I always knew I wanted to end this series on a Part Twelve. Twelve fits in with Wralda’s design and is most auspicious. But I wasn’t going to make a part twelve until I had something really important to share. And so, here we are. My Part Twelve is, in part, on the number TWELVE.
So let’s take a closer look at how TWELVE is incorporated in Wralda’s design.

Only in America (Liberia and Myanmar) do we still use the old English System of Measurements. And it’s funny how people in other countries laugh about this. Those oddball Americans! BUT, this system IS Wralda’s system. So who should be laughing?

In Wralda’s system we have a measurement called a Foot, which is TWELVE inches long.
And if we take 5280 Feet of those, we get a Mile, which is also base TWELVE (5280/12=440).
We can see how practical Wralda is. He gives us a system that we can do without having to grab a tool to measure. We can measure an Inch with our index finger. An Inch being the length between the knuckles. A Foot was literally, on average, an adult male’s foot, and a yard was an adult male’s arm length.

Imagine having a size TWELVE foot. You could measure anything by “the foot” just by walking it.

A Mile was a “twenty minute walk” on those feet. So if we have three miles we have a sixty minute walk, or one hour (60/12=5). Base TWELVE once again.
In The Oera Linda Book we see how these longer measurements were done in time as well. Athena/Minerva tells us how the wall from the harbor to Athens was an hour long. So we know the wall was approximately three miles long.

From the OLB we read, “We then built a burgh at an HOUR’S distance from the harbor. On Minerva’s advice it was called Athenia, “because”, she said, “those who come after us should know that we did not come here out of greed or by violence, but were received like friends.”

And we count eggs by the dozen, which of course is TWELVE. Why always TWELVE eggs? Because we had a strong connection with the Yule in our past, and knew that Wralda’s world was made in base TWELVE. So we incorporated base TWELVE in our every day lives. So we crated eggs by the dozen because they are a symbol of fertility, and so it reminds us of the original TWELVE tribes of Frya, and our first mother.

They’ll try and tell you that the word “Dozen” is from Old French dozaine, and that came from Latin duodecim, but it actually was Germanic and thus a Fryan word.

From the OLB we read, “Later, in Athens, Minerva gave the following reply to the pagan priests when they asked her about these symbols. Once they came and asked: “If you are not a witch, what are you doing with the eggs that you are always carrying with you?” Minerva answered, “These eggs are the symbols of Frya’s councils, in which our future and that of the whole human race lies concealed; time must hatch them and we must keep watch that no harm comes to them.”

Gentlemen give their sweethearts a DOZEN roses as well. This stems back to Frya and her “eggs”, the original TWELVE Fryan tribes.

In Elementary School we learned our Times Table up to number TWELVE. At thirteen, the numbers change. We enter the “teens”.

And TWELVE was considered the last year before we went through puberty or flowered. TWELVE years CIRCUITING the Yule to become a Young “Adult”. Not quite a child, but not quite an adult.

A complete CIRCUIT around the Yule was also reflected in each Fryan’s house.
From the OLB we read, “Those who by their good deeds had received a piece of land in front of their house, they promised from their side they would also receive a piece behind; those who had a piece before and behind, would be allocated a complete CIRCUIT…”

We KNEW our World was based on TWELVE and the CIRCLE. How did we forget? How did we lose our connection to Wralda?
The Owl was a sacred symbol of the CIRCLE, the YULE, as we can see when we look at the German word for Owl, which is EULE. It is phonetically the same as YULE. The owl is a symbol of wisdom. A symbol of the protector watching over us, even as we sleep.

Here we can see Minerva’s Owl usurped by our enemies and placed on the Dollar bill.

From the OLB we read, that the priests asked, “Tell us what is the meaning of the night owl that always sits above your head? Is that light-shunning animal perhaps a sign of your clear vision?” Athena replied, “No. He helps to remind me that there are people roaming the earth who, like him, live in churches and holes. They keep to the dark, though, not like him to rid us of mice and other plagues, but to invent tricks to steal other people’s knowledge that they may get a better hold to make slaves of them, and to suck their blood like vampires do.”

Another animal symbol of the Carrier Wheel, or the CIRCLE, is the Crow. Yes, another creature of Wralda’s that has been taken over by the Cabal and used for bad. The Crow in Scottish is CORMAC. COR means CIRCLE and MAC means CLAN, so CORMAC would mean “Clan of the Circle”.
And the Crow, like the Owl, is ALSO a symbol of wisdom.

And our first “church” was the CIRCLE. The word CHURCH in German is KIRCHE, and in Old English was KIRK. Kirk is CIRC or CIRCLE. So Kirche means we worshipped the CIRCLE, the Yule, Wralda’s Carrier Wheel, the TRUE Church.

When it came to Market days in the OLB we read about General Law Number Eight, which states, “Market fees may not be more than one-TWELFTH of the transaction, both for residents and outsiders.”
So we see, even in transactions the number TWELVE was sacred.

Also we learn that within Frya’s borders there were TWELVE large freshwater rivers. One to represent each Tribe of Frya perhaps?
From the OLB we read, “At the morning boundary (East) we went over the extremity of the Aster Sea, at the evening (West) to the Middle Sea (Mediterranean). Also, apart from the small, there were TWELVE large freshwater rivers given to us by Wralda to help keep our land moist, and to show our seafaring men the way to the sea.”

In the OLB, regarding the story of the death of Adela, we learn that during the Harvest month, they had a festival in which TWELVE girls led TWELVE lambs…

and TWELVE boys led TWELVE calves.

Today they make the excuse that we use the Metric System because it is much more practical. But is it?
We know its based off of Base 10. Base IO. IO is a symbol for the androgynous male/female Baphomet.

Here we have the infamous Number 10 or Number IO Downing Street.

IO is also a moon of Jupiter, and a minor goddess in the Greek Mythology pantheon. She is the equivalent of the Egyptian Isis. And we know who worships ISIS.

