Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Flat Earth Decoded (Part 10) The True True of the Oera Linda Bok

After making my Flat Earth Decoded (Part 9) on the Oera Linda Book (OLB) there were a few things I read that bothered me. There were certain stories in the OLB that were so close to what I’ve read in the Bible. At first, as you’ve noticed in Part 9, I thought this was good. That this confirmed the Bible. But the more I got to thinking about both, the more I realized that wasn’t the case.

So I started thinking about the timelines of both books. I did a Google search on when the Bible was written and this is what came up:

“The first five books of the Bible are attributed to Moses and are commonly called the Pentateuch. Moses lived between 1500 and 1300 BC, though he recounts events in the first eleven chapters of the Bible that occurred long before his time (such as the creation and the flood).”

Note that the OLB ALSO recounts the Creation Story and the Great Flood. The book covers the Great Flood, dated at 2193 BC, to the time period of 1256 AD.

It continues:

“In those early societies there was no writing as yet and people passed on these oral accounts with great detail and accuracy. These earliest accounts were handed on from generation to generation in songs, narratives, and poetry.”

Note that Fryans actually DID have writing from early on. They were given the Yule, by God, upon which the alphabet, numbers and a way to tell time, were derived. They used this alphabet to write their laws on the burgh walls. Eventually, they wrote them in books too, as per Adela’s instructions, but since these were on paper, practically all perished in the frequent floods. Some oral traditions were passed along, and later written down, in the form of poetry, such as the Icelandic Prose Edda,

Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson

and in children’s stories called Fairy Tales, that taught, in a clever way, the ‘particular people’ the children needed to be wary of.

So the OLB was written sometime after Moses, but more than 500 years before Christ, and into the 13th century. And covering many time periods in between. What this tells us is that Fryans, who were prevalent in the Mediterranean area during the time of Moses, should mention all their struggles in Egypt and Palestine IF they were living there, IN the OLB, and that the Bible should mention them as well. But neither do.

The only mention of “foreigners” would be the Hyksos Kings that ruled Egypt for a time, and by the Fryan account, these would be mixed people. Mixed with Frya and Finda and possibly Lyda, like the Phoenicians were. Since the area was already mixed to a great extent due to the known-world catastrophe called the Great Flood, it would be hard pressed to call anyone living in that area PURE. And we know that the term ARAB actually means MIXED.

From the Net we read:

“In the Bible, the word ʿarav is closely associated with the word ʿerev meaning a “mix of people” which has an identical spelling. Jeremiah 25:24 parallels “kings of ʿarav” with “kings of the ʿerev that dwell in the wilderness”.”


Remember in Hebrew, vowels were added later, so having A’s or E’s is more of a pronunciation preference than a change in meaning.

So not only were the Egyptians mixed, but so were the Israelites. Now why would God “choose” these mixed people? Especially when he tells them not to mix, to the tenth generation?

Deuteronomy 23:2 ~ A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

And if we look at a DNA map of Europe and the Mediterranean, we will notice that R1b, which is the haplo group for Western Europeans, doesn’t exist in the area of the Bible. It would if they were actually FROM this area and migrated TO Europe. From the OLB it is very clear that the White Race originated FROM Europe and ventured OUT, exploring new lands, both in the Mediterranean and all over the known world.

R1b- Western European, R1a- Eastern European, J1 and J2- Middle Eastern

Now, the OLB is the MOST ANCIENT writing of the Western European people and verified thoroughly by people such as Alwyn J. Raubenheimer, in his work Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe. So if you believe the OLB to be true, and that it is the OLDEST writing from Europe, then one would have to use this writing as the basis from which all other writings regarding Europeans, would be verified. And remember, ALL the stories in the OLB would have to be true. You can’t accept 95% as truth, but then, because you don’t understand or don’t like one of the stories, say that story is false.

And I did notice that particular stories in the OLB, such as the one of the Three Mothers and Jesus of Kasamyr, were intentionally ignored by Raubenheimer, because these stories are in direct contradiction to the Bible. But if we desire truth above all, wouldn’t it be our duty to examine them? Truth fears no scrutiny.

So this is what I did. I went back through and read the OLB again. This time looking for any stories that are similar to stories in the Bible. I compared them to see how they are the same and how they differ, and I will share my conclusions with you on the comparisons. I also made some other observations that I will share as well.

So let’s begin…

You must protect these books with body and soul. They contain the history of all our people. ~ Hidde oera Linda, 1256 AD

Hidde oera Linda- HIDE the OERA LINDA. Protect it.

The Oera Linda Book

FRYAN literally means FREE PEOPLE.

To be a free people we can’t be ruled over by priests OR princes. Finda’s people were always ruled this way by the Magy. The Magy swept into Europe from the East from the time of Noah’s Flood, which not only decimated Frya’s land, but Finda’s land too in the Middle East. The few survivors of Frya had learned they had to pack together to survive. The stragglers were either picked off by the Magy or assimilated into their tribe.

Unity was strength. Symbolized by the Fasci.

Lincoln Memorial, Abe with two Fasci, symbolizing Unity of the North and the South.

Many years later, and with the influence of the Magy, some of Frya’s people rebelled from their homeland and split off. They became the Celts and the Gauls. These rebels took over Britain, Southern France and Spain, and ruled the seas in the Mediterranean (Middle Sea).

Celts are not a separate race from Fryans. They split off from the mother country and followed the Burgh Matron Kalta. Hence Celt is from Kalta, as is the word Cult.

The whole of the Mediterranean became influenced by these Magy, including lands of the Fryans, such as Italy and Greece (the Krekalands). Italy was founded by the Trojans who WERE originally pure Fryans, but many Finda and Lyda flooded Italy. The Roman Empire exacerbated the miscegenation by allowing the other races to assimilate into Roman culture and society. So the Magy foothold was well established.

Buddha Jesus

Now let’s touch on what most people will find to be the most alarming story in the OLB. The one that would have the hardest programming to break. And yes, it involves those pesky Magy. It’s the story of Jesus Christ in India.

To understand Jesus’ position in the OLB we must first look at two other notable people, Athena and Odin. Both were relegated to “god” status, but by whom? and why?

The priests and princes of the Magy who ruled over the Hellenes, the local Finda people in the area around Athens, first tried to get their people to turn on the Fryans and their Burgh Matron Athena. They wanted to do this because Athena talked of freedom for all people.

Archbishop of Athens

When being questioned by a local priest regarding the symbols she used:

“The priest replied, “… but what is the purpose of the dog on your right hand?” Hellenia (Athena/Minerva) replied, “Does not the shepherd have a dog to keep his flock together? What the dog is to the shepherd I am in Frya’s service. I must watch over Frya’s flock.” ~ Chapter 14, Minno and Hellenia

You probably picked up on the similarity between Athena being a shepherd to HER flock and Jesus being a shepherd to HIS flock.

The local people, Hellenes, were given that name by the Fryans. Hellenes or Hellingers, means Cliff Hangers. They were named this because these people lived on the rocky slopes.

And when Minerva was later questioned by a prince of that land, then the ruler said:

“I should think it is best to submit.” “Very possibly,” answered Hellenia, “for then men would be like tame SHEEP, and you and the priests would not only want to take care of them, but also shear them and lead them to the shambles. This is not what our God wants, he desires that we should help one another, but he also wants everybody to become free and wise. That is also our desire, and therefore our people choose their leaders, counts, councilors, chiefs, and masters from the wisest of the good men, in order that every man shall do his best to become wise and good. Thus doing, we learn ourselves and teach the people that being wise and acting wisely alone leads to fulfillment.”

Again we have the visual of Athena and her Sheep, her people. But you can see how conniving the priests were by what they did then…

But no, instead of defaming her, they went everywhere, also to Heinde Krekaland (Italy) right up to the Alps, proclaiming that it had pleased the highest god to send his wise daughter Minerva, surnamed Nyhellenia, amongst the people from over the sea on a CLOUD to give people good counsel, and that all who listened to her should become rich and happy, and in the end masters of all kingdoms of the earth. They erected statues of her on alters to beguile the stupid people. They attributed all kinds of advice to her that she had never given, and told of miracles that she had never performed.

By cunning they made themselves masters of our laws and customs and by fallacies they wished to explain everything and expand thereon.

Athena was vehemently against Idol Worshiping and would oppose statues being made in her image.

So who does this in modern day? The same priests and princes. We see this in all religions. Telling us how to think about God. The Catholic Church is one of the worst, with its Pope, which literally means Papa (Father). And his Cardinals, Bishops and Priests all making themselves our masters, and getting fat off of our earnings, donations, and alms.

Pope Benedict in a vintage Dior gown and Fish hat, DOGON hat. DOGON of course is backwards for NOGOD ~ NO GOD.

And we see this in all of our corrupted rulers, like Boris Johnson, who tells Brits to wear a mask and stay behind locked doors, while he takes a vacation sans mask and frolics out doors. Or unelected rulers like Bill Gates, who made his money off of computer sales, but somehow becomes the expert on world health issues.

When Hellenia (Athena/Minerva) died, the priests conferred as though they were with us, and that it should clearly appear so, they had Hellenia declared a goddess. They also refused to have any other mother chosen, saying that they feared there was no one among her matrons whom they could trust like Minerva. But we would not recognize Minerva as a goddess, because she herself had said that no one could be as good or perfect as Wralda’s spirit. ~ Chapter 29

See? Even her own people, the Fryans, knew better than to make her a goddess.

And of course Athena would NEVER have gone for this. She was an upstanding Burgh Matron devoted to Wralda. She did not believe in worshiping anyone other than the one and only God. She was a MONOTHEIST. In addition, Fryans abhorred false idols and the LAST thing she would want would be statues made of herself. This was complete blasphemy.

Athena, Burgh Matron to the Fryans of Athens

So just like Minerva here, they did the same thing with Wodin. I wonder how many pagans know the truth about Wodin? That he was an actual man, just like Minerva was an actual woman.

Wodin became a ‘god’ through his treachery to his people AND once again the cunning of Finda. The Magyars (Findans) who had resided for a good number of years in the northern parts of Scandinavia, came to attack the Fryan’s during the Yuletide (Christmas season).

Map should show them going up to Finland and Estonia as well. Uralic languages, established in Finland, Estonia and Hungary.

