Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

My Thoughts on the Awakening Process

Some of you are mad at me, even down right hate me, because I have changed my beliefs. But did you know this wasn’t the first time? From day one of my awakening I knew I wouldn’t quit until I got to the TRUTH. To the very bottom of it. To the finish line. I’ve gone through MANY rabbit holes to get there and if YOU are truly seeking the TRUTH, YOU would have gone down many as well.

Some of you went down the first one. Who knows what that first one was that got you into it. Maybe it was 9/11, maybe Flat Earth, maybe the Small Hats, maybe Christian Identity, but then you STAYED there. You didn’t seek beyond that. You felt comfortable in the belief you rested on, and decided to follow people who talked on that particular subject and deferred your judgments to whatever that person said. Well that’s exactly what the controllers want- you to be comfortable following someone, so that they can steer you AWAY from the truth.

A good example, which I always suspected but couldn’t find proof, is Sir Oswald Mosley. He headed the Fascist party in the United Kingdom during World War II.

Sir Oswald Mosley doing the Hidden Hand
Pointing Up- The One, in homage to Lucifer

Somehow he was able to remain in power, guide his people, where others were attacked, and even hung by the rope, like William Joyce. Mosley was knighted, why? He was heading the resistance, steering them AWAY from really fighting back. People like William Joyce and John Amery were REAL heroes of our people. (I actually need to do a presentation on these two individuals).

William Joyce, “capture” by the Allies at the end of the War, a TRUE HERO of our People
John Amery, One of the Good Guys

So just recently I read a good comment on Mosley, how he was there to control the other side. I wish I kept it so I could read it to you. But yes, it was so true.

How he used the Lightning Bolt symbol. Scotland Sean would tell me Mosley is controlled opposition, but I needed more proof. I tell my good Fryand, I should have listened to you! Well it was really in front of my face the whole time. Nothing came out of their resistance and Mosley went on to live a long life in England, unlike the TRUE fighters of Justice.

Mosley with his Satanic Lightning Bolt

I did do a presentation on Mosley, which I still approve of because it tells the truth about Fascism. But then I did it with The Fascifist, who I later found out was an Indian and married to a German girl. Of all people, being so awake on Hitler, he should know better that we are NOT to miscegenate and that the Kalergi Plan is going full swing in Europe! He knows full well that the White race is diminishing! So he is PART OF THE PROBLEM and I have a problem with that.

I do have issues with other things he claims too, such as that the Indians were the true Aryans, NOT TRUE, and that the English are bad people, NOT TRUE. The Aryans were the Geertmanna who fled to India hundreds of years ago, and the English are Fryans that were duped into a war, just like the Americans were, fighting our brothers. And The Fascifist is a Universalist, kucking for the Church. Not good! So many National Socialists are falling for this crap.

And of course most know Alex Jones is a Universalist and a Small Hat sympathizer. It became apparent not too long ago when he started kucking for that new state in the Mediterranean that begins with an I. And his ex wife is apparently from that tribe. Just hanging out with Charlie Sheen, a known pervert, should speak volumes. His dad Martin Sheen, taking the last name from a priest that was a Universalist Catholic, Fulton J. Sheen.

Charlie Shtein and Alex Jonestein

The Catholic Church and the Small Hats are hand-in-hand in our oppression- both are Magy with the Small Hats on the top. That is WHY the Pope WEARS a small hat. So Alex is controlled opposition, just like Mosley was.

Magy Priests with Small Hats, White Pope, Black Pope, Janus, Masonic Hand Shake, Spiritual and Temporal Keys on the Wallpaper in Between them.

Then there are others too, in the Flat Earth community. Say a name and look at what they push. Eric Dubay pushes the Vegan Agenda, and Eastern Philosophy, which is just another rabbit hole, as well as having a Thai girlfriend- so pushing Miscegenation, another no-no. But he catches people in his net because he is pro Hitler, which IS a good thing.

They use the V for Victory, for 22, for the Fool Tarot card, the card of Lucifer. And he is in orange because orange is 33 in numerology.

Eric did wear the dress (posing as the tranny Pat Steere- castrated bull) and he does masonic hand signs- as do others in the Flat Earth community. You know the obvious ones but look at the ones that might not seem so obvious- they are out there.

Girl with a Gun (Penis) and the Shhhh Hand Sign

Then you get people like Dave Murphy, who is of mixed race and an apparent hater of the White Race. Pushing that Whites are alien to Britain, and not only that, he says we are alien to the whole planet! What he pushes is that Europe is NOT our homeland but the homeland of Blacks! And people buy that shit.

Doing a Masonic Hand Sign

Now what does Christian Identity (CI) do? It pushes that we originated in the desert, NOT in our European homelands! Kind of David Murphyish don’t you think? That is pure BULLSHIT. Can we see how they are trying to push us out of our title lands? We were designed by God to live in the North. That IS our homeland. We have light hair, light eyes and light skin, because that is the perfect design for a less brilliant sun. That is why we burn when we are in the tropics. And that is why they DON’T.

Only Fryans have naturally blonde hair

One of the biggest attacks I got was from this CI camp. Talk about haters. It’s funny because at first I couldn’t buy Dual Seed-Line, that Fallen Angels mated with monkeys and made the other races! That’s what THEY believe! Seriously! My goodness. Lord help them. But then I realized even Charles Weisman got it wrong, and I still have an affinity for Weisman’s work because he got so much RIGHT. He loved our people and his history of America and the differences of the races is excellent work that I STILL highly recommend.

Another issue I have with CI is the whole “woman shall not be heard” thing. That truth can only come from a man! This effectively cuts off HALF of our people from sounding the alarm! Abraham over Sarah, with his HANDMAIDS. I always had issue with this. I think of the series The Handmaid’s Tale and think, NO, we are not these liberal, miscegenating, LGBTQ people that go to Canada,

We are not to miscegenate.

and we are not these conservative finger chopping, eye poking out people who can’t have a woman be free! FRYANS were EQUAL. All men and women were equal and FREE. The woman was the Burgh Matron, the man was the King, two roles of equal strength complimenting each other. What they do today is make you think that you have to either be this Women’s Libber, breast baring, purple haired thing, or a super conservative SLAVE behind a man, when NEITHER are correct! Eve wasn’t the downfall of man. That is a fabricated story. EVA as we know from the OLB is the sacred word for the LAWS WITHIN ALL FRYANS HEARTS.

Women DO have a right to be heard.

And then there is Ronnie and Jason, who hated me for deciding their square map model of Flat Earth was incorrect. I tried to leave amicably but they couldn’t have it and attacked me. Well I STILL think they are wrong, that we can’t magically go from one end where Japan is to the other end where Hawaii is. On their map Hawaii would be extreme west and Japan would be all the way on the other side, extreme east. I’m sorry but I don’t believe we go through some crazy gate we don’t see and get beamed up like on Star Trek to the other side of the world. I AM NOT BUYING IT!

And we are NOT in a simulation. Yes the sun appears to be within the clouds, I bought a P900 and filmed it myself, but that is just an optical illusion, just like the vanishing point is when watching ships go “over” the horizon. They don’t of course. We are on a plane and it is just an illusion that they go over. Jason also thought he was “the son of man” incarnate. It’s true. He actually said it in one of his podcasts on air. So that should tell you where their minds are at.

When ODD and I became friends, we did a collaboration together and were hanging out.

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction got jealous or something, I still don’t understand, and HE decided to attack me. Well he attacked ODD and Cracker WV too, but they weren’t called witches. And he said it was ME controlling ODD. My goodness what crap! He said I was a witch or something, into astral shit? Something like that. I can’t even remember exactly. But he was 100% wrong. I never did anything he claimed. So many A Holes in the “truth” community. You really have to have thick skin to participate.

Then we have BAL, Brian Austin Lambert, who had the Plasma theory. I was intrigued at first, but with him being the only one that would know the time and date of the earth shattering event, and you have to pay $333 to find that out, was a dead give away to his shilliness. Yes I should have not put the decoding aside. The BAL, for BAAL (another name for Lucifer), his favorite color Blue, for Blucifer, and his love of 33 should have been enough warning. I do have this trusting nature and I do put it aside when I shouldn’t. Lessons learned. I just walked away from it and HE attacked me. I think this was all for him to move up the Masonic Ladder.

Things like Mud Flood, I don’t buy anymore. Ugh. Just ANOTHER Rabbi hole. Yes, there are some old buildings that had to be built up so they were out of the flood zone.

BUT most of the buildings shown are just buildings where they utilized the space underneath for maximum space! Cellars were used to preserve food, like our refrigerators of today. For storage etc. It’s that simple. No mud flooding through the land.

Martin LIEDke looks like he is from that tribe and he always talks of Whites in a negative light when speaking on old paintings. Philip’s last name DRUZHININ, means COMRADE in Russian. And HE looks like he is from that tribe as well. I walked away from them too, but besides a crazy comment from Martin I was unscathed.

Once I discovered the Oera Linda Book, I felt FINALLY I’ve discovered some TRUTH. It really hit home with me. I felt a deep connection to my ancestors while reading it. I YEARNED to be with them, to share in their experiences back then. How ashamed I feel now that our people have strayed and been brainwashed so bad today. Hitler felt this deep connection, as did Himmler. His paper, Voice of our Ancestors proves this.

Some of you write comments that the OLB was proven a hoax, to me that just shows how severely brainwashed YOU still are. That you don’t have the COURAGE to look into it and verify it. I did.

And I can see why they try to cover it up. Because it proves our ancestors were against USURY, against MISCEGENATION, were known as the Fryans which mean FREE People and would NEVER ENSLAVE another! And most importantly, they KNEW they had God’s laws written in their hearts and didn’t need a Book or a Priest to tell them right from wrong. They didn’t need a Savior because they knew that they had to SAVE THEMSELVES. And you should know if they can’t get rid of it, their next strategy is to RIDICULE it. (Just like they do with Flat Earth!) but somehow you just accept this instead of researching it for yourselves.

  • No Usury
  • No Miscegenation
  • No Enslaving
  • All Men and Women Equal
  • God’s Laws Written On Their Hearts

So instead you attack me, say you don’t understand me, say you knew you shouldn’t trust me, say I’m back-sliding, call me names etc. I would be MORE WARY of people that are stagnant. That don’t ever find new truths. That just spew on and on on ONE particular topic. Don’t branch out. Don’t seek.

But some people DO understand, are on the same path of discovery as me, research the shit out of everything like me and WILL get to the truth. But many of you are not meant to. It is just how it is. For me I will CONTINUE in my quest for truth. Even with the Oera Linda Book I am not stopping. Finding new discoveries like Himmler’s paper, the Tarim Basin mummies with the B on their foreheads, and the writings of Plato, which I am working on now, will not stop me. If the OLB is the truth than it will stand. And so far it stands.

I’ve had many more who have attacked me, I didn’t name them all here. And with this last attack, I was curious how many are STILL with me, from the very beginning, from when I first made my website in 2015 and my main YouTube channel in 2016. I ended up deleting the poll, I wish I took a screen shot first, but about 30% of you who participated in the poll, have been with me from the beginning. KUDOS to you! And for the ones who came aboard later and are with me now, STILL, KUDOS to you too!

bryanprice left a nice comment under my latest vid on Bitchute recently where he said, ““When the honest man is confronted with the truth he either changes his mind, or stops being an honest man.” Kat is an honest woman.” I do so appreciate his comment! bryan gets it.

So I will continue doing what I do, but don’t know how much longer I will share. YOU need to actively seek as well if you really desire the TRUTH.

Here is a link to the YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f-ZY7J1wHA

And a link to the Bitchute version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/54yBEkSXy45U/

Posted in: Oera Linda Book

75 responses on “My Thoughts on the Awakening Process

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Thank you Lewis. I get charged up by your kind words. I do so appreciate them. May you and your family and friends live long satisfying lives. Much love back to you and yours, Kat

  1. Roxanne S.

    I’m still with you! I had been wondering where you’ve been! No updates from your blog or bitchute or youtube. Glad to see that you’re back!

  2. John Graham

    Dear Rosetta, I was ardently following your website but drifted away for a while. Nothing to do with you back peddling or changing your mind about what is true.
    I actually admire you even more now because you have the strength of character and the tenacity to admit you had it wrong and to be able to move on from there. Truth is truth after all.
    So I dont understand why all the so called truthers would be getting mad at you when you have had the ability to keep digging and keep searching. After all, you do us all a favour with your brilliant research. I personally would not be able to research and analyse the way that you are able to.
    So, many thanks. And I will try not to fall away again.
    Kind regards.
    John Graham.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hey John,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      No back peddling here. I’ve always gone forwards. I never went BACK to something I researched that I found to be wrong. So people that say I’ve done that are straight up LYING and you should question their motives. I would say many of them are mad because their motives aren’t good. I would say many are Masons who move up their masonic ladder when they can dupe a TRUE truther. It’s like a game to them. Others, who follow them, and aren’t masons but just duped followers of them, would rather follow someone spewing comfortable lies then research for themselves and find the uncomfortable truth. I always said I am in this for the TRUTH, wherever that takes me. We lose people along the way, but the RIGHT people, the like kind people, who also want the truth above all else, will come into our lives. Where do you live John? Are you Fryan? Have you studied the OLB yet? All the best, Kat

  3. Chris Moore

    Hey Rosette,
    I’ve been following you off and on for about 5 years and I too, like you have had to make a number of readjustments on my journey for the Truth. It’s going to happen; that’s just part of the journey of discovery. I enjoy your presentations as they seem to be pretty solid and backed by sound evidence. I’m pretty much in agreement with all that I’ve seen from you so far. Sounds like you have a pretty broad knowledge base from which to build a solid foundation for the truth. You definitely don’t allow yourself to get stuck in a rut like most people. I’m the same way.

    Don’t know if you have heard of Ewaranon? He has some pretty mind-boggling videos that seem pretty close to tying everything together. He’s got a video called the ‘The Lost History of Flat Earth.’ Another one which I just watched today is called ‘What On Earth Happened.’ Both pretty long, but you can get them broken up into individual segments. Another lead you might be interested in is
    Donald Marshall Revolution dot.com.
    Anyway, I’ve been wanting to show you some support for some time now, and finally got around to it.


    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Excellent Chris. Making adjustments shows you are on the right track. So many people stop where they are comfortable and let that person think for them. Reminds me of the pickle we are in with our government leaders. We had to be ACTIVE participants then, as we do now. It is a constant ACTIVE struggle to keep our freedoms. Regarding Ewaranon, someone else mentioned that name recently. I haven’t checked out the work so can’t comment on it. I do appreciate you taking the time to show me support. It is what keeps me going on here, knowing that my sharing is helping people. Wishing you all the best, Kat (Rosette)
      P.S. I just wanted to add, that being a READER is so important. You replying on my website means you are most likely reading my articles and not just watching the vids. We get so much good information from the books. The internet is getting scrubbed of so much good information that its hard to trust much of what’s left. There are many good books on history (both ancient and recent), the study of the races, germ theory versus terrain theory and everything that has to do with injections, the Oera Linda book is an excellent read, etc. If you haven’t already, I would advise buying as many books as you can in awake topics that interest you. Pretty soon they will make these books unavailable as well and then you will still have the knowledge in hand.

  4. jollyjaws

    I’ve read thru most of your articles here. I found alot on your decoding that sounds right on. I’ve tried to find the truth for years and it seems to be a maze to wander thru and not lose hope.
    I find the whole mess to be more like the Gods of Olympus than anything loving.
    We have two opposing deities. Both vying for the right to be king. With us humans as pawns in the game with no escape.
    The one in the heavens has left us on our own and everyone under the sun having a different philosophy.
    Instead of proving its love to his children whoever they are he has left us 2 try to figure it out ourselves. That is never a good idea being as we’re ignorant things as compared to omnipotence.
    He let one of his own fallen ones come down and his minions and left them here with us for some reason for thousands off years? That doesn’t instill confidence when he can’t control his own angels.
    He let the evil on the planet corrupt scripture and most followers think that that book is infallible still.
    I learned a lot on YouTube from Rob Skiba. He is now dead. I’ve learned a lot about coding from you.
    When a god disappears on his creation and leaves it in the hands of us to discover the truth it doesn’t bode well for loving and compassionate.
    The whole of this experience here is more like the story of Job then anything about love. If there are chosen people I don’t believe it’s any one race. I believe it’s people who have chosen to love instead of those who have chosen the opposite.
    At any time it would have been nice for the heavenly deity to let us know that the book that is His is corrupt. Left us an organization that was truthful to trust in it had his laws and prophet perhaps. The power of the other one is ever present and there is nothing that shows that the other one is here with us with the end on our doorstep..
    You are of the opinion that the white race is the chosen race.
    In America right now we have neo-nazis and fascists and Donald Trump. They just tried to take over the capitol in January. That should give us a warning sign about the realities of thinking that one race is chosen.
    In my opinion Hitler was not good none of the problems that Hitler brought we’re good. When a nation’s philosophy is to murder another culture and anyone that doesn’t fit their beliefs it’s not a good system.
    I myself am of the opinion that everyone on this planet belongs here and that we have the choice to be good or bad. Other than that we have no real knowledge of the full truth here on the planet. We can read we can study we can guess but ultimately we do not have that truth. Again that’s what the living one had left us with on the verge of Armageddon? Instead of any of this the omnipotent one could destroy the fallen Angels and this passion play and eliminate this problem. Instead in his love he is bringing annihilation to his children of all races?
    Your information has a little more truth than siome other’s but we don’t know that your information is correct either. It may be more correct in some issues. When I come across anything that suggests that whites are chosen just like the Jews are chosen supposedly it brings up danger danger alarms.
    That philosophy brought terrible atrocity to the world under Hitler. We have just recently had a man with similar motives and he almost tipped America over. Donald Trump is a fascist too and he loves Israel.
    White people came over and gave their diseases to the native Americans here and nearly wiped them out then put them on reservations.
    White men in the south enslaved the black race that they themselves brought over here for slaves.
    So from those and other issues where the white man has come in and destroyed whole countries I don’t believe that they’re any better than anybody else. This country has constantly gone in and killed the people of other countries and we let them and that should be sinful also. Our government is owned by the left hand. When people won’t stand up for a virus or for killing other people then they are Babylon.
    Of course America is Babylon because of all the monuments we have to isis and every other pagan God here and the big penis in Washington DC.
    I thought biblically that the Bible suggested that Israel was supposed to be the chosen land and that’s why there is so much turmoil in the Middle East toward Israel.
    I learned in my study that there’s a group of fake Jews that were adopted early on and that would be the ultimate that a demon could do would be to confuse the issue and make a fake Israel.
    God would be in charge of making a new is real not the rothschilds or the other satanists. So we have an Israel that the majority of Christians think his gods chosen people. We don’t know if there are good jews also there could be though.
    Biblically I think it says in there somewhere that that is the place where the last conflict is going to be unless that was altered to.
    The enemys of the world are the government’s the corporation’s the elite and the royals.
    Years ago I read a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and it’s takes place when the same we’re in charge then and how they made the rest of their serfs their slaves and kept them there.
    I know that as in the time of Noah it supposed to be exactly what was happening then.
    The misegenation you mention and corruption of God’s creation was also the fallen angels and nephilim having intercourse with the daughters of men. So the new breed and corruption was the nephilim and them mixing species and cloning and defiling humans or the chosen seed also. We have evidence of demons interbreeding with humans buy supposed alien abduction. They probably are doing that again. The same would be true of making the trance human and transgender agenda part of what this is. Changing the natural order of things.
    There are good and bad in most every race culture and group. We are human and easily fooled. I have to believe that God has compassion and tolerance to some degree and that we are not supposed to be black and white. When the God above does not intervene then no one on this planet knows why he has disappeared and have to find a path that’s the best that they can do. I don’t believe all gays are sinful and bad because the Bible says so. I don’t believe that deity is an apt because the Old testament has him have the Israelites kill all the other cultures in the area when he said thou shalt not kill. I don’t believe that God told wise men that part of his law was locking females in a closet when they’re having their menstrual and that the woman was only a receptacle for the seed in creating a child instead of a mutual effort. That would promote a being that didn’t know what he was doing. I hope that’s not the case cuz it sure is a chaotic mess here without any intervention. Without intervention from a mother or father in life a child is a mess. For some reason the one that we worship doesn’t have the fatherly desire to talk with its creation for thousands of years. This generation has no evidence of its existence?
    The persons involved in luciferianism and masonry and the left path have some that have fallen into it or have been enslaved by it like the celebrities. Jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do so even with those he has compassion when they are selling out humanity for themselves.
    There are different explanations to the philosophy that you’re promoting. I find a lot of what you say is true but the thought of having one race be better than another gives us what we’re dealing with today it gave us what we were dealing with in Germany 80 years ago. I don’t believe antifa is necessarily an enemy anybody who wants not to have white supremacy in their country are thinking rationally if they remember Hitler at all. What is did in Germany it’s doing in America too. It’s another way to divide. Blurring the lines is what the people in charge do. I believe there are good Democrats and there are good Republicans and the extremes are what is getting us in trouble. I will never think that Hitler was a good thing. We just recently had a wake up call of the same thing with Donald Trump.
    It is not a left or right issue because both sides of this are controlled and they’re both taking us there so to suggest that liberals and leftists are the enemy doesn’t cover the whole ball of wax.
    Thank you for your efforts to enlighten. None of this would be necessary if the loving deity in the skies connected and contacted his children. To me it’s very sad that billions have to die for these two beings because of a quarrel they have with who wants to be boss. I’m sorry but with both of them playing with Job I don’t think you could consider what this is… as agape or unconditional love.
    Keep up the good work in your searching.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hey jollyjaws, Have you read the Oera Linda Book (OLB)? You need to break from the Bible programming. I see it weighs heavily on your thoughts and ideas of the world. It is very freeing once you understand what the Bible and Christianity really are. I did a reading on the OLB with some friends. I will link you at the bottom here. Also I recommend getting a book by Alewyn J. Raubenheimer called Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe. That will hold many truths that will help you on your quest. Also the Hitler programming is still stopping you from the truth as well. I’ll link you to a very important vid to watch on that. Watch the two vids and read the book I mention and then come back to me and let me know your thoughts. The OLB – https://www.bitchute.com/video/GZZL6UTdQ818/. The GSNT – https://www.bitchute.com/video/xdQt41It9nNW/ and the link to buy the Raubenheimer book- https://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-pre-Celtic-Europe-Survivors-Tsunami/dp/1496168771/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=raubenheimer&qid=1639705031&s=books&sr=1-4
      All the best, Kat

  5. Fish

    I used to be a mod at a certain CI site which, thankfully, I have come to realize had no part in the spirit of God. I remember their leader doxxing you and slandering you as a universalist. I assumed it was true. I didn’t think he had any reason to lie, or would lie like that.

    I am still a Christian and still hard line racial purist (as that is Gods law), but after reflecting on my time in that group I have been recalling any instances where i may have been a party to or witness to the traducing of anothers name or character and i did recall you, Rosette.

    You do not seem to be a universalist, as was advertised. So i regret not looking into it at the time so that i could have spoken up.

    I am a flat earther too. And like i said, a Christian, but that does not give me the right to hate those still seeking. Christian Identity has a very bad spirit working through its many tendril sects, so I hope you weren’t revulsed away from.Christ completely.

