Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Decoding with Scotland Sean (Part 7) The Philosopher’s Stone

I was helping a friend today with some Truth and whilst sending him information on the Transgender agenda, their Magnum Opus, their Great Alchemical Work, the Rebis etc. I came across this person.

Mary the Jewess.

Considered to be the first true Alchemist of the Western World according to the Wiki

I’ll come back to Mary at the end of the presentation. My friend had sent me a picture of a famous UK couple’s son called Romeo Beckham who is now a model for YSL. The picture had him wearing female heeled boots with the caption ‘Pushing Gender Boundaries’. This was not the first agenda pushing picture I had seen from a member of this family. I recently seen one of his brother Cruz Beckham covering his right eye showing us the LEFT eye of the Dajjal or Anti Christ.

A Playboy with Painted Nails and Heeled Boots

Notice Cruz doing the two finger Dragon of the Cosmos symbolism whilst blanking out the right eye. This is the same symbolism we see on the Baphomet, the Hierophant no. V Tarot Card, Catholic Popes do this, Jesus Christ does this and it is also on the JEWellery of a 33rd Degree Freemason. This is the cover of the popular iD magazine. Every cover shows the same LEFT eye symbolism. If you look at the iD symbol on the top corner of the magazine you will see it is a face showing the right eye scored out and the D representing the Kali tongue. The god of destruction. Also notice the butterfly symbol representing TRANSformation.

Here we have another celebrity son. This is Jaden, son of Will Smith. Like Cruz, Jaden’s hair is dyed pink. Pink is the combination of red (menstrual blood) and white (semen), another way to do the he/she Baphomet. Notice the Devil “horns” directly above his head. He has the loose chain around his neck representing Free Will on the Devil Tarot card and BAD is shown front and center on his T-shirt. BAD as in the SINister path. (Regarding the SINister path, when you look toward the left-hand side, its called SINISTER, and when you look toward the right-hand side, its called DEXTER. Funny how Dexter, is the right-hand path, yet they have made a series about a serial killer named Dexter, left-hand path.)

LV for Louis Vuitton, but also for EL, as in their god (self) and V for Victory. EL VICTORY.

Notice he is facing DEXTER, while looking SINISTER. All by design of course. The hand isn’t his either, but of a WHITE MALE, one of his victims, THEIR victims.

Notice the same hand symbol on the point of the sword of the 33rd Degree JEWel. Also notice the Latin DEUS MEUMQUE JUS. Telling us God has given the wearer of this JEWel the Divine Right to Rule.

All of these male looking celebrities wearing female clothing and accessories are False Idols being used to push the Transgender Agenda. No male, no female, just one neutered gender. De population. Their Magnus Opus, Their GREAT Work. Their Philosopher’s Stone.

And like Romeo, we have Jaden, wearing women’s clothes. Jaden is the face of Louis Vuitton’s women’s line. And the other “women” don’t look like women at all. Blurring that line- the neutered gender as Sean mentioned. Brickwork in the background to represent the Mason’s once again in code.

Notice he is the FACE of the WOMEN’S campaign for LV and in a woman’s skirt.

Here we have Jaden with the black/white duality behind him and doing the devil horns hand sign. Notice his hair, on the white side it is short like a male, on the left side it is long like a girls. And he is covering his left eye here with that hair. Sometimes they will cover the left eye too to confuse. The right eye is the eye they want closed because it represents the right hand path, the good, while the left represents the path of evil and deception. His dress is red AND blue, red represents the right (sun) and blue represents the left (moon), wearing both shows the duality in one, the Baphomet.

Off topic, but while we are speaking on Jaden, you will notice they always pair white women with black males now. Notice the girl on Jaden’s right has a chain on her wrist. Like the Devil Tarot card. And the corner of the purse resembles an eye with an eyelash- one eye, all seeing eye. We see the brickwork once again.

The Philosopher’s Stone symbolizes Perfection and Enlightenment. It is a mythical alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as Mercury into Gold. It is the central symbol of Alchemy and efforts to discover this were known as the Magnus Opus (Great Work).


