR army so they can take over every inch of Palestine and beyond.
On the Israeli flag are two horizontal bars of blue. These are said to represent two rivers, the Nile and the Euphrates. It shows how once they capture all of Palestine, what their next ambition is. This “acquiring of land” is outlined in the Oded Yinon Plan. (Watch my presentation on that for more information.)
Annual Report to Congress for 2017 states, “Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance.”
7- Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
RED China, like the RED book, the Communist Manifesto. Yes China was both recognized and admitted to the United Nations in 1945. Note* this was right after Germany LOST the war. Communism won.
8- Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to “settle the German question” by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
Which was “settled” on November 9, 1989, with the Wall being taken down and reuniting the Eastern with the Western portion of Germany. Notice November 9 is 11/9 or 9/11. This gave the illusion that Communism was defeated in Eastern Germany but we really know they just went from overt to covert.
And “under supervision of the UN”. Look at the word “supervision”. It is SUPER and VISION. Watching Germany like a hawk. And so, putting THEIR puppet in, Angela Merkel, a Jewess. Here doing the Masonic diamond hand sign.
The only other person I see doing this as frequently is Donald Trump.
9- Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
ARE there even nuclear weapons? Or is this put in here to make whoever reads this believe it must be so? Have you ever looked at the Nuclear test films of the 1950’s with a critical eye? You can tell they are NOT real. They are miniature models made to look like the real thing.
10- Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
Same strategy as the UK? The UK relinquished colonial rule over India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, among others, but in actuality still controls these countries. This is a way for them to have more votes and therefore more power in the UN. And the UK is run by the Jews, in case you didn’t know. Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Philip is a Jew through his mother Julie (JEW lee) Von Hauke.
Here’s Prince Philip looking on as Pope Francis gives his wife Queen Elizabeth a masonic handshake.
So if we count here, Russia would have at least 12 extra votes, while they still CONTROL the satellite states.
11- Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
This is exactly their goal. They tried this with the Congress of Vienna in 1914, and failed because Czar Alexander the 1st of Russia wouldn’t go along with it.
The Rothschild’s made him pay for this action one hundred and two years later when they had the Bolshevik’s
kill Czar Nicholas the Second and his entire family.
And they DO have their own “independent armed forces”. Notice how they call them Peace Keepers, when they are anything but.
12- Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
As we can see today the Communist party is alive and well…”and the people will come to love their servitude….” Silly brainwashed people sided with the very system that will enslave them.
13- Do away with loyalty oaths.
Sounds like the Kol Nidre, a Jewish prayer written in the Talmud. It states, “All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement we repent, aforehand, of them all, they shall be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths.”
So basically this means that their word is NOT their word. Opposite of what Moses said in Numbers 30: 1-2, “This is what the Lord has commanded. If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.”
14- Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent office.
Well Russia, China, and any big business anywhere outside of the U.S. now have access to U.S. inventions.
15- Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
They captured BOTH. They control BOTH sides, although the party of the Left, more overtly demonstrates their ideals. Trump, on the Right, is JUST as bad as Hillary.
And Hillary’s maiden name is really Rodanski, and she admitted to being a Jew when she ran for Senator of New York. New York state is a Jewish stronghold.
Bill and Hillary’s daughter Chelsea, married a Jew. As did Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who recently married a Jew named Jared Kushner. Kushner is a Real Estate Developer and the Senior Adviser to President Trump. Someone so high up as Jared would only marry a Jewess, hence Ivanka is a Jew as well. So you can see both Democrats and Republicans are run by the Jews.
16- Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
Notice how Private clubs are NOT allowed to discriminate against race or religion, however Jewish clubs are allowed to be Jewish only, like the B’nai B’rith as one example. Note that the B’nai B’rith are at the top of the Masonic lodges. They rule over the other lodges.
17- Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
“In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.”
– Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913
The current American school system took root around the turn of the century. In 1903, John D. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board, which provided major funding for schools across the country and was especially active in promoting the State-controlled public school movement.
The General Education Board was not interested in encouraging critical thinking. Rather, its focus was on organizing children and creating reliable, predictable, obedient citizens. As award-winning former teacher John Gatto puts it, “school was looked upon from the first part of the 20th Century as a branch of industry and a tool of governance.” The Rockefellers, along with other financial elite and their philanthropic organizations (such as the Gates, Carnegies, and Vanderbilts) have been able to mold society by funding and pushing compulsory state schooling for the masses.
And don’t forget the Rockefellers were Crypto Jews.
18- Gain control of all student newspapers.
Case in point, Texas, where an editorial was written in the campus newspaper promoting the extermination of the white race.
19- Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
Enter ANTIFA. From the Wiki, “The Antifa (English: /ænˈtiːfə/ or /ˈæntiˌfɑː/) movement is a conglomeration of autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist militant groups in the United States. The principal feature of anti-fa groups is their opposition to fascism through the use of direct-action. They engage in militant protest tactics, which has included property damage and physical violence. They tend to be anti-capitalists and they are predominantly far-left and militant left, which includes anarchists, COMMUNISTS and socialists. Their stated focus is on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than politically.”
They fail to realize this is exactly what the Elite want. They are fighting the very system that would make them FREE. Fascism would run the economy so efficiently that it would free people up from work. They would have more leisure time, time to do the things in life that they please.
20- Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making decisions.
ALL press has been consolidated and owned by the Jews. They are 100% controlled by them.
Controlled Press. Here are two examples:
Christianity Today, God is not dead YET. And Newsweek, The Decline and Fall of Christian America. THEY want God dead because God is not THEIR god. Their god is Satan. Notice the use of Red and Black- the Satanic colors. Used by the Black Pope. Used by the Church of Satan. The Red and Black, Jesuits, Satanists, are the VIOLENT arm of the Synagogue of Satan.
They killed Jesus once- hence their love of 33, the age at which they killed him. And they think they can do it again, upon His return.
These violent delights have violent ends…
Not only in control of book reviews, but publishers as well.
From Synagogue of Satan, Hitchcock writes, in 1971, “Author, Hank Messick, publishes his book “Lansky”, a biography of Jewish crime kingpin, Meyer Lansky. It is initially printed with the following subtitle on the cover, “Jews control crime in the United States.” However, as soon as the ADL got wind of this, they contacted the publishers, as they revealed in their bulletin in October of this year, and as a result of their involvement, the cover was reprinted with the following subtitle on the cover, which appears to have been translated into, “Jewish English,” “The Mob runs America and Lansky runs the Mob.”
And they run any type of creator platforms like YouTube, I would add. Look up the videos you had Liked in your YouTube sidebar and see how many that have been removed.
Click on those channels and see how many whole channels have been removed as well. MANY have been removed. And now they are even removing commentators channels, not just content creators channels. Pretty soon the whole truth community will be eliminated from YouTube.
21- Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
ALL Hollywood studios are run by the Jews. United Artists was the only one that wasn’t until they got bought out as well.
If you’ve seen the popular series The Walking Dead, you will see how they marginalize Christ by having a character named Jesus, who is homosexual, and just one of the inhabitants of the Sanctuary. Nothing special, NOT the leader and NOT the Savior.
They control ALL news channels with their shill hosts, Anderson Cooper (whose mother is Gloria Vanderbilt), Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly for the Right…
Rachel Maddow, and Chris Hayes on the Left…
And Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, and the Young Turks for alternative news…
22- Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to, “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
Like at the park in this X-Files episode. With laughing, shirtless giants.
With Christo’s “awkward and meaningless forms.”
This one reminds me of Pepto-Bismol or Breast Cancer Awareness…
This community was apparently against Christo’s art. But the wording makes it feel deliberately staged? What do you think? Anti-Christian once again?
23- Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
You can’t get more repulsive than Tony Podesta’s pizza gate art.
24- Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them, “censorship,” and a violation of free speech and free press.
Vulgarity is promoted. We can see the change in the way people speak these days. Cussing has become common place, when it once was taboo.
25- Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazine, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Access to these things is available at the click of a button. Also drugs are promoted like Crystal Meth which promotes the watching of pornography.
26- Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as, “normal, natural, and healthy.”
How many shows have you watched that have homosexuality in them? A better question these days would be how many DON’T have them in it? It is basically in EVERY show. They make the homosexuals the heroes, the ones we need to look up to, the kind ones, the good ones. Now they show homosexuals kissing and even anal sex is commonplace on shows put out by Netflix, not to mention regular programming.
It’s called “programming” for a reason.
27- Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with, “social,” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a, “religious crutch.”
Bible teaching is 100% skewed by the 501C3 preachers more concerned with their income then the spiritual education of their parishioners.
28- Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of, “separation of church and state.”
They accomplished this in 1962 when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed, ruling 8-1 (Engel v. Vitale,) that school-sponsored prayer violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
29- Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
Because they want us to do away with Nationalism. The Jews are the wanderers. (Starting with their father Cain who went to the Land of Nod, the land of wandering.) The ones that do NOT have a homeland. And so hate countries that do. They want to do away with any documents that protect Nationalism, that protect citizens of a country. They want them subjected to THEIR international laws, courts, procedures. Ones in which THEY are in complete control of.
Our constitution is a unique document as it spells out our rights in it. The Right to Bear Arms is a big one. If we didn’t have THAT in there they would have gotten all of our guns a long time ago.
And look what happens to an unarmed populace? Like under the communist Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia in the ’70’s. From it states, “During that time, an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork. One detention center, S-21, was so notorious that only seven of the roughly 20,000 people imprisoned there are known to have survived. The Khmer Rouge, in their attempt to socially engineer a classless communist society, took particular aim at intellectuals, city residents, ethnic Vietnamese, civil servants and religious leaders. Some historians regard the Pol Pot regime as one of the most barbaric and murderous in recent history.”
30- Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the, “common man.”
Although some were obvious agents, such as Alexander Hamilton, others DID try to put together a document to serve the people, such as Thomas Paine. It was not the constitution that failed us, but the men who let the banks infiltrate our country that failed us. Good people like Andrew Jackson, fought tooth and nail, to rid us of this pestilence. Many assassination attempts were made on his life.
He was the only President to successfully kick out the bank and as such had it written on his tomb stone, the work he was most proud of, ” I killed the bank”.
31- Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teachings of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the, “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
Well in Hawaii they have outlawed fireworks on the Fourth of July. They have combined Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthday into one generic holiday called President’s day. Talk about belittling. And have taken an American tradition, Thanksgiving, and delegated it to just a meal, with no celebrations. No decorations are even sold in stores anymore for it.
So tell me THIS one isn’t true!
And having us say, “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”!
So I wouldn’t say they are EMPHASIZING Russian history, but they sure are DE-EMPHASIZING American Traditional holidays.
32- Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture, education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
Well the LGBTQ movement is being pushed heavily at the moment. THEIR rights, and transgenderism. Use of whichever bathroom they prefer, use of alternative pro-nouns, such as ZEE or THEY/THEM instead of the traditional male and female.
33- Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34- Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Well they got rid of their biggest threat, Senator McCarthy. From the Wiki, “Joseph Raymond McCarthy was an American politician who served as U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in the United States in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread Communist Subversion. He is known for alleging that numerous Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere. Ultimately, the smear tactics that he used led him to be censured by the U.S. Senate. The term “McCarthyism”, coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy’s practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today, the term is used in reference to what are considered demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.