    I know it is His spirit working through me that I am even here apologizing to a woman i dont even know. Good luck in your seeking. God bless.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Greetings Fish,
      How he treated me, slandered me, lied about me, should make ALL of his followers very wary. He could do it to any of them/you as well. And what did I do? I researched Weisman’s work and realized Dual Seedline was a Jewy construct and total BS. I was still CI mind you. And he didn’t have a problem with others, that he considered friends, and even had their talks/works on his website, that didn’t believe in Dual Seedline. Yet for some reason, me, following Weisman’s work, was like I turned to the devil. Unreal. That kind of venomous hatred towards me seems like the heart of a Jew to be honest. And he sucked in so many of our people. I have never been a universalist, I am a racialist and totally down for my people. I won’t stop seeking the truth and I will share what I learn with others. That man helped me in a way though, because I thought, really? God would have this man, this literal murderer, hate-filled man, bully, woman hater, be in a leadership position in the white man’s religion? No way! He confirmed it for me. A few months later I came across the Oera Linda Book (OLB). I knew it was the truth as I was reading it. It is truly a blessing to have this book. It is the TRUE history of our race. It proves we were MONOTHEISTS from the very beginning. We believed in the one true God from the very beginning. Paganism got pushed on our people by the same people that wrote the Bible. And from studying the OLB I came to realize the Bible for what it is, a Jewish book, written to control us, the white man. You believe in Flat Earth, that is good, it shows you have an open mind and will seek out truth. I’m sure you also believe that H was a good and noble man, as I do. But maybe you are stuck in one more program that you need to break. So if you are interested in at least looking into what I am talking about and then deciding, please read the Oera Linda Book. Watch my vids on it. And read Alewyn J. Raubenheimer’s work Chronicles from Pre Celtic Europe. I can link you to a reading I did with friends on the OLB and also the book if you are interested in purchasing it- the Raubenheimer book has the full OLB text in it so you wouldn’t need to purchase that as well. You say that God’s spirit had you come here and apologize. Maybe He had you come here for another reason too. All the best, and I appreciate your apology, Kat (Rosette)

      Reading of the OLB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdPjnVunTQw&t=64s Here is a link to my Flat Earth series where I discuss the OLB and my revelations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbJIKaxuyyQ&list=PLr86ETZUVbY2P6wNiUA5Tf7HSNvm9UiPV and here is a link to the book I highly recommend: https://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-pre-Celtic-Europe-Survivors-Tsunami/dp/1496168771/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=raubenheimer+chronicles+preceltic+europe&qid=1639790013&s=books&sr=1-1

      1. Fish

        Yes the way you were treated was like a pack of feral dogs or cannibals come upon you as you were bothering no one.

        I played my way out of there when i began noticing that kind of behavior rampening up against members and it pitted me against the top brass eventually.

        We had a last stand public war over a FE pal of mine who had been falsely maligned. Then it was my turn. In fact they still malign me to this day lol

        It is an honor, actually.

        The way I view the spirit of Christ is that it is pure and good. No lying, slandering, thieving, murdering, sexual deviancy, race mixing etc.

        For me, if i meet a Christian who wont repent of some of those things, then they do not possess the spirit of God.

        And if i meet a kinsman who has never read the bible who does repent of such things, then to me they DO possess the spirit of God.

        Relying on being called a Christian alone or wielding the buble as a weapon are not the sort of things that Christ was about.

        But i understand your reticence. Seems that Christian sects always seem to become corrupted. Too much letter, not enough spirit.

        1. rosette delacroix Post author

          Dag is a Norwegian or Swedish name, right? Have you read the Oera Linda Book? I am of German descent if you are curious. I don’t know what “he” is pushing regarding the v a x but I hope you haven’t taken it. All the best, Wralda bless, Kat

          P.S. And you are always welcome to email me rosettedelacroix22@gmail.com.

  6. Fish

    Actually i took ‘Dag’ from the ‘Dagda’ which was a father God in Ireland. In my seeking years ago i gradually formed a belief in a progenative father of our race, which is how I eventually came to Christianity.

    And no i have not and will not take the vax. It is.poison.

    As for the oera linda i’m afraid its not for me. Despite man’s absolute treacherous handling of the bible, and organized sects therein, i believe 100% that Christ is real.

    I think mankind misrepresents Him terribly.

    1. Lee

      Thank You Fish!
      Ditto on the oera linda, it’s definitely not for me either! And yes, I agree that man has done a horrible handling of the Holy Bible. For those who find it much easier to believe in the OLB, I would say search your own mind & heart, pray deeply, you will find that Christ is absolutely real! And so it pains me too, seeing how mankind misrepresents Him.

      1. rosette delacroix Post author

        Do you believe in H Lee? That he was a good man and doing the best for our people? Well he believed in Wralda, NOT Yahweh, the J’s desert God. Please watch this video I made on Himmler’s paper called the Voice of Our Ancestors. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VimU8NVMiyA
        Here, let me quote you straight from the paper, “I think of how the French speaking monks came from Switzerland to convert our forefathers, the Goths and the Vandals. Even their deadly enemies, the Romans, said: “Where the Goths are, their virtue rules. And where the Vandals are, even the Romans become chaste.”
        And to such men the commandments from Sinai were offered as guiding lights for their lives!
        Can one understand that they raised their swords in wrath when the monks told them that they were born in sin- these best of the Goths, whose very name meant “the good ones?”
        Cannot one understand the unspeakable contempt with which these noble men regarded those who promised them a reward in heaven for abstaining from doing things which, according to their own nature, were beneath the dignity even of animals?
        To such men the commandments were brought; men infinitely superior in human dignity and morality than the monks who brought them. For countless generations they had lived far above the moral plateau on which the commandments of Sinai then operated. Thousands of years before the time of “Christ” the monks claimed to represent, our ancestors had sown the seeds of culture and civilization throughout the world on their fruitful voyages and wanderings.”

    2. rosette delacroix Post author

      He is a Father God, He is THE Father God, the ONE AND ONLY, His name is Wralda, which is where we get the word WORLD from. It is Wralda and His spirit, breath of life, that gives US life in His world. So Dagda is a good name. Regardless if it is an Irish “god”, the Irish, Norwegians, Swedes, Germans, English, Scots etc. all Northwestern Europeans are kin. DAG is from the same root as DAY and as TAG, all variants of our first language, Frisian. Wralda made the day, separating it from the night, yes, and he also inspired Frya to draw the wheel, and from the wheel (Yule) she made numbers, the alphabet and yes, time. You believe in Flat Earth yet you can’t see how perfectly our world was designed and who brought what to our Fryan people? We are being genocided today and it is of the utmost importance to know WHO WE ARE. Our original homelands have always been in the North and now they are trying to say that isn’t ours as well. So convenient to say we came from the desert. Not true. Please watch my part 11 in my Flat Earth series if you haven’t already Dag. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1ZCf3kT4Ns&t=611s

      1. Fish

        Well those lands in the levant weren’t always desert. They are cursed now and overrun by the beasts.

        The bible does support a FE and a local sun. The genesis account has earth created with living plants upon it before the sun and moon were put in the firmament, which is a solid barrier.

        Isaiah 38:8 proves that the sun is smaller than earth, local and that it moves. There other proofs in the bible as well.

        The problem isnt the bible, or Christ. The problem is man. Christ told us to follow Him in spirit and in truth, and to love our kin. That is the crux of the gospel.

        What is also lost and almost all Christians IMHO is that God sends new dispensations of the spirit at divers times throughout history. We are not supposed to mimick ourselves to the letter after the bible, but to seek after His spirit in real time.

        I think the religion of Wralda has that in common, and it is easy for me to see why the Germans never fell to pagan Rome, because they did believe in a father and in their race being holy and seperate.

        But they didnt stand against Charlemagne, because they warred against Christ. And once they received Christ they became enlarged and perhaps greater than all other nations. Just my opinion.

        I did read up a bit on Wralda. Certainly I can believe that God communed with them whether they called Him Wralda or Yahweh.

        We have a Father in heaven either way.

        As.for European origins. Well, the Israelites inherited the levant but many other Adamic tribes spread elsewhere, including Europe. It was so long ago in history that our origins began that it is impossible to prove that we ONLY ever inhabited Europe, or that we couldnt have began in Mesapotamia and then branched out.

        Certainly Europe was never anyone elses but our own.

        At the end Father remains and will make His presence known again to all. And His ways will triumph over mans.

        1. rosette delacroix Post author

          My God is the God of my ancestors. My God is the God of the North, of the Norse. My God named our first mother Frya, which means FREE. We are of the FREE people. Wichhirte (which is Richard in English and means “the brave”) leader of the Gertmanna (Germans) who lived in the Punjab, told Alexander the Great that his people cannot be enslaved. That they would die first. The motto of the land where our original home Altland stood, where the Faroe Islands are now, is Vivre Livre Ou Mourir, which means “Live FREE or Die”. We were known as the SEA PEOPLE because we commanded the seas of the Mediterranean and beyond. There is no way OUR PEOPLE would be wandering in some desert for 40 years and allow themselves to become SLAVES. Our people believed every man should be free and would NEVER have slaves like Joseph did. Our people also saw their women as EQUAL and would never shut them up like CI does. There are many other truths to prove the Bible is not the book of our race. And there is NO PROOF that this desert was ever lush and fertile like you purport. (I believed it too and was also told that Europeans converted peacefully to Christianity by a certain CI teacher, not true!) In the times of the OLB the land was arid and barren, as was Greece, where Athena founded Athens. And over 4,500 of our brave men were killed by Charlemagne because they wouldn’t convert. They knew Christianity was a false religion, a religion for slaves. Wittekind (Wittekind means “know your kin”) was praised by Hitler and he had a memorial made for these brave men. My God is the God of my Fryan Ancestors, the same God that Himmler and Hitler believed in. The reason why Gott Mit Uns was put on their belt buckles. If you want to know where the ten tribes really went and who they are Ryan Zehm has done some good research on this. Here is a link to his three part series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2eqmTY2N_Q

          I just want to add this video of Jan Ott being interviewed on the Oera Linda Book. It just was posted today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lo8bZIacgA

          1. Fish

            You say that Wralda’s people can never be enslaved and yet throughout history they have been. Our ancestors have either given themselves and each up for enslavement, or been enslaved by stronger nations. Not because God made them slaves, but because in the FREEDOM of their own will, they chose it.

            Rebellion against God must always bring about trials and temporary loss of freedom. It actually emphasized that we were made and intended to be free, and that with Him we always will be.

            That sect that wanted you to feel diminished as a woman is not a sect sent by God. Nor any other like that. In Heaven, there are women ranked higher then men and vice versa.

            But on earth, men and women are merely different in ways and i do believe we have roles. We are not exactly the same. I do not believe the bible advocates the behavior that certain sects do – the ones who hate.

            A woman of great faith is greater then any men with less faith then she. Just like a canaanite woman, like Rahab, was great despite not being of Israel, because her faith was shown in her works. Therefore she is great.

            I just hope you dont allow those vipers from that certain group color your view of Christ.

            You did say above that Christ came from Wralda. Interesting comment and wouldnt mind hearing more from you about that.

            God bless and God speed.

          2. rosette delacroix Post author

            Fish, For starters, I never said our people “can never” be enslaved. On the contrary, we are enslaved now. Enslaved by our enemies we have been fighting for thousands of years- the Magy. WE were born FREE- FRYA and need to wake our people up to realize this truth. That is what Himmler was trying to share in his speech. Our supposed wandering in the desert for forty years when DURING THE SAME TIME FRAME we sailed all across the world and were dominant on the seas? But now we are lame and wandering around in a desert for forty years? Come on that is utter nonsense. In “the FREEDOM of their own will”? Hardly. We became enslaved under the sword of Christianity. Our men were BEHEADED in that religion’s name. Hiddo Overa Linda had to take certain portions out of the Oera Linda Book about the Christian Monks in FEAR of his family being killed! How many were enslaved or beheaded under the monotheistic belief in Wralda? ZERO. Christianity teaches our people to be meek and mild, to love our enemies. So we can be trampled over like we are now in all of our white countries. Findans, Lydans and Magy are LAUGHING at us because we are so smart yet fall for for this nonsense today to our detriment. Men and women do have roles yes, as during the times of the Oera Linda Book, the women were the keeper of morals, taught the children and gave advice to the Kings. The Kings were elected for three year terms. Nepotism was not allowed and that was part of their downfall when they finally allowed it with Friso. “I just hope you don’t allow those vipers from that certain group to color your view of Christ” and say the same thing to you. I feel they have clouded your views away from the true Monotheistic religion of our people. Why are so many Bibles allowed to be printed when we know that tribe owns all the printing houses? Because it is THEIR book used to control us, all the way from the time of Constantinople. Christ didn’t “come from” Wralda any more than you or I did. Christ was a man in India, born three hundred years before the one mentioned in the New Testament. He was an enlightened soul that taught many. When he died the Magy made him a God. When I say Magy that basically is synonymous with that certain tribe. He was a man, and would abhor being made into a “god”, just like Athena would be upset about it. Athena said that no man can be as perfect as Wralda and therefore we are not to worship any man. They were against false idols, against making statues to pray to etc. That is one reason it is so hard to find evidence of their “religion” to this day.

            And I need to add here that you ADMIT that Dual Seedline is a FALSE doctrine, yet, when you were a moderator on his website you didn’t say anything about him attacking me for the very thing that you agreed with me on? Wow. Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?

            Anyway, we can agree to disagree. It is what it is. Take care and all the best, Kat

          3. Fish

            To clarify one thing: i do not believe that the Canaanites of the OT were bastards. They are mention in Genesis 10 as being pure descendents of Noah and the bible never tells of them becoming mixed.

            DSCI is a false doctrine and a study of the gospel shows that it is very similar to what the pharisees believed.

            God cares about our spiritual well being. The fact of our racial purity is one half of the equation – it allows us to qualify for being sons and daughters. But spiritual union with God is what truly elevates us to our familial inheritance.

            I do believe that many of our ancestors followed God in spirit even if they never heard of Moses etc, and thaey were pleasing to God, moreso than those who honor God with their lips only.

          4. rosette delacroix Post author

            Per the Oera Linda Book, during that time the Levant was heavily mixed. There was an Egyptian priest named Cecrops who kicked the Fryans out of Greece but did them no other harm because he was of a Findan priest father and a Fryan slave girl mother. The Phoenicians are mentioned as a mix between Frya, Finda and Lyda back then as well. The only pure Fryans were the Fryans known as the Sea People who came from the north, from Northwestern Europe and stayed homogenous within their colonies such as in Athens, and in the Punjab of India. We know per DNA tests that the J’s are a mix of Findan and Fryan, for the Khazars, and for the Sephardic’s they are a mixture of Findan and Lydan. There is no evidence of Fryan DNA in the area of the Levant. When you do a DNA test it will show that you are from NorthWestern Europe to be a true member of the white race.

  7. Fish1


    When i was moderator on that forum, I didn’t agree with you. That was before I left and realized the fallacies of dual seedline. So no, I was not being a hypocrite anymore than you are a hypocrite for believing dual seedline once upon a time.

    Not sure why you took this discussion to character traducing. That is exactly what that forum in question does, and as per the commandments of God, is of the devil.

    One who has their faith rooted in the Truth has no need to tear down their kin to win a debate.

    You might rethink what “meek” actually means. It doesn’t mean to be weak, it means to put God before yourself. To follow Him and have faith. In doing so man has no need to vaunt himself, or be hasty and angry.

    The Germans tried to end the globalizing empire by themselves – through the might of man. The result was the utter destruction of the reich and perpetual ruin of Germanic culture.

    Waking up to the truth of NS Germany was a major watershed moment for me years back, but I stop short of idolizing them, as DSCI does. Their failure just proves that man is not mighty enough on His own to destroy the enemy. We would like to think so because we so strongly desire to do so. But that is of the flesh, like a man strongly desiring a woman or a new car. If feeds our lust for the results that we desire.

    I used to despise Christianity in my youth, even citing Charlemagne’s war against Germans. However, the Germans were not civilized as you would love to think. They were a warlike tribe. Contrary to what you want to believe, Christian societies are not, but God can strengthen them, rile them up for war when necessary and lead them to victory.

    You act as if pre-Christian Germans never waged war, raided neighbors etc. That is a fairy tale. They were very much a martial culture.

    All that said I understand that our passions cannot compete like this to the betterment of either of us. We have both laid down our cases.

    I bid you well and God speed.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Well I apologize if that was when you were DSCI. I don’t know you from Adam so have no clue of what you believed and when your beliefs changed. Remember you came here, to my “house”, not the other way around. I’ve been attacked as you know, and of course I will feel defensive, especially when you “share” more of your CI position. And its just that so many people come here thinking they are so knowledgeable, but then so ignorant of the topics I discuss. It reminds me of Ball Earthers thinking they are somehow more knowledgeable on the “globe” than a Flat Earther, when both know Ball Earth from school and the Flat Earther now knows Flat Earth truths really well. So who is at an advantage? (I know you can relate to this.) I studied CI. I was totally into CI, until I came to realize it wasn’t correct, first with DSCI (just as you did), then with CI all together. And then I found the OLB and studied it extensively. So who is at an advantage? I also offered to talk to you through email where we could privately discuss, but you preferred the public forum.

      The Germans would have loved to have the help of their brainwashed kin called the English, but unfortunately their leader’s propaganda, with the help of the J, was more effective. It had nothing to do with man not being spiritual enough. (If that was the case, we were way more spiritual than the atheistic Bolsheviks, no way would God let them win). H did everything for the Volk, kicked out the Weimar J’s, burned smut books, got the people working, eating healthy and exercising to be the best Volk they could be in the eyes of Wralda and even put GOTT MIT UNS on their belt buckles BECAUSE H believed it to be a spiritual war.

      And the Fryans came as FRIENDS, that is where the word FRIEND comes from FRYAN-FRIEND. Everywhere they went they went as friends. Minerva gave Athens its name in particular because it meant CITY OF FRIENDS. Yes they had to defend themselves but when they defeated ROME, instead of taking it over, because they knew it wasn’t their lands and didn’t have a right to it, they left it for the Romans to rebuild. This is all in the Oera Linda Book. You know so much about mainstream history, and I’m sure you know the victors write it. No wonder they try to ridicule the OLB so people can’t learn true history. Remember Himmler even remarked the Goths and Vandals were the most MORAL people and even their enemies said as such. So no, the Germans were not warlike unless attacked or having to defend their kin like H did.

      And in conclusion I just want to add, Fryan monotheism was our first religion, long before the Abrahamic religions, and in it three components are shared with CI, No Usury,
      No Miscegenation, and God’s Laws Written On Their Hearts, but the first religion goes further and adds No Enslaving, and Men and Women are Equal, which would be a natural fifth rule since making women subordinate to men effectively enslaves them. Only the Fryans believed in these last two, not Findans, not Lydans, nor the Magy, nor the followers of the Abrahamic religions.

      I bid you well and God speed too. Take care, Kat

  8. Fish

    “Well I apologize if that was when you were DSCI. I don’t know you from Adam so have no clue of what you believed and when your beliefs changed.”

    Fair enough. My beliefs changed shortly after I left. Prior to that i came to realize i was being too patient with CI folk and the drunken behavior that pervades its followers.

    Not that I deny identity, but that is what they say about anyone who leaves their cult.

  9. Fish

    Well well.

    Turns out i think you are right Kat. Long story short there was indeed a reason God led me here. I dont know the whole story yet but suffice it to say God has led me to understand that christianity is a false religion and the bible may contain much that can be attributed to God but nonetheless a little arsenic kills.

    The bible forces folk to rely on teachers, because it is so thick and convoluted. No one can come to God through a book. I always knew that and tried anyway to tell others about kinship and piety in “spirit and truth.” Now i know it is futile.

    Only written dogma enters the hearts of christians. I am glad i fell into it for a time, because before CI I loathed christianity, and always avoided studying or reading it. I had to believe in it for a time in order to familiarize myself with it.

    I think that is a great tool to have, since the truth is wrapped up in it, and fogging the lenses of our folks vision.

    We have a Father in heaven who created us, who abhors idolatry, race mixing, usury, sexual depravity, abuse, violence, slavery etc etc. Suddenly i am back to 6 years ago before CI.

    Anyway hope you are well Kat. Thanks for being a stubborn woman.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Haha YOU are a stubborn man. But you finally let go! I’m very proud of you. It’s the hardest programming to break. People feel that if they let go of Christianity, there is a chance they could be wrong and be damned for eternity. When I finally let go, I mulled over this, and thought, why would God condemn me for using my brain and my heart and doing everything to find the truth? If Christianity WAS the truth how could I leave it after all the dedication and studying I put into it?
      Knowing that the three major religions are ABRAHAMIC, meaning under the same umbrella, told me that all THREE are controlled. Judaism is really based on the Talmud and the Talmud is really just a business book for the J’s to help them take advantage of the rest of us. Their Messiah is just THEM becoming gods with a little “g”. Will they have a Messiah come out? Most definitely. They will probably call him Jesus. So as to dupe all the Christians. Then they will say they were wrong and we were right and our people will fall for it hook, line and sinker. Being deceived and HELPING bring their NWO to fruition.
      To see how Jewy the Bible really is we just have to reflect on which people are trying to divide us in any way possible today. Through our race, men versus women, sexuality, people versus authority etc. The story of Adam and Eve was their first attempt and it worked very well. Whereas before our people were united and strong, by making woman evil, what was once a strong force, now became a wedge between us.
      I’ve been reading Hitler’s Table Talk and I can see what he sees against Christianity as well. He was a natural philosopher (like you and I) and he is so practical when looking upon the world and what religion really is. I will be doing a presentation on this when I am finished reading this book. But back then, he believed in other things I don’t agree with, for example, he didn’t know about Flat Earth, he was a vegetarian and he actually believed in vaccinations! So you can see how even someone as astute as Hitler can get things wrong. And just so you know, I don’t worship him, but he is my hero. We NEED heroes. Heroes give us courage to keep up the good fight. Athena was a hero to her people. Hitler to ours. Who will be our heroes today?
      And I was the same way with the Bible. I always had an aversion to reading it like you. There is a reason for that! Because deep down we knew that a book written in a foreign language, by a foreign people, in a foreign land was FOREIGN. Not ours! I am such an avid reader and even when I got Fink’s version I couldn’t read it! I would instead listen to Bertrand Comparet and Fink’s Bible Basics, and Charles Weisman (bless his soul) but I couldn’t read the actual Bible. We BOTH had to go through the CI journey to really understand THAT programming. It helps us all the more today. All mistakes I’ve made in my truth journey I had to make to get HERE.

      It takes courage to break all the programming. I am honored to have helped you in your journey. We know how many people can’t handle us letting go. They want to keep us down in the hole with them. Hopefully one day some of them will also have the courage to climb out.

      I’ll drop you a line to your email if you don’t mind. We should stay in touch. All the best, big big hugs, you made my day, Kat

    2. Joseph

      Fish, were you at Christogenea? I have talked to many former forum members there, they do act clicky, it seems if one doesn’t fully agree with them on certain things (i.e.Flat Earth) certain people will slander you. That’s just one group however and doesn’t mean Christianity is wrong. People develop a cult of personality for figures they admire like Bill for example. Its weird how people on there bootlick to him all the time. Its sad really.

  10. jollyjaws

    I suggest you read about the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati..
    There are grammatical errors in the read but it is a well researched look into them.

