Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

The Avengers- End Game and Game of Thrones- The Long Night… Decoded

Let me start by saying I’m not a fan of The Avengers series so I don’t know the characters that well. But since I did get dragged into see The Avengers- End Game this weekend, I thought I’d mention a few things here and some connections I noticed between The Avengers

and Game of Thrones.

First, is it just here in Hawaii or is The Avengers movie as crazy popular on the mainland as well? Over here, EVERY theater across Oahu was SOLD OUT both days on opening weekend. I haven’t seen that happen the whole ten plus years I lived here. So that’s pretty crazy in itself and shows what influence this series has on people, especially our youth.

From the Associated Press, “NEW YORK >> The universe belongs to Marvel. “Avengers: Endgame” shattered the record for biggest opening weekend with an estimated $350 million in ticket sales domestically and $1.2 billion globally, reaching a new pinnacle in the blockbuster era that the comic-book studio has come to dominate.

The “Avengers” finale far exceeded even its own gargantuan expectations, according to studio estimates today. The movie had been forecast to open between $260 million and $300 million in U.S. and Canadian theaters, but moviegoers turned out in such droves that “Endgame” blew past the previous record of $257.7 million, set last year by “Avengers: Infinity War” when it narrowly surpassed “The Force Awakens.””

So you know who runs Hollywood, who makes these films, and who puts messages in them. It’s pretty clear by now. Remember, what we have going on is a war since the beginning. The war between the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent.

And the Seed of the Serpent runs Hollywood.

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed…

Now the Seed of the Woman is the White race, and the Seed of the Serpent are the Jews. So who will be played down and who will be played up?

It should be apparent that the Jews will be the heroes in their films.

And the White man will be made to look as either the villain or a weak Beta male. Walter WHITE of Breaking Bad is a prime example.

Now it hasn’t always been like this. What we are seeing is them getting bolder and bolder, really ramping up this propaganda NOW. So we know their END GAME is near.

Let’s look at some of the characters to see if this is true.

We have Thor, who is the son of Odin. So Odin would be Yahweh and Thor would be the equivalent of Christ. We know this too because Loki is Lucifer. Lucifer in the original Latin is actually pronounced LUCK-ifer. With a hard K. So LUCK-EE is LOWK-EE. And we know because this is the mischievous character.

We can see here too that Loki on the LEFT, the Left being the Left Hand Path, the SINister path, they show him with BLUE for water. Both blue and water are connected to the Moon, and the Moon is associated with Lucifer.

Thor on the other hand is on the RIGHT, just like Jesus is the right hand of God. Fire is his symbol and connected to the Sun, which is synonymous with the SON, S-O-N. The Son of Man, Jesus.

So what do they do with Christ in The Avengers- End Game? They have him go to pot. Literally. He has a big pot belly. He hangs around with the “guys” and drinks beer and watches TV all day. When he meets up with his fellow Avengers, they look at him with shock and amusement.

In the end he hands over the reigns of Asgard to Valkyrie, a FEMALE, and a mamzer, half white and half black. She becomes the Queen. Because they are all about the QUEEN, as opposed to the King. Remember, they trace their lineage through the mother, instead of the father. And note too that Thor, Loki, Odin, Freya, Valkyrie, were all Norse Gods and would be WHITE, but of course with Communism and the Jews in control everyone is mixed together in their multi-cultural universe.

And Valkyrie is the same girl who is in control of the park in WestWorld. The “Queen” in that series as well. Remember the Park is a euphemism for Earth and she would be a PARKER. Parker is 33 in numerology.

Now Captain America is the leader of the Avengers and in the end he “retires” too.

He gives up his shield and position to a Black man. So we have a theme going on, Thor gives up his authority to a Black woman, while Captain America gives up his authority to a Black man. Now this is symbolic of what the Serpent Seed wants for America. White America handing the reins of their country to the non-Adamic hordes.

Just like what they are doing to Europe. Here the reigns are given over to Muslim Sadiq Khan, who is the Mayor of London. And he is doing the Hidden Hand. Also notice that he is wearing masonic black and white. And we have the mirroring with him up against the glass here.

Also we know that Captain America, or Chris Evans, played the Christ character in Snowpiercer. He was Curtis Everett. Curtis being an anagram for Curist. Christ was a Curist. He healed people. And if you switch out the “u” for an “h” you get Christ. So both Thor and Captain America are Christ figures in Avengers.

Remember too that Curtis was a Snow PIERCER, meaning he pierces the SNOW, or slays the Snow. The “snow” in this case would be Wilford. Notice they are illuminated by the engine, and that Wilford is on Snowpiercer’s right, trying to influence his decision. He is the Devil whispering in Curtis’ ear.

So SnowPIERCER would be against Jon Snow. He would be against President SNOW in The Hunger Games. Notice the WHITE rose, a symbol of Lucifer. And how his left eye is lit up, his right is in the dark. So he is seeing with his LEFT eye or his MOON eye.