Wodin was one of three brothers picked to be kings to lead the men into battle against this enemy. Here we pick up the story:

The wind was fair and so they shortly arrived in Skenland. When their northern brothers joined them, Wodin divided his powerful army into three bodies, Frya was their war-cry, and they drove back the Finns and Magyarar as if they were children.

When the Magy heard how his men were all being slain, he sent a delegation with truncheon and crown. They said to Wodin: “O greatest of kings, we are guilty, but all that we have done was done from necessity. You think that we took on your brothers willingly, but we were driven out by our enemies, who are still at our heels.

We have often asked your Burgh Matron for help, but she took no notice of us. The Magy says that if we kill half our numbers in fighting each other, then the wild shepherds will come and kill us all. The Magy possesses great riches, but he has seen that Frya is greater than all our spirits together. He will lay down his head in her lap.

You are the greatest military king on earth; your people are of iron. Become our king, and we shall willingly become your slaves. What glory it would be for you if you could drive back the savages! Our trumpets would resound with it, and our praises would precede you everywhere….

When Wodin was crowned he attacked the savages. They were all horsemen and like a hailstorm they charged down on Wodin’s troops, but like a whirlwind they were turned back, and did not dare appear again.

When Wodin returned, the Magy gave him his daughter to wife. Thereupon he was smoked with herbs, but they were MAGIC herbs because he gradually became so audacious that he disavowed and ridiculed the spirits of Frya and Wralda whilst bending his free head before the false monstrous statues. His reign lasted seven years, and then he disappeared. The Magy said that he was taken up by their gods and that he reigned from there over them, but our people laughed at what they said. ~Chapter 23

So you can see Wodin became a god that the Magy used to control their people. Just like the same Magy did with Athena. We can see a theme running here. Now let’s look at the story about Jesus Christ in the OLB.

Notice he sees with his one eye, his LEFT eye. Such a Magy thing to do to a Fryan. Also they show him with clasped hands into fists. Clenched fists symbolizes Communism, which is about as far as you can get to being free as a Fryan.

Sixteen times a hundred years after Atland was submerged (593 BC), something happened which nobody had contemplated. In the heart of Findasland, upon a mountain, lies a plain called Kasamyr (Cashmere), that is, “rare.” There a child was born whose mother was the daughter of a king and whose father was a high-priest. In order to hide the shame they were obliged to renounce their own blood. Therefore he was taken out of the town to poor people. As the boy grew up, nothing was concealed from him, so he did all in his power to acquire wisdom. His intellect was so great that he understood everything that he saw or heard. The people regarded him with respect, and the priests were afraid of his questions.

When he became of age he went to his parents. They had to listen to some hard language; and to get rid of him they gave him an abundance of jewels, but they dared not openly acknowledge him as their own blood. Overcome with sorrow at the false shame of his parents, he wandered about. While traveling he met a Fryan sailor who was serving as a slave, and who taught him our manners and customs. He bought the freedom of the slave, and they remained friends until death.

Jesus in India

Wherever he went he taught the people not to tolerate the rich or priests, and that they must guard against false shame which always harms love. The earth, he said, bestowed her treasures to the extent her skin is scratched; so all are obliged to dig, and plow, and sow if they wish to reap, but no one is obliged to do anything for another unless it be out of common consent or goodwill. He taught that men should not seek in her bowels for gold, or silver, or precious stones to which they cling and which destroy love. To adorn your wives and daughters, he said, give them sufficient pure water.

No man is able to make everyone equally rich and happy, but it is the duty of all men to make each other as rich and as happy as possible. Men should not despise any knowledge; but justice is the greatest knowledge that time can teach, because she wards off offense and promotes love.

His first name was Jesus, but the priests, who hated him, called him Fo, that is, false; the people called him Krisen, that is, shepherd; and his Fryan friend called him Buda (Buddha) because he had a treasure of wisdom in his head, and in his heart a treasure of love.


Fo ~ Was he their FOE perhaps?

Buddha had white skin and blue eyes. Buda was his nickname for “Treasure of Wisdom”.

At last he had to flee from the wrath of the priests, but wherever he went his teaching preceded him, whilst his enemies followed him like his shadow. When Jesus had thus traveled for twelve years he died; but his friends preserved his teaching, and spread it wherever they found listeners. What do you think the priests did then? That I must tell you, and you must give your best attention to it. Moreover, you must guard against their acts and tricks with all the strength that Wralda has given you. While the doctrine of Jesus was thus spreading over the earth, the false priests went to the land of his birth to make his death known.

They said they were his friends, and they pretended to show great sorrow by tearing their clothes and shaving their heads. They went to live in caves in the mountains, but in them they had hid all their treasures, and there they made images of Jesus. (Graven Images) They gave these statues to simple people, and at last they said that JESUS WAS A GOD, that he had declared this himself to them, and that all those who followed his doctrine should enter his kingdom thereafter, where all was joy and happiness. Because they knew that he was opposed to the rich, they announced everywhere that poverty, suffering, and humility were the door by which to enter into his kingdom, and that those who had suffered the most on earth should enjoy the greatest happiness there.

Although they knew that Jesus had taught that men should regulate and control their passions, they taught that men should STIFLE their passions, and that the perfection of humanity consisted in being as unfeeling as the cold stones. In order to make the people believe that they did as they preached, they pretended poverty; and that they had overcome all sensual feelings, they took no wives. But if any young girl had made a false step, it was quickly forgiven; the weak, they said, were to be assisted, and to save their souls men must give largely to the CHURCH.

Acting this way, they had wives and children without households, and were rich without working; but the people grew poorer and more miserable than they had ever been before. This doctrine, which requires the priests to possess no further knowledge than to speak deceitfully, and to pretend to be pious while acting unjustly, spreads from east to west, and will come to our land also.

Men in Costumes

But when the priests think that they have entirely extinguished the light of Frya and Jesus, then shall all classes of men rise up who have quietly preserved the truth among themselves, and have hidden it from the priests. They shall be of princely blood, of priestly blood, of Slavonic blood, and of Frya’s blood. They will make their lamps and light visible, so that all men shall see the truth; they shall cry woe to the acts of the priests and the rulers. The rulers who love the truth and justice shall separate themselves from the priests; blood shall flow, but from it the people will gather new strength.

So you can see that Jesus was a mortal man, just like Woden, and just like Athena, being a mortal woman. All three were turned into Gods upon their deaths by priests of Finda.

We can see they did this to have power over the people, and to take their wealth, to get fat off of the work of the poor while they sit idly by in their opulent castles, mansions and churches. Would Jesus have wanted this? He would have been just as abhorrent to it as was Athena. Being a free people, no man is needed to come between a Fryan and God in Heaven.

And Jesus would agree.

World’s Richest Pastor- Kenneth Copeland, Net Worth as of 2020, 760 Million

A quick note here, we were told that,“Sixteen times a hundred years after Atland was submerged”, Jesus was born in India. So 2193 BC (When Atlantis sunk) minus 1600 years, would be 593 BC. That would mean that THIS Jesus Christ lived and died in India around 600 years before the Jesus Christ of the Bible. So yeah, it does make you think. WAS there a Jesus of the Bible in 30 AD? Or did they take the story of the Jesus from India and use it for their Bible years later?

Jesus of India?

Virgin Mary is Frya

And we not only have a reference to Jesus in the OLB, but to his mother Mary, as well, but not how you might think. From Rika’s Letter- Chapter 2 we read:

If there are men among you who wish to put themselves on a level with Wralda, there are also women who wish to consider themselves equals to Frya. Because they have borne children, they call themselves mothers; but they forget that Frya bore children WITHOUT HAVING INTERCOURSE WITH A MAN.

So Mary IS the VIRGIN mentioned, but AS FRYA, the first mother. And she is the mother to ALL of the white race, NOT the specific mother of Jesus. The first Fryans were born of a VIRGIN. Just like the first Findans and just like the first Lydans. Notice that Eve is NOT Frya, the first mother, as per the Bible, although Eve has her own story in the OLB.

Mary is Frya, the Mother of the White Race


So before we begin with Eve’s story in the OLB we need to remind ourselves of her story in the Bible. In that book Eve is the mother of humanity, or just of the white race, depending on who’s interpretation you’ve read. They have her come forth from the rib of a man. They then go on to tell us that Eve is to blame for the fall of man, that she was weak and did what was forbidden by God and that’s why we are in the trouble we are in today. Bad Eve. Disgraceful Eve!

Eve, a weak woman, eating the apple, leading to man’s downfall. Or so the Bible tells us.

Now let’s look at the OLB’s version of the story of Eve. To do this we need to first look at how humanity was created. We read:

After the twelfth Yule festival she (earth) gave birth to three maidens:

Lyda out of glowing, (came first)

Finda out of hot, (came second) and

Frya out of warm dust. (came last)

When the last came Wralda breathed his spirit upon her (Frya) in order that men should be bound to him. ~Fasta

You will see that Lyda (the black race) is the oldest race as confirmed by the archaeological record. Finda (the Asians) came second, and Frya (the white race) came last. Which is actually explained in the Bible as well.

Finda, Lyda, Frya

You can see there was a time before Adam, because the land was already peopled or else Cain would not have to worry about the people outside of the Garden.

Genesis 4:14~ Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

Cain Fleeing After Killing Abel

Notice too that it specifically states that the LAST (Frya) is the one Wralda breathed His spirit upon. “When the LAST came, Wralda breathed his spirit on HER (singular) in order that men should be bound to him. When SHE (singular) was full grown SHE (singular) took pleasure and delight in Wralda’s visions.” It does not say …his spirit on THEM… When THEY were full grown, etc. It is clear that Wralda is speaking specifically of the last, of Frya.

These are the laws that Frya has written in her heart. The Fryans called them Eva. From the OLB:

The word EVA is too sacred for common use, therefore men have learned to say EVIN. EVA means that knowledge which is implanted in the breast of every man in order that he may know what is right and wrong, and by which he is able to judge his own deeds and those of others; that is to say, if he had been well and not badly brought up. ~ Chapter 13

Notice how the Bible takes this story and perverts it. Makes Eve the downfall of Man, when in fact Eve is what makes man HU-Man. What better way to control HALF of the human population with this one change in the story! Woman needs to be controlled by man because EVE. How convenient for the Magy.

And because we have EVE in our hearts, this is the main reason why a particular tribe (who are of MIXED race) wants to get rid of Frya. With Frya gone from the earth there is no one left that is bound to God’s laws. The laws would then be MAN made and the ones that determine the law are the ones in control.

