Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

The Oera Linda Book- Comparing Translations

I felt it necessary to make this presentation because so many of you learned of The Oera Linda Book (OLB) through Robert Sepher, Asha Logos or Jan Ott. Or, read the OLB on your own, and then went on YouTube to find videos on it and came upon their work and took it to be the truth.

You have to remember that if the work is important to us, to help us in our awakening, of who we truly ARE, something that can INSPIRE us to be FREE, the MAGI will put people in place to be the leaders of this “opposition”. Of course this is to control us, so that we don’t get to the truth!

The warnings of the Burgh Matrons shout down to us, Watch! Watch! Watch!”

So let’s take a brief look at Robert Sepehr and Asha Logos before we look at Jan Ott’s work.


Robert Sepehr

For starters, and what should be the biggest alarm bell, is that Robert Sepehr is Jewish. Just do a quick Google search and you will see this fact. And by the time you get to the end of my presentation, you will see that the Jews ARE the Magi of the OLB. They are the enemy of the Fryans. So do we really think he would give us an accurate account of the OLB? Of course not.

Jews = Magi

If we take a look at his last name, Sepehr, we see that it is short for Sephirot, which are the emanations of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Kabbala is one of the Magi teachings that they use against us.

Madonna’s new Sephirot Tattoo
Madonna, here doing the one eye with her LEFT eye, SINister path. With a downward TRIangle for 3 and an M on her finger for the other 3, making 33. Also the triangle is in Diamonds for 33 and she is doing the Shhhhh…. keeping the secrets of the Hidden Hand. Madge is a Magi, like Sepehr.

Sepehr~ Sephirot

And if we listen to his presentation on the OLB we see that he incorrectly calls the Burgh Matrons “priestesses”, spinning it so we will think of them as PAGAN priestesses. Many people won’t even read the OLB because they have this preconceived notion that the OLB is Pagan. It is NOT. We know that Burgh Matrons were the keepers of the morals, the teachers of the children, the advice givers, NOT Pagans, NOT priestesses, NOT middle women between Wralda and the people. There were ZERO priestesses or priests in Fryan society. The Fryans had a DIRECT connection to Wralda, no middle man or middle woman needed.

High Priestess Tarot Card, with the Masonic Pillars Joachim and Boaz
The TWO card, which is EVEN. Trying to usurp the Fryan’s EVIN.

And who are known as the middle men? The SAME men who come between us and God (priests), the SAME men who come between us and money (bankers), the SAME men who come between us and merchandise (merchants). And who are the priests, bankers and merchants? Who have ALWAYS been the middle men? The Jews, also known as the Magi.


Asha Logos

Then we have Asha Logos who wows people with his soothing music and mesmerizing voice. What does he really tell us about the OLB? He talks in a round about way, using fancy words, explaining who the Fryans were and what they did, but doesn’t really tell us much of anything. His presentations on the OLB are the politically correct versions, like potatoes with no meat.

And his name is somewhat sketchy as well. Asha means “existence” in Greek and Logos is the name used by the Theosophist’s, the Luciferian’s for their God. And is heavily used in Gnosticism.

Notice “truth” is in quotes here, meaning this “truth” is subjective!

One of the most famous Theosophists, Helena Blavatsky used the term LOGOS extensively in her writings. Blavatsky states in her book Theosophical Articles and Notes that, “When the term LOGOS, the mystic divine voice of every nation and philosophy, comes to be better understood, then only will come the first glimmering of THE DAWN OF THE ONE UNIVERSAL RELIGION.”

So Asha Logos would mean, “Existence of the Universal Voice of the One World Religion.” Doesn’t sound very pro Fryan.

Helena Blavatsky, the Theosophist and Luciferian pointing to her temple. Who else do we notice pointing to their temples? Oh yeah, the Masons. The TEMPLE is where the hidden knowledge is kept.


Jan Ott

And Asha Logos wrote the foreword in Jan Ott’s book Codex Oera Linda. They always seem to partner up.

Ott has a You Tube channel called Oera Linda.

Catherine Austin Fitts

And if you look at his play list, you can see that he recently was interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts. In the interview she asked Ott if the OLB could be a hoax. He didn’t give a very convincing answer as to why it WASN’T a hoax. MAGI and their cohorts, would love for Fryans to think the book is a hoax, because they know how important the book really is.

If you are not familiar with Fitts, she is a regular on The Alex Jones show. A show which is a honey pot to catch the newly awakened. Remember they control the opposition by leading it, with people like Alex Jones and Catherine Austin Fitts.

Alex Jones

Remember this guy? He was the one that made the movie Loose Change about 9/11. It was amazing how it was done and ready to go right after the event happened. Just like the Patriot Act was all written up and ready to go right after 9/11 as well. Kind of like it was all planned ahead of time…

Red Ice Radio

So Ott was on with Fitts, and before that he was a guest on Red Ice Radio, otherwise known as FED ICE, which is ANOTHER honey pot to attract the newly awakened so they can control what information they get.

And then we have this interview of Ott, where the positioning of the book in front of the interviewer is very staged. He is seeing with his LEFT eye, the LEFT Hand Path, the SINister Path.

Here juxtaposed by “1984 is now”. Strange placement? We know that George Orwell tried to warn us in his book titled 1984 about the New World Order.

Remember the photo of Madge? We know there are a TON more people in Hollywood, in the Media, in government, that show their allegiance this way.

Magi versus Magi

That 1984 IS now, with fake wars between Eurasia and Oceania, and then the next day between Oceania and Eastasia. Just like the fake wars NOW between Russia and Ukraine. Why aren’t the Ukrainians speak up about it then? Because they get a free ticket to a Western Nation with all the benefits.

And just like the massive surveillance grid on us NOW.

Notice the V for Victory or 22, and the man on the screen has the right side of his face in shadow, so he sees with his LEFT.

Tracking us with our phones, through drones, and cameras set up at every street corner and on every building. No more privacy. Police state.


William R. Sandbach

And although I don’t trust Sepehr, Asha Logos or Ott’s interpretations of the OLB, I DO trust William R. Sandbach’s translation.


Alwyn J. Raubenheimer

And I DO trust the work of Alwyn J. Raubenheimer, who ALSO trusted William R. Sandbach’s translation, and used it in his book Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe.

It’s too bad that Raubenheimer recently traveled to his Watch Star. I would have loved to talk to him about his book and excellent research on the OLB.

Alwyn J. Raubenheimer, author of Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe, died in 2017.

Comparing the Translations

So after reading both versions, Sandbach’s (in Raubenheimer’s book), and Ott’s, I found some peculiar places where the translations differed and changed the meaning of the stories.

I came to the conclusion that one translation is authentic, and is passing down the true history of the Fryan race to WARN their future brethren,

while the other is a watered down Universalist book, taking out all the biblical connections and clouding the references of the very people that are the Fryans enemies to this day.

These differences I want to share with you here. The photos of the book I will be showing you are from Raubenheimer’s, but I do have Ott’s and will be quoting from it.

First, I wanted to mention that, for people saying that Raubenheimer would have approved of Ott’s translation, here is proof that that is NOT the case. He was GOOD with Sandbach’s version, and only slightly edited the translation. He writes, “Some editing was done where it was felt that Sandbach’s translation does not reflect the ORIGINAL FRISIAN MEANING.” You will see that in the places that I take issue, Raubenheimer did NOT change the meaning from the original, while Ott DID.

Page 341 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicle from Pre-Celtic Europe

The Magi

One of the most important differences that I saw was how Ott changed MAGI or MAGYARAR (MAGY for short), from the original text, to MAGUS in his translation. By doing this we lose the connection from the Magi of the Oera Linda time, to the Magi of the present. The Magi of the OLB is the same Magi that is trying to wipe out Frya and rule the world today. There is no reason to change the actual word in the OLB, MAGI, to a different spelling.

Unless someone wanted to hide their identity.

There are lots of examples where Ott has done this, for example, the story of Woden and the Magi, on page 88 in Codex Oera Linda, he refers to the head Magi as the Magus, and throughout the story. In Raubenheimer’s text of the same story, you can see he uses either Magy or Magi.

Raubenheimer’s version:

Wodin was strong, fierce, and warlike, but he was not clear sighted, therefore he was caught in their snares and crowned by the MAGI.