    I don’t think if you knew the history of Hitler you’d want him to be your hero. This book goes into what the elite have been doing to the world for centuries.
    Although some jews are involved in the Illuminati it is not regular Jewish culture that is. These are satanic Jews. There are fake jews that we’re adopted into Jewish heritage long ago. It helps them hide better and cry defamation to hide among another people.
    I’m sure these are the synagogue of Satan as wired in scripture. The Jews were a stubborn people. They were wrapping idols and pagan gods. The rothschilds six pointed star is on their flag! It is the start of remohan good told them to abandon. The Jewish don’t recognize that symbol. Unfortunately the Illuminati have created that fake israel to fool Christians.
    There is information suggesting hitler was Rothschild
    born. We do not have his clear background enough to call him a savior. No one murders millions and can be called a hero. You have discovered a lot of good secrets about these secret societies but it is not wise to choose such a person to look up to.
    He was a puppet for the controllers who created both WW1 and WW2 to bring us what’s coming. This is not just Jews doing this.. There are good and bad in all cultures. These people in this cabal worship Satan. They purposely are bringing this. In secret and even in front of us they bring this. I agree with all your have found except this piece.
    What you have found out is another view. Unfortunately it is just another view. If the mad deity in the sky loved it’s creation he would stop this.
    Wralda or Jesus or Satan or whatever. I see no good deity involved. He is supposedly omnipotent? Yet he has no desire to stop this until billions die? I don’t know if any organization is being led by IT but why would anyone believe it trust in IT? If you were a prophetess and yours was a message from God? It isn’t though. It’s your research and just another educated guess because the authors of this madness don’t want to tell us. That is the lacking part of any truth seeking. THEY won’t tell us. Lol Crazy.
    It would also be good to read the book of Enoch. It explains a little more about what is happening in the world. The book above by Fritz Springmeir expresses how immersed these vermin are in destroying the world. Hitler was used by them for money. They play both sides. Hitler isn’t a good guy he was evil. Read the 13 bloodline webpage and learn some more about these tools in every govt that have led us ito this precipace. Another book which is out of print but still on google read is, Phoenix Rising, the rise and fall of the American republic. It tells the story of the elite destroying us from within by presidents and co conspirators. Amazing what has been hidden from us about our slow destruction and demise by our very leaders. Our American state has been a moneymaking tool for them. They create wars, and move societies to trust in them and obey.
    Federal reserve, income tax, and Bilderbergs, CFR, United Nations, Bohemian Grove, Mason lodges, writing churches, everywhere, all tools to bring it.
    We have been taken captive already. They have won because people don’t think they let their authorities think for them. That’s what this pandemic is for. People will not think and are too cowardly to stand. They like comfortable. They have been programmed to think conspiracy is lunacy. Try talking to a mask wearer. Thank God some courageous people in Canada are trying to revolt against their capture Trudeau. Thanks for all your research. All people can do is warn others. This is too late to stop. People are too gullible to open their eyes and realize what going on .

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      I’ve researched the 13 Illuminati Family rabbit hole a long ways back and am not going to revisit it thank you. The REAL families behind it all ARE the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP Morgan et al. NOT some obscure families behind the scenes. I actually did a presentation on the 13 families. Had me duped for a bit. But no, I crawled out of that one and see WHO the real enemies are. Not that these families don’t play a part, but they are NOT the top of the Pyramid. The Elite is synonymous with these powerful Jewish families, NOT Italian families. Not German families, Not the Vatican families. All scapegoats to the real power at the TOP. Hitler was just as he said he was in Mein Kampf. He almost won. But since he did not the powerful Jewish media went to work villainizing him and muddying the waters when it comes to his ancestry for the partially awake ones. They cover all their bases.
      Hitler WASN’T a savior, but a very brave MAN, that deeply cared about his people. Him and his people were as one. They tried so hard to villainize him in the eyes of the Volk to no avail. Read The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradbury, and that should set you straight. Here is a link to a free pdf of it: https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-myth-of-german-villainy-e188385884.html
      The “mad deity in the sky” as you call him, made his creation and gave it FREE WILL. To benefit or suffer from consequences of their actions. He is NOT sending down a savior. WE have to take action to fix this mess. Unfortunately, the Jews are good at playing both sides, “through the art of deception” and so, are playing the Canadian Truckers. None of the truckers knew any of the people leading this movement until they magically appeared. Controlling the opposition. Making them do exactly what they want them to, to their detriment. All this is coordinated. The Aussie Cossack and some other Masonic shills leading the people to go to Canberra, etc. Bad things will happen soon unfortunately. Makes my heart very sad.

  11. jollyjaws

    Hitler was into the occult. He was in the Thule society. They discovered the UFO phenomenon that the germans began. Then they were brought here under operation paperclip and our secret govt began perfecting the crafts.
    I believe he was a controlled tool for the illuminists to bring the 2nd world war. He might have been satanically controlled too like the monarch or MK Ultra slaves.
    He wasn’t brave or good. They promised him the same thing they have promised celebrities and politicians and whoever else. They will get rid of anything they don’t need anymore or that is about to tell their secrets. He was of no value anymore after his atrocities.
    He is just the same as Donald Trump leading people to their own demise. We have 2 political parties that are on the same team. It is all controlled and so was Hitler. Donald nearly tipped the country over and is still free. When they back you you won’t be stopped and used for their bidding. America is being disposed of by both parties and people still think there is a good side.
    There is no savior for any of us. The deity that controls this likes this game. I’m fed up with it. Whatever is in charge we know the one in control lucifer is this one. This is how that one works. Pacifying the masses and fearing them with vaccines. etc etc.
    This is about satans minions and not about one group of people. It is worldwide. It is in China and Europe and US and Canada. It is about Jesuits and Masons and Skull and Bones and on and on. They own all the money and the crash and takeover is coming. Financial and World War it seems. They want billions to die. It is not just jews. It is a worldwide phenomenon. These people want their master to come back. They serve satan. It doesn’t matter which culture they are from. I know lots of jews who know nothing of this. It is dangerous to blanket statement a group of people for targeting any time. Its like the white supremacists who attack jews and blacks and gays. Its faulty thinking. Its hate.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      No. Hitler was NOT into the occult and was NOT in the Thule Society. That is total BS propaganda. He was running a country. He was a very busy man. He didn’t have time for dabbling in the occult. Operation Paperclip happened after Hitler died. The Americans and the Russians were always trying to steal German inventions. The Germans had/have the top engineering minds of this world. So when given a choice, go with the Americans or be handed over to the Russians (they knew this fate was the absolute worst, read Gulag Archipelago) they chose to go to America. They were engineers, building better machines. There is no space, no building rockets to fly to the moon nonsense. No secret base on the moon BS. Hitler died in the bunker with his love Eva Braun. Because in the end, he always did what was best for his people. He would never leave them. He knew the Russians were coming and he didn’t want his people traumatized even more by seeing what happened to Mussolini and his girlfriend happen to him and Eva. He awarded the Russians NO TROPHY for their May Day, their Communist Day, May 1st. If you actually read Mein Kampf and Table Talk you would know about Hitler’s life, his struggle and his determination to help his people. To compare him to Trump is a disgrace on your part. Trump’s father built Synagogue’s in New York. He was always hand-in-hand with the Jews. When Trump came to power, Sheldon Adelson paid off Trump’s debts which were in the millions. All his children married Jews. Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, has an office on 666 5th Avenue. Trump was put on the super special shekel to enter their temple. He moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is a slap in the face to Palestinian’s, by the direction of his masters. You also seem to think that the “atrocity” propaganda is real. Hitler and his men followed the guidelines of the Geneva Convention by the book. It was the Russians who committed atrocities on land, the English by air (Dresden), and the Americans after the war (German Intern Camps). You say there is no savior but then you mention the completely fictitious “Satan”. The only Satan there is, is MAN in the form of the Rothschilds and their minions wreaking havoc on this world. Yes, there are others besides Jews doing this, they are called Shabbos Goys and in the end they will be eliminated too by them. And its not about hating other races, its about whites, who are the TRUE minority in the world, (around 8% now) protecting itself from complete genocide. The other races are very tribal and they can’t understand why we aren’t as well. Why we don’t protect ourselves from utter destruction. Using trigger words like it is “dangerous” makes me wonder if you are really brainwashed or have an agenda here. Whites are the kindest people in the world. It is the white countries that give aid to other countries, give charity, not the other way around.

    2. Fish

      These posts alerted my email and I can’t help but to point something out.

      Hitler was not into “the occult” as in “jewish kabbalah/ritual magick” etc. He was searching for lost history. Even the kaisers before him were investigating the tarim basin etc.

      It was really easy for the elite to paint him as such, since those same elite use aspects of our lost history in the occult. Most if not all godsworshipped or “communed” with by occultists were once people of wisdom or merit who were turned into idols post mortem. The OLB expresses that, but so does the emerald tablets of thoth who was “hermes trismigestus,” a MAN who was likely from one of the sunken continents like doggerland or, perhaps atlantis. We also know that buddha was a man.

      So the elite do not want us – the white aryan race – to go digging up our history, and they were terrified that Germany would release said secrets to the world.

      When we eventually uncover the truth we will be unstoppable and the world will shake, because justice is due to the eternal liars. It aint just jews, but especially the Chinese. The only reason China had communism forced upon them was to make sure their land – and the relics beneath their soil – could not get into our hands.

      If you read the “mummies of the tarim basin” you will discover that chinese professors and journalists go to jail (if not worse) when they try and get certain truths out, like that Europeans invented the wheel.

      This goes way back to when, i believe, the scythians sacked asia and then many of their men of war tarried for years in the tarim basin, likely spun by idolatry and drunkeness. I think that Zorastrianism and the Christianity came soon after, because the scytjians were minotheistic as Origen claimed.

      Hitler probably knew all of this and more.

      And God may not intervene in ways men would hope, but he does lead men in and out of trial, and helps them find what they seek. We have to keep seeking and be open to discover what is hidden.

  12. jollyjaws

    No there is no space but there are ufos. The Germans did have a base in Antarctica.
    the germans made them from technology they got somewhere. the US and a group of other countries are down there because of what gernany found.
    You have a theory Rose but you have eliminated bloodlines that run thru everything, you have narrowed this down to only jews, despite alternative evidence, no matter what other evidence is presented you decide that you’re right and you deny other sources. everthing is a jewish plot.
    I find that you have believed everything you have read about Hitler. Trump is a puppet and so was Hitler. There is evidence of his Thule society. All of these people who are elite have lots of things on their plate but they always manage to do their occult or mason duties. So did Hitler.
    Stubborn, arrogant lost people do the occult because it gives them power. The occult and masons etc grab people who are selfish and lost or discardable and use their anger to help their cause.
    You don’t believe in biblical writings but the prophecies are coming about and lots of them have.
    What is happening in the world is exactly what John and others said would.
    All the people in this hate the other deity and want theirs and want to bring the occult and satanic ritual and pedophilia and molech as their world religion.
    This is about a kabal of all cultures who follow satan and not just jews.
    Evolution, and reversing everything about the other deity. Its lucifers followers. That is why we are devolving and they attack anything and reverse it here.
    The people on the planet are not wise. They follow everything.
    The only thing that following hitler can do for followers is bring them to violence. That is what he is known for despite you thinking otherwise.
    We don’t know Hitlers history or where he went after the war. There are books that suggest he faked his death and went to south america.
    The point is it is all hearsay. You yourself want to believe your theory. You have to also be open to the fact you might have gone down the wrong path here. No person on earth can know the full extent of what this is.
    If you did you’d be getting it straight from the deity himself and who gets that anymore. I found alot of validity in the 13 bloodlines. All of this is being carried out by these families that are protected and hide amongst us.
    You weren’t there in germany all you have is what you’ve read. You choose to believe it. I don’t because I have found other evidence to the contrary.
    If he was trying to help he sure did a poor job. He is known by the world as a butcher and his henchmen.
    How do you know there is no Satan? You can’t know this. Again it is your word versus what is occuring in the world. They are awaiting their master.
    The great deception the bible spoke of is in my opinion a fake alien attack. As you know there is no space. There are however demons. That is what the occult is contaction demons. Then you have access to knowledge that the rest of us don’t. That is why some people get to be famous and succeed and be superstars. That side has access to these things.
    You say whites are the kindest people in the world and yet you also suggest jewish annihilation with your words. The white supremacist are white too but they are kind at all.
    All I’m saying is that like myself and everyone else you don’t have the whole truth and you could have false information that you have accepted as truth. You are also human and fallible.
    There is evil here on the planet and it makes sense to me that there is an evil entity like scripture says. The goal of the members is to eliminate challenge to them and to have world order and to bring in the master deceiver they worship as god.
    All of the US presidents have been masons or have bloodlines to royalty etc.
    There are other views on what this is.
    Hitler was fascist and racist if he killed jews. If he didn’t then we all will find out someday. None of us can know the truth cause we are living in lies.
    You don’t know if yours is truth and I don’t know if mine is. Why, cause that loving deity in the sky thinks we don’t need that.
    Whatever the truth is we can’t say. We can opine but we have no idea if our theory is any better than another. We can be in the wrong either of us.
    Following a leader like Hitler is in my humble opinion not a good idea.
    We aren’t gonna win this. It will take something more than humans to take back the planet when they have chipped us.
    There were people willing to stop the germans from world domination. There isn’t anymore. Whatever is planned can’t be stopped. Only an outside powerful god could rid the world of these vermin. It ain’t gonna be stupid people who wear their masks and follow the illuminated ones.
    The bible was right this is a grand deception. Even to the christians. I am not a christian anymore. I do know that the book of Enoch explains the nephilim and giants and the fallen ones and they are gonna be brought back. Enoch correlates with the paragraph in genesis that explains some of this.
    I wish you well in your search. That is all it can be. Neither you nor I are prophetic and all we have is our human fallible selves. Both on the same path and both with 2 different versions. Thats why we need something larger than us to defeat this evil. Have a good one.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      I agree there is no space out there and I agree that the Germans have made advanced technology and that after the war the Americans and Soviets STOLE this technology. They didn’t get it “somewhere” though like you state, they invented it THEMSELVES. And there is absolutely NO PROOF that Germany had a base in Antarctica. You do know that Antarctica is the ring of ice that encircles our world, correct? The only point that seems to be of interest to TPTB is the land directly across from Argentina though. Thule means “the NORTHERN most part of the habitable ancient world” and so the name “Thule Island”, which is off the Argentinian coast, wouldn’t be given to a location near Antarctica, a land of the extreme SOUTH, except by people who want to muddy the waters.

      There is evidence of THE Thule Society, not HIS Thule society, as you say. Hitler was a very busy man running a country and fighting a war. When he did have down time, very rarely, he would go to a German Opera or Play. That was his passions next to Architecture.
      Oh and Bloodlines DO MATTER. Just not the Strawman bloodlines of the sell outs that you insist are somehow important. The Jews are doing everything they can to wipe out the ARYAN Bloodline. JUS SANGUINUS (birth by blood) is what SHOULD be the criteria of becoming a citizen of white countries. JUST LIKE IT IS FOR FINDA AND LYDA COUNTRIES. JUS SOLI (birth by soil) is why America is getting ran over and run down. (Anchor babies comes to mind.) And how we are being genocided. Look up the Kalergi Plan and see what that’s all about. Coudenhov-Kalergi was half Austrian and half Japanese, married to a JEWESS and funded by the ROTHSCHILDS, to carry out his plan. The Jews want ALL Bloodlines, EXCEPT FOR THEIRS, to be MIXED into one mutt race.

      “I find that you have believed everything that you have read on Hitler.” Ha! HARDLY! I don’t believe that Hitler is a Rothschild, I read that, I don’t believe Hitler had an affair with his niece, I read that, I don’t believe Hitler loved scat, I read that, I don’t believe Hitler only had one testicle, I read that! Should I go on with more Jewish propaganda on Hitler? Hitler ALMOST BEAT THEM and they are PETRIFIED that if WE wake up again, we could finally tip the scales. They do everything to beat us down and by making us “believe” that somehow Hitler was working for them that would mean we NEVER had a hero, we NEVER had a brave soul fighting for OUR people. NOT TRUE.

      Don’t tell me what I suggest with my words. Are you Jewish? You infer whatever the crap you want to infer don’t you?

      Right. The prophecies are coming about because THE BIBLE IS THEIR PLAYBOOK. It is part of their GREAT WORK, which they have been planning for ages. That’s why! And people duped into Christianity, believing a savior will come, is 100% their plan. They WANT Christians believing in that. Eventually they will present a “savior” and say they were wrong, that Jesus is the TRUE Messiah, and we will all have to bow down to him. Unbeknownst to millions of Christians that this person is THEIR Jewish minion. Behind this stooge will be their Council of Elders telling him what to do. They will truly have their “do as thou will is the whole of the law” world. Determining what is right and wrong through THEIR moral relativism. And killing most of the people in this world down to their 500 million. 500 million slaves, with them the sole soul masters over this world.

      And NO, not all the Presidents were Masons in the Masonic sense that we know them to be today. That is not true. Wow, it seems like YOU believe everything YOU read. Andrew Jackson was one of the best Presidents we’ve had. He was most proud of the work he did in fighting the Jewish bankers. They tried to assassinate him several times. He was a good man, loyal to his people. His tombstone reads, “I killed the bank.” Abraham Lincoln was also a good President. He was assassinated because he was going to implement a plan after the war to ship all negroes out of the country. The Jews couldn’t have that. He was going to pay their way and give them a choice of going to Haiti or to Africa. Just like Hitler offered to the Jews to get them to leave Germany. To ship them to Palestine with all their belongings and even give them money to use while they were getting settled over there. Madagascar was another location that was a strong possibility as a settlement for them.

      World domination is exactly what is happening NOW and it sure ain’t by the Germans. Hitler only wanted to expand into the east to give room for his people to live. He never had plans outside of that. If you know anything about history, you would know this is a very common occurrence of peoples all over the world- expanding territories to house their people. But what we have now is a people who know no allegiance to any particular country and see the WHOLE WORLD as their country. They plan on controlling every speck of land. And this bodes only well for THEM. Everyone else will either be killed or be their slave. Being a slave doesn’t mean you go to work nine to five and get a hot meal and Netflix waiting for you. They don’t care about anyone but themselves and with their track record being a slave to them will be a living hell.

  13. jollyjaws

    It is amazing all that has been hidden from us. The pyramids, stonehenge, what they are doing right in front of us is hidden in plain site like Rose has found in the findings on this site.
    You have a philosphy just like I or Miss Delacroix or thousands of others.
    The germans were involved with the Thule society, they invented the ufos, they were in Antarctica, It all centers around dark occultic hidden mystery religions and their connection to the master they worship.
    With all the hidden messages in movies and the secret societies and the celebrity hand signs and secret eyes wide shut gatherings one would think that it represents darkness. I know Rose thinks the bible is hooey but look what Revelations suggest. What the bible suggests is synagogue of satan. The Rothchilds and bloodlines have been working on t steadfastly for generations. They finally have enough power over every nation and their minions that they are bringing what it says would occur. There is a satan because the Rothchilds hold a place for him at their gatherings.
    They all follow IT. They don’t want to announce him yet cause they don’t want to spoil the surprise. It has to be kept secret until they do their world reset.
    Bible says as it was in the days of Noah. So this happened before and that is why they were eliminated before and why we have the traces of a master culture millenia ago.
    Why the pyramid is on the back of the dollar, why Washington DC has filled with pagan statues and phalluses like every other country they own.
    This is worldwide. These are the few controlling the many. That in itself is sad. The few own us and most are so propagandized they don’t care and conspiracies are from lunatics. Humans are gullible and naive and they are walking into destruction.
    The US is imploding, Putin is primed for WW3.
    It is obvious to me what is occuring but there are so many theories.
    The germans illegally took the Reichstag, He had butchers Himmler and Goebbels. I don’t know how any can paint him as noble..
    Genocide of any race or that their are people here that are less than others is a faulty premise. It creates division of everyone from the thing that’s occuring.
    We none of us will know the reality here. Each of us has a different spin on things. None of us can prove anything because we are not all knowing. We read and believe with our own vices and opinions etc.
    I don’t want another germany or white supremacists who think they are better than others. It is dangerous to promote that there is any chosen or better than others
    In america black have been dragged to their deaths by supremacists. The illuminati in this country hate blacks.
    Ive read the writings of Svali a satanic cult escapee. Her words are very telling.
    She talks of bloodlines also. The
    royals are part of this. It is not just jews. Keep searching and warn your neighbors she suggests they are planning on by 2030 to bring world order and our end.
    She has turned Christian by the way.
    I am not Christian but used to be. I haven’t thrown the baby out with the bathwater yet.
    I find this whole thing repulsive if deity are involved. It is more on the lines of gods of olympus than any loving entities. This is monstrous wiht a god who is omnipotent and still lets it happen. Even I would never do this to my creation.
    Now god supposedly punished the jews for their worship of idols. Molech and Ashtar and all the others. Still reminds me of gods falling to earth and beoming worshiped by men. Enoch explains the nephilim and giants and the coruuption that god had to eliminate centuries ago. A world order then and now we are seeing the same thing. As it was in the days of noah. They want to live forever and avoid going back and ruling this place. So we have cloning and AI etc. This is satans plan and seems to be as it always has been.
    Just the secret societies suggest they are worshiping something here they ain’t supposed to be. Athena and Zeus etc are still around in the days of the week, and months etc. That is what is looks like to me. We will certainly find out.
    They are moving us there. Their bloodlines they think are royalty.

  14. Fish


    The bible is hooey. The problem is it has little bright spots hidden amidst the mass of b.s. that attracts europeans to the bible. And in in that darkness, binds them.

    I have come to agree with Himmler. I bit of studying from my own perspective has proven this to me.

    For instance. Christians are taught to believe that God commanded his people to spill the blood of animals to atone for sin, and that this practice only ended with the spilling of His sons blood (crucifixion).

    And yet the OT has several witnesses to the contrary. Isaiah 1, jeremiah 7, micah 6, psalm 40 and other chapters show this, that the israelites (egyptians) were told that God despised this ritual sacrifice, and wanted them to be moral and just in their deeds.

    You also have a telling contradiction where david is told to take a census so that god could kill 70,000 people for it. In one account it is God who tells david to sin, and the other its is satan who tells david to sin.

    And in the book of job it is said that satan is the one who scourged job, but by the time job is released and restored, it says that it was god who did the evil things to job.

    It is full of contradictions where good and evil are mixed together. It is incoherent.

    You want to know where christian theology came from just look to zoroastruanism and egyptian myth.

    Zoroaster comes out of india in the 6th century and preaches a religion about a good god vs an evil god, and an after life of heaven or hell based on ones deeds. That concept comes straight out of egypt. Zoroastrianism predates christianity by 6 centuries.

    It is interesting that the oera kinda says that jessos opposed evil priests in india in the 6th century as well. Weird that in the same century some “prophet” comes out of india with zoroastrianism. Hmm.

    Had he gone to the north with those ideas the scythians would have laughed at him and sent him home where he belongs.

    What is of great releif and joy to discover is that our ancestors believed in the wheel of time. The ancient irish believed in reincarnation over the span of aeons. Souls are perfected over time until they are ready to leave and join the realm of God. This is preserved to this day in buddhism and vedic theology, though both those cults are corruoted as well.

    There is no eveidence of a heaven vs hell dynamic in european belief systems. Caesar said the gauls were the most fearsome enemies because they did not fear death.

