Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

GiANTs, AtlANTis, ANTarctica, ANTi-Christ Decoded

So I put together a short presentation here showing how through language we can SEE the connections between beings, land, regions, even Christ and Lucifer. Check out my Synagogue of Satan Decoded- (The Black Cube Club) after this one. They tie together. In this one we will look at the ANTI connection.

So let’s begin…

GIANT or G-iant


The G is the Masonic G like in their symbol.

Also… if we scramble the last letters we get…

G-anti and ANTI stands for…

Anti-Christ, which we know stands for ANY people against Christ, it means opposed to Christ. So ALL the Synagogue of Satan are Anti-Christ.

Then we have atl ANTI s

ATLANTIS is an anagram for ANTI-LAST or reverse it and you get…

LAST-ANTI…….Last Anti-Christ

LAST-IANT…….Last Giant

Father of the Giants? The Fallen Angels with their leader Lucifer, which is Satan. Remember Satan means the Adversary, or the Opposer. Which is what ANTI means- the opposite of Christ. ANTI-Christ.

ANTarctica- his realm, Anti-Christ’s realm

Arctic- Christ’s realm

With Polaris directly above and ASgard. AS above so below. Also the AS in ASgard is numerically 119. A is 1 and S is 19. And 119 reversed is 911. And 911 numerically is also IK. I is 9 and K is 11. IK reversed is KI, the Sumerian word for Earth. So ASgard is the EARTH garden above, AS above, which is also in HEAVEN. HEAVEN is an anagram for E HAVEN, Earth Haven, the haven above.

ASgard~ 119 garden

KIgard~  911 garden

Notice how the Tower looks like Basalt columns.

So directly below Asgard, the SO BELOW, is Eden. The land usurped by Lucifer, which was renamed Atlantis. ATLANTIS was built at the North Pole. Where Eden was. Where Christ’s realm IS directly above. Christ was not OF this world but the one directly above. Lucifer made his home directly below. God allowed Lucifer to rule for a time.  Eden~ End, land of the North, the Norse, E-DAN, Tribe of DAN, DAN is an anagram for DNA. The Original Tribe.

And notice the Red with the white dots? See they know EDEN is at the North Pole too.

Like I showed in my Urbano Monte Decoded. Where it is the circle surrounding Eden/North Pole. And remember the Masonic G is right in the center. Showing their usurpation.

And hidden in the movie Arthur’s Christmas with the Polar Bear wrapped in red with white dots.

Remember too that the Polar Bear is only found at the NORTH pole. Endemic to this land. Here, shown in Snowpiercer.

And here shown in this picture of Adam and Eve in EDEN with Christ looking on. With the red background and white dots.

And at the other extreme ANTarctica-

ANTarctica would be home of the Giants. In Norse Mythology we also have Jotunheim which means Giant Home- Home of the Giants. So the ice ring and beyond would be their realm. Yggdrasil has 9 worlds, with 3 realms, 3 worlds on each. So besides MidGARD- Middle Garden- Earth, we have Niflheim with means Nephilim and the Nephilim are? The offspring of the Fallen Angels, also known as the Giants. Also Earth is in the center of the three realms as well as the center of the Tree of Life.




AND Earth is an anagram for Heart. EARTH~HEART which is in the center of our chests.

Notice too that HEART is one letter off from HEARTH which is the gathering place in the home, where the fire is at. Hearts on Fire. Like Christ shows pointing to HIS Heart.

So I was thinking about the Great Flood (remember great is synonymous with Giant) so we have the Giant Flood (to remove Giants) and the more recent Mud Flood. Well Lucifer is known as the Great Mimicker- he mimics God. So if God had a flood to wipe Lucifer‘s people out, than Lucifer releases a flood to wipe out God’s people- the Mud Flood. Notice he uses the Earth against humanity. He lives in the Abyss. Within the Earth below. Known as the realm called Helheim in Norse Mythology, which we call Hell.


And then we have the three groups of people, Philipp Druzhinin ( the Mud Flood researcher) mentioned- the Miners– Indians, the Slaves– one letter off from SLAVS? Agricultural Workers, the Controllers– Caucasians (Although I wouldn’t use that term. The REAL controllers are the Intruders. I would say they were the Rulers) and then the Intruders– Zion, Synagogue of Satan. First notice SIN is in SYNagogue and then notice GOG is in SynaGOGue. GOG as in the Giant.