Ott’s version:

“Wodin was strong, fierce, and heroic, but was not clear-sighted. Therefore, he was caught in their trap and crowned by the MAGUS.

The Original text:

“Woden was sterik wost and wigandlik men hi nas navt klar.sjande. Therthrvch warth.I in hjara mera fvngen and thrvch thene MAGI kroneth.”

Page 380 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on Page 90 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

Using the word MAGI is important because it was used from then up through the 19th Century for these enemies of Frya.

Look at Arthur de Gobineau’s work, written in 1855, titled, The Inequality of the Human Races, and you will see he uses the same terms, MAGI and MAGYAR.

Arthur de Gobineau used the term MAGY for the particular people written in the OLB without even knowing about this Fryan book.

The first mention of MAGI in his book is on page 12 at the very bottom. Gobineau writes, “The Persian Empire at the time of its fall was wholly under the…

Page 12 in Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races

…sway of the MAGI.”

Page 13 in Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races

Further in his book he goes into who the Magi ( Magyars) are. He says, “The Magyars are of Finnish origin, and allied to the Laplanders, Samoyedes (Sami), and Eskimos. These are all people of low stature, with wide faces and prominent cheek-bones, yellowish or dirty brown in colour. The Magyars, however, are tall and well set up; their limbs are long, supple and vigorous, their features are of marked beauty, and resemble those of white nations. The Finns have always been weak, unintelligent, and oppressed. The Magyars take a high place among the conquerors of the world. They have enslaved others, but have never been slaves themselves. Thus, since the Magyars are Finns and are so different, physically and morally, from all the other…

Page 126 in Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races

…branches of their primitive stock, they must have changed enormously.”

Then in the second to last paragraph he explains that, “The name “Huns” may denote a nation, but it is also, historically speaking, a collective word. The mass of tribes to which it refers is not homogenous. Among the crowd of peoples enrolled under the banner of Attila’s ancestors, certain bands, known as the “White Huns,” have always been distinguished. In these the Germanic element predominated.”

And in the last paragraph, “Thus Magyars are White Huns, though they have been wrongly made out to be a yellow race, a confusion caused by their intermarriages in the past (whether voluntary or other-…

Page 127 in Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races

…wise) with Mongolians. They are really, as we have shown, crossbreeds with a Germanic basis.”

So we can see from Gobineau’s writings that the MAGI, are a MIXED race of Frya and Finda (Mongolian) and lived in the region of Finland. Gobineau states in error that they came FROM Finland. We know from the OLB and later historians, that the MAGI traveled FROM THE EAST and split up, a portion going up to Finland and a portion going down to the region of Hungary.

And that the Finns weren’t MAGI, but a Finda race, which we know as the Sami. Also that they WERE crossed with a Germanic race, our FRYAN people, just like it says in the OLB. Like when they tricked Woden to become their king and he had children with the Magi’s daughter, giving them his Fryan blood.

Page 128 in Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races

We can see here that SAMI is ALSO a URALIC language like Finnish. So the SAMI are the FINDA in the OLB that came with the MAGI to FINLAND. The MAGI spoke FINNISH and the SAMOYED spoke SAMI.

Mag-Rab ~ Magi-Rabbi

Like Gobineau, Raubenheimer makes some great connections with the Magi as well. On page 250 of Raubenheimer’s book, he writes, “We encounter the Magi on various occasions in the Bible where it was translated from the Greek ‘Magos’ to ‘Wise Men’.

In E.F. Murphy’s Handbook for Spiritual Warfare he gives the following definition: The Greek word is magos. It can be translated ‘magician, sorcerer, wizard, enchanter, astrologer’ or simply ‘wise men’. F. F. Bruce explains how the term was used in the ancient world: ‘The magi were originally a Median priest caste, but in later Greek and Roman times the word was used more generally of practitioners of all sorts of magic or quackery’.”

Raubenheimer continues, “From the Smith’s Bible Dictionary gives a somewhat different explanation: The Magi took their places among “the astrologers and stargazers and monthly prognosticators.” It is with such men that we have to think of Daniel and his fellow exiles as associated. The office which Daniel accepted, Dan. 5:11, was probably RAB- MAG- Chief of the MAGI. The word presented itself to the Greeks as connected with a foreign system of divination, and it soon became a byword for the worst form of imposter. This is the predominant meaning of the word as it appears in the New Testament. Acts 8:9; 13:8.3. In one memorable instance, however, the word retains its better meaning. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Magi appear as “wise men”- properly Magians, who were guided by a star from “the east” to Jerusalem, where they suddenly appeared in the days of Herod the Great, inquiring for the new-born kings of the Jews….

So we see that a Chief Mag is called a RAB. A MAGI would be a RABBI! Connecting the Magi of Finland with the Magi of the Bible.

Page 250 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe.
Note* The term MAGUS used at the top is from The Histories of Herodotus, not from the OLB.

At the bottom of the next page, 251, Raubenheimer added, “The Oera Linda Book showed that the Magy and the Magyarar in Scandinavia came from the East and that they practiced Shamanism. Archaeological, genetic and linguistic evidence points to their place of origin as the Altai Mountains where Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia meet. We have seen the similarities of these Magyarars with…

Page 251 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

…the pagan priests and oracles in Greek mythology. In Hungary their name lives on as the Magyar. In Phoenicia, we identified them as the Gola, (Remember Golan Heights?) who gave rise to the Gauls and the Druids. They in turn influenced the Celts.

The pagan priests in India were of Sino-Mongolian descent and in empires of the Medes and the Persians they were known as the cultic Magi with their perverse theology. The Greeks referred to them as Magos.

In the new Strong’s dictionary of Hebrew and Greek words we find the following: Mag-os; of foreign origin, a Magian, i.e. an ORIENTAL Scientist, by implication a Magician- sorcerer, wise man.”

Isn’t it interesting that these same Magi who migrated to Finland, originated from the same area as the Khazarian Jews?

Land of Magog- Magi

But Raubenheimer doesn’t stop there, he makes another major connection with the Bible and the Land of Magog. He writes, “…we may realistically infer that the Magi in the Middle East and the Magy from Scandinavia, as well as some other shamanistic priests, originated from the Altai mountainous region in Western Mongolia. This leads us to another interesting deduction.

In the Bible, in Ezekiel 38:1-3, we find the following regarding the mysterious Gog of the Land of Magog: Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, “Thus says the Lord God; “Behold, I am against you, O Gog…

And in Ezekiel 39:1-2 gives us a clue to the locality of the land of Magog: And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, “Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, …and I will turn you around and lead you on, bringing you up from the far north, and bring you against the mountains of Israel.”

Raubenheimer concludes, “Biblical scholars have all along accepted that the name Gog means mountain. They thus deduced that this mountain must refer to the Caucasus Mountains to the north (of Israel).”

Look how similar the words MAGI- MAGOG-MAGYAR-MONGOL are.

Magi- Magog- Magyar- Mongol

Page 252 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

Magog versus Frya

The most famous Mongol was Genghis Khan who ruled from this region, in the land of Magog. Genghis means Great, and KHAN means King. He proclaimed himself the Great King or Universal Ruler. And Khan is a variation of COHEN, which is the Jewish Priest Class. The COHEN is the King of the Jews, and some speculate that the name Genghis is a variation of the name Jesus. KING JESUS, KHAN GENGHIS. So this would be a title given to a “great ruler”.

Raubenheimer makes another good point here, “Without the Oera Linda Book, it is unlikely that this reconstruction would have been possible. (Hence Gobineau didn’t realize they WENT TO Finland, not originating there.) History has shown other invasions from that part of the world, such as that of the brutal Genghis Khan from 1206 AD onwards. The subsequent Mongol Empire extended from the Eastern shores of China right into Central Europe- arguably the largest land empire the world has ever seen.”

He continues, “In researching this book it became evident that the two groups of people in antiquity who had the most influence on Eurasian history were the Shamanists from Central Asia and the Frisians from Western Europe, in DNA terminology, the R1a and R1b haplogroups. The R1a group appears to have brought a permissive paganism and conquest by either deceit or military means, whereas the R1b group from Western Europe brought monotheism, technology and their fair share of conquests to the party. All other religions and civilizations were variants and compromises between these two groups.”

