The Truth is in the Code.

Parkland, Florida Shooting Decoded

I don’t normally do decodes on these shootings because there are some good channels that do them already and they are highly censored on YouTube. Pure Matrix and Reboots of a Pure Matrix (same guy) are good channels to check out. He’s based out of the UK but he might do one on this shooting.

*update 2/22/18 Reboots did do one. You can watch it here…

**update 2/28/18 Reboots vid deleted by YouTube and without his consent.

I watched The Black Child’s upload

*update 2/28/18 Black Child’s channel has been terminated by YouTube.

and Pockets of the Future‘s take on it and I have to say they don’t go far enough. But that’s why they probably didn’t get censored. As long as you go along with the actually shooting as being real, that people got hurt, then they’ll let you report on it. They report it as if it really happened.

Now the kids running around, made to go in a line, leave with their class, shots fired, etc. could all be true. The performance could all be taking place just like on the show “Punkd“. An elaborate set that they weren’t made aware of.  Or I should say, MOST weren’t made aware of. I would say all the ones talking to the reporters WERE aware of it because you can tell how scripted their responses were. One even ties in the FLU with their report. They don’t want to leave anything out!

Take your guns and take your shots. Pun intended.

Let’s go through this clip that I first saw on Pockets of the Future‘s channel. Notice how he doesn’t touch on what the first kid says at all and focuses on the second kid.

*update 2/28/18 Paul from Pockets of the Future said he pulled this vid because he saw other channels get terminated. Then YT found a video from January 2016 that Paul used the word “crisis” in and blocked it and gave him a strike on his account. Which had ZERO to do with this event.

And here is the original version. To me, the first kid was decoding gold. She revealed so much.

Reporter: Did you see him get shot?

Friend: I…. did not.

So she says she did not. Only heard shots etc. But only a minute or so later in the clip she says she DID see him shot.

Friend: I don’t know if this is real or fake, cause we heard the police would do a fake code red with fake guns, not actual but sounding real.

They always have the “drill” conveniently the same day, same time the actual event takes place. For plausible deniability. How many others did they do the same thing? 9/11 there was a drill, the 7/7 bombings in London there was a drill, same with the Oslo attacks and on and on.

And the reporter mentions how it seemed so FAKE as well. Like Elon Musk said just recently, “Well I think it looks so ridiculous and impossible. And you can tell its real because it looks so fake honestly.”

Friend mentions how she hid in FRONT of the desk and there were kids hiding in BACK of the desk too? Huh? Ha ha. Um…. logic says that one group of kids were definitely not HIDING then. One group would be exposed. This makes NO SENSE.

Friend: I’m her STONE. (Talking about her mom.)

Remember the Masons are the Stones, the Rocks. Who says, I’m my mom’s stone? Nobody. Ever. It was code to say the Masons were behind it. To make sure the ones in the know were aware of this, the reporter reads off her script that Kelsey shouldn’t have to be the ROCK. My goodness. Can it be more obvious?

Reporter: Kelsey you shouldn’t have to be the ROCK.

Hogg: It’s like a movie scene…the extremely well executed response.

LIKE a movie scene? It WAS a staged scene.

Hogg: So I started running with the HERD, and as I was running with the HERD…

Again SCRIPTED. They think of us as the HERD, the cattle, the Goyim. They have him say it TWICE, just like Kelsey and the reporter said STONE and ROCK. Twice.

Notice his last name is Hogg, so we subconsciously think of pigs, us as pigs, animals, running with the herd. And the girl is Friend, so we subconsciously think that could be our FRIEND, could happen to our friends!

Hogg: We need to dig out of this hole.

What an odd thing to say? Not unless you are purposely finding a creative way to say the ABYSS. They want to release Lucifer and his minions from the pit to be blunt.

So we have the allegedly shooter Nikolas Cruz. Cruz as in Cross. Nikolas as in Saint Nick, Santa, Satan. And Cross makes us think of Jesus on the Cross.

Now notice his hair color. It is ORANGE, Joker orange. Just like the Batman shooting guy, James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado.

Notice his eyes in the photo. They make it so his right eye is obscured by the light, he is seeing with his LEFT. Left hand path- path of Aleister Crowley, path of Lucifer. And here’s a biggie I just caught, notice he is wearing BLUE underwear. BLUE underneath with a RED shirt on the outside.