Isn’t it odd that we don’t hear anything about ISIS these days? THEY control what the NEWS will be (North East West South) and focus our attention on the agenda they are pushing. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and their motto is Rule by Deception and also, The Unseen Shield, which we know is another way to say The Hidden Hand.

So just like their BS “Panspermia” in which life came to earth from space on the backs of asteroids, comets and space dust, sperm fertilizing the non-existent space egg called earth…

and named after Pan, the Goat God or androgynous IO and his “sperm” all over this theory like an Alpha dog marking its territory, we have them doing the same thing with our system of measurements. To get us off of Wralda’s system, the Natural System and putting us on their artificial system under their control.
Here we have Pan trying to molest Athena Minerva. Just like they do relentlessly to all Fryans today. She’s holding the perpetual flame. The flame given to Fryans to connect them with their original mother, Frya. And notice how tall she is. WE were the ones known as Giants in those days.

The Metric System, METRIC sounds phonetically similar to MATRIX.
It IS the MATRIX System that they have put us under.

And yet we still use the old system for time. We have 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour (60/12=5). There are 24 hours in a day (24/12=2), evenly divided between day and night. We have 30 days in a month and TWELVE of those make a Perfect Circle, the true year of 360 days (360/12=30).
Remember that the “Sun stands still” on the Solstices, so when it stands still three days for Winter and two and a quarter for Summer, that the carrier wheel is technically standing still, thus we have 360 days of movement.

The year is divided into four seasons that show the natural progression of Wralda’s creation throughout the year,

including the Cycle of Man, from baby, to boy, to man, to elder.

And during the Winter season Wralda let’s beautiful snowflakes fall in perfect base TWELVE designs as well (6×2=12).

And we know from my Flat Earth Part Eleven that the true year STARTS on the Spring Equinox, so the Zodiac should START here as well. But does it?
Why yes, yes it does!
Aries is always considered the FIRST sign of the Zodiac and Aries starts on the SPRING Equinox. Bam! Truth hidden in plain sight! If our current calendar was correct then Aries would start in January, but it doesn’t. January’s Zodiac sign isn’t even the last sign but the eleventh! The twelfth would be in February. So we KNOW they took two months from the back and tacked them on the front of our calendar to throw us off of Wralda’s Perfect Design and put us into their false MATRIX system.

Now if we look to the Zodiac signs we will also notice that they correspond to body parts. These body parts go in anatomical order from the top of the head down to the feet. Just like in the order of time we have the baby, then boy, then man, then elder.

So Aries is the head and face, as it should be if it represents the FIRST SIGN and coincides with the TRUE FIRST MONTH of March! Taurus is the neck and throat, Gemini (twins) are the twin arms and hands, Cancer is the breast (breast cancer awareness?), Leo is the heart, Virgo is the solar plexus, Libra is the kidneys and hips, Scorpio is the genitals, Sagittarius is the thighs, Capricorn is the knees, Aquarius is the ankles, and Pisces are the two feet.

If we look at the dates for each sign we see that the dates are what the actual True Year is! The calendar needs to start in March and match the first sign, and it needs to shift twenty days so that what is currently March 21st should be March 1st. Then the Equinox would be on March 1st, the beginning of the new year, and all the months would fall in line accordingly.

And on a side note, if we look to nature, we see that animals are born in the Spring, that plants also come out of hibernation and bloom. And like nature, Man too, was meant to have their offspring in the spring. OFFspring- OF Spring. We should technically ALL be of Aries, the head.

If we look to see how many years make an Age we come to 2,160 years, which again is base TWELVE (2,160/12=180). And we know that the Ages run backwards.

These Ages running backwards, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, was first calculated by Hipparchus around 127 BC. Since each sign of the Zodiac is composed of 30 degrees (Just like each month has 30 days), each Astrological Age might be thought to last about 72 (years) × 30 (degrees) = about 2160 years. This corresponds to the average time it takes for the Vernal Equinox to move from one constellation of the Zodiac into the next. See how it’s tied to the VERNAL equinox? The beginning of each Carrier Wheel around the Yule?
The Fryans KNEW how important the VERNAL Equinox was and built Stonehenge and similar structures all over the world, wherever Fryans lived, to honor the most important day of the year.

So there are TWELVE Zodiacal Ages (like Months) within a Great Year, and those are separated into four “Metal” Ages (like Seasons). So we know we are in the Iron Age, but what Zodiacal Age are we in? We see a big debate on this, with the majority believing that we are now in the Age of Aquarius. BUT when that actually started is hard to determine. I found start dates in the 1800’s, 1960’s, 2012 and even that it just happened on the VERNAL EQUINOX of March 20, 2021.

When we have the Precession go through all TWELVE signs this is called a Great Year. One Great Year equals 25,920 years, which is a complete precession through the Zodiac, and is again, Base TWELVE (25,920/12=2160).

Traditionally this 25,920 year-long cycle is calibrated, for the purposes of determining Astrological Ages, by the location of the sun in one of the TWELVE Zodiac constellations at the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, which corresponds to the moment the sun crosses the Celestial Equator, marking the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere each year. Every 2,160 years the sun’s position at the time of the Vernal Equinox will have moved into a new Zodiacal constellation.
So we can see how important the VERNAL EQUINOX is and why they would want to hide the importance from us. Its basically our base, where we start on Wralda’s wheel, and where significant events will happen at particular intervals, both minor and major events.

We know that TIME is actually CIRCULAR, just like everything else making up Wralda’s creation, and NOT linear, as in a straight line, but a curved line, When we complete a Great Year we start over at year one. So it might be hard to grasp, that we are infinitely on this Circle, with civilizations rising and falling, and ours will too.

From the OLB, Athena/Minerva says, “Frya has brought us to the path and the carrier, that is Time, must do the rest. For all calamities there is counsel and remedy to be found, but Wralda wills that we should seek it ourselves, in order that we may become strong and wise. If we will not do that, he leaves us to our own devices, in order that we may experience the results of wise or foolish conduct.”