Notice these same men are the ones pushing for pedophilia to be legal, sodomy, a ‘Do As Thou Will’ lifestyle.

The OLB specifically talks about how Finda considers laws. We read:

Unreasonable Finda. She wrote thousands of laws, but she never followed up on (enforced) one.

Despicable Finda. The laws that Finda left were written on golden pages, but for the good for which they were made they were not of any use. The good laws were abolished, and selfishness instituted bad ones in their place.

More on the law, or Eva, as the Fryan’s called it, reflected by the Fryan Minno in his writings. He says:

I am convinced that we alone were chosen by Alvader (Wralda) to have laws. Lyda’s people cannot make laws nor obey them; they are too stupid and uncivilized. Many of Finda’s offspring are clever enough, but they are greedy, haughty, false, immoral and bloodthirsty. The toad blows himself up, but he can only crawl. The frog cries, “Work, work;” but he does nothing else but hop and make himself ridiculous. The raven cries, “Spare, spare;” but he steals and devours everything that he gets into his beak.

Finda’s people are just like these. They have a lot to say about good laws; every one wishes to make regulations to prevent the wrong, but in themselves nobody wants to be bound by these. He who is the most cunning and therefore the strongest, crows king over the others who must be subject to him until another comes and drives him off of his perch. ~ Chapter 13, Minno

“Clever, enough, but greedy, haughty, false, immoral and bloodthirsty.” Does this remind you of the people in control today?

Fauci with the Rockefeller/Rothschild Clan. Lady in Red, two here, showing allegiance to the Rothschilds.

And Athena/Minerva, further confirms this…

I carry my heritage in my BOSOM. What I have inherited is the love for wisdom, justice and liberty.

So which is the truth? That Eve is the downfall of humanity as the Bible purports? Or is Eve the sacred laws put into our hearts by God as the OLB states? Eve wasn’t of Adam’s rib, but a metaphor for what is behind that rib, put into his heart. Eve is not the downfall of humanity, but what uplifts it.

Garden of Eden

So not only is Eve in the OLB, but so is the Garden of Eden. Notice how close to Even (the word they use for their sacred laws) is to Eden.


So like in the Garden of Eden of the Bible, where all kinds of fruit grow on every tree, and the weather was always beautiful, the same is in the OLB. We read:

This is inscribed upon all burghs:

Before the bad time came our country was the most beautiful in the world. The sun rose higher and there was seldom frost. On the trees and shrubs grew fruit and things which are now lost. In the fields we not only had barley, oats, and rye, but wheat which shone like gold, and which could be baked in the sun’s rays. The years were not counted, for one was as happy as the other. ~ Chapter 21

Creation Story

And we have a Creation Story in the OLB as well. We read:

This is our earliest history:

Wralda, who alone is good and eternal, made the beginning, then came time. Time wrought all things, also the earth. The earth bore grass, herbs and trees, all beautiful animals and all bad animals. All that is good and beautiful she (earth) brought forth by day, and all that is wicked and bad she (earth) brought forth by night.~ Fasta

This story was told by Fasta, the first Burgh Matron, picked by Frya (Mary) before her death. Notice how similar it is to the Creation Story in the Bible.

“Made the beginning” is similar to “in the beginning“.

Then time, then the earth, then the flora and fauna. A particular order shared by both books. Day and night is also mentioned, although not as the main subject of that line. The OLB is more concerned with the type of creatures than with the day and the night.

Genesis 1:4~ And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Noah’s Flood

Now if we go back to the Bible story of Adam and Eve, and because of Eve’s transgression, her and Adam were kicked out of the Garden, we can see a similar thing happening, explained in the OLB, where the Fryans were “expelled” from THEIR blissful garden. BUT their story would be explained by a similar story in the Bible called Noah’s Flood.

How the Bad Time came:

The whole summer the sun hid behind the clouds, as if it did not want to see the earth. The wind rested in its place causing smoke and mist to hang like sails above the houses and marshes. The air was dreary and dull, and in the hearts of people there were neither joy nor happiness. In the midst of this stillness the earth began to tremble as if she was dying. The mountains split open to spew out fire and ash, others sank into her bowels, and where there were fields, mountains rose up. Aldland, called Atland by the sailors, sank down and the wild waves went so high over mountain and dale that everything was submerged. Many people were buried in the earth and many who had escaped the fire perished in the water. Not only in Finda’s Land did the mountains spew fire but also in Twiskland. Forests were burned one after another, and when the wind came from there our land was covered with ash. Rivers changed their course, and at their mouths new islands were formed of sand and floating animals.

Three years earth suffered, but when it improved the forests could be seen. Many countries were submerged, others had risen out of the sea and in Twiskland half of the forests were destroyed. Bands of Finda’s people came and settled in the empty spaces. Our dispersed people were exterminated or became their hirelings. Then watchfulness was doubly impressed upon us, and time taught us that unity is our best fortress. ~ Chapter 22, The 2193 BC Disaster

Atlantis, Altland~ Old Land

Atlantis, or Altland, which means Old Land, sank into the sea due to earth changes. Atlantis WAS their Garden of Eden. Their original homeland. And since many Fryans were sailors and had ships, the fortunate ones were able to escape with their families and sailed to nearby lands. So it wasn’t one boat, like in the story of Noah, but a number of boats. The nearest lands would be Iceland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. These ARE the lands where the Fryans did establish their homes after this event.

This event affected the whole of Europe, the Middle East and all the lands surrounding the Mediterranean. And these events lasted three years. This would make for many people fleeing from their original homes trying to find a place that is safe, where they can make shelter and gather food.

First Monotheists

Now, similar to the Bible, the Fryans were MONOTHEISTS. In the Fryan religion, the OLDEST religion of our White Race, there is only ONE God. He is the Father of everything. He is called Wralda, which is where we get the word WORLD from. He is all Good and created good by day and bad by night. Fryans were Monotheists, NOT Pagans as many would have us think. They did not believe in Idol worship of any kind, and especially of making themselves into gods. This was the work of the Magy. The Magy knew to control a people they had to control their spirit, their religion. They already controlled the Findans and so through FORCE they made the Fryans convert to Christianity.

From the OLB we read how the Fryans perceived God:

Wralda is the ancient of ancients or the most ancient, for he created all things. Wralda is all in all, for he is eternal and everlasting. Wralda is omnipresent but invisible, and therefore his being is called a spirit. All that we can see of him are the created beings who came through his life and go back again, because from Wralda all things proceed and return to him. From Wralda comes the beginning and the end; all things are glorified through him. Wralda is the ONLY almighty being, because from him all power is borrowed and returns to him. From him come all crafts and all crafts return to him. Therefore he alone is the creator, and nothing is created outside of him.

Wralda established eternal principles that are law in all creation and there are no good laws or they must be established therein. But although everything is in Wralda, the wickedness of men is not from him. Wickedness comes from laziness, carelessness, and stupidity; therefore they may well be injurious to men, but never to Wralda. Wralda is wisdom, and the laws that he had made are the books from which we learn, nor is any wisdom to be found or gathered, but in them. Men may see a great deal, but Wralda sees everything. Men may learn many things, but Wralda knows everything. Men may unlock many things, but to Wralda everything is open. Mankind are male and female, but Wralda created both. Mankind love and hate, but Wralda alone is just. Therefore Wralda alone is good, and there is no good without him. In the progress of time all creation alters and changes, but goodness alone is unalterable; and since Wralda is good, he cannot change. As he endures, he alone exists; everything else is show. ~Chapter 4

So we can see that the Fryans worshiped the Father and the Holy Spirit, but NOT the Son, NOT a Trinity. The Son, Jesus, was added by the Magy in order to control the people.

Now let’s take a look at what the Fryans thought of Finda and their view on religion. We read:

Finda’s people are a wicked people, for although the deceivers make themselves believe that they are gods, they have created false gods for the ignorant (Athena/Wodin/Jesus) and proclaim everywhere that these idols created the world and all therein; greedy idols, full of envy and anger, who desire to be honored and served by the people, seeking their blood and offers and demanding their treasures; but these presumptuous and false men, who let themselves be called god-servants and priests, receive and collect everything in the name of these gods, who do not exist, for their own benefit. They practice all this with a liberal conscience as they regard themselves as gods who are not accountable to anybody. If someone discovers their fraud and exposes them, they are taken by their henchmen and burned for their blasphemy at solemn ceremonies in honor of their false gods; but in truth only to protect themselves.

In order that our children may be armed against these idolatrous doctrines, so the matrons must teach them from the outside the following:

Wralda was before all things, and after all things he will still be. Wralda is also eternal and everlasting, therefore nothing is outside of him. From Wralda’s being, time and all things were born, and his being takes away time and every other thing. These things must be made clear and manifest in every way, so that they may be told to and understood by others.

When we have mastered this much, then we say further: In regards to our extent, we are a part of Wralda’s everlasting being, like the extent of all creation; but as regards our form, our qualities, our spirit, and all of our thoughts, these do not belong to that Being. These are passing things which appear by Wralda’s life, and which appear through his wisdom, and not otherwise; but whereas life continues, nothing can remain stationary; therefore all created things change their locality, their form, and their thoughts. So neither the earth nor any other created object can say, I am; but rather, I was. So no man can say, I think; but rather, I thought. The boy is greater and different from when he was a baby; he has different desires, inclinations, and thoughts. The man and father are and think differently from the boy; the old man just the same. Everybody knows that. Besides, everybody knows and must acknowledge that he is changing, that he changes every moment, even while he says, I am, and that his thoughts change even while he says, I think.

Life Stages of Man

Instead, then, of disgracefully imitating the wicked Findas and practicing occultism (Cult – Celt) by saying, I am, or I am the best part of Wralda, and yes, through us alone he can think, we proclaim everywhere where it is necessary: We, Frya’s children, exist through Wralda’s life- in the beginning insignificant and naked, but always advancing towards perfection without ever attaining the excellence of Wralda himself. Our spirit is not Wralda’s spirit; it is merely a reflection of it. When Wralda created us in his wisdom, he lent us his brains, senses, memory, and many other good qualities. By this means we are able to contemplate his laws; by this we can learn and reason, solely for our own good. Had Wralda not given us our senses, we would have known nothing of these, and would have been more ignorant than a piece of sea weed driven forth by the ebb and tide. ~Chapter 5


So you can see here that the Fryans definitely believed in God, singular, and not in gods or goddesses, as many purport when discussing the OLB.

