Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Flat Earth Decoded (Part 9) North Pole, Atlantis and the Oera Linda Book

We’ve come a long way on the quest for truth since my original Flat Earth Decoded and when you think there isn’t much more to learn, something comes along that rocks your world…

in a good way.

Matthew 7~ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

For me this has been the Oera Linda book.

Now this book has been attacked since it was first discovered. If it really was a fake why make so much fuss about it?

If you do a YouTube search on the subject you’ll find this discussion. What I found strange about it is this guy with the black hat. Is he a minder? A handler? Making sure they say exactly what he wants? What tribe is he from?

“A Fantastic fake story. A joke.” says the joker in the glasses.

Why is it so important to suppress this book? Because when we KNOW who we ARE we become FREE. They can’t have that. To stay in control we have to be kept in the dark.

“An Age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it.” ~ James A. Michener

Don’t refuse.

Keep an open mind and listen to what I am about to tell you.

Alewyn J. Raubenheimer, in his book Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe (Survivors of the Great Tsunami) has done an extensive study and research on the Oera Linda book and has come to the conclusion that indeed this book is authentic. He states, “The book proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Oera Linda Manuscript discovered in the Netherlands during the Mid-19th century is authentic and indeed the oldest writing on European Pre-History. This captivating manuscript shows that the West European Civilization pre-dates Greek and Roman Societies by millennia and that many milestones which were previously attributed to the Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Egyptians and others should, in fact, be accredited to North-West Europe.”

We will see proof in this amazing manuscript of how advanced the North-Western Europeans really were in the ancient past. And surprisingly to some, they were MONOtheists- long before the Bible was written. We will see too where the ORIGINAL Heimat (homeland) of the North-Western Europeans was. And WHY it is so hard to find evidence of this truly astounding fact in literature and artifacts from the past.

Not only that but we will see who really were the civilization builders as I have been discussing in previous parts, now being confirmed all the more. And more proof of the connection between Noah’s flood and Atlantis. The truth comes easy and connects all the pieces of the puzzle.

The Oera Linda manuscript first came to light in 1867 by Cornelis Over de Linden (1811–1874) who had inherited the book from his Aunt. He was told that it was the history of his people, written down, generation after generation to preserve their history. You will see that many natural calamity’s befell the Fryans and so destroyed many of their writings. They would also preserve their laws on the town walls for all to see, however, they were inundated by major flooding from the sea which wiped out these towns and their walls.

In addition they didn’t believe in making idols of God and so we can’t find remnants of their religious practices.

Also there are missing sections of the book that most likely were removed by Liko ovira Linda (there were variations on the spelling of the name Oera Linda, through the generations) because his time, 803 A.D., was not long after 785 A.D., in which the fanatical Charles the Great issued a legal code called the Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae, “which included the death sentence for any Saxon who refused to convert from their native Germanic paganism to Christianity.” Note that what the German’s believed was in line with true Christianity and that Charles’ version of Christianity was in line with true paganism. So we have classic double speak here. Calling white black and black white.

To protect his family Liko most likely destroyed any offending portions in the Writings of Beden and at the end of the book, on the Roman Catholic church. That is why it stops so abruptly.

Oera Linda~ AD 1256

Okke my Son, You must preserve these books with body and soul. They contain the history of all our people, as well as of our forefathers. Last year I saved them in the flood, as well as you and your mother; but they got wet, and therefore began to perish. In order not to lose them, I copied them on foreign paper.

In case you inherit them, you must copy them likewise, and your children must do so too, so that they may never be lost.

Written at Liuwert, in the three thousand four hundred and forty-ninth year after Atland was submerged—that is, according to the Christian reckoning, the year 1256. Hiddo, surnamed Over de Linda.—Watch.

Note that 3449 minus 1256 brings us to 2193 B.C. the same time of Noah’s Flood.


AD 803

Beloved successors, for the sake of our dear forefathers, and of our dear liberty, I entreat you a thousand times never let the eye of a monk look on these writings. They are very insinuating, but they destroy in an underhand manner all that relates to us Frisians. In order to gain rich benefices, they conspire with foreign kings, who know that we are their greatest enemies, because we dare to speak to their people of liberty, rights, and the duties of princes. Therefore they seek to destroy all that we derive from our forefathers, and all that is left of our old customs.

Ah, my beloved ones! I have visited their courts! If Wr-alda permits it, and we do not shew ourselves strong to resist, they will altogether exterminate us.


Written at Liudwert,
Anno Domini

Note that Fryans were the biggest threat to the church because they were a FREE people, they had the Christ within themselves and didn’t need an external source (The Church/State) to rule over them. They had a DIRECT relationship with God.

Raubenheimer mentions, and I wholeheartedly agree that, “for centuries historians believed that European civilization evolved from the ancient Egyptians, Akkadians, Sumerians, Assyrians, Phoenicians and, lastly, the Babylonians and Persians…. Why did they avoid the the forests and fertile plains of Europe? Did they know something that we did not? Is it not conceivable that some other civilized people, or at least an advanced culture, already held title deeds to Central-, Western- and Northern Europe and, equally important, the means to retain such possession?… Is it not time we consider the possibility that our civilization actually originated and developed in Europe and, more precisely, in Western Europe and NOT ELSEWHERE ON EARTH?”

I thought for a time that maybe we did originate in the area of Palestine, and that the land was different then, lush and fertile, and that the land of Northern Europe was under a layer of ice, and that is why no one inhabited it. BUT from these writings it does appear we WERE there all along and it makes much more sense since God created us to live in particular zoological zones. So that fair haired, fair eyes and fair skinned people would be made for a climate where the sun is not so strong would make perfect sense.

And despite many efforts to prove the Oera Linda book a hoax, NONE OF THE HISTORICAL FACTS MENTIONED IN THE BOOK HAVE EVER BEEN PROVEN WRONG.

He further states, “Perhaps one of the most startling revelations in the Oera Linda book comes from the graphic description of a cataclysmic natural disaster in 2193 B.C. The catastrophe virtually destroyed an advanced monotheistic and democratic maritime civilization in Western and Northern Europe. This is PRECISELY what scientists are now concluding for several countries from Asia, through the Mediterranean to the North Sea and beyond. What is equally remarkable is that the book gives exact dates and accurately describes a number of other important historical events. Some of these were only verified in the late 20th and early 21st centuries by archaeologists and advanced dating methods.”

This date is rounded to 2200 B.C. Is this another reason why our enemies use the 22? They use 33 for the age of Christ when they killed him. They use 22 for the year our white civilization was first destroyed. Will the year 2022 be used by them to destroy us once again?

This date is substantiated by modern scientists in reference to a 4.2 ka BP Event (4200 years before present) “which denotes a global event defined by severe and rapid climate change.” Whole civilizations collapsed from Egypt to Turkey to India to the Far East.

This date also appears in the Frisian Volksalmanak or National Calendar, as the date of Noah’s Flood.

So there are times when the earth DOES go through climate change, but its NOT MANmade as the Luciferians would have us think. It is due to natural forces that one can only attribute to God.