The original title was The PHILOSOPHER’S Stone.

Here I will show you their Great Work is the coalescing of the Male and Female, the end product being the Transgender, but first I would like to talk about the word Pharmakeia and its symbols.

Hermaphrodite twins from De Hermaphroditorum, 1614

The word PHARMAKEIA is the Greek root word from where we get our words Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacist etc. It’s definition is, the use of Drugs and Medicine, to Charm, Enchant, POISONING, SORCERY, SPELLS and MAGICAL Arts.

From Shakespeare’s Macbeth, ” Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

Here I have a couple of quotes from their Bible (Babel) (By Bull):

Bible~ Babel~ By Bull

Revelation 18:23 ~ For thy MERCHANTS were the great men of the earth; for by thy SORCERIES were all nations DECEIVED.

Revelation 12:19 ~ So the great Dragon was cast out, that SERPENT of old, called the Devil and Satan, who DECEIVES the WHOLE World.

What is the symbol of PHARMACY, MEDICINE and the HEALTH SERVICES? It is a SERPENT.

The Bowl of Hygeia is the most widely recognized international symbol for the profession of Pharmacy. It originates from Greek Mythology. Hygeia was the goddess of Health, Cleanliness and Hygiene. Her name was the source for the word hygiene. She was depicted with a SERPENT around her arm and a bowl in her hand. The symbol we see today shows a bowl containing a medicinal potion with a SERPENT drinking from it.

Bowl of Hygeia Award given to recipients for outstanding services to Pharmacy

This same SERPENT can be seen on the Staff of Aesculapius. A rod with a SERPENT entwined around it. Aesculapius was the father of Hygeia and the Greek god of Medicine and Healing. He was the son of Apollo. This rod is the predominant symbol for Medicine and Health Care.

The symbol of Medicine, the Staff of Aesculapius on The Star of LIFE.

And where else do we find the SERPENT being used as a symbol of Health? The Caduceus, which has two SERPENTS intertwined around a rod like the DNA Double Helix. It is the symbol of the Health Care Industry. This symbol is associated with the Greek god Hermes, the god of MERCHANTS, Financial Gain, TRICKERY, THIEVES and LIARS. He was also a guide to the Underworld.

Hermes holding the Caduceus. Hermes was also known as Mercury

Hermaphroditus was the two-sexed child of Aphrodite and Hermes and had long been a symbol of androgyny or effeminacy, and was portrayed in Greco-Roman art as a female figure with male genitals.

In classical mythology, The nymph Salmacis became infatuated with the handsome youth but Hermaphroditus resisted her advances. When Salmacis forcibly embraced Hermaphroditus she prayed that they never part. The gods granted her wish, and the two became a single being, both male and female. Hermaphroditus thus possessed both male and female sexual characteristics.

The first mention of Hermes and Aphrodite as Hermaphroditus’s parents was by the Greek historianDiodorus Siculus (1st century BC), in his book Bibliotheca historica, book IV, 4.6.5.

Hermaphroditus, as he has been called, who was born of Hermes and Aphrodite and received a name which is a combination of those of both his parents. Some say that this Hermaphroditus is a god and appears at certain times among men, and that he is born with a physical body which is a combination of that of a man and that of a woman, in that he has a body which is beautiful and delicate like that of a woman, but has the masculine quality and vigour of a man. But there are some who declare that such creatures of two sexes are monstrosities, and coming rarely into the world as they do they have the quality of presaging the future, sometimes for evil and sometimes for good.

The only full narration of his myth is that of Ovid‘s MetamorphosesIV.274–388 (8 AD), where the emphasis is on the feminine snares of the lascivious water-nymph Salmacis and her compromising of Hermaphroditus’ erstwhile budding manly strength, detailing his bashfulness and the engrafting of their bodies.

Notice the Horns on Hermaphroditus

Metamorphoses: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one. To TRANSform or change shape.