    A christian cannot help but fear, because a christian will always deserve hell according to their doctrine, so they believe in grace to save them.

    But such a belief does not seem to produce good fruit. I sifted christians for a time and found dishonesty abounding from the pulpits of their leaders.

    A revelation awaits. It is Light. Hiw can a man be just if he cannot love, and how can he love if he has no light? How can he have light if his god is dark, and hiw can he see a god of light if he believes god is dark?

    If god created life so that we would be judged for being imperfect, then man cannot know justice, because his own maker made him flawed and hates him for it. So a man has to believe he is one of the few that god shows grace. This creates a cult of people who must exalt themselves over non believers, and who excuse inner knowing (en-light-enment) for the doctrine of a confounding book.

    But if man believes he is punished in this life, until he sees the correct path, he has hope, because he is allowed to learn and grow and taste the light. If a man knows His God is eternal, then logically that God has an eternity to bring us to the light. Why would God ever need to be hasty in judgment?

    Many experienced cursed lives, trauma etc that makes it impossible for them lead perfect enough lives to be saved for heaven.

    Notice this as well: christianity creates atheists. Hiw many people have you met or heard of who became atheists because the bible let them down? If a man believes the bible is the word of God, and then comes to fin that the bible is flawed, contradictory etc, then he is temoted to question Gods existence.

    But if a man seeks and finds God within and in nature, His logos and his feminine aspect of creation, then he will never be temoted to question Gods existence.

    To root our relationship with God in religion or books is spiritual exile, because it requires men to explain it to them, and just look at the hundreds of denominations there are! There is no unity for our people with this egypto-persian religion.

    The egyptian mythology we inherited was in the hands of serpent priests for centuries, and the other place we find these serpent priests was india.

    It is all so clear now. I could go on and on.

  15. jollyjaws

    Your trusting in a Nazi for your validation of life and religion?
    Yes the Bible is very flawed it was corrupted like everything else the controllers are in charge of. But the writings we’re found again in caves to prove their validity from the originals in the bible.
    Now, whether or not both were corrupted and we were fooled with both is a question that I cannot answer.
    I do know that I would not want to quote Himmler or Goebbels or Hitler as my authorities on the subject.
    Wars are manipulated by the elite for enslaving the whole planet. Men who are willing to abuse and kill millions won’t get my sign of approval. Germany proved to the world that war is hell. They proved it twice in 2 world wars that they led. We have the example of Mr. Putin that’s doing it right now. This is what dictators do to the world they enslave us. Germany and the axis wanted the same thing then that they want now, world order. They enlisted Italy and Japan. They weren’t just wanting to instead their way border live Rose suggested to me.
    Just like now it was an attempt at world control. They attacked Pearl harbor. Of course everything is for a reason with the illuminated and our country had the West profiteers and members of the mains etc here. The project for a New American century is another arm of the tentacles that got us into 9/11 and money making.
    I don’t believe in Christianity myself after being one. But I do know that we are being led into slavery just like Revelations prophesied that we would. The prophetic utterances in the Bible have come to pass.
    Whoever wrote the Bible manipulated and erased things out of it and kept books from it. I don’t throw the baby out with a bath water because there are some good things in there that are warnings to us.
    The one that we’re living in now, the book of Revelations book is a good example. There is evil on this planet, there is supernatural on this planet, and it can’t be explained by Hitler or any person that wrote a book. There seems to be a quarrel between good and evil on the planet whether it’s right or wrong.
    I read somewhere a few years ago that there are two lineages here that we weren’t made aware of. The children of God and the children of Satan. All of the bad seed are winning. Their parents raise them up and the monies that the controllers have go to their schooling and to their celebrity status and the pyramid system that we live in where the special ones get privileges and the rest of us don’t. Because we are aware they have made the system that surrounds us. They own us because we worship the idols that they give us. There is no way that in a few years that certain people get Superstar status and we don’t get nothing. We are paying the system with everything that’s before us. The system makes all of the luciferians successful. They have scoured the planet for their master’s followers. Their mothers and fathers have raised them in this system and behind closed doors they the few are leading the many around by the nostrils.
    We are being pulled into war and enslavement again just like Germany did twice.
    The Oera linda has not been proven truth it’s a nice story but anything that includes pagan worship in it is something I’m not going to go for. I have read The book of Enoch and he explains why we’re dealing with what’s going on here to some degree in the first chapters.
    The mystery religions and the occult are manipulating us into our destruction. It is not just the Jews that are involved here although some of them are. In fact there are Jews that pretend they’re Jews and they are not Jews. The Kazars and the Ashkenazi fake Jews. All of the occult evidences Rose here on this site has faithfully shown us. The occult is darkness it is witchcraft it is divination and it in the Bible is said to not be involved in and we do know why we’re not supposed to because of what they’re doing to us now.
    They have a master and it’s the evil one. They want to bring him back. This is a fight between the two deities as far as I can tell. All of the occult rituals that Rose has discovered are part of it. They cast spells they have powers that we don’t because they’re calling upon beings that used to be in the heavens. They have invested themselves in alchemy and the dark arts and from my reading I discovered that Hitler and his regime were involved in the secret society thing also. Of course, try to prove any position in this world!!
    The writings of Madame Blavatsky etc. Don’t forget the secret societies or Anton Levay, or Alister Crowley. Evil has not been sitting on its hands for centuries it’s been planning this all along. That’s why we have the satanic religion and witchcraft increasing and people looking into the Masons etc cuz it’s a curiosity now it’s not evil to people??
    People trust magic more than deity cause there get power by it.
    I cannot possibly by myself find the answers to this and I don’t depend upon my wisdom and knowledge alone. When we do such things we assume and we all know what that does. We are however going to discover what reality is coming up real soon.
    Depend upon the arm of flesh and you’re going to get a whole bunch of wrong interpretations and more confusion and evidently the deity in the heavens that put us here Wralda or God or whoever is in charge of this doesn’t want to help at all. I want to say this again, this is not love.
    When a deity that loves its creation doesn’t step in it says it doesn’t love its creation very much. It says that annihilating them will teach them a lesson?
    If it’s about reincarnation then at least the deity in charge lets us come back to get it right? It would be nice if the heavens would open and talk to its children that it loves? It would be nice to know if reincarnation is what goes on but unfortunately it doesn’t want to tell us. It doesn’t want to help us rid the planet of these evil people. The people in charge of the planet know what’s going on they have that advantage over a stupid one searching for it still.
    The majority of us just want to live we don’t want subterfuge and deceit and lies we just want to have our life and move thru this world. With evil on the planet that’s not possible. So we are left trying to find the answers by ourselves and royally screwing it up. We have hints and evidences but we don’t know the whole truth. All we have is unanswered questions and our own philosophies. I guess that’s when we get on our knees and ask the thing in the heavens why are you doing this, or do you love us? With your philosophy it’s doing it yourself. I think that’s one of the problems is that we want to do it ourselves and not ask for any help maybe that’s why god is angry. Perhaps it is a do-it-yourself project? My whole life has been accursing I know what it is not to win always. I know that I don’t worship the deity in the heavens but I know I ain’t going to worship that other one that’s doing this to us.
    I was taught that were never supposed to trust ourselves because we’re human fallible and flawed. Your philosophy allows you to not feel those feelings but anyway you look at it we are not perfect and we are going to make mistakes over and over again. From books I’ve read that sounds like the philosophy of what’s going on, that everyone belongs here and even the evil people who murder and rape and kill like Hitler are loved by God they just didn’t know any better?? I’m thankful in my life with all that I’ve suffered that I would never purposely hurt another person unless they attacked me. These people on the planet who control us don’t care about deaths of people. They have no feeling for other human beings they thrive on power and money and winning. That is why when they plan a disaster it is about themselves and it is about the bringing in of the system and deity they’re awaiting.
    I can only trust what I have learned and that’s the same for you and both of us have different opinions doesn’t that make for a wonderful chaotic world. That is the orders motto, Ab Ordo Chao.
    This all could be solved if the person’s or beings who put us here let us know what truth was so we could choose better.
    Again, it is people searching like Rose or you or I that discover some things. Not fully on the same page but we know there’s something wrong here. We do see that they’re trying to take over the planet. I believe it’s luciferians waiting for their savior. Rose believes it”s the Jews. I’m not sure of your understanding. How difficult it is to bring people together when they’re not all on the same page even with the same truths. Evil is on the same page that’s why we’re doomed.
    Christians are far from perfect and they don’t listen they think they’re right. What’s the difference between that and everybody else on the planet? Lol
    The only thing I appreciate about Christians is that there is light that we’re supposed to be looking for and doing good is a sign of light. Doing evil is a sign of darkness. Killing people is darkness to me. War is darkness to me.
    There is evidence in some writings that are own behaviors and thoughts affect the world that we live in kind of metaphysical. Where if enough people are saddened and hurt and lost that the planet itself revolts with earthquakes and volcanoes etc and that darkness starts succeeding over truth and light. If only the heavens would let us know how it works. For some reason the dark folk have mystery occult and magic and some of the things that this system runs on that we don’t have and that they’re hiding from us. Because it’s power. I won’t get involved with the occult I won’t be around people who are into the occult or witchcraft it’s darkness. If some people think that getting involved with the Masons and these others is light and truth they have fooled themselves. Everyone wants power and getting a little with people who are suffering and don’t know why their lives aren’t working is dangerous. That power has created some of our celebrities because they’re pulling from the occult and from people who have passed over or whatever else for their money and their ritual and whatever else they’re doing.
    All of this goes back to people trying to take over the planet for their leader. They made it obvious by putting it on the back of our dollar a hundred years ago but we don’t want to see that for some reason.
    So our govt put a symbol from Egypt on our currency. That should have screamed danger danger. The ask seeing eye. Eye of Horus. Who is the god the mains put there. It’s Lucifer. Why, because our govt has been diseased by the mains and others willing to destroy from within.
    I’ve never said that the Bible is accurate I said there are things in there that are.
    The inconsistency of a deity that says thou shalt not kill and tells the Jews to go in and kill us telling. There was a reason but not enough to have a all knowing loving God to do. Perhaps the old testament god is Lucifer.
    Again we can’t be told by whatever is in charge. That would be too nice.
    We also have to remember that there are 12 tribes not just one there are the 12 tribes of Israel not just the Jews. Whoever they are wherever they are or if that’s us at all. What my question is is where is the one who put us here what is the purpose of this if they’ve disappeared and don’t help us and is that loving at all?
    I’m appalled by this world. I’m appalled that anything loving would do this to its creation or stop it somewhere along the way.
    I am a sinner along with every other person on this planet. We are ignorant and hurt each other constantly for our own selfishness. Ultimately from scripture it says that we’re punished for our own behavior on this planet. Because of our programming by the elite we have no value for other human beings and it’s all become very selfish here. It didn’t have to go this way but we allowed our government to control us and the TV to tell us what our belief system is which is no morality at all.
    We are human and being human means you are flawed it doesn’t mean you’re awful it means that you’re human. With that, because of people’s reversal of truth and choosing their own way, then they punish themselves for it all coming back to the golden rule and treating other people with kindness. The virus has made people even more selfish and more introverted and staying in their rooms and divided from each other that’s what darkness brings.
    So whether it’s a heavenly Father who has failed to be a father or another this is a complete mess.
    The book of Enoch gives us a reason for maybe why people on the planet worshipped the gods of Olympus. That we have been interfered with by supernatural. I know we have been interfered with just because of the occult, just because of that very thing it’s absolutely obvious when you read through Roses writings here.
    Rose believes that white people are better than the Jews and others and that they’re really nice.
    In my observation white people are the scourge of the planet just like every other group. America is filled with white people. Look at the government in DC good and nice wouldn’t be my definition.
    We came over to America slaughtered the Indians with our weapons and also our diseases that we brought from Europe and then enslaved them on reservations.
    For some reason the white people decided that black people were savages too than threw them on ships chained them up and brought them over for our own enjoyment in slavery.
    No I think that we’d find on the planet that everyone has their darkness and it is when we find that we are better than or that there’s an enemy we will do awful things.
    We do not have full knowledge of who all is involved in what they’re bringing to us. I myself feel that it isn’t just Jews. I know some very normal problematic brain dead Jewish people that don’t know a thing about this like the majority on the planet.
    This is not a time for division. It is a time for coming together as humanity against evil, the few.
    Dividing is the reason for conquering. To me everyone belongs here and there is no one that’s lesser. There are heinous things that all cultures have done. Religion has done some of the worst murdering. I know that it isn’t very hard to infiltrate religions or any other thing on the planet and that’s what these people do if it’s a danger it will be murdered, killed, slaughtered, or obliterated.
    That’s why John Lennon was killed princess Di was killed and whoever else they’ve murdered right in front of our face.
    Just like Hitler didn’t want the Jews in his country Trump didn’t want muslims, Putin wants Ukraine.
    I don’t know how people can make a monument or wonderful person out of what happened in Germany either of those times that they created war in the world.
    Germans were stubborn arrogant people and despite what occurred followed the leader. Pride precedes the fall. People who think they’re better than create this disease.
    People who are evil also create it. Evil people do it on purpose, people with pride that think they’re better than, do it because they know not what they do.
    You mentioned God within and in nature that suggests pagan. If God created us then He would be the light, it doesn’t come from within or nature. We are not a example to set for ourselves with the track record.
    With the virus and what people are doing do you think it is a good thing to have billions of people like sheep do what they’re told because within they thought it was right?
    The pagans worship nature and a god who demands obedience wouldn’t care for that which the Bible states. He created nature true but scriptures says do not worship the creation.
    Whatever this life is is not about believing in yourself alone. That erases any god except pagan ones.
    I’m not saying I believe in these things wholly but the one above does not like us idolizing. I’m a big old sinner so I just state what seems incompatible. Pagan and god do not meet they are against each other. IT in the sky demands allegiance, lol.
    All 12 tribes of Israel were told not to worship idols and they did anyway.
    So at least the Bible says no no no.
    Because the idols brought the occult and mystery religion and the star of remphan that’s on the Jewish flag then we can know because of the result of it and what we’re dealing with with all of the secret societies etc. That when God said thou shalt not it was probably better that we didn’t because of what we’re going to deal with what’s coming to us. They worshiped molech which sacrificed children into a fire. The druids and Halloween and all of it revolves around evil and darkness and pagan worship and Diana and Astar and Horus and Osirus and isis and Athena and Zeus and all their other wonderful beings that they call upon in their rituals. The pedophilia murders and the spirit cooking we know about are going on with these people. It doesn’t say light.
    Rob Skiba who was a Christian died recently because of this virus madness. He went to a hospital and never came back. That says something also.
    He had some good ideas that he had discovered about the book of Enoch, about aliens, about them trying to find nimrods body and his DNA and cloning and all sorts of other things that tie in as to who they’re bringing back for the Antichrist. That is what’s happening as far as I can tell I can’t see any other explanation for what’s going on except for the book of Revelation. The synagogue of Satan was a valid explanation for what this is.
    Whatever it is we’re headed right into it and there’s nothing that can stop it cuz these few people in the world we’ve allowed them to buy being unaware of it happening right in front of us. Their system was right on the back of our dollar for years and we didn’t recognize it. Our celebrities are passing off their satanic hand signs and we don’t notice it. They gave us Donald Trump and we didn’t notice it. They gave us 9/11 and we didn’t do anything and most are sleeping. They’re imploding our country and because all of their rituals are done in secret we have no clue what they’re up to and who are the villains because they’re all hidden from us. They hide right in front of us. By making humans consumers we buy our own enslavement how do you like that for treachery. We can know that the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers and other elite families are part of it but because they own 90% of everything we’re doomed. It’s time for all of the people on the planet to revolt against it but they won’t.
    We idolize our sports movie and music celebrities so that they’re millionaires and we’re struggling to survive because that’s the way the pyramid has built it. The one on the back of the dollar that finally came home to roost. All stems from Egyptian pagan magic occult origins that god said don’t do.
    We have a giant phallus from the pagans and the masons and secret societies at the capitol of our country. That is how much they control us when right in front of us we can’t even recognize that they are doing it to us with their big giant penises. Eyes wide shut is so befitting.
    JFK, who was part of the controllers, in a speech warned that they would take over the media, government, and everything else under the sun and they were a shadow dark dangerous organization. He was murdered for that.
    There is only one group of people the whole planet should be against. The luciferians. Just the ones who want everyone subservient to them. Everyone else just wants to get along.

    1. Fish


      Wea gree that this is a battle of good and evil. I also agree that war is hell.

      But the oera linda book isnt about pagan worship. It shows a monotheistic culture. In fact “pagan” was a concept in the ancient world to denote a non christian, just like barbarian denoted a non greek or roman.

      I know God is real. It is not belief based for me, it is knowledge. When i said i agree with himmler i meant in regards to christians and the modern nicean religion.

      I for one think that joshuas gospels are all that should matter to christians. But instead the focus outwardly on silly doctrines,

      Go with the light of truth and trust in God. I think we agree amidst all the unnecessary opinions we all might have.

  16. jollyjaws

    Unfortunately, with the life I have had and the abuse and from what Rose has discovered along with you and I, I don’t trust either deity here.
    With the discoveries of Enoch and the nephilim and the occult and witchcraft and supernatural and all of this going on God has decided to sit in the wings.
    It infuriates me that because of some Coral of the heavens and angels and them interacting with humans billions have to die.
    The book of Job is the ultimate in two deities missing with a human. When were omnipotent this is blasphemous and megalomania.
    When you’re a God and can stop this if it’s true that you’re all-powerful and don’t it says something about you not about humans.
    When a certain group of people on the planet are blessed and get to be millionaires and the rest of us get to worship them and deal with their fallout and he’s left everyone on the planet clueless except for those who expose it, it angers me. A loving father in heaven would not ever do this to his beloved cherished creation. It would not disappear for thousands of years and suggest that it’s loving. This is just atrocious behavior.
    My looking into the Oera linda found Athena I believe.
    All the gods of the Greeks and the Romans and the Egyptians are what is going on with the occult. So as compared to what I grew up with biblically a book that suggests any deity that there working with is not something I can believe. Anything that has deities other than the two we know of involved here is pagan worship.
    In my opinion it looks as if the gods of Olympus existed. They would be the fallen angels that Enoch talks about that had sex with human women and created another race and the nephilim. Humans would have thought they were deities. Enoch says they corrupted man with all sorts and manners of war guns and idolatry. That to me is where the mystery religions came from and the secret societies that we have now today that brought them back again.
    No matter what, we are going to have to live right through this because the heavenly deity couldn’t control his fallen angels and for thousands of years he’s led him have the planet instead of punishing the people who are doing this everyone gets to be punished. I am not sinless I have my own baggage. Without a leader a father in heaven who supposedly loves us he probably should expect this very thing happening when he doesn’t step in and he doesn’t correct his corrupt scriptures and on and on and on?? It makes for a very poor example that I cannot get on my knees and worship. It’s an atrocity for a deity that suggests he loves to make commandments and ask anything of his human failures. Oh well, nothing we can do about it.
    I have no desire to be in its presence or in heaven if that’s the kind of deity that it is because it seems very faulty and sadly ungodly.
    Good luck on your quest and for all of us. I’d rather be dead than living in this madness. It’s vile.
    Scripture says if he didn’t shorten the days we’d all be dead? Because he won’t put the evil ones where they belong now? Ick .

  17. Fish

    It sounds like biblical mythology is messing with you still. It messed with me too which is why i abandoned it. It can stain us in a way when we can’t shirk the belief in it – belief is a form of worship.

    So here, maybe this will help. 100% evidence the biblical story is a forgery: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb44YrS6HgY&t=1s

    Aim that spite at enoch and revelation jolly. It may seem true but its half truths used craftily to sell a dark narrative.

    I would agree with you that if revelation were true then i would rather not exist then be with the bible god.

    But it aint true! The wheel of time is. There was no beginning nor is there an end. You know, i read the fantasy series “the wheel of time” and the author said he took from many ancient traditions to create his story.

    Even our precessional zodiac proves that time is cyclical and history shows ages come and go.

