Kat the Fryan

The Truth is in the Code.

Ancient Tree Research Project~ Yemen, Estonia and the Baltic Sea (Part 3)

If you’ve been watching any of the No Forests vids on YouTube you already knew of Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. How it looks like a Giant Tree cut. How the surrounding landscape doesn’t add up to the official version of magma being uplifted. As you can see there are no lava rocks, no other signs of volcanism. The surrounding landscape is very flat. And the supposed “magma” forms hexagonal, vertically rising, geometric shoots, each with a secondary fascia protecting the primary core of the shoot. So like a plant.
And National Geographic tells us that, “Devils Tower was probably formed by the same forces that created the Rocky Mountains about 65 million years ago.
And you know of Giant’s Causeway in Ireland. How it too has hexagonal, vertically rising shoots. Which were supposedly made by volcanic activity from 60 million years ago! I love how they throw these numbers from so far back that who are WE to question them? The Earth was formed 4 billion years ago! The Milky Way Galaxy 13.7 billion years ago! Millions of miles away and billions of years ago. We are just a speck in space and a speck in time. Or… could this have happened in the more recent past and THEY are hiding the true history from us?
And if you’ve seen my No Forests on Flat Earth Decoded Part 2, you would have seen Punchbowl crater and noticed how IT looks like a Giant Tree cut…and notice the mountain range in the background. We need to be careful and not call ALL mountains Giant Cut Trees. I don’t think that is the case. I think the TYPE of Giant Trees are different as well. Punchbowl was most likely some form of Giant TROPICAL tree, different from Devil’s Tower and Giant’s Causeway and this is why it does NOT have hexagonal columns.

We also have Diamond Head crater, both on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Diamond, referring to Lucifer, who fell like a diamond from Heaven. The official story for the name is that its English name was given by British sailors in the 19th century, who mistook calcite crystals on the adjacent beach for diamonds. Huh? I can tell you from living here, that nobody mistakes any beach rocks for diamonds. Ever! That is a completely made up story. And “Diamond” equals 33 in numerology as does “Hawaii”. Is it a coincidence that the number of angels that fell from heaven with Lucifer, the Diamond, was 1/3 or 33 percent? 

And notice again the mountains in the background. They look much different than Diamond Head. The Bible DOES differentiate between mountains and Giant Trees. We have BOTH on this plane.
And if you’ve watched our Ancient Tree Research Project Part 1, you would have seen El Arez in Lebanon, and noticed how IT looks like a Giant Cedar cut. Remember El Arez means The Cedar. Pretty blatant there. And it rises ABOVE the clouds, just like its mentioned in the Bible. In Psalms 80:10 it states, “The mountains were covered with ITS shadow, And the cedars of God with ITS boughs.” So the CEDARS were TALLER and BIGGER than the mountains. Notice the distinction. There are mountains and there are Giant Trees cut. Two separate things.
And how we mentioned the island across from Lebanon called Cyprus and how Cyprus, C-Y-P-R-U-S is phonetically the same as Cypress, C-Y-P-R-E-S-S, which is a type of tree. And how there is a possible Giant Tree connection there as well. Well we looked into it. And there is.
From an article on North Cyprus,”Called Pentadactylos in Greek. Beshparmak in Turkish, and Five Fingers in English. These are the three names by which the mountain range, that runs parallel to the north coast, are known, and there is one particular part of the range that is truly the “Five Finger” mountain. According to one legend, the gnarled massif was formed during a time millions of years ago (but of course!) when the world was peopled by giants. One giant was chasing another and picked up a handful of stones which he threw at his opponent. The stones missed their target and landed on the hillside forming the limestone “five finger” ridge. Look closely and you will see that it does indeed look a little like a clenched fist!”
FIVE fingers, although Giants are known to have six fingers, so six and six or 66, with Five Fingers we have the initials FF and F in numerology is 6, so we get the 66 again.
And the 66 is connected to the Masons. Their Grand Commander wears two triangles with 33 in each. So two of them would equal 66.
So we see that this mountain has been indirectly named after a giant. Giant fingers are implied with a Giant back story. Like Giant’s Causeway, a highway for Giants, like Punchbowl, a drinking bowl for Giants. Giants are the children of the Nephilim, spawns of the Fallen Angels, the Chief being Lucifer, and so Devil’s Tower and Diamond Head are named after the same lineage.
But there are more connections to Giants and Giant Trees in other locations as well. If we travel southeast 1489 miles from Lebanon, we come to the coastal country of Yemen.
If you are like most people you’ve heard about Yemen in the news a few years back, in October of 2000, with the bombing of the American ship the USS Cole by a guided missile while it was being refueled in Yemen’s Aden harbor. Seventeen American sailors were killed and 39 injured in the deadliest attack against a United States naval vessel since 1987. This was a year before 9/11. This story in itself has the earmarks of a staged event, but that is not the focus here.
Or if you weren’t a big news watcher you might have heard about Yemen through the show Friends. It was the place Chandler Bing went to get away from Janice. “I’ll write you every day. 15 Yemen Road, Yemen.”
But WHY we brought up Yemen is to focus instead on some of its natural phenomena, like Haid-al-Jazil, a town supposedly built on a boulder. Now Haid-al-Jazil literally means “Here is Great”. Remember Alexander the Great? Or Albert Pike’s Great Work? Great is another word for Giant.