Also you probably noticed the reference to “I Am”. So unlike in the Bible, the Fryans believed the only one that can say I Am is God. God is the only one that is eternal, and therefore the only one that is always in the present, past and future at the same time. Notice though in the Bible, Jesus is saying he is the I am. And that the only way to get to God is THROUGH him. Whereas in the Fryan religion no mediator is needed. Fryans have a direct relationship with Alvater (the All Father).

John 14:6~ Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Ten Commandments on Stone

And similar to the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets that Moses carried, Fryan’s had their laws written on stone on the walls of the Burghs for all to see. Notice that these laws are NOT the laws handed down from God. Why is that? Because God already put these laws WITHIN OUR HEARTS; to PROTECT these laws from being corrupted by any MAN. So the laws written on the burgh walls are NOT these laws. They are the laws that followed, tried and true to maintain order for the benefit of the Fryans.

This too is symbolized with Jesus pointing to HIS heart . God’s laws within our hearts.

Jesus pointing to his heart AND up to God, meaning God gave us the morals in our hearts.

The very first laws were handed down to Fasta the first Burgh Matron from Frya.

All ordinances which have existed a century, that is, a hundred years by the rotation of the carrier and its Yule, may by the advice of the Mother and by common consent be inscribed on the burgh walls; and when inscribed thus they are laws, and it is our duty to respect them all. ~ Chapter 4

In contrast, let us read what the Bible says:

John 1:1~ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

It should read:

In the beginning was the WORLD, and the WORLD was with God, and the WORLD was God.

World would be the English equivalent of the word WRALDA. We can see how by removing one letter, changing WORLD to WORD, they were able to write the book called the Bible and use it to control us.

There is NO WRITTEN WORD of God. We know God through his WORKS, his CREATION, and through the WORD that is WRITTEN IN OUR HEARTS.

And I found this Fryan law of particular interest:

Wralda’s spirit may only be thanked with BENDED KNEES, yes thrice fold; for what you have received from him, for what you enjoy, and for the hope he gives you in times of distress.

Doesn’t it seem like all this Communist bend the knee BS is in direct mockery to God?


There are three laws that a ‘particular tribe’ is wholly against and is most likely why they push the fake narrative that the OLB is a hoax. Violating these laws are the biggest reason WHY the Fryans are in such trouble today.

The first law is NO USURY.

Those coming to market may not practice USURY. Should any do so, it will be the Matron’s duty to disclose them throughout the land so that they may never be elected to any office because they have greedy hearts . For self-enrichment they will betray everybody; the people, the Mother, their family and lastly their own selves. ~ Chapter 7 General Laws

Usury is one of the primary causes of our enslavement! By charging interest on money you basically are making “money” out of nothing. Money is a unit of measure that is in direct relation to time of labor. Interest is not time of labor, so it is in addition to it, no labor involved. So by being middle men, charging for what is not, they effectively enslave a person.

Usury was not allowed


The second law is NO MISCEGENATION.

Although a Fryan COULD marry outside of his or her race, that Fryan would have to leave with their spouse to their spouse’s country. They would forever be banished from Frya’s land. On the burgh wall it read:

Should any of them (Lyda or Finda) desire one of your daughters as a wife, and she is willing, explain to her foolishness; but if she still wants to follow her suitor, let her go in peace.

If your son wishes for a daughter of theirs, you must do the same as with your daughter; but neither the one nor the other may ever return, for they would introduce foreign morals and customs, and if these were accepted by you, I could no longer watch over you. ~ Frya

Fryans KNEW that BLOODLINE, Jus Sanguinis, matters. It was NOT about WHERE someone was born, Jus Soli, which is what has been pushed for hundreds of years now. The United States (US) is a great example of this. Before, immigration was only allowed for White Europeans, because the US was founded by White Europeans. Only at the turn of the 20th Century did this policy change. Then powerful people from a particular tribe, owners of the media, banks, large corporations, pushed the theme that America was a melting pot and that citizenship should be by Jus Soli INSTEAD of Jus Sanguinis. We can see how this is leading to the US’s downfall today.

We even get a story in the OLB to show how Lyda and Finda were treated when they were in Frya’s lands. We read:

Along the Rhine it was just the same as at Lydasburgh (Leiden). There was a great lake. On this lake there were also people living upon piles. But they were not Frya’s people; they were black and brown men who had been employed as rowers to bring home the men who had been making foreign voyages, and they had to stay there until the fleet went back.

Notice the name LYDASburgh, which means BLACKtown, town of the black people. They lived on a lake where they were separated intentionally from Frya’s people.

To the south of Forana lies Alkmarum. Alkmarum is a lake or river in which there is an island. On this island the black and brown people must remain, the same as Lydasburgh. The burgh matron of Forana told me that the burgtheeren go every day to teach them what real freedom is, and how it behooves men to live in order to obtain the blessing of Wralda’s spirit. If there was any one who was willing to listen and could comprehend, he was kept there until he was fully taught. That was done in order to instruct the distant people, and to make friends everywhere.

So you see that although they were kept separate, they were treated with kindness and taught the ways of Wralda. The separation reminds me of Apartheid in South Africa. Why was that so bad? The blacks of South Africa were treated very well, made more money and lived better then, than they do now under a black ruled government. What is so bad about having separate beaches? Living in separate communities? Every other country that is not white lives this way. And yet, somehow, if the whites want the same thing this is unacceptable and cruel. Can we see the hypocrisy?

What is so awful about sitting separately on a bus?

There were TWO Great disasters mentioned in the OLB. The biggest was the first, the one known as the Great Flood, the one that sunk their original homeland Atlantis, but there was a second devastating catastrophe. This took place in 305 BC. In this particular disaster the land on the coast was destroyed by water and the lands on the interior were destroyed by earth. From the OLB we read:

The seafaring people and other sailors who were at home had saved themselves and their wives and children on their ships. The black people at Lydasburgh and Alkmarum had done the same. As the blacks were driven south they saved many girls, and as no one came to claim them, they took them for their wives…. ten years later the navigators came from Forana and Lydasburgh. They wanted to drive the black men, with their wives and children, out of the country. They wished to obtain the opinion of the Mother on the subject.

Gosa asked them: “Can you take any of them back to their countries? If so, then make haste, or they will find no relative alive.” “No,” they said. Gosa replied: ” They have tasted your salt and eaten your bread; they have placed their bodies and lives under your protection. You must examine your own hearts. But I will give you one piece of advice. Keep them until you are able to take them back to their homes, but keep them outside of your burghs. Watch over their morals, and educate them as if they were Frya’s sons. Their women are the strongest here. Their blood will disappear like smoke, till at last nothing but Frya’s blood will remain in their descendants.”

So they remained here.

Notice how the OLB says that, “their blood will disappear like smoke, till at last nothing but Frya’s blood will remain in their descendants.” So per the OLB, it IS possible for a family line to become racially pure after several generations. This is in contrast to the Bible which states,

Deuteronomy 23:2 ~ A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

But as was stated earlier, the people of Egypt and Israel in that area were already mixed back then. So I don’t see how this could even apply to them? We know a ‘particular tribe’ who purports to be the chosen people of the Bible are themselves a mixed race. If we look at their DNA, most are mixed with J haplo group (from the Middle East) and R1a haplo group (which are Eastern European). So this is just another instance where I have to question the Bible.

Before we leave the topic of Miscegenation I wanted to note here that Fryans were very aware of of who is mixed. Sekrops, the first ‘mythical’ king of Athens, that ran the Fryans out of Athens, was himself mixed and so they believed because he had a Fryan mother, he was kinder to them then all the other priests combined. From the OLB we read:

From the other Krekalander you may have heard a great deal of bad about Sekrops, because he was not of good repute, but I dare say he was an enlightened man, highly regarded both by the locals and by us, for he was not for the oppression of people like the other priests, but he was virtuous and knew how to value the wisdom by distant nations. Because he realized this, he allowed us to live according to our own Segabok (Law Book). There was a rumor that he was kind to us because he was the offspring of a Fryan girl and an Egyptian priest as he has blue eyes and many of our girls had been abducted and sold in Egypt. He never confirmed this himself, though. Whatever the case, he certainly showed us more friendship than all the other priests put together.

Also, one of the last Fryan rulers, after the laws were corrupted and hereditary rule was allowed, we have BLACK Adel. He was called this due to his BLACK hair. He knew, as did the Fryans that he was mixed.

When the pest (plague) had ceased, the Twisklanders (Mixed Frya and Finda) who had become free, came to the Rhine, but Askar (Black Adel) would not associate himself with the leaders of that vile degenerate race. He would not suffer them to call themselves Frya’s children, but he forgot HE HIMSELF HAD BLACK HAIR. ~ Black Adel

It reminds me of King Solomon with HIS jet black hair. A White person can only have jet black hair if they are MIXED with either Lyda or Finda. Blacks and Asians have BLACK hair and BLACK eyes, Whites do not. So King Solomon, from the tribe of Judah, was of mixed race.

Song of Solomon 5:11 ~ His head [is as] the most fine gold, his locks [are] bushy, [and] black as a raven.


Now the third and final law that the Fryans knew if they disobeyed would lead to their downfall was NO ENSLAVEMENT OF ANYONE.

They already caused their own enslavement by eventually allowing Usury, but with this law put the final nail in the coffin.

Now they didn’t actually enslave Lyda or Finda, as we can see with the previous story of Lyda, being paid by the Fryans, and living in their own community on islands in the lakes. They had no desire to. What they desired was for the other races to learn the laws of Wralda and to live in peace.

From the Bible we read that the Israelites had slaves. Not only slaves but handmaids, and not only handmaids, but their own wives and daughters had a subservient role to the men.

The Handmaid’s Tale showing the Conservative Right as Extremists while promoting the LGBTQ Left in a Good Light- both are incorrect.

Just by me writing on this, being a woman, many will say I am uppity, that I don’t know my place, that I am a woman’s libber. What a great way to shut up HALF of the Fryan race! Fryans were always a society in which men and woman were equal. Both sexes had important roles to play. In the Bible the woman is suppressed, effectively silencing half the population. Notice today the Women’s Lib movement. Originated by Communist Magy in a strategy to divide husband and wife in the home. On the other side you have Conservative Christians who suppress women. Neither side is right. Women shouldn’t be dominant Lesbians as the Left would have us, but they also shouldn’t be controlled slaves as the right would have us.