In addition, there was a world-wide flood in the known world at that time, and the flood affected all coastal towns and cities. It didn’t affect lands farther inland by flood, so from this we know the whole world wasn’t under water, but just the coastal areas. That particular land or Eretz, as it says in the Bible. That land included the Fryans native homeland of Atland, or Atlantis, and was most likely the place that Noah fled from.

So yes, that would make Noah a Fryan. So what WAS a Fryan? Well Fryan means FREE people. People that are not enslaved. The Fryans are the white people. If you switch out the F in Fryan with an A you get ARYAN. The Fryans were the Aryans.



Just like if you switch out the U in CURIST with an H you get CHRIST. Both relate to Christ, both relate to Fryans.


The Oera Linda tells us of the other two primary races as well, Finda’s people and Lyda’s people, but we’ll get into that in a bit.

European Disaster~ How the Bad Times Came

During the whole summer the sun had been hid behind the clouds, as if unwilling to look upon the earth. There was perpetual calm, and the damp mist hung like a wet sail over the houses and the marshes. The air was heavy and oppressive, and in men’s hearts was neither joy nor cheerfulness. In the midst of this stillness the earth began to tremble as if she was dying. The mountains opened to vomit forth fire and flames. Some sank into the bosom of the earth, and in other places mountains rose out of the plain. Aldland, called by the seafaring people, Atland, disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over hill and dale that everything was buried in the sea. Many people were swallowed up by the earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the water.

It was not only in Finda’s land that the earth vomited fire, but also in Twiskland (Germany). Whole forests were burned one after the other, and when the wind blew from that quarter our land was covered with ashes. Rivers changed their course, and at their mouths new islands were formed of sand and drift.

During three years this continued, but at length it ceased, and forests became visible. Many countries were submerged, and in other places land rose above the sea, and the wood was destroyed through the half of Twiskland. Troops of Finda’s people came and settled in the empty places. Our dispersed people were exterminated or made slaves. Then watchfulness was doubly impressed upon us, and time taught us that union is force.

So the Oera Linda book is telling us that this natural disaster took place all over Frya’s land. Frya’s land covered all of North-Western Europe from Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, down into France, Switzerland, Austria and Northern Italy. All the coastal areas of the Mediterranean were affected by the Great Flood as well as lands farther inland that today we call the Middle East.

From this disaster the ORIGINAL homeland of the Fryan people sunk into the sea. Noah was warned ahead of time and made his escape. He ended up going through the Straits of Gibraltar (but at that time with the severe flooding this area was very wide and so he couldn’t see land on either side) and ended up at the far eastern end of the Mediterranean on Mount Ararat in Turkey.

Notice some land sunk (Atlantis) and some lands rose (the area of the Suez Canal used to have natural access to the Indian Ocean). Mountains were formed, lakes were made, the topography changed. These earth changes went on for approximately three years until finally ending. This cause much displacement in the lands.

Also notice the last sentence, “Then watchfulness was doubly impressed upon us, and time taught us that union is force.” Union is FORCE. A bundle of sticks, a Fasci is a union of force. They knew that banding together as a people protected them and gave them strength. The enemies of our people know this and use FORCE OF WILL against us.

They always mirror the good, us, and use it for bad. That is why they use the mirror symbolism in their codings and also the double headed Janus.

(Just a quick note here too, I know that many of you think Fascism is a bad thing. That it is just the opposite side of the same coin with Communism, and that’s NOT true. Here is a link for an interview I did with the Fascifist on that topic.)


And even the author of Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe doesn’t see the Fryan’s government for what it really was. He states, “The Fryan Federation seems to have had some form of Social Democracy. They opposed inequality, oppression, poverty and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. They had a centralized planned economy and community of goods and property.” What he is describing is a Fascist system. Where the community as a whole is more important than the individual. The exact opposite of Capitalism. This is the system used in Hitler’s Germany that made the country thrive while the rest of the world was suffering in the Great Depression.

Dr. Timo Niroma also provides evidence of this natural disaster affecting the Middle East Dynasty of Ur, he states, “The Third Dynasty of Ur was the last attempt to revive Sumer, after a chaos of 100 years beginning with the destruction of Akkadian Sumer around 2200 B.C. During the Akkadian period, wheat was the most important cereal and its share of the harvest was about 20%. During the years 2200- 2100 B.C. the saltiness of the soil rose markedly, possibly because of sea floods and, after them, because of the following dryness that evaporated the water leaving the salt behind. In the northern Mesopotamia, the wheat share dropped to 2% and in the southern part to zero. This change seems to coincide with the period when there was no central authority.” He further states, ” Mesopotamia and other…places were not the only victims of the 2200 B.C. event. As far away as in China, the Hongsan culture fell in pieces at this same time. This, if not anything else, is an indication of the mighty character of the event, and bolster us to consider it as GLOBAL.”

In the Bible it states in Genesis 7 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

Water from below and water from above.

And from the verse, “the second month, the seventeenth day, Raubenheimer figured out this would have been Wednesday, October 21 of the year 2193 B.C.

To the day! Isn’t that amazing?

If we go back to their system of government, not only was it Fascist but citizenship was defined by BLOOD and NOT by where you were born. So unlike the US, if you are born on American soil you are a citizen, which was not the intention of the Founding Fathers by they way, but I digress, to be a Fryan you had to have had pure Fryan parents. So even though the time was pre-Biblical you can see that they followed God’s rule on miscegenation. It was not allowed. If a Fryan wanted to marry outside of their race they could, but they would be banned from the community forever.

BLOOD is everything.

This Is Our Earliest History

Wr-alda, who alone is eternal and good, made the beginning. Then commenced time. Time wrought all things, even the earth. The earth bore grass, herbs, and trees, all useful and all noxious animals. All that is good and useful she brought forth by day, and all that is bad and injurious by night.

After the twelfth Juulfeest she brought forth three maidens:—

Lyda out of fierce heat.

Finda out of strong heat.

Frya out of moderate heat.

When the last came into existence, Wr-alda breathed his spirit upon her in order that men might be bound to him. As soon as they were full grown they took pleasure and delight in the visions of Wr-alda.

Hatred found its way among them.

They each bore twelve sons and twelve daughters—at every Juul-time a couple. Thence come all mankind.

Lyda was black, with hair curled like a lamb’s; her eyes shone like stars, and shot out glances like those of a bird of prey.

Lyda was acute. She could hear a snake glide, and could smell a fish in the water.

Lyda was strong and nimble. She could bend a large tree, yet when she walked she did not bruise a flower-stalk.

Lyda was violent. Her voice was loud, and when she screamed in anger every creature quailed.

Wonderful Lyda! She had no regard for laws; her actions were governed by her passions. To help the weak she would kill the strong, and when she had done it she would weep by their bodies.

Poor Lyda! She turned grey by her mad behaviour, and at last she died heart-broken by the wickedness of her children. Foolish children! They accused each other of their mother’s death. They howled and fought like wolves, and while they did this the birds devoured the corpse. Who can refrain from tears at such a recital?

Finda was yellow, and her hair was like the mane of a horse. She could not bend a tree, but where Lyda killed one lion she killed ten.