And it is a “war” to this day, between Magog and Frya. Enemies from the very beginning. And how important it is to show this connection in translations of the OLB, which Raubenheimer clearly did, and Ott clearly did NOT?

Page 254 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

Ever wonder why Trump’s motto was Make American Great Again? MAGA is for the MAGI his overlords.

Now let’s look at another important example.

Here doing the Communist fist of the Magi.

Cows with Golden Horns

We can see in Raubenheimer’s version that it says:

“When the MAGI got sniff of this he took the most attractive of his Finns and Magyarar and promised them COWS WITH GOLDEN HORNS to let them be taken in (employed) by our people in order to spread his doctrines.”

In Ott’s version he changes the line to read:

“When the MAGUS comprehended this, he selected the best looking of his Finns and Magyars and promised them MOUNTAINS OF GOLD if they could find acceptance among our people and then spread his doctrine.”

In the Original text this line reads:

“Tha thene MAGI that anda no kryg tha nam.er tha skensta synar Finna and Magiara. Vrlovande.ra KY MITH GOLDEN HORNA sa hja.ra thrvch vs folk fata dedon. Afterdam. sina ler vtbreda.

KY MITH GOLDEN HORNA”. (Ky-Kuh-Cow not Berg- Mountain) It’s pretty obvious that means COWS WITH GOLDEN HORNS. He does put a sub note at the bottom saying “mountains of gold- lit: cows with golden horns (expression)”. But why do that?

Page 348 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on Page 24 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

‘Cows with Golden Horns’ would have us once again associate the MAGI of Scandinavia with the MAGI of the Middle East, their Bible and their Golden Calf worship of Moloch.

The Idol of Moloch

King Minos~ Minno

If we look to page 378 of Raubenheimer’s book, we learn of the adventures of Minno and his time on the island of Crete. This island was inhabited by Finda people, led by Magi (just like in Scandinavia). When the people learned of Freedom from Minno, they were ready to rebel and the Magi priests had to appease them by making some concessions. They took this out on Minno and tried to kill him by poisoning his food. He evaded them though when a Fryan ship sailed past and quickly hopped on board. These Magi worshiped the “COWS WITH GOLDEN HORNS” as well. Many ancient artifacts have been unearthed depicting these bulls.

Page 379 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on page 69 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

Knossis~ Gnosis (The Gnostics)

On page 184, Raubenheimer writes, “In addition to the fact that they all seemed to have been oligarchies with similarities in superstition, religion and forms of worship, there are also references to CATTLE WITH GOLDEN HORNS. We read in the Oera Linda Book that the Magy in Finland and Northern Europe promised each of his subjects a COW WITH GOLDEN HORNS if they would infiltrate Frisian society. In Homer’s Odyssey, Ulysses made a special offering to the gods by having a HEIFER’S HORNS GILDED before the ceremony.”

Page 184 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe we see the Bull artifact that was uncovered at the Little Palace at Knossos. Note* Knossos is phonetically the same as Gnosis.

Wall Street~ Bull Market

What do we see out in front of Wall Street in New York? The same COW WITH GOLDEN HORNS, still worshiped by the same MAGI.

So don’t you think Ott should have left the translation as is, and not change it to MOUNTAINS of GOLD?

Unless someone wanted to hide their identity.

COW WITH GOLDEN HORNS- The Bull of Wall Street, located in New York’s financial district.

Our Earliest History

Now let’s move on to the Fryan’s Creation Story. You will notice it is about THREE races, no more. There are no MIXED raced Magi present at this stage. So the only way they could learn of OUR creation story would have to be by word of mouth from FRYANS. This is not THEIR beginning.

Now let’s look at this sentence translated by Raubenheimer:

“This is our earliest history: WRALDA, who alone is good and eternal, made the BEGINNING, then came TIME. Time wrought all things, also the earth.”

In Ott’s version the line reads:

“This is our primal history: WRALDA, who alone is whole and eternal, created the POTENTIAL. Time began and wrought all things, the very Earth itself.”

And here is the Original text::

“That is vsa forma skednise. WRALDA, tham allena god and evg is. Makade t.ANFANG. Dana kem TID. Tid wrochte alle thinga. ak jrtha.”

So we can see that Raubenheimer stayed with Sandbach’s translation of “the BEGINNING” and Ott changed it to “the POTENTIAL”.

Page 351 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on Pages 30 and 31 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

But if we look up the word ANFANG, we see that it means BEGINNING.

In English.

In Dutch.

In Western Frisian.

Nowhere does it mean POTENTIAL.

Now if we put in POTENTIAL we see it is POTINSJEEL in Western Frisian.

We see it is POTENZIAL in German.

And we see it is POTENTIEEL in Dutch.

Notice it does NOT say BEGINNING. And notice POTENTIAL IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH BEGINNING. They are NOT the same.

Now let’s look at the Original drawing of the three wheels from the OLB.

On the first wheel, and going clockwise, it says WRALDA. On the second wheel, it says T.ANFANG. On the third wheel, it says T.BIJIN. I do believe that the T in front of ANFANG and the T in front of BIJIN stands for TID (TIME).

The Original text again reads:

“That is vsa forma skednise. WRALDA, tham allena god and evg is. Makade T.ANFANG. Dana kem TID. Tid wrochte alle thinga. ak jrtha.”

Notice the order of the words I bolded. We see from the text, WRALDA, then ANFANG and then TID. TID would be BIJIN.

So the three wheels depict WRALDA, then THE BEGINNING, then TIME. Time is when Wralda puts the Beginning into motion.

Page 374 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

TID is TIME and synonymous with BIJIN.

So why would Ott change the word BEGINNING to the word POTENTIAL? Who uses “the potential”? The same MAGI priests that we have been discussing.

It is used in the Kabbala, specifically in the Zohar, which is a section of the Talmud. And here we read THEIR version of the beginning. Chochma means, “the potential of what is” and is an emanation, a Sefirot, on the Kabbala Tree of Life. Remember Robert’s last name?

“A constant flux between BEING and non-BEING.”

So you can see that by inserting POTENTIAL into the story of “Our Earliest History” the MAGI are inserting themselves into it!

Kabbala Tree of Life with the Ten Sephirot. Notice Chochma top right, is “the Potential”.

Not only do they INSERT themselves into it, they USURP our story for themselves as well. Take a look at the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card. You’ll notice it is the same six-pointed wheel as the wheels in the OLB. And this one has text wrapping around it as well. The Hebrew letters are for YHWH and the Roman letters spell TARO(T) clockwise and TORA(H) going counter clockwise. If we start at the bottom going clockwise we can add ROTA, which means Circle or Wheel. There is more to this image but the main point I’m trying to make here is that you can see how the MAGI have copied from FRYA. This is the same thing they did with the stories in their BABEL BIBLE. Taking Fryan stories throughout their history and using them for their own stories.

Side note* The wheel also spells AORTA, which is the CIRCULATORY (Circle) System that CARRIES blood to the HEART. So the wheel goes round just like the Aorta carries blood a round, both giving LIFE.

And remember how we mentioned the Theosophists/Luciferians? They also believe in the “ultimate potential”. It reads, “For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. The basic Luciferian principles highlight truth and freedom of will, worshiping the inner self and one’s ULTIMATE POTENTIAL.”

More Evidence in the Origination Story

Now let’s go further down page 351 in Raubenheimer’s book where we read:

“After the twelfth Yule festival she (earth) gave birth to three maidens:- Lyda out of GLOWING, Finda out of HOT, and Frya out of WARM DUST. When the last came, Wralda breathed his breath upon HER in order that men should be bound to him. When SHE was full grown SHE took pleasure and delight in the visions of Wralda. HATRED ENTERED THEM. They each bore twelve sons and twelve daughters; every Yule-time two. From this came all mankind.”

Now let’s see how Ott translated these lines. He writes:

“After the twelfth Yulefeast, she bore three girls: Lyda from glowing hot, Finda from hot, and Frya from warm substance. As THEY lay naked, Wralda fed THEM with his breath so that mankind would be bound to him. As THEY matured, THEY became fruitful and dreamed of pleasure. THEY RECEIVED WRALDA’S OD INTO THEM, and so they each bore twelve sons and twelve daughters; twins each Yuletide. All of mankind came from these.”