Women have a role and a voice in Wralda’s world.

So Fryans, by believing the Bible, break this most important law regarding enslavement. They enslave their own.

Notice the Communist Fist showing what Tribe is behind this Agenda. And always with the help of their Pawns, Lyda.

In the OLB, we learn what important roles women had in their society. They were the keeper of the morals. It was their job to make sure the people remained free and true to God. They were the nurturers, teachers to the children, keepers of the historical records, while the men were the protectors, warriors, tradesmen, and merchants.

LIBERTY to the Fryans was the MOST IMPORTANT virtue.

As written on the Burgh Walls:

Without liberty all other virtues serve to make you slaves, your origins to eternal disgrace.

And under their General Laws, the very first law states,

ALL Frya’s children are born EQUAL. Therefore they must have equal rights on land and elsewhere, that is water, and in all that Wralda has given.

Statue of Liberty showing a Burgh Matron with her Illuminated Torch. Liberty and Justice for ALL. Usurped by the ones in Control today.

And the second law proves it further,

Every man may court the wife of his choice AND every girl may pledge herself to him she loves.

There were no arranged marriages. No one was sold to a man for a wife. It was freely decided by BOTH man and woman. Man and woman would not only have equal say in their union, but in their marriage. This wasn’t about Women’s Lib, it was about LIBerty for ALL of Frya’s children.

LIBerty for ALL

Tower of Babel

Now let’s go from the outer rim, the burgh walls, to the center of the Yule, the burgh tower.

The Burgh Matron Apollonia describes her burgh.

My burgh lies near the north end of the Liudgarda. The tower has six sides. It is three times thirty feet high; flat on top, with a small house upon it from where they study the stars (observatory). On either side of the tower is a house three hundred feet long, three times seven feet wide and as high, apart from the roof which is round. All this is built of hard-baked bricks, and on the outside there is nothing else. Around the burgh is a ring dyke, with a moat three times seven feet deep and three times twelve feet wide. If one looks down from the tower, he sees the shape of the Yule… On the south wall the Tex is inscribed. On the right side of this are ordinances, and on the other side the laws; the other matters are found upon the three other sides. ~ Chapter 7, Apollonia

So this tower is 90 feet high, the equivalent of a nine-story building today. Impressive but not “biblical” in proportion. That is, until we read,

All the other citadels are the same shape as ours, only not so large; but the largest of all is that in Texland. The tower of Fryasburgh is SO HIGH THAT IT RENDS THE SKY, and all the rest is in proportion to the TOWER.

Now I believe THIS tower and all the lesser towers were made to reflect Wralda’s Tower in the center of the Earth at the North Pole.

However, THIS tower in Fryasburgh would be THE tower that the Tower of Babel is copied from because it has to be one that the Magy saw. But unlike the Tower of Babel, this tower was not made for people to “be like gods”, but used as an observatory to study the stars.

Notice too that the citadels were all in the shape of the Yule, Wralda’s most sacred symbol. If you study the remnants of many star forts today you can see that the inner city areas started as Yules.

There are six mentioned in the OLB and all located in The Netherlands.

They are Den Burgh on the island of Texel. Notice Den is short for EDEN Burgh. Which is also the name of that Fryan town in Scotland, Edinburgh.


Remember that these towns originated several thousand years ago and had gone through many natural disasters including earth upheaval and flooding. In addition, much of the walls were taken and used for rebuilding, and later for expansion. So the old star forts are not clearly defined in some instances. You can see the center of the Yule here and how the town was built around it.

Den Burgh

Wieringen, which looks like three quarters was reclaimed for farm land.


Stavoren, which being by the water, looks as if it was wholly decimated,


Medemblik, which has some remnants,


Leiden, where you CAN see a remnant of the STAR on the right side here.


And Middelburg, where you can see the central spot where the tower would have stood, and the building out from there.


And from the research of Baram Blackett and Alan Wilson in Artorius Rex Discovered, we find that King Arthur’s Camelot was also in the shape of the Yule, in so many words. The castle of Camelot was at the center with the towers surrounding it like the spokes of a wheel. They believe they found the ruins of Arthur’s Camelot in Wales.

Now in that huge tower at Fryasburgh, was the ORIGINAL FIRE, the eternal flame.


This torch, connecting its people to their ancestors. Connecting them to the very beginning. So unlike the Tower of Babel, where men were corrupt and tried to be as god, the Tower of Fryasburgh was in homage TO God, to Wralda, and a most sacred place.

Tower in Middelburg, Netherlands

Now, not only was the Tower story stolen, the scattering of languages was stolen as well. But it wasn’t by the doing of Wralda, who gave one language to the people, but by the ‘particular people’ themselves who wanted to hide their wicked ways.

From the Burgh Matron Gosa’s last will she writes:

When Wralda gave children to the mothers of mankind, he gave one language to every tongue and on all lips. This gift Wralda had bestowed upon men in order that by its means they might make known to each other what must be avoided and what must be followed to find salvation, and to hold salvation for all eternity. Wralda is wise and good, and all-foreseeing. As he knew that happiness and holiness would flee from the earth when wickedness could overcome virtue, he has attached to the language an equitable property. This property consists in this that men can neither lie nor use deceitful words without stammering or blushing, by which means the innately bad are easily recognized.

Because our language thus opens the way to happiness and salvation, and thus helps to guard against evil inclinations, it it rightly named the Language of the Gods, and all those by whom it is held in honor derive honor from it. But what has happened? As soon as among our half brothers and sisters deceivers arose, who gave themselves out as servants of the good, it soon became otherwise. The deceitful priests and the malignant rulers, who always connive together, wished to live according to their own inclinations, without regard to laws and decent conduct. In their wickedness they went so far as to invent other languages, so that they might speak secretly in anybody’s presence of their wicked and unworthy affairs without betraying themselves by stammering, and without showing a blush upon their countenances.

But what has that produced? Just as easily as the seed of good herbs which has been sown by good men in daylight, germinates under the ground, so time brings to light the evil seed which has been sown by wicked men in secret and in darkness. The wanton girls and effeminate youths who fornicated with the immoral priests and rulers, taught the new language to their companions, and thus spread it among the people till God’s Language was clean forgotten. Would you know what came of all this? Now that stammering and blushing no longer betrayed their evil doings, virtue passed away, wisdom and liberty followed; unity was lost, and quarreling took its place; love flew away, immorality and envy sat around their tables; and where previously justice reigned, now it is the sword.

Sounds like what is happening today as well.

And before we leave the Tower of Babel topic we have one more point to touch on.

One of the most obvious word plays here is how similar Bible is to Tower of Babel. Bible. Babel. In Hebrew we know that the vowels were added later for pronunciation. So they would consider these two words the same. Just like ARAV and EREV are the ARABS of the Bible. B-BL- and B-B-L are the same. Bible IS Babel.



Moses Parting the Red Sea

So like the Tower of Babel story taken from the OLB, so is the Bible story of Moses Parting the Red Sea.

When Minerva died, the best of the Fryans, under their new Mother Gert, were run out of Athens. When they were one day on their journey, thirty ships from Thirhis who were heading to Athens, changed their course to sail with the Gertmanna (Germans). They all traveled to the strait, which at that time, ran into the Red Sea, heading for India.

When the King of Thirhis seeing afterwards that all of his best sailors were gone, sent all his ships with his wild soldiers to catch them, dead or alive. When they arrived at the strait, though, both the sea and the earth trembled. The land was lifted up so that all the water ran out of the strait, and the mud and grime rose up like a rampart before them. This happened on the account of the virtues of the Gertmanna, as everyone may clearly see. ~ Chapter 29

So you can see how close this story is to Moses parting that same Red Sea!

But instead of Israelites being chased by Egyptians and the Red Sea PARTING, we have the Gertmanna being chased by Phoenicians and the Red Sea LIFTING. No way are these two stories relaying two separate events. There is ONE event. One is true. One is false, with the TRUE story being changed to their advantage.

Now there IS evidence of the German’s going to India and to the area that they mention, Pangap, where the five rivers meet. In things such as place names like The Himalayas (Frisian for “reaching the sky”); from the admixture of Fryan blood in the people of the area, and in the historical record of Alexander the Great, who explored this area with the aid of the Fryans.

The Himalayas

From the OLB we read:

After we had lived 12 times 100 and twice 12 years (1224 years) at the Five Waters (Punjab), whilst our sea farers were navigating all the seas they could find, came Alexander the King, with a powerful army from the upper regions of the river towards our villages. No one could withstand him; but we sea-people, who lived by the sea, put all of our possessions on board ships and took our departure. When Alexander heard such a large fleet had escaped him, he became furious, and swore that he would burn all the villages if we did not come back. Wichhirte was ill in bed. When Alexander heard that, he waited until he was better. After that he came to him, speaking very kindly- but he deceived, as he had done before.

Punjab Province, India

Wichhirte answered: “Oh greatest of kings, we sailors go everywhere; we have heard of your great deeds, therefore we are full of respect for your arms, and still more for your wisdom; but we who are free-born Frya’s children, we may not become your slaves; and even if I would, the others would sooner die, for so it is commanded in our laws.

Alexander said: “I do not desire to take your land or make slaves of your people. I only wish to hire your services. That I will swear by both our gods, so that no one may be dissatisfied.”

When Alexander had shared bread and salt with him, Wichhirte chose the wisest part. He let his son fetch the ships. When they had all returned, Alexander hired them all. By means of them he wished to transport his people to the holy Ganges, which he had not been able to reach before.

Through the Germanna he was successful.

The Ganges River

Alexander then wanted them to come with him back to the Red Sea and help him haul his ships over the desert to the Mediterranean. “At last there arrived a great troop of people, bringing with them 200 elephants, 1000 camels, timber, ropes and all kinds of implements necessary to drag our fleet to the Mediterranean Sea. This astounded us, and seemed most extraordinary; but Nearchus told us that his king wished to show to the other kings that he was more powerful than any of the kings of Tyre had ever been.

In historical accounts on Alexander’s journey no mention is given of the help he received by the Gertmanna. But would a boastful king want to share his glory?

The Golden Calf

And even the Golden Calf that Aaron and his people worshiped is mentioned in the writings of the Burgh Matron Adela in the OLB.