Finda was seductive. Her voice was sweeter than any bird’s. Her eyes were alluring and enticing, but whoever looked upon them became her slave.

Finda was unreasonable. She wrote thousands of laws, but she never obeyed one. She despised the frankness of the good, and gave herself up to flatterers.

That was her misfortune. Her head was too full, but her heart was too vain. She loved nobody but herself, and she wished that all should love her.

False Finda! Honey-sweet were her words, but those who trusted them found sorrow at hand.

Selfish Finda! She wished to rule everybody, and her sons were like her. They made their sisters serve them, and they slew each other for the mastery.

Treacherous Finda! One wrong word would irritate her, and the cruelest deeds did not affect her. If she saw a lizard swallow a spider, she shuddered; but if she saw her children kill a Frisian, her bosom swelled with pleasure.

Unfortunate Finda! She died in the bloom of her age, and the mode of her death is unknown.

Hypocritical children! Her corpse was buried under a costly stone, pompous inscriptions were written on it, and loud lamentations were heard at it, but in private not a tear was shed.

Despicable people! The laws that Finda established were written on golden tables, but the object for which they were made was never attained. The good laws were abolished, and selfishness instituted bad ones in their place. O Finda! then the earth overflowed with blood, and your children were mown down like grass. Yes, Finda! those were the fruits of your vanity. Look down from your watch-star and weep.

Frya was white like the snow at sunrise, and the blue of her eyes vied with the rainbow.

Beautiful Frya! Like the rays of the sun shone the locks of her hair, which were as fine as spiders’ webs.

Clever Frya! When she opened her lips the birds ceased to sing and the leaves to quiver.

Powerful Frya! At the glance of her eye the lion lay down at her feet and the adder withheld his poison.

Pure Frya! Her food was honey, and her beverage was dew gathered from the cups of the flowers.

Sensible Frya! The first lesson that she taught her children was self-control, and the second was the love of virtue; and when they were grown she taught them the value of liberty; for she said, “Without liberty all other virtues serve to make you slaves, and to disgrace your origin.”

Generous Frya! She never allowed metal to be dug from the earth for her own benefit, but when she did it it was for the general use.

Most happy Frya! Like the starry host in the firmament, her children clustered around her.

Wise Frya! When she had seen her children reach the seventh generation, she summoned them all to Flyland, and there gave them her Tex, saying, “Let this be your guide, and it can never go ill with you.”

Exalted Frya! When she had thus spoken the earth shook like the sea of Wr-alda. The ground of Flyland sunk beneath her feet, the air was dimmed by tears, and when they looked for their mother she was already risen to her watching star; then at length thunder burst from the clouds, and the lightning wrote upon the firmament “Watch!”

Far-seeing Frya! The land from which she had risen was now a stream, and except her Tex all that was in it was overwhelmed.

Obedient children! When they came to themselves again, they made this high mound and built this citadel upon it, and on the walls they wrote the Tex, and that every one should be able to find it they called the land about it Texland. Therefore it shall remain as long as the earth shall be the earth.

So we can see that the Fryan’s believed there was one God that created everything. He created all of the Flora and Fauna and every living thing on earth- including all humans. That the humans started as three distinct races. The first to arrive was Lyda, which were the black people, the second was Finda, which were the Asians, and the third Frya, which was the mother of all white people.

This account coincides with the Archaeological records putting blacks at around 40,000 years old, Asians around 20,000 and Whites at 8,000.

Now this also goes along quite well with the Creation story in the Bible before the Bible even existed. Just like in the Bible Adam and Eve came last and were the progenitors of the white race.

If we read this part of the story again,

When the last came into existence, Wr-alda breathed his spirit upon her in order that men might be bound to him. As soon as they were full grown they took pleasure and delight in the visions of Wr-alda.

We can see he only released his breath on the LAST who came into existence, Frya’s people, and that it was so “men might be bound to him”. WE are the only ones given the Law. The Fryans knew this way before the Bible was written. WE are the only ones bound to him. A peculiar people.

Also we can see how this story does not fit with the Hidden Hand’s universalist agenda. We were NOT born of one mother- Eve and we were NOT born of one mother- Noah’s wife. We have always been separate seeds- three mothers. And just like in nature, kind after kind. We are meant to be with our kind, not miscegenate.

Genesis 124 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

So a natural question here should be, if we are of Frya, where does Adam and Eve come in? I can only speculate that Eve IS Frya. Another name for her. So then who would be Adam? Frya’s mate was Odin. So Odin is Adam and Frya is Eve. If you look at the names you can see how close they appear and sound phonetically.



When it comes to religion the Fryans were MONOtheists. And this was from 3000 years before Noah’s flood. Finda’s and Lyda’s people were POLYtheists, believing in many gods. In fact, they were the ones who made some of Fryan’s leaders INTO Gods. For example, Minerva. She was a Burghmatron, a keeper of the morals for her citadel, that had to flee Frisia when she got into a dispute with Kalta, who was a Burghmatron from another village. Well Minerva and her people sailed in ships down through the Straits of Gibraltar looking for a new home. They ended up picking what today is known as Athens, Greece with its natural harbors and desolate landscape. The people in the area welcomed them and benefited greatly from their inventions and Minerva’s wisdom. So much so that when Minerva died they erected idols in her image and made her a goddess. Now the Fryans were opposed to this, they did not believe in idolatry and said that Minerva, although wise and kind, was a mere mortal and should not be worshiped.

They believed in ONE PRIME CREATOR from the very beginning.

Wralda the Creator

We can clearly see the word WORLD is from the word WRALDA.


Hail to all the well-intentioned children of Frya! Through them the earth shall become holy. Learn and announce to the people Wr-alda is the ancient of ancients, for he created all things. Wr-alda is all in all, for he is eternal and everlasting. Wr-alda is omnipresent but invisible, and therefore is called a spirit. All that we can see of him are the created beings who come to life through him and go again, because from Wr-alda all things proceed and return to him. Wr-alda is the beginning and the end. Wr-alda is the only almighty being, because from him all other strength comes, and returns to him. Therefore he alone is the creator, and nothing exists without him. Wr-alda established eternal principles, upon which the laws of creation were founded, and no good laws could stand on any other foundation. But although everything is derived from Wr-alda, the wickedness of men does not come from him. Wickedness comes from heaviness, carelessness, and stupidity; therefore they may well be injurious to men, but never to Wr-alda. Wr-alda is wisdom, and the laws that he has made are the books from which we learn, nor is any wisdom to be found or gathered but in them. Men may see a great deal, but Wr-alda sees everything. Men can learn a great deal, but Wr-alda knows everything. Men can discover much, but to Wr-alda everything is open. Mankind are male and female, but Wr-alda created both. Mankind love and hate, but Wr-alda alone is just. Therefore Wr-alda is good, and there is no good without him. In the progress of time all creation alters and changes, but goodness alone is unalterable; and since Wr-alda is good, he cannot change. As he endures, he alone exists; everything else is show.

Wralda created everything. He alone is the Creator, the beginning and the end. Just like it states in the Bible.