And here is the Original text from the OLB:

“After.et twilifte jol.ferste barde hju thrja man’gerta Lyda warth ut gliande, Finda warth ut heta. and Frya warth ut warme stof. Tha HJA blat kemon spisde Wralda hjam mith sina adama. Tilthiu tha manneska an him skolde bvnden wesa. Ring as HJA rip weron kreion HJA fruchda and nochta anda drama Wraldas. OD TRAD RA BINNA. And nw bardon ek twilif svna and twilif toghatera. Ek jol. Tid twen. Therof send alle manneska kemen.”


I couldn’t find OD in Afrikaans, Dutch, German or West Frisian, BUT in English we have ODD, which would be the OPPOSITE of EVEN. And later EVA was too sacred to say, so they would say EVEN for good. The opposite of EVEN is ODD, the opposite of GOOD is BAD, therefore ODD would represent BAD or HATE, coming in to the world. OD TRAD RA BINNA.

Sandbach took it from the Latin which means HATRED. And so Raubenheimer kept Sandbach’s translation as HATRED ENTERED THEM. Now if only Frya received the breath of Wralda (morals and laws within her heart), than it wouldn’t be a leap that the other two were jealous and thus HATRED ENTERED THEM.

We know that when Fryans build civilizations in non-Fryan lands, like in Athens for instance, the locals at first love the Fryans, but then eventually hatred enters them and they either killed all Fryans or ran them out of their lands. HATRED ENTERED THEM, is exactly what happens. And it makes sense that this is part of the “Earliest History” because they are teaching their Fryan brethren that it is in Lyda’s and Finda’s NATURE to HATE Fryans. Remember Lyda is GLOWING, and FINDA is HOT, only Frya has a moderate temperament, WARM DUST.

So this is a WARNING to FRYANS.

Page 351 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

If you go with Ott’s interpretation, he has Wralda put the breath in ALL races, equally, and doesn’t differentiate them. Meaning, he puts a UNIVERSALIST spin on the Earliest History. Reminds me of Noah and his sons, black, white and yellow.

Also if we just look at the GRAMMAR, we see that HJA is SHE, that is SINGULAR, so it couldn’t be talking about all THREE getting Wralda’s breath. The first, the second and then the LAST. It is the LAST that gets his special breath. SHE took pleasure in his delight, not THEY took pleasure. So once again, he is still talking about Frya, the Last.

And if we look at Ott’s translation once again, THEY RECEIVED WRALDA’S OD INTO THEM, would imply that Wralda had sex with them. Yet if we look on page 226 of Ott’s book, Codex Oera Linda, he translates this sentence by the Burgh Matron Rika this way:

“Because they have borne children , they have themselves called ‘mother’ but they forget that Frya bore children WITHOUT BEING WITH A MAN.”

So Ott is contradicting his translation. Wralda could NOT put his OD into the three original “Mothers” and at the same time one of the mothers, FRYA, bore children without being with a man.

Raubenheimer’s version makes much more sense.

Page 443 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

Eva in Our Hearts

Another reason why I believe the translation is, “WRALDA breathed his spirit upon her (FRYA)…” is because the OLB confirms this later in Minno’s Writings where he says in Raubenheimer’s translation:

“Wralda or Alvader (Father of All/God) has given me many years and I have travelled over many lands and seas and after all I have seen, I am convinced that WE ALONE WERE CHOSEN BY ALVADER TO HAVE LAWS. Lyda’s people cannot make laws nor obey them; they are too stupid and uncivilized. Many of Finda’s offspring are clever enough, but they are greedy, haughty, false, immoral and bloodthirsty.”


Page 365 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

On the next page of Raubenheimer’s book we learn what exactly was put into Frya’s heart. We read:

“The word “EVA” is too sacred for common use, therefore men have learned to say, “Evin.” “EVA” means that knowledge which is implanted in the breast of every man in order that he may know what is right and wrong, and by which he is able to judge his own deeds and those of others.”

In Ott’s version on page 61 of Codex Oera Linda, we read:

The word ‘AEWA’ is too sacred for common use. Therefore, we have learned to say ‘even’. AEWA refers to the rules that are imprinted equally in the hearts of all people, in order that they may know what is right and what is wrong, and by which they are able to judge their own deeds and those of others.”

When I first read Raubenheimer’s translation, I immediately thought of Eve from the Bible. And how EVE IS GOOD, and that the Bible takes this sacred name, makes EVE BAD, and applies it to ALL WOMEN saying they are the downfall of Man! Taking something that is so sacred, so good, and making it the reverse. Talk about MAGI tricks!

And so here we have Ott once again hiding this connection by changing the word to AEWA.

Here are the lines in the Original text so you can see for yourself:

“That word EWA is to fran vmbe an mena seka to nomande. Thervmbe het man vs evin seza lerth. EWA that seith setma ther bi aller manniska e.lik an hjara mod prenth send. Tilthju hja muge weta hwat rjucht and vnrjucht sy. And hwer thrvch hja weldich send vmbe hjara ajne deda and tham fon orum to birjuchtande.”

Notice too Ott’s, “imprinted equally in the hearts of all people” is more
equalitarian than Raubenheimer’s, “imprinted in the breast of every man”.

And I don’t think that Minno was thinking of the other races here, but meant “in the hearts of every Fryan.”

Page 366 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

It reminds me of the writings of Thomas Jefferson and his term all men are created equal” that he wrote in the Declaration of Independence, as a rally cry for his fellow citizens against the King of England. William Gayley Simpson writes, “It referred to equality of rights as between two groups of Anglo-Saxons and it could scarcely have occurred to Jefferson and his contemporaries that future generations would strain these words to refer to equality of innate capacity among different races. Jefferson’s published writings prove that he believed the Negro to be grossly inferior to Whites both in their mentality and in their character.” And I believe the same thought could have scarcely occurred to Minno when writing those lines in the OLB.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the line “All Men Are Created Equal”, he meant ALL FRYANS.

Passions Versus Addictions

Now let’s look under Frya’s Tex, which Raubenheimer translates as:

“Though him only can I recognize as free who is neither a slave to another nor to his own PASSIONS.

Ott translates the line as:

“But only those can I consider as free whom is neither the slave of another, nor of an ADDICTION.”

The Original text reads:

“Thach thera allena mei ik as fry kanna ther nen slaf is fon en other ni fon sin TOCHTA.”

Ott does mention in his footnote that, “‘an addiction’ (SINE TOCHTA) …can have various meanings (cognate THOUGHT), but was usually used as PASSIONS here. However being “passionate” would not be negative.”

But he assumes PASSIONS to be positive and that’s not always true. Now what is wrong with doing that is that you take away from what the text is trying to teach us. We just learned from the Fryan Creation Story regarding Lyda, in Raubenheimer’s translation that,

“Of laws she knew nothing; her actions were governed by HER PASSIONS.

So what is the text teaching us? To NOT be governed by our PASSIONS like Lyda is! Addiction is a modern term. And when we think of it we think of desiring something OUTSIDE of ourselves. PASSIONS are internal, they are something WITHIN ourselves, our nature, our character. THIS is what the text is teaching us. And THIS is the way Sandbach’s translation reads, and THIS is how Raubenheimer left it in his book.

Page 354 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on Page 37 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

Thoughts would be related to passions, internal, whereas addictions, would be related to external things.

Tranquil = Warm Dust

In addition we know too that Eva is exclusively in the hearts of Fryans by the next paragraph in Raubenheimer’s translation:

There is also another meaning attached hereto. “Eva” also means TRANQUIL, smooth like water that has not been disturbed by a strong wind or something else. If the water is disturbed it becomes troubled, UNEVEN, but it always tends to become calm again. That is the NATURE, just as the inclination towards justice and freedom that exists in Frya’s children.”

Where it is mentioned that Eva “also means TRANQUIL, smooth like water that has not been disturbed,” this would align with WARM DUST, as what Frya was called. Remember Lyda was out of GLOWING and Finda was out of HOT. These are temperaments, their NATURES, that are being described. TRANQUIL is a temperament like WARM DUST. It is NOT talking about GLOWING and HOT, which would NOT be still. It is obvious that Eva is NOT in the hearts of all three, because the three have very different temperaments and the OLB is trying to teach the Fryans through this story to be WARY of the other two. So NO, it does NOT say as per Ott’s version:

AEWA refers to the rules that are imprinted EQUALLY upon the hearts of ALL people.”