The leading men and their sturdy sons crawled to the unchaste Finnish girls; and their own daughters, led astray by this vile example, allowed themselves to be charmed by the handsome Finnish lads to the ridicule of their degenerated parents. When the Magy got sniff of this he took the most attractive of his Finns and Magyaryar AND PROMISED THEM COWS WITH GOLDEN HORNS TO LET THEM BE TAKEN IN (EMPLOYED) BY OUR PEOPLE IN ORDER TO SPREAD HIS DOCTRINES. His people did even more. Children disappeared, were taken away to Uppsala, and after they had been brought up in his filthy doctrines, were sent back. ~Adela, 559 BC

The Golden Calf was not promised to Fryans but to Findans who were willing to spread Findan doctrine. Thus the Golden Calf in the Bible was a Findan idol NOT a Fryan idol.

Aaron and the Golden Calf


Also how suicide is viewed by Christian religion is in direct contradiction to how the Fryans viewed it. From the OLB we read:

Demetrius had sailed to Athens. When our king realized this, he led us back. When we came into the harbor, the whole town was in mourning. Friso, who was king of the fleet, had a son and daughter at home so remarkably fair as if they had just come out of Fryasland, and more beautiful than any one could picture. The fame of this went all over Greece, and came to the ears of Demetrius. Demetrius was vile and immoral, and thought he could do as he pleased. He had the daughter openly abducted.

And shortly thereafter he also took the son.

and he did to him as he had done to his sister.”

When Demetrius had heard that Friso had come home, he sent messengers to him to say that he had taken his children to raise them to high rank, and to reward him for his services. But Friso was proud and passionate, and send a messenger with a letter to his children, in which he recommended them to accept the will of Demetrius, as he wished to promote their happiness; but the messenger had another letter with poison, which he ordered them to take:

“Because”, he said, “your bodies have been defiled against your will. That you are not to blame for; but if your souls are not pure, you will never come in to Walhalla. Your spirits will haunt the earth in darkness. Like the bats and owls, you will hide yourselves in the daytime in boles, and in the night will come and shriek and cry about our graves, while Frya must turn her head away from you.

The children did as their father had commanded.

If their souls were not pure they could never get into Heaven! Suicide WAS an option TO keep their souls pure and be able to go to Heaven. The opposite is true of Christianity where we are taught by priests that if we commit suicide we will wallow in the pits of Hell.

SODOMY will get you a ticket to Hell, as per the OLB. What do they push today? Everything is about the butt. Big butts don’t lie.

Twerking. Everything is designed to get us thinking about immoral sex.

Sodomy, sticking out the Kali tongue, the Black and White stripes to represent the Masonic connection, she even wears her hair in two little Devil horns.

Frya’s Day versus Good Friday

The deception wouldn’t be complete without taking special days celebrated by the Fryans and using them for their own purposes. In the OLB the first Burgh Matron tells us of this. Could Frya’s day be usurped for Good Friday?

Fasta said:

Anything that any man wants to do, whatever it may be, on the day appointed for Frya’s honour, shall eternally fail. for time has now proven that she was right; and it is become a law that people without crisis or constraints should do nothing else on Frya’s day other than have a joyful feast.

We are told to commemorate Frya’s day with a joyful FEAST in her honor. On Good Friday they commemorate Christ’s death by FASTING.

The Yule versus Christmas

And Yuletide came BEFORE Christmas and was NOT a pagan holiday, but a Fryan holiday, a monotheist holiday. The Christmas tree was NOT taken from the pagans but from the monotheistic Fryans. The Christmas tree is really the Fryan’s Tree of Life or World Tree (Wralda Tree). Candles placed and lit on its boughs would be in remembrance of the ancestors who have passed, now and forever on their watch stars.

The World (Wralda) Tree, Tree of Life

What appear above are the signs of the Yule. It is the first symbol of Wralda, also of the start or beginning from which time came, that is, the carrier which must forever go around with the Yule.

From this Frya formed the set hand which she used for her Tex. When Fasta was Honorary Mother, she made running or continuous script from it. The Witking, that is Sea King, Godfreiath the Old made separate numbers for both set and running script. It is therefore not too much that we have an annual festival to celebrate it. We must eternally bring thanks to Wralda that he let his spirit flow so strongly over our forefathers. ~ Chapter 20

Love Thy Neighbor

As the Bible says do unto your neighbors as you would do to yourself, so does the OLB.

Leviticus 19:18 ~ Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord.

And the OLB says,

You have seen how quickly I provide assistance. Do the same to your neighbor. Do not wait until someone begs you; the afflicted would curse you, my matrons would erase your name from the book, and I would have to denounce you as a stranger. ~ Chapter 3, Frya’s Text

Now Frya is speaking of taking care of their neighbors, because a Fryan neighbor would be a relative by blood. The community took care of all its members, from the young to the old, with family or without.

The story of the Three Thieves is a good example of neighborly assistance.

War was over, but famine came in its place. Now there were three men who each stole a sack of wheat from different owners. They were all caught, though. Now the first owner went forth and brought his thief to court. The matrons said in all respects he acted according to law.

The other took the wheat away from his thief and let him go in peace. The matrons said he had done well.

The third owner went to the thief’s house. When he saw how great the need was there, he went back and returned with a wagon full of supplies with which he drove the need from the house. Frya’s matrons honored him and wrote his deed in the eternal book while all his transgressions were erased. This was reported to the Honorary Mother and she announced it through the whole land. ~ Chapter 19

Christians Attacking Fryans

The OLB warns us on the very first page to beware of the Christians. Did they really peacefully convert Europe as certain “experts” on ancient history are leading us to believe? From the OLB we learn that the Christians were FORCEFULLY converting them.

Raubenheimer verifies this fact on page eight of his book Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe where he writes, “In a bloody campaign, both Frisians and Saxons were forced to accept the Roman Catholic Faith. In only one incident, at the Massacre of Verden in 782 AD, some 4500 Saxons were beheaded for practicing ‘paganism’ after supposedly having converted to Roman Catholicism. As proof of Charles’ (Charles the Great of the Frankish Empire) fanatic resolve to FORCE the Saxons into Roman Catholicism, he issued a legal code in 783 AD, the Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae, which included the death sentence for any Saxon who refused to convert from their native Germanic ‘paganism’ to Christianity.”

Who do we know of today that likes to do beheadings?

And so forcefully that Liko ovira Linda, writing in 803 AD, had to remove pages of the OLB to protect his family. Now if Christianity is the way, the truth and the life, why would they have to do that? That should send up a big red flag shouldn’t it? It did with me. Liko writes,

Beloved Heirs, for the sake of our dear forefathers, and for the sake of our dear freedom, I beg you a thousands times. Oh beloved, never let the eye of a monk glance over these writings. They speak sweet words but they secretly tamper with everything that relates to us Frisians.

To gain rich endowments they conspire with puppet kings. These knew that we are their greatest enemies because we speak to their people of liberty, rights, and the duties of rulers. Therefore they seek to destroy all that we derive from our forefathers, and all that is left of our old customs.

Oh Beloved, I have been in their courts. If Wralda wills it and do not strengthen us, they will altogether exterminate us.

Written at Liudwerd. (In the) Eight hundredth and third year by the Christian concept. ~ Liko, surname ovira Linda.

Minerva/Athena knew how they were too.

By cunning they made themselves masters of our laws and customs and by fallacies they wished to explain everything and expand thereon. ~ Hellenia

And tried to teach her people to be wary when she said:

Frya has brought us to the path and the carrier, that is Time, must do the rest. For all calamities there is counsel and remedy to be found, but Wralda wills that we should seek it ourselves, in order that we may become strong and wise. If we will not do that, he leaves us to our own devices, in order that we may experience the results of wise or foolish conduct.

As did the Burgh Matron Adela who said:

I may tell you, though, that the Magy has not won anything by his weapons, but only by cunning and, moreover, by the greed of the dukes and their nobles. ~ Adela, 559 BC

Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip

The Burgh Matron Reintja was even more direct. When will our people listen? Reintja’s Dream:

Wralda, she said, had told her by his thunder that all Frya’s people must become friends, united as brothers and sisters; otherwise Finda’s people would come and sweep them off the face of the earth. After the thunder Frya’s seven watch maidens appeared to her in a dream seven nights in succession. They had said disaster hovers over Frya’s land with yoke and chains; therefore all the people who have sprung from Frya’s blood must do away with their surnames, and only call themselves Frya’s children, or Frya’s people. They must all rise up and drive Finda’s people out of Frya’s inheritance.

BLM Rally UK

If they would not do that, they will have slave-chains around their necks, and the foreign chiefs will ill-treat their children and flog them until the blood streams into their graves. Then shall the spirits of their forefathers appear to them, and reproach their cowardice and thoughtlessness.

Is Reinja speaking to us today from her Watch Star? Be not German, Dutch, Scotch, English, American, Australian. Be FRYAN. UNITE THE CLANS.

Fryans are already the true minority in the world. Whereas just fifty years ago we made up a third of the world population, today we are less than 10%. With all white lands being invaded and all the non-white propaganda in the media, that number will diminish to ZERO in our children’s lifetime. Wake up Frya! Be Free! Fight for your people while you still have a chance.

With the US only 59% White in 2020 and Statistics hard to find for Europe, it would be safe to assume that 17% total for Europe and US on this World Distribution Pie, a good 7% can be taken off for other racial groups, leaving approximately 10% of the World population being White. And they call US the majority!

When you TRULY know our past, only then can you truly understand who our enemy is. We have been fighting the Magy since the Great Flood and we are fighting them today. Magog in the Bible, from the area of Russia, which has always been a Magy stronghold, MAGA, Make America GREAT Again. Using their MAGIcal spells on us. Even now.

And when you’ve read the OLB and have taken it in thoroughly, you will get a good feel for the overall theme. That is, that Fryans want peace and prosperity for all people. They want all people to have Wralda’s laws written in their hearts. They have no desire to ‘rule the world’ but to live in a world where there is harmony of life on every corner of it. The Fryans named the Pacific Ocean, PEACE Ocean, and Athens, which means City of Friends BECAUSE they wanted the world to know that they came in PEACE.



Peace Ocean

The ones in control today have an opposing philosophy. They try to get the rest of the world to believe that Fryans are for slavery, for oppression, that they are racist and hateful. But if you actually learn the truth about our world and how people really are, it becomes apparent which people are perpetuating this misery. It’s the Magy and their service-to-self stooges.