Revelation 22
13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

It talks about wickedness and that it comes from, “heaviness, carelessness, and stupidity.” Notice it does NOT say there is a separate seed made by the Devil and that wickedness is outside of man as some have us believe. Wickedness are slovenly traits WITHIN us. WE are responsible for our actions. WE are responsible for the condition of the world as it is today.

The Second Part of the Oldest Doctrine.

Among Finda’s people there are false teachers, who, by their over-inventiveness, have become so wicked that they make themselves and their adherents believe that they are the best part of Wr-alda, that their spirit is the best part of Wr-alda’s spirit, and that Wr-alda can only think by the help of their brains.

That every creature is a part of Wr-alda’s eternal being, that they have stolen from us; but their false reasoning and ungovernable pride have brought them on the road to ruin. If their spirit was Wr-alda’s spirit, then Wr-alda would be very stupid, instead of being sensible and wise; for their spirit labours to create beautiful statues, which they afterwards worship. Finda’s people are a wicked people, for although they presumptuously pretend among themselves that they are gods, they proclaim the unconsecrated false gods, and declare everywhere that these idols created the world and all that therein is—greedy idols, full of envy and anger, who desire to be served and honoured by the people, and who exact bloody sacrifices and rich offerings; but these presumptuous and false men, who call themselves God’s servants and priests, receive and collect everything in the name of the idols that have no real existence, for their own benefit.

They do all this with an easy conscience, as they think themselves gods not answerable to any one. If there are some who discover their tricks and expose them, they hand them over to the executioners to be burnt for their calumnies, with solemn ceremonies in honour of the false gods; but really in order to save themselves. In order that our children may be protected against their idolatrous doctrine, the duty of the maidens is to make them learn by heart the following: Wr-alda existed before all things, and will endure after all things. Wr-alda is also eternal and everlasting, therefore nothing exists without him. From Wr-alda’s life sprang time and all living things, and his life takes away time and every other thing. These things must be made clear and manifest in every way, so that they can be made clear and comprehensible to all. When we have learned thus much, then we say further: In what regards our existence, we are a part of Wr-alda’s everlasting being, like the existence of all created beings; but as regards our form, our qualities, our spirit, and all our thoughts, these do not belong to the being. All these are passing things which appear through Wr-alda’s life, and which appear through his wisdom, and not otherwise; but whereas his life is continually progressing, nothing can remain stationary, therefore all created things change their locality, their form, and their thoughts. So neither the earth nor any other created object can say, I am; but rather, I was. So no man can say, I think; but rather, I thought. The boy is greater and different from the child; he has different desires, inclinations, and thoughts. The man and father feels and thinks differently from the boy, the old man just the same. Everybody knows that. Besides, everybody knows and must acknowledge that he is now changing, that he changes every minute even while he says, I am, and that his thoughts change even while he says, I think. Instead, then, of imitating Finda’s wicked people, and saying, I am the best part of Wr-alda, and through us alone he can think, we proclaim everywhere where it is necessary, We, Frya’s children, exist through Wr-alda’s life—in the beginning mean and base, but always advancing towards perfection without ever attaining the excellence of Wr-alda himself. Our spirit is not Wr-alda’s spirit, it is merely a shadow of it. When Wr-alda created us, he lent us his wisdom, brains, organs, memory, and many other good qualities. By this means we are able to contemplate his creatures and his laws; by this means we can learn and can speak of them always, and only for our own benefit. If Wr-alda had given us no organs, we should have known nothing, and been more irrational than a piece of sea-weed driven up and down by the ebb and flood.

So we can see they were not part of Wralda but created by Him. That he alone is the I AM. Since we are changing every second until our death, while God is never changing.

Exodus 3
14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.

The True Story of Wodin

Not to be related to Odin, who was Frya’s husband. Wodin was born many many generations later and you will see has quite a different character than Odin/Adam. Two very separate people. Here is Wodin’s story.

The Waraburgt is not a maiden’s city, but the place where all the foreign articles brought by sailors were stored. It lies three hours south from Medeasblik.

Thus is the Preface.

Hills, bow your heads; weep, ye streams and clouds. Yes. Schoonland (Scandinavia) blushes, an enslaved people tramples on your garment, O Frya.

This is the History.

One hundred and one years after the submersion of Aldland a people came out of the East. That people was driven by another. Behind us, in Twiskland (Germany), they fell into disputes, divided into two parties, and each went its own way. Of the one no account has come to us, but the other came in the back of our Schoonland, which was thinly inhabited, particularly the upper part. Therefore they were able to take possession of it without contest, and as they did no other harm, we would not make war about it. Now that we have learned to know them, we will describe their customs, and after that how matters went between us. They were not wild people, like most of Finda’s race; but, like the Egyptians, they have priests and also statues in their churches. The priests are the only rulers; they call themselves Magyars, and their headman Magy. He is high priest and king in one. The rest of the people are of no account, and in subjection to them. This people have not even a name; but we call them Finns, because although all the festivals are melancholy and bloody, they are so formal that we are inferior to them in that respect. But still they are not to be envied, because they are slaves to their priests, and still more to their creeds. They believe that evil spirits abound everywhere, and enter into men and beasts, but of Wr-alda’s spirit they know nothing. They have weapons of stone, the Magyars of copper. The Magyars affirm that they can exorcise and recall the evil spirits, and this frightens the people, so that you never see a cheerful face. When they were well established, the Magyars sought our friendship, they praised our language and customs, our cattle and iron weapons, which they would willingly have exchanged for their gold and silver ornaments, and they always kept their people within their own boundaries, and that outwitted our watchfulness.

Eighty years afterwards, just at the time of the Juulfeest, they overran our country like a snowstorm driven by the wind. All who could not flee away were killed. Frya was appealed to, but the Schoonlanders (Scandinavians) had neglected her advice. Then all the forces were assembled, and three hours from Godasburgt they were withstood, but war continued. Kat or Katerine was the name of the priestess who was Burgtmaagd of Godasburgt. Kat was proud and haughty, and would neither seek counsel nor aid from the mother; but when the Burgtheeren (citizens) knew this, they themselves sent messengers to Texland to the Eeremoeder. Minna—this was the name of the mother—summoned all the sailors and the young men from Oostflyland and Denmark. From this expedition the history of Wodin sprang, which is inscribed on the citadels, and is here copied. At Aldergamude there lived an old sea-king whose name was Sterik, and whose deeds were famous. This old fellow had three nephews. Wodin, the eldest, lived at Lumkamakia, near the Eemude, in Oostflyland, with his parents. He had once commanded troops. Teunis and Inka were naval warriors, and were just then staying with their father at Aldergamude. When the young warriors had assembled together, they chose Wodin to be their leader or king, and the naval force chose Teunis for their sea-king and Inka for their admiral. The navy then sailed to Denmark, where they took on board Wodin and his valiant host.