Reincarnation is real because like time being circular, so are our life cycles. I think our ancestors knew this and thus used the symbol of the Ouroboros to represent this.
So we come in to the Carrier Wheel as a baby, and if we don’t get killed prematurely by man or by nature, we would die an elder. Then, eventually, we would come back in again.

Our Ancestors were proud to die a noble and brave death. And to die an old man or woman was not desirable. They must have know that life does not end in death. That true warriors, of the sword, of the pen, of the heart, go to Valhalla.

When we observe Wralda’s Perfect Design, we can see truth in plain sight. Ever wonder why Christians are told not partake in astrological topics? Is it to keep them in the dark?

So like the four seasons in a Year, we have four ages in a Great Year. These Ages coincide with the four seasons. The Golden Age would coincide with Spring, the Baby, the beginning, where everything is healthy, fresh and new. Then we have the Silver Age, which coincides with Summer, the Youth, where things aren’t as new, there are slight growing pains, but it is all together a good time to be alive. From there we have the Bronze Age, which coincides with the Fall, and the adult, where we have responsibilities now, and have to take control of our actions and accept whatever consequences come from them. Issues do arise, but we can deal with them and still have a decent quality of life. Then, finally, we come to the Iron Age, which coincides with Winter and the old man. Here, our bad actions have caught up with us and things are going downhill fast. We can’t fix our problems and at best we place bandages where we can. We are in this Age now.

To cover up the natural order of things with the Four Ages, they add an additional Age, called the Heroic Age. But this shouldn’t be here. It’s put there just like a 13th Zodiac Sign was added between Scorpio and Sagittarius called Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer. This would change the Zodiac from Wralda’s Base TWELVE to Base Thirteen. Notice its symbol is the SERPENT, a symbol used by the same people trying to complete their New World Order.

With each Age, Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron, we have an earth calamity, a reset. When we have the ending of the Great Year, we have the biggest reset imaginable. A complete do over.

Even the Wiki tells us that, “Astrologers believe that an astrological age affects humanity, possibly by influencing the rise and fall of civilizations or cultural tendencies.”

We know from the OLB that there was a Great Flood in 2193 BC, which sunk our original homeland of Atlantis. And another world-wide catastrophic event, but to a lesser degree, around 500 BC. But could either of these fit with the changes of the Ages? And most importantly with the end of a Great Year? Something we still need to figure out.
Is a clue in the name? The GREAT Flood, for the GREAT Year?

We do know that the sun’s path started close to the North Pole because the Fryans, when living in Atlantis, in that Golden Age, had a Mediterranean type climate. Fruit trees were in abundance and every day was a beautiful as the next. They had no need to keep time because they had a leisurely life full of abundance and could do as they pleased.

When Atlantis sunk, the weather changed and there were many earth calamities. Land rose and fell, tidal waves hit the shores and volcanoes spewed forth ash and rock. We know the North became cold and covered with ice, so we know the sun’s path had widened.

Today it is in between the Tropic of Cancer in the north, to the Tropic of Capricorn in the south. Just a couple hundred years ago Samuel Rowbotham was relaying how the closer the ships came to the Antarctic rim the more wild and treacherous the weather got. That it was an environment in the extreme and only the strong-hearted sailors would dare sail there. But we know currently that the seas have calmed at the Antarctic shores, that they do get some sunlight and mild days.

So it seems to me the sun’s path is ever widening and eventually it will get to its outermost circumference. Once there, this will end another Great Year. Earth calamities will be extreme. And a Great Reset will happen once again. The sun will eventually change its course, like it does on a smaller scale during the Winter and Summer Solstices, and start to go on an inward path once again, ever tightening until it reaches its innermost circumference. This is a natural occurrence and part of Wralda’s Perfect Design, but it would be nice if we could calculate when these occurrences will happen in our future.

Our ancestors were very wise, and knew much more of Wralda’s creation than we do today. I do take comfort in Frana’s dream that our people will NOT perish, and that we will eventually live in peace. A fresh, new start, in another Golden Age. Time controls the Carrier Wheel, and although civilizations rise and fall according to its rules, we know that our suffering is temporary.
From the OLB we read, “When the Magy tried to get Frana to to declare him master over Fryan lands she instead told him of her vision, she said, “My eyes are dim, but the other light dawns upon my soul. Yes, I see it. Hear, Irtha, and rejoice with me.
At the time Aldland sank, the first spoke of the Yule stood at the top. Then it went down, and our freedom with it. When two spokes, or two thousand years, shall have passed, the sons shall arise who have been bred of the fornication of the rulers and priests with the people, and shall witness against their fathers.
They shall all succumb to murder, but what they have proclaimed shall endure and become fruitful in the bosoms of bold men, like good seed which is laid in your lap. The spoke shall descend for a further thousand years, and sink deeper in darkness and in the blood shed over you by the wickedness of the rulers and priests. After that, the dawn shall begin to glow.
Seeing this, the false rulers and priests will all together strive and wrestle against freedom, but freedom, love and unity will take the people under their protection, and will rise with the Yule out of the vile pool. Justice, which at first only glimmered, shall then become a flame. The blood of the wicked shall flow over your body, but you must never take it for yourself. At last the poisonous animals shall feed thereon and die of it. All the disgraceful histories that were contrived in praise of the rulers and priests shall be offered to the flame. Thenceforth your children shall live in peace.”
All the best, Kat the Fryan