So “Here is Giant.” And if we look closely at the “boulder” the town is built on we have to question is that really what it is? IS it a Giant Boulder?  Or is it a base of a “Giant” Tree cut? “Here is Great”. Are they giving us a clue in the name once again?

Haid-al-Jazil too looks so similar to our Grand Canyon in Arizona. “Grand” is another word for Giant. Great, Grand, Giant. The Giant Canyon.


and the Grand Canyon…

They like to rub it in our faces; their secrets about our plane. The Grand Canyon was shown in WestWorld. Remember that? The view from above as the train pulled into the valley.


And here, with Dolores and Teddy with an obvious Giant Tree cut in the background.


And they even show us the Basalt columns when looking down on our world with their holographic map.


And even the Giant excavators. Ford overseeing his world. Are they showing us how they did it? Notice he is in Masonic black and white. And he’s doing the hidden hand.

Ford the double-headed Janus, or the Lucifer/Satan character, who controls this world, for a time.


And if you happened to watch our Ancient Tree Research Project Part 1 you couldn’t help but notice the similarity between Haid-al-Jazil and Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. They BOTH look like the base of a Giant Tree. Is there something sacred about these sites, that one is used to hide Holy Books of the Bible and another for humans to live on, to be closer to a once Holy Tree?

We, in the Western World (WestWorld) know so little about places like Yemen. Do they push it as being a country of terrorists on purpose? I would say so. So we don’t look into the country, the people, and find all the similarities with other sacred sites, with us.

Another interesting spot in Yemen is the Dar al-Hajar, which in Arabic means the “Stone House”. It is a royal palace located in Wadi Dhar, near Sana’a and was the residence of Imam Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din, ruler of Yemen. The building on top of a rock was built as a summer retreat.

Whenever I see “Stone” I think of the Stone Mason’s. Did they build this house? “House” in French is Maison. Notice how close Maison is to Mason. Stone House- Stone Mason.

And the ROCKY mountains we mentioned earlier connected to Devil’s Tower. The STONE mountains the Stone Mason Mountains. Denver, a city in the Rocky Mountains, is a Masonic stronghold.

And here, with the mountain in the background. Now this mountain looks like it could be a Giant Tree cut.

Now what’s interesting is that Yemen shares a similarity with Qumran and it also shares one with Hasroun. Notice here that the area of Hadramawt is similar. Remember that Hasroun means “FORTRESS” in Arabic and Hadramawt was known in the area as a ”FORTRESS” as well.

We read from the Wiki, “The most common folk etymology is that the region’s name means “death has come,” from حضر /ḥaḍara/ (Arabic for “he came”) and موت /mawt/ (“death”). Sad but true? If the Giant Trees were cut, what else could the people think but that the end has come.