So you have a choice here, to stay in your programming, and in this way, keep feeding the NWO machine, leading to hell on earth, or breaking it, being strong and seeing the truth when it is given to you. Be brave. Be strong. Be free. Peace.

Dedicated to all my Fryan ancestors. May I make them proud and one day be among them on the Watch Stars. ~Kat the Fryan

P.S. I will be working on my Flat Earth Decoded (Part 11) next. In this next part we will be focusing on Wralda’s perfect creation.

Here is the YouTube version:

Posted in: Flat Earth Oera Linda Book

32 responses on “Flat Earth Decoded (Part 10) The True True of the Oera Linda Bok

  1. peter

    Just ordered the Oera Linda Book after reading your excellent work part 10 about the flat earth.
    It’s the only place I’ve seen regarding the three named races and in order as I have never really believed as most think or told they come from Noah three sons.
    The mentioning of Jesus Christ in India made me think of Abram and others with their name changes Abram to Abraham (Hindu God Bramah perhaps) sara (Sarasvati) ? just a thought taking the odd letter or part word out.
    Many more writings in the Bible warning about the lying scribes.
    Anyway look forward to my book coming and the reading the other works you have provided here.
    you are so gifted.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Greetings Peter. So kind of you to comment in the affirmative. It’s been a journey for me from when I first “woke up” beginning of 2010 to now. Trying to find out the truth of the world once I knew that we were fed so many lies since birth. I went down many rabbit holes, including Christian Identity, which I recently recovered from. The Oera Linda book resonated with me like no other and I knew then that CI was false. The THREE Abrahamic religions, ALL used to control us. Yes, I agree that Abram is most definitely connected to Brahma, and Sarah to Sarasvati? I need to look that one up. But makes total sense. The Magy has always been trying to find a way to control us, and seemed to have accomplished this through our spiritual nature, since they couldn’t through might. Take care.

  2. Ilya

    Have you ever killed an animal, or have you watched animal being killed, all ever thought about it? What do you feel? Do you feel bad? If so, why? We’re supposed to kill animals for food, why we hate it? If you think that it is indoctrination, then look at the reaction of a child, as you kill his cat before his eyes, it’s going to tell you all you need to know about evil nature of this world. If not this, then the death of your relatives, and your own physical break down as you age. Why aren’t we loving all this perfectly natural things? If balance of good and evil is what is “good”, than why we still hate evil, and strive for perfection of only good? And if this world naturally evil, how can there ever be a world where there is harmony of life on every corner of it?

  3. Russ

    “The prophecy was a lie
    The one was never meant to end anything
    It was all another system of control”
    Neo – Matrix Reloaded
    An admission?
    This article make me think of it
    Thanks Rosette

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hey Russ, Precisely. To break free from the Matrix we need to take back our power. No one comes between us and God and we need to tribe up or be wiped out. It’s that simple.

  4. linda gabriela goessler

    Rose you always amaze me. your are definitely gifted. i too was online to a point with christogenea but in my gut i knew something wasnt right. this most definitely is an adventure and at time a very disturbing adventure. my gut tells me nothing is real anymore but worse now then when i was a young child and knew. just came across your vid and it made sense. i will have to watch several more times. i always knew we had to stay together but getting family back on board is hard. my mother was a faithful catholic. we are from hamburg germany. my gut just turns as to what is happening there. in the end i think there will only be a few us left. you are correct in saying we need to stay together. it truly helps. thanks again for all your hard work. linda gabriela

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Greetings Linda Gabriela, Big hugs sister. It is hard, not only for our heads but for our hearts! When we see that things don’t make sense we have to have the courage to move on, even if we know that we will get attacked, even if we have to “leave the group”. But as we get attacked from one direction, truth hands us a line and pulls us out of the hole.
      With all the crisis actors on the world stage now, we can see how this is one big show. It is our purpose, our challenge here, riding the Yule, to get to the final act, being able to make it through all of these nets cast to ensnare us. And one of these nets is most definitely the role of the woman. We ARE made equal and are NOT supposed to stay quiet as women and they throw this women’s lib thing at us to shut us up. So yeah that didn’t sit right with me at all. The OLB proved it all the more, where we can see our strong women, loved and taking care of their people! They didn’t sit on the sidelines, they weren’t handmaids or one of several wives just doing as they were told as per the Bible. We were the keeper of the morals Linda Gabriela! Look where we are at today where we are held back from doing so? Our world is inverse, where immorality rules. Our women are taught to either shut up or become a whore. Not to be a strong woman of morals trying to help her people.
      Plant seeds where you can. In Germany we have the biggest challenge. Our people were and are beaten down like no other people have ever been. But even with the beatings we have people waking up to the truth! So have hope, God is good, He controls the Yule. He won’t let His law leave this earth, it is in OUR hearts and will prevail.
      Wralda bless, Kat the Fryan (Rosette)

      1. Gregory

        Hello Rosette,
        So you now no longer adhere to C.I. at all? Does that also mean you have severed all ties with bill finck? And do you now no longer view Hitler as being the ‘good guy’, but see him as being the Real Evil after all?
        As one of the ‘old timers’ on your site, I’m curious knowing where you stand now.
        Most appreciated,

        1. rosette delacroix Post author

          Hey Gregory, Yes I do not adhere to CI in the respect that we are the Hebrew Israelites. We are most definitely NOT. We are not from the desert. We did not travel from there to Europe. Northwestern Europe has always been our original homeland. We have title to those lands. The ones in control today would like us to think otherwise. I do believe we have 12 tribes of Fryans though, as everything God created would fit into His design. The Wheel, clock, zodiac, months, etc. are on base 12 and so would WE be. (As would Finda and Lyda- 12 tribes each.) And the names of towns and landmarks in our lands would still fit with our heritage. There has been a corruption from the time Christianity was forced upon our people though and the Magy has been working very hard to control us. They have done this mainly through their Abrahamic religion, I see that now. Certain things in the Bible they took from us, many things actually, and that is why it resonates with so many of our people. Give them truth and sprinkle it with lies to enslave us right? No usury, no miscegenation, the law within our hearts, are Fryan concepts taken and used in the Bible.
          I’ve broken ties with Fink about a year ago already, I still followed Charles A. Weisman’s work, which I think is still really good when it comes to the history of the US, the differences between the races, and also which “mixed tribe” (Magyar) that is controlling us today. I just think he didn’t learn the truth about our ancient past, which is found in the OLB.
          As for Hitler, he was the best Fryan ever. He tried to free our people. I believe he knew about the truth of the OLB because one of his men, in a speech, I believe it was Himmler but I could be wrong, (maybe Goebbels) mentioned God’s name of Wralda. Remember he had his men go to India to uncover our ancient past there. The Germans, under the Burgh Matron Gert, went to India and lived there for over a thousand years, before returning with Alexander the Great. On the German soldier’s belt buckles it said, Gott Mit Uns, God with us, and not Christ with us. I think Hitler knew the truth and acted just as a brave Fryan should. Eva was his soul mate! Adolf means noble. So you have noble, along side Eva, God’s law within our hearts, as his companion. No wonder he felt divinely inspired. And I’m sure he was. He showed our people what they should be, what they could become again. They would have brought a new world, a peaceful world, unlike the world we have today, ruled over by their enemies. This world is so corrupted now, so inverted, only a blind man couldn’t see the truth.
          Take care, Kat the Fryan (Rosette)

          1. Gregg

            Would you ever consider Adolph Hitler was a Jewish Actor played by more than one person? Most of what we are told about the World War 2 was incorrect and most of the events were staged. The National Socialist party was like a political party of the USA. and apart of the Magyar, just like the people that control the Vatican, City of London, and D.C. The top Waffen SS were Ashke”nazi” Jews,
            The so called Shoah caust didn’t happen. And scientifically proven it was a fake event. Can’t deny something that didn’t happen.

            You are correct when you imply people that identify of the White race or Fryan ancestory are a minority and need to unite. There is an active and current agenda to dispose of that group. God is not coming to save the day. The spark is inside the hearts of the people and they must make a valid effort to save themselves. Being labeled a racists or anti semite isn’t a bad thing.

          2. rosette delacroix Post author

            No. That’s Christopher Bjerknes BS. Read The Myth of German Villainy. That will break your programming.

          3. Iggy

            I’m appaled that you hold Adolf Hitler (and especially the diabolical master of Aryan superiority agitprop Goebbels and Himmler, the great exterminator himself) in such high regard. It makes me wonder what you think of Stalin. Anyway, you had me at a level stationary earth (and I was cheering all the way) but lost me with your reimagining of Jesus as something other than the biblical Son of God. Our salvation does not come by the grace of some pagan god named Wralda or through pseudo-deity figureheads like Minerva or Athena but through Jesus Christ alone.. I’ll keep reading but I feel like you’re on some kind of quest to try and remake & refit God to serve your ethnic heritage by any means necessary.

            I’ll keep reading because on some points we do agree and I admire your intelligence. It’s really the Controllers like the Jesuits, Freemasons and “Holy Roman” Catholic Church that caused all this mess in the first place, whatever their primordial roots may be.

          4. Kat the Fryan Post author

            I’m appalled (appalled has two l’s by the way) at your ignorance. You know nothing about Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler and are just espousing the programmed view. That’s quite lazy of you. And you are very ignorant on Wralda, saying he’s a pagan God is incorrect, and Athena and Minerva are one and the same, she was a flesh and blood woman, the MAGY made her into a Goddess, not me. So until you have your facts sorted out, you should stop embarrassing yourself.

  5. Alan Altland

    Great. Dankjewel.

    Will be my next book. A shame. Sitting within miles. Had not heard of it. Proves the press pressed is Finnian Magy and all the Lydas are welcome now.

    No Burgmaagden en securing the morals (what’s there to cope Magere Hein, Death, in a real way), no usury, no slavery, no miscegenation. Thanks again and looking forward to 11.