Also, remember the word OD? And how it is the OPPOSITE of EVIN? Well here we have “troubled” as UNEVIN. UNEVEN would be ODD. Once again proving that “OD TRAD RA BINNA” DOES mean HATRED ENTERED THEM.

Page 366 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on Pages 61 and 62 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

True Light of Illumination

Here we have an interesting omission by Ott. If we look at the conclusion of Frya’s Tex, which are their most sacred laws, meant to keep the people safe and free, we read in Raubenheimer’s version:

“Its light shall always illuminate your intellect, and you shall always remain as free FROM FOREIGN DOMINATION as the sweet river-water from the salt water of the boundless sea.”

In Ott’s translation he writes:

“Its light will forever illuminate your mind and you shall remain as free FROM DOMINATION as your sweet rivers are free from the salt of the endless sea.”

In the Original text:

“That liucht thera. Skil than evg jvwe bryn vklarja. and j skilun than evin fry bilyva FON VNFRYA WELD as jvwa swite rinstrama fon that salte weter ther andelase se.”

We see in Ott’s version that the word FOREIGN has been omitted. Why? Well, who is our biggest threat today? The MAGI, which is a FOREIGN tribe that is living in our midst. A FOREIGN tribe that is trying to take over the world. A FOREIGN tribe destroying FRYA today!

In the Original text, “FON VNFRYA WELD” looks like ‘from unfrya (non-Frya) worlds’, so non-Frya would be FOREIGN.

Page 356 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe and on Page 40 in Ott’s Codex Oera Linda

Wralda’s Language

Konnered gives the Fryans some good advice. In Raubenheimer’s translation it reads:

“Here is my advice. If you wish that you alone should inherit the earth, you must never allow any language but GOD’S LANGUAGE to pass your lips, and take care that your own language remains FREE from outlandish sounds…

He continues:

“The language of the East Schoonlanders has been perverted by the VILE MAGYARS, and the language of the followers of KALTANA (CELTS) have been spoiled by the dirty GAULS.”

What were the languages that they spoke of back then? FINNISH and FRENCH! Neither Finnish nor French are Germanic Languages, yet are spoken by Fryans. We can see how the “vile Magyars (MAGI)” have corrupted our language from way back then and they are still doing it today.

They have a goal to enslave us. And that is exactly what is happening in the present. Our people tried to warn us with the writings of the OLB. Konnered continues:

“If they learn God’s language, then the words, “to be free” and “to have justice,” will come to them, and glimmer and glow in their brains until it becomes a flame, and that flame will consume all bad rulers and hypocritical and dirty priests.”

Page 438 in Raubenheimer’s Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe

Here are a few examples of how the MAGI are STILL corrupting our language with their SPELLing today.

In songs. Gwen Stefani’s Hollaback Girl. Now write HOLLABACK in reverse. We get KCABALLOH. Sound it out. KABALLAH. Maybe she’ll write a song called TORIFES soon. Robert would be so proud.

Black Boy, White Girl, with the V for Victory, for 22, the Fool Tarot card, completing his journey on the Wheel of Fortune.

And more obvious ones, like this name for a sporting goods company, called CABELA’S. If we stress the first syllable instead of the second like the common pronunciation, we get KABALLA’S.

And notice CABEL in CABELA’S. Just change the E and L around and you get CABLE.

Which is their Masonic noose worn on the initiate’s neck. The CABAL run the show. The KABBALA is their teachings used to control us. And the Mason’s are tools in their tool box.

A MASON. The most famous company even carries that name, Amazon. AMAZON~ A MASON. And the owner, Jeff Bezos is a MAGI. Are we surprised?

We need to follow Konered’s advice and, “take care that our own language remains FREE from outlandish sounds.”

So let’s briefly look at our Germanic languages and see how we can purify them. The languages are English, Icelandic, Faroese, Afrikaans, Frisian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, Dutch and Luxembourgish.

Notice if we look at the word for the feathered creatures that fly and sing beautiful songs, they all look similar except for English. Bird, Vogel, Fugl… we can see that BIRD is the ODD word out. Bird is NOT the Word. But do we have another word in English that means the same thing? Yes, of course. We have the word FOWL. FOWL would be the proper Germanic name for the winged feathered creature, NOT Bird.


Here we see that BEAR is the correct word because it comes up very similar in all Germanic languages.

Cat is correct as well, although it would be nice to change out the C with a K. K is more often used in Germanic words, C with the Latin words.


Cow is correct since it is so similar to the other Germanic languages. But again, we should replace the C with a K, like we see they do.


We see DOG is NOT correct. But again we DO have an alternative word that IS Germanic that we could use, and that would be HOUND.


So I hope I’ve convinced you to at least be a bit more cautious when reading, and watching things on the Oera Linda Book. And I hope it has inspired you to take another read of it. To really study it. I’ve read it probably a half dozen times already and with every read I have more epiphanies. I hope you will have the same enlightenment.

So ultimately we should see that language DOES matter. Translations DO matter. They change the purpose of the story. Remember the Burgh Matrons at the beginning of this presentation warned us, “Watch! Watch! Watch!” We know that “WATCH” has a double meaning. It means “TO BE WARY”, but it also infers “TIME”. Like the hands on a WATCH. So the Burgh Matrons are telling us that as Wralda’s Wheel is put into Motion we need to be Wary as we go through Time. That these are our life lessons. That our choices are put in motion on the Wheel and we are to learn from them.


And a special thanks as always to my fellow Fryans who give these presentations their attention and love, and to my dear Fryans Scotland Sean, Danielle and Manfred De Vries who lent me their lovely voices.

Here is the YouTube version:

And here is the Bitchute version:

And here is a link to a good video that describes HOW we can get back to our Germanic (Fryan) Root Language.

Posted in: Oera Linda Book

44 responses on “The Oera Linda Book- Comparing Translations

  1. Chris

    I think a cow with golden horns has to do with the Sun (associated with Gold in alchemy) being located between the horns of the Cow (Taurus) constellation. This happens between June 4th and June 15th, according to Stellarium. I don’t know if you follow Formula 1, but there’s a team named RedBull Racing. This team’s principal is Christian HORNer. He’s English. Their main driver is Dutch. Obviously, the team is called RedBull Racing because it is owned by the Red Bull energy drink company. From what I know from my own experience, energy drinks attack the heart. Freyja is associated with the heart. Red Bull’s energy drink slogan is “Red Bull gives you wings”. Anyway, there are many connections to follow on this topic.

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      Good connections you make Chris. Most definitely Taurus the Bull, the “as above so below” is being used in their symbology as well. Used much with Isis, Horus and Set.

  2. Fran

    Hi Kat
    Another excellent presentation, the level of deception we face thrown at us by our enemy is monumental, yet it is a tottering facade, or not unlike the Wizard of Oz’s curtain – except our enemy is not a doddering old guy.
    I am about to re-read Raubenheimer’s third edition. I live in eastern England which is, despite being flooded by troops like everywhere else in our nations, is still very evocative of the ‘old times’, old names and languages.
    You are right, English out of all the so-called Germanic languages is stuffed full of foreign words, particularly French and Latin, which according to the narrative arrived here from 1066 onwards. Even before then, with my part of England being in the ‘Danelaw’ because of Danish Viking settling, old Norse was spoken in parts, and this merged with Old English to form a simplified English even before the Norman Conquest. But with the influx of more than 10,000 French words by around 1200 I believe English became something like a creole, from which Middle English started, before that too developed into modern English with the arrival of even more imported words. Some estimate than a third of all English words are now of French origin.
    I have made several attempts to learn Anglo Saxon/Old English but never quite succeeded (yet), and there have been attempts in the past to purify English, See links below.
    Finally, I must ask you this question because I am not sure; are we beginning to win this battle? There are signs that some of ‘us’ are getting more and more fed up with being labelled and demonised, but not enough of us are awake to make much of a difference. I still think we need some major event to bludgeon us into awakening to the truth, but heaven knows that will not be pretty.
    Thanks for all your work

    Fran (apologies for using the wiki)