Did I just say Ovid’s Metamorphoses? Have we not just been under attack from a deadly virus called COVID for the last two and a half years?


The Alchemical Hermaphrodite was shown as the union of the Dragon winged Male King and the Female Queen standing on the Philosopher’s Stone with three Wolf Headed Serpents. And what do we have being held by the King and the Queen? A cup containing three Snakes and a Snake wrapped around the opposite arm.

Alchemical Hermaphrodite with king and queen merging together

And who’s rod in their Bible became a SERPENT? It was Moses. Many statues and pictures of Moses show him with Horns.

Thomas Paine described him as the following in his Age of Reason: ‘Among the detestable villains that in any period of the world have disgraced the name of man, it is impossible to find greater than Moses’.

In Numbers 31 17-18 Moses gave the order to butcher the boys, massacre the mothers and debauch the daughters.

Exodus 7 10-12 ~ Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh and did what the Lord had commanded them. Aaron threw his staff in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a SERPENT. 11 Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and SORCERERS and they- along with the Egyptian magicians- did the same thing with their secret arts. So each one threw down his staff and it became a SERPENT.

Moses pictured with Horns

What deceived EVE in the Garden of Eden in their Bible? It was a SERPENT. Notice how the snake on the tree looks like the Rod of Aesculapius.

What about the Pope who speaks from his Audience Hall at the Vatican? It is shaped like a SERPENT’S head both inside and outside. There are sources that say the word Vatican actually means Divining Serpent.

And if we pan out, we can see that he is inside a SERPENT’s MOUTH. He is standing and preaching from IT.

And if we take a look at the outside of the Pope’s Audience Hall we can see the full building is shaped like a SERPENT’S head.

And many are unaware the full Vatican City is actually a huge crowned SERPENT when viewed from above.

The Vatican City Crowned Serpent. Their symbolism is right in our faces but too big for us to make it out. To hide a great secret hide it in plain sight.

In the centre (The belly of the Serpent) known as St Peters Square we have another symbol of their Great Work, their Philosopher’s Stone, The Transgender. Notice the Vesica Piscis with the Phallic obelisk in the centre. We will keep this for another presentation.

If we now look at the Androgynous Baphomet we see the intertwined SERPENTS on the Genitals just like Hermes’ Caduceus. Notice the words SOLVE (dissolve) and COAGULA (coagulate) on its arms. This means to break down and rebuild again. This is what these SERPENTS are doing to us. Breaking down society, removing the old traditions of Family, Male and Female and rebuilding in THEIR IMAGE of the ANDROGYNE, the HERMAPHRODITE, both MALE and FEMALE combined. Their REBIS.

The Baphomet was worshipped by the Masonic Knights Templer. Eliphas Levi said the Baphomet represented the goal of perfect social order.

The REBIS is the end product of the Alchemical Magnus Opus or Great Work. It is described as the following: After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the Divine Hermaphrodite. Sound familiar? It is exactly what is written on the arms of the Baphomet. Solve and Coagula. Notice the Rebis symbolism. Sol the Red Sun (positive masculine) King merging with Luna (Negative Feminine) the White Moon Queen. They both hold the Masonic Square and Compass. We see the symbols to the left of Mars and Venus again representing the opposites of male and female. In the centre above their heads we see the symbol of Mercury. This is a symbol of androgyny representing both genders at once. They stand on a Dragon that covers their Philosopher’s Stone. a circle within a square, within a triangle, within a circle. Finally notice the 6 pointed stars.

The 4 and the 3 are based on the sides of the square and triangle and when they come together they are 7 the number of completion. Links to their Bible with the 7 days of creation.

Revelation 12:19~ So the GREAT DRAGON was cast out, that SERPENT of old, called the Devil and Satan, who DECEIVES the WHOLE world.

And remember that pic of Jaden Smith I showed you earlier? Sean pointed out that Jaden is actually doing the Rebis here! Notice the male half on his right and the female hair, just like on the Rebis, falling down on his left.