And remember we had another Ford, we have wilFORD, who controlled the Sacred Engine, and we have Robert Ford in Westworld, who controlled the park. Remember Robert is 33 in numerology. Also he is wearing masonic black and white and doing the Hidden Hand. Just like we saw the Muslim Mayor of London both doing AND wearing. Same hand sign, same uniform. Not to mention both Khan and Ford are doing the Janus, the two faced god of the Masons, shown with the mirroring.

Now the real hero in Avengers- End Game is Tony Stark. He is the Jew. His last name is Stark.

Which is Star K, or Star Kosher.

Just like Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, who is also a Stark. What are the chances? Notice Jon and Robb’s features, dark curly hair, and Jon is very short.

And Jon SNOW and President SNOW would also be connected. Making President Snow the Seed of the Serpent in The Hunger Games.

Tony Stark- IRON man, Jon Stark- IRON throne. BOTH Starks and BOTH associated with IRON? Check this out! haha Tony Stark and Jon Stark BOTH wearing the same t-shirt. And the T-shirt is Half Wolf (House Stark) and Half Iron Man (Iron Throne).

Now Tony Stark, a MAN, through “force of will” Crowley’s terminology, becomes as a god. He reaches apotheosis, which is the goal of the Jews- to become a god.

Hence why Skull and Bones uses the number 322.

Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us…

Notice the two Bonesmen crossing their legs. They are doing the double cross, another form of the Janus that we saw both Ford and Khan do. Notice George Bush Senior is part of this club, here marked with the red circle.

Remember this “force of will” is also what Bruce Wayne used, a mere mortal, to become like god, as Batman, or Baphomet man. Superman being Christ, the savior of humanity.

By the way, some people like to say Superman is Lucifer because his S is in the shape of a diamond, but that is pure BS. Know them by their fruits! Look at what Superman does. He is selfless. Even when humanity hates him, mocks him, he still saves them.

Bruce Wayne on the other hand is all about money, wealth, and taking down Superman, killing the Christ. He is a BAT man, a BAD man, a man dressed in Black, of the night. He lives in Gotham City which means GOAT town. While Superman is from Metropolis, the city of the day. WE are children of the day. The Jews are children of the NIGHT, like Batman.

Tony Stark’s wife is played by Gwyneth Paltrow. Are we surprised to find out she is a Jewess?

And the only other character who sacrifices herself in End Game is played by Scarlet Johansson, again, another Jewess. The BLACK Widow. Who was the original Black Widow? How about Isis? Osiris died, hence making her a widow.

Who are the Widow’s sons? Why the Masons of course. So they are the Sons of Isis. Remember that ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. All connected.

Remember Scarlet Jo played LUCY in the movie with the same name. And what is Lucy? A nickname for the feminine aspect of Lucifer. Notice she is doing the one eye here, and doing it with her LEFT eye, which is the MOON eye, the eye of Lucifer.

“Wow… it seems like a thousand years ago… I fought my way out of that cave… and became Iron Man.” Why does this seem like Lucifer rising from the pit and reigning, being Iron Man on the Iron Throne, for a thousand years?

Remember that we are in the Age of Iron, and also that Iron’s chemical abbreviation is FE. FE as in FEmale, because they are opposed to the Father, Yahweh. So they worship the opposite, the Mother. The FEmale instead of the Male.

The first scene of the movie is Tony Stark in outer space. To keep pushing the narrative that there IS space. Infinite space, infinite planets, infinite life. We are insignificant, not special, just a speck of dust, floating in a sea of dust…

Just like the Who’s in Horton Hears a Who. We are at the mercy of chaos. Anything can take us out as any second, a furnace blast from the sun, a rogue asteroid, Nibiru… BUT, nothing could be further from the truth!

Now if you watched Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 3, called The Long Night, you will see a similarity here with Tony Stark “flying in heaven in a big winged beast”.

And here we have Jon and Dany riding Rhaegal and Drogon respectively, up in heaven on winged beasts. Notice both shots have the “moon” in them. And we know the moon is associated with Lucifer. They end up going back through the clouds and down. Like Lucifer falling from heaven.

They pan the Statue of Liberty. They PAN her because PAN is another name for Lucifer, he is the God of Chaos, of PANdemonium. Notice PanDEMONium, has DEMON in it too. Now the Statue of Liberty is ALSO symbolic of Lucifer. Colombia is Isis and Isis is the feminine aspect of Lucifer, also known as Lilith. But if you look at the statue you will notice that it is very androgynous, and the Baphomet IS the androgyne. It is the ultimate goal of the Luciferians, the melding of man and woman.

“The world has changed, none of us can go back'” says the Black Widow. Hope and change, Obama’s motto, their motto. They are all about the LEFT, change. They want to make a NEW World Order, destroying THIS order, God’s order.