Here is the YouTube version:
And here is the Bitchute version:
One of my favorite topics. Interesting too that Aries polar opposite begins on the first day of the fall equinox.
Sadly these days the study is associated with the kabbalah. But the hermetic system is all derived from our ancestors. Our bible was/is the observation and study of nature, yggdrasil the world tree.
Astrology is fascinating.
Hi Kat
I have been practicing astrology for over 30 years, so I very much enjoyed this – we never stop learning.
I think our enemy has done its level best to trivialise astrology, through sun sign astrology in the media for several generations to entertain the public, whilst the power itself clearly takes it very seriously indeed.
It is my opinion that the ‘discoveries’ of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the so-called outer planets, have been utilised as part of our subjection and their takeover, especially since Uranus’ discovery in 1781, which was only five years after the founding of other ‘illuminating’ organisations.
This date (1781 or thereabouts) may also roughly co-incide with what is termed the mudflood, a proposed world wide cataclysm which may have destroyed a previous civilisation largely hidden from us, whose tantalising remains still haunt us in extant buildings, documents and illustrations from all regions of this realm.
Interestingly, Neptune’s discovery in 1846 is just shy of the first world’s fair in London in 1851. Neptune equals deception, basically, and following the London world’s fair, there were many more (Chigaco, St Louis etc), held in impossibly austenatious (for the time) buildings, which could well have been left over from the previous civilisation.
Pluto’s discovery in 1930 is also an interesting time when our takedown went into overdrive (WWII etc). We are now standing right on the precipice, that much is obvious.
But are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto actually luminaries? They cannot be seen with the naked eye, after all. I consider them outright dangerous and potential weapons used against us. In our own birthcharts they reveal parts of our lives where that potential danger could manifest, For example, a 7th house Uranus, would warn us expect sudden rifts and changes in relationships; a 2nd house Neptune would warn us to be extremely careful financially; a 10th house Pluto might forewarn us of secret enemies in our career. Uranus overturns suddently; Neptune confuses and befuddles; Pluto destroys, undermines like an fifth column, or insurrectionist.
I am not the only astrologer to think this these days. Nor am I the only astrologer who truly recognises that astrology can only really work on a flat earth model, where the sun, moon and planets are much more local and may actually be deities (or enlightened beings, although the Moon could be a plasma reflection of our whole realm projected on the sky or firmament – see Vibes of Cosmos on youtube). So by that token, perhaps the outer planets are really demons to be wary of, forces which our enemy has made manifest in our realm.
Many thanks for the video and this series.
Greetings Franck,
Thank you for the thoughtful comments. I agree the Magy are all about deception, but I think they made up all these outer planets. I don’t think Wralda would make planets that only special people with special high powered telescopes could see. That would make us have to defer our judgement to them. It reminds me of the Bible, when it was only in Latin, and people had to defer to the priests for its meaning. Since Wralda’s word is not written in any book, but actually in our hearts, and in His creation around us, I don’t think He would create something we couldn’t discern for ourselves. And we really have no proof of Devils, and I think that again is a Magy conjuring. They discovered a long time ago that they could use our imaginations against us, and they’ve been doing this ever since. And when it comes to Astrology, I do believe in their positions affecting things that happen here on earth, such as floods, volcanoes erupting, comets etc. But when it comes to our individual horoscopes, birth charts, etc. I honestly don’t see how someone could study that and say such and such will happen to that person, or they have such and such characteristics. Having read Table Talk lately, and Hitler being influenced by Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, and then having read The Age of Reason by Paine once again, I have to say I agree with their way of thinking on the world, and that is by reason. I don’t see how aspects of a birth chart can be reasoned to produce such and such. I don’t see the connection. But I haven’t studied it like you have so maybe you can shed some light on that. Much appreciated, Kat
Hi Kat
Yes, the problem with astrology is that it has bifurcated tremendously over the millennia, a bit like Christianity, into a plethora of variation.
For example, Vedic astrology uses a whole different system to that of the western one, the former using the Sidereal zodiac, as opposed to the latter which uses the tropical zodiac. It is complicated but I prefer the ‘western’ version which is really simply based on the path of the sun, the ecliptic, which remains the same all the time, to cut a long story short.
And yes astrology has certainly been used surreptitiously by the enemy. The Age of Aquarius phenomena of the late 1960s is one famous example, conning the public into thinking we were entering a new age of enlightenment and personal freedom, when in fact they were using it to subvert our culture. You have to say that it worked, unfortunately.
I am not convinced that the great astrological ages are a real thing. Yes, you could argue that when Christ came (in the accepted timeline around 0BC), he was later associated with the fish, Pisces, because the Greek name Ichthys encoded his being for believers. And yes, it could be argued that, with precession, the point of the Vernal equinox had the constellation of Pisces behind it at the time. So now we are still being told we are on the verge of the Age of Aquarius, which I think is probably part of the ongoing psyop.
I fully understand what you say about birth charts, but I do genuinely believe they can cast much light on our selves, just as C G Jung elucidated, especially so now when more of us are coming to understand that our realm is not what we were told, that existing ancient and traditional models of the realm were much nearer the mark, and that we live in a much more ‘local’ universe.
We also see, through our own observation through Nikon P900s etc, that the planets and stars are not what we were told, either. They might even be living beings, we don’t know, but either way, they are much more intimate and potentially meaningful to us than distant planets billions of miles away.
Kind regards
Regarding planets, they are the 7 stars that follow their own path through the sky. So there are only 7 planets, since a “planet” is and always was a “wandering star.”
I guess in that light we should probably disregard any notions of other planets. It was only in redefining them based on size and supposed physical makeup that man was able to include additional planets.
Astrology is interesting but then again, as with anything we have inherited, probably not in a pure form.