    Btw 10 in tarot is the wheel yule wiel (dutch). I assume everything is upside down, so card 15 the Devil is our greatest friend, he is eve and evil and destiny without him we would be sleeping, And yes we are. Nothing is written on the burgs nowadays

    Wrarlda bless
    What a world

    Thank you Rosette and I am hungry for 12 already

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Greetings Alan, It makes me so happy to hear from a Fryan living in the area of the OLB. You are so blessed to be there. Even with all the corruption being done there to our people and culture. Yes it is a shame that when the original flame (the one from our very beginnings) was finally snuffed out, and the Burgh Matron was a thing of the past, that we had no one to guard against immorality. We have declined greatly since then.
      The Wheel of Fortune tarot card, yes, I am aware that it is our Yule, showing THEY know the truth but hide it from us. I will be mentioning this card in my part 11. As to the Devil tarot card, I believe it still shows THEIR god, with OUR people being controlled (loose ropes around our necks). I think it is a corruption as you say. Eve is also short for Evening in English, and evening is the night, and the night is when Wralda created bad things, so I think the word “evening” could have come later, because the laws within our hearts, Eva, is obviously a very GOOD (God) thing. Auf Deutsch we would say Nacht or Abend, as in Guten Abend. I checked the words in Dutch and it says Nacht and Avond. See how similar? But not with the English? And for “evil” is Schlecht. Schlecht is entirely different from the word Evil. We know that Old English is very similar and FROM Old Frisian, and yet many English words are so far off from the original words of our language. Like it says in the OLB, the original language (Old Frisian) was corrupted, not only into other variations of Indo-European (which should really be called Euro-Indian or just EUROPEAN languages or better yet Atlantean languages) but in all the other languages of the world.
      You say nothing is written on the Burg walls today, I am wondering are there any old walls left? Or have they all been destroyed. If there are any left it would be interesting to see if somehow the laws were sanded off.
      Just remember Alan, that in this crazy world there is still a purpose why we are in this. It is a hard lesson we are learning. God is good and there will always be His laws in His Creation, and those laws are within the hearts of Fryans.
      Wralda Bless,
      Kat the Fryan (Rosette)

      1. Alan Altland

        Greetings Rosette,

        Thanks for the wonderful reply

        I am using the Dutch version of Ottema and the English translation of Sandbach (bad)

        There is coming a book that is VERY promising, from a Frisian Fryan, Jan Ott. I have heard and seen him on Red Ice and others.

        You can sign in. The book has the original manuscipt as well as the original words in primordial Frisian, Dutch, and the I think a wonderful translation of this authority*. I am thrilled to finding the North in this uncharted territory

        Although I live by the motto:
        *When you accept authority in spiritual matters, that is the very essence of decay, degenerate.


        (here you see the marvellous way Ott is handling this, may be the whole book is already online here)

        Wralda Bless


    Luke 4:16 (KJV – The only real word of God)
    “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his CUSTOM WAS (that he had been following being brought up in Nazareth), he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read”
    Matthew 2:19 – Again he fled to Egypt then (he took a flight to india? lol no) he went back to Nazareth
    Jesus never went to India, that is just more pagan myths. You just jump from pagan myth to pagan myth.
    Here is your timeline for the 18 missing years to backtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_RLULERTik&t

    OLB is a record of a group of people that were still influenced by pagan Gen 6 beast systems going on at the time.(Including fallen angels) Nothing more. KJV bible is the true word.

    God told everyone his word would spread throughout all nations until the end and you want to believe the only truth in the world is hidden in some book you can barely even order online anymore?
    Why do you think there are 250+ denominations, hundreds of version of the bible? Because the truth is corrupted by satan. If the OLB had any real truth in it you would find it being just a corrupted.

    Once you understand that KJV by rightly dividing is the 100% correct word of God youll finally have your eyes opened. Not saying there isnt anything to be found in OLB or whatever you want to study in your past history of your skin color but there are zero chosen people in this current timeline. No cross breeding only lasted for a VERY short time. Jesus came to free all people because of the continued corruption.

    If you want to believe pagan myths on Jesus in India based on pagan nations spreading out from the tower of babel (including the fryans) then I guess youll just be more studied on pagan peoples believes

    The Bible was written after for a reason, having written words before then means nothing.

    God Bless

    Jesus was never in India, ever.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Get off of your high horse Xiaro. You are very condescending. Saying the standard bible verse and then ending with a “God bless” like somehow we should defer to you as the “expert”. Have you even read the OLB? I doubt it. If you did you would know it would have NOTHING to do with Paganism. Fryans were and are MONOTHEISTS. Also, many stories in the bible were taken FROM the Fryan history and TWISTED to suit its means. A very FINDA thing to do. No, not hidden in some book, we have the truth written in our hearts, our people just have to wake up to see that. God didn’t WRITE down His laws where they can be corrupted by MEN. As you so well purport by putting KJV only, which implies multiple manipulated versions. And either you are Finda or a Fryan apologist since that link goes to a FINDAN preaching the word. God put NO MAN between Him and His Word. And yes, Jesus WAS in India. The REAL Jesus, a MAN, who was a wise Fryan, who tried to help his people. He was a Man, just like Minerva was a woman and NOT a goddess. There is absolutely nothing Pagan about the OLB. And God did NOT give us a book written by Jews in the desert for His people in Europe. I’m so glad I broke through that programming. Either you haven’t or you ARE a programmer, one or the other. What you said means nothing. Just another Magy trying to cast a spell.

      1. Iggy

        I beg to differ. You have diminished the entirety of God’s message of Salvation by reducing Jesus to just being some wise guy. It’s a slippery slope…

        1. Kat the Fryan Post author

          It’s not God’s message. It’s a compilation of messages by a bunch of Jews (with Paul at the stern) to undermine the power of Rome. To use the masses against the strong and noble and to make them, the Jews, the rulers of the earth. And because of brainwashed people like you, it’s coming in to fruition.

      1. Zenscoria

        We have the distinct advantage of being able to study history and read your roman handbook, whereas you can only read your roman handbook.

        Your entire religion has roots in prior cultures – pagan ones – as well as veins of golden proverbs. Christ was an aryan, and oddly enough most christians ignore his spirit to focus on his ritual sacrifice. But i think Christ abhorred religion and its middlemen.

        Christianity is toxic and foreign, which is why i just ban their proselytizers when they come to my channel.

          1. Rebecca O Young

            Reference books on the subject: Creating Christianity by Henry Davis, Caesars Messiah by Joseph Atwill, Creating Christ – How Roman Emperors invented Christianity by James S Valliant & Warren Fahy

            ….Definite manipulation of lower consciousness states. The true christ within at the throat chakra teaches that soul incarnates to allow the self to CRUCIFY in this world of things, (the 3D atomic world). Energies RESURRECT through the heart chakra, Soul embraces the compassionate christ nature at the throat chakra, while the I AM of the awakened or initiated ASCEND consciousness into the 3rd eye for a 360 degree viewpoint. The Kingdom of Heaven is within YOU!!

            That’s why we are here. All the rest is healing the damage and exorcising demons, And that is the true Christianity, everything else is just the CIRCUS, an anagram.

          2. Kat the Fryan Post author

            “SOUL, CRUCIFYING, RESURRECT, I AM and ASCEND, Heaven within YOU”, all moving through the Kabbalah Tree of Life (chakras-sephirah) would be Kabbalistic teachings would they not? Basically the Bible for the ESOTERIC. EXOTERIC is the mainstream version. Adepts version versus Profane version- Mystery school stuff. In the end, all a pile of rubbish. We came into this world (Wralda’s world) WORLD~WRALDA to experience free will and consequences of our actions. I’d like to personally get away from anything associated with Christ, because that fiction is the downfall of Aryan man.

          3. Rebecca

            Alright… well, consequences from both good and bad actions initiate the effect of; You sow what you reap or the Law of the Harvest, or Karma as taught by Masters in the New Testament as well as holy teachings India.

            I’m glad Wralda teaches Free Will because we are in a free will zone of the Universe, according to the New Age teachings. Star Trek teaches Non-interference is the Prime Directive. Staying out of the drama and letting others have their experience can be tough, especially where power and control bring chaotic disturbance to many people.

            I like that the Roman Creators of Jesus Christ legacy said, ‘Peace be unto you. My peace I give you.’ It does leave one with warm fuzzies. Warm Fuzzies to you Kat, …I love your site, thanks for your reply.

  7. Bekihope

    Thanks Rosette! I found you through your voice on The Ring of Power – Empire of the City and recognized iit on one of Martins FEB interviews years ago. Now here you are! I’m so excited to learn about the OLB and the ancient works. I am Flat Earth centric and have like views as Frya. People think I am racist but I’m not. I just think people should marry their own kind and women should stop being sluts. I think Hitler was a good person but was manipulated by the Swiss CIA. I just wanted to comment that I learned there are 5 root races, but with 3 I need to adjust my thinking. The 5 I learned about are: Atlantean, Nordic, Indo-European, Asian, and Black. Each with identifying characteristics:

    Atlantean’s are short, have red curly hair, green eyes, the largest hook noses, and red skin that freckles.
    Nordics are tall, have straight blond hair, blue eyes, straight thin to moderate size noses, and ivory or light beige skin that tans golden.
    Indo-Europeans are medium build, have wavy brown hair, brown or hazel eyes, small, straight noses and beige, brown or olive skin.
    Asian’s are usually short but some tall chinese are in the west of China. They have straight black hair, dark brown or blackish eyes, small straight or curved noses and yellow bronze skin color.
    Blacks are various heights with black kinky hair, black or dark brown eyes, large button noses, and greybrown to black skin color. Seldom do you see the hook nose on a black person.

    At the fall of Atlantis the blood thirsty Atlantean race resettled in the Mediterranean area and infiltrated other races, clans, aristocracies and royalties. Their characteristic hook nose was Intentionally genetically bred out of their race to hide their origin or is removed by plastic surgery. The nose is how you know them. The Atlantean was the original Red Skin indian in the US.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Greetings Bekihope, Please read the Oera Linda book when you get a chance, or you can listen to the narration we did here on the website as well. You will see how there are only three root races. It will give you great insight into the history of the white race. I’m glad you found me, although I was never on The Ring of Power, I don’t know what that is, but I did do some talks with Martin of FEB, although I’ve come to have different views from him. Let me know what you think after you read the OLB. Take care and all the best, Kat (Rosette)

  8. Alexandre Bourassa Cloutier

    I dont know where to write to get an answer but i will do it here .. i had chills when i read about the Fryans .. im convinced from the bottom of my heart and i think i am special … but im so damaged by vaccines/life/drugs you have no idea .. i wish we could talk a little rosette if you have the time ..

  9. Alexandre Bourassa Cloutier

    Rosette ,
    Thank you for everything honestly … i really wish we could chat a little bit , i am pretty sure i am a Fryan from Quebec CA . I need help/a chat

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