The REBIS image appeared in the work Azoth of the Philosophers in 1613 by the 15th century Alchemist Basil Valentine. AZOTH was believed to be the essential agent of TRANSformation in Alchemy. It is the name given by ancient alchemists to Mercury, the animating spirit hidden in all matter that makes TRANSmutation possible. AZOTH was the name for the ONE THING. The “A” and “Z” in the word relate to the Greek Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things. The word is meant to embrace the full meaning of the One Thing, which is both the chaotic First Matter at the beginning of the Work and the perfected Stone at its conclusion. THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE.

Believed to be the Universal Solvent, Universal Cure, and Elixir of Life, the Azoth is said to embody all medicines, as well as the first principles of all other substances. In the late 16th century PARACELSUS was said to have achieved the Azoth. The symbol for Azoth was the Caduceus. A SERPENT.

Notice the opposites, the male sun and the female moon intertwined by the Caduceus. The Serpent.

If we look to the Jewish Encyclopedia we see that ADAM KADMON known as the first or original man was ANDROGYNOUS. In the Midrash it says the Pharisees taught that Adam was created as a man-woman (Androgyny)
explaining as “male and female” instead of “man and woman,” and that the separation of the sexes arose from the subsequent operation upon Adam’s body. In the Kabbalah the divine archetype of man and woman is known as Adam Kadmon, literally “Primordial Man.” He is the original archetype of man—an ideal conception of man, the first to be created and the model for all FUTURE HUMANITY. Kabbalists describe him as “the concealed shape of the Godhead itself. Adam Kadmon is ANDROGYNOUS; in him the male and female forces are in complete harmony and balance.

Adam Kadmon
Adam Kadmon and the Kabbalah Sefirot

And look what I have come across. KADMON PHARMAceuticals.
A BIOpharmaceutical company. All you need to do is check out their logo.

Kadmon with the DNA Double Helix symbol. The Caduceus. The same symbol we have seen throughout this presentation.

And look at their advertising below. Developing TRANSformative Therapies.

TRANSformative Therapies. I wonder if these guys are involved in mRNA Recombinant Gene Therapy?

Whilst on the topic of Gene Therapy, did you know that many vaccines contain what is known as and WI-38. Both of these come from a White European Fetus. MRC-5 is developed from the Lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Male Fetus. WI-38 is developed from lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation Female Fetus. Both are known as DIPLOID Human Cell Culture Lines. DIPLOID means (of a cell or nucleus) containing two complete sets of CHROMOSOMES, one from each parent. It comes from the Greek Diplous meaning Double. This is a description of the DNA Double Helix. The same symbol we see on the Caduceus and on the organ of the Baphomet and the same symbol we see for Kadmon Pharmaceuticals.

Chromosome and DNA Double Helix formation illustration

The X and Y chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determine the biological sex of an individual: females inherit an X chromosome from the father for an XX genotype, while males inherit a Y chromosome from the father for an XY genotype (mothers only pass on X chromosomes).

If a male having an XY genotype is injected with a vaccine which contains female DNA with XX Chromosomes, is this male receiving an over load of X Chromosomes? Is this why we now see the mass feminization of men? I would say YES. Similarly, if a female is injected with a vaccine which contains male Y Chromosomes is this the reason for masculinity in females? This is their Great Equalizer to bring us together as ONE gender.

Think about the vaccines that are being administered to our children during their stages of growth. They are receiving them when born, during nursery and during schooling until they are adults.

PHARMAKEIA ~ the use of Drugs and Medicine, POISONING, SORCERY, SPELLS and MAGICAL Arts.

We can see what they are doing to us in the language being used. It is right in front of our faces. PHARMA contains the word HARM. It also phonetically sounds like FARMER. They are both Harming and Farming us at the same time. FARMED=PHARMED=HARMED. Just like the word PILL contains the word ILL. They are bringing illness upon us all.