For instance what with all the theories about what age we are in or entering shouldnt that be wioed away with observation? If i ever get the chance i want to do my own observations of where the sun rises in relati9n to what constellation it enters. But so many of the constellations look contrived, like someone arbitraily decided that a random assortment of 4 or 5 stars is “pisces” or “aquarius” and we all just accept it.
The one i am most willing to accept is the archer, because it is easy to see. You would discover it easily on your own even if no one had ever told you of it.
Please excuse my typos. Cheap android phone with a thin typing feature.
And the Big and Little Dippers, are those related to a constellation?
Yes, I think the constellations are largely contrived, to me what really matters is the twelvefold division of the ecliptic, the so-called zodiac. I think they were only given names for convenience, hence different cultures gave them different names, Big Dipper, the Plough, for example.
Yes I have a P900 and saw the strangest things when looking at Venus. I saw little “amoeba” floating on the surface. And the planets look like they have geometric structure as well as moving as if in water. The coloring is so fascinating as well. Here is a vid I just watched recently that was very interesting. Did Escher and Da Vinci know the truth about the stars? In the OLB the Burgh Matrons talk about ascending to a Watch Star, watch implies “watching us” watching the show. I always think of the North Star as William Blake drew God, with his compass and square, looking down on us from his position there. Notice compass and square are used for FLAT surfaces, truth in plain sight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnyNqC7LoDI
The water above and the waters below…. I agree, the oscillation of the planets and stars do look as though it’s through liquid. But what are they?Interesting you mention da Vinci, a man ‘ahead of his time’ – I wonder what the real narrative is about that?
Tesla (if he was real) supposedly said that you could create a time machine between two electro magnetic currents, something like that, and that he had seen the future. Well, I wouldn’t know about that, but considering the times we are living in I wouldn’t rule anything out. There is so much disinformation and lies it’s unreal. Somehow we have to keep an even keel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKrA_BjBa38 I follow Robert Sepehr and he’s just posted a video about the Finnish Kalevala, which Tolkien referenced, another creation book/mythology but probably does not compare to OLB. I like Sepehr, he is half German half Iranian (but is a Californian, basically) and does not follow the MS narrative of WW deux and Mr Moustache, which is refreshing at least.
I don’t follow Sepher. He also has “small hat” blood. Sepher is short for Sephiroth, which is the Kabbalah. When I watched his vid on the OLB he followed the Pagan line and turned the Burgh Matrons into Goddesses, which they would abhor! It was not a matriarchal society which is what he was promoting. Men and women were EQUAL and had complimentary roles. The women gave advice, were protector of the morals and were the teachers. The men were the protector of the people and took turns leading their men in battle. Asha Logos is another popular one who gives a politically correct version of the OLB. He doesn’t discuss usury, miscegenation, how the pantheon of Roman/Greek Gods were really derived from our Fryan men and women by the Magy to control people, or that many of our stories were usurped by the Magy and put into the Bible to control us even further.
Regarding Stonehenge, although they probably did procreate in the summer, I highly doubt it was through orgies. That is a very Crowley thing to do. Remember our people were highly moral and found ONE mate that they stayed with for life. To them the family was of the utmost importance. Remember Adela turned down the chance to be Burgh Matron because she loved Apol and wanted to marry him. Burgh Matrons were virgins and the only non-virgins were married people. There was no hippie love, no prostitution. That is all do as thou will Crowley small hat deviancy.
Well it would be cool if you are right Franck because i have uranus in the 12th house……in scorpio lol
I am curious what you or Kat think about the moon. To me it seems the moon sign is as much at play within a person as the sun. I mean, the sun and moon are the same size even and co-occupy the same portion of heaven.
Another reason i think this is because the moon also has a symmetrical path through the heavens like the sun but through 13 houses. The moon has 28 day cycles between its waxing and waning, and 13 x 28 = 364, 3+5+4=13. The lunar year divides perfectly into 4, 13 week quarters for each season as well.
So just like the solar calendar has 12 showing up everywhere, so too does the lunar calendar have 13 showing up. Fascinating.
Btw i do not believe the lunar calendar should compete with the traditional astrological solar wheel for our agricultural calendar. I am just showing the self evident calendar of the moon.
28 is also an unusual number. Check this out:
1 lunar month = 28 days, 2+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1 i.e. “1 month”
2 lunar months = 56 days, 5+6 = 11, 1+1 = 2 i.e. “2 months”
and so on….
9 lunar months = 252 days, 2+5+2 = 9, i.e. “9 months”
13 lunar months = 364 days, 3+6+4 = 13, i.e. “13 months”
I know Kat had mentioned elsewhere that secret societies utilize the moon calendar, but to me this just means they are misusing natural symbolism, and keeping it from us.
Certainly our ancestors knew the cycles of the moon and thus the numerical significance of 13 and 28, and what it all meant. I find it strange that we know nothing of it.
The sun and moon are the same size and – as just a childlike theory – symbolize mother and father, male and female, night and day etc etc. I think its beautiful.
Honestly I think this topic is the meat and potatoes of reconstructing our psychic connection to the heavens and earth. Would love to hear others thoughts, research etc.
Hey Fish,
The moon isn’t “bad” per se, just usurped like so many other symbols of ours. Such as the owl and crow that I mentioned in my presentation. They even took the six-side Yule and turned that into their Star of David (Remphan). I remember the Memphis Three trial, where the perpetrators lead by the Satanist Damien Echols mentioned how he drank moon water while in his jail cell. The sun gives life, and the moon decomposes life. The sun is open and notorious, the moon closed and secretive (like secret societies). Sailors had a superstition never to sleep on deck under the moonlight or they would fall ill and die. The sun lights up the world and gives us color, the moon dims the world and we see in darkness. The Fryans never talked badly about the moon and they did have observatories to study the stars, moon and night sky. But their great stone monuments, such as Stonehenge, were built to watch the sun’s path. If the moon stopped glowing, we could still survive on this earth, but if the sun stopped shining we would quickly perish. So although they are of equal size, I don’t believe they are of equal importance.
Hi Fish
Well, some traditional astrologers don’t use the outer planets at all, and I have toyed with that. Uranus in Scorpio 12th house is certainly interesting, depending on other chart factors, of course.