The wind was fair, so they arrived immediately in Schoonland. When the northern brothers met together, Wodin divided his powerful army into three bodies. Frya was their war-cry, and they drove back the Finns and Magyars like children. When the Magy heard how his forces had been utterly defeated, he sent messengers with truncheon and crown, who said to Wodin: O almighty king, we are guilty, but all that we have done was done from necessity. You think that we attacked your brothers out of ill will, but we were driven out by our enemies, who are still at our heels. We have often asked your Burgtmaagd for help, but she took no notice of us. The Magy says that if we kill half our numbers in fighting with each other, then the wild shepherds will come and kill all the rest. The Magy possesses great riches, but he has seen that Frya is much more powerful than all our spirits together. He will lay down his head in her lap. You are the most warlike king on the earth, and your people are of iron. Become our king, and we will all be your slaves. What glory it would be for you if you could drive back the savages! Our trumpets would resound with your praises, and the fame of your deeds would precede you everywhere. Wodin was strong, fierce, and warlike, but he was not clear-sighted, therefore he was taken in their toils, and crowned by the Magy.

Very many of the sailors and soldiers to whom this proceeding was displeasing went away secretly, taking Kat with them. But Kat, who did not wish to appear before either the mother or the general assembly, jumped overboard. Then a storm arose and drove the ships upon the banks of Denmark, with the total destruction of their crews. This strait was afterwards called the Kattegat. When Wodin was crowned, he [79]attacked the savages, who were all horsemen, and fell upon Wodin’s troops like a hailstorm; but like a whirl-wind they were turned back, and did not dare to appear again. When Wodin returned, Magy gave him his daughter to wife. Whereupon he was incensed with herbs; but they were magic herbs, and by degrees he became so audacious that he dared to disavow and ridicule the spirits of Frya and Wr-alda, while he bent his free head before the false and deceitful images. His reign lasted seven years, and then he disappeared. The Magy said that he was taken up by their gods and still reigned over us, but our people laughed at what they said. When Wodin had disappeared some time, disputes arose. We wished to choose another king, but the Magy would not permit it. He asserted that it was his right given him by his idols. But besides this dispute there was one between the Magyars and Finns, who would honour neither Frya nor Wodin; but the Magy did just as he pleased, because his daughter had a son by Wodin, and he would have it that this son was of high descent. While all were disputing and quarreling, he crowned the boy as king, and set up himself as guardian and counselor. Those who cared more for themselves than for justice let him work his own way, but the good men took their departure. Many Magyars fled back with their troops, and the sea-people took ship, accompanied by a body of stalwart Finns as rowers.

The Scandinavians say that Finland is not part of Scandinavia. It is separate. And from the Oera Linda book it appears this was always so. The Magyar in the land known today as Finland were called FINNAR by the Fryan’s. “This was because they were regarded as Asians, otherwise known as descendants of Finda.” These same Magyars are in Hungary today where they call themselves by this name.

Raubenheimer states, “Modern day linguists tell us that the Finnish language, which belongs to the Finno-Permic language group, is the most closely related language to Estonian and Hungarian. Hungary, though, is some 1200 kilometres away. The Hungarian language belongs to the Ugric group which has developed in parallel with the Finno-Permic languages some 4000 years ago. The Finno-Permic and Ugric groups, both of the Uralic language family, would appear TO HAVE PARTED WAYS WEST OF THE URAL MOUNTAINS precisely when the Oera Linda book tells us! The book even tells us that the split happened 4000 years ago; again, precisely what modern researchers are proposing.” Neither of these language groups are related to the Indo-European languages of the Fryans.

Remember that the hordes came to Europe after the Great Flood which displaced many people, including Finda’s people in the Middle East.

And we can see that Wodin was a TRAITOR to his people. Instead of killing off the Magyar so they would be a threat no more to his people, he instead let them woo him and inflate his ego and killed the enemies of their enemies, empowering the Magyars even more! Being crowned King of the Magyars too Wodin did, so that he could remain a King. He was power hungry. In the Fryan culture, Kings were only kings for three years. This is to ensure the people remain free, that there is no man ruling over them.

Once Wodin wed the Magyar’s daughter she had a son by him. This son now REPLACED Wodin. He had Wodin’s blood in him. Wodin disappeared after seven years, mostly likely killed by the Magyars. But they made an idol of him, a false god, and to this day European Pagans worship a mere mortal as if he was the Almighty God. Such ignorance!

So we can see how the WICKEDNESS OF MEN lead to treachery among Frya’s people. Just like today! When we see “shabbos goy” aiding our enemies for selfish gain, service to self, instead of what is best for our people as a whole, service to others. This was the job of the Burghmatron for each citadel in Frya’s Land, to keep the morals of the people in check.

The symbol of their morals and freedom was the torch, that each Burghmatron made sure stayed lit. We can see how this symbol was used for the Olympic ceremony. And even later by the Illuminati- mirroring the good and using it for bad. The statue of LIBERTY with the lit torch was originally FRYA’S SYMBOL and usurped by the Masonic cabal trying to take over our world.

From Raubenheimer’s book, the Fryans “regarded themselves as a step above the other races, but they also believed that Wralda would punish them if they exploited these peoples.”

Now the Fryans NEVER said they believed they were a step above, that is pure speculation. What they did say was the truth, that Wralda wrote the law on THEIR hearts, a peculiar people.

Never meddle with the people of Lyda nor of Finda. Wralda would help them so that any violence that goes out from you would return on your own heads.

Should it happen that they want advice or something else from you, you should help them. If they come to rob you, though, then fall upon them like a raging fire.

More from Raubenheimer, in the Oera Linda book, “we find the origins of the Common Law, as it appeared later in Roman-Dutch Law. The Frisians believed that Wralda placed the knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil into the soul of every person. They called this inherent knowledge EVA.”

Is this where EVE of Adam and Eve came from?

The word “Eva” is too sacred for common use; therefore, men have learned to say “Evin.” “Eva” means that knowledge which is implanted in the breast of every man in order that he may know what is right and wrong, and by which he is able to judge his own deeds and those of others; that is to say, if he has been well and not badly brought up.

So when Eve was tempted by “Satan” and took a bite out of the apple, forbidden knowledge, is this an allegory for the fall of man? Knowing that all the knowledge we need is within, that we knew better, but formed secret societies and coveted knowledge that should have been open and notorious? That such knowledge is what is making our men destroy us?

“Eve” would be symbolic of the knowledge written in our hearts as Christ tells us. Written in the hearts of Frya, of all Fryans.

Jeremiah 31
33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

The Fryans were also the first seamen. They were the most brave and built ships to explore every inch of this plane. Their desire was not for material wealth but for adventure. The Phoenicians, thought to be the Fryans, were actually a mixed breed, part Fryan, part Lyda and part Finda. When we hear of the ships sailing to Britain to obtain tin, it was the tin of Frya’s land that the Fryans would bring to the people of the Mediterranean.

I can’t help of thinking of when Jesus, as a young man, went with his uncle Joseph of Arithmathea to Britain and visited these tin mines.

Regarding the Phoenicians in the Oera Linda book:

The Phoenicians are a bastard race of the blood of Frya, Finda, and Lyda. The Lyda people were there as slaves, but by the unchastity of the women, these black people have degenerated the other people and dyed them brown.