An alternative explanation, is that it was named after, “a kind of FORTRESS… set up to protect the water supply from raiding Bedouin tribes. An interesting parallel to this are the fortified water holes in the Eastern Desert of Egypt from Roman times. There, they were called hydreumata.  (So we have hadramawt and hydreumata.)

And a final alternative,  “-ūt” is a frequent ending for place names in the Ḥaḍramawt, and given that “Ḥaḍramūt” is the colloquial pronunciation of the name, and apparently also its ancient pronunciation, the correct reading of the name should be “place of ḥḍrm.” It is proposed, then, that the name means “the green place,” which is apt for its well-watered wadis whose lushness contrasts with the surrounding high desert plateau.”

The GREEN PLACE, reminds me of the Gulf of Aden~ Eden. A green place.

Now on the slopes of Hadramawt are what appears to be Basalt columns. Similar to Devil’s Tower, similar to Giant’s Causeway. Are we surprised? This seems to be a common element in many places that have clues to Giant Trees.

Now Hadramawt is a coastal region in Yemen. It is off the Gulf of Aden and includes the island of Socotra. See the island there? Lower right?

But before we go to Socotra let’s look at the Hadramawt flag and compare it to the Lebanese flag. What do we notice? Well it should be pretty obvious, they BOTH have trees. The Lebanese flag is a Cedar, remember C-E-D-A-R, is phonetically the same as Seeder, S-E-E-D-E-R. But the Hadramawt flag is NOT a Cedar. It doesn’t look “giant” size either. So what is it?

If we look to the island of Socotra we might find our answer.

Well they have a very unique tree in Socotra. So unique it is endemic to the island, meaning that is the only place this tree grows naturally. It is FROM this island.  It is called the DRAGON BLOOD TREE.

From the Wiki, “The dragon blood tree has a unique and strange appearance, with an “upturned, densely packed crown having the shape of an uprightly held umbrella”. This evergreen species is named after its dark red resin, which is known as “dragon’s blood”. Unlike most monocot plants, Dracaena displays secondary growth, D. cinnabari even has growth zones resembling tree rings (ringing cedars?) found in dicot tree species. Like other monocotyledons, such as palms, the dragon’s blood tree grows from the tip of the stem, with the long, stiff leaves borne in dense rosettes.” (Awe! In Rosettes! Haha.)

Notice monocots and dicots. So two TYPES of Giant Trees? Makes sense.

“Having the shape of an uprightly held umbrella.” Umbrella represents the Blue Bloods with its Eight sections. Eight is Octo- like the OCTOgon, like the OCTOpus- which actually has BLUE blood. And notice how it resembles the Knights Templar Cross?

And why would Rihanna sing about her UMBRELLA?

The Wiki continues, “The trees can be harvested for their crimson red resin, called dragon’s blood, which was highly prized in the ancient world and is still used today. Around the Mediterranean basin it is used as a dye and as a medicine. Socotrans use it ornamentally as well as for dying wool, gluing pottery, a breath freshener and even lipstick. Because of the belief that it is the blood of the dragon it is also used in ritual magic and alchemy.”

Now its interesting that they mention its use in ritual magic and alchemy like, yeah, you know, that’s a common thing. Haha.

Notice how it DOES look like blood though? It’s as if the Trees have a closer connection to humans then we think.

The local inhabitants of Socotra Island use the dragon’s blood resin as a cure-all.

Greeks, Romans, and Arabs use it in general wound healing, as a coagulant, cure for diarrhea, for dysentery diseases, for lowering fevers. It is also taken for ulcers in the mouth, throat, intestines and stomach.

And we can’t help to notice the connection with Dragon’s Blood and the Blue Blood’s once again. The Dragon, connected to that Old Serpent, Satan.

Now let’s journey from Socotra, back past Lebanon, and all the way north to the country of Estonia, 4698 miles away. So you are probably thinking, how in the world is Estonia connected to Yemen?