So we see that the Intruders WORSHIP the Giants. I would say they are the offspring of the Giants. The Giants were from pre-flood times and the Zionists are from present day but are definitely connected to them. The Zionists are all about intermarrying- keeping their blood-line pure. They are the elites ruling today. So they wouldn’t worship Giants if they were not OF Giants.

GOG and MAGOG both were Giants. And are shown as gargANTua and pANTagruel in the books by Francois Rabelais. Note that in these stories Rabelais first mentioned the Abbey of Thelema which is the ANTI-Church. And this is REQUIRED READING in French schools!

And it is full of scatological humor- poop jokes- and CHILDREN are required to read this?

And this Intruder race is represented by Dragons. Winged, just like Lucifer.

So how does it tie to Noah and his three sons, who survived the GREAT (giant) Flood?

One son, Japheth, was given the lands of North America and Western Europe, which would coincide with the Controllers/Rulers, Shem was given the middle lands, the ones not too hot, not too cold around the equator- the Miners, and Ham was given the hot lands, Africa, South America, Australia- the Slaves, the AG workers.  And the Intruder race would be the Giants, with the last one King Og, clinging to the outside of Noah’s Ark. The Intruder race that permeates each country, destroying it from the inside out.

Funny because we have Noah’s Ark in the sky, called the Zoo de Arc or ZODIAC. And if we look down from the Zoo of the Ark would be the Earth. As above, so below. And if Og was clinging to the outside of it would mean he was on the Ice Ring, or the ANTarctic again.

Notice the Intruder race are the ZIONists and NAZIs, this is reflected in where they came from the AshkeNAZI Jews. Also known as the PHoenicians who were sailors, water people. Also known as the ATLANTEANS. They became the Merchants of Venice and used PHOEnetics to hide their name. Venician phonetically is Phoenician. With the V pronounced like a PH in StePHen. Also Venice can be pronounced VENUS. VENUS worshipers are Luciferians. The Phoenicians traveled to the UK and set up shop.

It was first called ALBION. ALBION is an anagram for ALBINO. And took over the land of Palestine. Palestine is PALE STINE or PALE STONE- PALE like ALBINO. So we see Palestine and Britain are connected.

And Albion was synonymous with Jerusalem. William Blake even wrote a poem about it.


And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green & pleasant Land.

And he wrote about the G-IANT Albion. And even painted him.

The Phoenicians can be seen in the Starbuck’s logo, the Abraxas, another symbol for their god.

And then we have another connection with the British Isles, King Arthur and the SWORD and the STONE. The SWORD is the cross. It is what Jesus was on. We have the symbolic story of King Arthur PULLING the Sword from the Stone. HE frees us from the STONE. Just like Christ. The stone represents the stone masons. And King Arthur is King ARCHER. The Archer is the true Ruler of the ARCH- the DOME we are under. (Notice the word RULER instead of CONTROLLER.)

Arthur is the constellation that includes Polaris. And Polaris is the one immovable star in our sky. Notice he is in RED. RED Blooded- Christ. RED Rose- Christ.


Polaris, directly above the North Pole. In the Center. It is the TRUE All Seeing Eye. Always open, with God looking down from above as mentioned in the Bible. He can see the whole world from there. Pictured here by another painting by William Blake. God at Polaris looking down on the Earth. Circling the Earth. The Masons love to box it in. After God circles it,  THEY square the circle.

Just like they BOX the cross. Fold it in to make a Cube. Squaring the cross as well. Black Cube of Saturn- Satan.



And King Arthur’s favorite son was named Nowi- which is the Welsh version of Noah.



So back to the Giants. Remember in the Synagogue of Satan, as mentioned in the Bible, the SynaGOGue had Gog in it. Gog was a Giant. And then we have OG, King Og of Bashan, the last of the Giants to survive the flood by holding onto Noah’s ark.

We have George Bush Senior who went by Magog in his fraternity called Skull and Bones- skull and bones- a Saturn (Satan) death cult. (Notice George has both OG in his name and OGRE. Both names for Giants.)

