When looking at the connection of The Wizard of Oz and the North Pole I came across many more connections. The main connections being between The Wizard of Oz, the North Pole, Eden, King Arthur and the Red Rose, which is connected to Christ. Why are they showing all these “truths” now? Or are we just more “adept” in seeing them?
Let’s start where we left off in Part Three. If we look at Mercator’s map we can see the North Pole has a Mountain or Tower at the middle.
Which is shown on The Wizard of Oz’s map as well. Only difference here is the “oceans” are sand instead of water.
Now look, here the Tower is in The Dark Tower series too. Above it, it says “End World”. End is an anagram for Eden. Switch the “d” and “n” around and you have Edn or Eden. Notice the red roses ringing it. Notice too the mountains just before.
Remember on Mercator’s map there is a ring of mountains encircling the Pole.
Also notice the Badlands. The main character has to cross the Badlands to get to the Tower. There is ANOTHER story where the main character has to cross the Badlands to get to the Tower. Only in this other story the Tower is called Azra. Now we’ll get to that connection in a few minutes.
First, let’s take a closer look at the Tower on The Dark Tower’s map. We have twelve “beams” coming out from the center. The beams are named after animals.
Which is very similar to the Chinese Zodiac with twelve animals, circling a central point. And we have a Yin Yang symbol or a Whirlpool in the middle. Remember Mercator mentioned that the four inland drawing seas met at a magnetic tower which they swirled around in a great Whirlpool.
And also Dorothy followed the yellow brick road that ended at a Whirlpool.
Do you think the appliance company Whirlpool, knows the significance of their logo? I’m sure they do.
The Whirlpool, swirling around the magnetic Tower at the North Pole.
Notice how the Tower here swirls like a whirlpool.
Now let’s look at the roses. They are red for a reason.
They are connected to King Arthur and his twelve knights of the Round Table. What do we see in the middle? Why the Red Rose. Notice Arthur is meant to be in the MIDDLE. He holds the 13th position. The one in the center, the one represented by the Red Rose.
And as we mentioned earlier, which reminds us of Jesus and his twelve disciples, which are ACTUALLY seated at a Round Table as well. Notice the circular cutout right in front of Jesus? They hide this in plain sight. And Jesus is in the center. Again, he holds the 13th position. The disciples represent the 12 months and are broken into groups of three, representing the four seasons.
And CHRIST is associated with the Red Rose. The Red Rose is placed in the center of the cross. The center of the cross, like the center of our bodies where the HEART is located. Notice the cross is yellow, like the SUN. Jesus is the sun/son of God. Also Rose is an anagram for Eros- the God of LOVE. And the center of our EARTH is the North Pole. See how everything naturally fits together?
Luke 8:17: For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
And don’t forget Earth is an anagram for Heart.
Now back to The Dark Tower. For those not familiar with this series, it is based on books by Stephen King. King says that The Dark Tower series is his Magnum Opus or Great Work. The Great Work is the Work of the Masons. So King would be a Mason.
He sees with his left here.
He tells us that the main character, the Gunslinger, is actually based on a Knight of King Arthur’s Round Table. From the Wiki, “In the story, Roland Deschain (An anagram for “Land of the Chained”) is the last living member of a knightly order known as gunslingers and the last of the line of “Arthur Eld”, his world’s analogue of King Arthur.”
And just as Arthur carried a sword, Roland carries a gun. So this Gunslinger, this Knight, is on a quest to find The Man in Black, who he has some reckoning with.
The Gunslinger is King Arthur, or Christ and The Man in Black is King Coel, or Lucifer. (Coel is Coal- as in Black). They are playing out The War of the Roses.
Which is a war that has been playing out since the beginning of time. When Lucifer fell. Lucifer represents the White Rose, Christ, the Red. This was played out in The War of the Roses in Britain, a series of battles to take over the throne of England. Before that by King Arthur and King Coel. And is being played out today. The Red Rose stands for Red Blooded like Christ, while the White Rose stands for the Blue Bloods, or the Elite, the followers of Lucifer.
The Arctic or the Center, the Christ, in which the constellation Arthur is directly above, is represented by the Red Rose.
Antarctica or Anti-arctic, Anti-Christ, is the outer ring, as far from Christ as you can go and is represented by the White Rose.
And remember Katniss in The Hunger Games held a Red Rose as well. She was on the side of Christ.