In addition to being the first seafarers, the Fryans were the ones to invent the 24 hour day, numerals, and yes, the alphabet, which they believe was given to them by Almighty God.

What is Written Hereunder is Inscribed on the Walls of Waraburgt

What appears at the top is the signs of the Juul—that is, the first symbol of Wr-alda, also of the origin or beginning from which Time is derived; this is the Kroder, which must always go round with the Juul. According to this model Frya formed the set hand which she used to write her Tex. When Fasta was Eeremoeder she made a running hand out of it. The Witkoning—that is, the Sea-King Godfried the Old—made separate numbers for the set hand and for the runic hand. It is therefore not too much that we celebrate it once a year. We may be eternally thankful to Wr-alda that he allowed his spirit to exercise such an influence over our forefathers.

In her time Finda also invented a mode of writing, but that was so high-flown and full of flourishes that her descendants have soon lost the meaning of it.

Afterwards they learned our writing—that is, the Finns, the Thyriers, and the Krekalanders—but they did not know that it was taken from the Juul, and most therefore always be written round like the sun. Furthermore, they wished that their writing should be illegible by other people, because they always had matters to conceal. In doing this they acted very unwisely, because their children could only with great difficulty read the writings of their predecessors, whereas our most ancient writings are as easy to read as those that were written yesterday.

And from earlier in the book we read, “They each bore twelve sons and twelve daughters—at every Juul-time a couple. Thence come all mankind.” This was between December 21 and January 1 of each year and hence the Germanic nations STILL have a Juulfest in remembrance of this.

I looked up on the Wiki to see what they would say about this festival and WOW, talk about mirroring the good and using for bad! Everything is fine except for the last sentence.

So CHRISTmas COMES from the Yule Celebration, when Frya’s people first populated the earth, and when Christ came later in their history. (Remember the Oera Linda book pre-dates the Biblical era.) It was never pagan. USURPED by Pagans and Polytheists? Most definitely. Just like they took the heavenly symbol of the rainbow and besmirched it. They are the masters of mirroring, that double headed Janus.

The Magyars on the other hand did not believe in one God creating everything and in fact practiced what today is called Shamanism. “This is a set of beliefs and practices whereby practitioners communicate with the supernatural. A Shamanic priest is know as a Shaman who acts as an intermediary between humans and the spirit worlds. The religion was practiced throughout the Iron Age by the Finno-Baltic peoples.” Raubenheimer goes on to say, ” The pagan Magyar were very militant and regimental in their lifestyle and they dabble in the occult. This sounds quite similar to the Hittites who settled in Anatolia at about the same time.”

This being an intermediary with the spirit world reminds me of a case that’s in the news just now about Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. They were both brought up Mormon. Chad had a near death experience and he said it opened a door to the other side and he can get revelations form there. He calls it “seeing beyond the veil.” I don’t know if the rest of the Mormons believe this as well, but we can see here how this connects to Shamanism, Chad would be a modern version of a Shaman priest in everything but name. Unfortunately, Lori and many others believed his “visions” to the detriment of their families, five of which are either dead or missing to date.

Also this is what people like Aleister Crowley was known for. He said he came in contact with a spirit demon named Aiwass. And another know as LAM. Can you see the play on names here?



In mockery to God, THEY think that they can “through force of will” attain godhood.

Don’t believe me? Notice it says “The Way” under him. In mockery of …

John 14
Jesus saith unto him, I am THE WAY, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

So its interesting that the Hittites are mentioned as being related to the Magyar’s as well. The Hittites were the enemies of the Israelites, God’s chosen people. So the Oera Linda book confirms that they were back then as well.

In addition I can’t help to notice the correlation with Charles A. Weisman’s book, What About the Seedline Doctrine?, where he mentions how the modern day race of Esau is a mixture of the Hittites and the Canaanites.

And Raubenheimer makes the connection of Magyar with Magog.

Ezekiel 38 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

He says that Biblical Scholars accept that Gog means mountain and the mountain described in the bible for Gog are the Caucasus Mountains. Between the Black and Caspian Seas is the location where the tribe of Esau set up shop. Land of the Mongol. Land of the Magyar. Land of the Magog.

Magyar ~ Mongol ~ Magog

Did you know George Bush Senior went by Magog in Skull and Bones?

Ironically we have Noah landing near this area when he escaped the Great Flood in his Ark. His son Japheth remained. He had seven sons that inhabited an area, beginning at the mountains of Taurus and Amanus, proceeding along Asia, as far as the river Tanais (Tanis), and along Europe to Cadiz.

The Taurus Mountains are in Turkey and the Tanais is today known as the River Don in Russia. So we see that Japheth are related to the Fryan’s through Noah, but they resided in the Southernmost and Easternmost parts of Europe and into the Middle East. They did NOT live in North Western Europe as many researchers try to get us to believe today.

Note too per Raubenheimer, that the Pharonic Dynasty of Egypt has a period of foreign rule. This was during the 15th Dynasty under the rule of the Hyksos, a rule that last 254 years. He notes the Germanic sounding names of the rulers, Salatis, Beon, Khyan, Ianas, Apophis and Assis. The Hyksos were of Western European origin.

He states, “The Frisians called God Wralda, which meant Wra-the Elder. The Egyptians called their god Ra, which creates a strong suspicion that the Egyptian sun god was named after the Fryan’s god Wralda.”

He further states, “All along the historians speculated that the Biblical Joseph, an Israelite and a foreigner, would not have been appointed to the second highest position in Egypt under an indigenous pharaoh. An outsider would not have been tolerated let alone respected. It was, and still is believed that such a situation would have been most unlikely. Some scholars proposed that his appointment must have been made when Egypt was under the rule of a foreign power- possibly the Hyksos. They are quite right.”

Genesis 41 39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:40 Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou.41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.

The historian Manetho wrote, “This whole nation was styled Hycsos, that is, Shepherd Kings.”

Gauls and Celts

The Gauls and the Celts are another that gets sorted out in the Oera Linda book. “The Gauls, also known as the Gola by the Fryans, called themselves Trowe Widena (Knowers of the Truth) but Frisians did not trust them and so called them Trowe Wendena (Truth Avoiders). The ancient Golan priests from Sidon derived their name from the nearby Golan Heights; some 40 km south-east of Sidon. Golan means Captive in Hebrew.

And here is an interesting excerpt from the Oera Linda book:

When Kalta saw that her scheme had failed, she went from bad to worst. She secretly sent for the Magyars to teach her sorcery. When she had had enough of this, she threw herself into the arms of the GOLUM, though, all her malpractices could not make her better.

So there we have the Gauls also connected to the Golum. From the Wiki, “In Jewish Folklore, a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being that is created entirely from inanimate matter (usually clay or mud). The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and medieval writing.”

And of course we have the famous “my pretty” Golem in Lord of the Rings. So was Golem a Gaul?