They have an annual celebration in the City of London which is run by the Rothschild’s, the bankers, featuring Gog and Magog.

(Notice the bankers are wearing BLUE suits underneath with RED robes on the outside. Showing they are BLUE bloods but pretend they are Christians. Just like the Rothschild’s (RED SHIELD) when they are blue on the inside- Blue bloods. Like the Pope on the Hierophant card.)

And remember that the Rothschild’s are the ones behind the Balfour Declaration in which they PURCHASED ISRAEL. IS RAEL means IS REAL “is ROYAL”, as in sangREAL – royal blood. Usurped by the Dragon blood-line that are the Intruders as Philip calls them.

“Hello. My named is Jacob Rothschild and my family is worth 500 trillion dollars. I am the Vatican banker, the richest corporation on this plane. We own nearly every central bank in the world and have financed every war since Napoleon. We own your news, the media, your oil, and your government. The crowned heads of Europe pimp their daughters to my sons. I have Angela Merkel and Obama (now Trump) on speed dial awaiting their orders. The intellectually challenged believe policy is made in Washington.”

And the Rothschild’s and their Dragon blood-line is also represented by the Unicorn. The UN i corn. UN is an ancient name for Lucifer.

Notice it looks goat-like. See it’s goat beard? Goat is an abbreviation for Greatest Of All Time- one of their nickname’s for their god Lucifer.

And this “order out of chaos” is their M.O. (Motis Operandi). They did it with the Great London fire as well. Notice the date 9/2/1666. September is the 9th month but SEPT means 7. So 7 + 2 = 9. And 9 + 2 = 11. So you have 9/11 in the date. And 666 tells us who was behind it. Remember the Church of Satan was established on Walpurgisnacht of 1966. Flip the 9 and you have 666. They are the destroyers. So them doing the Mud Flood would fall in line with their previous evidence of destruction. Ordo AB Chao. Great fire part of their Great Work.

And if you look at the United Nations assembly, you’ll see it is set up like the Earth. With the dome above. You can see the star Polaris where the seat of the TRUE All Seeing Eye is located. And the night sky with all the stars. The gold pillar is to replace Mount Meru, with their man-made Tower of Babel in gold.

And the assembly is set up like a layered mine where they sit. Each row and excavation site. Which matches their UN flag in the background. A mining flag. MINERS- mine, as in me. As in material things, mine, belong to me, its mine. Miners are Masons.

Opposite of the spiritual nature of Christ. God is The GIVER like in the movie. He GAVE His only begotten Son to save humanity. A GIVER, NOT a MINER. A MINER is a TAKER.

They even have the Black Cube, the Kaaba Stone in the meditation room of the UN. The Black Stone is the stone of the Synagogue of Satan.

ANT-werp, Belgium… with its DIAMOND building. Lucifer fell from the sky like a DIAMOND from Heaven…
York as in the York Rite of Freemasonry.
New YORK G-iants
With their BLUE uniforms. For the Bluebloods- elite, followers of Lucifer. Notice his number is 18 which is code for 666. 18 is 6 + 6+ 6.
And the ANTarctic Ice Wall is a main feature in the Game of Thrones. Where they actually HAVE Giants COME OVER THE ICE WALL. From the land of Jotunheim? The land of the Giants?
game of thrones
Notice how Game of Thrones IS a Game to rule the Iron Throne. Iron’s chemical symbol is FE. FE as in Flat Earth. The Flat Earth Throne. The Targaryen’s are the Dragons and they interbreed. Just like the elite, the Dragon line, the Intruder’s, the Synagogue of Satan. The LANnisters of CASTERly rock are the LANCASTER‘s. In the War of the Roses they would be the RED Rose, Team Christ. The Stark’s are the YORK‘s. The White Rose, Team Lucifer. And they are having us, the duped public give our energy towards the Synagogue of Satan to win the Iron Throne, OUR Throne, the Flat Earth Throne. Trick us in putting the Anti-Christ on God’s Throne.
So do you see now how the Giants, Atlantis, Antarctica and the Anti-Christ are connected? And watch my Synagogue of Satan~ Black Cube Decoded to see more connections that are related here. You can also watch my No Forests Part 5 ~There were Giants in the Earth in Those Days for more on the Giant symbolism. Until next time… take care.
 And here is a link to the YouTube version:
Posted in: Language and Symbolism