Just like the Hierophant card. Meaning the BLUE bloods ARE behind the shooting. Which includes the Pope who acts like he is of Christ (red) and is his public front, but in private-underneath, his true color is (blue) for Lucifer. (ROMAN Catholic)

BUT in all his other photos they show him with dark brown hair.

Even when they were hauling him in to the hospital for his evaluation, dark brown hair.

Here he’s pictured with dark brown hair and holding a toy gun. Notice the orange cap at the end of it. That’s what they had toy manufacturers put on the toy guns so that cops wouldn’t mistake them for real when kids were playing with them.

Notice on the roof of the cop car. These should be so obvious by now. 9407 is 9 and 4 plus 7 or 11 so 9/11.

And at the end of this broadcast the reporter says, “ABC News reported that Cruz and his younger brother were adopted as infants by Roger and Linda Cruz. Roger died from a heart attack years ago and his adoptive mother had just died from the FLU in November.”

Get in as many agendas as possible right? Biggest bang for their buck. Guns and Flu shots. Shots and shots.

Notice the 9/11 on THIS cop car as well. Doing everything in two’s. 6572, which is 6+5= 11 and 7+2=9, so 11/9 or 9/11 reversed.

STONEman Douglas High School… got to get that STONE in there again…

And in PARKland, Florida. I was just mentioning in my last presentation how they view our plane as a big park and that they are the PARKERS, the caretakers of the Park.


Just like Ford in Westworld

And Parker is 33 in numerology, the number of the Masons.

And notice how quickly they had their logo made up for this event. The HEART represents the EARTH. Heart is an anagram for Earth.  PRAY is phonetically the same as PREY. They really are “preying” for Parkland. Wanting to wipe us out so they can have all the Parkland, meaning the whole Earth..

Another story ran showing his Facebook posts with this one showing he purchased Maverick 88 slugs.

Code 88 is used for chaos. Like in The Cabin in the Woods where they kept showing the 88 on the motorcycle foreshadowing the chaos.

And 8 + 8 = 16, the Tower card in the Tarot deck. The Tower card is the card of Chaos.

Julianne Moore on gun violence, oh the hypocrisy runs deep in this one. Against guns yet uses guns in her movies to glorify guns.

Did you know that there were shooting classes in schools in the 1950’s?

That a well armed militia was a good thing?

That to learn how to use a gun to protect your family was common place? Through social engineering us they’ve gotten the public to do a complete 180 on their attitude towards guns.

Notice too that Hogg made sure to point out that it was the 18th shooting, as well as Julianne here. 18 is 666, 6+6+6= 18.

And 18 is the Moon card in the Tarot Deck. They worship the Moon, the Crescent Moon and Venus. A symbol for Lucifer. The MOON between the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz. NOT the sun, the moon is blocking the sun, it is the black hole sun, with the moon in control.

So they have the event on Ash Wednesday, a Christian day for peace and the first day of Lent. From the Wiki, “Ash Wednesday derives its name from the placing of repentance ashes on the foreheads of participants to either the words “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or the dictum “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

So they especially wanted to make Christians upset. They make sure and show a shot of a person with the Ash mark on their forehead.

They want people to think, “this is supposed to be a day of PEACE and yet we have VIOLENCE on this Holy day! We must put a stop to this!” When we know THEY are the ones staging this event: problem, reaction, solution.

And notice the girl in front has orange hair as well.

So not only was it Ash Wednesday, but it was Valentines day.  And it became Valentines day to hide the fact that the celebration really is for Lupercalia, an ancient ROMAN holiday. A Luciferian ritual day. Remember in the Tarot cards how all the numbers are written in ROMAN numerals?

We read, Lupercalia, ancient Roman festival that was conducted annually on February 15 under the superintendence of a corporation of priests called Luperci. The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves and with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus.

Just as they showed in the series The Magicians

As a fertility rite, the festival is also associated with the god Faunus. Which is the Goat god Pan. Remember Goat is an abbreviation for “greatest of all time” which is a nickname for their god Lucifer.

They want us in a PANic. Panic is also from the god Pan. Remember Elon Musk’s car with “Don’t Panic” on the dash? Predictive programming.

Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife, and the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh. (Having a laugh? At our expense?)