With the highly publicized Army-McCarthy Hearings of 1954, and following the suicide of Wyoming Senator Lester C. Hunt that same year, McCarthy’s support and popularity faded. On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to censure Senator McCarthy by a vote of 67–22, making him one of the few senators ever to be disciplined in this fashion. McCarthy died at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. His death certificate listed the cause of death as “Hepatitis, acute, cause unknown”. Doctors had not previously reported him to be in critical condition. Some biographers say this was caused or exacerbated by alcoholism.”
So notice that the Wiki is skewed to make McCarthy look like a racist, instead of the patriot that he was. And then notice that he died at the very young age of 48! He didn’t have any known health conditions. To die of “alcoholism”? What? He would have had health conditions leading up to it such as cirrhosis of the liver. There is a good possibility he was taken out.
35- Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
They haven’t done this because they found a better way to accomplish their goal here. Mainly by compromising people like J. Edgar Hoover, who was a homosexual, caught in a tryst with his lover, his assistant Clyde Tolson. Back in those days, homosexuality was against the law. So you couldn’t have the head of an organization that investigates law breakers, being a LAW BREAKER himself.
And infiltrating it. By putting in THEIR men, like George Bush Senior as Director of the CIA, prior to becoming President.
36- Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
I would say they’ve accomplished this. Even if you prefer NOT to belong to a Union, you are still required to pay Union dues at your work if there is one! How is THAT not controlled? And many Unions are MOB controlled, such as the Teamster’s Union, as shown in The Sopranos.
37- Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
Big businesses like AT&T that were broken up, have now been put back together once more. Consolidation of newspapers under just a handful of owners, same with TV Stations, news agencies, department stores… all owned by a few elite. They DEFINITELY have control of big business.
38- Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand (or treat).
ADD and ADHD are great examples of this. Where what you really have are young children with a lot of energy that don’t want to do something so unnatural as have to sit in the same spot for 6 hours a day of school time. So they say it is a disorder and pump them full of drugs.
Another one is Social Anxiety Disorder. Which really just means you don’t feel comfortable in crowds. Well there’s a pill for that. Big Pharma is the THIRD most profitable business in the United States. Only the computer/electronics industry tops it.
39- Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
Pretty soon they will make “believing in conspiracy theories” as some sort of mental disorder. If you oppose Communist goals you must have “conspiracy theory” disorder, which means you are delusional and paranoid.
You can also see this with “any role by Rami Malek” who plays the crazy conspiracy theorist in Buster’s Mal Heart and also the series Mr. Robot.
40- Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
The current divorce rate is till around 40 to 50%, so they definitely accomplished that.
And we are sending children to school at an earlier age- PRESCHOOL, then KINDERGARTEN, before they even start the First grade at age FIVE. They make it where mother’s HAVE to work to provide enough income to support the family and thus the children are raised by the State at an early age. Influencing them AGAINST the family.
41- Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Make parents seem “old-fashioned” “strict” instead of ones providing proper moral values to guide them.
42- Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use, “united force,” to solve economic, political or social problems.
We’ve seen this with ANTIFA, the Million Man March, the Pink P Marches, Trump rallies, LGBTQ marches, and on and on…
43- Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
So they never have a chance to govern themselves. The majority, if not all, countries of the world have been infiltrated and controlled by the Jews, not just colonial governments. They have ALL been overthrown.
44- Internationalize the Panama Canal.
From the Wiki, “In 1977, Panama and the United States concluded the Treaty Governing the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal, and the Panama Canal Treaty. The treaties provided that the United States would relinquish control and administration of the canal to Panama by December 31, 1999, and stipulated an interim period for the training of, and progressive transfer of functions to, Panamanian personnel under the supervision of a mixed Panama Canal Commission.
The first treaty declared that the canal would be permanently neutralized, with the object of securing it for peaceful transit in time of peace or of war for vessels of all nations on equal terms. So reading between the lines, the international Jews made sure to secure this passage for THEIR goods.