Well here is where I received some fascinating information from one of my subscribers named Mihkel. I had asked him if there were any mountains there that could have been a Giant Tree cut in his country of Estonia. He replied, “We do have one hill here, which actually ties into our famous epos of a giant called Kalevipoeg (Son of Kalev) very well. The hill is 60 meters in height (so almost 200 feet),and has a rather flat top. It’s called Suur Munamägi, in English “Big Egg mountain”. 
Suur means “Great”- like Giant, once again. Muna means Egg, which is interesting because the Moon looks like an egg. So Muna sounds like Moon and means Egg. Like Marge Piercy says, “The Moon is Always Female.” So would make sense its an Egg.
Mihkel goes on, “Probably referring to the egg of eagle since the eagle is also mentioned in the epos, where underneath the wing of an eagle, a man with an ax rose.”
So Magi means “mountain”. So we have both “magic” and “mountain” in Magi. Munamägi- Moon Mountain, Magic Mountain. Reminds me of Magic Mountain in California. Notice how its built on a hill and has a Tower at the highest point?
In Munamägi we have the MM alliteration and we know if we turn the M’s one turn to the right they become 3’s so hiding the 33 in the name. MM- Master Mason. And Moon is related to Lucifer. The Mason’s worship the Moon. The Moon eye, or MONO eye, one eye, or Mon-eye, money.
They like to put up Towers (Devil’s Tower, Tower of Babel, Trump Tower) in places where the Giant Trees are cut. Man-made towers to replace God’s towers known as the Giant Trees.
 The Tower at Suur Munamägi….
And there is an eight-pointed star in the Tower…

representing the OCTOgon again. The Blue Bloods… like here, in the Chigi family crest, one of the real Illuminati families. Notice the mountain with the star above. Could the six bumps actually represent BASALT columns? I would say…. most definitely!

So Mihkel continues with the story, “In the epic of Kalevipoeg there is a segment where they cut down a giant oak tree. The story starts that the chips (seeds?) were strewn into the sea and from the sea arose a precious oak tree and then it was planted. Where after the planting the oak tree started to grow very strongly, and grew into the sky. The epos mentions its height at 200 meters (656 feet tall) or perhaps even higher if measured by giants considering the measurement is converted from 100 fathoms, mentioned in the epos, (where 1 fathom is a measurement hand to hand when spread out), which crawled into the clouds where it wanted to spread out into the sky and disperse the clouds.
 It split month (or moon if direct translation) into 6 pieces and day (direct and indirect translation still gives day here) into 5 pieces. Then it was decided that the oak tree was to be chopped down (I have not found any mentioning yet referring to reason by whom or why the take down was decided or possibly incited, but as per epos wording it seems they were suddenly in a hurry to take it down and were looking for wise man to consult how to get it done). The cut down process is described as follows: From Viru village (actual village near Munamägi) 5 axes, and another 5 of young men; from Kura village 6 axes and another 6 of young men; from own village 10 axes and another 10 of young men (So in total there must have been 21 young men chopping down this giant oak tree) ; What came out from this oak? From stem came barrels (probably beer or grains barrels); from midsection nice church; from the end slave seat; from the tree top children schoolroom.”
Here you can see a statue built in a park of the giant Kalevipoeg. Notice he has horns. Showing his connection to the Nephilim? To Lucifer? Remember we read in our Ancient Tree Research Project Part 2 that it says in the Bible that the Giants cut down the trees. Is this epos confirmation?
He continues, “Meanwhile more mentions regarding giant old oak tree from epos, folk songs and texts as follows: Tree top close to sun. Made sky dark. Plan was to turn oak tree into consumable wood: wide branches to ships, treetop pieces to cities. Epos mentions reasons that oak shed daylight and starlight, it shut down the moons glow.” So it appears Estonia had a Giant Tree that was taller than the clouds as well, just like the Giant Cedar of Lebanon.
So if we leave Suur Munamägi, which is located near the village of Haanja, and go north a few miles, we reach the capitol of Estonia called Tallinn. Notice it is on the Gulf of Finland close to the Baltic Sea.
Mihkel continues, “Anyhow I just realized that our old city area of capital city Tallinn with old name Reval is built on elevated circular or almost circular location.
And as a bonus check out the family name popularity statistics map, where Tamm means Oak, and is undeniably the most popular family name in Estonia!” Wow! That’s as amazing to me as finding out El Arez means The Cedar! Truth hiding in plain sight! Tamm is Oak!
On a side note: I was curious about the other popular names and so plugged them in to Google Translate. Magi we know is mountain, Saar is island, and Sepp is smith! Smith is another word for Mason.