  18. jollyjaws

    The only reason I believe some of the things in the Bible is that we are living in dark times and moving to world order.
    I was raised on there is no beginning and no end. That’s a lovely trap. If this is what we must experience forever it’s obnoxious and unfair. If there is any justice at all by the being that controls this terrible dimension then there would have to be reincarnation and he would give us many many times to perfect ourselves and learn and eventually get it right. It would mean that Hitler and Putin and Trump would be back with us every single time. Yay? Of course sadly none of us know the truth. The people into the occult and these mystery religions do however. The power they have over the rest of us they crave they love manipulating the masses.
    There are things biblically that are valid and true they have come to pass and are coming to pass with Revelations and the book of Enoch.
    I will look at the YouTube video that you gave me about the forgery but no matter how many times it is explained about it being fake or false or whatever the prophetic things in those scriptures are valid. There it’s information on both sides of the question and so you end up still not knowing what the truth is. I’ve looked at both sides information and find some of each valid.
    You cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater. Religions have become corrupt and so have the scriptures by the hand of men. Unfortunately the deity that supposedly gave those scriptures or any clue as to why we’re here and why we’re being put through this end time madness has decided not to tell anybody about it. He sits in the heavens and is going to allow billions to die. Just like he did in Germany.
    Just like he’s doing now with Putin, nothing.
    If it’s a god who creates then backs away he isn’t a God then. Even the god you believe in has done the same.
    Enoch validates the scriptures in Genesis that talk about fallen angels having sex with women the fallen sons of God having sex with the daughters of men and corrupting the creation. It infers another race that was created through Lucifer. The chosen lineage and the fallen lineage. We have a group of people on the planet that get to win over and over again no matter what they do because they control the system that we’re in and their children. The pyramid system that’s on the back of the dollar that is world order that is 666 that validates biblical philosophy.
    I’m not sure why you think that the book is false or that Enoch is. The closest thing to the realities of what’s happening in the world and the occult and luciferianism and such is just exactly what’s promoted in that book. I don’t agree with the deity that does such things but there is nothing to suggest that that isn’t coming to us with what’s going on in the world and the money system that’s here with the rothschilds and the Rockefellers and these symbols and rituals that they are doing it is not happenstance or coincidence. There are things that I have looked into recently on YouTube about a simulation that we could be living in, the Mandela effect that’s messing with the reality that we’re in. All sorts of things that we as humans could not possibly discover unless the elite were being given information by those beings here that are around us that they’re trying to loose again for this generation. As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the last times. The people who own us are communicating with these entities. Because of the knowledge that they have that we don’t the mystery religions and the pagan worship and it all ties back to Egypt Greek and Roman pagan worship, false God worship.
    My life has been a parade of offenses abuses abandonments and loss. Now you don’t have that kind of life and not have a wondering what have you done to deserve this. Why don’t people who are engaged and actively destroying the world and bringing us to enslavement get punished.
    We are living in hell and it’s become normal to us. I want off this ride. I have no friends I’m isolated by the virus fear and mask wearing idiots that have no clue what’s coming to them. You know there’s something wrong when your life has been an ongoing crazy and the persons who abused get off scot-free it’s you that suffers.
    In the world darkness is taking over. The sheep have no inclination that that’s happening. The only thing that explains it are the books that prophesy what was coming to us. The information that I’ve read throughout the last 30 years about the organization that’s moving us there that is headed by luciferians. All through the history of our country our leaders have been a government that’s immersed in paganism and creating statues of phalluses and Illuminati ritual and murders and pedophilia and on and on.
    The back of the dollar expresses it totally we have an Egyptian pagan symbol on the back of our dollars this has been a planned strategy by these people for hundreds of years.
    I have looked into the Jesus story and other things and I can’t think of any deity or God that is good in this dimension. The gods that we’re supposed to worship more reflect the gods of Mount Olympus who quarrel and fight between Hades and Zeus and whoever else.
    When a god demands your obedience and obeisance and disappears and leaves us with demons and occult and mystery religions and doesn’t enter in and tell somebody or warn his beloved children he’s a monster. I’m not sure where you are with your hooeying the Bible and Enoch. These books reflect what’s going on right now and Enoch ties in to Genesis so I’m not sure where you’re getting that the whole thing is hooey. The elite are moving us to enslavement that’s what this is. Whether the world is a circle remains to be seen. What I see what I know what I’ve read suggests exactly what these books mentioned thousands of years ago that’s coming to us.
    I’m not sure where you have determined that all of that scripture is to be ignored when this thing is right at our doors and Roses information here blesses us with that detailed information about what they’re doing with movies and celebrities and they’re luciferian occult dark secret societies.
    I several years ago read the writings of Svali
    Who is an escapee from satanistic cult. She was up in the higher ranks. She tells of what they’re doing behind closed doors and her being forced to kill an infant with a knife on an altar in Rome at the Vatican underground.
    This is what these people do for power.
    I don’t think it’s a lie.
    Her and her family escaped and she has become a Christian afterwards. After experiencing that kind of indoctrination and torture and knowing the realities of what this group of people on the planet is bringing to us all I know that there’s something about the Bible that’s true. I’m absolutely appalled that we have two quarreling deities and stupid humans are in the middle of them. It doesn’t bode well for loving deities in any respect at all.
    I don’t know what you think of the work that Rose has done uncovering all of this but it doesn’t suggest that it’s not happening. On the contrary it suggests the few on the planet are bringing us to destruction and chaos. It is exactly what Revelation says. So I don’t know where you’re coming up with that it’s not true. It would be nice if it weren’t but with everything that’s on this website and everything that the elite are doing behind closed doors and the bildbergers and the trilateral commission and NATO and CDC and every controlled organization that they own it’s not going to be a picnic in the park.
    I’m not sure where your understanding is coming from when all of this information on this site suggests otherwise. Enoch says that the demons were bound until the last days guess what times were in. That they would be released. That it would be like in the days of Noah. History repeating itself cuz this is what these beings do. That it would all come to a culmination in our time.
    We have a government that secretly doing MK ultra and torture on people for false flags, behind closed doors they are working on remote viewing, new destructive technologies, they stole Tesla’s information from him after his death, they were working with some other beings at area 51 and your shot if you ever tried to get on the base, they found something in Antarctica that they’re hiding from the world also.
    Rob skiba discovered on YouTube, he’s dead now, I’m sure from the powers that be, that the Earth is flat and it’s domed like scripture says that it is. With all of these things I know that there’s something very wrong going on on the planet. It isn’t going to end well. It is exactly what the scriptures that you deny are true suggested.
    So I guess I’m just a little confused as to how you’re coming up with that it’s hooey?
    How much evidence is necessary for you to understand what’s obvious to me that’s going on. Rose seems to think it’s going on with the evil that she has discovered that they’re putting in everything we digest cinema, food, pharmaceuticals etc.
    Sometimes there’s such a vehemence against something that there is a denial of it happening right before our eyes. It’s called cognitive dissonance. Some people are very upset with the image that there is of a deity that gets angry and has done such things so they find another philosophy that’s more comfortable. I’m not saying that the Bible is infallible because I know it is because it’s been corrupted but to me there are things in there that are happening right before us.
    There are all sorts of persons on YouTube explaining God and biblical scripture away.
    Atheists don’t like that there’s something that we’re supposed to bend our knees to.
    Then we get trapped in I know better than God or there is no God cuz I know better than him.
    I don’t know what this reality is about but I do know we’re in deep caca and nothing we as human beings can do is going to stop it or fix it cuz this time they have control of the whole planet. When Germany tried they didn’t win and now they’re pissed that’s why everything is planned and tested so that they don’t fail this time thru.
    They are so cocky they’re showing it to us in movies and having their celebrities sing it in songs. Svali mentioned that all the people in these bloodlines train their children in Satanism from birth and they torture them and isolate them and abandon them when they don’t do what they’re told. Every child that has a talent is nurtured and put into politics or Hollywood or wherever their talents lie so they overwhelm the system by infiltrating and diseasing every system that we know of. That is how they work and they have been awaiting the day for their Master to come back cuz that’s what they’re taught from birth.
    Anyway that is what I’ve learned from what is going on from the diversity of things that I’ve read and the only way they fit is that this system that we’re in is evil and the believers are moving us all to slavery and most of the planet has no idea that they’re doing it. So we’re doomed. You can’t fight darkness when it’s done in secret and they accomplish it right in front of you. When 90% of the people are sheep and obeying their governments virus demands and wearing their masks and hiding in their rooms who do you think is going to win?
    Have you read the Jesuit Creed? This is their mission. Nothing will stop them they’ve taken an oath to do whatever it takes to bring this. Murder rape atrocity and holocaust.
    I just recently discovered a few years ago that the Catholic church has 50 miles of records under the Vatican in their vaults. What we don’t know could fill volumes. The world society that created the pyramids all around the planet. Stonehenge and it’s rituals. It all stems from the same thing. They were destroyed originally and they’re bringing it back. They’re indoctrinating the world with their rituals and their symbols. That is why they were destroyed originally from everything that I’ve read. There was a worldwide civilization that they have hidden and are keeping secret because they were destroyed originally. They had technologies that we don’t understand and archeology has dug up tools that they should never have had either. Whether by the flood or whatever. Archaeological evidence all across the planet on YouTube and other places you read about the lies. About the giants that existed that they have kept secret also. That would relate to the nephilim and the sex with the angels and the daughters of men. Creating a lineage that thinks they’re royal like the royals in England. There’s all sorts of evidence that points to something that we have been lied to about as most everything else here. they’re not doing it just for the hell of it there’s a reason they’re doing it and it all goes back to the occult witchcraft paganism and astrology and the things that they were told not to do. There are no planets, they’re painted lights on the ceiling so whatever they have found a way to get power from such beliefs. The soothsayers and the stargazers and psychics and ouija boards. All calling on demons
    You believe evidently that the evidences that are presented on this site are not darkness are not suggesting that the Bible is true that it’s just something they’re doing for entertainment? That they are not evidently calling in they’re gods in these events.
    I’m not sure how you’re coming up with that equation with all the evidence that’s here that other people are discovering. The flat Earth etc. Rob skiba was a Christian and his information nicely put what the Bible said into perspective more than the Christian churches do. I think it’s very sad that humans have to be searching for this stuff and that whatever is in charge isn’t speaking to somebody and enlightening the world as to what’s coming to them. Mind you I don’t mind people finding the answers and delving into this maze because without them we wouldn’t have the small bits of truth that we do have. I found Mr Skiba’s explanation of what’s going on valid. Very detailed historical chronological and suggested the Bible still had information it was trying to tell us. Before the Bible ever came out guess who had it. The royals and the occult and the secret societies and they corrupted it with whatever they wanted to. Paganism is thriving. They made jesus’s birthday Saturnalia and solstices and equinoxes for Easter. Pagan rituals!! I don’t really believe in Jesus just that again it’s about pagan deities and occult that still rules us. God gave the Jews Saturday for Sabbath and the paganism moved it to the pagan Sun day. There worship of the sun. It isn’t by accident. If you were God and set your day up and humans changed it would you be pleased? It’s a God that really needs obedience sadly?
    If God was working with Israel then the religion that he gave them was the true religion and not the Christian one.
    The days of the week and the months of the year are after Greek and Roman pagan gods. The place that Enoch said the fallen Angels arrived at Mt. Hermon they have built a conservatory to astrology at. The Catholics call their telescope Lucifer. The government of the United States brought the Nazis over and put them in the CIA and FBI in our country and continued working on the UFOs that they originated. Most of our presidents were related by bloodlines and or were Masons. There can’t be this many coincidences it’s an impossible ratio and billions to one.
    They are planning an alien invasion when there’s no outer space because the Earth is flat to fool the masses into coming together as a world order. Biblically it said there would be a great delusion. Lol yes!
    Every point of information here corroborates this coming to us.
    There isn’t a way to change your thinking you have embraced what you believe and it denies things that are in both the Bible and enoch that have and are coming to pass. That in itself says the Bible isn’t all hooey. You seem to lean toward pagan and nature and self. That gets rid of guilt and conflict but it doesn’t stop what’s happening from coming. It’s a nice philosophy just like the Oera linda is a nice philosophy. It can’t be proven and no matter what evidence I have shown you about what’s going on in the world you don’t want to feel bad and to me that isn’t a good enough reason to throw these things that are coming to pass away because you’re understanding doesn’t like what the Bible says. He who hath an ear let him hear. We live in a world of disbelief and finding the truth has been made a puzzle by the people who own us.
    Everything that’s happening in the world and has for millennia has to do with the bad people who own this world and control the majority. They have access to the occult and mystery religion that was destroyed and through their rituals and ceremonies etc have brought back cuz it gives them power that we don’t have. All the symbolism evidently gives power. There are supernatural things occurring on the planet right in front of our faces. The 666 sign, the pyramid, the eye of Horus, the things that Rose has discovered on this site. It is darkness it is evil and it is a group of people, the few again, by their manipulation and control who are bringing us to slavery and their pyramid and their eye of Horus and their other pagan foundations which includes Molech. The star of Remphan and the 30 ft owl that they worship in the Bohemian Grove in California. Everything shows itself very clearly to me I don’t know why you can’t see it. But if you believe in the God within and nature it wouldn’t bring you to the things that I have discovered.
    Biblically it says this is the last cycle. I cannot say yes or no about any of it. I do know that what is going on is unnatural and planned. One can just observe what’s going on and the deterioration of society and governments and wars and catastrophes and death and chaos that were in bad times.
    It isn’t going to get better. These people are going to win. That is their goal. No matter how many people must die for it to come forth. They are awaiting Lucifer. Their motto is AB Ordo Chao. Order out of chaos. The more chaos you can wreak upon society the more people will give their freedoms away for the government to make it go away.
    There is a mural on top of the capital dome building of George Washington’s apotheosis his belief that he was a deity reigning in the heavens. All sorts of evidences of the Masonic belief in Lucifer. And the 33°, you go through to learn the secrets.
    Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws. Mayer Anselm Rothschild, 1790″ (1791 was the establishment of the First Bank of the United States. The Rothchilds own half the worlds wealth and every day that the ever consuming sheep keep buying they grow richer and richer. It’s the 666 pyramid system our govt created for the world.
    According i ex Masons the Rothchilds set a place for Lucifer at their table along with the other top satanists.
    We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.– William Casey, CIA Director 1981
    All it takes is the few to bring this to the gullible masses.
    Mind you I don’t worship either of the deities that the Bible preaches because with what’s going on I can see, neither of these do I want to be on their side. It is abominable to realize that this is coming to us and there’s supposed to be an omnipotent loving being that can stop it. When billions must die for this little plan and quarrel then all of it is monstrous and pathetic. An extension of godly phallus perhaps in our reach? Like Putin reaching out with his penis to the Ukraine and killing and destroying lives and cities? Bang bang bang goes my penis!
    I know there is evidence to the contrary of where your beliefs are at. I keep giving them to you but you keep denying the reality. Despite Roses many web pages.
    I do appreciate her allowing this debate to continue. It really goes nowhere because we both are of different opinions and neither the twain shall meet evidently. I have promoted all of the knowledge that I have learned over 30-40 years of studying this and the only thing that makes sense is some of the information that’s in that book that you don’t believe in. God said no to pagan no to witchcraft no to priestcraft and it is proliferating in the world and that is what’s controlling us are the people into those things. The synagogue of Satan. It really doesn’t behoove us to continue our conversation because we’re at two different ends of it. We both will find out who was more right in their belief because it’s going to unfold before our eyes. World order is coming. Everything occurring on the planet is to bring it even Putin’s Ukraine attack it all follows the elites agenda to topple the nations.
    It could be scream from the mountain tops and people would not listen. How often have I gathered you as chicks and ye would not. Sounds about like humans.
    If this were Wralda would it be more appealing? Most don’t want to hear. They refuse steadfastly to think that any book can tell them what to do.
    In my ramblings here I forgot to mention baphomet the goat God, don’t forget Saturn worship, all signs of The entity they call God.
    Prince William in his Air Force outfit where’s an emblem with this goat on it. If you look you can see it. Princess di was chosen for bloodlines she was killed for crossing the royals. Her name is Diana another goddess. She knew too much and had to be gotten rid of. The royals kept indoctrinating her children into Luciferianism. Look into the Royal Crest of Prince Charles that befits some of what Revelation says about the background of the Antichrist. It’s all there in plain sight. They do their best to hide their workings but some people’s search have found these ties. Too many coincidences and it’s not a coincidence anymore.
    Everything crosses over each other and it presents itself very clearly if you have not erased or canceled it totally from the reason of possibility or don’t want to see it. 90 percent of the planet want to wear their masks and do what they’re told. They can’t see a problem with giving their freedoms over to their government. The matrix has convinced them that they need to be afraid and get their shot. It doesn’t bode well for our future does it? By years and years of indoctrination we have become a nation of sheep with no critical thinking skills. Not even questioning this pandemic or its origins that they keep changing.
    This information that I’ve written here has come out as my mind presents it to me so there are things out of order and jumbled a tad but my message is quite clear. We are moving into darkness and there is no one to stop it like there was when Germany attempted this. I would love it if your version of reality is truth but from all my research I know that nothing good is going to happen. They are planning on world order and global reset and most likely as the Bible suggests chipping everyone so they can track us like the cattle they think we are.
    The video you directed me to is how the Bible study is plagiarized pagan. That doesn’t disagree with anything that I believe. If the people who are into the occult and paganism and lying and deceit to fool humanity they would contribute all sorts of false narratives and especially the ones that they believed in so it would contradict and confuse people who read it and thought that it was from God. We both evidently know that the Bible is corrupt so what changes there? It doesn’t make the Bible as a whole a lie it means that they Incorporated their own beliefs into it. Lucifer and his followers want to destroy humanity God’s children so why wouldn’t they do such a thing? Why would they include some books and not others? The reason they didn’t include Enoch because part of the story is told in there is intimated in Genesis by a single paragraph.
    Enoch enlarges that story and gives more of a clue as to why these people are doing such things. The goal in the end is for their Master Satan to win. They have to confound and confuse and deceive God’s children on the planet. The paganists are the ones who did it it’s not that the beginning of the Bible is revealed or true it’s that they Incorporated their own beliefs. All through the Old testament it says stay away from pagan. There was a reason that it suggested that because the world we live in now is being controlled by the few the pagan the occultist the witchcraft. God told the Jews not to worship idols and this is exactly what these vile vermin do behind closed doors in the world that we’re in. They can’t let their secrets out that’s why they have Masons and their rituals about slitting throats and whatever else they do if you disobey them.
    Pagan is not a good thing nor are any of these other offshoots from it because it is the worshiping of idols that are not God.
    All of Roses words here say that. I have no disagreement with you that the Bible is corrupt but it ain’t all corrupt. When it says not to be involved in pagan and nature worship etc that’s what it meant and that’s what we’re living in. The evil on the planet wants to deceive and fool human beings and they have done a magnificent job because they’re in control and the many are at their whim. That, is obvious. So when you throw out the Bible because this video tells you that it’s pagan what’s new? It’s a corrupted piece of literature. So there’s a reason to be cynical which I am there’s a reason to be angry which I am. The demon on the planet controls the planet scripture says that is going to happen and that’s what’s going on. I don’t take the Bible literally I do know there are things in there that I have discovered that validate some things and make me question others just like this gentleman on the video that you pointed me to. It is not infallible but that does not mean that there aren’t true in there. The era we are living in is the fulmination of what Revelations is telling us this occurring right now before our eyes it’s occurring. Rose has shown us the corruption that these satanists have brought to us in bringing their world order to us. I know from everything that’s happening in front of us right before our eyes that that is what’s going on. This is the final cycle. Everything we live under is a wonderful twisted maze of lies because they are in control and their gods and their deities and their rituals and their symbols are manipulating the lemmings daily.
    I don’t let the Bible control me but I do allow the light in that’s why I went to your video and watched it and it correlates exactly with where my thinking is. The Bible is corrupt but it is not without truth. They had the power over it before it was spreaded and that’s why we have that going on because they’re paganists they put their philosophies in took some out and concocted what we have now. We are indoctrinated everyday living in the system that’s theirs. The pagan saturnalia the days of the week that are based on deities of Mount Olympus and Roman derivation. The equinoxes astrology etc etc. Rose points to these ideas and everything that’s on this site and the control they have over us. Pagan is not a good thing!
    The powers that own us are God worshipers pagan worshipers sat her worshipers and all of the other philosophies that are entailed in the history of the planet. Enoch suggests that fallen Angels came and have influenced us with their philosophies and their knowledge is and their mystery religions because they were up there and had powers and they’re using them here too symbols evidently an astrology in their minds give them power and it does because the few own us. I don’t blindly follow the Bible or religion I don’t go to church so it doesn’t control me it’s part of the puzzle and this is a puzzle that has been made by the people on the planet that control us. Everything ties in to their belief system that they have foisted upon us. It is the secret workings in the dark defying God. That’s why they were told not to delve into it and they have cuz their belief system the pyramid and all of it are right in front of us. That is why I won’t move to paganism or philosophies of man or trust in my arm alone. Neither will I trust in either of these deities that ain’t anything I’m gonna kneel before. Neither of these that we have been exposed to are worth worshiping.
    In the wanderings of the 12 tribes of Israel in the wilderness they were worshiping pagan idols. When they were captive in Babylon they were exposed to worshiping idols. So it isn’t any stretch to know that these concepts were around cuz they were doing them. Because the Bible never says we live on a globe and in first that we live on a flat plane the same lie by the controllers have fooled the world into thinking we’re a globe amongst the thousands of others we live in. The majority of Christians on the planet believe the world is a globe because they’ve been fooled also by those in control. Even though the Bible presents that the philosophy of flat Earth is what it was suggesting. If the Christians on the planet were in touch with the god in the heavens then they would be well informed but they’re not. Everyone on the planet trusts the world more than they do any deity. There the Bible is truth it never said we were on a globe.
    The one thing that humans fail to do is include God in their thinking. We read books and invest ourselves in mythology and presumption and incorporate that into our own understanding and voila we have a new viewpoint. Everyone on the planet has that. Perhaps there is no such thing as God giving us information at all. When we choose to incorporate human philosophy into our belief system then we taint the waters. It isn’t true it isn’t wisdom it’s just words that somebody has put together and it sounds good to us we have no idea whether it’s truth or not but because we’re angry at the Christian belief that we were raised with we run with it. I myself know that I don’t know the whole truth but I do know that we are in a war on the planet with evil men and in my opinion supernatural that they’re calling upon which amplifies the evil of paganism that the Bible says no no no to. Just because the Bible contains pagan ideas doesn’t mean it’s untrue. By calling upon the heavens if we can believe in that still and asking and for inspiration or revelation perhaps we might find a better answer than men’s philosophy. My truth is not set in stone and truth should never be said in stone because we can learn new things and find out that maybe just maybe we’re mistaken. My door remains open a closed mind will never learn anything cuz it already thinks it knows everything. From my experience with life and the lies that religion taught and the lies that the world teaches I don’t close the door.
    In the video you gave me it talks of Babylonian juicing magic words well guess what’s happening today with magic words and secret societies. It’s the exact same thing. The world has been corrupted by magic words secret societies witchcrafts paganism. The power is that are created by the symbolism and the ritual and the magic words and the pentagrams and whatever else was ever present in Babylon. The Jewish philosophy is that there’s one deity the pagan philosophy is that there are many. The major God in our existence doesn’t like competition. That’s why we have the ten commandments saying thou shalt have no other God. He didn’t want them doing it in the desert and he didn’t want them doing it in Babylon either. Unfortunately they were exposed to it when darkness is found out it goes underground just like the Germans were brought over here after world war II and started doing it again. That’s what evil does. That’s why Hollywood is filled with witchcraft and darkness and vampires and werewolves and whatever else they can concoct. The pagan system defies the god that promotes he’s over us it promotes magic words and it’s evil. All this is proven in Roses writings. Now he mentions in some connotation that the Earth is a globe and that the sun and stars are hundreds of thousands of miles away in his presentation.
    Rose and myself and I don’t know where you are with it, believe in flat Earth. The gentleman in this video is saying those things are pagan and then in the next paragraph he’s saying that we found out that these planets are hundreds of thousands of miles away.
    So which one is the pagan one he presents and which one is the Bible one? If he is presenting that the globe one is correct he’s wrong. He suggested there is no firmament and that the planets are vast miles away. So he’s been fooled by the elite and NASA also and is promoting he knows the truth?
    I’m not sure where he was going with that with what he said it conflicted with his narrative. Did he present that we found out that the Earth isn’t flat which one is the pagan version which one is the Bible suggesting because the Bible doesn’t suggest globe. The reason the pagans have made the Sun the center of the universe is because theyre sun worshipers. They now know that it’s not but then everything is to monk deity and what truth is. So the Masons and these people have created the LIE that we rotate around the sun and gallop through the universe at thousands of miles an hour and there’s gravity etc etc.
    The video spokesman also mentions that the Babylonians felt they had a stronger God because they defeated Yahweh. The biblical narrative suggests that the children of Israel were stubborn obstinate arrogant and the reason they were defeated it was because they weren’t obeying. This person suggests it’s because the pagan God was stronger. Both narratives work. Just because the gentleman talking infers that the Israel God is weak doesn’t mean that he was it’s his interpretation of what he thinks it was. This boy talking is not a scholar he has learned some things he knows some things but he is by no means the end all in the conversation because both interpretations are valid.
    That does not erase the Bible in totality it merely States again that like everything on the planet it’s corrupt too.
    Finally he says just because the enuma elish parallels the Bible doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. He suggests unfortunately it does? Then he goes on to talk about his upbringing and raised to believe that scripture was inspired of God. He said that if it was created by a god it should be infallible and have no errors. Well I don’t know where to start with that. Lol
    First of all just because you’re gullible and believe what your pastor tells you doesn’t mean that the whole of it is incorrect it means that it’s not inspired by God totally it’s not infallible. It means that you were duped and that religions lie for their position and they are continuing power. His argument does not hold water. He’s stating that the Bible is incorrect because they lied to me and if they did then God did too? No that’s not the truth is it? So although it was a nice presentation it didn’t fulfill the fact that it still doesn’t answer the whole story. It points out there are similarities between pagan and the Israelite religion and why shouldn’t there be they were immersed in such things in the desert and in Babylon and all the nations around them which they were told by the deity they represent don’t intermarry stay away don’t get involved with the pagans.
    Anyway I have tried with all of these words
    To let you know that just because the Christian faith deceived you and that you found out that there are holes in it doesn’t mean that we’re not dealing with something here on the planet that’s dark and is moving us to where it told us that we were going to go. It’s very good for every religionist question I found that out with my religion you found that out with yours but it doesn’t mean there isn’t valid philosophy and Truth that we’re missing in the book that you say is hooey. This video did not prove your point it merely increases our understanding of the reality of the twisted massive amounts of information that we have to weed through to find any truth at all. Perhaps it requires us to get on our knees to whatever God we feel exists and have the author tell us instead of the secretaries.
    That’s why the Sabbath was moved to Sunday. Everything must be corrupted by the ptb. There is a contrary to everything positive on the planet opposition. Everything good has an evil counterpart. That is to mock God supposedly.
    Neither of these have any love for humankind if these are the ones that are in charge. One is bringing the world to destruction and the other is sitting and they haven’t been doing nothing and waiting for it. No thank you.