45- Repeal the Connolly reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.
From the Naked Communist, “In 1946 when the United States Senate was debating the aspects of the UN Charter, Sen. Tom Connolly (D-TX) restricted the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in domestic matters, assuring that only the United States could dictate the Court’s jurisdiction. In 1959, Senator Hubert Humphrey proposed REPEALING this restriction with bi-partisan support from Democrats like William Fulbright and Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower who said “True peace and friendship throughout the world cannot come to pass unless there is an international rule of law.” (Remember Eisenhower was a Jew.) Despite this support, the public objected and the Humphrey Resolution never came forward for a vote and a vote for repeal has not been seriously offered since.
BUT there may be no need for a Senate vote as the United States can simply positively affirm the right of the United Nations to have jurisdiction over certain domestic matters. The Connolly Reservation does not prevent the Court from assuming jurisdiction, it simply requires American compliance. This has already occurred with the monitoring of the 2012 elections. The American people are beginning to demand a world community presence in this country to stop the systematic abuse of the poor and minorities, so the International Court should be seen as a positive refuge for our grievances”
The American people or the Naked Communists are “demanding a world community presence’? Remember who runs the papers, ESPECIALLY the Naked COMMUNIST.
And defer everything to a “higher” authority, the World Court, just like what happened in the US with the States now Deferring to the Feds. the Federals courts. Now Federal Courts defer to the World court.
So can you see now? ALL 45 goals have been reached.
I will end with Guiseppe Mazzini’s letter to Albert Pike. It explains their plan very clearly.
Notice Mazzini doing the Hidden Hand….Take heed.
Here is the Bitchute version:
Aloha Rosette,
Great decoding as usual. I sure do look forward to your new posts, they cannot come quick enough. I just don’t know how you get the time to produce this excellent work whilst being like the rest of us running around with our hair on fire in the beast system trying to bring up our families in the best possible way. Your amazing. I was brought up a catholic but hated church and every minute of religion. Once I reached my teenage years it was out with that garbage for me. I am now 48 years old and never even looked at the bible until recently. I guess when I woke up a couple of years ago it was inevitable that it would lead me back to the bible again. To be honest I only google quotes on line at the moment but as time goes by I think I will be looking more and more deeper into it.
On the topic of symbolism I was looking closely at the Hammer and Sickle and I think it looks very much like the symbol for Saturn when you move it around a little.
I watched all of Brian’s vids you gave me the link to and they are very informative. One thing though I know a few people have mentioned the 33 numerology. I would like to mention his initials are BAL and on one of his vids he shows the Knights Templar cross, I think it is one of the later ones.
Take care and once again thanks for your effort and the time you put into your work
Hey rosette, I noticed you removed BAL33’s article on here. Ironically this happened around the same time when he disabled the comments on his channel. Not sure if he’s a shill or not, but it seems likely. I listened to his series so far all the way through, despite my suspicions, because even agents can provide truth.
Yeah his 23A was over the top rude. He doesn’t care about people. Truth IS free! I had to disassociate with him completely! Done! And he is NOT 100% correct and WE can figure everything out without him. Peace.
Aloha Rosette,
Like your style removing BAL33 from your site. I had a hunch there was something not right about him. His last few videos were full of symbolism. White rabbits, chess boards, talking about hell, etc etc. His attack on other truthers like ODD was out of order, You are so right, Truth is Free. I don’t think he will hold on to his listeners for much longer with that stinking attitude.
Take care
Wonderful research Rosette so refreshing if only …people that are related to myself as well as long time friends would, listen and digest your message and not reject the wisdom from it, I believe the 45 communist goals came out of Germany in 1963.
hey rosette! Awesome video! have you ever heard of finis jennings dake? everything I look up on him is not good, He wrote the Dake Annotated Reference Bible and It reads very differently than most kjv. Thought maybe you would be interested. If you find anything feel free to email me back!