And you can see that Tallinn is a combination of two words, “tall” and “inn”. Tall inn. Meaning a tall hotel which would mean a place where humans used to dwell? In the Giant trees? Remember “stone” “house” in Yemen? And now we have “tall” “inn”.

And Mihkel tells us the city was originally called Reval.  Reval is phonetically the same as Revel (and that is the Russian spelling yes?) which means: From Middle English revelen, from Old French revel, from reveler (“to be disorderly, to make merry”), from Latin rebello (“to rebel”). See the Giant Tree cut on the map?

And like the other cut trees, they give them names referring to the devil or to giants which are the devil’s offspring. Like Devil’s Tower in Wyoming and Giant’s Causeway in Ireland and (Devil’s) Punchbowl in Hawaii, so REVEL would be “disorderly and rebellious” just like the Fallen Angels.

And Estonia is an anagram for “I a Stone”. I am a Stone. So we have that masonic connection again.

Let’s look at a few more photos and paintings… Notice the tower on the cut tree…

 And  you can clearly see the circular base of the old tree…
Here you can see how the city grew from the tree outwards…
I love these old drawings. You can clearly see the old town.

And you have to think, if this really was an old volcanic mountain, would people REALLY build over it? Because they tell us volcanoes are never really “extinct” they can always become active again. So instead they call them “dormant” which means “sleeping”. Sleeping Giants. From the Wiki,”Dormant volcanoes are the volcanoes that are quiet, but might possibly erupt again. A dormant volcano is “sleeping,” but it could awaken in the future. Dormant volcanoes include those which have not erupted in the past 10,000 years.”

That would make no sense! But they WOULD, W-O-U-L-D, build on WOOD, W-O-O-D. On the site of their former home. On the place that nurtured them, fed them, sheltered them.
And if you haven’t noticed already, I found it quite remarkable that Tallinn was built ON a Giant Tree stump JUST LIKE Haid-al-Jazil! “Here is Giant” and “Tall Inn”.
Devil’s Tower was originally named Mateo Tepee, which means “Bear’s House”. So Stone House, Tall Inn and Bear’s House. All names for supposedly volcanic mountains. Huh? Not.
 And just across the water from Estonia in Helsinki, Finland is a curious sculpture. It was sculpted by the Finnish artist Eila Hiltunen in honor of the composer Jean Sibelius after his death in 1957. But is said to be of organs, while the composer did not create music for organs. Now isn’t that odd?
She added the bust of Sibelius after-the-fact because of the public complaining about this. So was this REALLY created to honor Sibelius or was this the cover story? Notice how the bust is resting on a base made to resemble a tree stump. He doesn’t look too happy about it.
Because to me, the “organ” really looks like Basalt Columns. Like from a Giant Tree cut.
Notice they even showed these columns in The Wizard of Oz. They are popping up everywhere! And if you look into the writings of L. Frank Baum much more occulted knowledge is revealed, but that is for another time.
 And remember how I mentioned Estonia is just off of the Baltic Sea?
Well there is an anomaly endemic to this area known as the Baltic AMBER.
 Amber, which is TREE SAP, harvested FROM THE SEA? 

250 tons in 2014 and 400 tons in 2015! How about the years before that? This didn’t just start five years ago. So thousands of tons of Amber collected from this one area. This area has over 90% of the amber harvested in the world! Amber is TREE SAP. So it must have come from Giant trees that died or were felled in this area.