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      Greetings Fran,
      I agree that English in all its forms, including American English, has been totally bastardized. I would love for us to speak the pure form. Maybe one day, things will turn around for us, and then we can have it taught in all of our schools. Regarding this battle, things have to get much worse, with our backs against the wall we WILL fight. And we do need hope, and pep talks to help us along. Thomas Dalton is my go-to Fryan for that. His work is top notch. (You will see though that he hasn’t read the OLB, he might not even be aware of it, and believes in the mainstream origins story.) I will link his website here for you. I highly recommend buying his latest book that you can find links to on his website, called The Steep Climb. That is the book I would hand out to people with open minds to help them break their programming and come to the truth. He’s a college professor and backs his writings with historical evidence. All the best, Kat
      And here is a link to The Steep Climb: https://www.clemensandblair.com/product-page/the-steep-climb-essays-on-the-jewish-question

      1. Fran

        Thank you Kat.
        One of the most intriguing parts of Raubenheimer’s book for me is the section about Frisland (Atland, Aldland), the geological evidence surrounding the present day Faroe Islands, and how extant maps made from the late medieval period until around the end 18th century, show an Island with settlements, around the same size as Ireland. How fascinating that modern day technology and geology can find many points matching the seabed around the Faroe Islands to some of these more detailed maps.
        I agree that the origin of ‘our people’ could well be from the NW of Europe and the Atlantic. Could these be Cro Magnon? Even modern science (which we must treat with suspicion) accepts that Cro Magnon had a larger brain capacity than modern Homo Sapiens Caucusoids and differs significantly from Homo Erectus and Neanderthal. Can humanity really have a common origin?
        Considering the time frame we are looking at, if we accept the timelines we are even given, we have this event 2093 BC, over four thousand years ago before. As the Oera Linda book suggests, the disaster caused a dispersal of the survivors either side of the Atlantic, hence the legends of ‘white’ gods arriving bringing civilisation, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, Hiawatha in the Americas, beings like Oannes and others in the Levant, very close to what was to become the bosom of Biblical literature and culture. So this just might explain the high degree of similarity between Welsh, Sumerian, Egyptian (now called Indo European languages from western Europe to India), but it wasn’t a case of Sumerian/Phoenician people and languages migrating westward so much, although this would appear to have occurred from around 1600BC at the latest. The Germanic/Celtic languages already existed in their proto forms in NW Europe before the ‘seeding’ of civilisation all over the world by the survivors.
        Quite where this leaves the Basques of the Pyrenees I’m not sure; they describe coming from an island in the Atlantic with a very suggestive name, but their language is non Indo European.
        One criticism of the book is that there are too many typos but I don’t want to decry its great wealth of information.

    2. Michael Woods McCausland

      Excellent of our subverted historical events by connecting of the historical
      Linguistics patterns of the truth of who I/ We are where we are from. To know where I/ We are going as the Empire Collapses called the U.SA. Inc that operates out of the Sovereign state of DC. Where all the characters. Have been wheeling and dealing as Rome Burns. The Data is seeping out. Your work is a testament. I am of Ancient Pic/ Irish Scotia Stock. As one may say. Thy Families Diaries and Oral Traditions that I was informed from relatives and mentors of the 1800s 1900s etc . Tell a much different story dating back to 750 AD. Then to the America’s in 1638 AD. We warned the Jacobites. . Over Land to Thy Beloved California in 1799-1801. The best book I have found besides the aforementioned stories abnd books Have been Yvan Wentz and the Ancient Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible & Pyramids@
      1920 Conor Mac Dairi
      I read that long ago. At thy Irish Grandmother’ ( 1888AD )
      Recommendation. That was SF Irish in Here vocabulary. Such a beautiful stream. Yes I have freckles Red Blond Silver Hair and Blue Eyes. I am the son of Auslane!
      Shine Bright!
      We are back building the future in the present from the past!
      Enjoy the Journey!

  3. Lidy

    Hi Kat,
    Hope you are doing fine. A very interesting and fascinating subject. I need to read it again to let it sink in. I completely agree with you about Sepher, Ot and Fitts. They don’t match any of the three. Anyway, thank you for your insights.

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      How are you Lidy? So nice to to see you here. I hope you are doing well also. If you haven’t yet, I would recommend getting Raubenheimer’s book. He does such a fantastic job of verifying the OLB and he really made it come to life for me. I would have LOVED to have had a chat with him about it. It obviously inspired him enough that he made a book on it, even knowing what a controversial topic it is. From the OLB we see that we really are FROM Northwestern Europe and went out into the world from there. Even people like Gobineau didn’t know this and so, our history was miswritten. Is that a word? Haha. By making us either come “out of Africa” or “out of the Middle East” it puts a universalist spin on humanity, which is exactly what the “powers that be” want. We are all one, egalitarian nonsense, and also it makes claims to our ancestral homelands to not exactly be ours! So that they can take over our Northwestern Lands. We are in trouble Lidy! But there is still hope. All the best, Kat

      1. Lidy

        Indeed we live in difficult times, but hope is a driving force that prevents us from sinking into oblivion. I did a dna test a year ago, I thought I had some Spanish in me because I had dark hair. Turns out I’m exclusively Northern European, scottisch, english, scandinavian, saxon and Frisian. I’ll see if I can find that book by Raubenheimer. I am really curious. I never believed that we as humans, no matter what color we come in, descended from the apes simply because I attached more importance to the statement in the Bible that we as humans are created in the image of God the Creator. Well, I’m sure that God didn’t look like a monkey. Probably not scientific but I find it a terrific idea. Looking forward to your next article, Kat.

  4. Justin

    Hey Kat, very good article, I am still a Christian but I have to say the way a certain forum slandered you was uncalled for and repulsive. I am looking into the Oera Linda Book, it is interesting, it does seem a bit matriarchal but I need to do more research into this book. I have heard some claim Blavatsky invented the Book, though I haven’t been able to find any proof of that claim. I know Blavatsky did reconstruct Nordic Paganism, of which even in Mein Kampf Hitler despises (that paganism), I first heard of the OLB through Asha Logos, to bad he mixed lies in with truth.
    God bless.

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      Hey Justin,
      Thank you and I appreciate your kind words. I’m glad you are interested in checking out the OLB. Yes, what the small hat likes to do best is slander a work that is threatening to them, associate it with something not so savory, or if those tactics don’t work ridicule it or claim it is a hoax. If you read William Sandbach’s research on the OLB, which he gives before his translation of it, or Alwyn J. Raubenheimer’s excellent research on the OLB in his book Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe, you will see that it most definitely was written over hundreds of years and pre-dates Blavatsky even having been born. Paganism is NOT what the Fryans followed. They were MONOTHEISTS. Again, what the small hat likes to do is say the work is pagan so people will be turned off from it as well. Himmler believed in the OLB and I’m sure if H won the war it would have been an open topic of discussion in the new Germany. And the Fryan system wasn’t matriarchal or patriarchal. Men and Women were considered equals- Yin and Yang, men had particular roles and women had particular roles and this is what kept their society running smoothly. A Burgh Matron and a King, (actually three Kings) who protected and lead their fellow Fryans. And again, regarding the slander/hoax angle, it reminds me of another book the small hats love to disclaim and that is The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which is ALSO a true book. There is a really good version of it out today by Professor Thomas Dalton which I am reading at the moment. I will link you in case you are interested in it as well:


      And here is a link to Chronicles From Pre-Celtic Europe if you are interested in purchasing that book. (By the way, it has the complete OLB in back of it, so you get two books in one.)


      All the best, Kat

      1. Justin

        Thank you Kat, I will buy Chronicles From Pre-Celtic Europe, I have watched some of your videos regarding the OLB, and I must say I am very impressed. I know at one time you were a Christian, there is still so much evidence that Adamites/Israelites were White I highly Recommend christiansfortruth.com They take a much more practical approach to the Bible without all of the DSCI baggage. I don’t mean to push my views, its just a recommendation. I used to agree with Two Seedline, however they conveniently ignore Genesis 3:12, 17 and 22. CFT actually did a good article debunking the Sexual seduction of Eve https://christiansfortruth.com/what-really-happened-between-eve-and-the-serpent-in-the-garden-of-eden/
        I remember your videos on Weisman, a certain group loves to slander his name and they do it to Pastor Emry as well.
        God bless and thank you for your research.