    Have a good one.

  19. Fish

    Dont you see how all these things keep you burdened heavy?

    Revelation of the bible offers no hope, and could apply to any empires ending.

    What is light is good, in weight and sight. I am done with biblical dogma because it is as if an anchor were attatched to the neck of a child. I knew this once but then let the rising tide of marxism and my own racial awakening blind me into exploring it.

    Worse thing i have ever done. It landed me in the wilderness, homeless, hampered by dreams and nightmares. I became vexed by God. It forced me to rebel. He smiled. He is amazing and dynamic, like His creation.

    He saved me. Not a dead prophet in judea. God did.

    Not that i hate Joshua. Heck, He does tell us to be like children, to eschew all this priest crap and to seek God directly.

    Who was He really? I dont know. He was Aryan though.

    So Jolly, dont be bogged down by prophecy cloaked in allegory without context. Certain priests were always tricking folk with that crap in history.

    Herodotus tells a story of a magi who faked his own death and burial in an attempt to trick the scythians into worshiping him after he rose 3 days later. Herodotus wrote this centuries before christ.

    So that part of the story of the bible seems like an invention.

    Look at modern magicians. They use sleight of hand and misdirection to perform their tricks, even lying is acceptable to perform their tricks.

    Some things never change.

  20. jollyjaws

    With all that I write to you you never respond or comment on anything but the Bible is hooey and it’s a burden. Life is a burden it’s not a picnic. If you toss the Bible just because it’s a downer for you then that doesn’t explain anything. You don’t answer questions that are placed before you that I have taken time to write out for you or that Rose has taken time to write out.
    The evidence is in every writing that Rose writes here about secret societies about what’s happening in the world and your response is minimum it doesn’t address any of the factual evidence that’s exposed to you it always goes back to the Bible is not true. That is not a very strong argument. I took your video that you gave me point by pointing suggested the flaws in me arguments. You could not have read in such a short time my in depth answer to you. You gave no responses back to my evidences and hung on one tenet of yours. Both I and Rose validate her writings you don’t. Your opinion also invalidates hers.
    You mentioned magic to be a lie. Well that’s because that’s part of the mystery religions and divination. Sleight of hand magic is part of that which biblically it says not to delve into. Witchcraft and casting spells and summoning and such.
    I gave you answers to the video you sent me you give me none for mine or Roses information on this site. I have given you evidence and you don’t reply. Your answer you gave me in the video you sent that it’s plagiarized. So because the first chapter is plagiarized and that’s all he went into in that video then everything in there is a lie. What sense does this make? You have chosen to believe that because of this video it matches your opinion. Unless something beyond human has influenced you your opinion is worthless. If that video is what you choose to use to deny your religious upbringing then you haven’t really got a lot to stand on. Despite being amongst pagan cultures Israel still retains theirs. They retain what was given to them to do in their religion. At least the Orthodox Jews do. They still honor their own celebrations and uniqueness. They haven’t become pagans despite your suggesting that their scripture says so. Despite being immersed in polytheistic cultures that their God said not to be involved in.
    I’m not fooled by prophecy at all. What’s going on is exactly what Revelations says would.
    I know we are being led into hell and I’ll face it by myself. Im used to that.
    It saddens me that I have something I know and I hold it alone. It’s isolating to know we are going down and everyone oblivious. . Then you feel helpless and voiceless.
    Life is a burden for some. I’m glad you can remove yourself from your religious past. That would be a nice place to visit for all.
    I don’t think God is Aryan. That promotes that better than idea and Hitlerism. When any culture thinks they’re better than we have problems created on the planet. 2 times the Germans brought world wars for their Aryan philosophy.
    Jealousies and discriminations and the horror of what the white race brought, the “master race” which they weren’t. Thank God they were stopped then. This time they won’t be. Donald Trump is a racist do you like him? He brought the white supremacists out. Do you approve of white supremacy? I wanna get to the bottom of your philosophy.
    I assume that all the evidence that Rose has presented on this site you don’t believe in. You have said that all sorts of prophecy can be repeated over and over with regard to revelation. All of Roses writings talk about an organized plot and plan by the few who she feels are Jews that are enslaving us.
    So the only reason you are on this site is because? Because you’re Aryan? Because of white? Because of the Oera Linda? Do you pick and choosing what reality is? This site suggests that’s part of the equation and you seem to feel everything is beautiful and goes in cycles? So is the only reason you’re commenting on this site because your aryan? Her searching has gone deeper than that. Is this just prophecy repeating itself again in your opinion? She acknowledges the evil that’s manipulating and controlling and moving us to our destruction.
    That’s what people do to each other. I don’t think it’s a blessing or better to be white.
    White people have caused enough damage on the planet and Im white. There are people in all races who are good and if there is a God he created all of us. I want to believe that he loves all of his children and not just the Aryans. There aren’t chosen ones here. The only chosen there is is that we’ve been chosen to be in this crazy place and we’re stuck here and we don’t get a choice in the matter and we can’t get off the ride until death comes.
    On top of that we have evil people that are bringing us to our end and very few have a clue. Reality is not a thing people in this generation want to hear. So you’re ostracized and invisible and they go on trouncing on pretending everything is fine.
    I was raised in a religious home.
    I also have ADD amongst other things. Not being present is probably a blessing in some ways?
    Does your god come down and let you know your loved, talk with you, commune with you? Yet we still go on. You don’t like burden. It’s nice to drop your burden. I’m glad you have that.
    This life is a crapshoot it might be a learning experience but it is definitely not fair and not just. You seem to feel that God is wonderful I don’t. This system thrives on paying those who sell their souls and our idols are wonderful celebrities who are made millionaires by the stupid masses who repulse me. When you’re in a system where you get paid by the elite for fooling and distracting then it’s rigged. Everything on the planet is rigged.
    Life isn’t a big old bowl of cherries and god doesn’t step in.
    That is why I still search I still look and I still have the door open to know the full truth and not just the truth that’s convenient or because somebody said it and I accepted it.
    When you’re a child you don’t get the chance to choose, your parents embrace religion and you’re brought along and are indoctrinated by it. Then when you’re grown you realize there’s something not quite right here so you start searching. I found lots of holes in the religion I attended. In that process and in seeing the whole of the madness of this planet and what religion has done I don’t attend church and I don’t believe in deities that do such things and don’t believe in them.
    In a world where there is no fairness I still want it. Having been ostracized my whole life through and growing up with philosophies and principles and tenants that were honorable and beautiful and finding out it’s not that way at all you learn to be cynical and when there is something that you’re introduced to that you don’t swallow you question everything. Now i get to choose what i let in.
    Everyone on the planet has a different ride because they’re viewing it through different eyes. I know that there are some truths here there are some secrets going on here that the secret society’s and others have and use for their power and influence and their inhumanity toward the rest of us.
    The jews have experienced discrimination. They have also been blessed.
    Scripture said they would for their stiff neckedness. And all of us know what stiff neckedness is cuz we’re human and that’s what we do. There are truths despite the lies we swallow in scripture.
    Whatever the full reality of the reason why we’re here and what’s going on is not known to most people. There is a group of people who know what’s going on because they control us and we let them like little puppets we jump and dance and sing for the pyramid system we live in. We haven’t seen anything yet cuz they haven’t put the capstone on our prison yet. For decades they’ve been preparing the way and most have no clue that it’s coming. Humans don’t pay attention.
    Because these people who work in the shadows and behind closed doors don’t reveal their plan we are all being moved to the end and won’t realize it until the doors are closed behind us.
    Personally I hope I die before then because this life is abominable from my perspective and what I’ve dealt with in my life through my eyes. Some people don’t get things to make them question their existence some do. I have and that is why I still seek. A reason to the madness that we’re living in where normal is insanity and we accept it. Where we’re living in a controlled system and we have no idea that that’s happening. We are controlled by the chessmasters and are walking right into it. No one fights it they just accept like a twilight zone episode. They accept their government enslaving them with mask mandates and giving away their freedoms and really are so comfortable with the system controlling their lives that it’s fine. The planet is beautiful the people who own us are diseased vermin.
    The woman who escaped with her family from The Satanist cult at the point where she broke with them said at that point 2030 was their plan of bringing it in.
    It doesn’t matter because people will not listen by everything that we live with we are programmed we are watched we are listened to spied on and that’s okay for us cuz we really want to be comfortable?
    This is how democracy dies not with a bang but with a whimper of spoiled children who have no clue what’s happening to them.
    When they start taking us to prison camps again maybe we’ll wake up, just a little too late.
    Every time I go outside and see 90% of humans obeying the rules and wearing their masks and having their vaccine cards I know that we’re not living in anything good.
    I’m a realist. With what I’ve learned I just deal with it. The sheep continue grazing as they are moved to the cliff. There can be no critical thinking cuz we’ve turned our brains off. That is why we wear our masks obediently. The virus is the elites way of manipulating the cattle. It’s all part of the agenda.
    This is the truth that I’ve told you. I have informed you that’s all I can do. I have nothing to lose I attempt to enlighten. You have accepted another reality. That’s fine.
    Take it easy

    1. Fish


      You write long walls of text and i guess i would rather distill the convo down to what is essential.

      I dont know why you think i disagree with you about secret societies etc. My main focus was that i noticed how the bible brings you down. That is more important to me then everything else you wrote, because i already understand all of that 🙂

      But it isnt just genesis that is fake. Check this out:


      And then this:


      I think my views are pretty cohesive with Katja’s, though her and I had a bumby beginning, and no two people perfectly agree or are equal or alike.

      Therefore let us strengthen what is common – why we are even talking to each other.

      The bible is a magi’s trick, a derivation of the demigod worship of heracles and horus coupled with sumerian and egyptian myth. It is a continuation of the greco roman pagan religion with the additive of morality as the focus of its god.

      But jolly you say “reality” in reference to the bible yet it is just a book! I dont believe in books. The menu is not the meal. Its just a menu.

      Man creates forgeries of God because if he didnt we would be free.

      I was free before CI and am finally free again.

      I dont need dark prophecies to cloud my reason. As far as i am concerned, the lyrics to “aenema” by Tool is a much more coherent of what is to come.

      I want to “watch it all go down.” Every last ugly edifice melted in fire and drowned beneath earth and water. I do not care for mans religions or his society. I do not think we benefit interpreting God through the ancient codexes that egyptian priests created.

      I dont think we are as at odds as you claim. Vaccine cards, elites manupulating us etc, of course!

      Elites have been doing this for centuries. Wherever an empire existed you can bet priests were the impetus of it all. Greece, sumer, rome, persia, america etc

  21. jollyjaws

    I do write alot but I also see truth in the bible that you don’t. It’s why I sent you all that information, because they are the points that verify what m saying. The video you sent suggests there is corruption there but it doesn’t say it’s total BS either.
    I spent all that time giving you the information and you came back with the Bible is a lie and from other sources.
    We can say the same thing for the Oera linda. It’s a book it’s not revelation from God. However you do believe that and have read it. Why isn’t that void also. By your very words it’s just a book. You’re picking and choosing what you will and won’t believe. Don’t we all do such. Yet we must throw the Bible out totally because your findings and your search led you to that conclusion. You may be mistaken. Far be it from me to tell you what to believe religion did that to you and you tossed the Bible out totally.
    Your own words make your point moot. I gave you loads of information about how the writings here on this site and revelation are parallel but you eliminated those and came back to your only point which is the Bible is hooey. Biblical scholars still debate it. If it can fool them it can fool you.
    The book of Enoch expresses and explains Genesis 6. I believe what it says in a paragraph in Genesis 6 what’s going on from everything that I have investigated. Those 2 books cross reference each other.
    There’s another point that you didn’t include in your bypassing my message to you.
    The video you sent me says that Genesis 1 through 2:4 is plagiarized. It doesn’t point out any other books in the Bible it focuses on one and suggests the theory that if one is wrong it’s all wrong. That is not an acceptable theory for any weighty investigation. It must be proven and all the man did was prove that Genesis is questionable not the whole Bible which was what you are trying to present to me.
    You consider anything that is uncomfortable a burden I can’t think of much of anything in this life that isn’t and doesn’t have consequences. I try to keep the door of my mind open. I have found flaws in the Bible but I haven’t found total untruth.
    When were talking about God’s we can suggest also the one from Oera Linda that does the exact same, sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing. Neither the deity of that book nor the Bible seems to be loving. A loving father communicates and talks and assists his children and enlightens. It doesn’t move them to the point of annihilation and sit on its hands. So now no matter which God you choose are either really loving at all? That would be something you could try to prove to me. Tell me about his hand in world events and what he did to stop the Germans from trying to take the world over? Or with where we are now what he is doing?
    If you wanted to express your point by a video the one you chose to give me didn’t move past one chapter. As compared to you I gave you paragraphs and paragraphs of information and you erased it from consideration. That doesn’t make a point that’s valid. When you’re discussing something then you take those points and you express your viewpoint with each of them. You didn’t and haven’t so your premise in my humble opinion, is faulty. I don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. You have not proved that that book is totally false. We haven’t proven either that the Oera Linda is totally true. We are taking our own word for it and our own opinion that does not make it so. The only thing that we can have as humans is an opinion we can’t prove anything we don’t have that power. We accept what our brain finds reasonable.
    You I and Rose have things that we know are happening in the world. That is the foundation to work from.
    I believe that might have merit with what the video you sent said. You do realize that the powers that own the planet hate God and love their master. So before it was released (Bible) they made sure it confused the masses. So they took their delete key and their erasing magic marker and changed things in it. So a group of people decided what was going to be put in that book and left out the books they didn’t want and they were the elite, the same elite that we know controls everything on the planet now and for some reason that makes it invalid totally? No that just makes it corrupt.
    The rest of the Old Testament is merely a history of some of the things that Israel faced and their genealogy. They still retain their monotheistic religion and their tenets. They believe they wandered in the wilderness and God gave them their religion. None of that has changed.
    The Talmud on the other hand is a Zionist evil man-made document that suggests humans are the goyim and cattle. Have you read the protocols of the elders of Zion?
    We don’t know where the Oera Linda came from its origin is questionable but that takes precedence for some reason even though it has nothing to do with prophecy. Are there prophetic utterances in there from God?
    A history book has nothing to do with an inspired book unless there’s revelation and God speaking and sending it forth for humanity. It is not well known it is obscure, and it is just a book like you mentioned.
    Christianity on the other hand IS questionable.
    I believe Genesis at least after chapter 2 and Enoch, and that we have been intruded upon by fallen angels.
    That I believe is why Roses research has proven everything that I’ve found.
    It validates Revelation because Revelation said these same people are going to bring this very thing that it says and was prophesied over 2 thousand years ago.
    That is why I still retain it and I don’t throw it out totally.
    In a perfect world everyone matters. That is why I don’t believe there’s one race that this involves that are chosen. In my world everyone is chosen. Free agency allows us to do what we do here, to choose.
    Everyone on the planet is affected by what’s coming to us. The elite have all the money and they’re causing the events happening before us in this time. They manipulate wars and money and pharmaceuticals and celebrities etc. Everything is set up to fool the masses.
    It is why I believe there’s something dark involved here and they play with the occult and witchcraft and I believe their lord is Satan still. They are awaiting their Antichrist.
    They’re playing with manipulating the world and opening doorways and portals. CERN is part of what they’re doing. They have Shiva at the entrance. Again it’s pagan and it’s dark and evil.
    I take some of the things in the Bible with a grain of salt. You see no matter what we consider God he is evidently fallible and either he has chosen to not step in or he’s waiting for the perfect time to enter. Or as you mentioned hooey.
    To me the world is hard enough with just humans bashing each other. When you have beings that are bringing darkness and the luciferians are helping then a truly loving deity would step in before now.
    Everything that I and Rose have discovered in the secrets and symbols in movies and corporation logos etc and the secret societies all point to a group of people on the planet wanting to bring in what Revelations says.
    Luciferians are not just Jews. Everyone who calls upon psychics or magic or witchcraft or satanism is part of it. They have chosen it.
    Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey, Madame Blavatsky and myriad others have delved into these things. That is why it’s increasing.
    I believe before the Bible ever was issued that those who held the manuscripts corrupted it. I don’t believe it’s totally true I have no idea about the Jesus issue but I do know that there is truth in there. The reason we’re dealing with secret societies and the occult is because that is the tool that they are using to fool humanity right in front of their eyes. Christians are part pagan cause it was corrupted. Constantine combined Christianity with Roman paganism so that the kingdom would be all on the same page.
    Time will tell where it’s all going but we are going to be put through hell because no one is going to step in at least until later.
    That is why when I think of the game that we have been placed in without knowledge of what’s happening it isn’t a loving God that does this too ignorant children.
    All the planet is going to suffer and we have no clue as to why or who is on charge. All we have is our best guesses and the research that other people have done.
    Why, with what’s coming that a deity would sit in the heavens for thousands of years and let the corruption continue and let the being he lost control of do this is mind boggling.
    All across the planet the few are manipulating the many. They have been for centuries. When a god promotes love and does this then you question everything that it represents.
    I know that Enoch and Genesis 6 correlate with each other. I know that Enoch was left out of the Bible by these people because of that. They do not want us to know the origins of our being here and our history. The civilization that was on the planet that was destroyed was the one that included Stonehenge, Atlantis, the pyramids, and these edifices exist all over the planet. The same thing happened before and they’re bringing it again. That is why when it talks about corruption it’s happened before. They were stopped and bound until our time. Scripturally it says as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the last time. That is what’s happening they controlled the whole planet before and we’re stopped and now right in front of our eyes cuz that’s how intelligent they are, they are doing it again.
    The majority of leadership in all countries is owned by them that is why they are going to be able to bring this system worldwide. They own the money. Now all they have to do is tip us over. All the presidents that we’ve had have made us weaker and weaker and weaker. They are all in on it. They are pawns for the persons at the top of the pyramid. By doing so they are rewarded and protected like the celebrities are. Vile people that we adore as gods.
    The Catholic Church is up to their eyebrows in it and the Jesuits another secret society.
    YouTube has a series of videos that talk about the secrets in plain sight that we have all over the planet. Washington DC, London, Rome, the Vatican. Here…