I would like to show you another example of the DNA Double Helix of the Baphomet and it being used as symbolism right in front of our faces to promote two well known Transgenders.

Here is the promotional picture from 1990 of the WILLIAMS brothers at an early age standing with the American President Ronald Reagan who lived at 666 St Cloud Road, Bel Air. (And who is the prince of the airwaves in their Bible?) Notice the DNA Double Helix separated on both T Shirts with what looks like Semen in between. Notice their sacred number 33 being shown on the tennis racquets. Also notice Venus (Lucifer) and Serena (Selene the MOON goddess) doing the V and the Dragon of the Cosmos symbolism with their hands. Above Ronald you will see the word VIERA showing. This means TRUE. It is true they are both Baphomets.

PARACELSUS was known as the Father of Toxicology. His ideas on poison led to the introduction of chemistry into medicine in the sixteenth century. Mercury, lead, arsenic and antimony, poisons to most, were cures in his view. He believed that metals could purify the body thus used MERCURY (Quicksilver) to heal people and killed many. This is why we still find Mercury (Thimerosal) in Vaccines to this very day. He was an Alchemist and Occultist and his writings are full of Astrology and Mysticism. Paracelsus was said to have achieved the AZOTH, the Universal Solvent, Universal Cure, and Elixir of Life. This is where we get the words Paramedic and Paracetamol from.

PARACELSUS was not his real name. It was a name given to him later on and we can see as always by the language being used where it actually came from. Words are developed by transposing (re arranging) or dropping (removing) letters from an existing root word. We can see that his name came from his profession.

The root of his name is actually PHARMA – CELSUS. The H and M were dropped to make the name PARACELSUS. So words like Paramedic and Paracetamol are actually PHARMA – MEDIC and PHARMA – CETAMOL. As shown earlier PHARMA is Witchcraft, Sorcery and Magical Arts. CELSUS means the one who should be increased, high, elevated, noble and superb. The Sorcery is right in our faces as usual as his name actually means High Level Witch or Sorcerer.


Paracelsus was also known to be a Hermaphrodite, although the internet seems to be scrubbed of this fact now. You can see his soft feminine features.

So Alchemy sought to achieve the transmutation of base materials into precious materials; the ultimate goal was the creation of the PHILOSOPHER’S STONE, which alchemists believed could both transform matter into gold and silver and bestow immortality. One of the central tenets of alchemy was the fusing of elements with their opposites, in particular those elements which “adepts” or skilled practitioners designated as “MALE ” and “FEMALE”.

Mary the Jewess, mentioned at the beginning of this presentation, was a shadowy historical figure often identified as Miriam the Prophet, the sister of Moses. Miriam the Prophet is a Biblical woman who was also known by some as Mary the Jewess. Many sources treat them as the same person. She was credited with inventing Chemical Apparatus and for being the first true Alchemist of the WESTERN WORLD. Mary believed that God had given the secret to alchemy exclusively to the HEBREWS (The Jews). She believed that metals had TWO different GENDERS and by joining these TWO GENDERS (Male and Female) together a new entity could be made. By joining the different gendered substances together a unity of substances could be obtained.

It is strange that Mary the Jewess who believed in the joining of the two genders was also known as Miriam. During 2004, UK TV had a dating show called ‘There’s something about Miriam’. 6 male contestants in their twenties were placed in a villa with a woman called Miriam. They were competing to win Miriam’s heart and a cash prize. The winner found out at the end of the series that Miriam was a transgender woman, born with a penis. This was a shocker to everyone and the audience at that time. This was the early days of the Transgender programming. This is how they start their programming on us and have us accept what they show. They use SHOCK TACTICS.

Today, most men would believe Miriam to be a real woman. ‘It is easier to Fool someone, than to convince them they have been fooled’.