And this is their best guess as to the type of tree that made that amber. Strange that it is a JAPANESE Pine Umbrella Tree? Notice too that it is an UMBRELLA tree. Remember our Dragon Blood tree found in Socotra? “Having the shape of an uprightly held umbrella.” Clues about to the connection with the Giants and the Blue Bloods. But do we have other places on this plane with evidence of Giant Trees? Well you’ll have to stay tuned for Part 4 to find out…
And here is the Youtube version:
Posted in: There are No Forests on Flat Earth Decoded

14 responses on “Ancient Tree Research Project~ Yemen, Estonia and the Baltic Sea (Part 3)

  1. Khalif Foster

    HI, do you believe Umbella tree or look like umbella is connect or is Giant Trees, so it must be connect, not close connect as visual connect, but part of it. So, all mountain and trees that has mason’s name, sound-like, and old meaning, all in common from mason and devil names? But those devil names or other god can be other religious or other names, but not all has to be connect one words or one group. Like Jupiter, Uranus, etc, those can be god’s name, but not connect to devil as a group that is mason. So, do you believe those giant trees and etc is all under one group mason, so mason is the control, the storyteller, the ruler?? So, for Amber, how ya know it is from Giant because it could come from smaller trees and for volcano that is sleeping and you say it doesn’t make sense, but it can make sense if it is sleeping as they will move the house and other stuff to far away when it is time to move like 10,000 years or so, so they are staying temporary but permanent in human life, do you think it doesn’t make sense because how matter how far off the sleep volcano, they will not build it?? They might.

    So, you mention in bible the giant cut the trees off, so it is giant that cut giant trees, so it could be Hybrid human or ex-giant human that is not Hybrid but after the Flood and other kind of Giant that is pure human, so those cut the tree, so it is not connect to mason of recent time like in 1800 or so, but long time in past. Or it is both?

    Can ya explain that visual different between mountain, volcano, giant trees? So, people can know the different since all three have in common that they are giant. So, you definitely know it is a tree or giant plant, but not mountain or volcano? Is mountain more complex growth, than volcano, and mountain? For me mountain can from when something that pushes down to the ground like the flood, and it raises the mountain next to to push down, so it is not spread out, like I used to believe because can’t spread out since it is block by firmament, so it is push down and push up, so both is connect, that would be good article how mountain form and how valley form, and it is always close? Mountain do have slope as series of small to big slope like a mud, of course, for Flood it is higher pressure so to push up higher density of mass, because those mass are soil, so soil change to hard when it meets air and it harden so it becomes mountain. It is logical that in past everything is soil, but no reason to have mountain inside the ground, doesn’t make sense for beauty and understanding and logical, but make sense if it is on top of ground that God cause mountain to form, well, all things that God do is logical, not illogical, so if it is logical then it must be connect for everything that make sense, not no connect, like Evolution people think tonsil or other stuff in body is a junk that is not to be need so remove it, so God do not put junk as not to be need but is it need. Volcano is same as mountain with slope but scoop from center, so there is no Volcano as volcano is connect to magna, which magna is connect to core, so all is necessary to have series of low heat, to high heat, to very high heat and at same time low pressure, to high pressure to very high pressure, so it is all smooth process. So, Not all soft to hard, dirt to firmament; not dirt, manga, core. It is more logical to have dirt to firmament since firmament is enough for everything and pressure is depends how much on top to create a feeling of pressure. So, a globe is infinity pressure that it is high pressure that compact lava so it becomes solid. But in another way, it could be firmament in ground that is around and hard, so beyond the firmament is hollow, so it is a sphere with hollow in middle and firmament in between hollow and non hollow. Combine of Globe and firmament.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Aloha Khalif, I’m sorry I have a hard time understanding what you are asking. But the parts I picked up on I’ll address. I do not for a second believe they would build on a dormant volcano no. And if they were dormant volcanos there would be some evidence of it being that. Where is the volcanic rock? Volcanic rock or hardened lava looks much different from other rock. I don’t see it at these sites.
      The giants are connected to the mason’s most definitely. The mason’s didn’t start in the 1800’s. They go all the way back to Nimrod- he was the first Master Mason.

      There are mountains, volcanos and giant trees yes. The giant trees look like giant tree stumps, look at how a tree looks at its base when it dies or is cut down. Look around you Khalif. Observe the trees in your area. When trees are cut down and the stump remains, the insides start to decay. I see this in tree stumps in my area. So it would end up looking like Diamond Head crater. But then you also have the type that forms basalt columns. So not all the trees are of the same type. Which actually makes sense. We have a wide variety of trees now on our plane, why wouldn’t there have been a wide variety of giant trees as well?