18 responses on “GiANTs, AtlANTis, ANTarctica, ANTi-Christ Decoded

  1. Lou

    I’m disappointed the video isn’t included with the transcript dear Rosey. Ive been reading and watching. I can’t get the YouTube videos to play, but on your site they work like a charm. No worries though, I’ll make do. Maybe I missed it but 911 resolves to eleven, and then to two…destruction. Things are getting interesting on God’s lovely plane. Lou

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Lou, I attached it like I always do. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t know why. It is very frustrating for me. Should be very simple. 🙁

      1. Lou

        Hey dear Rosie, no sweat, I enjoyed reading it almost as much as hearing your voice. Not! New subject: I just watched a video made by Brazilian scientists entitled the Convex Earth, and it should blow the deception of the spinning ball clean out of its imaginary orbit. Their research completely supports the flat earth model with an added continent beyond the ice wall to boot. They don’t seem to know anything about the Bibles clear discription of the level plane Earth under a dome, and they still refer to Earth as a planet, but the rest of it… is pretty exciting. I’d send it to you but alas, I’m a clumsy lout at such things. If you haven’t already seen it, I hope you’ll take a look. Lou

        1. rosette delacroix Post author

          Aloha Lou,
          I did just watch that. To me it was a propaganda piece. In no way was that taken over 7 years as they claim. You can see they look exactly the same all the way through. The testing to prove it is flat is valid but the rest was utter nonsense. Earth being on an ASTEROID out in SPACE? With PLANETS? No way. We are fixed and immovable. There is no outer space. And planets are the secondary lights, sun and moon being the primary lights. Them saying the land is convex is hogwash as well. It is a flat plane WITH mountains and valleys upon it. It’s that simple. As for this other land, they give no evidence. They are just another version of the Flat Earth Society. Pure nonsense. What we need are people going to the North Pole, going to the Antarctic Rim and seeing with their own eyes. Flying drones over both for US to see. But we know they will never let us do that. In addition, I just saw a show on AMC called The Terror. It is about two British ships in the mid 1800’s who attempt to reach the North Pole. They make it all treacherous and scary. More propaganda programming? So we don’t go? I would say DEFINITELY.
          Mahalo, Rosette

          1. Lou

            Well said dear Rosie, I missed that… on an astroid bit, I only skimmed it. Thanks for your insite. Lou

  2. Brandon


    Thank you for your amazing work! Its the best I have come across in a while now. = )
    I am wondering if you could shed some light on why evil is being able to rule here? Is there an end game plan for this place? It seems weird that god could create this place but also allow so many people to be destroyed by such a force for so long. Are we just meant to be bottom slaves to a broken system?

    Would love to see a piece on your thoughts on the next sub 100 years and the battle to come.

    Thank you and I hope you’re well.


    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Brandon we are at the pinnacle of the rule of the Synagogue of Satan. They will crash and burn soon. Probably within our life time. And then we will be slaves no more- forever. Look up the parable of the Wheat and the Tares.

  3. Pure

    This might not be the place to do this, but… What proof is there that ham was black? I hear that ham is Hebrew for dark, but is that story there to propagate a truth about black people, or to smear them?
    And what is it I keep missing about that story… Noah was lying in bed naked. Ham walked in. How was ham supposed to know Noah was naked in the first place? What is ham’s crime really? What am I missing?
    The more I read the Bible stories, the more convinced I become that humans wrote it for a specific agenda. White supremacists have been running around justifying slavery because ‘ham’. They are the special ones, japheth the blessed. Black People should serve them. But in real sense, no one is subordinate to anyone. And until Black People understand that, they’ll never be okay.
    Look at what the Bible has done to women. Eve is apparently the reason we are all cursed. Are women bad, or is that a smear campaign? And if you think eve is bad, Adam had an alternative, Lilith, we all know what a darling she is. Basically, eve is the best women can do. Then there’s Jezebel, Tamar, Delilah, name it. These wonderful men would be okay if it wasn’t for the women.
    This society is Not this way by accident. The people who are hated, are not hated by accident. I had to say something about ham. Because whether or not you have proof ham is black and japheth white and so on, it’s Not about the race. It’s about the perception you put on black people, my people, deliberately. There’s a black child being born rn and he’s already been labeled ‘slave’, but it’s okay coz the Bible has your back, right? A Bible no one can quite find or vet it’s authors, but ok.
    Something else. The first sentence in the gospel of John, there’s something about it. Could you think about it?