    This series is very enlightening 3hrs 43 minutes. It will let you know how immersed we are in darkness.
    The Bible is a burden. Life is a burden. You find how much is going on that you don’t know and the phalluses and the obelisks and the Statue of Liberty and the layout of Washington DC etc. It has been going on for centuries and centuries.
    What I have learned cannot be denied. Whether the Bible has pagan or falsehoods etc Revelations explains what we’re living in. The world is controlled by the few and every single day they’re closing the doors on us. Another Holocaust is coming and that is why I relate the wall of information to you.
    It’s not fun that it’s here and this is happening. When we avoid it we remain unprepared. I simply state what I’ve learned in my search.
    I know that there is some truth in the Bible. I am glad that all three of us have a foundation in the goings on that are bringing us to our doom.
    When human beings are oblivious we have no defense against it. When we can’t see that it’s here or don’t want to then we can’t warn our families our neighbors and we participate by not saying or doing anything about it.
    I recommend you look at this 3-hour video because as compared to the short one you gave me this really covers the bases as to what these dark people are doing to us. It goes into all their symbolism.
    Of course if it’s a burden then do what you want.
    Mine is just a warning voice. I don’t force I try to suggest. Christianity also hurt me made me suffer. So I know what moving away from it is. There are all sorts of people on both sides of this and one can’t really know what the truth is unless he keeps the door open. The closed mind cannot learn and won’t.
    I know that the Bible is not infallible and is corrupt and I know why it’s corrupt because the very people that are bringing this to us have manipulated flat Earth, aliens, MK ultra, and all sorts of ritual and casting spells to bring it. They have power that we don’t because there are supernatural entities and theyre influencing the planet. That is why it keeps getting worse, it’s not going to get better. When you destroy people’s charity and love and cohesion you create chaos and the fabric of society is destroyed so that they can bring in their order. Remember their theme song is ab ordo chao.
    When I write extensively to you it’s because I’m trying to show you that there are pieces of the Bible that still remain constant.
    The Jews remain constant as their religion does. They are hated in the world that’s constant. Prophecy is constant in the book.
    I imagine the genealogy and the history are constant. Some of the Jews themselves say that they were never held captive in Egypt. I don’t know that piece. Despite their being held in bondage in Babylon their religion remains monotheistic.
    I don’t hold the Bible as pure truth but there are things in there that tie into other scriptures that the ptb withheld. So since the early 1000s and before they have manipulated what we think of as religion.
    Religion is corrupt Christianity was corrupted by Constantine that’s how long it’s been a pagan wasteland. The Council of Nicea where they determined God was three in one and they got their stories straight.
    Religion and royalty on the planet have controlled people for millennia.
    The book “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” is very informative about what the Kings and rulers and religious leaders were doing to the servant and set classes and kept them down. This is the same thing that is bringing us again to enslavement. Religion, governments, and corporations that own the planet.
    America has been a tool to bring about what’s happening to us. Our system has poisoned the planet. Now that they have most of the money they don’t need America anymore. Everything that’s free has to be destroyed. So our day of reckoning is coming. At last report that’s 2030.
    On the back of the dollar is their pyramid right in plain sight as to their agenda. The Knights Templar brought the money Bank control system for the world that we are slaves under.
    The Rothschilds are at the top of the pyramid along with other luciferian families who are bringing this.
    What Roses writings say and what the Bible says in revelation are parallel. The elite are bringing 666. The celebrities and others are giving us the 666 sign constantly. So I know that revelation has truth there and they saw it coming to us. They’re not just flashing 666 for fun. Lady Gaga didn’t say praise Lucifer for fun.
    It’s sad and a burden to know but there is truth there.
    The only thing I am hoping for is that it’s somewhat true and something is going to step in. The book says if it didn’t step in we’d all be dead with the terror and destruction that will be happening all around us. It’s not pretty to have this as a possibility but it correlates totally to what all of us have discovered about what’s going on on the planet.
    Whoever created our world did give us a beautiful place to be in. The elite and the evil on the planet have corrupted everything stolen and robbed from us our identity and value and have confounded confused and consumerized all humans into things. So we are psychologically dysfunctional and abuse each other instead of getting rid of the vermin at the top of the system. We live in insanity and think it’s normal that’s how good the demons above us have made it so that they can take over the lemmings they have already enslaved.
    Everything we live under is a lie and that encompasses Lucifer to a T. Let’s see I believe he’s called the father of lies. When demons and the master liar is where the elite pull their agenda from it really could be no other way.
    You cannot say that the Bible doesn’t have validity. You would have to be a scholar if that were the case and prove your point and you haven’t yet. Neither your video nor youtself have explained why the whole Bible is plagiarized or from other sources.
    It’s not just man that creates forgeries of God. The people at the top of the system we’re in hate God and so everything that’s been created that suggests God is reversed or canceled or made fun of. The opposite is what the luciferians do. Every creation has the opposite. God created Earth as the center the luciferians made the Sun the center. God made man the center and they have given us evolution and questioning our divinity. Everything that validates us has been given an opposite to make us question the heavens and if it’s true or not.
    That is made factual by everything on this site and the darkness that they have us in. America began in 1776, the Illuminati started in 1776. For every positive that has been given they have created a negative to invalidate it.
    One of the reasons that the powers that be corrupted the Bible is because there HIV is to make us question everything and destroy us. Teach a false god and religion and you erase deity and make people question. Hide the beginnings and origin of humanity and the civilization that existed they don’t want you to know about and you make humans question. They have suggested that the pyramids were for burial and they’re not. They have taken “giants” bones and eliminated the stories. Hidden them away cuz it relates to the Nephilim.
    They have found mounds and pyramids in America, South America, Europe and Africa and all over the planet and they don’t want you to know why they’re there either.
    If humanity knew what these lying thieving bastards know and are hiding from us and lying about they would revolt. As it is humans are wandering around in the dark thinking that all of the unexplained things in the world are unimportant and they’ve created a reason for it. Gravity is a good indoctrination that everybody believes but a complete lie. NASA was created and it’s a great big lie. Anyway the reason the Bible has been corrupted is because it was evidence of God and they don’t want you to have any thoughts toward that. The system they’re bringing has their own religion and it involves idols pagan witchcraft divination and Lucifer as the deity. 666 will force everyone under one religion and one government controlled and enslaved.
    The only thing that will make it all go down as you mentioned is some intervention. We are enslaved most don’t know they’re enslaved and do everything that they’re told by the TV and by their government. So they’re not going to go down until something steps in. It all parallels what’s in Revelation.
    It said it would happen and that’s what’s going on in what I have searched and found.
    They have fooled the majority on the planet to be mindless slaves and do their bidding. When Germany tried this the world revolted against it cuz they knew it was evil. This time they’ve infiltrated the West and have done their magic on America and England and any other free society. They have poisoned our thinking taught us to distrust each other and divided our country not only by political party but by most everything else race and now so divided we’re wearing masks because we’re terrified of each other. Instead of being terrified at the system that owns us and rallying together as one instead of divided by every imaginable thing.
    “It’s the worship of heracles and horus coupled with sumerian and egyptian myth. It is a continuation of the greco roman pagan religion with the additive of morality as the focus of its god.”
    The elite worship Horus and Osiris and isis and all the other false gods, they did in the old testament and they were punished for it.
    America is pagan and corrupt. We are a Babylon. Babylon supposed to be burnt by fire.
    Why would they not manipulate the information in the Bible by adding their own pagan beliefs amidst it.
    That seems very logical to me that they would do. They would want to eliminate any understanding of a plan or God giving us information in that book all. With yourself it’s worked. Because it’s corrupt you think there’s nothing in there to waste your time on. There are tidbits left that they didn’t erase.
    To me and my understanding it goes back to the sons of God coming down and having sex with the daughters of men. It states that they corrupted all creation. That’s what they’ve done in our time also. It intimates that perhaps the gods of Olympus might have been real and not just a myth. That there were supernatural beings here who had humans fooled into thinking that they were gods and not just fallen ones.
    Everything that is done on the planet is to deceive and to fool. Lying science, lying history, lying environment we live in.
    It’s not hard to go one step further and know that the Bible is just a corrupted book. Because I haven’t thrown it all away and in my search have found that the fallen angels and nephilim fit into this picture also.
    One also has to remember that being as these were angels they know how God works they know the plan they know how to corrupt it and fool people and they have anemic powers. They infiltrate and disease everything that’s good and corrupt it.
    The religion that was given, the planet we live on, the drugs they feed us, the toxins they put in our food and our water. It’s all encompassing. Their religion is paganism witchcraft and the occult so they would taint the original words by adding beliefs about their deities. Which would be a reason why those philosophies would be in the Bible. Also cuz who had it first? They did. Their job is to destroy good and to bring their world order in cuz that will bring in their leader. The reason the Bible is corrupt is not because it’s faulty it’s because the people who manipulated it before it was ever released did what they always do. Their world view is hidden it’s hiding behind closed doors and learning mystery secrets and religion and occult. Nothing is open that’s how they get away with what they do. Before the Bible ever came out it was ruined but it wasn’t made totally false. They left some pieces in there.
    Anyway I’m going on and on again. You believe in an obscure book I believe in a partial evidence in a world-renowned book.
    It must be read with an open heart and with an asking of the god that owns us here, is this true? If he’s a loving deity he will answer I assume. I have lost trust in a God that does any of this to people. You seem to believe in a god I would ask him for his assistance in your search.
    There is no way that we as humans can determine the truth of that book. It is merely one opinion and another and another and another because we are human we are not deity. We can come up with all sorts of things that make us question anything on the planet. The majority of the planet believes the Earth is round and spins thousands of miles an hour. The majority have been fooled because that’s what these people do. If you keep people in the dark questioning and away from truth and the knowledge that does exist then you own them because you get to concoct what their history was cause they can no longer think critically.
    One last thing your last message said a song by Tool was more accurate about what is to come.
    This is a contradiction that I’m not understanding from you. On this site and from my research all the celebrities are owned and have sold their souls. Now, especially the ones who are hard rock or grunge or heavy metal that instill darkness. They are really not light-filled references to pull from. Most popular music is filled with Illuminati messages. I’m not understanding why you even listen to that. I won’t listen to dark music it influences just like witchcraft and ritual if you allow it in. A good reason their song might be truer than revelation is the music industry immersed in magic and controlled by the controllers. They would know.
    You know that MTV and some of the artists have mentioned that they do spell casting on their music to make it sell. MTV is located in a former Masonic Lodge. I would be very careful about the music that you let past your defenses. It is not a good idea to be listening to the music that they’re presenting.
    Unless the music is filled with light and good and positive it is not good for your spirit at all.

    1. Fish

      You assume i take the oera linda as 100% fact. Where did i say or express this? Nowhere at all. Nor do I think there isnt truth in the bible. But it is dangerous to go beyond what can be logically or rationally discerned. Biblical dogma is a mind virus and creates lunatics.

      I am not going to read that long post either. You dont know what I believe. You assume too much for me to continue on.

  22. jollyjaws

    You contradict yourself. You choose to read the books you want to but the Bible which is also a book you don’t.
    You can’t prove your points you don’t want to read now the message that I wrote. There’s no point in getting huffy and angry because you can’t prove your point. The Bible has never made me a lunatic it has made me search. You’re hyperboles and blanket statements are not favorable to a conversation. Instead of validating your point you keep going back to the same argument.
    I have touched a nerve that’s not my intention. There are things that you’re not looking at and you’re not looking at them for a flawed reasoning.
    Unless you can dialogue and point by point answer questions then this messaging that we’re doing is pointless. If you’re listening to tool you must be a younger person. I probably have been on the planet longer than you and I don’t lock out truth or information because it doesn’t sit well with me. As I said before I keep the door open you don’t evidently. And now childishly you are not reading the information that I’ve given you again that doesn’t say that you are mature enough to carry on a conversation so I’m going to end this now I don’t want to deal with your immaturity. That’s what this is it sounds like if you don’t get your way you’re going to throw a tantrum and I have given you mega amounts of information and you’re angry at me because you can’t make me believe what you do. So let’s just say we have a common denominator in the information that Rose has found. We can leave it there. Continue your search.
    Best wishes.

    1. Fish

      I have read the entire bible several times, and I used to believe in christian identity. There you go again making assumptions.

      Perhaps you should reconsider the bible narrative. Unless you crucify your flesh and live an ascetic lifestyle, you will burn.

      Just as the bible “god” condemned Israel for stumbling over a strict law that HE gave them.

      Lovely f**king book.

      But this is all you get when you try to help bible believers. Accusations etc.

      1. Fish

        I regret that this got personal Jolly.

        I can see how saying “biblical dogma creates lunatics” could be taken personally. But to be clear, I mean TOTAL biblical dogma.

        The bible “god” literally put the law before Israel so that they would stumble, knowing no man could keep it. And he did this so that he could cut them off and give his covenant to the gentiles, this after promising otherwise. It is all in Romans 9-11.

        Stuff like that offers no hope, because it paints god as a mischievious and diabolical entity.

        The druids believed the soul was immortal, and the war of good and evil was in the mind. From that standpoint good logic brought clarity which is light which brings hope and peace.

        In the interest of serving the light, I am sorry if I sent a stone at your person.

        We arent going to agree on this topic.


  23. jollyjaws

    You really need to find something else to do. I didn’t accuse you of anything. You’re being childish. You want to fight I don’t. I didn’t accuse you of anything.
    Escalating when you can’t get your way and throwing a tantrum and saying you won’t read my message. You mentioned that reading the Bible makes people go crazy. The only one going crazy here is yourself.
    Now you’re making up things because you can’t defend what you’re saying. You haven’t been able to prove or defend your position through this whole thing.
    The more you attempt to the more you prove that you are too young to have a conversation with. You have no answers for any of my questions and I’ve given you enough tries to do that. You have every right to do whatever you want to. You have chosen that anyone who finds the Bible still useful to be a foe. You can’t defend your position and you’re taking your anger out at me and making up things.
    A person who wants to defend his position doesn’t do what you’re doing. In order for you to retain your position you blame me because you don’t have any valid reason. You give me a video that explains one chapter in hundreds of thousands of pieces of information and you feel you have a leg to stand on. I have an accused you of anything and I didn’t say you didn’t read the Bible I never said that and yet you’re scrambling for anything to hold on to your view.
    The crazy one here is not me I have given you point by point and you have given me nothing at all but excuses and anger and labeling. When you defend a position you don’t see I’m not going to read your message or you’re a Bible believer.
    How old are you because your immaturity is showing. Trying to prove your point with no information is juvenile. I asked you to let this lay and you can’t. That is not the sign of an intelligent mind.
    You believe what you want without any information or backing and I’ll proceed with my view. You were the one that’s continuing this. You evidently are angry and grasping for anything to defend yourself.
    You couldn’t convince me rationally or with evidence and now you’re throwing darts at me. If you listen to Tool you haven’t grown very much. Music that expresses destruction and the end and doom is not the light that you expressed you were going for. Tool is a tool of the Illuminati.
    The music we choose is a sign of where we are mature wise and intelligence wise.
    I’m sorry that you can’t express yourself and read my information and coherently and convincingly prove your point that is not my problem and you going on a tirade is not the way to have a conversation with someone.
    I have an accused you of anything it’s all in your head. Until you can defend your view you should read and study I’ve given you videos of mine that I have looked at that aren’t about a chapter in the Bible but are much more extensive. In all of my attempts to enlighten you have chosen not to.
    The more you go on the more you prove you cannot be in a conversation about such things.
    You have read accusation and condemnation into my thoughts and that is what you have done. You are angry because you can’t make me think like you. You have avoided research and answering every single question that I’ve asked you and told you about. You must be all of 20 or 30. There is a way to defend yourself but you have chosen not to. All through this hole she bang you have avoided proving your point.
    In desperation you attack me. Go back and do some more research. You cannot defend anything with no proof and just your word for it.
    This has devolved into your anger against my point by point evidence that you won’t read and refuse to look at. You need to ask yourself is this intelligence? Have I grown enough to look some more and determine if what I believe is misinformation and my own loss and anger at Christianity.
    I’m sorry you feel you have to lower the bar to this instead of from the beginning proving anything that I have said to be invalid.
    Instead you’re bashing me. That’s where dialogue ends and the only thing we have is casting stones and arrows. Intelligent conversation then goes into the gutter.
    I suggested stopping this and you want it to continue. You can’t let it go. You want to be the winner and then fail to have any proof for your position. The more it continues the more it devolves into name calling and accusation. Please cast your stones elsewhere. Adults do not do such things.
    You’re making things up now and claiming that I have accused you of anything and stating falsehoods.
    I think we should focus on the fact that all three of us have found that Roses information is valid and stop this.
    She has proven by her investigation over and over that there is evil going on.
    That is what’s necessary to defend any theory.
    Please move on all this does is tarnish any attempted interaction.

    1. Fish

      What Rose believes is that the bible is a jewish psyop, and I have come to the point of agreeing with her. So of you want to discuss what she professes – since this is her platform – then perhaps you should give me a break and consider some of the prompts I have given you.

      I showed you undeniable evidence that the new testament was created out of thin air to mask events of the first century a.d. between Rome and Judea. The timeline and historical figures have clearly been switched.

      I have shown you clear evidence that genesis 1 reflects the sumerian creation story.

      I have also showed you evidence of where the idea of a “son of god” savior comes from.

      Ironically, what truth there is in the bible you dont seem to reflect, namely verses concerning patience and love of truth. The reason i first left christian circles was because their collective behavior proved to be incredibly hypocritical, nasty, and pretentious. Not too long after that I began to realize many problems with the bible itself.

      But you obviously dont want to hear it.

      But I hope readers of this thread gain something from those prompts.

      Our ancestors were murdered en masse by christian cultists, and our history has been bastardized. They say we were pagans who needed the greco roman jewish bible. But in truth, we were monotheists with a very profound and natural, right brain approach to spirituality. It was the irish that fed the world with light, and it was the empires that fed the world with death.

      Judea sat right amidst the persian, greek, roman, sumerian and egyptian empires. At one time perhaps they had a pure tradition that honored truth in God, but that died long before the destruction of jerusalem. They had been captive in Sumer and Assyria, and had been turned into a greco-roman culture afterwards. Meanwhile their origins were in egypt, where the idea of punishment and judgment to hell originated.

      Our white, aryan ancestors believed different. I care about that alone. Empire religions seek to control the minds of the people, but true spirituality is freedom, pointing inward towards self realization, not outward towards temples and dogmas forged by scribes.

      The oral tradition was the buffer against what the nicean bible religion has become, and because of that, we have to reconstruct our way through instinct and common sense. The jews have attacked most nationalist orgs but for some reason have left christian identity alone. That always irked me when i was a christian. Why do they let christogenea remain?

      Because its adherents are devoid of truth and are impotent in spirit. Drained by their devotion to a man and to the rigid construct of biblical dogma.

      The truth is our history goes back tens of thousands of years or more. The truth is the wheel of life goes on. There are ruins of world empires all over the world. This world empire is not the first one, and it will be destroyed because it is nothing but a cesspool of greed. It is spiritually vacant.

      It is funny you come down on that one tool song i referenced because it spoke of the end of the modernist society, and yet you are adamently defending biblical revelation which advocates the end of the world itself in fire and brimstone!!!!

      You speak of the illuminati yet clutch to their greatest mindtrap: the greco roman jewish bible.

  24. jollyjaws

    Thanks for retracting your blanket accusations I appreciate that. I’m a seeker. Everything on the planet has been put into confusion and doubt because the people at the top want us in that position. They want to erase anything that’s from God. So that is why before it ever was released they changed it.
    I think your teaching or learning about god and the Jews is not quite accurate.
    You’re saying that God is cruel and gave Israel religion only to take it away doesn’t fully work. The real culprits in the Bible and what it does are the persons who changed it originally not God. I don’t believe in a God that is so conflicted as to what it represents.
    Being who created children and then does this is not something I will want to ever worship. If he is light and pure it creates another problem because the very children he created are filthy and sinners and human.
    All sinner means is mistake maker. Well duh, that’s obvious.
    I don’t think he gave them a law that they couldn’t keep so he could give it to the gentiles.
    From what I was taught in church I think this is part of “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Israel got the word first and then afterward it goes to the gentiles.
    The jews didn’t get thrown away because they couldn’t keep the law. They are still following the law that he gave. He gave the true faith to the Jews it’s Christians who have changed it and combined it with pagan from Constantine. Christians don’t know that their religion is corrupt. The people who are in control on the planet have surreptitiously fooled Christians. Before the Bible ever got to common people it was changed and certain books were not put in. The leaders of the religions got together and decided what God was. They also decided to paganize Christmas and Easter etc. I don’t know if the sacrament is Christian or if it’s part pagan also. A ritual that has members eat the blood and body of someone is more vampirism than it is normal in my opinion.
    That’s what the people who own the system we’re in do. They corrupt everything that comes from God. Whether or not Jesus and the New testament is valid I don’t know.
    I know that the jews have the original faith that was given to them and they’re still following it. I think it’s a lower faith based on rituals. They were given a simple faith because they wouldn’t follow what was given to them and were made to wander in the wilderness for 40 years because of their stubbornness and not obeying that simple faith.
    The Orthodox Jews still follow it to the letter. I believe it is the truer faith and not Christianity.
    Christianity moved the Sabbath to Sunday for the worship of the sun god. Again, all of the corruption comes from people who are pagan and I think the druids are pagan I think they were involved with the rituals going on at Stonehenge. Halloween and the seven or eight black holidays for the witches for the year. Anything that involves murdering children pedophilia and the gods of Roman Greece and Egypt is part of what’s going on. They combined some of their beliefs and rituals into Christianity.
    All the darkness that’s happening is from them and their worship of Lucifer in my humble opinion. Roses writings show exactly what they’re doing to us with their rituals and showing us their secrets and their symbols in movies and music etc.
    I don’t know how much of the Old testament or new testament is true I do know that most of the prophecies have been proven by scholars to have come to pass. Israel was chosen. They still are they will be the last to accept. Again they were first and they will be last. There is a covenant with Israel in the Bible I think that that is true. We don’t know who Israel is really they were 12 tribes not just one. There are a lot of things that have been put into question because everything that God has given the other side is turning upside down and using for their own darkness.
    God put man in the center. The luciferians have put the sun in the center. God made flat earth, the luciferians have made it a globe that spins around and has made man secondary and just a part of a big cosmos from The Big bang theory. He put earth in the center because we are the center of his creation not the Sun or the sun worshipers or their deity Lucifer.
    Now I don’t agree at all with this game that’s going on the planet and us being obliterated because of a fight between God and his fallen angels. It’s contemptible. Anyone who knows love, it isn’t this. A God who was in charge would have given his children the information. In the process of a thousand years the dark ones have all the information and God has stayed in the heavens and given tidbits here and there to some people who search? It makes no sense. My heart wants to believe in a loving being and there’s no loving being that I can see in this on either side. If it’s true billions are going to die. We know that the people that control the system that we’re in are moving us there. Our freedoms are being obliterated by them regularly with viruses and wars and stealing all the money and printing money that we don’t have. The only thing that can occur is America collapsing in the bear future. They have an avenue to win by collapsing our finances, by world war 3, or any number of things. They plan ahead they pre-plan. So revelation is a warning voice from thousands of years ago. The people that own us are moving us to no freedom, no food, chipping, and cattlizng us and killing those who won’t become part of it.
    That sounds a lot like what the book says.
    Because most people on the planet have no idea what’s going on we are doomed.
    What a loving God would be involved with this for is beyond any comprehension.
    That is why I’m not on either side. I’m fed up with being a pawn in a crazy deities annihilation vehicle. There is no way out and the choices are few. We either take a chip and be involved with the very thing that we were told in Revelations not to be a part of or die.
    Anyway, there are so many things that we don’t know because it’s hidden by them. This rabbit hole is deep and these people are daily in their councils planning our demise. The only hope is for humans to come together and fight it. The only problem is people have no clue that it’s even going on.
    The controllers are very intelligent and evil and they’re working with demons that always helps when you’re trying to destroy humanity.
    I think we have more in common than you think. Have a good one. Hehe

    1. Fish


      To be clear, i put “god” in quotations when i mentioned his covenant issues with Israel. Recall I dont believe in the god portrayed in the bible, even though there are good things said in the bible that relate to a good God.

      In Romans 11 Paul tells the romans that god had taken away Israels covenant and given it to the gentiles to provoke them to jealousy. He quoted David where he made an imprecatory prayer against israel that god would put a stumbling block before them.

      Paul does say that Israelites could be grafted in if they repent of their unbelief. That’s “if.”

      And that is verbatim what Romans 11 says. Church pastors are typically a bunch of clowns telling people what is politically correct. These days, it is difficult to say that God rejected jews, because judeo christians quasi worship them, so instead they tell them that since jews now live in Israel, they are back in good graces with god. At least, that is what I hear from judeos i know. I could care less.

      In any event, I dont believe in the biblical story. I just wanted to clarify what I meant.

      God, to me, doesnt deal in weird covenants and religion. He is Light and truth and justice and full of endless beauty and mystery.

  25. Gregory

    Jolly says : “If you listen to Tool you haven’t grown very much. Music that expresses destruction and the end and doom is not the light that you expressed you were going for…….Tool is a tool of the Illuminati”…….thank you, Jolly!

    Tool drummer Danny Carey believes that he can summon demons to do his will by practising ritual Magick through trance-like drum patterns. Danny Carey wrote the forward to a 2009 book titled “The Wickedest Books in the World: Confessions of an Aleister Crowley Bibliophile”. This volume is a collection of writings of the British wizard, occultist and inventor of Magick; Aleister Crowley. Symbols of Crowley’s Golden Dawn cult and other Masonic imagery features on Danny’s Website. Danny also sells a t-shirt of a Crowley quote – “I can imagine myself on my deathbed, spent utterly with lust, to touch the next world”

    This bio was listed on the official Tool website at one time BUT WAS REMOVED. Web Archive still allows users to see the old site. Many other websites, blogs and interviews also reference this fact as we will come to see.
    “…an element of mystery was added to Danny’s childhood when one day he spied his father with a large sword conducting a Masonic ritual…Despite not becoming a Mason or aligning himself with any other school of religion, Danny has maintained his heritages [sic] interest in occult studies.” (Source)
    Some Tool fans have argued that this is simply a joke and a bit of edgy marketing to emphasise the mystic and darkness of the Tool brand. This type of thinking would be reasonable if it were not for the band’s frequent references to occultic ideas, symbols, imagery and writers.

    Danny himself has also confirmed this fact about his father in a 2019 interview:
    “I think it was my dad. He was a master [sic] Mason and all this stuff, so he was always into the Freemasonic writings. We always had it around the house, and I was always fascinated with it. I Was Attracted To It, so I just went for it. He didn’t do anything to hide it from me by any means. He helped Push Me That Way, Which I’m Really Indebted For.” (Source)

    Danny’s old bio continues with this disturbing description:
    “…Danny then set up his drums into proportions utilising the circle and square of the New Jerusalem and uttered a short prayer relating to the principles of the ace of swords from the book of Thoth. He then performed a ritual utilising his new found [sic] knowledge of the unicursal hexagram to generate a pattern of movement in space relating to Fuller’s vector equilibrium model. The resulting rhythm and gateway summoned a daemon he has contained within “The Lodge” that has been delivering short parables similar to passages within the Book of Lies. “(Source)
    The unicursal hexagram was the symbol of Crowley’s Golden Dawn order. Danny’s drum skins feature such occultic symbols and patterns.

    Also check out the Danny Carey Tool Website – has nothing but Illuminati symbols ALL OVER IT…….Danny Carey…….for he is NOT a “Jolly good” fellow!

    1. Fish

      Well i quoted lyrics from aenema. And whatever those guys have become, at one time they were raw and pissed. In any event, aenema was huge in the 90s and it came to mind as a quick way to point at a theme that, whether we like it or not, is proven to have happened already in the distant past. I find the prospect of it happening again to be a source of hope.