      Mountains are big mounds of dirt and rock that were here since the very beginning. I don’t think they are being made now. the earth was firm and immovable. The mountains are part of the earth. Volcanoes need further study. What is spewed out of them in many instances is actually steam- hot water mixed with mud. Mud is what oozes out of them like Mount St. Helens in Washington. There wasn’t any fire in that one.

      1. Khalif Foster

        Mountain and Volcano that I look is look same since it has low series surface point and small or no holes that look as rock and volcano, but lava rock as volcano since it is connect to lava is not lumpy and big holes. So, ya not answer back if they know and they will build it up there and ya know the time when it will dormant in future, so they will leave and remove themselves in future since it is longer than life time, so future generation will remove themselves, so it is temporary staying, not permanent. As for Giant Trees rock, what it looks like? Not all volcano has to be hollow but can be flat? Well, the best understanding would be go back in past when flood happen and cause volcano to form and mountain to form. So, can make an article for shape of earth and how it forms and how flood cause it and two cause that is window of heaven and great depth, so window of heaven is more easy explain than great depth, because great depth can mean water under ground that I used to believe, but it is not under the ground, but under firmament. So, window of heaven that crack open and cause higher water than non-open window of heaven, so that water push down the ground as same time it raises up the ground, so the friction of two ground going down and up at same time and in speed so it causes lava and that lava go weak point and go under new upper ground and lava go thru thin ground so it breaks apart, so it is friction volcano, not manga volcano. So, can be both, mountain and volcano that has both part, volcano rock and mountain rock together, so what looks volcano is not volcano but mountain rock.

        I know for sure that trees has higher slope, than mountain and volcano because it raise with no support from inside so there is a slope. A tree has support inside and it go straight up. 90 degree slope. Mountain and volcano are lower number degree slope and both can be same. So, weaker volcano can be from firmament of ground, and further firmament of ground is more weaker volcano, but just mountain. So, can look where mountain is at and volcano is at, stronger volcano is at? There is pattern of high action that lead to high friction and it leads to new process of mass. Big different of mass can be close to open window of heaven and close to open great deep of ground firmament. I am sure the ground firmament is smaller than window of heaven, since window of heaven is not as long as ground firmament as window of heaven is dark rift and it is not very long.

        For Amber rock, ya for sure it is from giant tree or other trees? Since it doesn’t need to be from giant trees.

        Ya think Giant is Hybrid’s children? Hybrid’s did die in flood and it is just human giant, and giant as big as mountain since it has a shape of human and the features and line in rock is a series of something that is micro to be different process as living creatures, not smooth one color or one features, like a tree is not smooth, so tree is more alive and more micro feature than mountain, but mountain could have higher variety of features that show alive as living creature since living creature is more complex than tree, or not, so what look smooth is just a mountain and what look like can be living creature, so giant can be as big as mountain or taller than mountain, ya can do an article about that. Not small giant or only hybrid giant. But could be true huge or big giant as it turns into rock like giant trees. It makes sense since it is a huge place so there could be higher variety of living creature and one kind of living creature that is intelligent of big giant that over all small living creatures. Of course, I could be wrong since the Noah’s Ark is small and Noah preach to people that is big and big giant need to be preach to be save. So, big giant could only come from after the flood, could it? Or it can’t since higher air and higher gas process cause higher variety in living creatures. So, big giant might be wrong? But I could be wrong or it fused together as it turns into mountain, series of small giant into seemingly big giant.

        After all, best to know the truth is in bible and what kind of process in past that change from old earth to new earth? I could be wrong since giant is so bad in heart so he knows they will not change themselves so not order Noah’s ark to build so it can fit big giant. Or maybe it is big giant were as adult giant so it is small enough for Ark then after Flood it grow to much bigger adult so it is tall, So, times will cause them to grow as long as they live. So, it makes sense that fit mountain that has face and mudflood that shows features that could be giant human and trees, so human in past can grow constant until pressure is high enough to stop the growth of big giant. Like a wine that is good as it ages, so human can grow as it ages, so in our body we have higher variety because old earth has higher variety to provide. So, it makes since to have three variety of giant that is human, small, med, and big, so small giant we have is 8 feet and more, so it is rare and problem in body because not enough pressure in body to stable the small giant. So, the more we think and the more we can see the connect that make sense logically. So, thinking is our internal teacher with reality that is visual and combine to see the connect, not mainstream that show it doesn’t make sense in all things.