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      It’s not white supremacists that have tarnished black people’s image it was the Jews. Look up who started the NAACP,in 1909, who was on its board, all Jews, Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise, it was not until 60 years later when the first black man, Benjamin Hooks, was head of it. It was established to cause a rift between the black and white communities.
      And if you look at who is perpetuating the story of Ham I quote from Synagogue of Satan, “Interestingly the Jewish Talmud is the proponent of the racist Hamitic Myth, a subject on which former employee of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Harold Brackman, wrote the following in his doctoral dissertation entitled ‘The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: The History of Black-Jewish Relations Through 1900,’ There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode by stressing Canaan’s fraternal connection with Cush…The more important version of the myth, however, ingeniously ties in the origins of blackness- and of other, real and imagined Negroid traits- with Noah’s Curse itself. According to it, Ham is told by his outraged father that, because you have abused me in the darkness of the night, your children shall be born black and ugly; because you have twisted your head to cause me embarassment…” I won’t quote the rest, it is very disparaging. Remember that the Jews consider the white race lower than cattle. They are trying to destroy the white race. It is the Jewish supremacist destroying the black race as well. Pitting the two races against each other.

    2. Adam The Man

      Hi Pure! Every place is the place to tell the truth of The LORD God; JESUS THE FATHER! When you need answers like this one the boo birds always come out crying racist. Well, the Bible is a very racial book. Racial not racist. You tell the truth and leave the consequences to God.

      After the 7th day Sabbath, The Alpha & The Omega’s day of rest, In the words of the (Epistle of Barnabas 15:8) The Alpha & The Omega declares that “After I have set everything at rest, I will create the beginning of an “8th day”, which is the beginning of “another world” (15.8). On the “8th day” of creation in Genesis 2:7-22 The Alpha and The Omega “formed” “the new” Adamic [Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greek] race, Adam [the man], HU-man, HU-mankind from the “DUST” of the ground and HE blew into [his] nostrils the “Breath of Life,” the [Holy Spirit] and Adam [the new Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greek man] became a “Living Soul.” His soul shall dwell at ease; and His [seed line] shall inherit the earth, (Psalm 25:13).
      The Bible no more traces the history of the black Africans or the pre-Adamic negroes anymore than it does BIGFOOT! THE BIBLE IS NOT THE HISTORY OF THE OTHER RACES! For it is written; (Genesis 5:1) This is the book of the generations of one [man’s] family, “Adam” [the new Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greek race] that was “formed” in (Genesis 2:7-22). The Holy Bible is the History of the “ADAMIC” White Race; we must not cause the Scriptures to be violated or broken by involving “other races” as principals of the Holy Bible. For we have no “Authority” from the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ or Almighty God to “Authorize” the Bible to be anything more than what God’s Word declares it to be! It was declared to the “ADAMIC” white race. The breakdown in authority comes from the words: “whosoever,” “brother,” “all men,” and several others are used within the confines of the “ADAMIC” [race], not all races.
      The word ADAMIC means: #119, #120, #122, #219, #1305, #1588, #3835, #4899, #6703, pure white race, chosen, the elect, remnant, Christian, ruddy, red lips, to turn flush, able to blush in the face, rosy pink cheeks, fair countenance, bright white, laban, ivory, white as snow, “without spots,” golden, clean, purified, with black brown red to blonde hair, with emerald green to sapphire blue eyes as the fish pools of Heshbon. Adam “‘eth-ha-‘adham” is a distinct “formation” in the image of “THE INVISIBLE GOD! [Adam] was the first [man] to have Adamic features like JESUS THE FATHER through HIS [seed]. When JESUS THE FATHER “formed” Adam [the man], HE “formed” Adam [the man] in the image of HIMSELF, (Genesis 5:1). ***STOP*** JESUS THE FATHER “formed” Adam [the new Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greek man] in the image of HIMSELF. That means JESUS THE FATHER has these same Adamic features! JESUS THE FATHER, Adam [the man], and Adamic Jesus Christ all had beautiful blonde hair with ruddy-white glowing skin, with deep sapphire blue eyes as the fish pools of Heshbon just like many [Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greek men] look today! It is physically and spiritually impossible for this to equal a Jew, or a pre-Adamic negro. Jesus Christ “WAS NOT A JEW.”
      People don’t seem to know the difference between the Judeo-Christianity Trinity compared to the Godhead of Christianity. In the Judeo-Christian Trinity you have Abba/YAHWEY, Son/Yahushua/Yeshua and Rawuch spirit/ghost. In Christianity, Colossians 2:9 For in a JESUS dwelleth the fullness of The Godhead. The Godhead is ]JESUS THE FATHER, Jesus The Son/Christ, and Jesus The Holy Spirit. JESUS THE FATHER IS THE CREATOR GOD! Jews are the rebellious descendants of Esau, that committed the shameful, sinful, and forbidden act of “MISCEGENATION” with the evil descendants of Cain, for the evil descendants of Cain are the “negroes” (Moses 7:22). “CONFIRMED” in (Abraham 1:21-24). Jesus Christ is Greek. YHVH/YHWH/YAHWEY/YAHUAH/Yeshua/Yahshua/Yahushua are Babylonian and Mongrelized Jew names for false gods and false Christ. Using all of these names will give you a one-way ticket to hell. Contrary to what your church and your pastor has taught you, The Godhead “created” different races. All races are “NOT EQUAL.” All men are “NOT EQUAL.”