The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the sacrificial animals and ran in two bands around the Palatine hill, striking with the thongs at any woman who came near them. A blow from the thong was supposed to render a woman fertile. In 494 CE the Christian church under Pope Gelasius I appropriated the form of the rite as the Feast of the Purification. (The Pope, remember the Pope on the Hierophant Card.)

So you see how the Lupercalia ritual has the priests foreheads touched with a bloody knife and how that later was changed to the priests putting ashes on the forehead of unwitting followers.

Now not only was it Ash Wednesday and Lupercalia, but the anniversary of one of the first mass shootings in American history. Eighty-nine years earlier we had the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Lincoln Park, Chicago, where seven supposedly died.  Was this the first time they did a mass shooting staged event to take away our guns? Most likely.

And the Masons even made sure to keep a STONE from the building as a souvenir.

Wasn’t there a band with that name? Linkin Park. And didn’t one of the band members, Chester Bennington, supposedly commit suicide? The staged events run deep.

And if you notice the address of the Valentine’s Day Massacre, its 2122 North Clark street. They love the 222. Like in Blade Runner 2049 with the black out date of 2022.

Which Kim Kardashian West just happened to post with her time here of 2:22 pm. Nothing is by coincidence.

So they will continue to pull these staged events until they feel they have enough public opinion behind them and they can ban guns all together.

In Hawaii they have now made it illegal to have a gun if you carry a license for growing medical marijuana.

The proverbial frog in the pot, turn it up a little, a little more, until its boiling and then its too late.

Note* So I am unfortunately NOT going to make a YouTube version, although I would really like to, because the chances are very high they would give me a strike, or even take my channel down and I don’t want to risk it. But at least I could write this article and hopefully bring more awareness to what they are doing.

Peace~ Rosette

*Addendum- I happened on this fake American Isis guy that was in the news back in January.

Notice he was from Margate, New Jersey. The shell on top is for Sheol, the Hebrew word for Hell.

Like Shell Oil- is really Sheol Oil- Oil from the Abyss. And Margate would be War Gate. The gate of war or the Gate of Hell.

Well lo and behold, Margate Fire Department was involved in this new event. What are the odds? Ha ha.

And here, I’ll just keep adding things as I see them. This one is a doozy. Trump and Melania AND a “shooting victim” AND her family ALL smiling! How fake and funny. Notice the BULL on the kids shirt AND the WHITE roses. I’ve mentioned numerous times the significance of the WHITE rose, the white rose is symbolic of Lucifer, the RED rose is symbolic of Christ. Notice Trump and Melania on standing on the LEFT and he has a BLUE tie. Blue is also the color of Lucifer, the BLUE Bloods, Christ is RED Blooded.

*2/28/18  I took my YouTube vid down that just referenced this event and referred people to my website, due to the strong possibility that my channel could get a strike or possible termination as what happed to others. We are seeing a major crackdown here on free speech. Welcome to Orwell’s 1984. We’ve arrived.

Okay I just added a YouTube vid to direct people to this article:

Posted in: Past and Current Events

62 responses on “Parkland, Florida Shooting Decoded

  1. Aleksandar

    not-so-fun fact: in socialist Yugoslavia we had drills every month (once I forbade my friends’ mother to pass through the school, the short way to the grocery store, because I was a “guard” and no one could pass without an ID-card – i was 10 years then). Not only that, the principle was “the people are the army”, so we all knew how to shoot, but it was (and is) hard to get a gun license. But in a war, we all got issued guns. And gun practice was encouraged (in fact, we have a high school with a shooting range in the basement – a former atomic shelter…
    but I digress.. thanks for the decode

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Thank you so much for giving us a true insight into what it was and is in Yugoslavia Aleksander. I’m sure you know too that in Switzerland (Land of the Templars) it is mandatory for every man to learn how to shoot a gun and they are each issued one. The whole country is full of well-armed and well-trained citizens. Which is quite the opposite of what they want for Americans of course. They want us scared of guns. Look at Australia’s crime rate which has skyrocketed from their removal of a right to bear arms.

  2. humdrum yokel

    rosette, thank you very much for this decoding. Very, very helpful and insightful.
    Yes, pls move on yt wisely, so that many can at least learn about you and your decoding homepage.
    Those desiring very much to see and discern more of the reality will sooner or later come to your homepage as one of very good sources.
    Perhaps you could make a short, “innocent advertising” vid with a link to this decoding here? Or would that be too much as well? Who knows, we deal with utter psychopath, haters of humanity.