    2. Astrid

      Hi! To me, the Umbrella Trees have always looked like the GIANT MOSS that would have been growing under our GIANT TREES. If you’ve ever taken a piece of moss, and broken it apart, then you’ll see it grows much like broccoli, in flowerettes. creating an umbrella top (also cauliflower).
      This is All So Cool huh?

  2. Yahel

    Great information, Thank you… I have lived by 2 such tree most of my life, Devils Tower in Wyo. and Table Rock in Oregon. amazing what you live by and only later see the truth. I remember looking at Devils Tower and saying in my head wow that looks like a stump….but its a Mt. Then you go your way and forget. Interested in if Shadie has a website or contact. Also would like to have a way to contact Rosette Delacroix in private contact.

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Hey Yahel! Greetings! And nice to connect with you. Yeah, I will never look at mountains the same way again for sure. I remember being fascinated by that movie Close Encounters. What a sham of a cover up they did on the American psyche. Don’t look at the TREE in front of your face, but instead concentrate of fictitious beings from outer space! But if you notice in that movie they make the spaceship actually LOOK like a saw blade. Laughing at us at the same time disguising the truth in front of our faces.
      Yes Shadie does! 🙂 He has a blog you can reach him at his website. Here is the link: https://soscorpio.wordpress.com/shadie/. Wonderful soul. I can’t say enough good things about him. For me you an reach me at rosettedelacroix22@gmail.com. ~ take care, rosette

  3. NDT

    Hi Rosette. Was thinking the giant trees drank sea water. Is there a map showing the location of the giant tree stumps? See which ones are near sea water or on top of under ground acquifers. Need to check ancient seas and ocean locations. Thanks

    anagram for my name is EndCode Lionheart

  4. Stathi Dandis

    If you look up the landscape of al Arez cedar tree t looks like it was UPROOTED and away from the crater Is a valley that id say is the root path being uprooted!

  5. Karl

    Great work!! In Mexico there is one giant tree. You can Google it as “cerro de la mesa” in the Mexican State of Jalisco, the fist time I saw it I was sure it looked like a tree but everyone told me I was crazy, after watching the 3 parts of your work, now I´m sure it is a tree that was cut.


  6. Astrid

    Aug 12, 2020. The world is…. well…. you know… it’s in transition to something brand new…

    Oh gawd! I could read and read and read about our ancient giant trees all day long! I can’t wait to find your videos!!! I wish someone (I wish it could be ME) could create a spinning globe and/or worldwide map of ALL of these tree stumps, so we could see where they are all over the world!

    Now, on to what prompted me to make a comment here: You mentioned “Wizard of Oz”, and the green basalt columns! Oh my, I’d never noticed that before!
    I haven’t read thru the other comments so I don’t know if someone already noticed yet ANOTHER connection in this web! You mentioned the writings and interests of Frank L. Baum – Here it is! Are you ready for it?? ‘BAUM’ is ‘TREE’ in German!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can you believe it??
    So glad I could offer it here. Thank you SO much for all of your research and hard work to get this information out to the people! With deep appreciation, ~Astrid

    1. rosette delacroix Post author

      Oh my gosh yes! BAUM is tree! Haha YES. Shows you HE was in the know for sure. So much they are hiding from us Astrid. Please watch my Flat Earth 9. You are a FRYAN. From the Tribe of FREE folk. It is unfortunate that now so many of our people don’t know who we are. So along with the trees there is so much more to know.

  7. Jodie

    I just wondered if Paul Bunyan was a euphemism? Didn’t he chop down huge trees? Makes you wonder why they would make a story like that when our country didn’t have giant men or trees or animals? The behemoth and the leviathan are both mentioned in the bible. Job and Isaiah. Just an observation. Thanks.

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