      This society is ugly, cold and evil. Good riddance to it.

      As for danny’s demon summoning. Yeah i have always wondered about that. Is it real demons or is it some weird psychological meditation. I know lots of hermeticists are into the symbolism and dont believe in demons etc.

      I was once “cursed” by some ritual magick dork on an old myspace group and i laughed at him, because to me, no such things exist, and if they do, then like the creatures of the dark that they are, they probably cant see very well when they are around me.

      I would advocate disbelieving in weird dark religions. It is all mind control.

  26. jollyjaws

    Thank you Greg for the informative background on this band member. It explains alot. So much darkness in music these days. MTV is totally dark. They cast spells over music to have them sell along with the bands themselves who have given themselves over to communing with demons. Using drugs or alcohol and listening to such things opens the door to them influencing your spirit. We are very susceptible to being entered by such entities. These people want to be influenced by these demons. There are people on the planet who like having the power of evil within them and influencing young people with the power of the Masons and the Illuminati and everything else. They want fame and fortune. They get it here. So for these things they sell out humanity with what they’re bringing. No wonder youth experiment with witchcraft and magic etc. They know not what they do. There are many on the planet because of where we are who feel powerless and having any power even dark power is something they delve into. It is frightening where we are and most haven’t a clue what we’re headed into. A storm is brewing.
    I appreciate your input sir. In a very jolly way, of course. Lol

  27. jollyjaws

    No sir you have not given undeniable evidence the new testament reflects the sumerian creation story. The only thing you have sent me was the video that looks at 1 chapter of Genesis.
    This is the first message you’ve sent that gives more info about your views.
    I’m not fur aryan anything. Hitler was. He brought WW2 and wanted world domination. That philosophy was not about freeing white people. It was about power and the same as any nation or group of nations taking over others sovereignty. It is the exact thing Putin is doing now. Do you approve of that dictator too?
    I have never said I approve or know to be true the Jesus story. You called me a Bible believer which is a lie. I am a truth believer and the Bible has truth in it despite the lies that surround it.
    If you look at the prophecies you’ll find that they correlate with events on the planet. I don’t believe the Jews are culprits in any evil plan as a whole.
    I do believe there are Jews that are a part of this or at least fake jews that were adopted in and they didn’t keep records in the early days of Judah.
    So to hide amongst the garments of another Nation would be appropriate for evil to do. Especially if the nation is chosen by God which it hates.
    The legal center in Israel is covered with Masonic symbols. The nation was created by the rothschilds do I know that it’s corrupt and was never given to the Jews by God. Yes I do.
    Israel is going to be swept clean and the Bible in Revelation says that all nations are going to war upon it.
    White people are no better than anyone else on this planet and this is me saying it to you as a white person.
    When anyone finds another race to be lesser than theirs there is a problem. That is what creates conflict on the planet. Not the Jews.
    When the whites invaded Africa and made them slaves and brought them here for servants that was the whites, when the Europeans came over and wore it against the peaceful Indians that they claimed were savages and gave them their diseases and annihilated them it was white people.
    It is a twisted view that claims that white people are better than. It is a Hitler view. Hitler along with Japan and Italy wanted to take control of everything. He didn’t like Jews.
    So that is acceptable because he was white? Making one group of people the enemy is what he did it’s what Putin is doing it’s what Donald Trump was doing.
    On the other hand I’ve given you long messages and better videos of what’s happening in the world and you never want to look at them ever. You’re angry that I find truth in the book that you have eliminated because of your sad experience with Christianity.
    I’m not a Christian either and you keep telling me that I am. Inferring that I’m stupid and I don’t think like you do.
    You never answer the information that I have given you which is totally unfair by the way. Your door is closed and you’re trying to convince me with a few things that you have discovered. They move you because of your anger at Christians having seen their hypocrisy.
    Welcome to the club. I was thrown away by religion and my family and left on the street for 2 years beat that.
    You can’t get past the fact that I know that there are things in the Bible that validate it. I just gave you lots of information about the Jews and they’re still keeping their religion despite the fact that you said that God abandon them. That is a lie or at least an untruth. You are misinformed by giving me the information that you did about the Jews and God. They wouldn’t still be living their religion if they were angry and abandoned their position.
    I gave you the last shall be first in the first shall be last and you have omitted that from your conversation. You need to learn the information before you can defend it or debate it. You have lumped the whole shebang into your philosophy. Neither you nor I are scholars but your information is not correct. You have some points and so do I. Perhaps you should go back and read the Bible again for the third time and look at just the prophecies and then try again. The Jews as a group of people are not the enemy. The fallen Jews who still worship pagan and believe in the star of remphan that’s on their flag that Rothschild concocted not them does not mean the whole people are corrupt and evil. The majority of Jews do not recognize the Star of David or Remphan to be Jewish. That should give you a clue.
    No one on this planet is better than anyone else. The people who are in control of the planet think that they are maybe you should speak with them because they’re not just Jews. Good grief I’m amazed that you can even think that. There are Jews starving in the world hated in the world and it’s for these very things. You have determined that you’re better than the Jews. That is the destructive power right there it’s not the Jews. You have determined with what you’ve read that it’s the Jewish people that are evil.
    That’s simply is not true. There are some Jews who have a lot of power and a lot of money cuz Jews like other cultures know how to make money.
    The Illuminati back the Jews because they’re hiding amongst them. If you’ve read the Bible you know that at the end all nations come against them.
    Now I didn’t plan this I am not the master of this wonderful little sideshow that we’re involved in. If you have a problem get on your knees to your God and ask him what to do not hate. Hate is what’s creating this view you have. Your anger at the Jews and you’re angry at Christianity. I have every reason to be angry myself. That is why I don’t believe in the deities on either side.
    This however is a war between good and evil just like the Bible says it is. Otherwise the Masons and all the dark forces on the planet wouldn’t be moving so hard to take over and murder billions of people.
    You mislabel me you mislabel the Jews and your thinking is not correct.
    I have given you information that expresses that and then you go on another tirade somewhere else.
    Again I will say that when you limit yourself to thinking that one group of people is evil you need to start rethinking.
    I’m not a Christian I have stated that emphatically in everything I’ve said. I am not the master god of this planet I am a pawn just as you are. I’m seeking the truth. You have found your truth and have closed your doors I haven’t.
    I know there’s something more than what you have pinned it as. You’re bashing me because you can’t abide Christianity nor that book because of a few pieces of information that you’ve strung together which are not correct.
    Even in the last message I gave to you I pointed out the flaw in your thinking even though you’ve read the Bible twice you think you know more than I. I don’t claim to be a scholar but I know what Christianity taught me about the Jews. I know it’s obvious the Jews are still living their religion that was given to them despite what you say. You’re beating a dead horse. You’re calling me Christian. I’ve never espoused that at all. You despise the Bible and Christianity so much that you can’t let this go. How dare I think differently than you??? Perhaps you should keep searching and learn some more and don’t hate other people because you think they’re evil. In that respect you become evil by hating others. The answer to the problems we’re dealing with is love and it is been taken away. Learn to love a little more and hate little less.
    Greg gave you some information about Tool. Are you going to quarrel with him too about that dark band?
    Young boys like such music. It is why there are white supremacists and others because they latch on to that darkness and become angry themselves. They cling to ideas that are angry cuz it gives them a little power, they feel impotent in the world. Their worldview is totally bogus and they’re very very manipulitable and controllable. I would dare say that lots of the men who marched in Charlottesville and ran down the woman demonstrating against them and killed her were white only too. Do you involve yourself in marching for such things being Aryan?
    The world is full of anger and the secret societies and those in control want us to be. They want the world to be angry at each other so they can accomplish their master plan and be hidden. They are the ones to be angry at not other people. When we hate we are flawed and easily used for dark purposes.
    Thank you for opening up finally about what you think in this message. Your logic was circular every time before.
    According to you I don’t reflect truth either and evidently all truth comes from you because no matter what said to you you revert back to I hate I’m Aryan and I don’t like Jews and the Bible is false. The one who is not being patient here is yourself. I don’t see why you can’t see that. You disregard my thoughts you don’t read the things I suggested that you do and tell me what I should believe. You are not living the principles of the Bible.
    Your presentation suggests that the white people alone are the wonderful beautiful people on the planet and the rest are nothing. Believe me if you’re speaking of principles that isn’t them.
    Try kindness, long suffering, and patience. In every conversation here youve had none. You’re talking down to me and think you know better than I. You think that discovering within who you are is what it’s about that’s called selfish. The Bible speaks of seeking God who is larger than you or I.
    You really need to rethink your viewpoint. I have never promoted such self will and authoritarian and arrogant views. I’m a fallible human for some reason you think you are better than that. The reason God tried all of Israel not just the Jews was because they had the same behavior and thinking that you have. I’m going to do it by myself and look inside and be stubborn and willful and stiff necked.
    You say one thing and do another. You talk of God and light and your behavior is hate anger and I’m better than you.
    That is what tells me where you are.
    Here’s another quote that reflects this, “by their fruits you shall know them.”
    When you refuse to look at anything but what you know you are the problem.
    Choose not to bed hateful.

  28. jollyjaws

    The Bible suggests demons but to you it’s mind control. There is no such thing. Despite exorcisms and Christ casting out demons.
    You really don’t know if there are or aren’t.
    You don’t know that there are no demons but because you feel there are none there aren’t.
    You can’t put two and two together and remember that the Old testament said to stay away from witchcraft and divination and priestcrafts and compare that to the writings that Rose has here and what these dark secret societies are doing. It is not Christianity that’s doing it it’s mystery religions from Egypt Greek and Roman origins.
    That musical bands are delving into darkness and have written about these things. Heaven forbid that we ever consider Aleister Crowley a satanist or Anton Levay others who thrive on darkness and exploring the mystery religions. What do you think the occult is but seeking power from demons? Or witchcraft or divination or magic? It’s unfathomable why you can’t put those two pieces together and why we’re dealing with darkness on the planet? This is how they get their power and have their magic symbols and rituals. Read Rose’s writings again.
    Music groups seek power and lyrics from demons and the occult. The Beatles The rolling Stones and even the Beach boys have backgrounds that have delved into working through demons.

    For more than 50 years. Artists including David Bowie, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin have shown an interest in Crowley, despite the self-proclaimed ‘Great Beast’ dying many years before the emergence of these iconic artists.
    The Beatles had his picture on their Sergeant Pepper album.
    Jimmy Page from led Zeppelin bought the property that was Mr Crowley’s.
    In 1968, Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson, Brian’s brother, picked up two female hitchhikers. They would introduce him to Charles Manson, who would move into Wilson’s home for the next few months along with his followers, known as “The Family,” and blow through over $100,000 of the pop star’s money. 
    Bob Dylan..
    He explained that he made a deal to “get where I am now”
    with the Chief Commander of this earth. Who would that be?? God? I don’t think so. You don’t make bargains with God for fame.
    That could all go back to when Lucifer tempted Christ couldn’t it. Of course I’m not saying that Jesus is real but that’s relatable information.
    Lots of pop stars have said they’ve sold their soul. Yes they have. You think it’s all mind control. It’s much more than that. Put 2 and 2 together again they come up with 4.
    All of the darkness on the planet is not coming just from people. It’s coming from the supernatural and the occult and they’re delving into darkness.
    So biblically that checks out correctly doesn’t it if we put those two things together. We know that the music industry and the movie industry are controlled and feeding us messages all the time who do you think that’s coming from, people only?

    Although religion also delves into it now because everything is corrupt under the system that we’re in.
    You can’t put those two pieces together. The reason the darkness is going on is because of a cult and witchcraft and demons that they’re calling upon. It gives them the power they don’t have here. Their Master calls them and they obey.
    I’m amazed that you’ve thrown everything away because of your interpretation. It is absolutely obvious to me by all of roses information and everything that I’ve seen and read and searched through.

  29. jollyjaws

    Yes he has for the stumbling block before them that’s obvious because they were stubborn and didn’t want to keep their covenant with him.
    It does not mean that they have been abandoned by him. Whatever the Bible might imply.
    You seem to be using the Bible now as a tool to defy my information despite the fact that you don’t like it you’re using it for a reference to make me stumble I suppose? Remember you don’t believe in the Bible so why are you using it here?
    You’re right even you can be grafted in it all depends upon your obedience to it. Lol
    “God, to me, doesnt deal in weird covenants and religion. He is Light and truth and justice and full of endless beauty and mystery.”
    So you’re choosing what God believes and does? No one on the planet can determine what God is or does but you feel you can?
    What has your God told you to believe? What does he stand for? This nebulous thing you talk about with no real clarification.
    You believe that you can be in God’s Grace by looking within. Most people on the planet would say that that would be a falsehood. God expects you to look to him and not within yourself you are the creation not the creator.
    Please condense your comments to one so that I don’t have to send three messages to you to cover the bases.
    It’s enough to have one from you. You don’t want to look into anything that I have suggested you want to believe what you believe and not search and that is no way to conduct a conversation. I looked at your video and it proved nothing except for one chapter in the Bible is hooey.
    You’ve been on the planet for all of what 20 years to 30. You feel you got it all scoped out.

  30. Fish

    My opinion is that all this mysterium occult stuff is bullshit. It masks the more ancient and benign hermetic system pertaining to the symbolism of growth, death and rebirth. It is ancient and celtic and the mystery schools of egypt, greece etc have perverted it.

    Demons are a greek belief system. They are never mentioned in the old testament, nor are they an aspect of traditional aryan beliefs.

    You quote christ casting them out, even though i have shown you evidence that the new testament timeline and historical.figures were switched to sell greco roman judaism to the masses. Yet you believe it. Why dont you admit.you are a christian and go hang out with other bible thumpers?

    It is useless talking to someone who cannot stay on point. I never said sumerian creation myth had anything to do with the NT. What the literal fuck are you talking about?

    If anyone else even cares about this topic, speak up. Otherwise i am finished here.

    Jolly will respond with slanderous comments about me being a child because i dont worship the world doctrine of death and darkness and demons and vengeful yahweh coming to kill us all (rev 9).

    A broken record. There is plenty more evidence that the bible is polluted bullshit but if jolly is the fulcrum of this platform, then i wont waste my time.

  31. Fish

    Btw i am 41. Inventing my age as a straw man to attack me is as childish as it gets. Men only do it to avoid the topic, because they cannot defend themselves.

    This guy jolly is an idiot. A giggler. Men dont giggle. He is a product of the new age empire, believing all the things he has been sold and slandering/defaming anyone who brings light to new information.

    In other words, a typical.christian.

    He wants to know how it is possible i could know of God without the bible, which just proves my point. He is guided by the forces that rule over us, all the while pretending to be a truther. He isnt. He is an unwitting servant of empire.

    God is Light and truth, and all the things that remain after deconstructing worldly doctrine from our minds. He is synchronicity, vivid dreams, sacred geometry, beauty and mystery. Jolly doesnt believe that because he believes in worldly authorities. It need to be in the bible for it to be true. A rabbi needs to hold his hand when he walks with god.

    I advocate disbelief in all the crap we have inherited. Look towards that which exists and avoid doctrines. Demons? They literally come out of greece ALONE. Its bullshit created by pagan necromancers. Wow how dumb do you have to be to believe in demons?

    jolly green moron didnt want to engage in an adult conversation, even after i tolerated repeated slanderous posts from him. So now he is like a bastard child that a father hates. Go play in the mud with the other village idiots jolly.

  32. jollyjaws

    No it’s no coldish at all. When somebody listens to Tool at 41 years old and believes what Rose says on this side about the music industry it is juvenile. That’s the reason I questioned your age. I have never avoided any topic you are the one who has avoided topics. Until recently you have been very evasive. You’ve labeled me you have told me I’m a Christian and told me I’m a lunatic. Now that is the sign of immaturity. That is a mind that can’t defend itself not me I have defended myself every time you’ve given me information. You won’t even watch the things that I have suggested you look at. I have followed through with your video. You haven’t on mine.
    It’s not me acting you childish.
    Men don’t giggle. You are something else. So you have been listening to me with your GPS evidently. You want to find any way to defend yourself and you can’t so attacking me is the next best refuge of the desperate.
    You’re upset that I have information that confounds you.
    I asked you to let this go and you won’t. You feel you have all the information at your fingertips and you are the master of religious information.
    In the process we have found that your defenses are inaccurate and your understanding of scripture is inaccurate. But you’re going to cling to your Aryan position and blaming Christians and Jews and evidently God. Your God must definitely be white mustn’t he.
    I am an unwitting servant of empire wow. Youre reach knows no bounds.
    Grabbing at straws and labeling me again. Your position is desperate and you haven’t proved to think except that you’re very close-minded and you thick your what than Solomon. Lol
    The only one in conversation that’s desperate is you. You can’t just let this lie you must keep harping on it. Anyone who has desire to retain pieces of the Bible you can’t abide.
    You don’t so why should anybody else is your refrain. You can’t prove anything you’re not a scholar and you’re angry that I can defend myself against your tirades.
    I suggested we end this and you still come back with nothing. It’s really sad.
    Instead of acknowledging the foundation that both you I and Rose have about the cult that rules us you choose to attack me. You have no idea who I am and you just went on the warpath again toward me.
    You have it all down why aren’t you a scholar? Perhaps because you don’t use your head and you feel that your opinion matters more than mine does.
    You really are a very angry man it’s obvious in what you just wrote. Every stop you’ve pulled for your clinging to your supposed beliefs. It fits you because your wisdom comes from within and evidently there’s a lot of dark matter in there somebody should really excavate. We’re going to find out real soon which one of us is correct and which one isn’t. Let’s see if the God who wants you to go internally is correct or the one that is going to bring Armageddon. It’s only a matter of time now we’ll both discover it together.
    Have a good one

  33. jollyjaws

    I suggest you listen to some more tool music because you really are one. That’ll bring you a lot of light.
    You speak out of both sides of your mouth because your God is you. Your philosophy is heaven sent from yourself and no one can penetrate it it’s mighty. Enjoy your little world and try to avoid messaging me again. You can’t tolerate the fact that somebody doesn’t believe like you do all wise and noble fish. Try to open your head because you have swallowed your own belief system. You have no God your God is yourself and you have chosen to believe your philosophy because it requires nothing of you. Do move on. For a 41-year-old man you have some learning to do and a lot more tolerance for others. What orifice will your next divine revelation come from?
    You are unbelievable. Smugly over there bashing me because you can’t have your way, it’s very childish. Anger does not become you. It’s petty. What aspect of me will he attack next. Attacking someone is desperation sunshine.
    Be wise and peace to you

  34. Gregory

    I usually don’t leave comments here, but only when I feel it’s important to share what I know to be Verifiable Info. So I’m not wanting to wade into the deep end of the polemics pool with the Jolly vs. Fish debates, so I’ll remain sitting on the sidelines.
    I did want to include other verifiable stuff about Tool though, by looking further into their Illuminati Tool Box I found it’s not just Danny Carey, The Little Drummer Boy, who is so obvious about his Masonic Madness, but ALL 4 band members are culpable.
    I’ve found numerous photos of each individual member giving their Masonic hand signs: One with the Mason’s Lion’s Paw, One giving the Mason’s Hidden Hand, while another showing the Devil’s Horns, yet another giving a ‘twofer’ – the Mason’s Hidden hand -and- the Mason’s Index Finger in the Air. Then there’s the group photo shot of all 4 men standing together, 2 guys holding hands by giving each other the Masonic handshake, with the other 2 guys, one doing the Lion’s Paw, while the other is pointing to the Paw with the Masonic Index Finger in the Air – that same guy is also wearing the ever so Masonic checker board pants & shirt – usually it’s black n’ white, but in this case it’s black n’ red checks. Which is a Hugh Masonic Sign!
    So make no mistake, Aenima or not, theirs is Masonic Music, time to unplug, well at least for me. Anyway, thanks Rosette for allowing me to comment here, best wishes to you, Jolly, and Fish.

  35. jollyjaws

    Thank you Greg for further information about the band.
    Evidently symbols and rituals have power here on the planet. That’s part of the occult and the desire to be involved in it it gives people power that they don’t have here.
    I mentioned demons because when witches are involved which is part of this demons are what they’re summoning.
    They’re not asking to hear from their mother again on the other side. Lol
    I understand greatly why you wouldn’t want to be involved with the bad vibe that’s going on.
    I appreciate Rose for just letting it flow and come to its conclusion.
    It helps me to validate my position knowing that this group is Masonic and part of the darkness in the world.
    The reason the celebrities win here is because of that power and of darkness and the evil and supernatural that they’re calling upon to bring it.
    That’s my opinion anyway.
    In trying to verify my information I was attacked about my masculinity and of being a Christian and every other thing that wasn’t true at all.
    I don’t have a fondness for the God of this world nor of the fallen angels let loose upon us and the annihilation that it suggests it’s coming.
    I’m not Christian anymore because of the insanity that a God that does this portrays.
    I only point out what looks like is happening that parallels biblical philosophy. We are on the cliff of it happening to us because these people own the world and most people are slumbering. I wish and hope that it’s not so but with everything that Rose has written and what I have looked into it doesn’t look like we are going to win this time around. We were given a warning if that’s the case and humans are walking right into it. There is no one to stop it like there was at world war II.
    They have diseased the West now with their trickery and sleight of hand.
    Thank you Greg again

  36. Fish

    If you aren’t a christian because its god let fallen angels loose on the earth, then perhaps that god and its angels dont exist.

    Perhaps the prechristian monotheists were right – that the soul is immortal and passes upon death to another existence.

    This life and experience is just that – an experience. If we align with the light, we go with it. If we dont, we fall into darkness.

    So why continue believing in a god if you deny the religion made about him?

    You think the nicean council were more benign than tool? The controllers of empire?!?!

  37. Fish

    Btw was looking into tool and seems the lead singer is married to an asian.

    That is sad. All the money and fame and choice of a plethora of women and he goes to china town to find a wife.

    Talented band. I dont think the sounds they make with instruments are necessarily evil. I also think the occult symbols are stolen from the ancient arya and used improperly. Many geometric symbols are found in nature.

    What is evil is swearing an oath to some group to keep dark secrets.

    If there is any way to lose ones soul it would have to be knowingly conceding the light in exchange for power, fame etc.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hey Fish,

      “Spirits, demons and the lot” are Magy spellcasting. Pure fiction. It is totally fine to listen to whatever music. MOST, about 99% of music today is Magy influenced. So for them to cast stones on someone that listens to Tool is really hypocritical. I like Tool’s music. They are awake to many things. But I don’t like them. I don’t like the teachings they follow. But most in this world are following Magy breadcrumbs to our destruction.

      You are less stuck in dogma than Jolly Jaws (really? What kind of a name is that?) and Greg, who are BOTH stuck in the Hitler programming. You are racially aware and YOU have broken through Christianity. So kudos to you. We don’t agree on everything but you carry yourself like a true Fryan, on the path of seeking ultimate truth.

      Please watch my latest vid I just posted. I think you might find some interesting things about Natural Law and our true philosophy on this world.

      All the best, Kat

  38. Fish


    Yes i saw their hypocrisy about music as well. Apparently jolly and greg dont listen to music, or use hexagonal nuts with hexagonal bolts, or eat honey that comes from occult honeycombs. Etc Etc.

    Glad to see you posted a new video. Honestly i was worried you had given up sharing this truth. I wrestle with that myself. 9 out of ten people seem too dogmatic to learn a thing and would rather cast accusations at those who do.


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