    Here my (exaggerated?) minor observation:
    On the picture with the police car roof number 4728, after the first pic of Nicolas Cruz with brown hair:
    Left corner: “Live Chopper” = 66 (Pythagorean), Right corner, time and … “a degree number” ? : 6:06 81° = 6 6 (8+1) =9 => 666

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Thanks for the additional input humdrum.

      *Okay, I went ahead and made a short clip on YT to direct people here. Thanks for the advice humdrum.

  3. White Square Warrior

    I am not saying you are wrong on any of this stuff but I happen to know that people did die and get hurt here. My niece had 2 friends pass away and one other injured. My sister is attending funerals with her and mourning with the parents of her friend. The whole community is in shock. This was not a sandy hook…

    Believe me or not… I enjoy your work. You made a lot of good connections.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      I don’t for one second believe anyone got killed let alone injured in this. It was completely staged. Sorry. I don’t buy it.

      1. wanda oreilly

        I am certain White Square Warrior (totally not a masonic name) would be happy to provide birth and death certificates of the victims… you know, in the interest of public safety and to insure that these type of tragedies aren’t treated as if they are as fake as they appear. It is the respectable thing to do to honor the lives lost, imo. I am certain that he/she is not doing it for profit, but if you go to Side Thorn Journalist, he’s offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who can provide evidence of just one actual death… that would go a long way to help the grieving family.

          1. rosette delacroix Post author

            I agree with his sentiments exactly! Ain’t going to happen. No one CAN give him proof because their isn’t any.

        1. White Square Warrior

          Masonic name? The checkered board is symbolic of the battle for good bs evil. I wish to fight for truth and light only. I stand my ground on the white squares and battle the black… Yes its based off the masonic chess board but its meant to be a stand against them. I’m just a truther… I’m honest and sincere. Not trying to defend any satanoc elitists I guarantee and had I not had any connection to this one I would probably agree with you both…

          1. wanda oreilly

            Sure… just like Benjamin Fulford’s white ninjas… the white hats, white knights… white this, white that. All of those have been straight up, right? Anyhow, since you are fighting for truth and light, i am certain you will want to provide evidence that people really did die then… am i getting that correct?

          2. White Square Warrior

            I dragted an email to Rosetta and had it ready to share what little evidence I had access to but she never emailed me.

          3. rosette delacroix Post author

            Because I’m not going to. You can email that guy wanda mentioned. He will even give you money for your info. Please get a hold of him. If you are legit than he can post your info.

  4. Maya

    Great decode, Rosette.
    This place has gone completely nuts. What is wrong with people? I’ve only been exposed to the idea that there are soulless among us but the more I witness the more I will agree.
    At the bottom of Kim k’s propaganda tweet, the numbers equate to 7/11.
    There’s no shame!
    Love your work. Thank you!

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      They’ve been working at this for a long time Maya. Just look at the St. Valentine’s Day massacre 89 years ago. I’m sure that was one too. It’s their Great Work- work that passes from generation to generation until their goal is achieved. It’s just now they feel like their end game is in sight and so ramp all of this up.

  5. Downtown Julie Brown

    Well Rosette I do believe Sandy Hook WAS totally staged. So what about the Las Vegas shooting? What are your thoughts on that one?

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Sandy Hook most definitely. The WHOLE TOWN of Sandy Hook is Satanic. Look up all the houses and see who has a mortgage. The majority are mortgage free. Bought and paid- sold their souls. Where the school is located too was on purpose, hard to see from the road, easy to stage an event that they could completely control.

      The Las Vegas shooting was a staged event too. No one got hurt. It is another “Punkd” event. People hear “shots” people see people screaming, running, so they scream and run too. All they have to do is tell a few people in the crowd that they saw a body, saw someone shot, and that spreads like wildfire. All of a sudden EVERYONE saw a dead body. When they really didn’t! They just want to be a part of the story. They spread disinfo thinking they are telling the truth. It was a Hollywood production, just like Boston, just like Colombine, ALL of them, even 9/11. All Hollywood productions. Aaron Dover had it right, when he said that the Twin Towers were empty. THAT’S why we didn’t see furniture and other debris. It was a gutted building by design. They are such cheapskates. They will have maximum impact for minimum output.

  6. humdrum yokel

    Continuation of the psyop: ridiculing the awake, and confusing the asleep (with a guy supposed to provoke as a dork, and only (supposed) nationalists, goyim nationalists are dorks).