The same as they did for Covid. They showed many people dying in the street and lots of graves being dug when it was first shown on the news. The same as they did to commence the continuous removal of White Europeans from Television, Movies, Advertising and our History. They SHOCKED the masses with the staged George Floyd death when they were at a low with all the Covid propaganda, then ramped up the BLM agenda to a frenzy. Mr CHAUVIN (IST) white guy kills George black guy. Remember what I said about the development of words. What does CHAUVINIST mean? It means – a person displaying excessive or prejudiced support for their own cause, group, RACE or sex. They dropped the IST to create the name for the staged event. They ALWAYS tell us to our faces we just need to open up our eyes and see what is right in front of them.

I would like to sum this up from a quote by 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P Hall from his book ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’. Here he explains that the Azoth is related to the Ain Soph (ultimate substance) of the Kabbalah.

“The universe is surrounded by the sphere of light or stars. Beyond that sphere is Schamayim, the Hebrew word for ‘heaven’, who is the Divine Fiery Water, the first outflow of the Word of God, the flaming river pouring from the presence of the eternal mind. Schamayim, who is this fiery ANDROGYNE, divides. His Fire becomes Solar fire and his Water becomes Lunar water in our universe. Schamayim is the Universal MERCURY or AZOTH—the measureless spirit of life. That original spiritual fiery water comes through Edem (“vapor” in Hebrew) and pours itself into the four main rivers of the four Elements. This comprises the River of Living Water—the AZOTH—or fiery mercurial essence, that flows out from the throne of God and Lamb. In this Edem (vaporous essence or mist) is the first or spiritual Earth, the incomprehensible and intangible dust out of which God formed ADAM KADMON, the spiritual body of man, which MUST become fully revealed through time.”


Notice the All Seeing Eye in the Star of David

Sean covered everything really well but I just wanted to add a little more on the subject.

They are going from COVERT to OVERT with their Transgender agenda now. Putting these people in our faces. Like in the Olympics with Semenya. Notice SEMEN in his/her name.


Caster Semenya of South Africa

And here we have another transgender Olympian, CeCe Telfer, also competing in women’s running competitions. CeCe is for 33. C being the third letter of the alphabet, and when you put two of them together you get the Masonic 33. The last name, Telfer, means “a strong man in Old French”. So hidden once again in plain sight, a Mason’s MAN.

Raven, a bird of the night, and like the Crow is associated with Aleister Crowley~ CROW-Lee.


CeCe Telfer of Jamaica

Here CeCe is sporting a butterfly on his/her dress. As Sean mentioned the butterfly symbolizes transformation. From male to female, both in one body.

And we have Sha’Carri RichardSON here sporting her Masonic Orange hair. Orange is the only color that adds up to 33 in numerology, so they LOVE using orange. SON of Richard, because Sha’Carri was born a MAN.

SHA’ CARRI RICHARDson~ son as in MAN

Here we have Sha’Carri Richardson representing the US.

It should be very apparent looking at the masculine lines of the skull as well as the UPward V shape of the body; with wider shoulders than hips. A true woman is built the opposite, with wider hips and smaller shoulders.

US sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson

Recently Richardson got a tattoo and said of it, “The dragon is misunderstood, it’s seen as evil and destructive and everything. But the meaning of my dragon is fortune, authority, and good luck.” It’s also seen as the Serpent, another form of the devil. She also mentioned that some of her critics called her COCKY. I wonder why? Luck for LUCKIfer, Lucifer.

Notice its on her/his LEFT arm, representing the SINister path. And her hair is PINK, just like Cruz Beckham’s and Jaden Smith’s.

And from a few days ago. Sydney (SIDNEY) McLaughlin SHATTERS 400m WOMAN’S Hurdles Record to win Gold. I wonder how she shattered this woman’s record. Is it because once again they are telling us truth in plain sight with the language being used. SIDNEY is a boys name and McLaughlin means Son of the NorseMAN. They always let us know through the language. ALWAYS. If you look into human biological and physical characteristics you will notice the markers on these people and be able to see them for what they are straight away. Transgenders.


Is he/she Mc Lovin it? He/She is definitely Mc Laughing at us.
Robbing this medal from a REAL Woman that would have earned it.
Is there anything NORSE about this MAN? I don’t think so.