“Thanos did exactly what he said he would do. He wiped out 50% of all living creatures.”

TruthVids made a good point here. He said, “Thanos’s plan made no sense, wipe out half the life and leave the other half. What does that accomplish? A mockery of Christ’s return. the dividing of the wheat and the tares.”

Remember the WHEAT are the WHITE against the Tares. The Tares, they rip things up, destroy or tear up. And they also bring Tears, TEARS is an anagram for Tares.

And notice how the Night King did NOT burn in the fire. More mockery.

Thanos is a derivation of Thanatos, which means death and mortality.

The Night King would be the Thanos of Game of Thrones. “What does the girl say to DEATH? Not today”.

But is it a scarecrow? Or is it more mockery of Christ? Putting MAN over God by putting Thanos’ armor in place of Christ.

Now the Jewyest prop of the whole movie is Thanos’ Kabbalah Glove, known as the Infinity Gauntlet.

You can see Thanos’ hand is a variation on the HAMSA, a Jewish good luck charm. Notice Thanos has it on his LEFT hand. His power comes from the LEFT hand path, the SINister path.

“The Night King is coming”. … Dani replies, “The dead are already here.”

How convenient that the dead, the walking dead, are the WHITE walkers? So they have WHITE right in their name, they have white hair, and blue eyes, very Aryan, very Nordic. And they do come from the North, which is where the WHITE Christian nations are.

And notice the use of FIRE to battle the WHITE walkers. Fire is what Christ will use against the Edomites in Armageddon. And here the Edomites are using it against the whites in mockery in THIS version of Armageddon.

They have ARYA kill the Night King- this is a full reversal because ARYA is ARYAN, which is what the WHITE people are.

Notice how she spent time with the many faced god.

And Robert Ford is a “many faced god”.

While the NIGHT King, would be who the Jews are. Remember the Masons (YORKS) worship the moon, Lucifer, who comes out at night, hence the Masonic black and white.

So this whole battle is one big ritual attacking the whites, the Adamites, the Seed of the Woman. Attacked by the Seed of the Serpent.

So it should be apparent that movies like The Avengers- End GAME, The Hunger GAMES and Snowpiercer, and series like WestWorld and GAME of Thrones, are all rituals done on the masses, the unsuspecting Goyim, to get us to buy into their New World Order, putting THEM on the Iron Throne of our Earth.

Now remember what you learned in basic English class? That whenever you put the word “but” after a statement it NEGATES everything that came before it? Well, Yahweh is the ultimate “but”, no matter what the Edomites throw at us, Yahweh will always answer with a BUT and destroy them in the end. It is truly Yahweh’s End Game.

For more symbolism of Game of Thrones watch my Game of Thrones Decoded, I did after Season 4.

You can watch the Bitchute version here:

Posted in: Movies and Series

5 responses on “The Avengers- End Game and Game of Thrones- The Long Night… Decoded

  1. Steve

    FYI, Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, Both Jews and Masons, created the Superman character for DC Comics in 1933-the thirty three. Siegel & Shuster also said how they were influenced by the Kabbalah in creating Superman – the S in the diamond shape is indeed intentional.
    But I do agree, with the Superman vs. Batman, where Superman is good, fighting against the bat or badman.
    So I hope you don’t get upset with me, for sharing the REAL TRUTH!

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hi Steve, Yes, I mention in my Communist Manifesto Decoded about when Superman was invented and how Stalin means “man of Steel”. Someone else asked me why would a Jew make a good character like Superman. Here is my reply: “Okay. What about Snowpiercer? What about Thor? What about Captain America? What about Teddy in Westworld? What about Gale Hawthorne in Hunger Games? What about Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones? These are ALL Christ characters. Superman is used in the same way the rest are. To make them money. And ((they)) do rituals AGAINST them. Should be easy to see now.’ And his reply: The Golden Eagle • 1 day ago “rosette delacroix OH! So they create these characters only to make them be hated or humiliated in their own stories. Ok, I see what you are saying.” So yes, I would say they were definitely influenced by the Kabbalah, I mean look at Thanos’ glove, my goodness, but that doesn’t mean all the characters are bad. It is a mass ritual. In the end, THEIR guy wins in THEIR rituals. Thanks for chiming in. You are on point.

  2. Luis Tamez

    Hola que tal Rosette, excelente trabajo, muy bien llevado a cabo, te felicito, en la portada de Avengers End Game, el arco de Hawk y el escudo de Capitán América, se forma un domo y la estrella está en el centro. Espero y veas más cosas ahí. Saludos

  3. Mike Miller

    I LOOOOOVE this site. You have some of the most interesting and fascinating info that I’ve come across in a long time.
    Keep up the great work!!!!
    May Yahweh bless you abundantly.

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