    “President Donald Trump shared images from his visit to a Florida hospital where victims are still recovering after a gunman, armed with an AR-15 rifle, killed 14 students and three teachers Wednesday. In spite of the horrific tragedy, the photos show Trump smiling, happy, even giving a thumbs-up, while he posed with those injured, their families and first responders. …”

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      I saw that one! I added the photo to my article. Notice the WHITE roses? Symbolic of Lucifer. The BULL on the kid’s shirt is a little more obvious. Trump standing on the LEFT side with his BLUE tie on.

  7. Sean from Scotland

    Hi Rosette,
    I love your decoding and always look forward to a new decode.
    I have been awake now for two years and was not given any direction from anyone to look into how the world operates. I just fell into it somehow and I am so glad I did. I only listen to a few people now as probably like most people I ended up down rabbit holes trying to gather as much info as I could from all sources, purchasing all sorts of books, before eventually finding all the correct ingredients for the big cake. You are now top of my list. I also listen to ODD, Nicholson1968, RichiefromBoston and who could forget Russianvids. (If anyone is still looking to find Russianvids stuff a channel called Zack Greevey has posted most of his back catalogue and usually posts a new one each day)
    My whole outlook on life has changed since finding this evil world within our beautiful world. Again, like you are all experiencing, popular Sean has now gone all weird on us. I have woke a few friends up a little, when I say a little, I believe people are just too scared to go any further. But I will keep trying with them. Other friends I have not even went there as of yet but it will eventually happen. Work colleagues are still close with me but try and ridicule now and again. They always start the conversation to drag me in but turn back round to face their computer screens with no comeback when I provide them with answers in a nice manner, It is such a weird feeling knowing that you are armed with all this information whilst family, friends, work colleagues and the general public all sleep roundabout you. Crazy. I keep saying to myself how can people not work this out when it is right in their face but I forget that I had to spend a great deal of time unlearning everything that I had been taught to get to where I am now. Sorry for just blabbering on but you are the very first channel I have typed an email to since waking up.
    I thought I should mention that I love your islands. I was obsessed with surfing for many years and had to make a trip to the home of surfing with my wife (fiance then) back in March 1998. I visited Oahu and Maui. The locals were so friendly with me when out in the water when they found out I was from Scotland. ( The Ancient and Accepted 33rd Scottish Rite of Freemasonry eh) I was stunned to find that out. It then all connected with the New Scotland Yard London Police Force.
    Anyway I digress as Richie from Boston would say.
    Getting back on topic I thought you may be interested in this other photo that blows the whole thing wide open with regard to the Ancient Rite and their symbolism. Link attached.
    It is the first photo of the entrance sign to the school. It shows two heads of eagles on it and below it says ‘home of the eagles’
    Take care Rosette

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Nice to connect with you Sean. Thank you for the kind words. I hear you on the asleep. My co-workers are totally the same. I know they think I’m nuts. So I don’t share much anymore. Only if they ask. Which they don’t. Ha ha. Yeah that pic is so telling! The double headed eagle of the Masons, also stands for the Janus God- two faced. Check this out from Pockets- proof that it was scripted.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hey David,
      Thank you for the option. If you would like to post/link my article that would be cool! It’s really awesome you guys are doing that. Much appreciated, Rosette

  8. Allen Metzger

    Once the deceptions are believed by most ( % I don’t know) The door will be closed and all hell will be on us. It has been said that the Source will step in and correct the flaw. I don’t know that. My faith is not as secure as my friends who I see as not having a clue but self assured that all will be well. According to them I need not fret just believe and there is nothing to be concerned about. Waking up seems to be endless with the possibility of deepening depression. Wish I would have stayed in the ignorance of bliss. Thanks Rose. I am learning enough to be a real danger to my Psyche. We perceive our own projections eventually my demons may lay to rest. Hopefully before I do.
    You are a talented gifted woman Thanks for all you do. I appreciate your shared gifts.
    Love to you and yours,

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      We all get depressed Allen. It is still better to know. With knowing comes empowerment. YOU are in control of YOU. Not THEM in control of YOU. So look at it as the glass half full. Once enough people also have half full glasses we can dump those glasses all over them and tell them to F-ck off.
      Peace and Love to you, Rosette

  9. Kayla Perara

    Hi, I love your work!! I was wondering if you ever thought of doing a movie decoding of Sing? This Disney animation is loaded. Thank you for your time!