        1. Zenscoria (dag)

          Hey Justin,

          I too was once christian, briefly 2sl and for a couple months i explored CFT’s work. They generally do an admirable job discerning what the buble says vs what 2sl preaches.

          However they lost me with their 144,000 doctrine. Do they still hold to it? I found their arguments to be reaching as well as dismissive of any verses contradicting their claims.

          I only mention this out of general concern. It’s cool that you are open to seeking still. Many who arrive at CI end their seeking and become drone clones for this or that doctrine.

          If you want you can read my rebuttalls to CFT in the comment section of this article. I am “Kevin”:


          In the end I did manage to get one member of their staff to privately agree with me. Not sure if he maintained that but i think i did a fair job exposing the faults in their doctrine.

          1. Justin

            Hey Dag, thanks for the reply, I am open to the OLB. Thanks for sharing, are you still Christian? I don’t mean to impose, I’m starting to consider the OLB as being more accurate (It makes more sense that our people originated from the north and not near east). I’m honestly having doubts about my Christian faith, but I am worried about my salvation and those of our race. Sorry I am a newbie when it comes to the OLB, I know it is a book for the White race, but not much on its theology.
            I think they still hold to the 144,000 doctrine I’ll check out your comments.
            Thanks, and God bless

          2. Kat the Fryan Post author

            Hey Justin,
            Thanks for saying what many Christians on-the-fence are thinking. They worry that if they turn from Christianity, and they are wrong, that they will go to hell. But really? Wouldn’t God appreciate more that people question things than to blindly follow? Why are we given a brain and the capacity to reason? We are here TO QUESTION THINGS and to figure them out for ourselves. And yes, even on the question of God and His Creation.
            And regarding the OLB, it is a book of writings of one family through the generations explaining our history and events that have taken place, and the importance of knowing who we are as a race. It is NOT a religious book. The Fryans had no religious books. They believed in the Creator, which they called Wralda. They had a direct relationship with God, no middle men, such as priests, pastors etc. And they took responsibility for their own actions. There was no savior coming so there was no worry about salvation. They most definitely didn’t hold to a view that there are only 144,000 special people on earth. I hope you take the time to read through it and you will see what they believe.
            Another book I recommend, is one from one of the Founding Fathers’ Thomas Paine, called The Age of Reason. He closely aligns with how the Fryans think about God without ever having read the book himself. (It wasn’t discovered in his life time.) Many of the Founding Fathers were actually Deists like Paine. All the best, Kat

          3. Michael Woods McCausland

            Absolutely on Track as is What The Flock exposing the Codes in our language and Structures of the WEF Venetian Banksters who highjacked our History implementing Usury as well. The Tablets are fractured! I/ We are returning to our roots to finish what took place in 1250 AD! Shine Bright! The Golden Thread is weaving I/ We Fellow Radiant Visionary Time Jumper’s. Who are here in an abundance working together to get our Factual History back into the Herd!
            Never Shall I / We bend the Knee! Auslane!

          4. Justin

            Hey Kat, I wouldn’t say Christians (at least at CFT) believe in an eternal Hell rather they think there is the Lake of Fire and Adamites/Israelites that reject Jesus Christ go there, first the destruction of the body then that of the soul. CFT also does not agree with the idea that every individual Israelite is saved but rather only a remnant (144,000). However both the DSCI view and CFT view doesn’t sit right with me, on the one hand DSCI every individual is Saved however those who were evil in this life get eternal contempt in the Kingdom. This in my opinion is literally no different than an eternal Hell, why would a loving Creator punish someone for eternity, for this life?
            On the other hand CFT claims that not everyone is saved and ultimately the unbelievers will have their spirits destroyed, but why? This is what is starting to not make logical sense to me. That’s interesting that the Fryans had no religious book, seems to me that they were like the Scythians and Vandals and didn’t need a book to tell them to be moral, from my understanding they also didn’t allow Animal Sacrifice and certainly not Human Sacrifice. The more I look into it the more it seems like Christianity/Christian Identity and Paganism are two sides of the same Jewish Coin. I still think the Bible has Aryan traits in it, but some things just aren’t adding up.
            Sorry, I know this is a long response, I just have a couple more questions. What is the OLB view on the afterlife? I remember seeing a comment earlier saying it isn’t explicit, but perhaps something like rebirth? I saw the symbol of the Fryans was the Wheel. My second question is will Wralda/God intervene to help the White Race from destruction? And will we ever have a more heavenly realm of existence?
            Thanks Kat

          5. Kat the Fryan Post author

            Well Hell or a Lake of Fire is really just semantics. And notice the fear trigger “rejecting Jesus”. We were put here with free will and suffer or are rewarded by our actions- our consequences. So if we don’t follow natural law, for example, if we miscegenate, then we suffer the consequences of that, which we are suffering today. Nature tells us that kind is with kind (we don’t need the Bible to tell us that) and so if we make hybrids, which are against nature, then there are ramifications. The small hats are hybrids and look at the havoc they are wreaking upon us. That is our punishment. No need for a hell or lake of fire.
            Regarding Wralda intervening, it says in the OLB that only after everything can be done by the Fryans and there is nothing left, should they turn to Wralda. When the Gertmanna fled Secrops and sailed through the straits at the Red Sea with their enemy pursuing them, they said that the land rose up and stopped the pursuers. They said that everyone knows it was because of the goodness of the Gertmanna that Wralda helped them. (Notice this story is similar to the Moses parting the Red Sea story, although the water rose up, not the land.)
            So yes, the Wheel, the Yule, is symbolic of Wralda’s Creation and of how we enter this earth plane. In the OLB it mentions Frya going to her Watch Star and so implies she goes to a “heaven” after this life. They didn’t fear death because they had such a deeper connection to Wralda then we do. We forgot about Wralda and let Magy put fear in our hearts. The wheel is a symbol of eternity, forever going round, and like the wheel turning, so do the ages, always to come back again- like Spring (Aryan Age), Summer (Silver Age), Fall (Bronze Age) and Winter (Iron Age). We are in the Iron Age right now, the lowest for humanity. But as the wheel turns we will once again be in the Aryan Age- (Spring, New Beginnings). So no, the White Race will not be destroyed, but we do have very dark times upon us before things get better.

            Also, let me comment on Evil people. In the OLB times, when someone committed murder, the victim’s family would decide the punishment. They could either have the person killed (eye for an eye) or they could banish them to the tin mines in Westland (UK). And this goes for other crimes as well, such as homosexuality, sodomy, rape etc. So evil people got weeded out of Fryan Society, they didn’t get a prison term and then released onto our streets to commit more crimes. They actually got punished as they should. This deterred crime and weeded out threats, protecting the innocent. So evil was dealt with in the here and now, not some future punishment like Christians believe.

      2. Michael Woods McCausland

        The Golden Thread that is our true History as told in the OLB and other unknown sources has brought I/ We Us all together at this space in time!
        Never Shall I/ We bend the Knee to the false history of the Kazarian’s!
        I am no zm& M I am MWM and I look through thy Right Eye!

  5. Zenscoria


    No I am not a christian. I was briefly. Have you always been a christian or did you come to it in recent years due to the CI angle?

    If you want you can check out my bitchute channel. I just started it but it might be helpful to you if you are having doubts, and since it seems we might be on a similar trajectory. Here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/rwhwNIX3i5uX/

    Your question about salvation is understandable, but i believe it is mysterium, a way to control our folk with fear. Watch my vid “the 2 of empire” – it tackles the eternal hell issue. I recently re-uploaded it with a slideshow and it will at the very least provide some food for thought.

    FYI it appears there is another “kevin” at CFT who is posting currently. That is not me. I stopped posting there a year and a half ago.

    I do believe the OLB is legit. There are striking parallels between the Fryans and Scythians (who even Origen admitted were monotheists) and I cover some other examples of Scythian character on my channel that currently have me convinced that their and Fryan culture provide the spirit that ancient magi scribes transposed onto Israelite culture.

    Well i dont want to rant on and on but it is a deep issue. You would enjoy Kat’s table talk vid and my vid on dual seedline serpent for some prompts on this general topic.

    Truth against the world.