      It’s past time to stop hiding the true identity of the negroes. Gadre’El, the black fallen angel, the devil, no not Lucifer, (3 Enoch 68:6-8, page 64) took possession of an evil but very willing “chay,” “iysh” “anthropos” a “BEAST of the field,” (Genesis 1:25), to tempt “ADAMIC” [Eve] in the Garden to corrupt JESUS THE FATHER’S [SEED LINE] that would eventually lead to the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word translated “serpent” is “Nachash” who would later be known as: the dragon, the enchanter, the whisperer, that used his “enchantments” of “demonic sex magic” and left Adamic [Eve] with his filthy serpent seed. He is the “BEAST” of Genesis, and the “BEAST” in the book of Revelation. “Nachash,” was the first sexual predator, the original source of beastiality, sodomy, and homosexuality. The result of this forbidden act of “MISCEGENATION” created” an “abomination before The LORD God. The filthy seed line of Gadre’El, the devil was born. “ADAMIC”
      [Eve] said to Adam [the man], “I have gotten a man (not a [man]) from the lord. The dark lord. The lord of darkness, not the way it is printed in today’s versions of The Holy Bible. Gadre’El’s (serpent seed) reproducing through “MISCEGENATION” (assaulting Eve) “created” the first hybrid-human being, a mamzer/bastard, Cain. For those who are not sure what that means, that means that the devil has children called “land serpents,” “domesticated serpents,” “a higher form of snake,” “a reptilian.” Some scholars translated the “creation” as a “reptilian hybrid.” The descendants of Cain would later be dubbed the “serpent seed” negroes. Now you will learn that skin color and race absolutely do make a difference! Adamic Enoch was first to name the devils offspring the negroes. “Adamic Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam [the man] and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam [the man] (except) for the seed of Cain, for the seed line of Cain are the “NEGROES” and had no place among [white men]” (Moses 7:22). The second witness confirming the “serpent seed” are the “negroes” came from Moses (Moses 7:22) We get the 3rd witness that “CONFIRMS” the devil’s children are the “serpent seed” negroes from Abraham (Abraham 1:21-24). That’s 3 of the Bible’s patriarchs that have each independently identified the negroes as the “serpent seed,” the “literal and physical” children of Gadre’El, the devil in the Garden of Eden It’s that simple to read. The “NATURAL MAN” the “serpent seed” (negro) “CANNOT” receive the things of God and Heaven, (1 Corinthians 2:14).