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hi Kayla, I get many requests! There is no way I can do them all. Each decode takes many hours and I work full-time and have a family. So please understand if I don’t. I have a few things I’m working on right now in my spare time. No movies right now though. The last one I did was Blade Runner 2049. Maybe check that one out? 🙂

  10. Laura Ann

    Hey girlfriend!!! It’s been awhile hasn’t it? Never a day goes by without me thinking about your amazing talent though. Been pulling back from it all cuz there’s just so much BS out there it’s become blatantly ridiculous in my mind. Thought I’d check in with you on this latest one though because I knew you’d point out the deeper details of this pitiful “play” and once again, thank you for all you do! So I continue to have several really big, blazing questions every single time these events occur and it continues to boggle my mind so I’m hoping you can address them for me here. People in general love to talk, right? Especially kids. How can so many of these actors keep their mouths shut – really? Are they that mind-controlled? Are they all part of the “family” and the Luciferian cause? These people function in everyday life and how can they remain so secretive at the ground level? This again, blows my mind. Additionally, these acts have become so obviously staged with major flaws I cant help but to think they know exactly what they’re doing and they want people to know they’re staged? So what’s the deeper agenda really? We all know the layers are deep and many. Looking forward to your comments, love ya, ~Laura Ann <3

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Aloha Laura Ann,
      Think of the double-headed Janus of the Mason’s. Think of the White Pope and the Black Pope. They have a public face and a true private face. These kids might not know the significance of what they are doing yet, but their parents, mentors in their acting charade, etc. do. The reporter’s full well know what they are doing and the repercussions’. They care more about their careers than exposing this crap. That Hogg kid might actually convince himself, or be convinced by others, that what he is doing will HELP the public. He could have been made to believe guns are bad and know that even though he is acting he is doing it for a higher purpose. The same philosophy of the Jesuits- lie, cheat, steal, kill fellow Jesuits, whatever it takes to have the goal come to fruition. So the main kids are definitely in on it, but the rest of the kids are probably, like I was saying, being punked. An elaborate Hollywood set was playing all around them and they didn’t have a clue that it was fake. They have someone shouting from behind the door, someone groaning like they got shot, they had the kids run by “covered up bodies” with people telling them they are real. The covered up “bodies” are probably props. And the major flaws are put in there to show how brainwashed the general public is and to have a laugh at us. Showing US how much power they have over the masses.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      If you look into my work it should be apparent what my world view is and that I’m doing my best to expose these secret societies LIKE the Rosicrucians. I talk about them and all the others in many of my decodes. I explain why I chose my name in the intro vid to my YouTube channel, which you can also find here on my website.

  11. Tanja

    Hi, you wrote that at lupercalia goats and a dog were sacrificed…
    The name of the dead teacher, the girl in the in the vid mentioned, was ‘Beigel’. When she said the name, it sounded like the dog ‘beagle’.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Wow yeah. Nice catch Tanja! Although I don’t think any teachers were actually killed. But yeah, they would put that in there as part of the ritual. I’m sure real goats and dogs were killed probably that night into the 15th for Lupercalia.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Thanks so much Susan! I don’t know how to save it. It would be good to save it somewhere in case it disappears for good.