Quick note: You know how they keep pushing the pronouns THEY/THEM? Why? Because they want us to think in terms of TWO genders in the SAME BODY. THEY instead of he/she. THEM instead of her/him. They would be the personal pronoun for the Baphomet PAIR of Celsus, Hermaphrodite, Philosopher’s Stone.

And an additional thought about this Mary… I’m sure you all made the association with THE Mary. I know Sean said that THEY associate her with Moses’ sister, but the most famous Mary would be Mary, Mother of Jesus.

If we look at Mary the Alchemist and Mary, Mother of Jesus we note similarities. Both were Jews. And both were made up stories. One founded Alchemy, the transformation of one matter into another, while the other, transformed one matter (a man) into another (a god). Now BOTH of these are NOT known in nature and nature is GOD’s WORKS. So these transformations would be against Nature, against God.

She is always on the Moon because she represents Isis. And that is why the Mason’s call themselves the Widow’s Sons. Isis was the widow of Osiris.

Through Alchemy, they tried to make a Homunculus. Man created life, Man becoming God. Mary supposedly created a life without the sperm of a man as is natural in nature, so again Man creating life. Jesus would be Mary’s Homunculus.

ALchemy means god with a little g, transformation. THEM becoming gods. That is exactly what they are trying to do today. Trying to become gods over the whole world.


Over the WHOle world. The WHO, World Health Organization also ties in with our topic on Pharmakeia. Sound out the word, WHO, it is phonetically the same as HU, which is the first part of HUman. HUman is the spirit/matter connection Sean mentioned. HU is spirit or Heaven, the divine connection and is represented by 3, MAN is matter or Earth and is represented by 4. So together we get the spirit and matter connection. We start out as a seed/matter and with God’s breath/spirit we become born. The compass, which makes a triangle shape, is also represented by 3, and the square is of course 4. So how is the WHO connected? Because THEY want to become gods with a little g. And rule Earth as they please. So they want to become HU-God, BUT rather WHO-man god. Because when you say Who? You are asking about a man, not God. Does that make sense?



Their snake on a Flat Earth with the Roman leaves of the Vatican surrounding it.

A friend mentioned the drug company HUMANA. Coincidence? HU- God and MANNA, their drug for us. Will WE be a Humana once we take the jab and it affects our DNA? Human A. Instead of God’s creation- the human. A variant of human. One that can be patented and changed- transformed.

Here with the logo of winged Mercury running.

So this would tell us that HUMANA, Human with an A at the end, (because they do the inverse), means WITHOUT HUMAN, Absence of Human.

And here is their newest logo, if you draw straight lines from every other petal you will make a Star of David. Notice too the petals form 6’s, so you get your 666.

And besides the Covid variant, we had OMICRON, which is an anagram for MORONIC. They see us as MORONS, like in Brave New World. The Morons were the Epsilons, the lowest caste, who did the most menial work. Isn’t it ironic that people that believe in the virus are given the MORONIC shot?


And what about the MONKEY POX virus? For starters, what it actually is, is an allergic reaction to the shot. Just like some people get when they get a dose of Penicillin. They break out in a red itchy rash- SAME THING! They use MONKEY, because one, they want to reinforce the “we came from apes” BS programming, two because they worship the moon, the moon eye (MONEY) the moon key. It is them laughing at us some more.


White girl with a chimp. Are we surprised? Notice they are both doing the one eye.

And breaking news! The WHO just declared Monkey Pox as a global health emergency! Are we surprised? No. We knew this was coming. They will not stop with this programming now, not until they rule the world 100%.

And three, ROMEO Beckham would say, “a pox on both your houses” which is a variation on “a plague on both your houses” in Romeo and Juliet. BOTH houses were cursed. They love to curse us, spell castings etc. So this is a way to curse us all the more.