      While the ark was a preparing wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water, (1 Peter 3:20). Most people have been taught that only eight people survived the flood: Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. The negroes immediately and rather assuredly conclude since Ham was the father of the black races, (not the negroes) that Ham was black. According to their theory, if Ham was the father of all of the black races, how is it possible Ham could have been black? Who made Ham black? If we look at all this in more detail, reality sets in. The reason Ham was the father of the black races, but not the negroes, is the negroes had to already have been here, and they were. The“Serpent Seed.”
      I Peter 3:20 mentions eight in the terms of “souls” why? “Noah the eighth” the eighth what? What is going on here? These “eight” refer to something specific, a specific type of soul, a “living soul” that the “serpent seed” negroes don’t have. If there were just eight “living souls” as the descendants of Adam [the man] aboard, and their seed line was 100% pure white stock, that means Ham was 100% pure white stock also. This blows the negroes claim that Ham was black right out of the water. Someone else without “living souls” had to have been on board of the ark as well, or there never would have been dark races. This means Adam [the man] is not the progenitor of all races, neither was Noah. The claim that Noah was an albino negro is ridiculously false. You can’t have a 100% pure white stock “mutated albino negro” lead to the birth of a 100% pure white stock and perfect Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ’s [seed line] had to be 100% pure white stock to pay JESUS THE FATHER for the debt of “HU-mankind’s” sins. Gen. 7:13 In the day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark; 14 They, and every beast (i.e. Chay) “iysh” “anthropos” of the field after his kind, and all the cattle (i.e. Bahemah) after their kind, and every creeping thing (i.e. Remes) that creepeth on the earth after his kind, and every fowl (i.e. Owph) of the air after his kind, every bird of every sort. 15 And they (ALL OF THE RACES) went in unto Noah into the ark… wherein those that had a “living soul” [the new Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greeks] were already there. Genesis 6:19 Of everything living, take 2 of all flesh, one male and one female (of ALL RACES and all animals, including the cursed “serpent seed”) and thou shalt bring “them” into the ark with you to keep them alive with thee.

      Ham was a rebellious son just as Esau was rebellious. Ham wanted to usurp the power that his father Noah had but he knew he couldn’t so he had to come up with another way of taking that kind of power for himself. Ham wanted to engage in a seed war with Noah. Noah was from the [seed of JESUS THE FATHER]. Ham wanted to father his own race, his own seed line] through the seed line of Nachash, aka Gadre’El the black devil but the only way to do that would be by violating the very first “Divine Law” which was not to mix JESUS THE FATHER’S [seed line] with any of the “beast of the field” seed line or any of the other races seed lines. Genesis 1:12 “kind with kind, a seed with in itself. After the ark had landed and the family settled, Ham married a second time to a cursed, serpent seed, Canaanite “beast of the field” woman. This woman engaged in multiple sexual encounters with the fallen angels which began the creation of the Nephilim. Her name was Egyptus and their first child was a daughter named Egyptus ll. Noah also married a second time to a cursed, serpent seed, Canaanite woman with Nephilim DNA. Just like his first wife, her name was Naamah, daughter of Tubal-Cain. This was Ham’s stepmother when Ham uncovered his fathers nakedness. The result of this encounter was Canaan. He too was a cursed, serpent seed Canaanite descendent who also carried the DNA of the fallen angels. (Abraham 1:22-25) From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of the Canaanites was preserved in the land. 23 The land of Egypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean signifies Egypt, which signifies that which is forbidden; 24 When this woman discovered the land it was under water, who afterward settled her sons in it; and thus, from Ham, sprang that race which preserved the curse in the land.25 Now the first government of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal.