And Coriolanus Snow, who represented the elite, held a White Rose in his lapel. He was on the side of Lucifer.
Katniss knows the White Rose represents Evil.
Now Stephen King said he got the inspiration for his Dark Tower series from Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came, a poem by Robert Browning, and is a line from Shakespeare’s play King Lear.
Child Rowland to the dark tower came,
His word was still ‘Fie, foh, and fum
I smell the blood of a British man.
— King Lear, Act 3, scene 4
Notice how the painting for the poem looks familiar. What is that yonder we see?
Could it be a tower? Which looks an awful lot like this tower? This tower is also known as Devil’s Tower. And could quite possibly be a giant tree- cut. Fie, foh and fum? I smell the blood of a British man. And who was this British man? The King of the Brits, Arthur of course.
The Dark Tower…
Notice again how it spirals…
Like the Tower of Babel….cut.
Like the Tower nicknamed The Gherkin, in London… do you think the owners of this building know the connection to the North Pole? I would say absolutely.
So we have The Badlands on The Dark Tower map.
And we have a new show on AMC called Into the Badlands.
The main character of The Dark Tower has to cross the Badlands to get to the Tower.
The main character of Into the Badlands has to cross the Badlands to get to the Tower.
Only in this other story the Tower is called Azra.
In it we have a boy whose stage name is Aramis KNIGHT (Aramis is an anagram for A Mars, as in A Knight of Mars. Mars is symbolic of King Arthur. King Arthur’s father was named Emperor Marcian or Martian.) So he is an Arthurian Knight, like Roland in The Dark Tower. He plays the boy, who is the equivalent of Jake in The Dark Tower.
Aramis’ name on the show is MK. Yes, MK as in MK Ultra Program. He has amnesia. From being mind controlled? He can’t remember home but wears a pendant of home around his neck. He also possesses mutant abilities.
Sunny is the Roland character in this series. He is a badass with a sword. Sunny as in the Sun. The Sun card is 19 in the Tarot deck.
Stephen King’s favorite number is 19 and pops up in many of his stories. In The Dark Tower it pops up.
Now MK is a mutant. Just like the Wolverine is. In the last installment of the Wolverine series called Logan, we have not only the mutant connection to MK but also the story line is connected.
In Logan, we have an eleven year old girl named Laura that Logan is trying to save. She is a mutant like MK. She is seeking sanctuary as well in a place called EDEN in NORTH Dakota. Notice the key words, EDEN and NORTH.
Remember Eden is an anagram for Ende too or End. Here it even gives us this clue. It says, “Eden or the end?” How about Eden IS the End. Eden is also an anagram for Need. We Need ~ Eden. And look at the Tower in the background- Devil’s Tower.
Now we mentioned that the story line is very similar between The Dark Tower and Into the Badlands, however instead of seeking the Tower, they are seeking a place called Azra. Look at the compass and pendant. What do you see?
You see that Azra is Asgard. In Norse mythology Asgard is Heaven, and is located directly above Earth, or Midgard, at the North Pole. Notice how Asgard looks like a tower, with a moat and a drawbridge.
Now what else did that pendant remind you of?
Doesn’t it look just like Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz?
Let’s look at the pendant again. Yep. It even has rays coming off of the tower like it is glowing.
Now MK finds a book on Azra. Look at this character, it looks like he has the sun behind him. He is the sun/son or Christ. And he is located at the center of our world. And this figure “holds the key” the key in this case being a compass.
When the compass is placed into the book it activates it, making it point in a particular direction. Remember that all compasses point to magnetic north. To the magnetic mountain at the NORTH pole, home of EDEN.
Now if we weren’t quite sure that this is what the series is trying to portray, they give us this random shot. One of the “butterfly” girls that MK likes, holds up a snow globe. The snow globe shows the shape of our world, flat, with a glass dome above, but look what’s on the side. They make sure to show us the HIBISCUS flower.
Now if you’ve watched my Flat Earth Decoded Part 2, you would know of the significance. The Hibiscus flower is symbolic of the North Pole. The petals represent the four islands separated by the white lines that represent the four indrawing seas, with the stamen representing the Tower in the middle, the dark portion at its base is where the seas are drawn in by a great Whirlpool.