Before we wrap this up I did want to mention one other thing I noticed, there is a connection between The Philosopher’s STONE and the Georgia Guide STONES. Sean was mentioning Thomas Paine earlier and we know that on one of the Guide STONES Paine’s call for an AGE OF REASON was written on it and then they blew it up. Paine was a NATURAL PHILOSOPHER while THEY are PHILOSOPHER STONES– unnatural.


Remember that they use the name Stone (Stein) for themselves. Houston we have a problem! Houston- HEW STONE. The Stone HEWERS are the Stone MASONS. And the top of their Pyramid are the same people poisoning us with their Pharmakeia.

Tom Hanks, one of the biggest Masonic Shills. Remember that HE was the first celebrity to get COVID?

We know that the Philosopher Stone’s ultimate goal is to change Man OUT of God’s image into something totally else. Into something THEY control 100%. Paine’s philosophy was to be kind to one another and leave nature be. To observe God’s works (nature) and let it guide us in our lives.

All born male. Notice behind Will’s left side the word IT. Telling us what they are now. By the way, Will Smith’s name is for: Will- Do as Thou Will and Smith- for the Blacksmith’s the Masons.

They DESTROY nature. And how many of THEM do you ever see farming? They are NOT the FARMERS, they are the PHARMERS, the HARMERS. The signs are there. We just have to observe and use reason to figure everything out.


Here’s the YouTube version:

And here’s the Bitchute version:

Posted in: Decoding with Scotland Sean Language and Symbolism

3 responses on “Decoding with Scotland Sean (Part 7) The Philosopher’s Stone

  1. Mel

    Greetings Kat,

    I just wanted to thank you for taking your time, effort and energy into these productions. I have recently come across your work, starting with Flat Earth Decoded and loved your series. Ive enjoyed exploring ideas Ive had and recieving new information and perspective I did not have prior. I had heard of the OLB before but it never had an opportunity to explore in any detail. Again your efforts have been much appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Kat the Fryan

      Hey Mel,
      Greetings. You are most welcome. I’ve been writing these articles and making videos from them since 2015 and am getting a little burnt out to be frank. But when people like you tell me they appreciate my work and learn from it, it spurs me on to make more. I am finishing up reading the book by William Gayley Simpson called Which Way Western Man? that I will be doing a presentation on. Some of my views aren’t popular but the reason I still share them is I believe them to be the truth. My views are adjusted with each epiphany I have. So if you’ve watched my series you should be aware of this. Of course my latest work would be my current views. I do hope you study the OLB thoroughly since it really is the Fryan “foundation stone” in my opinion. William R. Sandbach translated it from the Dutch to the English and he first tells WHY he believes it to be authentic. I agree with him wholeheartedly. Please also read Alwyn J. Raubenheimer’s excellent work titled Chronicles of Pre-Celtic Europe where he verifies the authenticity of the OLB in an entire book. His work is phenomenal and I only wish I had a chance to talk to him before he passed away.
      Here is a link to a pdf version of the OLB: https://ia902804.us.archive.org/3/items/oeralindabookfr00ottegoog/oeralindabookfr00ottegoog.pdf
      and here is a link to our reading of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdPjnVunTQw
      and finally here is a link where you can purchase Raubenheimer’s excellent work: https://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-pre-Celtic-Europe-Survivors-Tsunami/dp/1496168771/ref=rvi_sccl_35/142-5261716-9848636?pd_rd_w=sDFH4&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=9XS2GQ030TGFK66KFBP5&pd_rd_wg=eLBtd&pd_rd_r=cf3237bb-952d-4246-819f-20283df696c0&pd_rd_i=1496168771&psc=1
      Amazon makes it hard to find his book on their website! Just an FYI, Raubenheimer does have the OLB written in the back of his book so you don’t have to buy the OLB separately if money is an issue.
      Anyway, hope that helps you on your awakening journey.
      All the best, Kat

  2. Lilly

    Wonderful information, thank you for sharing these insights. Something interesting, in Persian the word for someone who is ill is ‘bimar’, (bi = without) (mar = snake).

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