      The pre-Adamic negroes and the descendants of Ham, the black Africans were banned from the “priest hood” for being the descendants of the cursed literal and physical children of Gadre’El the black devil, they are the evil descendants of Cain, for the evil descendants of Cain are the blacks/negroes (Moses 7:22). Because Noah’s 2nd wife, Tubal-Cain’s daughter Naamah carried the filthy seed of the fallen angels AND because Ham uncovering his father’s nakedness passed all of those curses onto their new son Canaan, the rest of Ham’s sons Cush, Egypt/Mizriam, and Put were cursed because Ham’s 2nd wife Egyptus was a descendant of evil cursed Cain. Canaan married another cursed descendant of Cain and from these servitude and the “NEPHILIM GIANTS” came. Ham’s daughter Egyptus ll married an evil descendant of Cain as well. It is through ALL of these curses the Africans came.

      It was mankind that lifted the ban that allowed negroes and the black Africans to be pastors, preachers, ministers, reverends, and bishops not JESUS The Holy Spirit. It’s just like the Roman Catholic Church moving the Sabbath from a Saturday to a Sunday, not Jesus The Holy Spirit. Mark 7:8 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’ 8You have disregarded the commandment of God to keep the tradition of men.” 9He went on to say, “You neatly set aside the commandment of God (being banned) to maintain your own tradition.…( of being pastors, preachers, ministers, reverends, and bishops)…Zechariah 7:11 (NIV) 11 “But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears. 12 They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the law. For before those days there was no hire for man, nor hire for (Bahemah)…beast.”(Zech. 8:10)

      The last ditch effort for the negro hanging on to their lie of being the ‘True Biblical Israelites’ is the curse of Deuteronomy 28:68 which states:
      The LORD will return you to Egypt in ships by a route that I said you should never see again. There you will sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.” The Bible says the new Adamic [Caucasian Hebrew Israelite Greek white-Israelites] tried to sell themselves as slaves but just as The LORD God JESUS prophesied no one would buy them, and they didn’t. When the “serpent seed” negroes were slaves, they were bought and sold many times over. The curses in Deuteronomy 28:68 have absolutely, positively, without error have never ever been about the “serpent seed” negroes!

  4. Allen Metzger

    Rose thank you,
    I have heard that there is a system being developed and should be ready by sometime in July called REAL VIDEO this will be a source for people who want to put their information out for public viewing. Supposedly it will
    not be interfered with the likes of YouTube Facebook Amazon etc
    Love to you and yours

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      I can’t imagine the controllers letting that happen though. But I’ll look at the glass as half full and hope it does come to fruition! They are now blocking vids WHILE they do the 30 day dispute process. Before they would let the videos play during this time frame. So they are getting worse and worse. I have one waiting for approval- it’s just because of a song I used so I might end up just taking the music off all together. Shame though. I really liked the music that I picked for it.
      Love to you and yours as well Allen, take care- Rosette

  5. Lola

    Hello Dear Rosie!
    My goodness it’s been so long since I’ve contributed here! I do hope you are well and I see, as always, you’re staying quite busy adding new decodings! As you know Rosie, I only read your text versions rather that watch your added on Youtube versions, But your latest video clips of Brian Lambert has caught my attention! So tell me Rosie, have you watched them all? And do you think he is of such truth? I have only watched the first two but I want to see more.
    And Sophia is asking me about Luke. When Is he going to add another article? And will it include a video at the end for her to watch? I simply can not get her to sit and read your text versions. But I told her if Luke puts out a text version only, she will have to sit and read it. She smiled and said THAT would be the only thing that would get her to read!
    So please keep your blog going strong and forever more! Take care my dear child!
    Love, Lola

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Aloha Lovely Lola!
      Always a pleasure to see you here! No worries on contributing. I know how busy everyone is. By design of course. Having us run ragged, hardly any time to do the things that interest us.
      Yes please watch ALL of Brian’s vids. Very profound! Truth resonates throughout his work. I am blown away actually. Such as the sun being a focal point in the sky! Makes so much sense! And he agrees that the Bible is 100% correct and everything he shows correlates with the Good Book!
      And yes please let Sophia know that Luke is busy working away on his article and that it is so big there will be a Part one and a Part two! I there will definitely be a YouTube version of both! If you look on my channel, with the anticipation of his two new presentations, I made him his own section like I did for crackerwv. So his work will have a place of its own. On here as well. I have a secion called Articles by Luke Aspen. So you can find them in one handy spot. His spot article is well over 5,000 views now! I know he is really pleased with that.
      Big hugs and God bless, Rosette

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