Remember too that the Hibiscus is found in Hawaii, also known as The PARADISE Isles. So connecting the flower with Paradise and Eden. The Hawaiian Hibiscus is the tropical version of? Why the Red Rose of course.
“A rose is a rose is a rose.” ~Gertrude Stein
“What’s in a name? By any other name would smell as sweet.” ~Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Now remember Catherine of Russia learned the secret of the North Pole from the Masons. And we know they are an integral part of this cover up. Notice here in Into The Badlands, the checkered floor, which of course is symbolic of them.
The main opposing Baron in this story is called The Widow, as in the Black Widow. She has red hair and dresses in black. Notice here her holding the book on Azra.
Her’s is the House of Butterflies. MK Ultra Monarch butterflies. Their color is blue. Blue and silver.
The colors of the Moon. The colors of the Left Hand Path. The colors of Lillith or Lucifer.
And in the book of Azra there is a depiction of the 24 symbol of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet for the sign of Sagittarius. Remember Sagittarius is Latin for Archer. And the image looks like a bow, and also a Tree of Life symbol. The Tree of Life is also supposed to be the Tower. Notice the line coming in from the top and zigzagging back and forth until it reaches the 24. Remember that MK represents Arthur, who is the Archer.
In The Hunger Games we had Katniss and Gale, who were both Archers. They came from District 12. The twelfth month, December, is the month that holds Sagittarius, the Archer. Gale put his name in for the Reaping 42 times.
Flip the 42 and you have 24 the symbol of Jupiter. The symbol of the Archer.
Now in the second installment called Catching Fire, Katniss had to play another tournament under a new dome. This one was set up like the North Pole. Notice the “tower” in the middle sectioned off into 12 “beams”.
Here is a closer look. They figured out that it worked like a clock. That an event would happen on the hour in a different section. If they could figure out which section was affected next, they could avoid the calamities that fell.
Katniss figured out that the enclosure had a honeycombed dome that was electrified above them. She shot an arrow straight into the center above and shorted it out.
You can see the honeycombed pattern of the dome here. Is this similar to the structure of our dome?
Now before I leave you I wanted to show some connections to the Tower in our real world. Notice the long lean shape of the tower here. Which is in the shape of an obelisk.
What’s probably the most famous obelisk or pole? The Washington Monument. And notice too that it is connected to water, like the tower at the North Pole.
We have TOWER Records.
Here is the original store in Sacrament-O.
And another store. Not sure where this one is though.
And remember the red and white barber pole going to the magnetic mountain? What does it remind you of?
And on Baum’s map we had the Yellow Brick Road in the same location. What does it remind you of?
Tick tock Tick tock Mr. Wick…. Times up!
How about this…. a castle with a drawbridge! A tower, surrounded by a moat, with a drawbridge.
A tower, surrounded by a moat, with a drawbridge.
A tower, surrounded by a moat with a drawbridge.
And what are these castles made of? Stone. Made by stone masons. Mason’s hiding the secret in plain sight all over the world.
Castle is B-u-r-g in German, with Mountain being spelled B-e-r-g.
The annual BilderBERG meeting.
Does it have that name for a reason? I would say yes, these are the elite who know the hidden secrets about the North Pole. Look at their map. What does it look like? Like a Dark Tower in the center?
And what’s the most famous castle with a moat and a drawbridge? Why Disney’s castle of course. We see it every time before we watch one of their movies. Disney was a 33rd degree Mason. He knew. Now we do too.
And even Asgard has a drawbridge. To get there you are supposed to go over the Rainbow (draw) Bridge.
So I hope I have opened your eyes to the true nature of our world. That the Adepts know. That they hide through their symbolism the Truth about our World. That Eden IS in the center, at the North Pole. That God’s throne is directly above in Heaven, Asgard. That the Red Rose is symbolic of Arthur, who was symbolic of Christ.
Learning the truth makes me MORE spiritual not less. It shows to me, that their is a GOD and He loves us and has a plan for us. That no matter how base our world is becoming, it is temporary, that God will always make it Right in the End ~ Eden.