I see Uranus as the revolutionary, the subverter and the 12th house represents our inner, hidden psychology, and Scorpio works deeply powerful. So one interpretation of this would be: be aware of sudden, deeply troubling (Scorpio) psychological issues and deal with them as calmly as you can, but this cannot be interpreted fully without reference to the whole chart – we are complex beings after all.
You must have either Scorpio or Sagittarius rising. If Scorpio is rising, you ought to be more fully aware of psychological issues, because Scorpio’s outlook is more intense, penetrating. However, if Sagittarius is rising, you would be likely to have a more phlegmatic, positive outlook on life and any such trauma/issues are likely to be all the more shocking and mysterious. I hope that makes some sense, but I digress.
You mention the Moon. Traditionally, the Moon represents our instinctive responses. For example, if your Moon is in Aries (depending on other factors) you would have forceful and direct responses to situations; if your Moon is in Pisces you will be much more circumspect, sensitive and prone to much emotionalism.
In German the Moon is ‘der Mond’, and thereby masculine – we normally think of the Moon as feminine, don’t we? So modern German retains something forgotten here. Similarly, the sun, ‘die Sonne’, is feminine, but all the old sun gods, like Apollo, are masculine. Very interesting, but what does it mean? I don’t know.
And what exactly is the Moon? I keep an open mind about this, especially when seeing the work of Vibes of Cosmos on Youtube. I am not saying I totally believe it, but to me it looks persuasive; that the Moon is a plasma reflection of our realm, or at least a significant part of it, like a lens. And if this is the case, according to this person’s work, then our part of the realm only fills about one fifth or so of that reflected circle. This, if true, would correspond really well to the ancient Vedic model of Jambudvipa and our part of the universe called Bharata Varsha.
It is all very intriguing, but confusing, especially at a time of supposed revelation and truth, when things are supposed to be becoming clearer. If anything, the waters appear muddier than ever, but let’s not give up hope.
Kind regards
I see the moon as a lens or even a mirror, not necessarily that it mirrors the land masses of our realm (though perhaps it does) but rather in a spiritual sense. I once was staring at a bright full moon and kind of went into a zen state. I saw myself in a scene doing something, like a little black and white vision on the moon.
I dont know how to do something like that in purpose, but ever since then i have viewed the moon as far more than a nightlight. But i have no.idea what. This realm is mysterious.
What you said about the sun being feminine is interesting. Not only the Fryans but also the Scythians viewed the feminine as a flame, so it is not surprising that the German ethos would see a feminine sun.
Btw I dont buy into divination. I cant imagine a more mentally enslaved state of being then relying on astrologers.
But i do think there is something to inner astrology. I once had 7 friends and coworkers that were mainstays as a friend group for a time that were all born in august, in Leo. It was uncanny. And most of my male friends have either been born in leo or libra, and i dont know why but female cancers cant stop showing up in my life to cause me trouble lol
So intuitively i feel there is something to it, but that it is a hermetic art in dealing with inner and interpersonal growth.
Proof is in the pudding though, and no one should believe in someth8ng that hasnt been revealed to them personally. Even God.
Just my thoughts.
I agree on divination, unless the diviner can show with evidence from the past to the present of earth events and how they line up with the precession, the Great Year and the path of the sun. Actual evidence would help greatly. I believe the ones in control today have access to a lot of ancient knowledge that we aren’t privy to and most likely have figured out when each age ends/starts and when the next Great Year will be upon us. It seems that is why so many of them have bought underground fortresses to wary this upcoming “storm”. Regarding the signs though, I don’t see a pattern or abundance of signs surrounding me in my life and honestly I think we are all supposed to be born in Aries, Taurus or Gemini, being the Spring months. Just like the plants and animals, at least in the wild, who are born in the spring.
All the best, Kat
Hi Fish
You are right, I wouldn’t want to see anyone relying on astrologers or astrology either, it’s really not meant for that.
I think C G Jung’s long research into the subject (https://jungiancenter.org/jung-on-astrology/) and published work on the issue explains it better than me. He knew a lot about the subject. I think psychological astrology is a very useful tool.
Women have monthly cycles (like the moon oddly enough) that ensure a fertile womb for each month. It also seems unlikely that our folk would ever withhold their sensual love for their spouses for just 3 months out of the year. Besides that would make me and all other non spring births, including Himmler and Paine, born apart from the natural plan, and all spring births “special” and in accordance with natural law.
But really the female menstrual cycle is the main point that makes it all seem unlikely, IMHO.
As for the moon, i have cowboy camped under more moons then i could possibly count, full, new, crescent etc, and i never fell ill and died or had any other ailment. I think there have been many silly superstitions from our ancestors throughout time contracted from other peoples.
Certainly the sun and moon are not equal (the same) – really no two things or people are “equal”, but i do think they are complementary in some way, like men and women.
To design the body to have monthly cycles are easier than just to have them three times a year. We have them all year to ensure the survival of our species, but optimally we should be born in the Spring. I wholeheartedly believe that Frya had her children in the Spring, with the cycle of the carrier wheel. We fell away from that the farther from her generation that we have gone. When a dog goes in heat they can have them any time of year as well, but in the wild almost all of Wralda’s Creation is born/bloom in the Spring. And it doesn’t mean that anyone is more special than anyone else. I was born in December, so I would be including in the non-spring list. We are called offSPRING for a reason. It’s hidden in plain sight in our language.
As I said, they usurped the moon. I didn’t say we necessarily get ill under it. My examples are negative perceptions/uses of the moon that came to mind to share with you. Just like the Star (Venus) and the Crescent Moon are usurped by the Masons and others. The Mary Cult, the “anti-Christ” anti-son, anti-sun worshippers. But as we know, BOTH sides are wrong. We don’t worship the moon anymore than we do the sun.
I hear you. I just think the one major difference between ourselves and the animals is that we experience a symbolic reality. The stag, lion, eagle etc can be as symbols to us, just as the seasons teach us.
So the relevance of spring is symbolic just as it is real. Animals often produce young in the spring out of shear necessity, for survival, because doing so in colder climes is impractical, just as it is during their migration months.
But humans arent bound by that necessity. We can keep our newborns safe and sound in December just as we could in June. So just as the ages can cycle through the signs so can people. But, these are just my opinions.
