A Second Look at The Protocols

In May of 2018, I made a presentation on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Although I stand behind what I said back then, its been five years and…
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The Oera Linda Book- Comparing Translations

“If they learn God’s language, then the words, “to be free” and “to have justice,” will come to them, and glimmer and glow in their brains until it becomes a flame, and that flame will consume all bad rulers and hypocritical and dirty priests.” ~OLB

Which Way Western Man? Decoded

I care about life. What I care about most is that I may find it, and that finding it I may arouse in other men to a sense of life which is in them also. I care that they should dig down to what most deeply they are, that without shame or apology or explanation but with heads thrown back, they should accept this, and avow it, and rest in it, as our fathers were taught to rest in the ‘Will of God’—which psychologically speaking, is the same thing. I care that they should dare to stand forth before their fellows their naked selves. And this is enough. -William Gayley Simpson

Ayran- Tree of Life Decoded

So if you’ve watched my vids on diet you will know that if we look to nature, Wralda has put sustenance in all areas of this WORLD to feed His…
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Decoding with Scotland Sean (Part 7) The Philosopher’s Stone

We can see what they are doing to us in the language being used. It is right in front of our faces. PHARMA contains the word HARM. It also phonetically sounds like FARMER. They are both Harming and Farming us at the same time. FARMED=PHARMED=HARMED. Just like the word PILL contains the word ILL. They are bringing illness upon us all.

The Georgia Guidestones Decoded

Most of you are familiar with the Georgia Guidestones. For those who aren’t, this was a monument erected on rural farmland in Elbert County, Georgia on March 22, 1980 by…
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