    1. Justin

      Hey Kevin, I was raised Christian, abandoned it for a while then around 2018 I discovered William P Gale (who I found out was a Jew) and learned about CI. Later on I found truthvids and his 100 proofs the Israelites were White. I then found Bill’s site through him and the podcasts he did with him. I wasn on that forum for a bit but after learning about CFT, and seeing all of the lies and slander they did towards former members, and Rosette (Bill said some nasty words), I was disgusted by that and the Cult of Personality they have for Bill in their little Echo-Chamber. I remember there was a Kevin in those forums as well, was that you? I ask because I hated seeing how they treated Flat Earther’s like Mike M. and others.
      I will check out your channel, I actually love the History of the Scythians, I am novice at this historical study but have read a little bit of Herodotus’ Histories. Thanks for sharing and God bless.

      1. Zenscoria

        Yeah that was me. The behavior had begun to really degrade in that place and then when i discovered that certain ex 2slers who had become 1slers were not in fact universalists like Bill had said, i knew i had made a terrible mistake, being that i spoke ill of such people while i was there.

        And am glad you didnt tarry too long there Justin.

        I haven’t spoken to Mike M in a couple years. I lost his contact info. Have you spoke with him or did you just see our infamous (badass) “space is fake” thread?

        1. Justin

          Hey Zen, I checked out your channel the videos you have done are quite good. I tried to comment but for some reason Bitchute wont let me (this happens on any channel I try to comment on).
          I have a lot to learn

          1. Justin

            Hey Zen, good to hear from you, I can understaand that I have the same feeling at times as well. I did try commenting but bitchute would not let me. What would you say your current religious views are? Do you still accept the OLB?

      2. Michael Woods McCausland

        The Golden Thread of Our Ancestors is most definitely utilizing you Kat F. to disseminate the truth of who I/ We are . Where I/ We are from and where I/ We are going through these cyclical journey called life in the materium.
        Shine Bright Day or Night!

  6. GEERT

    Dear Kat, thank you for your posts. They are quite new to me but I find them very interesting, despite the fact that sometimes they are also confrontational. Something that really touched me in your video about the Oera Linda book, are the parts read in the original language, Ancient Frisian I assume. I myself am a native Flemish man. As you may know, Flanders is the Germanic, Dutch speaking part of Belgium. In some way the deeper nature of this old Frisian speaks to me and sounds “familiar”. I also very strongly detect the kinship with traditional Danish in it and I really love Denmark and the Danish language. In that sense, my question would be whether you know where I could find a read recording of the complete Oera Linda book in Frisian. Based on the excerpts you’ve included in your video, I assume and hope that such a recording must exist. It would be lovely to listen to the whole book. I searched for it on the internet but couldn’t find it up to now. So it would be great if you could help me out to find it. Thank you for your answer! Warmly, Geert

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      Greetings Dear Geert,
      Yes the “confrontational language” is because I try to help people be on guard for people put into any topics that help our people, to steer them away from the truth. They do this on every topic imaginable and people would be naïve to think they don’t when it comes to the OLB. They would like people to think that the OLB is pagan or that it is a hoax, when it is neither. There are many truths we can glean from it as well that I find important to point out that others ignore. I prefer to stick to what I’ve discovered upon reading the book, which I believe I do in my other writings/vids on the OLB topic. But we are in a day and age where I feel it is my duty to warn our people.
      Regarding the readings in the old Frisian, that is my friend Manfred who comes from North Western Germany in the area of old Frisland. He graciously read those passages at my request. He is a lovely soul. I can ask him if he’d ever be interested in reading the whole book and I would love to post that for everyone. Wouldn’t that be a treat? I can suggest it to him. All the best, Kat

  7. Lidy

    Hi Kat,
    The news is shocking and heartbreaking.
    I hope you and your family are okee.
    Stay strong.
    I pray for you and all the people in Hawai.

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      Hi Lidy,
      We moved to the mainland three years ago now. But thank you for your concern. I do appreciate it. What went on in Lahaina was very shady. The fires being so aggressive and everything burning down within 17 minutes does NOT sound like a normal fire. There were no sirens to warn the people, although there are sirens all over ALL of the islands and they are tested every first day of each month. AND we get a text across all the islands if there is an emergency as this would qualify for. When we had the Korean missile (supposedly incoming)- EVERYONE got a simultaneous text warning us to take shelter. NO TEXT was sent! NO fire trucks, no sirens, no texts. So people didn’t act as fast as they should of because they thought they had time. The water right off of the shore is at least shallow. It is filled with coral. I got stuck there before when we were surfing and I drifted too far in that direction. It’s weird too how some houses and even that big “hotel” Lanai Shores was untouched. And Oprah came down right away and donated blankets. She supposedly lived right up the hill where the fire was headed. I don’t trust that one AT ALL. Masonic witch. I have a tweet that is interesting to share with you. https://twitter.com/DavidWolfe/status/1690412772411031553?s=20 Take care.

      1. Lidy

        Once you told that Hawaii is the heart of the world. For me it feels like that. This attack feels like a stab in the heart. Will it heal?I sure hope so. I pray for the healing. It might help, you never know.

        1. Kat the Fryan Post author

          Lidy watch this vid. At first I thought people HAD to have died there, but now I don’t think so. I think they planted all the stuff about the DEWS, planted all the blue and red things. Paid EVERYONE off. No one was there when the fires took place. All pre-planned and they were all well paid. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DGsO5D90uItj/

          1. Lidy

            Thank you Kat, alas, I cann’t watch it in my country, but indeed. It also had my attention, since somebody asked: where are the parents of these missing children? There are too many strange things happening around these Maui fires that don’t add up.

          2. Kat the Fryan Post author

            Lidy, You should really get a VPN. There are so many good channels on Bitchute sharing truth about what is going on in our world. I go there for most of my news. They block European countries because they don’t want people there knowing what’s being done to them. Kalergi plan is going full steam ahead. So if you do end up getting a VPN, then please check out that vid. He is right. No one died Lidy. You have a big soft heart. And so do I. And we can’t fathom how all of these people would willingly play in this charade, all for the love of money.

  8. Christopher

    Very well written article, I don’t mean to be that guy that changes the topic, but after discovering the OLB it has been life changing. I was wondering with regards to the Irish/Celts how do they fit into the OLB? I’m Irish myself so I was curious, much thanks.
    Christhoper o/

    1. Kat the Fryan Post author

      Hey Christopher,
      Although the Irish aren’t mentioned specifically in the OLB, Ireland is Aryaland. Celts were Fryans who followed the Burgh Matron Kalta. So yeah, the Irish are Fryans too. Hope that helps, Kat

      1. Christopher

        Hey thanks Kat, I’m still a novice’s novice when it comes to the OLB but I’m reading it and have been enjoying it. I saw some other comments talking about CI, its funny I too was CI at one point! But what always bothered me was how the Israelites acted like animals, viciously sacrificing their children or killing others (canaanites), YHVH seems to be—-more or less—-a psychopathic God. It’s no wonder some people in CI acted terribly toward me and others. The OLB makes more sense I actually found your page through renegade https://www.renegadetribune.com/oera-linda-book-complete-reading/
        And have enjoyed your content.

        1. Kat the Fryan Post author

          Yes CI are among the most hateful people in my experience as well. Once you see the Bible for what it is then the curtain of CI and ALL other Abrahamic religions fall. Its nice other people are sharing our reading. You might have seen my recommendation for further reading, but I’ll mention it here again, Alwyn J. Raubenheimer’s book Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe really brought the OLB to life for me. Really good stuff. He passed away a few years ago. I would have loved to have a chat with him regarding his work.

          1. Christopher

            I’ll check it out thanks, I know this is off topic… But do you have any thoughts on hyberborea/hollow earth? I personally believe it has merit…

          2. Kat the Fryan Post author

            Regarding hollow earth, if you look into the Greenlanders, first colonized by Erick the Red, you’ll see that there was a whole community that “vanished”. It is said that they went North to a better place. Since the PTB scare us off from the North Pole, there could be some truth to it. But then again, we do need to be wary of stories that we can’t substantiate.
            Hyberborea basically means land of the north, and that IS where are people came from originally. Hyberborean is synonymous with Norse. Norse-North. The people of the North.

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