I do jibe with your perspective to go back to ways that are more in tune with nature. If we were ever in a post reset scenerio it would be wise for our folk to restrain from mating that would cause winter births.
And I didnt mean to imply you were supporting the negative concepts of the moon that you cited. I haveto thumb type and dont always get the best of my thoughts into these posts lol
Hey Fish,
Just to add, saying because women are meant to give birth all year because they have monthly cycles would also be like saying we are to miscegenate with other races because we could produce offspring with them. Just because we can, in either instance, doesn’t mean we should. If we were still in tuned with Wralda’s Perfect Design we would know when we are supposed to have “of spring” off spring.
True Kat. But, do human women go into heat? Mammals in the wild mate in accordance with the females going into heat. If they didnt operate this way they would be less successful in propagating their species, so seems that God created mammalian females to go into heat in relation to how long their gestation period would be, resulting in a spring birth.
But not all mammals follow that pattern. Bears will often give birth to young in January whilst in their dens. I believe marmots do as well.
But the fact that bears and marmots are safe and warm during winter is the reason they can give birth at that time. For deer, they have to give birth in spring because they dont have cozy and private dens to call home in the winter.
So I agree with you about “off-spring” referring to “of spring” but i think nature shows us that creatures that arent subject to the elements during winter are not bound by spring births. Since humans are not subject to the bare elements in winter, then neither are we bound by spring births.
Besides a world full of Aries, Taurus and Gemini’s would be down right annoying 😆
Animals have to go in “heat” to reproduce, yes. Humans have reasoning and common sense and morals in their hearts, thus they know deep down, miscegenating is wrong, and they knew that the optimal time to give birth was in the spring. Yes, because of modern conveniences we can have offspring year round, but it’s just another area that we have strayed from the Perfect Design of the Creator. When the next reset happens, and it will, it will force man to once again follow natural law.
“When the next reset happens, and it will, it will force man to once again follow natural law.”
A complete one too. All the ugly artifice must go. Telephone wires, concrete, cars, billboards, modern architecture etc etc.
People take aesthetics for granted, as well as sound vibrations. Our whole society is a prison, even for those who know the truth.
Two nights ago I saw a string of lights in the sky as I was coming home. At first I thought it was a power line but then realized we don’t have any in the vicinity. So I thought it must be some drone spy tech. It was just above the trees and went from left to right “floating”. I saw it for about two minutes. I later looked on the internet and did a search for “string of lights in the sky” and found that many people saw these lights and that is started around the same time Covid did. They were saying it is Elon Musk’s Starlink. So this would be the tech to link people in to the grid that got the jab. Some vids show the lights way up but you will see low lying ones too. This is what I saw. So “our whole society is a prison, even for those who know the truth” yes, and it’s getting worse.
Hi Kat,
Yes, I’ve seen these too and heard similar explanations, as well as one suggesting that it’s all part of a global digital currency reset… sounds ominous. But either way, we know they’re not orbiting satellites! What did he say when Space X went up a few years ago? Something like – it looks so fake it must be real! Many a true word is said in jest. And Space X – does that mean ‘no space’?
Yes absolutely NO satellites. Looks like they are released high up and then they float on the wind. The one I saw was just over the tree tops, so very low in the sky. Here is a vid of someone seeing it during daylight. I saw it at night but this seems accurate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iucd6RSlcK8
Astonishing, thank you. By the time we find out what’s really going on it may be too late. There is always hope and Wralda won’t be asleep.
Hi Fish, yes I agree, the only reset possible is a good one, we are already living in an dystopian prison which is spiralling rapidly into insanity.
They are setting us up for an “alien invasion” event at some point. I keep seeing article headlines that talk about distant unidentified signals in outer space etc, and close calls with meteors hitting earth. Makes sense that they would tie in the covid scare tactic with space aliens somehow. Like, everyone needs to be innoculated against some martian flu.
I know it sounds insane but all the propaganda is pointing to it. People are hypnotized by the hope of alien life – some star trek future for “earth.”
Hi Fish
Yes, I’m surprised we’ve not had the alien invasion yet, but there’s still time. And of course, just like the recent plague thing, nearly everyone will believe it, won’t they? And if the vast majority of people believes something to be true, it effectively is, even though ultimately it is not.
I’m hoping that the powers (you know who I mean) beyond ‘Antarctica’ will appear to co-incide with any fake invasion. Wouldn’t that be good?
Modern astronomy calls them “asterisms.” Neither are related to.the zodiac signs.
Interesting that the definition says, “a prominent pattern or group of stars, typically having a popular name but smaller than a constellation.” Yet, as far back as I can remember, the most noticeable stars for me when star gazing, WERE the dippers. The “bigger” constellations that make up the Zodiac are not as nearly noticeable. But to remember them I’m sure they had to associate them with things we know of.
On a side note, sorry to keep harping on OFFSPRING but an interesting quote came up today by Nietzsche that is quite fitting. “Decadence leads to destruction. Each individual, nation, civilization has a limited amount of sexual energy, or life force if you will, the creative/generative energy. It has long been observed throughout the cycles of history, when a civilization is at its most chaste, is also when they are most productive, creative and strong. This is the period in a civilization’s reign where they will go out and conquer nations, come up with incredible new inventions and have the highest levels of wealth and joy. It is only when decadence sets in, and strict morality erodes, that these civilizations begin to collapse. This is why we are constantly bombarded with the promotion of sexually deviant lifestyles, suggestive media, pornography, etc. it keeps us weak and docile, easy to control, comfortable. If you don’t believe me, test it on yourself to go 90 days without masturbating, having sex, or viewing pornography and watch your new found vigor for life lead you to incredible things.” So the Fryans, in the beginning, only had sex for three months in the summer to have spring babies, and would abstain the rest of the year. Today there is very little abstinence and hence we are weak and controlled. The natural cycle of man is disturbed and we have births when we should not.