Yahweh Bless
Here is a link to the YouTube presentation:
And here on some Wiki links:
Just so exiting…. the synchronicity of it all coming together now and coming across your work now… gives me faith too Thank You xxxxx
Thank you so much Victoria. You are a dear heart. <3
Thank you for the video, really good one!! One thing that keeps getting on my mind is the possibility of the allegded date of the mercator map to be wrong, modified by the control powers to show that it was from a remote ignorant past, but there’s a lot of 19 century elements on the map. Then, jesuits began to make the maps and we have our modern crap
Hey Mr. V,
I wouldn’t put it past them to fiddle with dates. That’s for sure. I do have some interesting info I’ll be sharing soon, one of which tidbits mentions the Mercator Map. Gerardus Mercator and Urbano Monte both have hidden images in their self-portraits, which I show and discuss in one of my decodes here. They were definitely in the know, hiding truths in plain sight.
Best read I have ever had I just got my faith back thanks alot! So to get saved do we need to go there or?
Add a few things- A dominate theme seems to be women wearing blue clothing, and a red item. Men red clothing with a blue item
Dorthy has a BLUE Dress and wears ruby red slippers.
The S. King movie Rose Red- Notice the cover? A girls in a blue dress, holding a doll with red hair and the dolls hair is just as a rose.
Snow White 1939- Again blue dress, and she wears a red crown.. All these women wearing blue clothing! And portraying red in other items.
Cinderella -There is that Blue dress again!
Gulliver- Red clothing
Sleeping Beauty- Girl in blue man in red.
Almost all the old pre-50s films by Disney this is the theme..I can go on and on..
Hey Rosie, I’ve really enjoyed reading your work. I especially appreciate the fact I can read it, and I don’t have to watch the video. I am a graduate student in God’s University, for the last twelve years, twelve is, of course, the number of Divine Government. Please allow me to suggest a topic for your decoding talents; the fall of Mystery Babylon, which is, the fast approaching mile marker leading to the second coming of Christ, and The Kingdom of Heaven, fixed unmoving in the very center of our lovely level plane. God bless you! Lou
Where is all the snow coming from ?
Absolutely love your work! Do you have any resources or knowledge of any individuals or groups recently that have made or are planning to make a trip to the North Pole, yellow brick road, Mt Meru, etc? In the process of putting an expedition together but looking for more info and resources about what has taken place before and what to possibly expect. Much love! Thanks!
Thank you so much InPhiNitBit! I’m not aware of any official trips being planned. Way before Flat Earth I was into Hollow Earth theory and I remember a guy that researched the subject, made vids, and was planning a trip. But I don’t think it ever came to fruition. I would say “they” don’t want us to make that trip and would try and stop us. They put shows out there like the recent one called “The Terror” to scare people from going to the North Pole. It is because if we can see the place for ourselves it would prove God, it would prove the Bible is correct, and they can’t have that.
Brilliant and Heartfelt as are all your efforts. I am now going through all your gifted video presentations.. How generous and loving your concern for all.. Will reserve my comments until the end of the flat earth series. When do you find time to sleep?
I also gain much insight through the many comments and your replies.
Deepest love to you and yours.!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your gifted brilliance being so generously shared. As I see it; The heart of the matter is that we are we driven by self-interests (egoGod only). We are in this world yet not of it. At the soul level there is still ego but we are closer to all ego’s demise. This One and the Many has been referred to by some as The Divine Dichotomy
GMO as we know is an anacronym for Genetically Modified Organism. I see it as GOD Move Over then God Move Out which is processing in mostly everything.
You have a blessed gift of decoding form and the symbolism of words.
This has led me to ponder much regarding how the controlling power of the Zionist maintaining their New World Order enhancement and advancement.
The banking systems since the 14th and 15th century have altered the fundamental thinking of society. Interest on money (Usury) prior to that time usury was considered a mortal sin and was likened to murder in its evil this is according to the Revisionist Michael Hoffman. The Catholic Church position on usury has taken it from a mortal sin to a blessing.
The Zionist who are pretty much controlling the world banking systems will even kill any one powerful enough to stop their cash cow. Lincoln, Kennedy, Gidaphy (Sp) Hitler and others were killed because of their effors to stop the Zionest Usury banking systems.
I am reluctant to ask you to decode the Zionist Banking systems. They are controlling the energy systems of the world and systematically destroying it. The debt will only increase until we all will be controlled from birth to death with no freedom.
The systems of Buddha, Christ and other Avatars as amplified by the likes Alan Watts, Judo Krishnamurti and Echart Tolle may be our only way out.
Thank you for all your decodings. They have made me aware.
Thank you! Love to You and Yours! Al Metzger