Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Fairytales Decoded

In Irish “Fe erie” means the enchantment of the Fe (FAY). Fe is derived from Fatae or the Fates. The Fates were mythological goddesses of Paganism. So we can see where the Irish people went astray here. But we also have FAIR in Fairy which is not only FAIR or WHITE, but also FAIR as in FAIR dealings, honest, just. It reminds me of the name for the Germans. The Romans called these Scythians “Germans”, to differentiate them from the ones that traveled to Scythland or Scotland. The name they gave them is derived from the Latin word Germanus, which means Original. And one of their smaller sub groups were called the Franks, named for their honesty or FRANKness, just like the Fairies.

William Blake was a prolific writer, poet and painter. This one titled Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing. The characters of course from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Circa 1786

If we look to Arthur and his Round Table we find Guinevere. We can break her name down between Guin and Vere. Guin or Gwen means WHITE, fair, blessed and holy. While VERE means Truth or true. So Guinevere was white and true.

And we have a character in The Hunger Games that was named Gale Hawthorne. Gale of course is for Gaelic and Hawthorne can be broken down into Haw and Thorne. Haw means WHITE and Thorne is an anagram for Throne. So Gaelic WHITE Throne. Who would that be? Well Jesus of course. He was from the Tribe of Judah, a WHITE Adamite, a relative of the Gaels, the physical seed of Yahweh.

Fairies are also known as the Sidhe (Sith) and there is a famous painting by John Duncan called The Riders of the Sidhe. Notice Sidhe is pronounced SITH like the Scyth or the Scythians. Sidhe is the name of the earthen mounds that dot the Irish landscape. You can also see these all over England. The Faeries are said to live in them. The Faeries are also known as the Fair Folk, the Good Neighbors and the People of Peace.

So if we look closely at the painting we see the snake above one riders head. The snake was a symbol for the Tribe of Dan, along with the scales of justice.

Robert Balaicius mentions in his book Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, “Christ instructed His disciples to be ‘wise as serpents yet harmless as doves.’ Matthew 10:16. It is possible this shows a special union of the Tribes of DAN and JUDAH. God declared Judah was a lion, and the scepter (ruling authority) would not pass from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Christ returned. Genesis 49:8-10. It seems likely that Dan is this “lawgiver” between Judah’s feet (appointed in authority under Judah.)” So Duncan is showing us this connection in his painting.

Notice they have the Tree of Life with them. And on the brown horse’s bridle what do we see? Oh that pesky Swastika, which was an ancient symbol for Christianity.

Riders of the Sidhe, painted by John Duncan in 1911.

So we know the Sidhe as the Scythians, but they are also known as the Tuatha De Danaan. And we know that the Tuatha De Danaan is the Tribe of Dan. Scotland was also called CalDONia.

So a remnant went to Ireland and Scotland and the rest stayed in the land known today as Denmark or DANmark. Just like we have the Germans in Germany with the remainder going to Ireland and Scotland as well.

Now notice how close Pharaoh is to Faira-ee. Pharaoh and Fairy are the same root. Pharaoh would mean WHITE LEADER, similar to HAW-THORNE. And we know that the Egyptians were originally WHITE. In fact, the land that the Israelites came from is called Palestine and we can see that Palestine is a combination of PALE and STONE. And PALE means FAIR or WHITE again. Notice too that the place many Israelites migrated to, Great Britain, was originally called ALBION. Albion is an anagram for Albino! Albino of course means WHITE!

William Blake’s Albion

I did a Live Chat on this topic on my YouTube channel but unfortunately they sho’ad the channel and I didn’t save a copy of the chat. 🙁

Posted in: Past and Current Events

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