I have to agree, we are a completely sexualised culture now, and it’s still being pushed further. ‘Do as thou wilt’ is clearly the worst advice possible, but of course as you say, it’s deliberate, to subvert, distract, so we are prime for destruction.
Boxers typically abstain before a fight, so it is well known, but such behaviour is considered ‘conservative’, ‘reactionary’ and worse by the deviants. Right is good, just, correct… ie normal – left is left field, unbalanced and ‘sinister’, as in Latin.
I remember seeing a documentary years ago which purportedly recreated the culture around Stonehenge and it was proposed that there were mass orgies around the summer solstice, resulting in a plethora of births around the spring equinox – so that equates very much with what you say about the Fryans. My birthday is in January, not a good time of year in the north of the northern ‘hemisphere’.
I seem to recall the OLB mentioning certain men seperated for a time.to be tried, “die,” and come back as shamans. I think the role of men is a bit more spiritual than merely being martial defenders of the realm.
Experience and trials are the best teachers.
Concerning the Nietzche quote, yeah I have fasted from that a lot in my life, up to 6 months, and i have never partaken in random sexual encounters. It always felt wrong. Sex is too intimate to be delegated a “hobby” as our modern society does.
I think the anecdote is love, a higher principle in ones life. When life seems meaningless and empty, it is because of a society like the one we have that replaces wisdom, virtue and love with useless knowledge, lies and greed.
I think after a reset and a return to our moral roots sexual deviancy will be righted quite naturally.
What? No where in the OLB does it talk of men being separated for a time, being tried, “died” and coming back as shamans. It doesn’t say that ANYWHERE, not even for the Magy, although the Magy would be the shamans. You are mixing up something else you read. If you believe its in there please find the exact quote and let me know where in the book you found it. There were NO shamans, priests, or anything like that in Fryan society. They had a direct relationship with Wralda. There were NO middlemen or middle women.
I certainly did not mean to imply “magy” or “priest.” I will have to reread the OLB to find the quote i seem to remember, and perhaps the word “shaman” was not used.
On page 43 Minnos is called a “seer,” which essentially what i meant.
Plenty of our people experience dreams and messages from God and in the experience of age become wise, moreso than mere knowledge can provide.
None of which include becoming a guru or priest. Wise action is born of enduring the trials of life. Mistakes that we make, weaknesses that we overcome etc.
From the OLB, “Minno was an old sea-king, seer and philosopher. He gave laws to the Kretar (Cretans). He was born on Lindawrda, and after his wanderings he had the good fortune to die at Lindahem.” Minno was never separated for a time, “died” and came back. He was a sea king just like Inka, Tunis and Jon. No where does it state he was a shaman in any respect. When reading the passages on Minno, what a “seer and philosopher” was, was a wise man who tried to help the people he came in contact with. He tried to teach the Cretans on our laws and what it meant to be free. To the detriment of THEIR priests and rulers, who then tried to poison Minno and so Minno had to flee the island. No where does it speak of him getting dreams or messages from God. Again, that would make him a middle man. There were no middle men or women in Fryan society between themselves and Wralda.
There has been so much propaganda put out on the OLB, that I feel it is my duty to correct the record whenever it is presented to me in error. It is my duty to my ancestors.
I did not say any of those things about Minnos. Only that he was called a seer, which may be a better word than shaman.
The other things i said about dreams and messages from God are common among our folk and always have been. To have a warning dream about something in your life is an example of what i mean. That would not make a person a middle man for magyar. How would it?
In any event typically a “seer” refers to one who has seen a vision or had dreams.
In Paine’s Age of Reason, he explains that originally PROPHET was defined as a poet, and only later did the meaning change. I would say it is the same thing with the word SEER, because in no way do the writings on Minno describe him as one who has dreams and visions. We can gather from the context, that Seer was someone who saw the world clearly, with the word being juxtaposed with “philosopher”, so a wise man.
Perhaps that is all “seer” means, I dunno.
What do you make of this quote from page 115 regarding the end of the bad times?
“All this shall begin 4000 years after the submersion of Atland, and 1000
years later there shall exist no longer either priest or oppression.”
Sometimes far seeing comes straight from Wralda. Minnos might have been simply “clear sighted” or maybe had been shown somethings. We’ll never know but the OLB gives an example of it.
“Wr-alda, she said, had told her by his thunder that all the Frya’s people must become friends, and united as brothers and sisters, otherwise Finda’s
people would come and sweep them off the face of the earth. After the thunder Frya’s seven watch-maidens appeared to her in a dream seven nights in succession. They had said, Disaster hovers over Frya’s land
with yoke and chains; therefore all the people who have sprung from Frya’s blood must do away with their surnames, and only call themselves Frya’s children, or Frya’s people. They must all rise up and drive. Finda’s
people out of Frya’s inheritance….”
Yes, hence Kat the Fryan. The example is from a Burgh Matron. There are several instances in the OLB where Burgh Matrons give predictions. Remember that they were the teachers, the keepers of the morals and the advice givers of the Fryan people. So she would be the one that warns people if they do not follow Wralda’s laws then dire consequences will happen. Wralda put the laws (morals) within our hearts so it could very well be a figure of speech, an inner knowing that she shares with her people. In another prediction, that I put at the end of my Flat Earth Decoded Part 12, we learn that each spoke of the Yule is equivalent to a thousand years, and we know with the precession of the equinoxes that civilizations rise and fall, so she could very well be talking about just this, and how we will once again enter “spring”, the golden era, where we shall live in peace, for a time. I don’t think she literally meant that Wralda was speaking to her, it was figurative.
It literally said she received dreams 7 nights in a row by 7 watch maiden. So no, these things arent always figurative.
God reaches out to his children all the time to let them know he is there, but do they pay attention, excuse it away?
In modern times that, unfortunately, is the norm.
Modern times? Would the 1700’s count as modern? Because Thomas Paine would surely agree with me.
Well Thomas Paine is one man with a perspective, and I dont think messages given in private from God in dreams would violate Paine’s sentiment.
Like I showed, even the OLB testifies to what I am saying.
By the way, I skimmed the OLB and could not find that passage about trials and “death.” Perhaps it wasnt in there. I have no problem admitting that 😉