So the Gauls are a subgroup of the Celts, believing in particular religious ideologies. The Celts though aren’t much better. Having broken off from the Fryan Federation when their Burghmatron Kalta got into a dispute with the Burghmatron Minerva. Kalta was the aggressor, but since Minerva retaliated, both were banned from the land. Minerva and her people went to Greece and founded the Grecian Colonies, while Kalta sought other ways of support. From the Chronicles, “Kalta declared a Unilateral Declaration of Independence and also annexed Britannia. She received all the support she needed to throw off the restrictive laws and creed of the Fryan Federation.”

Now Kalta came and said: You were born free, and for small offences you have been made outcasts, (Britannia was the Fryan penal colony), not for your own improvement, but to mine tin by your hands. If you wish to be free again and live under my council and care, come out then, you will be given weapons and I will watch over you.

Like lightning it went through the land and before the Carrier’s Yule had made one revolution, she was mistress over all of them and the Thyriar from our southern states up to the Seiene.

So Kalta became the ruler of the outcast Fryans. Notice that Britain was the penal colony of Fryan Land just like Australia was the penal colony for Britain. Also when the Fryans had Finda or Lyda’s people working temporarily on their lands they would house them on islands in the middle of lakes so they could not mix with the local Fryans and miscegenate.

CULT is derived from CELT. And Kalta places a rooster on her banner. The rooster reminds me of Abraxas the rooster headed god. Also the French Resistance used the rooster as their symbol.

Celt would be from Kalt, a follower of Kalta.


Just like the German Resistance used a WHITE rose, both symbols of the occult or Lucifer. Both resistance groups opposed to the German Fryans, the soldiers fighting for Christian Europe.

And yes, Sophia Scholl looks more like a Stephen Scholl, we had them back then too.

And I don’t know why “she” had a white daisy on her shirt when they were called the White Rose Resistance.

Minerva on the other hand chose a sheep dog and an owl for her mascots. That dog, she said, guards his master and his flock, and of course it makes us think of Jesus and his sheep, and the night owl watches that the mice shall not devastate the fields. The priests further says to Minerva, “Tell us what is the meaning of the night owl that always sits above your head? Is that light-shunning animal perhaps a sign of your clear vision?”

No. She answered. He helps to remind me that there are people roaming the earth who, like him, live in the churches and holes. They keep to the dark, though, not like him to rid us of mice and other plagues, but to invent tricks to steal other people’s knowledge that they may get a better hold to make slaves of them, and to suck their blood like vampires do.

Notice that this night owl is used by the secret society called Skull and Bones and can even be seen hiding on the one dollar bill. Another usurpation. Using good for bad. They use it as seeing in the dark (hidden knowledge) where the rest of us can’t see.

And who could those vampires be that roam this earth without a particular home? The same people that parasite off of us today. You know the ones. The same people that put Minerva’s owl on the dollar bill- stealing it away and using it for themselves.

The Gertman

Before we leave I have a few more connections to share with you. One is of the Gertman. Notice how similar GERTMAN is to GERMAN.


When Minerva died in Athens the local priests didn’t want another Burghmatron named in her place. They made her into a Goddess and erected false idols in worship to her. But the Frisians would have none of that and elected Gert to be the new Folk Mother. They called themselves the Getmanne in support of her.

Eventually Athens became

like a morass in a tropical country full of leeches, toads, and poisonous snakes, in which no man of decent morals can set his foot.

Like today in the white countries of the world!

So the Gertman decided to leave and find another home more suitable to their morals and way of life.

Three months later Gert departed with the best of Frya’s children and seven times twelve ships.

When they were one day’s sailing out of the harbor, there came thirty ships from Thirhis with wives and children. They were on their way to Athenia, but when they heard how things stood there, they went with Gert. The Sea King of the Thiriar brought them all through the strait which at that time ran into the Red Sea.

At last, they landed at Pangap, that is, in our language, Five Waters, because here five rivers flow together to the sea. Here they settled. That land they called Gertmannia.

From Raubenheimer, “the Oera Linda book records that when a remnant of these people returned to Frisia more than 1,200 years later, they were essentially the same- even in the use of their language.”

“The A-ryans were the F-ryans- the Gertmanne from Athenia who settled relatively peaceful in the Punjab.”

Scotland~ Scythland

Its interesting to note that when mourning the death of their Burghmatron Adela, they played the bagpipes.

In the northern part of Britain which is full of high mountains, there exists a Scotch people; the most of them spring from Frya’s blood.

They are in the high mountains and nicknamed Highlanders, I found it interesting that the main language spoken in Germany today is called HIGH German and also originates from the mountainous regions of Germany. Germany’s highlands.

Also we read:

Then the leaders of the Twisklanders came together, and after twenty-one days they chose Alrik as duke. Alrik was Askar’s nephew. He gave him two hundred SCOTCH and one hundred of the greatest SAKSMANNEN to go with him as a bodyguard.

So we can see the Scots and the Saxons were both noble Fryan tribes.

The Location of Frisland/Atlantis

Now it would seem logical that Altland or Atlantis, the original home of the Fryan’s was located somewhere nearby wouldn’t it? Raubenheimer did some excellent detective work and appears to have possibly found the location. Just north of Scotland.

The Faroe Islands could be the remnants of Atlantis! Now I earlier thought it was the Canary Islands, but the Faroe Islands make so much more sense. You would flee to the nearest landmass when you are escaping.

Now if you remember Noah’s story only him and his family survived to repopulate the earth. But I don’t know about that. There were still people all over this plane. People that lived away from the coasts. That is why we have records of hoards coming over from the East.

I would say that Noah, of pure blood, DID end up repopulating Europe with his son’s blood, although there were Fryans who survived. Some things are just still open for debate.

Raubenheimer does mention that the first record of the Faroe Islands that was found on a map is FAREI on the Hereford map of AD 1280.

FAROE is phonetically the same as PHARAOH as an Egyptian HYKSOS King. Also notice how similar FAROE is to PHAREZ, one of the royal tribes of Judah that Christ was born from.


From the Oera Linda book we looked at this excerpt in Part 8:

Tunis wanted to sail through the straits of the Middle Sea (Strait of Gibraltar) to enter in the service of the rich king of Egiptalandum (Egypt) as he had done before, but Inka said he had had enough of all those Finda’s people (Easterners). Inka thought that perchance some high-lying part of Atland might have remained as an island, where he and his people might live in peace.

Raubenheimer mentions that in a later chapter Aldland was Finda’s people’s motherland in the east. I would speculate that Lemuria was this island, the remnant being the islands of Hawaii.

And there was a map that created a big sensation in the 14th century called the Zeno Map. The story goes that, “According to the younger Zeno brother, the two became shipwrecked on an island called Frisland somewhere between Scotland and Iceland in 1380 A.D. In 1558 their descendant Nicolo Zeno published a book and map on the findings that he found in his old family home.

The Zeno brothers remained on Frisland in the service of the prince called Zichmini for the next fourteen years. Nicolo Zeno died on the island but Antonio returned to Italy. From Zeno’s map it would seem that Frisland is approximately the same size as Ireland. The Zeno map of the North Atlantic was by far the most accurate map in the 14th century.”

Looking at Mercator’s map which also came out around the same time period we notice the Ferro (FAROE) Islands in the upper right corner.