  12. Sean from Scotland

    Aloha Rosette,
    I checked that out from Pockets, It was a good point he mentioned that he thinks they put this stuff out there to identify us all. I would agree.
    I also checked out the Andrew Pollack speech in front of Donald Trump. It is so sad that people cannot see how scripted and fake the whole speech was. How can someone stand up on national TV a few days after losing their daughter without showing any sign of grieving at all. He was talking as if it was somebody he knew at the other end of his street was killed or as if someone burnt his house down or stole his car, not the death of his daughter. At one point during the speech he did not even know where he buried his daughter. The other younger guy with the goatee also. So fake with his black and white checked shirt.
    I am going to change the subject altogether here and ask you to check this out. I loved the band Tears for Fears all through the 80s and 90s and purchased the later album ‘Everybody Loves a Happy Ending’ a few years ago. I think it came out in 2004. I got right into this album with it’s catchy tunes, then after waking up I listened more closely, then fell off my chair. The lyrics to all the songs must have been given to them. They are absolute mockery and evil, with songs called ‘The Devil’ asking for
    the devil to take them now. ‘Killing with Kindness’ saying don’t blind them with science just kill them with kindness. ‘Who you Are’ making a mockery that we don’t know who we are. ‘Secret World’ etc etc.. The opening song on the album is mockery with the start ‘Wake up your time is nearly over’ then goes on to sing ‘Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up’ You are probably aware already about the symbolism on their album covers and the lyrics to some of their earlier songs like ‘Seeds of Love’ The best bit is when I did a little photographic research due to the album cover having a Devil on it. I found the photographs of when they were promoting the album in Paris. Roland Orzabal sports a T shirt with a large 33 on the front and Curt Smith sports a Ben Sherman (She Her Man) T Shirt with the Red Cross. They also have a picture of the Devil album cover on the wall behind them. Check this album out when you can. The link to the pictures is too long and it won’t let me submit. If you google ‘Tears for Fears Everybody Loves a Happy Ending Promotion’ then hit images, you will hit them straight away.
    Also check out their brand new Greatest Hits album artwork. Telling us they have the world on a plate. Monarch Butterflies, the lot.
    Take care and keep up the fantastic work that you do.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      It’s awesome you can see all this stuff Sean! It becomes so blatant doesn’t it? So in our faces without the majority having a clue. I would say most if not all bands have their symbolism in their art, shows, music etc. The Smiths with their Princess Diana connections, Echo and the Bunnymen and the Killing Moon, New (World) Order, but today’s music is even more blatant, like the band Cake who has a song called Satan is My Motor, or Chevelle with Anti-Saint, which would be Anti-Christ. Even Maynard’s alternate band from Tool called Puscifer, which you can figure out what it is a combination of, is so blatant. But what to do? They are ALL corrupt. So I listen to the music still but I am aware of who they are and who they promote.

      1. Sean from Scotland

        The best recent one I came across is Kim Wilde’s new album. Remember her from the 80’s with ‘We’re the Kids in America. Well she has just released a new album about a week or so ago called ‘Here come the Aliens’. Why would someone at 57 years old put that name on their newest work. And as usual they plugged it on UK’s Radio 2 for a week whilst dropping in the usual songs throughout the day that contained the words Moon, Rocket, Space, Aliens etc etc. even the radio presenters are given these type of words to say each day, socially engineering the masses about fake space. They are now plugging a new band called ‘Moon Taxi’. It’s now laughable. You should see the Kim Wilde cover. She is sporting the Satanic Black & Red with her name in the Purple and Gold with a Pentagram.

        It is all too easy to see when you are awake, however you have a talent for going deeper and picking out all the things that we miss.

        Take care

  13. Luke Aspen

    Hey Rosette,
    So it seems the high school shooting is still gathering steam. There’s a demonstration march to be held on March 24 in cities across the US. And with one of the biggest fake couples on the planet attending – George & Amal Clooney. They’ve already donated thousands of their own money. Some are insisting this may be the tipping point?
    Well anyway, I had a sneaky feeling just by looking at the high school name there had to be, (cue the Jaws music) what else but an anagram!And sure enough, so here’s another perfect unscrambling: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School = So Just One Damn Gory High Shool Alarm! Hee, hee………aren’t anagrams amazing?

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      LMAO Luke! Haha! Truth in plain sight once again! Thank you my friend. So true. Ask Carlos is he has any idea which director was behind this one. Remember Stephen Spielberg was spotted at the Boston Bombing Hollywood set.

      1. Luke Aspen

        Carlos is still trying to find out which Hollywood agents/director are behind this shooting. And with Hollywood couple the Clooneys donating their money & time to the upcoming demonstration says much! He’s been filling my ears with so much other stuff & you mentioned Spielberg, most deceptive guy, as you already know. His latest film The Post, about Daniel Ellsberg & the Pentagon papers, has two of the biggest stars & most deceptive rats of all time – Tom Hanks & Meryl Streep. Carlos gave me some interesting stuff on Streep, told me to be sure to put her in my next article. Consider it done!

  14. Sean from Scotland

    Aloha Rosette,
    Please see the attached link from you tube. The Principal from the school with some heartfelt words for the nation. He is called Ty Thompson. TT, 22. They love both forename and surnames beginning with the same letter eh, more usually the letters that stand for number 3. Guess how many people he would love to hug?

    Take Care

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