In the left upper corner we have the Frislant (Frisian) Islands. So I’m not sure if the Faroe Islands could be the Frisian Islands? They seem to be separate but not too far from each other both in the North Atlantic Ocean.

And on the bottom left we have the Shetland Islands who are also in the same vicinity as the other two.

Here is the full map so we can see where everything is at in one shot. We see Frisia Land to the bottom left just under and between Greenland and Iceland. The Faroe’s are just to the east of Frisia and just to the east of the Faroe’s are the Shetland Islands.

Remember too that both Eden and Atlantis were known as temperate climates with a weather similar today to the southern Mediterranean. With the sinking of Atlantis and all of the earth changes that happened over a period of three years, it affected the climate. The Northern Islands that remained became colder and many of the flora and fauna were lost.

So I do believe that the Garden of Eden was at the North Pole, Adam and Eve were “evicted” from there, which could very well be Odin and Frya, and went to an island that was close by with a similar climate and that island was Atlantis, Frisland. That is where the white race started. From there they explored other nearby islands and eventually the mainland of Europe, settling also in Scandinavia, the UK, Germany, France and northern Italy. (Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands would of course be included). That is why there are so many names in reference both to Eden and the North Pole in place names in these countries. With the earth changes both the North Pole and Frisia sank, along with areas around the Netherlands, including the Doggerland.

So what do you think? Is the Oera Linda book real or a hoax. You can leave your comments under this vid. For me, I do believe it is the real history of the white race, from the time before the Bible and is verified by many passages within the Bible. It is important to know the history of our people. To be grounded and strive to keep our heritage alive.

Here is the link to the Bitchute version:

And here’s the YouTube version:

Posted in: Flat Earth Oera Linda Book

11 responses on “Flat Earth Decoded (Part 9) North Pole, Atlantis and the Oera Linda Book

  1. Andrejka Coklyat

    Hi Rose, thank you for your work and keeping this web site. I was going to post your mk ultra decode and cannot find it. Did it have to be taken down?

  2. John

    All I can say is “fascinating”! I’ll have to reread to take it all in. One of my daughters was just telling me about a 65 acre island for sale in Northern Scotland that hasn’t been inhabited since the 1930s. Might be a part of the Shetland Islands. In my heart it sounds appealing, but really not from a practical standpoint. Fun to look at pictures though and see the beauty of the land and wonder what it was like many years ago. Thank you for your time and effort, Rosette! Very appreciated!

  3. edn

    Here is another from Globebusters, putting all the pieces together https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xGfe1UJzU This video presents cataclysm as the normal cycle of Earth events including plasma discharges and the Grand Solar Minimum which we have entered into. The sun basically turns off during the solar minimum which thus brings all the natural disasters we are currently experiencing. Here are some of my thoughts on it https://ednsplace.home.blog/2020/03/11/torus/ . Inside my page you’ll find many links, particularly Ken Wheeler who describes to us what gravity really is.
    Here is a google search link to the Grand Conjunction https://www.google.com/search?q=Great+Conjucntion+2020&source=lmns&hl=en-US&ved=2ahUKEwizupObsanoAhVqkeAKHcvZD6cQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA
    here is a site with much data https://www.thinkoutsidethebeast.com/


    1. Neef Teunis

      wonderful i am dutch and a son of vir alda the old man the alde wereld the old world godless and idol less, alas not without the parasites of lyda and finda, thanks for a beautiful time, your pace is great and what i make from it… it could be true, glancing in secret to the defectors, and heard it earlier, and gonna listen, and heard from hietbrink that neptunus, the ferocious idol, has its roots in neef (nephew) teunis neef teunis. please go an with this

      1. rosette delacroix Post author

        Greetings my Fryan brother! Please pick up Alwyn Raubenheimer’s excellent book called Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe. He has done an extensive study on the Oera Linda book verifying its authenticity. I would like to do a Part 10 in my discussion on the OLB, correcting some items I feel I have gotten wrong, as well as adding several revelations I have made after I already put out the Part 9. Thank you for your interest in this subject. All the best, Rosette

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Am I implying? I didn’t write the Oera Linda book, but even so, I don’t see a superiority/inferiority theme running through it. What I see is a tribal theme. And there is nothing wrong with being tribal except for in this politically correct brainwashed world, where whites/Fryans are not allowed to be. Finns are not considered Scandinavians and this is true from way back then, hundreds of generations before modern times. Finland was named after FINDA’s people because that landmass became flooded with them since the time of the Great Flood. And Finda’s people have always been the natural enemy of the Fryans.

      1. Sakke

        Finns call themselves Suomi. Finn/Fianna etc in Celtic means white/ shining.

        The most blondes you find is in Fennoskandia.

        And yes, in Skadinavo, “The islands of Skadi” they speak north Germanic whereas Finns speak original old European. Why? Because Indo-European did not manage to overwhelm them (as the 600 years of Swedification did not). The corded ware had to assimilate to the host and not the other way around as it ran out of steam in “the heaths of Kalevala”..


        This is all discussed in academic manner in Oera Linda study page: http://fryskednis.blogspot.com/

        I have never met these “asiatic” Finns armchair theorists tend to believe in. Have you?

        1. rosette delacroix Post author

          I can tell you are really upset about this info. I’m sorry that it bothers you. As for armchair theorists we have evidence in the Oera Linda Book (OLB) that can be verified through our historical record on the migration of the Uralic language. In the OLB it states, “One hundred and one years after Aldland sank, a people came out of the East. That people was driven out by another nation. Beyond our Twiskland they fell into dispute, divided into two groups, and each went its own way. Of the one group no account came to us, but the other group went to the back of our Skenland. Skenland was sparsely populated and the back least of all. Therefore they were able to conquer it without contest, and as they did no other harm, we did not wish to make war…” Further down the page it states.. “These people do not have a name but we call them Finna because although their festivals are all melancholic and bloody, they are so formal that we are inferior to them in that respect.” I had a Finnish friend that confirmed Finns don’t say hello to each other and are very formal. They ARE a melancholic people from what he tells me. Now from Raubenheimer’s research, probably sitting down yes, in front of a computer, like most researchers, he states,”Modern linguists tell us that the Finnish language, which belongs to the Finno-Permic language group, is the most closely related language to Estonian and Hungarian. Hungary, though, is some 1200 kilometers away. The Hungarian language belongs to the Ugric group which has developed in parallel with the Finno-Permic languages some 4000 years ago. The Finno-Permic and Ugric groups, both of the Uralic language family, would appear to have parted ways west of the Ural mountains- precisely what the Oera Linda Book tells us. The book even tells us that the split happened 4000 years ago… Neither of these language groups is related to the Indo-European languages… The Hungarians still refer to themselves as Magyar, a name which, according to the Oera Linda Book, goes back to more than 4000 years to what used to be a priestly order called the Magyarar.” So to me that is pretty good evidence. Note too that the Yule (wheel) was from Frya’s people. That the alphabet was derived from that wheel. So it is safe to assume that at least the alphabet as we know it today, originated from the Fryans.

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